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По-русски мы говорим так...Гераскина Н. П., Кочеткова И. К., Мережко А. Ю.

УДК 811.111
Гераскина Н. П., Кочеткова И. К., Мережко А. Ю.
'37 По-русски мы говорим так... / Н. П. Гераскина, И. К. Кочет­
кова, А. Ю. Мережко. — М.: «Канон"*"» РООИ «Реабилитация»
2014. - 287 с.
ISBN 978-5-88373-411-2
Цель данного пособия - научить правильному подбору английских экви­
валентов при различной сочетаемости лексических единиц в русском и ан­
глийском языках, поскольку несовпадение значений и сочетаемости в разных
языках представляет немалую трудность при изучении иностранного языка.
Авторы ориентировались на русскоязычный контингент обучаемых, поэтому
исходили из словоупотребления в русском языке.
Пособие состоит из двух частей. Первая часть представляет собой список
слов, включенных в пособие, а вторая - набор упражнений на запоминание
и активное освоение материала первой части.
Данное пособие может быть интересным для всех изучающих английский
Охраняется законом об авторском праве. Воспроизведение всей
книги или любой ее части запрещается без письменного разрешения
издателя. Любые попытки нарушения закона будут преследоваться
в судебном порядке.
УДК 811.111
ISBN 978-5-88373-411-2
© Гераскина Н. П., Кочеткова И. К.,
Мережко А. Ю , 2014
© Издательство «Канон+»
РООИ «Реабилитация», 2014
Идея написать практическое пособие, посвященное различи­
ям в сочетаемости слов в русском и английском языках, роди­
лась в значительной степени под впечатлением от работ Линн
Американка русского происхождения Линн Виссон много
лет преподавала русский язык и литературу в американских
университетах. В целом ряде статей и книг она сравнивает осо­
бенности характера американцев и русских и то, как они отра­
жаются в английском и русском языках.
Так, в книге «Русские проблемы в английской речи. Слова и
фразы в контексте двух культур» Линн Виссон показывает, как
по-разному менталитеты представителей обеих культур прояв­
ляются в их поведении и выражаются в английском и русском
языках. Автор обращает внимание на то, что некоторые самые
обычные лексические единицы русского языка (например, такие
как «неудобно», «отдыхать» и т. п.) не поддаются прямому пе­
реводу на английский язык, а требуют осмысления их значения
в родном языке и поиска английских эквивалентов, которые мо­
гут варьироваться в зависимости от ситуации.
Именно мысль о необходимости нахождения адекватных со­
ответствий контекстуальным значениям слов и выражений рус­
ского языка в английском легла в основу данного практического
пособия. Цель пособия - научить правильному подбору англий­
ских эквивалентов. Ибо русскому языку свойственно образовы­
вать словосочетания в соответствии с теми языковыми сред­
ствами, которые характерны для носителей русской культуры с
учетом их восприятия и видения мира. Для любой другой куль­
туры это видение будет иным, и картина мира будет создаваться
По-русски мы говорим так...
особым образом, в чем-то совпадающим, а в чем-то отличным
от того, как это происходит в других языках.
Речь идет прежде всего о несовпадении семантических
структур русских и английских лексических единиц и различи­
ях в их сочетаемости. Так, слово в русском может обозначать
более широкое понятие, которое не охватывается одним ан­
глийским словом. Например, в словосочетаниях «принимать
лекарство», «принимать гостей», «принимать министра», «прини­
мать закон» используется один и тот же глагол «принимать».
В английском же языке этому глаголу будут соответствовать раз­
ные глаголы. Сравните: принимать лекарство - to take medicine,
принимать гостей -to entertain, принимать министра -to receive а
minister, принимать закон - to pass a law.
Приведем еще один пример. Обращаясь к своему адресату,
автор написал: Му expensive friend, не подумав о том, что рус­
скому многозначному слову «дорогой» соответствуют по край­
ней мере два английские слова 1) dear (my dear friend)
и 2) expensive (an expensive car).
Несовпадение значений и сочетаемости в разных языках
представляет немалую трудность при их изучении. Поэтому в
ходе обучения, особенно на начальном этапе, учащиеся часто
совершенно механически переносят сочетаемость слов родного
языка на иностранный.
Авторы настоящего пособия ориентировались на русско­
язычный контингент обучаемых, поэтому они исходили из сло­
воупотребления в русском языке и включили в пособие те лек­
сические единицы, которые, как им представляется, встречают­
ся в русском языке наиболее часто и носят стилистически
нейтральный характер. Отбирая лексику для пособия, авторы
руководствовались толковыми словарями современного русско­
го языка и нормативной лексической сочетаемостью.
Пособие состоит из двух частей. Первая часть представляет
собой список слов, включенных в пособие, и вторая - набор
упражнений, нацеленных на запоминание и активное освоение
материала первой части.
Список лексических единиц в разных значениях и различной
сочетаемости составлен в алфавитном порядке. Многозначные
русские слова с примерами их сочетаемости группируются по
гнездовому принципу*. Выделяя и определяя разные значения
русского слова, авторы не приводят общее значение на англий­
ском языке, поскольку настоящее пособие не является словарем
и, кроме того, во многих случаях общее значение не повторяет­
ся в последующих сочетаниях, а для авторов приоритетной яв­
ляется именно сочетаемость.
Словарная статья состоит из заглавного слова и словосоче­
таний, актуализирующих его значение. Заглавные слова и сло­
восочетания внутри словарной статьи представлены в алфавит­
ном порядке. Словосочетания при этом расположены по следу­
ющей схеме: для существительного - глагол + существительное
(v + п); прилагательное + существительное (adj + п); существи­
тельное + существительное (п + п).
Глаголы совершенного и несовершенного вида, а также воз­
вратные и невозвратные глаголы помещаются в одном гнезде,
так как в форме глагола английского языка не существует раз­
личия между совершенным и несовершенным видом.
Идиоматические словосочетания и выражения вынесены в
конец каждого раздела. Омонимы приводятся отдельно.
В словарных статьях используются следующие пометы:
в круглых скобках курсивом дается пояснение значения слова;
тильдой в словосочетаниях заменяется заглавное слово статьи;
астериксом помечается раздел, содержащий словосочетания
идиоматического характера (устойчивые сочетания, фразеолоАвторы не включали в пособие слова, которые имеют всего два зна­
чения, каждое из которых передается в английском языке отдельным сло­
вом. Например: словарь (книга) и словарь (запас слов), первому значению
соответствует английское слово dictionary, а второму - vocabulary. Когда
таких значений всего два, при условии четкого разъяснения разницы между
ними трудности, как правило, не возникают.
По-русски мы говорим так...
гизмы, пословицы и поговорки); пометами (Вг.) и (Ат.) соот­
ветственно обозначены британский и американский варианты
данного слова; такие пометы, как «эк.», «юр.» и другие обозна­
чают сферу употребления слова в данном значении - экономи­
ческая, юридическая и пр.; «разг.» - разговорное слово или вы­
ражение; «прост.» - просторечие, относящееся к неформальной
речи; косая черта разделяет слова, близкие по значению.
Вторая часть включает задания, призванные способствовать
запоминанию и освоению лексических единиц, приведенных в
первой части. Например: 1) переведите с английского языка на
русский предложения с искомым словом или словосочетанием,
содержащимся в первой части пособия; 2) заполните пропуски
соответствующими словами или словосочетаниями; 3) перефра­
зируйте подчеркнутые слова или предложения, используя лек­
сические единицы первой части; 4) переведите с русского языка
на английский предложения, содержащие изучаемую лексику;
5) найдите английские соответствия русским словам и выраже­
ниям из параллельных столбцов; 6) вспомните, что обычно го­
ворится в различных ситуациях, указанных в задании.
К заданиям 2 и 3 предлагаются ключи.
Данное пособие может быть интересным и полезным для
всех изучающих английский язык.
Авторы выражают глубокую благодарность профессору
И.А. Никаноровой за ценные рекомендации и полезные замеча­
ния, сделанные ею по материалам пособия.
Хотелось бы также выразить сердечную признательность
Т.Д. Полянской и А.Ф. Смирновой за помощь и поддержку, ко­
торую они неизменно оказывали нам на всех этапах работы над
1. (Основа политики, теории
и т.д.)
подвести ~у под что-л.
(в оправдание, в
to back up/to substantiate smth
to produce/to give an
to give good reasons for smth.
I. (Совокупность условий)
сырьевая ~
source of raw materials; raw
materials base
economic basis
экономическая ~
5. (Склад)
оптовая ~
wholesale warehouse; wholesale
military base
sports center
tourist place, holiday camp
военная ~
спортивная ~
туристическая ~
учебная ~
энергетическая ~
энергетическая ~
energy potential
electric power industry
data base
1. (Государственная,
По-русски мы говорим так...
государственная ~
международная ~
комитет общественной ~и
state* security
international security
vigilance committee; community
self-protection group
2. (Личная безопасность)
личная ~
быть в ~и
personal safety
to be safe; to be out of danger;
to be out of harm's way
safety belt
seat belt
ремень ~и в автомобиле,
industrial safety; accident pre­
vention; occupational safety
техника ~и
1. (Внушать беспокойство)
~ о чем-либо, по поводу
Не беспокойтесь
Тебе не о чем ~ся.
to worry/to bother
Don’t worry!
There is/You have nothing to
worry about.
What is troubling you?
Что вас беспокоит?
2. (Нарушать покой)
Не беспокоить
(в гостинице и т.п.)
Простите, что я вас
Простите, что я вас
Do not disturb.
Sorry to trouble (to disturb) you.
Sorry for troubling (disturbing)
В американском английском слово state в значении «государство» часто
пишется с заглавной буквы, а в значении «штат» - с маленькой.
I. Словарь
3. (Причинять боль)
Что вас беспокоит?
(На что вы жалуетесь?)
(у врача)
What’s your complaint?/What
seems to be the problem?
Don’t bother.
Don’t put yourself out.
Не беспокойтесь.
Не утруждайте себя
(когда нет нужды делать
Не беспокойтесь из-за
Don't worry on my account
(often sarcastically).
1. (Посуда)
Какое красивое ~!
~ для выпекания чего-л.
What a lovely dish!
baking dish
2. (Кушанье)
У нас был обед из трех
Это - мое любимое ~.
We had a dinner of three courses
(a three course dinner).
This it’s my favourite* dish.
1. (Испытывать
недомогание, хворать)
Он ~ен.
Не is ill. (Br.)
Не is sick. (Am.)
He is down with the flu. He has
the flu.
He is suffering from ТВ**
Он ~ен гриппом.
Он ~ен туберкулезом.
* Br. - favourite. Am - favorite.
ТВ - Сокращения названий болезней пишутся, как правило, без точек и
прописными буквами.
По-русски мы говорим так...
I am aching all over.
The smoke makes my eyes
I have a headache.
I have a sore throat.
1 have a toothache.
I have a pain in my leg. My leg
У меня все ~ит.
У меня ~ят глаза от дыма.
У меня ~ит голова.
У меня ~ит горло.
У меня ~ит зуб.
У меня ~ит нога.
2. (Переживать)
За кого ты -ешь?
What club (team) do you sup­
port? What club are you a fan
He really cares about what he is
doing. He puts his heart into
what he is doing.
My heart bleeds for you.
I am really worried about you.
Он всегда ~ет за дело.
У меня за тебя душа ~ит.
The tongue ever turns to the
aching tooth. The hungry has
always bread on his mind.
У кого что ~ит, тот о том
и говорит.
1. (Чувствовать боль)
Ему очень -.
Здесь ~?
Не is in great pain.
Does it hurt here?
Do you feel any pain here?
2. (Чувствовать обиду)
Мне - это слышать.
It grieves me/it hurts me to hear
these words.
I didn't mean to hurt you.
Я не хотел сделать те­
бе ~.
You are very hot-tempered.
You are a hot head.
3. (Очень) (прост.)
Ты уж -горяч.
I. Словарь
амбулаторный ~
стационарный ~
психически ~
тяжело ~
хронически ~
~ое сердце
in-patient; hospital patient
mentally ill/sick/disturbed;
a mental patient
a serious case
a chronic patient
bad/poor heart
~ вопрос
~ое место
бить по ~му месту
валить с ~ головы на
~ая экономика
sore/painful subject
sore spot
to hit where it hurts (most)
to lay the blame on somebody
ailing/struggling economy
1. (Доставить)
~ больного в
to bring/to carry/to take a pa­
tient into the operating room/
2. (Сделать взнос)
~ деньги на банковский
~ плату за обучение
to make a deposit; to deposit
money to a bank account
to pay the tuition/fee; to pay/to
make a payment for the tuition
3. (Включать, добавлять)
~ вклад в общее дело
to contribute/to make one’s
contribution to the common
to make/to introduce changes
to make a useful contribution to
smb's business/work; to do much
good to smb's business/work
~ изменения
~ много полезного
в работу
По-русски мы говорим так...
to make/to introduce a cor­
to make an amendment
to amend the text/ to make
amendments to the text
to insert/to add a new clause
into/to a treaty
to put on the list; to enter in the
to fertilize the soil
~ поправку
~ поправки в текст
~ пункт в договор
~ в список
~ удобрения в почву
(Послужить причиной,
~ оживление
~ раздор
~ ясность
~ законопроект
~ на рассмотрение
~ предложение
to cause disorder
to brighten up/ to liven up
to cause dissention/discord
to clarify, to clear up
to introduce/ to initiate a bill
to submit for consideration
to make/ to submit a proposal; to
move/ to table a motion
to introduce/ to table a resolution
~ резолюцию
(На воде)
на море
sea/ seas
(Нервное возбуждение)
душевное ~
emotion; excitement; agitation;
She was usually nervous before
going on to the stage. She always
had/experienced stage fright.
Она всегда испытывала ~
перед выходом на сцену.
I. Словарь
3. (Массовые выражение
недовольства) (мн.)
Народные ~я часто переходят в мятеж и воестание.
Popular unrests often turn into
riots and uprising.
1. (Испытывать
Люди ~ся из-за
нестабильности и
Не ~ся!
Она очень ~ся перед
предстоящей встречей.
Это меня не ~нует.
People are upset/worried/agitated because of instability and un­
(См. «не беспокоить»).
She is very exited/anxious/worried about the coming meeting.
I don’t care about it. I am not
worried about it.
I am always nervous before an
Я всегда очень -нуюсь
перед экзаменом.
2. (О водоеме)
Море ~ется
The sea is rough
3. (Дать импульс к чему-л.)
Новое учение
взволновало умы.
The new teaching has stirred the
1. (Нагой)
~ая голова (лысая),
~ая голова (непокрытая)
~ое тело
с ~ми ногами/без обуви
2. (Лишенный
~ые деревья
bald head
bare head
naked body
bare-legged, bare-foot
bare/naked trees
По-русски мы говорим так...
empty fields
bare cliffs
~ые поля
~ые скалы
3. (Ничем не покрытый)
спать на ~ом полу
~ые стены
to sleep on the bare floor
bare walls
4. (Без прикрас)
~ая правда
~ые факты
bare/naked truth
bare/naked facts
purely bureaucratic methods
with one’s bare hands
~ое администрирование
~ыми руками
1. (Сильно звучащий)
- голос
~ звук
loud voice
loud sound
2. (Известный, получивший
~ое дело
publicized/sensational case
big/ great/ famous name
great fame
high -profi le/great/h igh ly
publicized/celebrated event
~ое имя
~ая слава
~ое событие
3. (Напыщенный)
~ие слова
high-flown talk; big words
highfalutin words (with disap­
without a fuss
under the high-sounding name
без -их слов
под -им названием
I. Словарь
1. (Недостаточно
обработанный, наспех
сделанный) (т.ж. перен. о
~ алмаз
~ая кожа
(об изделиях)
~ая работа
~ая ткань
crude workmanship
coarse fabric
2. (Загрубелый)
~ая кожа (лица)
~ые руки
rough skin
calloused/hardened hands
3. (Простой)
~ая пища
coarse/rough food; roughage
4. (Неприятный)
~ голос
~ разговор
~ые слова
harsh/rough/gruff voice
harsh talk
harsh words
rough diamond; diamond in the
coarse leather
5. (Чрезмерный)
~ое вмешательство
~ая лесть
~ое нарушение
~ая ошибка
gross interference
gross / fulsome flattery
flagrant/ blatant violation
gross/ bad mistake/ error/
6. (Некорректный)
~ое замечание
rude/coarse remark;
rude statement; discourtesy
foul play
~ая игра (спорт.)
По-русски мы говорим так...
ill-mannered behaviour;
ill behaviour*
brute force
rude/ coarse word
coarse language
~ое поведение
~ая сила
~ое слово
~ые выражения
7. (Приблизительный)
~ подсчет
~е приближение
rough estimate
rough approximation; broad
1. (Работа, занятие)
заниматься ~ом
открыть свое ~
сидеть без ~а
to be busy/to keep oneself busy
to start one’s own business
to have nothing to do, to be idle
2. (Круг вопросов)
вмешиваться не в свое ~
«Не вмешивайтесь не в
свои ~а»
приходить по ~у
частное (личное) ~
это - не мое ~
3. (Цель деятельности)
благородное поступок
общее ~
правое ~
судить о ком-то по его
to interfere in other people’s
“Mind your own business”
to come on business
private matter
that’s none of my business; that
doesn’t concern me
noble cause/deed/action
common cause
just cause
to judge smb by his deeds/actions
Br. - behaviour; Am. - behavior.
I. Словарь
4. (Событие,
~ было в 2000.
Как ~а?
It happened in 2000.
How are you? How are things?
How is life? How is everything?
How are you doing?
How are you getting on with
your new job?
Как ~ с новой работой?
5. (Отношение к чему-л.)
~ вкуса
Это ~ принципа.
Им до него нет ~а.
matter of taste
matter of habit
It’s a matter of principle.
They don’t care about him.
6. (Суть)
ближе к ~у
В чем ~?
get/come to the point
What’s the matter? What’s going
on? What's happening?
That’s not the point.
Не в этом ~.
7. (Юр.) возбудить ~
to bring a law suit/an action
against smb (formal) to institute
proceedings against smb;
to take smb to court
law suit
court proceedings
судебное ~(иск)
судебное ~(процедура)
8. (Папка с документами)
личное ~
personal file/record(s)
9. (В названиях организаций)
иностранных дел
Ministry of Foreign Affairs
большое ~ (ирон.)
