Урок в 9 классе "Проблемы молодежи"

План урока в 9 классе
Тема: Проблемы молодежи.
Образовательные: 1) развивать умение аудирования с целью извлечения
конкретной информации;
2) развивать умения чтения и устной речи;
3) развивать умения поиска и выбора необходимой информации.
Развивающие: 1) развивать память и мыслительную деятельность
2)развивать умения аргументировать свою точку зрения;
3)расширять кругозор обучающихся.
Воспитательные: 1) формировать нравственный позитивный режим
общения при обмене мнениями;
2) повышать мотивацию к изучению английского языка.
Оснащение урока: аудиокассета с записью текста, раздаточный материал (
тексты для чтения, задания с ситуациями).
Ход урока.
1. Оргмомент.
Good morning! Greet our guests, please! Sit down, please! Nice to meet you
How are you? And you?
How do you feel?
When do people feel bad? - When they have problems.
Yes, you are right. All people have this or that problem.
You are only teenagers. I think you have problems too. So, we are going to
speak about teenagers’ problems.
The topic of our lesson is “Problems of Teenagers”.
Today we are to ask and answer the questions:
1)Do young people have problems?
2) What difficulties do they face in real life?
2. Речевая зарядка.
Is a teenager? How old is this person?
(As you know the word “teenager” comes from English language. And it
means a person who is at the age from 13 to 19).
Do you think it is good or bad to be a teenager? Why?
3. Аудирование.
Let’s listen to the talk between Megan and Laura, aged 14 and 15. You’ll
have to find out the answer to the following question:
What are some of the things they like and don’t like about being a teenager?
( вопрос написан на доске)
Дети слушают текст, потом отвечают на вопрос.
So, what do they like about being a teenager?
What don’t they like?
4. Обозначение подростковых проблем.
Every young person has his own point of view on his life and future.
Teenagers are self-confident, like risk. They want to try everything in the
life, yo grow as soon as possible.
Have teenagers any problems?
What problem can you name?
(на доске магнитами крепить листы с названными проблемами в форме
First love
Alcohol, drugs
Youth movements
5. Чтение текстов в группах, обозначение проблемы.
Now you’ll work in groups. Each group will be given texts from teens’
magazines about teenagers’ problems.
Tour task: to read, find out a problem, then tell the class about it and suggest
your ways of its solution.
Gr.1 – the problem with friends, first love
Gr.2 – generation gap
Gr.3 – gambling
Gr.4 – alcohol, drugs
6. Релаксация.
One of the problems we’ve discussed is a problem of unhappy love. I’d like
you to listen to a song of Madonna about it “You’ll See”.
Учащиеся слушают песню.
So, let’s be wise and strong and try to survive in any difficult situation.
7. Чтение текста.
We have mentioned many serious problems. But I’d like to speak about one
more problem. It’s BULLYING.
Is it a serious problem?
Have youever faced this problem?
Now let’s read about it.
So, how can you help victims of bullying?
8. Работа с ситуациями.
We’ve discussed a lot of problems. Now we’ll continue to work in groups.
Each group has an envelope with a task. Read the situation and find out the
ways of solution of the problem.
1. In this family there are twins, 11-graders. One of them wants to enter a
medical university, the other wants to be a military officer. And their
parents want them to enter Saint-Petersburg State University, the same
department. Their friends try to help the twins and give different advices.
2. In your family there are 3 children. The parents want to spend a weekend
together with all the family. But one of the children wants to go for a
walk with the friends, the other – to stay home and play computer games.
Their parents try to solve this problem.
3. Your friend fell in love with a pretty girl. But she doesn’t want to meet
with him. He feels depressed and doesn’t want to study, do anything.
How can you help him?
4. Your teacher is very strict and authoritative. Most of pupils haven’t done
their homework today. Some boys and girls haven’t taken the books.
When the teacher begins to ask pupils she understands they are not ready
for this lesson. As a result, she is getting very angry…
How can this problem be solved?
9. Подведение итогов урока.
To sum up our today’s talk I would like you to do the task.
Match the parts of the sentences and read the wise pieces of advice.
1. If you have a problem…
2. If smb makes you take alcohol, drugs…
3. If your friend has unlucky love…
4. If your parents don’t understand you…
5. If you are a victim of bullying…
Pluck up your courage to say, “No!”
Try to have a talk with them explaining what you want.
Talk to someone you can trust.
Tell about it to your friend, parents, ask for advice.
Try to entertain him/her, be close to him/her and talk with him/her about
this situation.
( 1D 2A 3E 4B 5C )
10. Hometask
11.Your marks: