Загрузил Диана Сущева


Student volunteering:
my hobby
My hobby is somewhat different from
the generally accepted notions of the
students. I have been doing volunteer
work, and mainly focuses on children's
homes. I believe that children of
younger preschool age, are in need of
help and support, because native
people, unfortunately, they are unable
to provide due to various
What is "volunteering"? Who is a
"volunteer"? These concepts come
from French. volontair is voluntary, and
it in turn from the Latin. voluntarius,
voluntas –free will. Volunteers – people
engaged in socially meaningful
activities of their own free will, without
requiring for it any remuneration.
Volunteers work in regional centers and
small towns, in the villages.
It is important to remember that visits to children's
homes – this isn't fun and leisure activities. For me
volunteering is a way of life .
Volunteerism responds to the innate human need to be social, is
in the team, values and goals which it can match. The basis of
reasons that motivate people to voluntary work in the social
sphere, lies a considerable range of individual and social needs
inherent in man.
In recent years,
especially in suburban
houses, the situation is
changing, and the kids
of today need
motivation and
communication more
than gifts. Large
companies show social
sometimes just falling
asleep with the gifts of
the orphanages, making
a guardianship over
Volunteering for me is, first
of all, favorite occupation,
leisure activity, into a way of
Psycho-pedagogical support for disabled children
provided in modern school