первым ~ом
в самом ~е
big deal
first of all/first thing to do
Is that so*?
По-русски мы говорим так...
За чем ~ стало?
What’s holding things up?
What’s the delay? What's the
hold up?
to test in practice
when it comes to smth
in reality/in (actual) fact;
in truth
in word(s) and not in deed(s)
every now and then; time and
again; again and again;
over and over again
it’s up to you; it is for you to
that’s another/a different story
испытать на ~е
когда ~ дойдет до ~
на самом ~е
на словах, а на ~е
то и ~
это ваше ~
это совсем другое -
1. He этот)
- карандаш (еще один)
- карандаш (отличный от
- карандаш (из двух)
~ие (прочие) карандаши
в ~ое время
another pencil
different pencil
the other pencil
other pencils
another time/day;
some other time
2. (Иной)
-ими словами
в -ом месте
в -ом отношении
кто-то с одной стороны, с стороны
что-то ~ое
Он показался мне -им.
in other words
somewhere else; elsewhere
in other respect
someone/somebody else
on the one hand, on the other
something else/different
He looked/seemed different to me.
I. Словарь
~ое поколение
в ~ раз
на ~ день
один за -им
next/future/coming generation
another/some other time
the next/the following day
one after another
~ие (остальные)
и тот и ни тот ни -
the rest
Это совсем -ое дело.
That’s another matter. That is
quite different. That's better.
- две книги
-и- раз
two more books
again and again
once more, once again, one more
Who else?
What else?
- нет
пока -
not yet
for the time being, for the
He is still busy.
He hasn’t come yet. He isn't in
yet. He isn't here yet.
Он - занят.
Он - (пока) не пришел.
(В большей степени)
Город стал - больше.
The city has become even
По-русски мы говорим так...
Мне это ~ больше
Она стала ~ красивее.
I like it/this even more.
She has become even/still more
4. (Так давно, как)
- в 1990 г.
~ вчера
~ 10 лет тому назад
-бы! (разг.)
вот ~! (осуждение, отказ)
ничего - (не так плохо)
as far back as 1990
only yesterday
as far back as 10 years ago
You bet!
What next! Indeed!
Not so bad
1. (Чувствовать
- кого-либо
Я ~ю тех, кто оказался без
to be/to feel sorry for smb
I’m /feel sorry for those who
have became unemployed/have
lost their jobs.
to take pity on smb
Take pity on her! She’s suffering
so much.
по ~ кого-либо
-ей ее! Она так страдает.
2. (Огорчаться из-за
что что-либо
Я ~ю, что вел себя так
Он по -лел, что не сказал
им всей правды.
- о принятом решении
to be sorry (that) smth happened
I’m sorry I behaved so badly.
I'm sorry I was so rude.
He was sorry for not telling them
the whole truth,
to regret one’s decision
I. Словарь
Вы еще пожалеете об
~ потраченное время,
Он ~ о каждой минуте,
когда он отрывался от
создания своего романа.
You’ll be sorry for it! You are
going to regret it.
to grudge/to begrudge the time,
the effort
He grudged every minute he had
to stay away from writing his
(Щадить обыч. с отриц.)
не ~ себя
не ~ сил (усилий)
не ~средств
not to spare oneself
to spare no effort
to spare no expense
(Не мягкий)
- вода
~ ие волосы
~ ое мясо
~ ая постель
~ хлеб
hard water
coarse/wiry/rough hair
tough meat
hard/firm bed
stale bread
- диск
~ ая конструкция
~ ие лыжные крепления
для горных лыж/для
катания по ровной
hard disk
rigid structure
fixed-heel ski bindings
fixed-toe ski binding
(Суровый, строгий)
быть -им в обращении
с людьми
говорить -им (не
терпящим возражений)
-ая дисциплина
- контроль
to be hard on people
to speak in an authoritative
tough/rigorous/strict discipline
tight/rigid/rigorous/strict control
По-русски мы говорим так...
~ие меры
~ие правила
~ характер
tough/rigorous/strict measures
strict/rigid rules
tough/demanding character
4. (Не допускающий
- срок
выполнить что-л. в ~ие
~ие требования
strict/fixed deadline; fixed date
to do smth within very limited
tough requirements (demands)
1. (Находящийся сзади)
~яя дверь, ~ий вход (т.ж.
~ карман
-ее колесо
—яя лапа
- план
отодвинуть на - план
на -ем плане
- фонарь (авто)
2. (Направленный назад)
включить —юю передачу
-яя скорость
~ ход
дать - ход
-яя мысль
-им числом
пометить -им числом
применить -им числом
back door/entrance
back/hip pocket
rear wheel
hind leg
to push/to put/to move smth
in(to) the background
in/against the background
rear light; tail light
to go into reverse
reverse gear
reverse/backward movement
to back up
ulterior motive
ex-post; retroactively/in
to place a prior date; to antedate
to do/to apply retroactively
I. Словарь
быть без -их ног {разг.)
стоять (ходить) на -их
лапках (разг.)
to be dead on one’s feet/to be on
one’s last legs; to be dog tired
to dance attendance upon smb;
to play up to smb
1. (Сделанный на заказ)
~ая обувь
sponsored article
contract murder/killing
~ая статья
~ое убийство
2. (Специальные почтовые
~ая бандероль
~ое письмо
посылать письмо -ым
registered parcel
registered letter
to register a letter
~ся чем-либо
- вуз
to end in/with smth
to graduate from a college or
to conclude one’s speech
to finish school, high school
Let’s call it a day.
The lesson is over.
- речь
- школу
Давай на этом -им.
Урок окончен.
1. (Заполнить
- квартиру
(Br.) to occupy a flat
(Am.) to occupy an apartment
to take up a lot of room/space
- много места
По-русски мы говорим так...
2. (Иметь/получать в свое
~ должность
~ первое место
3. (Овладевать
территорией) (воен.)
- город
~ страну
4. (Закреплять за собой)
~ место (для кого-либо)
to take up/to fill/to hold
a position/post
to take/to win the first place;
to come in first
to occupy /to capture/to seize
a city
to occupy a country
to keep a seat (for somebody)
to queue up/to get in a queue (Br.)
to line up/to get in line (Am.)
5. (Длиться)
~ много (мало) времени
Дорога на работу ~ет у
меня час.
to take much (little) time
It takes me an hour to get to
чувствовать ~
дурной ~ изо рта
(любой) ~
неприятный ~
сильный неприятный ~
приятный ~
~ духов
to smell
bad breath
odour/unpleasant smell
stink, stench
fragrance, scent
a fragrant/pleasant smell/scent
of perfume
bojly odour
~ пота
без ~а
I. Словарь
1. (Официальное сообщение)
сделать ~
политическое ~
~ прав/претензий (юр.)
~ в суде (о виновности или
обвиняемого (юр.)
2. (Письменная просьба)
подать ~ о приеме на
подать ~ об отпуске
подать ~ об уходе
письменное ~
to make a statement
assertion; statement of
plea (of guilty/not guilty)
to apply for a job/vacancy
to apply for a leave
to apply for resignation
written request, application
1. (He больной)
быть (не)здоровым
иметь ~ внешний вид
~ аппетит
- ые легкие
~ ое питание
~ ребенок
- румянец
-ое сердце
-ый (здравный) ум
Вы —ы?
to be in (poor) good health
to be/look healthy
healthy appetite
healthy lungs
healthy diet
healthy child/infant
healthy colour
sound/healthy heart
sound mind
Are you all right?
Are you feeling OK?
He is quite fit (in a good shape)
and can take part in the
Он вполне чтобы
участвовать в
По-русски мы говорим так...
2. (Полезный, правильный)
~ воздух
~ая еда
~ая идея
~ климат
~ая критика
~ая экономика
fresh air
healthy/wholesome food
good idea
healthy climate
sound/constructive criticism
sound economy
Bye now!
Take care!
(God) bless you!
Get well!
Будьте ~(ы)!
(при прощании)
(при чихании)
к заболевшему)
В ~ом теле ~ дух.
A sound mind in a sound body.
1. (Простить) обыч. повел.
~ за беспокойство!
Sorry/Excuse me/Pardon me for
disturbing you!
Please, excuse/pardon the mess
~ за беспорядок
~ за выражение
Sorry to have kept you waiting
If you will excuse/pardon the
expression/my language.
2. (Оправдать)
Коррупцию нельзя ~
Corruption can’t be justified
(excused) by poverty.
что заставил вас ждать.
3. (Выражение несогласия)
обыч. повел.
Нет уж, ~
~ но это не так
No, it won’t do! No, no way!
Excuse me, but you are (that is)
I. Словарь
4. (Форма вежливости при
необходимости прервать
~, вам звонят.
Excuse me, but there is a phone
call for you. Excuse me, you
have a phone call.
Excuse me/Pardon me, would
you (move a bit and) let me
pass? Excuse me, (I'm) coming
through. Excuse me, can I get
(просьбе посторониться)
~, можно мне пройти?
(при необходимости
~, я на минутку, мне
нужно позвонить
(при выражении
~ но я этого не говорил
Excuse me (for) a moment, I
have to make a phone call.
Excuse me/Pardon me, but 1
never said that/such a thing.
1. (Публикация, выпуск
в свет)
первое ~ произведения
the first publication of a book
promulgation of a law
2. (Форма, формат
дешевое ~
ежегодное ~
ежедневное ~
еженедельное ~
ежемесячное ~
исправленное ~
периодическое ~
cheap edition
annual publication
a daily (publication)
a weekly (publication)
a monthly (publication)
revised edition
periodical (publication)
По-русски мы говорим так...
3. (Совокупность
экземпляров одного
первое ~
тираж ~я
the first printing/run
1. (Удалить из состава чеголибо)
~ из института/
университета/из школы
~ других подозреваемых
~ из списка
to expel from the institute/the
university/from school
to eliminate other suspects
to strike off the list/to remove
from the list
to exclude from smth
to eliminate smb from the
~ из чего-либо
~ из числа подозреваемых
2. (Считать невозможным)
~ возможность
to rule out/to exclude the
to reject/to dismiss an
assumption/a hypothesis/
a proposal
~ предположение/
~ чье-либо участие в
соответствии с правилами
to rule out (usually passive)
Это ~.
This is impossible/unacceptable.
This cannot be ruled out.
It is possible.
Это не ~.
1. (Предельная линия
литься через ~
to overflow
I. Словарь
to fill to the brim
water line
наполнить до ~ев
край воды
~ дороги (покрытой
~ обрыва (скалы)
~ стола
~ чашки
~ (поля) шляпы
roadside (the grass verge)
the edge of a cliff
the edge of a table
the brim of a cup
the brim of a hat
2. (Наиболее удаленная
от центра часть)
~ города
~ земли
the end of the Earth/the land’s
the first/the front line of
defence*; forward position;
the world’s end
передний ~ обороны
~ света
3. (Местность)
особый ~
special region (territory)
(one’s) native land/country;
one's birthplace
родной ~
быть на ~ю могилы
простираться без конца
и ~я
увидеть ~ем глаза
to have one’s foot in the grave
to stretch endlessly
to see out of the comer of one’s
to overhear/to hear by chance
to go overboard; to overdo smth
to have more than one’s share
endless amount of work
on the verge (brink) of a
услышать ~ем уха
хватить через ~
хлебнуть через ~
непочатый ~ работы
на ~ю гибели
’ Br. - defence. Am. - defense.
По-русски мы говорим так...
1. (Находящийся на краю,
-ее окно справа
- правый (левый)
нападающий (спорт.)
- север
- срок
the last window on the right
right/Ieft winger, outside right
The Arctic/the Far North
2. (Чрезвычайный)
-ее возмущение
-ее изумление
~ие меры
—яя необходимость
utmost indignation
utter surprise
extreme/drastic measures
(absolute) urgency; absolute
extreme poverty
dire need
utter confusion
—яя нищета
-я я нужда
- смущение
3. (Радикальный)
~ие левые
человек -их убеждений
the extreme left
the Iowest/bottom price
if the worst comes to the worst
as a last resort, in case of
at least
-яя цена
в-ем случае
на - случай
по -ей мере
1. (За исключением)
все, - Браунов
everyone except (for) the
Browns/with the exception of
the Browns/but the Browns
Everyone was there except for
the Browns.
Там были все, - Браунов.
I. Словарь
В Москве мы осмотрели
достопримечательности, ~
Храма Христа Спасителя.
We visited all the sites in
Moscow except for Cathedral
of Christ the Saviour.
2. (В дополнение)
~ того (более того)
~ рассказов он писал еще
и стихи
besides, moreover,
Besides short stories he also
wrote poetry.
~ шуток
joking apart/kidding aside
1. (Направление движения,
т.ж. перен.)
держать ~ на
to head for (towards), to be on
course for
to set course
to change one’s course/direction
to be off course
policy/political course
economic policy
ложиться на ~
менять ~
сбиться с ~а
политический ~
экономический ~
2. (Учебный цикл)
закончить полный ~
прослушать ~ истории
читать ~ (лекций)
~ы английского языка
to complete a course
to take a course in history
to give a course
English courses
3. (Год обучения; студенты
определенного года
студент первого ~а
a first-year student/freshman
He is in his second year (of stu­
dies); he is a sophomore (Am.)
Он на втором ~e.
По-русски мы говорим так...
Не entered the third year.
He became a junior (Am.).
He is a graduate student.
He is a senior (Am.).
Он перешел на третий ~.
Он студент выпускного ~
4. (Цикл лечебных процедур)
~ инъекций
~ лечения
course of injections
course of (medical) treatment
5. (Цена обмена валюты)
биржевой ~
валютный (обменный) ~
stock market price/rate
exchange rate/rate of
to be in the know/to be
to become fully acquainted
to keep smb informed, posted
быть в ~е дела
войти в ~ дела
держать в ~ дела
разбить(ся) на ~ки
~ веревки, бечевки
~ земли
~ лимона
~ мыла
~ сахара
~ сыра (тонкий)
~ ткани
~ хлеба
по ~кам (кусочкам)
to break (in)to pieces
a length of rope/string
a plot(of land)
a slice of lemon
a bar/cake of soap
a lump of sugar
a slice of cheese
a length of fabric/cloth
a piece/а slice of bread
piece by piece
зарабатывать на ~ хлеба
to earn one’s daily bread
(one’s living)
to grab the chance, to seize the
урвать ~
I. Словарь
лакомый ~
tasty morsel/titbit
~ не идет (не лезет - разг.) one can’t swallow a thing;
в горло
the food sticks in one’s throat
1. (Часть головы)
знать кого-либо в ~
правильные черты ~а
to know smb by sight
regular features
2. (Офиц.)
гражданское ~
должностное ~
духовное ~
третье ~ (юр.)
физическое ~ (юр.)
частное ~
юридическое ~ (юр.)
official, functionary
clergyman, cleric
third party
individual, natural person
private citizen; individual
legal entity; corporate body
от первого (лит.) ~
действующее ~ (иск.)
in the first person singular
измениться в ~е
не измениться в ~е
не ударить ~ом в грязь
to change countenance
to betray/to show no emotions
to make a creditable showing;
to put up a good show; to rise
up to the occasion
to show one’s real worth;
to reveal one's true identity;
to show one's true colours*
to lose face
to say smth to smb’s face
the right and the wrong side
face to face; eye to eye
It becomes/suits her.
показать свое истинное ~
потерять ~
сказать в ~
~ и изнанка
~ом к ~у
Это ей к ~у.
Br. - colour. Am. - color.
23ак. 1200
По-русски мы говорим так...
1. (Принадлежащий комулибо, присущий кому-либо)
~ые вещи
~ая жизнь
~ая заинтересованность
проявить ~ую
заи нтересо ван ность
~ое мнение
~ое оскорбление
~ая ответственность
~ая охрана
~ый секретарь
personal belongings
private life/privacy
personal interest
to take a personal interest (in
personal opinion/view
personal insult
personal responsibility
(personal) bodyguard
private secretary;
personal assistant
private property
personal success
~ая собственность
~ый успех
Это мое ~ое дело
{см. «дело»)
2. (Осуществляемый самим
~ая гигиена
~ый досмотр
~ое первенство (спорт.)
~ое участие
personal hygiene
personal inspection
individual championship
to settle old scores/an account
(accounts) with smb; reckon
with smb
personal pronouns
personnel; staff
сводить ~ые счеты
~ ые местоимения (гром.)
1. (Пространство,
~ встречи
meeting place
I. Словарь
~ действия
~ излома
~ отгрузки
~ парковки
~ преступления
поймать на ~е
~ строительства
Я был в другом ~е.
scene (of action)
breaking point
shipping point/place
parking place/lot (Am. E)
scene of the crime
to catch smb in the act;
to catch smb red-handed
construction site
I was elsewhere.
I was somewhere else.
2. (Возможность
положить на ~
to put smth back in its place;
to return smth to its original
to put everything in its place
sort things out
to give one’s seat to smb;
to let smb have/take your seat
upper/lower berth
расставить все по своим
~ам (т.ж. перен.)
уступить ~
верхнее/нижнее ~
(в вагоне и т.п.)
~ в гостинице
~ в кинотеатре, в театре
Свободных мест нет!
seat in the cinema/movie
theatre (in the room)
No vacancies!
3. (Свободное
Здесь много (нет) ~а.
There is plenty of room here.
There is no room here.
Please, move a bit and make
some room.
Подвинься, пожалуйста,
освободи немного ~а.
4. (Работа, должность;
занимать видное ~
занять первое ~ в
to rank high (among)
to take/win the first place in
По-русски мы говорим так...
the competition
work/working place
to share the lead/first place
рабочее место
разделить первое ~
Ему предложили ~
в банке.
К сожалению, это ~ уже
He was offered a job/position
at a bank.
I am sorry, the position/vacancy has already been filled.
5. (Отдельный предмет
~ багажа/багажное ~
item/piece of luggage
to start from scratch
начинать что-л. с пусто­
го ~а
не находить себе ~а
to find no peace; to be beside
oneself with anxiety
to make no headway/progress
den of iniquity; haunt of vice
a nonentity; a nobody
weak point; flaw; soft/vulnerable spot; weakness
топтаться на ~е
злачное ~
пустое ~ (о человеке)
слабое ~
узкое ~ (в рабочем
процессе или на дороге)
к ~У
не к ~у
на вашем ~е
appropriate; to the point
out of place; inappropriate
if I were you/in your place
Stand still! Don’t move!
Freeze! Stand where you are!
Nobody move!
the right man in the right place
here and there, in certain
Ни с ~а!
человек на своем ~е
I. Словарь
1. (Направленный на
достижение мира)
~ договор/договор о мире
~ая конференция
переговоры/переговоры о
~ое урегулирование
peace treaty
peace conference
peace talks/negotiations
peace(ful) settlement
2. (Не военный)
~ое время
~ое население
~ое развитие
~ое сосуществование
~ое строительство
использование в ~ых
peace time; time of peace
civilian population
peaceful development
peaceful coexistence
peaceful construction
peaceful uses
3. (Спокойный)
~ая беседа
~ый пейзаж
~ый человек
peaceful conversation
peaceable landscape
peaceful person
1. (Короткий, определенный
промежуток времени)
подходящий ~
текущий ~
Один момент
в любой
в один ~
в последний
the right time
the present/current situation
Just a moment, please.
any time
in no time (at all)
at the last
По-русски мы говорим так...
Мне понравился когда
именно в этот ~
I liked the episode when...
at that very moment/instant
2. (Пункт)
В статье есть несколько
интересных ~ов.
Я хочу отметить два ~а.
There are some interesting
points in the article.
I’d like to make two points.
to seize the chance
(opportunity)/to take
advantage of the opportunity
moment of truth
ловить ~
~ истины
1. (Нежесткий)
~ вагон
~ие волосы
~ая игрушка
~ое кресло
~ая мебель
~ая постель
sleeping car (sleeper)
soft hair
soft/cuddly toy
easy chair
upholstered furniture
soft bed
2. (Нечерствый)
~ое мясо
~ хлеб
tender meat
fresh bread
3. (Нерезкий, плавный)
~ие движения
soft sound
soft landing
soft/shaded/subdued light
soft/mellow colour*
~ая посадка (самолета)
~ свет
- цвет
4. (Не суровый)
- климат
mild climate
* Вг. - colour; Am. - color.
I. Словарь
~ая погода
~ приговор
~ое сердце
У него ~ характер.
mild weather
lenient (light) sentence
kind/sofit/tender heart
He is a gentle person.
~ая вода
~ знак
soft water
soft sign
1. (Несовершенство)
иметь ~и
to have shortcomings/weak
physical defect, deformity,
bad/poor/defective eyesight
merits and demerits; virtues
and shortcomings
He has his flaws.
физический ~
~ зрения
достоинства и ~и чеголибо (обычн. мн.ч.)
Он не лишен ~ов.
2. (Нехватка)
испытывать ~ в чем-либо
to lack smth; to be short of
vitamin deficiency
lack of/shortage of/scarcity of
food; food shortage
for want of smth
~ продуктов питания
за -ом чего-либо
1. (Раздражающий)
делать что-либо ~ое
- запах
~ая привычка
to do smth annoying/irritating
unpleasant smell
annoying habit
По-русски мы говорим так...
unpleasant/d i sagreeable
~ сосед
2. (Огорчительный)
~ое время
~ вопрос
~ая встреча
~ое известие
~ые обстоятельства
~ факт
bad/upsetting time
upsetting question
upsetting/distressing meeting
upsetting/distressing news
troublesome situation
upsetting/distressing fact
1. (Затруднительно)
Мне ~ туда добираться.
It is difficult/inconvenient for
me to get there.
The time is inconvenient for
me. The time is not good
(convenient) for me.
Мне ~ это время.
2. (Неловко, неуместно)
~ звонить после десяти
часов вечера.
I wouldn’t call after ten p.m.
(bad/uneasy) calling after ten
A car is not the right place to
talk about smth/to start the
talk about smth.
His behavior** embarrassed
me. I found his behaviour em­
~ начинать этот разговор в
Мне было за него ~.
Br. - neighbou. Am. - neighbor.
Br. - behavior. Am. - behavior.
I. Словарь
Мне было когда
начали ссориться.
felt uneasy (uncomfortable)
when they started
1. (Некомфортный)
~ая квартира
~ое кресло
~ое место
~ая поза
uncomfortable flat/apartment
uncomfortable chair
uncomfortable seat
uncomfortable position
2. (Неподходящий)
~ое время
~ое расписание
~ое сообщение
inconvenient time
inconvenient time-table/schedule
inconvenient way to get so­
3. (Неприятный)
попасть в ~ое положение
to get into an awkward
to make smb feel embarrassed
поставить в ~ое
~ человек
disagreeable/irritating/unpleasant person/man
4. (Неуместный)
~ звонок
~ разговор
inappropriate call
inappropriate conversation
1. (От «ничто)
У меня ~ нет.
I have nothing. (I don’t have
It can’t be helped. There is
nothing you can do (about it).
There is no denying it! You
~ не поделаешь!
~ не скажешь.
По-русски мы говорим так...
can’t deny it!
Nothing could be easier.
Nothing of the kind.
~ не стоит сделать это.
~ подобного.
2. (Сносно)
Еда там ~.
The food is not (too) bad/is
passable there.
She is not bad/O.K.
Она ~ себе.
3. (Не имеет значения)
~! (в ответ на извинение)
Never mind!/That’s all
right./It’s nothing.
Is it all right, if I ...? Do you
mind if I ...? Would you mind
if I...?
I have a slight headache, but
it’s nothing. I have a bit of a
headache, but it's no big deal.
~, если я (просьба)
Немного болит голова, но
4. (Удивление)
- себе!
~ себе домик!
Oh my! /Oh, dear/Wow!
Oh, what a house!
- All right. Fine, thank you!
(In answer to “How are things
(going)? ")
~! (В ответ на вопрос:
«Как дела?»)
1. (Согласие, одобрение,
переход к выводам)
- конечно
может быть, вы и правы
yes, indeed
well, of course/yes, sure
well, perhaps/may be you are
well, you did great/well done
- молодец
I. Словарь
~ так вот
~ хорошо
~ этому нельзя помочь
well, then
very well, then
well, it can’t be helped
2. (Побуждение)
~ давай.
~ начинайте.
Come on.
Now begin. Go ahead.
Well then. Go on!
3. (Удивление)
Да ~!
~ и дела!
You don’t say so! Oh my!
Oh, what a day!
Well! Well! Well!
So what?
No way! She didn’t say that.
~ и денек!
~ и что?
~ нет. Она этого не
4. (Утешение)
~ перестань! Это не конец
Come, come now
Come now! It’s not the end of
the world.
— погоди
just you wait
1. (Снабжать)
~ продуктами
to provide/to supply with food
to provide for the family;
to support the family
~ семью
2. (Гарантировать)
(Эк. предоставлять
финансовое обеспечение)
~ заем
to secure a loan
По-русски мы говорим так...
to secure/to ensure/to safe­
guard peace
to secure bonds
secured bond
to meet the demand for smth
to ensure/to pave the way to
to ensure the attendance
~ мир
~ облигации (эк.)
-енная облигация (эк.)
~ потребность в чем-либо
~ успех
~ явку (посещаемость)
(Адресовать слова/речь
~ к аудитории
to address the audience (those
to call smb by his/her first
to be on first name
to appeal to smb
How should one address him?
How should he be addressed?
~ на «ты»
~ с призывом
Как к нему следует ~?
(Просить о содействии)
~ за визой
~ с вопросом
~ к врачу
to apply for a visa
to ask smb, to inquire
to see /to visit/to consult a
to address one’s complaints to
smb; to complain to smb
to consult smb; to ask for
smb's advice
to turn to smb for help; to ask
for help
to ask for (a piece of) advice
to go to court
~ с жалобой куда-либо
~ за консультацией
~ за помощью
~ за советом
~ В суд
I. Словарь
3. (Обходиться с кем-либо,
пользоваться чем-либо)
~ с кем-либо плохо
~ с кем-либо хорошо
~ с чем-либо осторожно
небрежно ~ с деньгами
не знать, как ~ с чем-либо
to treat smb badly/unfairly
to treat smb well/kindly
to handle smth with care
to waste/to squander money
not to know how to handle
4. (Превращаться)
Любовь ~лась в ненависть.
Love turned into hatred.
~ в бегство
to take to flight, to take to
one’s heels
to be all ears
~ в слух
1. (Начало общения)
~ в письме
~ к кому-либо
~ к кому-либо с призывом
address smb
appeal to smb for smth
2. (Ожидание получения
~ к врачу
~ в суд
visit to a doctor
initiation of legal
action/proceedings; bringing
the matter before the court
3. (Характер обхождения с
жестокое ~ с кем-либо
cruelty to smb/cruel treatment
of smb
(good/proper) manners
careless treatment of smth/
carelessness with smth
культурное ~
неосторожное ~ с чемлибо
По-русски мы говорим так...
ill treatment of smb;
maltreatment of smb
handling/use of smth
плохое ~ с кем-либо
~ с предметами (обычно
4. (Оборот; циркуляция)
изъять из —я
пустить в ~денег
~ крови
~ планет
to withdraw from circulation
to put into circulation
circulation of money
blood circulation
rotation of planets
circulation of securities;
securities turnover
distribution costs; circulation
costs; marketing expenses
~ ценных бумаг
издержки ~я
5. (Приобщение к чему-либо)
- в веру
conversion to faith
1. (Неспециализированный,
без деталей)
~ие вопросы
-ее впечатление
-ее образование
в -их чертах
general questions
general impression
general education
in general/broad terms;
generally/broadly speaking
to discuss in broad/general
обсудить в -их чертах
2. (С участием всех)
-ее мнение
-ее решение
general opinion
general decision
I. Словарь
~ собрание
~ие усилия
~ими усилиями
general meeting
joint efforts
together/jointly; by joint
to everybody’s surprise
к ~му удивлению
3. (Единый, принадлежащий
-ее благо
-ее дело (см. «дело»)
~ие друзья
~ие идеалы
common good
mutual friends
shared (universal)
common interests
shared apartment (Am.)
communal flat (Br.)
general agreement
common language
~ие интересы
~ая квартира
-ее согласие
~ий язык
4. (Совокупный)
~ая жилая площадь
-ее количество
~ая посевная площадь
~ая сумма
~ая сумма доходов
в -ем
в -ей сложности
total living space
overall/total amount/number
total crop area
sum total
aggregate/cumulative income
on the whole
all in all/altogether
не иметь ничего -го с кемлибо (чем-либо)
to have nothing in common
with smb or smth; to have
nothing to do with smb or
-ее место (в статье)
По-русски мы говорим так...
1. (Публично сообщать;
заявлять (о))
~ благодарность
to express one’s gratitude/to
thank officially/to show one’s
to declare a martial law
to declare war
to reprimand
to issue an order
to declare ceasefire
to announce smb’s arrival
to announce smb’s resignation
to declare the meeting open;
to call the meeting to order
to declare a state of emer­
~ военное положение
- выговор
~ приказ
~ о прекращении огня
- о прибытии (отбытии)
~ об отставке
~ собрание открытым
~ чрезвычайное
2. (Присвоить статус)
~ документ
- кого-либо
to rule a document invalid/
void; to declare null and void
to declare smb an invalid/incapac itated/hand icapped/
to outlaw smb
to proclaim smb’s innocence
to proclaim /to declare
- вне закона
~ о невиновности
~ о независимости
3. (Появляться)
Он не -лея (на встрече).
He didn’t turn (show) up (at
the meeting); he failed to
attend the meeting; he failed
to show up.
I. Словарь
~ влияние
to influence, to exert/to
exercise influence on
to pay attention to
to have an effect/an impact on
to show hospitality
to put/to exert pressure on
to give/to render support/to
to help/to lend a hand/to give
a (helping) hand
to prefer; to give/to show
preference to
to render assistance
to offer/to show/to put up
resistance to
to give a warm welcome
to do smb a favour* * (a service)
to do smb an honour**
~ внимание
~ воздействие
~ гостеприимство
~ давление
~ под держку
~ помощь
~ предпочтение
~ содействие
~ сопротивление
~ теплый прием
~ услугу
~ честь
1. (Очутиться)
~ в затруднительном
~ в незнакомом месте
to find oneself in a difficult
situation/in a fix;
to find oneself in a strange
2. (Проявиться)
Он ~ся приятным спут­
ником (попутчиком).
He turned out/proved to be
a nice company/companion/
fellow traveler’*’.
* Br. - favour. Am. - favor.
Br. - honour. Am. - honor.
Br. - traveler. Am. - traveler.
• •
По-русски мы говорим так...
Он ~ся прекрасным
Ситуация -лась более
Не proved/turned out to be
a wonderful speaker.
The situation appeared to be
more difficult.
3. (Обнаруживать)
Двух книг не -лось на
Дети -лись дома.
Two books were missing (two
books were found missing).
The children were found to be
(at) home.
As it (has) turned out.
Как -лось.
1. (Приобретенные знания)
перенимать -
убедиться на ~е
большой жизненный личный небольшой передовой прошлый обмен -ом
to adopt smb’s
to get/to gain/to acquire
to know from/by experience
considerable/vast experience
(life) experience
personal experience
limited experience
best practices
past/previous experience
sharing one’s experience
узнать (убедиться) на
горьком ~е
to know (to learn) smth from
bitter experience
приобрести -
2. (Эксперимент,
проводить ~ы над кемлибо
проводить ~ы с чем-либо
to experiment on smb
to experiment with smth/carry
out/to conduct experiments
with smth
I. Словарь
lab experiment with smth
clinical trials/tests
лабораторный ~
медицинские ~ы (обычно с
первый литературный ~
one’s first try (attempt) at
1. (Накопивший опыт)
~ врач
~ работник
experienced doctor
an old hand at smth;
experienced employee
an expert in/on smth
~ специалист в какой-либо
2. (Экспериментальный)
~ые испытания
~ образец
~ая партия
sample quantity/pilot lot/pilot
run/preproduction run
test flight
pilot show
~ полет (испытательный)
~ая программа (театр,
~ проект
~ое производство
~ым путем
pilot project
pilot production
by experiment,
experimentally; empirically
experimental/pilot station
pilot plant
~ая станция
~ая установка
1. (Подлинник)
читать книгу в ~е
~ фонозаписи
to read a book in the original
the original, a master tape
По-русски мы говорим так...
2. (Не похожий на других)
Он - большой ~.
Не is a true original.
Не is very eccentric.
1. (Хорошо режущий)
~ нож
sharp knife
2. (Тонкий - о слухе, зрении)
~ое зрение
~ый слух
keen eyesight
keen hearing
3. (Интенсивный, сильный,
~ая боль
~ое воспаление
~ое желание
~ интерес
acute/sharp/strong pain
acute inflammation
burning desire
strong/acrid smell
keen interest
4. (Трудный, критический,
~ кризис
~ая нехватка
~ая проблема
~ая ситуация
acute crisis
acute shortage in (of)
urgent/burning problem
critical situation
5. (Заостренный)
~ нос
~ носок ботинка
~ подбородок
pointed nose
pointed toe
pointed chin
6. (Пряный)
~ое блюдо
- вкус
~ая приправа
~ сыр
hot/spicy dish
hot taste
spicy seasoning/dressing
strong cheese
I. Словарь
7. (Язвительный,
~ое замечание
~ая критика
~ ум
~ язык
sharp remark
sharp/biting criticism
quick/sharp wit/mind
sharp tongue
acute angle
~ угол (мат.)
1. (Свободное от работы
~ (покой)
время для ~а во время
~ от работы (снятие
напряжения какими-либо
средствами, занятием)
день ~а
day off
2. (Восстановление сил,
находиться на ~е (в от­
дом ~а
зона ~а
комната ~а
to be on holiday;
to be on vacation
recreation/hol iday/vacation
recreation area
recreational room
to be in retirement;
to be retired
быть на заслуженном ~е
1. (Не дать чего-либо,
не разрешить)
~ в визе
to refuse a visa
По-русски мы говорим так...
~ в помощи
to refuse assistance to smb;
to refuse to help
to deny smb the right to smth
to turn down smb’s request
to refuse permission
~ в праве (на что-либо)
- в просьбе
~ в разрешении
2. (Отвергать поклонника,
- жениху
to turn down/to refuse the
to turn down/to reject a suitor
~ поклоннику
3. (Не функционировать
У него ~ло сердце.
У нее -ли, сдали нервы.
Ему -ал голос.
Мотор -ал.
His heart failed.
She had a nervous breakdown.
His voice failed him.
The engine failed/broke down.
4. (Не признавать каких-ли­
бо качеств за кем-либо)
(обычно с отриц.)
Ему не откажешь в
You cannot deny/there is no
denying that he is witty.
He sure is witty/funny.
He does have a sense of
- себе во всем
не -жите в любезности
to deny oneself everything
(would you) be so kind as to
do smth
1. (He соглашаться)
- дать в долг
to refuse a loan
Br. - humour/ Am. - humor.
I. Словарь
to reject/to turn down an
offer/а proposal
to decline/to refuse an
~ от предложения
~ от приглашения
2. (Отменять свои решения)
~ от договора (выйти
из договора)
to withdraw from a treaty
~ от заказа (билетов,
~ от обещания
to cancel one’s reservation/
to go back/to renege (formal)
on one’s promise
to take back one’s words
to go back on one’s word(s)
to renounce/to change one’s
point of view
~ от своих слов
~ от своей точки зрения
3. (Лишать себя,
~ от вредной привычки
~ от (своей) доли (акций,
~ от должности
to give up a bad habit
to relinquish (one’s) share
to resign/to quit/to give up /to
leave one’s post
to abdicate
to renounce/to eliminate
weapons of mass destruction
to refuse to acknowledge
one’s signature
to give up/to abandon the
policy (of pressure)
to renounce/to relinquish
one’s rights
to drop/to renounce one’s
~ от монаршей власти
~ от оружия массового
~ от (своей) подписи
~ от политики (давления)
~ от своих прав
~ от притязаний
По-русски мы говорим так...
~ от уплаты долга
to refuse to pay /to honour*
one’s debt
He откажусь. - (в ответ I won’t say no.
на предложение)
I don’t mind if I do.
1. (Делать доступным,
- воду (газ, свет)
~ (новую) возможность
to turn on water (gas, light)
to open up a (new)
oppo rtu n i ty/poss i b i 1 ity
to open the door
to take the lid off /to
uncover a saucepan
to open the cage
to turn on a tap
to uncover/to show one’s face
to clear the way; to open up
the road
to pull/to open a drawer
- кастрюлю
- клетку
- кран
- лицо
- путь (перен.)
- ящик
2. (Начинать)
~ бизнес
- заседание
to start (up) a new business
to open a meeting/to declare
the meeting open/to call the
meeting to order
to open fire
to open/to start debate
to launch/to begin a season
to open an account
to open a theatre
to open a school
- огонь (воен.)
- прения
~ сезон
~ счет (бухг.)
- театр
~ школу
’ Br. - honour. Am. - honor.
I. Словарь
3. (Торжественно отмечать
открытие чего-либо)
~ памятную доску
to unveil a memorable/
commemorative plaque;
to unveil a monument/
a memorial
~ памятник
4. (Делать открытие,
~ новую землю
~ новый метод
to discover a new land
to discover a new method
5. (Снимать секретность)
~ карты
to show one’s hand, to lay
one’s cards on the table
to reveal smb’s intentions
to reveal the truth
to reveal a secret
~ намерения
~ правду
~ секрет
to reinvent a wheel; to peddle
old stuff; to peddle stale news
to open smb’s eyes to smth
~ Америку (перен. ирон.)
~ глаза кому-либо на чтолибо
to open one’s heart to smb
1. (Начинать работу)
Магазины ~ся в 9 часов
Shops/stores open at 9 a.m.
2. (Обнаруживаться)
Тайна (заговор)
The secret/the plot has come
to light/was uncovered/revealed.
New prospects were opening
up for her.
Перед ней открывались
новые перспективы.
По-русски мы говорим так...
3. (Признаваться кому-либо)
Она открылась
(iдоверилась) мне.
She confided in me.
A magnificent view unfolded/
opened before us.
Fine/brilliant prospects ope­
ned up for them.
His mouth fell open with
Перед нами открылся
прекрасный вид.
Перед ними открылись
блестящие перспективы.
У него открылся рот от
to post/to mail/to send/to
dispatch (офиц.)
to forward to the new address
to ship goods
~ письма/посылки
~ по новому адресу
~ товары
to relieve nature
~ естественные
~ правосудие
to administer justice
(Уезжать, отбывать)
~ в дорогу
~ в путешествие
~ (о поезде)
~ (о самолете)
to leave; to set off
to set out/to start on a journey
to leave, to depart; to start
to take off
~ на боковую (разг.)
to go to bed, to turn in
1. (Денежная компенсация)
заработная ~ рабочих
заработная ~ служащих
I. Словарь
entrance/admission fee/charge
utilities payment
minimum wage
~ за вход
~ за квартиру, арендная ~
~ за коммунальные услуги
минимальная ~
~ за музыкальное,
произведение (гонорар)
~ за труд
~ за труды (воздаяние)
понедельная/помесячная ~
почасовая ~
weekly/monthly pay
pay by the hour/hourly
pay/hourly wage
performance pay; piece-rate
pay; piece rate wage;
piecework pay
сдельная ~
2. (Деньги, взимаемые за
предоставляемые услуги)
~ за индивидуально
выполненную работу
~ за обучение
~ проезд
~ натурой
~ за услуги
без платы (бесплатно)
tuition fee
payment in kind
service fee
free of charge
1. (He давать
~ дипломатические
~ дисциплину
tomaintain diplomatic
up/to uphold
to sustain life
~ жизнь
По-русски мы говорим так...
to maintain peace
to keep up correspondence/to
correspond with smb
to keep/to maintain order
to keep up a conversation;
to keep a talk going
to keep/to stay in touch;
to maintain (regular) contacts
~ мир
~ переписку
~ порядок
~ разговор
~ связь (разг.)
to maintain a regular service
~ сообщение
~ стабильность
to maintain stability
2. (Одобрять, помогать)
~ здоровье свое (чье-либо)
to keep up one’s (smb’s)
health; to stay healthy
to support the candidate/nomination
to support/to help smb
financially; to give financial
support to smb; to offer
financial support; to provide
for smb
to give/to offer moral support
to smb
to support the team
to keep up the spirit
to back (up) smb’s initiative
to provide artillery support; to
provide covering fire
to keep up the fire
to support the policy
to support the proposal, to
second the motion
to support/to provide for the
~ кандидатуру
~ кого-либо материально
~ кого-либо морально
~ команду (спорт.)
~ настроение
~ начинание
~ огнем (воен.)
~ политику
~ предложение
~ семью
I. Словарь
3. (Служить опорой,
~ забор, стену
to prop up/to hold up the
fence, the wall
to hold on to smth
~ себя (удерживаться,
чтобы не упасть)
1. (Участок, пространство)
работать в ~
~ под паром
открытое ~
спортивное ~
футбольное ~
хоккейное ~
магнитное ~ (физ.)
to work in the field
fallow land/soil/ground
open country
playing field, sports ground
football/soccer field/pitch
hockey field
magnetic field
2. (Сфера, пространство)
~ деятельности
field/sphere/scope of activity;
field of vision
within view
field of view
в ~ зрения
~ обзора зрения (прибора
напр. телескопа)
3. (Края)
~я страницы
~я шляпы (см. «край»)
заметки на ~ях
marginal notes;
notes in the margin
Один в поле не воин.
One man is no man.
One man can’t win a war.
The voice of one man is the
voice of no one.
There is safety in numbers
По-русски мы говорим гак...
1. (Местонахождение)
географическое ~
geographic(al) location/position
2. (Состояние,
быть в стесненном ~и
to be hard up/in strained
to be undercover/underground
to put smb in an
to remedy the situation, to
save the day
martial law
international situation
the state of siege
sitting (lying) posture/position
(of the body)
state of emergency
state of things/affairs
быть на нелегальном ~и
поставить кого-либо в
затруднительное ~
спасти ~
военное ~
международное ~
осадное ~
сидячее (лежачее) ~ (тела)
чрезвычайное ~
3. (Статус)
занимать высокое ~
to be/to rank high on the
social scale
marital status
social status/standing
семейное ~
социальное ~
4. (Пункт документа)
article/clause of a treaty/
an agreement
election regulations
provision of the constitution
regulation, rule
~ о выборах
~ конституции
~ устава, распорядка
I. Словарь
основное утверждаемое
в книге
основные ~я теории
main idea, message of a book
main/points/theses of a theory
быть хозяином ~я
to be the master of the
to be on top of the situation;
to stand up to a challenge;
to be at one's best
to put oneself in smb’s
things being as they are
быть на высоте ~я
войти в чье-либо ~
при таком ~и дел
1. (Высказанная идея)
внести ~ (на собрании)
to move/to table a motion/
a proposal
to reject/to turn down a
to accept a proposal
to propose to smb; to make
a proposal (of marriage);
to propose marriage
suggestion, proposal for
отклонить ~
принять ~
сделать кому-либо ~ (руки
и сердца)
~ для рассмотрения и
2. (Готовность
предоставить что-либо)
~ работы
специальное предложение
спрос и предложение (эк.)
спрос определяет
предложение (эк.)
offer of a job, a job offer
special offer
demand and supply
demand determines supply
По-русски мы говорим так...
to read a sentence
main clause
subordinate clause
прочитать ~ вслух
главное ~
придаточное ~
1. (Знакомить)
Позвольте ~ся.
Let me introduce myself/allow
me to introduce myself.
2. (Предъявлять, подавать)
~ доказательства
~ документы
to produce evidence
to submit/to present
to show/to produce one’s
passport (i.d. card)
to show a health certificate
to show/to provide an
employment (job) references
~ предъявлять паспорт
~справку о здоровье
~ справку с места работы
3. {Быть, являться)
(не)~ опасности
to be of (no) danger;
to present no danger
to represent
to be of interest
to be/to embody smb or smth
to present/to pose/to constitute
(formal) a difficulty
to pose a threat
to be of value
быть представителем
~ интерес
~ собой
~ трудность
~ угрозу
~ ценность
4. (Изображать)
~ кого-либо
~ на сцене
to imitate
to play/to act/to perform
I. Словарь
5. (Воображать)
-те себе
Не могу себе
just imagine/fancy
I can’t imagine/conceive
6. (Выдвигать)
~ к награде
to nominate smb for an award
1. (Считать законным)
- государство
- недействительным
to recognize a state
to declare smth invalid/null
and void; to nullify smth
2. (Соглашаться; считать)
~ кого-либо (не)виновным
to find/to declare smb (not)
to acclaim a book (by critics)
(usually passive)
to pronounce (smb) unfit for
military service
to admit one’s
shortcomings/weak points
to consider smth necessary
to admit/to acknowledge one’s
to acknowledge defeat
to admit that smb is right
to consider smth a good/valid
to plead (not) guilty
to appreciate smb’s talent
to acknowledge a fact
~ книгу (достойной
- негодным к военной
- (свои) недостатки
~ (что-л.) нужным
- ошибку
- (себя) побежденным
- (чью-л.) правоту
- причину уважительной
- себя (не)виновным
- талант
- факт
3. (Разг. узнавать)
(не) - при встрече
ЗЗак. 1200
(not) to recognize
По-русски мы говорим так...
1. (Брать предлагаемое,
~ вызов
~ критику
~ подарок
~ сложившееся положение
to accept a challenge
to accept criticism
to accept a present
to accept the situation,
the state of things
to accept a proposal
to accept an invitation
to receive a message
to agree to/to accept
~ предложение
~ приглашение
~ сообщение
~ условия
2. (Включать в состав;
брать в свое ведение)
~ дела
to take office; to take over
from smb
to assume control
to admit, to enroll
to employ/to hire
to take upon oneself
to undertake many duties
~ контроль
~ в учебное заведение
~ на работу
~ на себя
~ на себя много
~ новых членов в партию
to admit new members to a
to assume responsibility
to assume a post
to carry on smb’s work;
to take over from smb
to pick up the baton
~ ответственность
~ пост
~ эстафету (фиг.)
3. (Официально
~ закон
to pass a law
I. Словарь
~ поправку
to approve/to pass an amend­
to take an oath
to pass/to adopt/to approve a
resolution (usually passive)
~ присягу
~ резолюцию
4. (Оказывать или
устраивать прием)
~ гостей
~ делегацию
~ министра
~ пациентов
~ посетителей
to receive/to entertain guests
to receive a delegation
to receive a minister
to receive/to see patients
to receive visitors
5. (Приобретать
гражданский или
религиозный статус)
- российское гражданство
to become a Russian citizen;
to take Russian citizenship
to be baptized
to convert to Islam
- крещение
~ мусульманство (перейти
из другой веры)
- христианство
to adopt Christianity
6. (Употреблять;
приобретать свойство
или вид)
- за кого-либо
~ лекарство
to take a bath
to assume a certain
to take smb for smb
to take medicine
7. (Воспринимать)
- близко к сердцу
- что-либо всерьез
to take smth to heart
to take smth seriously
По-русски мы говорим так...
to take smth as a joke
~ что-либо в шутку
to take measures
to take precautions;
precautionary measures
to take/to make a decision;
to decide
to assist in childbirth;
to help smb to deliver a baby
to participate in; to take part in
А. ~ меры
~ меры предосторожности
~ решение
~ роды
~ участие
to take smth at face value
to take smth for granted
to take into account/consideration
to put smth to use
to take smth personally;
to take smth on one’s account
to side with smb
Б. ~ за чистую монету
~ как должное
~ к сведению
~ на вооружение (перен.)
~ на свой счет
~ (чью-либо) сторону
Примите мое уважение
(в письме)
Respectfully yours
1. (Затычка)
~ перегорела.
~ для бутылок
Fuse; circuit breaker
The fuse has blown,
cork (винные бутылки), cap
(пластиковые бутылки),
stopper (стеклянная, напр.
для графина)
~ для ванны или раковины
I. Словарь
~овый дуб
~ материал из -ового
cork oak
2. (Затор) (разг.)
traffic jam/congestion
вылететь как ~
(из бутылки)
Он глуп как
to dash out like a shot/like
a bat out of hell
Daft as a brush. Dumb as
a stick (rock)
1. (Контролировать
to check tickets
~ деятельность кого-либо
to check on smb/on smb’s
to check/to examine/to inspect
the pass
to verify the testimony
to audit the accounts/a
to check/to inspect the brakes
to verify the facts
to check up on smb’s
to check one’s watch (clock)
~ свидетельские показания
~ счета (компании)
~ тормоза
~ факты (их подлинность)
~ ход работы
~ часы
2. (Испытывать)
Проверь (испытай) меня!
to test equipment
to test abilities
Try me!
3. (Выявлять недостатки)
to check up one’s health
По-русски мы говорим так...
~ письменные работы
to mark/to grade /to review
~ка на месте
on site verification
1. (Осуществлять,
~ в жизнь
to implement/to put into
practice/to carry out
to spend time (to waste time)
to realize/to carry out an idea
to hold a conference
to develop an idea in an
article, theory
to hold/to conduct/to have
to pursue/to conduct/to carry
out a policy
to have a rehearsal; to rehearse
to implement/to carry out
to have/to conduct a lesson/a
~ время (впустую)
~ идею в жизнь
~ конференцию
~ какую-либо мысль/идею
в статье, теории
~ переговоры
~ политику
~ репетицию
~ реформы
~ урок
2. (Прокладывать)
~ железную дорогу
to build/to construct a railway
to install/to lay on electricity
3. (Касаться)
~ рукой по волосам
to run one’s hand
over/through one’s hair
4. (Чертить)
~ линию
to draw a line
I. Словарь
to cheat/to deceive/to trick
to fool smb
1. (Сопровождать)
~ кого-либо до двери
to see smb to the door, to
show smb out
to show smb in (into the
to see smb home
to show smb to smb’s seat
to see smb off
to see the child to school
to pilot/to steer a ship (into the
to send one’s son to the
to lead smb through
a forest
~ кого-либо в кабинет
~ кого-либо домой
~ кого-либо до места
~ отъезжающего
~ребенка в школу
~ судно в гавань
~ сына в армию
~ кого-либо через лес
2. (Устраивать торжество
перед отъездом)
~ устраивать проводы
to give a send off
~ кого-либо
~ кого-либо взглядом
~ в последний путь
to clap smb as he/she is
to follow smb with one’s eye
to pay one’s last tribute to smb
Br. - harbor. Am. - harbor.
По-русски мы говорим так...
1. (Проявить снисходитель­
ность, извинить)
~ грехи
~ ошибку
to absolve (from) sins
to forget/to overlook one’s
to condone betrayal/infidelity
~ предательство,
-те, если я Вас обидел.
Pardon me/I'm sorry if I hurt
you (your feelings).
I’ll never forgive you (for
Я тебе этого никогда
не прощу.
2. (Освободить от санкций,
~ вину
не - поведение (обычно
to absolve from blame
to absolve from debt
not to condone bad behaviour
3. (Вежливое привлечение
внимания) (обыч. повел.)
- который час?
Excuse me/pardon (me),
what time is it?
4. (Вежливая просьба
повторить сказанное)
(обыч. повел.)
~, что вы сказали?
Excuse me /Pardon (me)l
I beg your pardon. What did
you say?
5. (Вводное слово при
выражении недовольства)
(обыч. повел.)
~, но это не тот документ.
I’m sorry/Sorry, but this is the
wrong document/paper.
I. Словарь
6. (Вводное слово для
выражения сожаления)
См. «Извините» (1.)
дипломатический ~ (дип.)
Женевский ~ (документ)
полицейский ~
судебный ~
diplomatic protocol
Geneva protocol
police report
minutes of the court; trial
Parliament records, Parliament
police report for disorderly
test report/certificate
~ допроса
~ заседаний парламента
~ о нарушении
общественного порядка
~ о проведенных
~ собрания
minutes of a meeting
1. (Растянуть, вытянуть)
~ РУКУ (за чем-либо)
to stretch out/to reach out for
to hold out/to extend one’s
to install a telephone line
to drawl (out)
~ РУКУ (кому-либо)
~ телефонную линию
~ (о звуке)
2. (Промедлить)
~ с каким-либо делом
to drag out/to prolong/to
delay/to procrastinate.
Don’t drag the problem out.
Don’t delay dealing with this
Не затягивай с этим
вопросом .(разг.)
По-русски мы говорим так...
to die, to turn up one’s toes
to ofifer/to give a helping
He will not last long.
Cut the coat according to your
cloth. Stretch your arm no
farther than your sleeve will
~ руку помощи
Он долго не протянет.
По одежке протягивай
ножки (поел.).
1. (Внимательно смотреть)
~ в бинокль
~ витрины магазинов
~ что-либо с помощью
лупы, микроскопа
to look through the binoculars
to go/to do window shopping
to look at smth through
a magnifying glass (a loupe)/
a microscope
to examine smth from every
angle/to scrutinize
to stare at smb
to make out, to discern
~ что-либо со всех сторон
~ в упор
с трудом ~ что-либо, едва
2. (Изучать, обсуждать)
~дело в суде
~ заявление
to hear a case
to consider/to study an
to consider/to regard/to view
smb as ...
to study/to analyze/to consider
a proposal
to examine to consider a
to regard/to look upon smth
as a reward
~ кого-либо в качестве ...
~ предложение
~ проблему
~ (считать) что-либо как
I. Словарь
1. (Вытягивать)
~ перчатки
~ резинку (лишить
to stretch а горе
to stretch gloves
(usually passive) to wear out
the elastics
2. (Повредить)
~нуть мышцу/связки
~нуть/подвернуть ногу
to pull a muscle/ligaments
to sprain one’s ankle
3. (Затягивать)
~ доклад
to drag out the report; to make
the report too long
to spin out a story
~ рассказ
4. (Экономить)
~ деньги
to stretch out the money
~ удовольствие
to prolong the pleasure
~ бинокль
~ громкость
~ работу двигателя
~ уличное движение
у~ конфликт
у~ отношения
у~ разногласия
to adjust the binoculars
to adjust the volume
to tune up the engine (motor)
to control the traffic
to settle the conflict
to normalize relations
to settle differences
1. (Предписание врача)
выписать ~
to write (out)/to give a
prescription drugs
over-the-counter drugs
by prescription
лекарства по ~у
лекарства без ~а
по ~у врача
По-русски мы говорим так...
2. (Инструкция
приготовления в
~яблочного пирога
the apple pie recipe
3. (Руководство, совет)
поступить по чьему-либо
to act according to/on smb’s
recommendation/formula for
all occasions (any occasion)
formula for economic
Do you know a formula for a
long and happy marriage?
~ на все случаи жизни
~ экономического роста
Ты знаешь ~ долгой и счаст­
ливой семейной жизни?
1. (Утвердиться
в намерении)
~ уехать (куда-либо)
to decide/to make up one’s
mind to leave (for)
to be determined to do smth
твердо ~ что-либо сделать
2. (Найти решение)
~ вопрос/дело
~ дело (в суде) в чью-либо
пользу/против кого-либо
~ исход матча
to settle the matter
to decide a case in smb’s
favour/against smb
to decide the outcome of the
to do/to solve a crossword
to do sums; to solve
~ кроссворд
~ математические задачи,
to seal/to decide/to determine
smb’s fate/destiny
~ чью-либо судьбу/участь
I. Словарь
1. (Гпадкий)
~ая дорога
~ая земля
~ая линия
~ая поверхность
smooth, level road
flat land
straight line
smooth/even/flat/level surface
2. (Равномерный)
~ое дыхание
~ые зубы
~ пульс
~ пробор
~ счет
для ~ого счета
~ шаг
regular breathing
even, straight teeth
regular pulse
straight parting
even number
to make it even
even/steady step, measured
3. (Уравновешенный,
~ голос
~ климат
~ характер
steady/level/calm voice
equable climate
even/stable temper
~ым счетом ничего
осталось ~ым счетом
на ~ом месте
just/absolutely nothing
only (just)... is/are left
for no apparent reason,
all of a sudden
at 2 o’clock sharp
in exactly a year;
in a year to a day
exactly 20 years ago;
20 years ago to a day
evenly, equally, in equal parts
~о в 2 часа
~о через год
~ 20 лет назад
по~у (на равные части)
По-русски ми говорим так...
1. (Давать показания)
- (не) в пользу кого-либо
to testify against smb/in smb’s
favour; (not) to speak well of
to testify
to testify (to the fact) that...;
to show that...
to testify against smb
~ В суде (юр.)
~ о чем-либо
~ против кого-либо
2. (Подтверждать)
- о чем-либо
to testify (to the effect) that; to
confirm smth
indicative of smth
to certify a copy
to witness/to certify/to
notarize a signature
to examine servicemen
-уюгций о чем-либо
за- копию
за- подпись
о- состояние здоровья
1. (Независимый)
- выбор
~ые манеры
~ое поведение
free choice
easy manners
natural behaviour
free man/person
2. (Не ограниченный
~ое владение
иностранным языком
(command of a) foreign
language; fluency in a foreign
free/spare time
a day off
~ое время
- день (от работы,
I. Словарь
~ доступ
~oe дыхание
~oe предпринимательст­
во (эк.)
~ рынок
~ художник
~ые цены
free/easy access to smth
even, easy breathing
free enterprise
free market
freelance artist; freelancer
unregu lated/uncontrol led
in a free form
free trade zone
free composition
в ~ой форме
зона ~ой торговли
сочинение на ~ую тему
3. (Доступный)
~ автобус
~ые деньги
~ое место
~ номер в гостинице
~ых номеров нет
bus with empty seats
money to spend/to spare
vacant seat
vacant room
the hotel is booked up; no
available assets; disposable
~ые средства (фин.)
4. (Просторный)
~ая одежда
~ое помещение
5. (Освобожденный (от))
~ от налога
~ от недостатков
loose (loose-fitting) clothes
spacious room
tax-free, tax-exempt, duty-free
free from faults, prejudices
~ вход
~ удар (спорт.)
free admission
free kick
1. (Отношения,
быть в тесной ~и
to be closely connected
(with)/related (to)
По-русски мы говорим так...
(spiritual) bond
logical connection
love affair
causal connection/cause and
effect relationship
ties/bond of blood
between the two phenomena
духовная ~
логическая ~
любовная ~
причинно-следственная ~
родственные ~и
~ между двумя явлениями
2. (Контакты)
потерять ~ с кем-либо
to lose contact/touch
(with smb)
He is well connected,
connections/ties/links with
other bodies/institutions
public relations (PR)
~ и (знакомства)
У него большие ~и.
~ и с другими
~ и с общественностью
3. (Транспортное сообщение;
передача информации)
установить телефонную ~
транспортная ~
to install a telephone
transport (bus, train, plane)
communication line
means of communication
линия ~и
средство ~и
in this connection;
in this regard
в этой ~и
причислить к лику ~ых
~ая вода
~ая книга
to canonize
holy/blessed water
holy spirit
holy book
I. Словарь
~ отец (обращение)
С~ Петр
Он ~ человек.
Saint Peter
Не is a saint.
2. (Священный)
для него нет ничего -го
one’s sacred duty
nothing is sacred to him
~ая простота
~ая —ых
во имя всего -ого
blessed innocence
the holy of holies
for God’s/goodness sake
1. (Отдавать куда-либо)
- багаж в камеру хранения
- внаем
- кровь (о доноре)
- пальто
- старый автомобиль в
счет нового
to leave/to check one’s
luggage in the luggage
locker/the cloakroom
to surrender/to yield a city/
to hand in one’s papers
to rent out
to file, to relegate to archive
to write smth off; to put smth
on the shelf
to let out, to rent out
to give/to donate blood
to leave/to check in one’s coat
to trade in the old car for a
new one
2. (Возвращать)
- книгу в библиотеку
- сдачу
to return a book to the library
to give change
- город (воен.)
- документы
- в аренду
- в архив
- в архив (фиг.)
3. (Передавать)
to hand over/to pass over/to
turn over one’s duties to one’s
По-русски мы говорим так...
to put into operation; to put in
to deliver on a turn-key basis;
to put in commission
~ в эксплуатацию
~ под ключ
4. (Проверяться)
~ анализы
~ экзамены
to have/to get smth tested
to sit for/to take exams; to get
to pass exams
сдать экзамены успешно
to deal (out) cards
to back up, to pull back
to be/to get/to grow weaker
with age
~ карты
~ назад (о машине)
~ с возрастом
to create/to give/to convey an
to create/to found/to establish
a state
to idolize smb
to create conditions/an
to set up/to found/to establish
an organization
to lay the foundation (of/for)
to create/to develop a theory
to make a film/movie
to pose/to constitute a threat
~ впечатление
~ государство
~ (себе) кумира
~ обстановку
~ организацию
~ теорию
~ фильм
~(представлять) угрозу
(not) to be cut out for smth
быть (не) созданным для
Они созданы друг для
They are made for each other.
I. Словарь
1. (Соответствующий
моральным и правовым
~ая война
~ гнев
~ое/праведное дело
~ое налогообложение
~ судья
~ые требования
Это -о.
2. (Правильный)
~ое подозрение
just war
justifiable anger
just cause
equitable/fair taxation
fair trial
impartial judge
just/justified demands
it is (only) just/fair
correct/true statement
It is true of...
~ое утверждение
Это ~о (правильно) в
1. (Помещать, воздвигать)
~ что-либо в ряд (букв.)
~ (что-либо) в угол
- памятник
~ цветы в вазу
~ чайник
to range smth in a row
to put smth in a corner
to put up/to erect a monument
to put flowers in a vase
to put the kettle on
2. (Прикладывать)
~ градусник
to take (smb’s) temperature
3. (Устанавливать,
~ голос
~ рекорд
- часы
to train smb’s voice
to set a record
to set the clock
По-русски мы говорим так...
The alarm-clock is set for
7 a.m.
Будильник поставлен на 7.
4. (Определять)
~ оценку за письменную
~ оценку на экзамене
to set a task
to mark/to grade a paper
to give a mark/a grade
5. (Выдвигать)
~ вопрос
~ на голосование
~ на обсуждение
~ перед фактом
~ условия
to raise/to bring up a question
to put to the vote
to open discussion on smth
to present with a fait accompli
to lay down conditions
6. (Оформлять)
~ в кавычки
to enclose/put in
quotes/quotation marks; to
place in inverted commas
to stamp smth
~ печать на что-либо
7. (Осуществлять
~ пьесу
to stage a play
to accuse smb of smth/to
blame smb for smth
to put/to pose a question
to inform/to let know
~ в вину
~ вопрос ребром
~ в известность
~ в один ряд с кем-либо
to rank smb among/to rank
with smb
to put smb in an embarrassing
to put smb at a disadvantage
~ в неловкое положение
~ в неравное положение
I. Словарь
~ в пример
to hold smb/smth up as an
to baffle
to reproach smb
to think highly of smb
to give up on smth (or smb)/to
write off
to bring/to force smb to smb’s
to put on the same plane/ in
the same category
to put a spoke in smb’s wheel;
to throw sand in the wheels
to dot all the “i-s” and to
cross all the “t-s”
to call it quits/to leave smth at
to think nothing of smb/not to
give a pin/dawn for smb
~ в тупик
~ в упрек
~ высоко
~ крест на чем-либо
~ на колени
~ на одну доску
~ палки в колеса
~ точки на «и»
~ точку на чем-либо
ни во что не ~
1. (Требовательный)
~ критик
~ тон (голоса)
~ ценитель
strict/harsh critic
stern tone of voice
strict teacher
2. (He допускающий
~ая диета
~ая дисциплина
~ контроль
~ меры
strict diet
strict/stern/rigorous discipline
rigorous/strict control
strong/severe measures
По-русски мы говорим так...
austerity of one’s conduct
absolute consistency, strict
sequence; strict succession
strict rules
stern/strict warning
rigorous record-keeping
austerity measures
in strict confidence
man/person of strict rules
~ое поведение
~ая последовательность
~ие правила
~ое предупреждение
~ учет
меры ~ой экономии
под -им секретом
человек -их правил
3. (Суровый)
- вид
- выговор
- закон
~ое наказание
~ие нравы
- приговор
severe/stern look
severe reprimand
strict law
severe punishment
strict morals
4. (Аскетичный)
- вкус
~ое платье
~ая прическа
~ие/классические черты
austere taste
austere/plain dress
severe hairstyle/hairdo
ascetic/austere features
1. (Строгий)
- взгляд
~ое воспитание
- закон
~ая критика
~ые меры
~ое обращение
stem look
strict upbringing
strict law
harsh/bitter criticism
drastic/strong measures
severe treatment/harsh
strict father
- отец
- приговор (см. «строгий»)
I. Словарь
2. (Тяжелый)
~ая жизнь
~ое испытание
hard/harsh/tough life
severe test/trial, stern/tough
cruel/harsh disposition
bleak/harsh truth; harsh reality
of life
stem man
~ нрав
~ая правда
~ человек
3. (О климате, погоде)
~ая зима
~ край
~ая природа
severe/harsh winter
severe/harsh climate
bleak/grim land/country
bleak nature
to go through a hard school of
пройти ~ую школу жизни
1. (He жидкий, не мягкий)
стоять на ~ой почве
~ грунт
~ая земля
~ камень
~ая основа
~ переплет
~ая пшеницы
~ое яблоко
to be on firm ground
firm soil
solid/hard ground
hard rock
solid/firm foundation
hard cover, stiff binding
hard wheat
hard apple
2. (Установленный,
основательны й)
~ график
~ порядок
~ые сроки
~ая цена
fixed schedule
established order
fixed time-limit/deadline
fixed price
3. (Непоколебимый)
быть ~ым в чем-либо
to be steadfast in smth
По-русски мы говорим так...
~ая воля
~ духом человек
~ое намерение
~ое решение
~ая рука
~ое убеждение
~ая уверенность
strong will
steadfast person
steady/fixed purpose
firm decision
steady hand
strong/firm conviction
strong belief
4. (Крепкий, прочный)
~ые знания
~ оплот
~ая память
sound/solid knowledge
solid stronghold
sound memory
~ая валюта
в здравом уме и ~ой
~ орешек
hard currency
of sound mind and memory
a tough person; hard nut to
1. (Защищенное от солнца
искать ~
сидеть в —и
свет и ~
to look for the shade
to sit in the shade (of a tree)
light and shade
2. (Темный силуэт)
отбрасывать ~и (косметические)
~и под глазами
to cast a shadow
eye shadow
shadows under smb’s eyes
3. (Призрак)
царство -ей
- подозрения падает на...
realm of shadows
shadow of suspicion falls
shadow of doubt
- сомнения
бояться собственной -и
to be afraid of one’s own
I. Словарь
to cast a shadow on smb
to muddy the waters/to
confuse the matter/issue
to be/to stay in the
background; to keep a low
to follow smb like a shadow
to fall into the background
not a trace/vestige of truth
he is a mere shadow of his
former self
бросить ~ на кого-либо
наводить ~ на плетень
(на ясный день)
оставаться в ~и
сделаться ~ю кого-либо
уйти в ~
ни ~и правды
от него осталась одна ~
1. (Притязание,
настоятельная просьба)
выдвинуть ~е
отказаться от ~я
сделать что-либо по ~ю
политические ~я
территориальные ~я
экономические ~я
~я оппозиция
~ повышения зарплаты
~ (заказ) на книгу
остановка по ~ю
по ~ю суда
to put in a claim
to give up one’s claim
to do smth on demand/request
political demands
territorial claims
economic demands
the opposition’s demands
demand for higher wages
order/request for a book
request stop, on demand stop
by order of the court; by court
2. (Правило, условие)
выполнять ~я
to fulfill (smb’s)
demands/req u i rements
to make/to place exacting
demands (on smb)
to agree to smb’s demands
предъявлять строгие ~я
(к кому-либо)
соглашаться на ~я
По-русски мы говорим так...
to measure up to exacting
to comply with smb’s
req u i re ments/demands
moral standards
technical standards
examination/test requirements
aesthetic standards
work requirements
соответствовать высоким
удовлетворять чьи-либо ~я
моральные ~я
технические ~я
экзаменационные ~я
эстетические ~я
~я дела
3. (Потребности, запросы)
отвечать ~ям
~я времени
to meet the needs
needs of the age
1. (Комфортно)
~ чувствовать себя
(физически - о положении
~ чувствовать себя
to feel/to be comfortable
to feel/to be at ease
2. (Приемлемо)
~ ли вам это время/место
Is this time/place convenient
for you?/Does this time/place
suit you?
3. (Уместно)
~ ли это сказать?
Is this appropriate to say
that.../the right thing
to say?
Is this the right thing to do?
I don’t think it’s the right
thing to do (to say).
А это сделать ~?
Это не~.
I. Словарь
1. (Требование)
выполнить —я
to meet/to fulfill the
to stipulate/to make it a
to offer terms
to agree to the
terms of the treaty
terms of the contract
поставить ~
предлагать ~я
принять ~я
~я договора
~я контракта
~ приема (в институт,
на работу)
~ /пункт договора
~я сделки
на выгодных ~ях
на льготных ~ях
terms/provisions of a deal
on beneficial/favourable terms
on preferential/concessionary/
favourable* terms
2. (Обстоятельство)
предоставить все
необходимые ~я
создавать все ~я
to offer all necessary facilities
to create/to provide all
necessary conditions
living conditions
housing conditions
natural conditions
working conditions
under no circumstances
on condition that/provided
that/providing that
(all) other things being equal
under such
бытовые ~я
жилищные ~я
природные ~я
~я труда
ни при каких ~ях
при ~и
при прочих равных ~ях
при таких ~ях
Br. - favourable. Am. - favorable.
По-русски мы говорим так..
(Ставить; монтировать;
~ компьютер
~ мебель
~ новую раковину
~ оборудование
~ памятник
~ телефон
to set up an aerial
to install/to set up a computer
to place the furniture
to install a new sink
to install equipment
см. «ставить»
to install a telephone
2. (Организовывать)
- время (договориться
~ дипломатические
-дни отдыха
to fix the time
to establish diplomatic
to fix/determine days off/holidays
to establish contacts
to keep a watch/to keep smb
under observation/surveillance
to establish order
to lay down rules
to fix (a) wage(s)
to make up a timetable
to fix the price
- контакт
- наблюдение
(за противником)
- порядок
- правила
- размер оплаты
- расписание
- цену
3. (Выяснять)
- (чью-либо) виновность
- истину
- личность
to establish (smb’s) guilt
to discover/to establish the truth
to identify
1. (Весь целиком)
- год
- день
-ми неделями
the whole/entire year
all day long; the whole day
for weeks on end
I. Словарь
~ ряд публикаций
~ (полный) стакан
~ое число (мат.)
единое ~ое
в ~ом
в течение ~ых двадцати
прошло ~ых десять дней
с тех пор, как...
series of articles
full glass
whole number
integrated whole
as а/on the whole
for twenty long years
it’s a full ten days since...
остаться ~ым (о
остаться ~ым (о людях)
to be/to remain
intact/undamaged/in one piece
to be/to remain safe/
to be/to remain safe and sound
to be/to remain untouched, intact
the cake was still untouched
all your things (belongings)
are safe/intact
~ и невредимым
~ (нетронутый)
торт был цел
все вещи ~ы
пока цел (разг.)
заварка чая ~ая наука
while (you are) still alive
brewing/making good tea
takes/needs/requires a real
special/particular/isolated case
~ визит
~ая жизнь
~ое лицо
~ая переписка
~ая практика
private/unofficial visit
private life
an individual, a person
private correspondence
private practice
По-русски мы говорим так...
private property
~ая собственность
(предмет владения)
~ая собственность
в ~ом порядке
private ownership
individually; on a case by case
1. (Незагрязненный)
~ая бомба
~ая вода
~ воздух
на ~ом воздухе
~ая комната
~ое небо
~ые руки
~ и аккуратный
экологически ~ продукт
clean bomb
clean water
clean/fresh air
in the open air
clean/tidy room
clear sky
clean hands
neat and tidy
ecologically safe/clean pro­
ecologically safe/clean
экологически ~ продукт
2. (Без примесей)
~ звук
~ое золото
~ых кровей (породистый)
pure/clear sound
pure gold
pure breed
pure alcohol
3. (Без записей)
~ лист бумаги
~ая страница (без текста)
~ая тетрадь
blank sheet
clean page
unused/untouched notebook
4. (Честный)
~ое дело
~ая победа
~ая совесть
clean/honest business
clear victory
clear conscience
I. Словарь
от -ого сердца
from the bottom of one’s
heart/in all sincerity
5. (После вычета)
~ вес
~ доход
~ потери
~ая прибыль
net weight
net income; net earnings
net loss
net/clear profit
6. (Сущий)
~ое безумие
~ вздор
~ая случайность
sheer madness
utter nonsense
вывести на ~ую воду
to unmask; to expose (smb for
what he/she is)
to be a scholar/a scientist;
to practice science
art for art’s sake
open country
Holy Thursday
in plain Russian
to start from scratch; to turn
over a new leaf
evil spirit(s)
заниматься ~ой наукой
~ое искусство
~ое поле
~ четверг (рел.)
на ~ом русском
начать с чистого листа
не~ая сила
1. (Движение)
замедлить ~
держать ~
идти большими ~ами
to slow down
to march in step
to make great/rapid strides;
to walk with long strides
not to move away from smb’s
to quicken one’s pace/step
to hear foot-steps
не отходить ни ~у от коголибо
прибавить ~
услышать ~и
По-русски мы говорим так...
goose step
one pitch; twist
Double time, march!; Double
On the double!
строевой ~
один ~ механизма (техн.)
~ом марш! (воен.)
2. (Действие)
предпринять ~и
сделать ~ на пути к ...
to take steps
to take a step on the way
diplomatic moves/steps
clever/smart move
first steps; early stage
step by step
дипломатические ~и
ловкий ~
первые ~и (начало)
~ за ~ом
a few steps away (from)
not to lift a finger to help smb
в нескольких ~
на каждом ~у
~у не сделать для коголибо
Translate the following sentences into Russian. When pos­
sible give variant translations using words synonymous to the
key Russian word.
A tentative agreement between the parties would serve as a basis
for fututre negotiations. 2. There is no gymnasium in our school, so we
have to go to a local sports center. 3. Naval Base in San Diego, Cali­
fornia is home to the US Pacific Fleet. 4. The Tornados were ordered to
abandon the chase and return to base. 5. Huge amounts of foodstuffs
are stored in warehouses. 6. A database is an organized collection of
digital data. 7. Our holiday camp provides a safe environment for chil­
dren to develop their sports skills while making new friends. 8. There
are some good tourist camps next to the highway where we can spend
the night. 9. A solid economic basis is necessary for successful social
programs. 10. Every school should have good training facilities inclu­
ding computers and Internet connection. 11. A reliable electric power
industry is essential for industrial development.
The information received is vital to national security and interests
and has been classified top secret. 2. Their cars have a reputation for
safety and reliability. 3. Is it safe to park my car here? 4. Refugees
walked for several days until they reached safety. 5. All three children
43ак. 1200
По-русски мы говорим так...
are now reported to be out of danger. 6. There are a number of agencies
responsible for national security 7. Accident prevention is everyone’s
responsibility. 8. Vigilance committees are formed by private citizens
to administer law and order where they consider governmental struc­
tures to be inadequate. 9. States with strict seat belt laws have fewer
automotive fatalities. 10. The main purpose of the United Nations is the
maintenance of international peace and security.
Don’t worry, everything will be fine. 2. I am sorry to disturb y
but can I use your phone, please? 3. If she is busy writing her report,
don’t disturb her. 4. I think you misuse your talents and that worries
me. 5. Don’t bother, please. I can do it myself. 6. It didn’t bother her
how she looked. 7. If you do not want maid service please place a
“Do not disturb” sign on the outside door handle. 8. What is wrong?
Is something troubling you? 9. Don’t bother about driving me home,
I’ll walk. 10. His right shoulder is troubling him. 11. Why bother invit­
ing him, he won’t come anyway. 12. She couldn’t even be bothered to
say hello.
They offer a three-course meal for $9,99. 2. An ovenproof dish
will withstand the heat of a domestic oven. 3. Her favourite dish is
roast chicken. 4. The menu changes daily though the specialty is inva­
riably seafood.
He has been ill for a couple of weeks. 2. He stayed at home to
take care of his sick wife. 3. He was sick with the flu for the whole
of January. 4. Fred’s knee hurt after skiing all day. 5. She complained
of severe chest pain. 6. I was tired, aching and miserable. 7. He is not
coughing or sneezing but has a sore throat. 8. My eyes smarted from
the smoke. 9. Which club do you support? 10. I am worried about her,
she seems to be on the brink of a nervous breakdown. 11. The tongue
ever turns to the aching tooth. 12. She looks so unhappy, my heart
bleeds for her. 13. Does it hurt to bend your knee? 14. It grieves me to
i say this, but you must leave this town at once. 15. I never thought he
had a bad heart.
A patient is a person who is waiting for or undergoing medical
treatment. 2. She is a serious case and will have to remain hospitalized
for at least a week. 3. He was definitely a mental case. 4. Don’t men­
tion her divorce - it is still a sore point. 5. Social inequality has always
been a sore subject. 6. You should abstain from fatty foods if you have
a bad liver. 7. Despite being a chronic asthma patient she still exercised
daily. 8. These measures were aimed at rejuvenating the ailing eco­
Bring the patient to the operating room immediately because any
delay can be fatal. 2. Finally, the waiters brought in a huge wedding
cake with bride and groom figurines on top. 3. Any person can initiate
a bill, but a legislator needs to write and introduce the bill. 4. There
were so many proposals tabled during the meeting, the participants
were unable to discuss even half of them. 5. There was a live band at
the party, and that really livened things up. 6. A few flowers will
brighten up your garden. 7. Child misbehaviour may cause discord be­
tween parents. 8. The publishing house has decided to insert a new
clause into the contract. 9. The text of the agreement was amended sev­
eral times. All parties to this agreement made some amendments to it.
10. Many volunteers put their names on the list. 11. You need to know
when to fertilize your garden to get a good crop. 12. This college offers
students the flexibility to pay their tuition, library fees and dorm bill
over a specified period of time. 13. Many nations contributed to the
defeat of fascism. 14. Both sides are expected to clarify their positions
По-русски мы говорим так...
today. 15. The Governor must submit a budget proposal to the Legisla­
ture at the beginning of the year.
The long wait only added to our excitement. 2.1 got very nervo
waiting for my turn to be called. 3. Rough seas prevented rescuers from
approaching the ship. 4. Going surfing in a stormy sea may be dange
rous. 5. Growing popular unrest threatens to destabilize the government.
1. The sea grew very rough and waves started crashing into the ship.
2. Not only were the actors nervous, but the playwrights were too.
3. People became increasingly agitated about the coming social reforms.
4. Possible lockouts made the workers of the plant feel worried.
5. Marxism stirred the minds of scholars and politicians at the end of
the XLX century and the beginning of the XX century.
He showed me his antique drawing of a naked woman. 2. She
wore a low-necked dress and her arms were bare. 3. Readers often
want more than just bare facts. 4. The naked truth was really shocking.
5.1 hate his habit of walking around barefoot. 6. It was late autumn and
fields stretching on either side of the road were empty. 7. Refugees
slept on the bare floor but were happy to have some shelter. 8. The con­
flict could not be resolved by purely bureaucratic methods.
1. The music was deafeningly loud and painful for the ears.
2. A high-profile event would receive an immediate media coverage.
3. Yashin used to be a big name in soccer. 4. His high-flown talk did
not impress anybody. 5. Great fame is often shortlived. 6. He gets
everything done without a fuss. 7. Some critics think that highsounding
title is a smokescreen for a bad play.
A person, who is nice to you, but rude to the waiter, is not a nice
person. 2. Staring can not only be extremely annoying, it can also be
downright rude. 3. Don’t tolerate ill-mannered behaviour from other
people’s children in your presence. 4. You may call him a rough dia­
mond: he is ill-mannered but kind and always ready to help.
5. Don’t be so rough with him, he is just a kid. 6. The jacket was made
of coarse gray fabric. 7. It was a bad mistake not to agree to his offer
of compromise. 8. Officials were accused of making a huge admi­
nistrative blunder. 9. The official report is a gross distortion of the
facts. 10. Fulsome flattery will not get you anywhere. 11. His rumpled
appearance and gruff voice made me feel uneasy and a little frightened.
12. Our hands were callous after so much digging and bricklaying.
13. A gentle answer deflects anger, but harsh words make tempers
flare. 14. Can you give me a rough estimate of the monthly living ex­
penses in a big city? 15. The lawsuit includes allegations of rather bla­
tant discrimination. 16. The UN General Assembly reaffirmed that
mass and flagrant violations of human rights were of special concern
to it. 17. That was a game that was won by brute force rather than
skill. 18. This team’s record of foul play was among the worst. 19. The
bench is crude but sturdy.
My friend intends to start his own business as soon as he has
enough money saved. 2. A healthy child can not be idle, he has to be
doing something all day. 3. Why do you interfere in your son’s affairs?
He is a grown man and resents it. 4. “Mind your own business!”, he
said rudely. 5. Do you know if he is coming on business or for pleas­
ure? 6. We are friends but I know very little about his private affairs.
7. Defense of one’s country is a noble cause. 8. The rebels believe they
По-русски мы говорим так...
are fighting for a just cause. 9. People will often make judgements of
their leaders based upon their words, but historians will judge them by
their deeds. 10. It happened many years ago. 11. When you compose an
electronic message it never hurts to be polite and greet your recipient
with a “Hello, how are you?” 12. Decor is a matter of taste and can be
debated. 13. Corrupt politicians don’t care about the people. 14. There
is a time limit for your presentation, so will you kindly get to the point.
15. I can see that something is wrong. What’s the matter? 16. “That’s
not the point,” he said. ’’The point is that we are spending too much
time discussing the details and forgetting about the big issue”. 17. The
Prime Minister brought the libel action against the magazine. 18. The
lawyer has instituted divorce proceedings on behalf of the spouse.
19. The company keeps personal files on all its employees. 20. Ministry
of Foreign Affairs is in charge of maintaining foreign relations with other
countries. 21. “So, she’s got a part in the school play”. - “Big deal! Every­
one does, in turn”. 22. He sounds like an experienced broker, but we
should wait and see him in action. 23. The kids always pretend to be
busy when it comes to doing the dishes. 24. One must prove whether he
is a hero or a coward by deeds, not words. 25. Every now and then chi dren were peeking into the room asking some silly questions. 26. Ulti­
mately, it was up to him to accept what I had to offer. 27. It was for them
to decide where to go on vacation next time.
1. Can I have another cup of tea? 2. That was a different story.
3. He doesn’t like other people interfering in his affairs. 4. Some doc­
uments are available immediately, others will become available later.
5. You say you’re lonely and bored, but on the other hand, you never
go out anywhere. 6. The conflict is only apparent, in other words, no
harm will come of it. 7. The delegates arrived on Monday night and the
next morning the Congress started. 8. The next day after the first treat­
ment she felt much better. 9. Another time, please, Nick, 1 am really
very busy right now. 10. People were slowly moving one after another
showing their passes to the guard. 11. Both men arrived at the same
time. 12. Neither woman seemed to know what to say. 13. Three elder­
ly gentlemen were sitting, others were standing. 14. Someone else
called, but I don’t remember the name, 1 am sorry. 15. The angry cus­
tomer said he would take his business elsewhere.
1. Would you like some more coffee? 2. The government is in­
volved in yet another corruption scandal. 3. Another 2000 nurses are
needed for the city’s public hospitals. 4. There are two more issues we
need to consider. 5. I hope we’II meet again. 6. Who else will take part
in the concert? 7. Are you still at work? 8. This theory has yet to be
proven. 9. She still doesn’t feel well and continues taking antibiotocs.
10. All better rooms are taken, you’ll have to stay here for the time be­
ing. 11. It happened as far back as 50 years ago. 12. It is believed that the
game of chess was invented as early as the 6th century. 13. He couldn’t have
changed his mind so quickly, he was on our side only half an hour ago.
1. We can’t help feeling sorry for the homeless people. 2. She felt
pity for the helpless child. 3. The police officer took pity on the boys
and let them go. 4. He regretted that he had accepted the invitation.
5. Don’t sign this contract, or you will regret it. 6. He didn’t like what
he was doing and grudged the time and effort wasted. 7. She didn’t
grudge doing a bit of extra work when it was really necessary. 8. He
didn’t spare himself, playing all the difficult solos. 9. They were pre­
pared to spare no effort to finish the task in time. 10. The company
spared no expense in building and decorating the new headquarters.
1. The guest said the meat was rather tough, but the sauces were ex­
cellent. 2. People with back problem should sleep on hard mattress.
3. His long coarse hair is hard to style. 4. Soap doesn’t dissolve easily
in hard water, because it contains a .big amount of calcium and mag­
По-русски мы говорим так...
nesium. 5. If you leave the wrapper open, the bread will go stale very
quickly. 6. The door was made of steel with a rigid frame. 7. The
downhill skiers use skis, which have fixed heel bindings. 8. The new
bill should not become a collection of rigid rules that cannot be applied
in practice. 9. Fighting terrorism requires comprehensive and rigorous
measures. 10. Some public schools have very rigid codes of behaviour
and rigorous discipline. 11. Don’t be so hard on him, he is only a child!
12. When she speaks in an authoritative tone of voice she becomes an
entirely different person. 13. Local authorities are facing tough de­
mands to improve public services. 14. Hard disk drive is the computer
component used to permanently store data.
1. The back door in a police car can not be opened from the inside.
2. The hip pocket is not the safest place to carry your wallet. 3. There
was a puncture in the rear passenger side tire. 4. There were three
bears in the foreground of the painting and a pine forest in the back­
ground. 5. He has been pushed into the background, and most of his
contributions forgotten. 6. A non-functional rear brake light can be a
serious safety hazard. 7. My car became stuck in reverse gear and
1 had to replace the entire gearbox. 8. Backing up a large truck is a hard
skill to master. 9. I assure you there was no ulterior motive in my sug­
gestion. 10. Payment for the difference between the old and new com­
pensation rate will be applied retroactively. 11. When all the prepara­
tions were completed we were on our last legs. 12. Let her rest for a
while, she came dead on her feet. 13. She’s rich and famous and ex­
pects everyone to dance attendance on her.
She never wore ready-made clothes, everything she had on was
made to measure in the style and fashion of the time. 2. The article was
evidently sponsored as it didn’t correspond to the views of the editor.
3. The minister has been gunned down in what police say maybe a con­
tract killing. 4. If the letter is so important you should send it by regis­
tered mail to make sure it is delivered on time.
The game ended in a draw. 2. He graduated from college before
World War II. 3. He finished a grammar school in London and wanted
to continue his studies but had to get a job to help his parents support
the family. 4. The speaker concluded his presentation with a brief
summary of its main points. 5. We can’t continue working now be­
cause it is too cold, so let’s call it a day. 6. Students are not allowed to
leave the classroom until all books have been returned and counted.
The Smiths have occupied this house for over a decade. 2. Vi­
deo files take up a lot of disk space. 3. This will not take up a lot of
your time, but it will help you become a safer driver. 4. The new Ge­
neral Manager will take up his position in two week’s time. 5. The
remaining vacancies were filled by the employers themselves. 6. She is
the first woman to hold this post. 7. Our team has won the first place in
the tournament. 8. About half of the country’s territory was captured by
the enemy. 9. Eastern towns were seized by the rebels two years ago.
10. Will you save a seat for me in case I am a little late? 11. All pas­
sengers lined up when the announcement about the registration was
made. 12. How long does it usually take you to get to the office?
13. The main problem when travelling with children is how to keep
them occupied. 14. She was completely taken up with her own worries.
There was a sweet smell of fresh bread in the air. 2. Odorproducing bacteria that grow in the mouth cause most cases of bad
breath. 3. I could smell the revolting stench of rotting meat. 4. This
cheese stinks! Throw it away. 5. As we approached the frontline the
По-русски мы говорим так...
stench of decaying flesh was getting stronger. 6. This perfume is fa­
mous for its sophisticated fragrance. 7. These apples have a rich taste
and scent. 8. Deodorant is a product that masks the smell of body odor.
9. The flowers looked beautiful but were odorless.
He was instructed not to make any statements to the press abou
the incident. 2. Few would argue with the assertion that the right to
freedom is the most important human right. 3. A defendant who enters
a plea of guilty must do so knowingly and voluntarily. 4. I submitted
my application this week, just before the deadline. 5. Visa requests
will be processed within 48 hours.
We are all in good health and everything goes just fine. 2. Whe
you hear someone sneezing you say: “God bless you!” 3. A sound
mind in a sound body. 4. No wonder he doesn’t look healthy after be­
ing sick for so long. 5. My father has been in poor health for so­
me time. 6. In this little cafe they serve healthy and tasty food.
7. A healthy diet emphasized fruits and vegetables. 8. Seeing how
much he was ordering Г realized he had a healthy appetite. 9. A long
walk about the forest brought a healthy colour to her cheeks. 10. Mike
was an athlete, small wander he looked quite fit. 11. You have a sound
heart, but if you want to keep it sound you should quit smoking and do
more exercise. 12. This restaurant is famous for its wholesome homestyle cooking. 13. That is a very good idea. 14. Constructive and sound
criticism will be well received. 15. Small businesses contribute to
sound economic expansion. 16. Nothing says “Get Well Soon” like
fresh flowers.
I hope you will excuse us for leaving a little early. 2. Pardon me
but there is a phone call for you. 3. Excuse me, but I never said
I would pay for everything. 4. If you will excuse my calling a spade
a spade, he is an ignoramus. 5. Forgive me, but I am a little busy
right now. 6. Terrorism can not be justified under any circumstances.
7. I am sorry for disturbing you at home.
1. The first publication of Charles Dickens in Russia dates back to
the mid XIX century. 2. “Kommersant” is a weekly business and finan­
cial publication. 3. The promulgation of the law on financing election
campaigns took place last week. 4. Cheap editions of crime and love
stories are available in every newsstand. 5. These comments have been
removed in revised edition. 6. The main purpose of popular periodicals
is to entertain the reader, and the information published in them is often
second or third hand. 7. “Argumenti I Facti” is a weekly with the circu­
lation of many thousand copies. 8. He made it into the 1993 edition of
the Guinness Book of World Records. 9. The first printing was limited
to just 500 copies and they quickly sold out.
1. Several members of the Democratic Party were expelled for cor­
ruption. 2. He was expelled from school for cheating on a test.
3. Police who interviewed the man are eliminating him from their in­
quiries. 4. You can strike her name off the list, she is not going on the
trip. 5. He had to exclude dairy products from his diet. 6. The Presi­
dent has ruled out the use of military force. 7. The investigations could
not rule out arson as a possible cause of the fire. 8. We should dismiss
this assumption as improbable.
1. This sort of behavior is totally unacceptable in a civilized society.
2. “Do you think he is cheating?”, “It is quite possible”. 3. “Are you
suggesting that our son is doing something wrong?”, “I am afraid this
can’t be ruled out”.
По-русски мы говорим так...
Turn off the water! Quick! The bath is overflowing. 2. She han­
ded him a plate filled to the brim with hot soup. 3. Little children were
playing in the sand at the waterfront. 4. I sat down by the roadside and
cried. 5. We stopped for coffee at the roadside cafe. 6. He crawled to
the edge of the cliff and looked down. 7. She likes hats with large
brims. 8. Because of the pollution many people prefer to live in the
suburbs. 9. She was ready to follow him to the end of the earth.
10. Finally they settled down somewhere very far, at the land’s end.
11. “1 had a dream”, said Jim, ”a dream of my native land”. 12. He was
badly ill and looked as though he had one foot in the grave, but then
miraculously he started getting better. 13. The desert was stretching
endlessly. 14. Out of the comer of my eye I saw something moving.
15. I happened to overhear his remark and was startled. 16. I heard by
chance that the company will make 250 workers redundant next year.
17. Now listen, Lieberman, you are going a little bit overboard in your
interpretation of the situation. 18. As a little boy David Copperfield had
more than his share of misfortune and hard times. 19. Let’s start right
away. We have an endless amount of work to do. 20. National econo­
my is on the verge of collapse and urgent measures are needed.
The last window on the right was her bedroom window. 2. In
hockey the right-winger plays on the right hand side of the center in the
forward position. 3. The most northern part of the world is the North
Pole. 4. The deadline for submitting applications was last Friday.
5. This unfair proposal was dismissed with the utmost indignation.
6. She gazed at me with utter surprise. 7. The company is taking drastic
measures to reduce its debt. 8. A good education is an absolute necessi­
ty to succeed in today’s work force. 9. Tourists usually avoid areas of
extreme poverty. 10. After the disaster people were in dire need of food
and medical aid. 11. This party is on the extreme left of the politi­
cal spectrum. 12. These MPs are considered extreme right-wingers.
13. If the worst comes to the worst I will have to resign. 14. The go108
vemment will impose a state of emergency only as a last resort. 15. At
least several people have been wounded during clashes between the po­
lice and protesters.
l. Everything was perfect that weekend except for the weather.
2. 1 don’t know much about this man except that he is quite well off.
3. All the students will have to write the test with the exception of John
Brown. 4. Nobody but her knows the truth. 5. What other languages
does he speak besides English and French? 6. More and more people
are opposed to the idea of increasing university fees. Moreover, there is
now evidence that it discourages many students from coming to the UK.
7. Computer games are still a bit expensive but they are getting cheaper
all the time. Furthermore they are getting more popular. 8. After he
took another shot of whiskey she said, “Kidding aside, you are drinking
too much. And I don’t like it”.
We decided to head for the nearest island. 2. The captain had to
change course quickly. 3. “She is taking a course of management” “Really?” - Oh, yes, she is on a week’s management course”. 4. The
ship is off course and may strike the reef. 5. Another course of injec­
tions was prescribed to him. 6. After some time the yachtsman ma­
naged to bring his vessel back on course. 7. The Queen Mary set
course across the Atlantic for New York. 8. The editorial was devoted
to economic and foreign policy of the country. 9. The Government
needs to correct its financial policy course. 10. Doctors may consider
changing the course of treatment because the patient is not getting any
better. 11. An exchange rate is the relative value between two curren­
cies. 12. He is not in the know about things, he only pretends to be.
13. He will not accept the manager’s position until he is fully acquaint­
ed with every aspect of the company’s operations. 14. The new Presi­
dent made the promise to the outgoing leader to keep him fully in­
По-русски мы говорим так...
formed about the state of affairs. 15. He asked to keep him posted
about the slightest changes in the course of the experiment.
1. The vase fell down and broke into small pieces. 2. The yo-yo is
a popular toy consisting of a length of string tied at one end to a spool.
3. He usually puts two slices of lemon into his tea. 4. Don’t forget to
buy a toothpaste and a bar of soap. 5. “Sugar?", “Yes, please, two
lumps”. 6. I am afraid this length of fabric is not long enough for the
curtains you want. 7. The old man was in the habit of eating his soup
with a slice of brown bread. 8. She tore the letter into small pieces but
then started putting it back together piece by piece. 9. The piece of cake
was really tempting, but I had to refuse. 10. I was so worried
I could not swallow a thing. 11. She says the food sticks in her throat
when she is nervous.
1. He was quite handsome with regular features. 2. A senior go­
vernment official held a press conference. 3. He was just a clerk with
an unimportant and boring job. 4. Frequently governments become in­
volved as third parties in major wage negotiations. 5. The business may
be sold to a third party. 6. Each individual should be allowed to believe
or think what he or she considers right. 7. I want to see the person re­
sponsible for handling the accounts. 8. The story is told in the first
person, the main character is the story-teller. 9. In a trial case both the
defendant and the plaintiff are legal entities. 10. If you sign this proto­
col you become a legal entity responsible for observing every clause
there is in it. 11. I’d like you to tell me who the main characters of this
play are. 12. She made a creditable showing winning in the local elec­
tion. 13. It is in dangerous situations that people show their real selves.
14. She wanted to step down from her post and not lose face. 15. I be­
lieve honesty is the best policy and I prefer to say unpleasant things
right to a person’s face and not behind his or her back. 16. She tried
hard to avoid meeting him but that day she suddenly found herself face
to face with him. 17. This dress really suits you. 18. I’d choose
a different color if 1 were you. This color does not become you.
1. Don’t forget to take all your personal belongings from the over­
head compartment when you leave the plane. 2. What you do in your
private life should not concern your boss. 3. This post entitles you to a
private secretary. 4. These fields are private property and trespassing is
illegal. 5. Some top managers have all their personal telephone calls
paid for by the company. 6. The letter was marked‘personal’. 7. Direct
personal insults are considered harassment in the workplace. 8. Reli­
gion is a personal matter, a matter of personal interest, of personal sen­
timent and of personal conviction. 9. This project is his personal re­
sponsibility, if he fails he has only himself to blame. 10. Each member
of the President s family has a personal bodyguard. 11. Maintaining
good personal hygiene when handling food is very important to prevent
spread of disease. 12. The World Chess Tournament is an individual
championship to determine the best chess player. 13. Personal attend­
ance of as many people as possible is very welcome. 14. He had a per­
sonal score to settle with his old enemy. 15. All known human
languages have personal pronouns. 16. The Board of Directors has
announced the new personnel changes.
1. This bench in the park is our usual meeting place. 2. The scene of
action in the novel is laid in Victorian London. 3. The term, FOB Ship­
ping Point, indicates that the sale occurred at the shipping point, usually
at the seller’s shipping dock. 4. It’s never an easy task to find a par­
king space near the theatre. 5. Police arrived at the scene of the crime
in no time. 6. He was stealing the car when the police drove by and
caught him red-handed. 7. When an accident occurs at a construc­
tion site, safety inspectors must respond immediately. 8. Car prices in
По-русски мы говорим так...
the UK are higher than elsewhere in Europe. 9. 1 have trained myself
always to put my car keys in the same place at home to avoid driving
all the people in the house crazy with my questions. 10. Many people
think that history will put everything into perspective. 11. An old
woman came into the room, and a young man gave his seat to her.
12. “Excuse me, is this berth yours?“ “No, mine is the upper berth.
The lower one is yours”. 13. If you are booking an overnight flight,
choose a window seat, so you can rest your head between the seat and
the wall. 14. We saw a “No vacancies11 sign outside the motel and de­
cided to go somewhere else. 15. There is plenty of room for the book­
case between the sofa and the TV. 16. The President and the Prime
Minister rank highest in the federal hierarchy. 17. In the last year’s fig­
ure-skating competition two pairs shared the first place. 18. We regret
to inform you that the position you have applied for has already been
filled. 19. Most airlines allow passengers to take two pieces of checked
luggage and one carry on bag. 20. They had moved to a new city and
started from scratch. 21. She was so worried she said, she could find no
peace. 22. We were beside ourselves with anxiety after we learnt that
our son had been arrested on charges of terrorism. 23. His weak point
is the lack of creativity and inventiveness. 24. His funny story was so
much out of place that no one even smiled at it. 25. He was indeed the
right man in the right place and got the job done. 26. In color the shell
was deep cream touched here and there with fading pink.
1. After a long and bloody war the sides signed a peace treaty.
2. Many people hoped that a peace settlement would prevent war from
happening again. 3. The party has proposed that the Government aban­
don peacetime military conscription. 4. The United Nations works for
stable and lasting peace because only peaceful development can bring
about well-being and prosperity. 5. The International Atomic Energy
Agency is an international organization that seeks to promote the peace­
ful use of nuclear energy. 6. Former enemies were facing each other in
a peaceful setting having a peaceful conversation. 7. I am a peaceful
person by nature, but I think that it is not just the right to protect our
nation, it is the requirement.
1. I thought it was the right time to mention this sensitive problem.
2. There are several factors that brought about the current situation.
3. Just a moment, I want to ask you something. 4. They can come any
time now. 5. I’ll be ready in no time. 6. I liked the episode when the
main characters are making up their quarrel. 7. At that very instant the
telephone rang. 8. The report has several interesting points. 9. In this
connection I’d like to make two points. 10. Why don’t you seize the
opportunity and make a clean breast of what you have done. 11. The
moment of truth came, and she had to make her final choice.
When people go to some distant place by train they usually trav
in sleeping cars. 2. This was a fast train. It had a dining car but no
sleepers. 3. The best feature of her appearance was her long blond soft
hair. 4. She was no longer a child but was still very fond of cuddly
toys. A soft toy dog was the best present for her. 5. The set had a sofa
and two easy chairs. 6. The drawing room was furnished with very sty­
lish upholstered furniture that matched the carpet and the curtains.
7. A person having spine problems should not sleep on a soft bed.
8. Meat that is cooked in the right way is usually tender. 9. They serve on­
ly fresh bread with any meal. 10. She was very graceful, her every move­
ment was gentle and smooth. 11. Soft sounds of music were coming from
some room. 12. Her bedroom was decorated in soft pink and blue.
13. When someone is to go by plane we wish him or her a soft landing.
14. The place is known for its mild climate and serene scenery. 15. The
criminal was charged with first-degree murder, and the sentence he got
seemed too lenient. 16. She has some shortcomings, but her kind heart
outweighs them all. 17. Mr R looked formidable, but at heart he was a gen
tle person. 18. The water in this lake is soft and clear. 19. The Russian
language has letters called the soft sign and the hard sign.
There are no ideal people, all have some shortcomings. 2. Some
people shy away from mixing with those having some physical defects
По-русски мы говорим так...
of deformities. 3. Any new invention has important merits but often also
demerits. 4. The expedition was running short of food. 5. The company is
dreadfully short of stuff. 6. I hated the lack of privacy in the dormitory.
7. They had to confess their want of foresight. 8. His health problems were
caused by iron deficiency. 9. There is a real threat of the shortage of fuel.
10 These ugly looking houses were built right after the war to ease housing
shortage. 11. Scarcity of food was the biggest problem. 12. We’ll call
them ‘rocks’ for want of a better name.
He was tapping on his glass with his fork making an annoying
noise. 2. Biting nails is a most irritating habit. 3. What is giving off this
unpleasant smell? 4. But for their troublesome neighbour they would
have never moved to another flat. 5. Mrs Baggot was a disagreeable
person, very difficult to deal with. 6. Those last ten years were very
upsetting time. 7. The news about the result of voting was rather dis­
tressing. 8. The situation is definitely troublesome it may develop into
a conflict.
The flat was quite big but very uncomfortable. 2. They were sit­
ting in a very uncomfortable position. 3. Have I come at inconvenient
time? 4. This semester our time-table is very inconvenient: we start late,
have a long break, and finish about 8pm. 5. After he spoke he felt that
he’d got into an awkward situation. 6. She felt embarrassed because of
her harsh remark. 7. It is not easy to get on well with disagreeable peo­
ple. 8. Clearly a phone call at such a late hour was most inappropriate.
Poor Oliver had nothing: no food, no shelter, no money, no one to
turn to for help. 2. “What is the matter with you? “, “Oh, it’s nothing”.
3. This is a great novel. You can’t deny it. 4. “ Will you do it for us?”
“Certainly. Nothing could be easier”. 5. “This method is the best”.
“Nothing of the kind. It has quite a few shortcomings”. 6. This small
restaurant is quite passable. 7.”Is she a good accountant?41 “She is OK”.
8. “Sorry to have kept you waiting”. “Never mind”. 9. “I am sorry for
all the confusion”. “That’s all right”. 10. Is it all right if I turn on the
volume? 11. Do you mind if I switch on the light? 12. I am a little
cold, but it’s nothing. 13. Oh my! Just look at these curtains! 14. Oh,
what a house! It’s a real palace!
1. “Do you know what I mean?” “ Yes, indeed”. 2. Well, perhaps
you can explain what went wrong. 3. Looking at what she has done
he said approvingly: “Well, you did great”. 4. Well then, if he is not
going to resign we will have to force him to. 5. Well, it can’t be helped.
What we can’t cure we must endure. 6. Come on ! Have another try.
You can manage, I am sure. 7. Now begin! Who is going to be the
first? 8. Go ahead. I won’t interrupt, I promise. 9. Well then. And what
did it all come to? 10. Go on try it, it’s really good. 11. “I decided to
move back to New York”. “ Really? But why? “ 12. “Mr Brown was
arrested on charges of murder”. “You don’t say so!” 13. I’ve broken
my favourite cup, stained my new dress, and finally burned my dinner.
Oh, what a day! 14. Well, well, well, I didn’t think I’d see you here.
15. “They are living together and they are not married”. “Well, so
what?“ 16. “Do you really do business with them?“ “And what if
I do?“ 17. Just you wait. Your father will be back very soon.
1. The boarding house provided beds and meals to its guests. 2. She
has always provided for her children. 3. Two huge generators supply
power to farms in this area. 4. They discovered that he had supplied
terrorists with weapons. 5. How can we support our families on such
low wages? 6. We hope that world leaders can agree on measures to
safeguard peace. 7. The lifejacket had almost certainly ensured her sur­
По-русски мы говорим так...
vival. 8. These new supplies will meet our requirements in foodstuffs.
9. His dedication and hard work paved his way to success.
The speaker addressed the conference calling to support the new
party programme. 2. A man came up to her and called her by her first
name. 3. Those two were not very close but they were on the first name
footing. 4. They appealed to local business for sponsorship money.
5. If you plan a trip abroad you must apply for a visa to the consulate of
the country you intend to visit. 6. I am writing to inquire whether you
have any positions available. 7. If you don’t get any better soon you
should see a doctor. 8. He didn’t consult a doctor when he fell ill, and
now he is feeling very poor. 9. When he realized that he wouldn’t be
able to do the task alone he turned to me for help. 10. Ask your father
for advice. 11. She threatened to go to court if he didn’t pay back the
money he had borrowed. 12. She felt she had been treated unfairly and
complained to her boss. 13. You should treat people politely. 14. All
the stuff are trained to handle difficult customers. 15. All chemicals
must be handled with utmost care. 16. Why do you waste your money?
You’ll end up penniless. 17. He squandered all the money his father
left him. 18. If you apply more heat, of course, the water will turn into
steam. 19. When the police arrived the thieves took to flight. 20. As
soon as he saw me he took to his heels. 21. When he was telling his
stories all those present were all ears. 22. If you want to complain
about something you should address your complaints to the head ma­
The Prime Minister has announced he will deliver an address to
the nation on radio. 2. For the beginning salutation in a letter, we would
generally write “Dear Sir” or “Dear Madame”. 3. The parties in a dis­
pute may want to submit to mediation to resolve a case prior to bringing
the matter before the court. 4. Before initiating a legal action against
the newspaper, he would demand an apology. 5. Mastering the art of
dealing with people is essential to any professional career. 6. The com­
pany failed its customers by being careless with personal information,
which could have ended up in the hands of criminals. 7. In some coun­
tries cruelty to animals is a criminal offence. 8. The woman was
brought before the court on charges of maltreatment of her adopted
son. 9. Safe firearms handling dictates that you do not load live ammu­
nition into your firearm unless you are ready to shoot. 10. A new
commemorative coin was put into circulation. 11. Exercise daily to
keep your blood circulation going and to prevent muscle stiffness due to
poor circulation. 12. The rotation of the Earth on its axis and its orbit
around the Sun have served as the basis for timekeeping since the dawn
of history. 13. Distribution costs refer to the costs associated with mo­
ving a product from the production location to the point of con­
sumption. 14. His conversion to Catholicism surprised everybody.
He asked a few general questions about the report. 2. Could you
give us a general description of the work you do? 3. The general im­
pression was quite favourable, but not more than that. 4. General se­
condary education is provided by State schools. 5. The speaker de­
scribed the state of economy in broad terms without going into details.
6. Getting out of this stalemate will require joint and concerted efforts
of all interested parties. 7. To everybody’s surprise, the professor did
not ask too many questions. 8. Scientific discoveries should be used for
the common good. 9. “Our Mutual Friend” was the last novel by
Charles Dickens. 10. England and America are the two countries sepa­
rated by a common language. 11. Our two countries have a common
border. 12. This apartment has single rooms for two people with a
shared kitchen area and bathroom. 13. The total floor space of the
apartment was 86 square meters. 14. Estimation of the total cost of the
project is based on many factors. 15. Grain accounts for a small per­
centage of the total crop area. 16. Greed and ego make a significant
contribution to the sum total of human misery. 17. Aggregate income is
the combined income earned by an entire group of persons. 18. On the
По-русски мы говорим так...
whole, this was a very good day. 19. All in all, about 50 countries were
represented at the conference. 20. Altogether about 80 NATO aircraft
took part in the air raid. 21. We are complete opposites and have not­
hing in common.
The government declared the state of emergency. 2. The enemy
has declared war on our country. 3. The opposition wants presidential
elections to be declared invalid. 4. He was severely reprimanded for
his unacceptable behaviour. 5. The company issued a press release an­
nouncing that it has signed a definitive merger agreement. 6. I am
pleased to announce that the Board has agreed to create 500 new jobs
in our sales department. 7. They’ve announced that the train will arrive
5 minutes later. 8. The chairperson declared the meeting open. 9. In the
Supreme Court judges ruled that the new law was unconstitutional.
10. Chemical weapons were outlawed by the Geneva Protocol, but
many countries still stockpile them. 11. He proclaimed his innocence
and vowed to fight the charges. 12. The new republic proclaimed its
sovereignty and independence.
The United States and its media have exerted strong influence on
Canada and its media. 2. The federal government exercises consi­
derable influence at every level of government. 3. The government sti­
mulus package had little or no effect on local sales. 4. The conference
thanked the host country for its hospitality. 5. He didn’t put any pres­
sure on her to take the job. 6. The social pressure exerted by this small
community proved to be enormous. 7. Divorce lawyers provide the
legal assistance and sometimes offer moral support to their clients.
8. Our country would never have achieved its independence without the
support from the international community. 9. The scholarship com­
mittee will give preference to students from disadvantaged families.
10. We are sincerely grateful to everyone who has rendered assistance
to the victims of the earthquake. 11. I expected things to get better but
1 found myself instead in a more difficult situation. 12. She turned out
to be a very good storyteller. 13. My decision proved to be the correct
one. 14. As it turned out the letter was on the boss’s desk.
1. Children often adopt their parents’ methods of bringing up kids.
2. She hopes to gain new experience while working abroad for a year.
3. I can say from personal experience that it’s really hard to be unem­
ployed. 4. He has some experience in management. 5. My life experi­
ence has taught me not to trust people I hardly know. 6. People got
together to share their experience of living with diabetes. 7. I know
from my own bitter experience how it feels to be fired without any
warning. 8. This lab does not experiment on animals. 9. She likes
experimenting with different hairstyles. 10. The drug is now under­
going clinical trials. 11. This short story is the writer’s first attempt at
writing fiction.
1. At his young age Jim Hawkins was already an experienced sailor.
2. With 30 years of teaching experience she is an old hand at dealing
with children. 3. A sample quantity of the new fragrance is on sale
now. 4. This year we will launch a pilot project. 5. We will move into
pilot production following a successful period of global customer sam­
pling. 6. His theory has been confirmed experimentally. 7. This type of
evidence may be gathered through experiment or through non-experimental systematic observation. 8. The temperatures were measured
experimentally and used in the analysis.
1. That was the first French book I read in the original. 2. The mas­
ter tape was missing, so a copy had to be used for production.
3. When you know him better you will see that he is a true eccentric.
По-русски мы говорим так...
1. Using a sharp knife is the key to making fish preparation easier.
2. Vultures are known for their extremely keen eyesight. 3. After he
was hit by a car he felt a sharp pain in his right foot. 4. He is blessed
with a sharp wit and a good sense of humor. 5. Patients seeking treat­
ment at the local hospital were being turned away due to an acute
shortage of medical supplies. 6. Contrary to popular opinion, getting
water in the ears will not cause an acute ear infection. 7. An angle that
measures less than 90 degrees is an acute angle. 8. He felt a burning
desire to talk about his experience. 9. He had a thin face with a pointed
nose and a pointed chin. 10. It’s my favorite hot dish, cooked with
exotic spices, onions and peppers. 11. This spicy seasoning will enhan­
ce the flavor of almost every savoury dish. 12. He is known for his
sharp tongue and quick wit.
Can we stop for a minute, please? I need a rest. 2. She took a
well-earned break from her studies. 3. I play golf only for recreation.
4. This magnificent 19Ih century palace was turned into a holiday centre.
5. The first prize is a day of relaxation in a luxury spa. 6. He resigned
last year and has been in retirement since. 7. I am glad to be able to
have two days off next week.
The trial judge refused the defendant’s self-defense plea on the
ground that he had used unequal force. 2. He was denied the right to
see his lawyer. 3. Some parents refuse to deny their children anyt­
hing. 4. There is no denying her popularity and success as a celebrity.
5. The brakes failed and the van crashed into a tree. 6.1 approached my
boss about a rise*, and she turned me down flat. 7. He denies himself
" Am. - raise.
He refused to lend me any more money. 2. I’m almost certain th
will have to reject their offer. 3. The company rejected the entire ship­
ment. 4. How could you turn down such a fantastic job? 5. The minister
declined to comment on the rumors. 6. Senior executives flatly refused to
comment as they left the meeting. 7. The injury forced him to withdraw
from the competition. 8. His wife finally persuaded him to give up smo­
king. 9. The new arrangement would mean giving up some of their politi­
cal claims. 10. Both leaders feared that the other would go back on his
word. 11. He dropped his claim, and agreed to pay the defendants’ costs.
12.1 can’t say “no” to his tempting offer. 13. He explicitly denied his sig­
nature, claiming that it has been forged.
She opened her shopping bag and took out the umbrella. 2. Ther
are plans to open the gardens to the public. 3. We’re opening a hotline
for enquiries about our product. 4. She opened the debate by summa­
rizing her party’s position. 5. The changes have opened the way to free
elections in the country. 6. Troops opened fire on the crowd. 7. Turn
on the hot water, would you? 8. They unveiled the statue at yesterday’s
ceremony. 9. We have only recently discovered the benefits of medi­
tation. 10. Lay your cards on the table, the truth has to come out.
11. Open up! This is police!
l.The library doesn’t open until 9.30. 2. The college first opened its
doors in the 1960-s.
3. The telecommunications market has been
opened up to competition. 4. The trout fishing season opened last week.
5. The agency helps hundreds of businesses to start up each year.
6. Does the door open inwards or outwards? 7. If the flowers are ope­
ning and freezing weather is forecast, cut a bouquet for yourself to en­
joy it indoors. 8. Going freelance opens up all sorts of possibilities to
you. 9. It has taken a few months, but she is starting to open up to me.
По-русски мы говорим так...
1. Posting a letter to an address abroad is not unlike posting a letter
to someone at home. 2. They mailed the parcel the day before yester­
day. 3. Your order was shipped by U.P.S. 4. The Supreme Court
works to ensure that justice is administered fairly across the country.
1. Your plane takes off in ten minutes. 2. You don’t want to set off
on a long journey with a frazzled mind. 3. He goes to bed at the crack
of dawn. 4. We are leaving for Rome next week. 5. He started off for
the station at a brisk pace.
1. They are protesting about low wages. 2. Factories had to increase
hourly payments to workers. 3. He failed to make payments on time
and they repossessed his car. 4. Such treatment didn’t seem a fair pay­
ment for his years of loyalty. 5. Fees for copies of Public Records shall
be imposed by the office according to the standard scale of fees. 6. Be­
cause of the crisis colleges can no longer continue to raise tuition rates
as they did in the past. 7. The judge has ordered the defendant to pay
legal fees and damages to the plaintiff. 8. The gallery charges a small
entrance fee. 9. She argued with a cab driver after refusing to pay her
fare. 10. You will have to pay a small admission fee. 11. Breakfast
may be served in your room at no extra charge.
1. It’s sometimes hard to maintain the right balance between your
work and your home life. 2. Though now in government, he has main­
tained close contacts with his former colleagues in the oil industry.
3. Vast majority will support the proposed tax cut. 4. A pair of wooden
beams was the only thing supporting the roof. 5. If you need to support
yourself, hold on to a chair. 6. I would like to express my sincere grati­
tude to all who supported our appeal. 7. Our conclusions are supported
by extensive research. 8. You need to support your claim with other
documentation. 9. If I ask for more money will you back me up?
10. Keeping the conversation going is not always an easy task. 11. He
took a conversation class to keep up his English. 12. I’ll keep in touch
with you through email. 13. What team do you support?
1. We drove past fields of barley. 2. The English striker left the
field with a knee injury. 3. Professor Edwards is one of the main ex­
perts in his field. 4. Type your name in the User field. 5. A man
walked into my field of view. 6. Someone made notes in the margin.
7. Magnetic fields are produced by all electric currents. 8. Every plane­
tary body is surrounded by its own gravitational field. 9. The troops
took to the battlefield.
1. The geographical location of the country has made it a perpetual
battleground. 2. Every time I stand up from a sitting position I get light
headed. 3. Raise the handle to the upright position to get the water to
flow. 4. A person in his position can’t afford to take that kind of risk.
5. I’m not in a position to make any financial contribution to any pro­
ject. 6. A further injection of capital strengthened the company’s posi­
tion. 7. This chart shows relative position of the planets. 8. Such be­
havior was clearly not acceptable for someone in a position of authori­
ty. 9. Do your best to remedy the situation or you’ll lose everything.
10. The public transportation network is in a very deplorable state.
11. State of emergency was declared when things changed for the
worse. 12. The participants discussed the current international situa­
tion. 13. A person’s marital status indicates whether the person is mar­
ried. 14. Some employers include special clauses in employment con­
tracts to protect trade secrets and confidential information. 15. He al­
ways seeks to be the master of the situation.
По-русски мы говорим так...
After a member of Parliament proposes a motion another membe
must second it before it is accepted for discussion. 2. Proposals for
a new constitution are under discussion. 3. The committee is to consi­
der the proposal for a new national anthem. 4. The committee rejected
a suggestion that share options should be offered to junior employees.
5. It was at his suggestion that I attended the meeting. 6. After weig­
hing all the options I have decided to accept your offer. 7. The offer of
financial aid is subject to and conditioned upon receipt of funds from all
funding sources. 8. Two actors were approached about playing the role
and turned down the offer. 9. I’ve had a few interviews, but no job of­
fers yet. 10. It was an offer he couldn’t refuse.
He introduced himself as Dr. Brown. 2. The contractor’s sche­
dule of work will be submitted next week. 3. The task should present
no difficulty for someone of her experience. 4. The movie presents a
disturbing image of youth culture. 5. Statistics can be used to challenge
theories that are presented as facts. 6. How and when you present your
references is as important as what they say. 7. Hamlet does not seek his
revenge, till the opportunity presents itself. 8. Prototype for a new jet
aircraft has been revealed to the public. 9. No family member attended
court to provide evidence at the hearing. 10. Landslides and falling
rocks pose a serious danger to climbers. 11. I read this story and tried
to imagine the scene. 12. Imagine my surprise when they announced I
had won! 13. Anyone can nominate a team for an award. 14. The Pre­
sident himself will represent his country at the ceremony.
We recognize that there are significant differences between
stockholders. 2. She freely admits that she made mistakes. 3. He ple­
aded guilty in front of the jury. 4. Most fishermen recognize the need to
limit fishing. 5. This university’s diploma is recognized all over the
world. 6. The election was declared invalid. 7. The labor agreement
was effectively nullified once the company was sold. 8. He admitted
his disappointment at the court’s decision, and said he would fight on.
9. He never acknowledges his mistakes, his ego can’t handle it.
10. This company is widely acknowledged as the premier producer of
professional sports equipment. 11. We appreciate his talent as an actor,
but not as a singer. 12. He has been knighted in recognition of his ser­
vices to the Crown.
We are proud to be here to accept this award on behalf of the ci­
vil rights movement. 2. They offered her a job, and she accepted with­
out hesitation. 3. This argument is unlikely to be accepted by the court.
4. Most scientists accept that climate change is linked to carbon emis­
sions. 5. The media must accept their share of the blame for the situa­
tion. 6. A publisher in New York has accepted her novel for publica­
tion. 7. Some of the new pay-phones have credit card slots, which ac­
cept most major credit cards. 8. The Stock Exchange will admit six
firms as new members. 9. She got a job as a computer programmer with
a big company. 10.1 took her for an American. 11. His first priority was
assuming control of the army. 12. It was one of the worst laws ever passed
by this Congress. 13. After he retired she temporarily took over his respon­
sibilities as a director. 14. Take two aspirins before you go to bed.
15. Don’t take anything for granted, work and always try your hardest.
16.She took it as a joke, and didn’t take him seriously. 17. Don’t take his
threats at face value. 18. With a satellite dish you can receive hundreds of
channels. 19. The hotel is now open to receive guests.
When a fuse blows it makes the electrical equipment stop. 2. As
champagne corks popped we cheered and congratulated each other on
our victory. 3. Wine corks can be natural and synthetic. 4. On my way
to work I got stuck in a huge traffic jam, that stretched for miles.
5. A good plug prevents water from flowing through the hole in a sink.
По-русски мы говорим так...
1. Не checked the contents of the package carefully. 2. All busi­
nesses should be audited regularly for the sake of transparency.
3. Would you check the brakes on my car, please? 4. It’s important to
have your eyes regularly checked. 5. Check our website for details of
our special offers. 6. The editor wanted all facts verified again. 7. The
police are checking his fingerprints against their database. 8. I took
some pictures just to test the camera. 9. Customs officers came aboard
to check our documents and inspect our luggage. 10. There was no way
to verify his claims. 11. The teachers did not grade their own students’
papers. 12. The new equipment must be thoroughly tested before it is
1. We have spent a great deal of time arguing over the details of the
contract. 2. An investigation is being carried out by the police depart­
ment. 3. The government agreed to hold a referendum. 4. The parties
held talks on that issue last month. 5. He has conducted an impressive
election campaign. 6. The interview was conducted by telephone.
7. The writer drew parallels between the two societies. 8. He drew a
thick line on a blank sheet of paper. 9. Lost in thought he ran his hand
over his hair.
1. He carefully guided his ship through a narrow channel. 2. Can
I see you home? 3. My secretary will see you to the door. 4. We wanted
to give her a good send off. 5. He saw them off at the station. 6. His
eyes followed the car to the end of the driveway. 7. See him off the
premises and make sure he never returns! 8. He had too much to drink
and we’d better take him home. 9. After showing us the dining room
the real estate agent led us into the kitchen. 10. Dismounting I led the
horse by the reins back to the stable.
1. Under the protocol of Intentions, both parties have agreed to es­
tablish academic and scientific cooperation. 2. A diplomatic protocol
is the code of international courtesy governing the conduct of those in
the diplomatic service, or otherwise engaged in international relations.
3. Shall we hear the minutes of the last meeting? 4. The secretary of the
board takes the minutes and distributes them to the full board for ap­
proval before they are officially accepted. 5. We would require the final
test report before we can sign the agreement. 6. Seating arrangements
at diplomatic dinner are dictated by protocol. 7. Anyone is entitled to
examine any unsealed court record. 8. What the minister said in a
closed meeting was off the record.
1. He stretched his hand towards her. 2. The beach stretched for
miles in each direction. 3. The traffic stretched as far as the eye could
see. 4. She reached out to touch his face. 5. We are reaching out to the
most vulnerable members of the community, who need our helping
hand. 6. An industrial zone stretched along the river. 7. They held out
their hands for a handshake, greeting each other. 8. A new telephone
line is being installed. 9. Don’t delay if you want to get your order by
Christmas. 10. Try to live within your means because as the saying
goes, “Cut the coat according to your cloth”.
1. The report absolves the pilot from any blame for the crash.
2. While 1 could never condone her actions you can see clearly what
led her to it. 3. I’m sorry - I shouldn’t have blamed you. 4. Sony,
I should have phoned you to let you know I’d be late. 5. I’m sorry for
the intrusion, but you have a phone call. 6. I’m sorry, what is your
name again? 7. I’m sorry, but could you please be more specific?
8. I hope you'll excuse us for leaving a little early. 9. Please excuse my
handwriting. 10. Excuse me, what time is it? 11. I will never forgive
По-русски мы говорим так...
you for what you have done. 12. He took pity on her and forgave her
debt altogether.
We are looking carefully at all the options. 2. I wrote a letter
of complaint, and the airline has promised to look into the matter.
3. I take it as a challenge. 4. The letters were too small and I had to use
a magnifying glass to figure out the text. 5. We will examine all the
key proposals. 6. She opened the suitcase and examined the contents.
7. He scrutinized each item on the table. 8. He stared at her for a
while, but she ignored him completely. 9. I can make out just a few
words on this page. 10. The committee met to consider issues relating
to road maintenance. 11. Her manuscript is being considered for publi­
cation. 12. We all consider him a hero.
I’ll have to have this ring stretched. 2. I don’t like the fabrics tha
stretch as you wear them. 3. Little birds are caught in nets stretched
between the trees. 4. He cannot take part in the competition, because he
pulled a muscle. 5. What is the point of prolonging the agony, when
everything has been decided already. 6. He stretched out on the beach.
7. Paul’s initial two months work ultimately stretched to five.
The temperature in the museum is carefully controlled. 2. The
two countries undertook to take steps to normalize their relations.
3. We are going to settle our differences, once and for all. 4. Neither
side shows any intention of settling the conflict at this stage. 5. The
case was settled out of court for an undisclosed amount of money.
6. You can’t see well through a telescope unless it is adjusted correctly
to your sight.
The doctor gave me a prescription for antibiotics. 2. You can no
buy a prescription medication over the counter. 3. Our formula for
economic recovery should be to cut taxes and spending. 4. Can I get
your recipe for the apple pie, please? It is always delicious. 5. There is
no single formula for all the occasions. 6. What would be your person­
al formula for happiness?
He decided to stay and see what would happen. 2. In the end we
decided against buying the house because it was too small. 3. We de­
cided on Spain for our holiday this year. 4. I can’t make up my mind
whether to go there or not. 5. This goal decided the outcome of the
whole game. 6. Is the matter finally settled? 7. It doesn’t take much
effort to solve a crossword puzzle. 8. We can help you solve your credit
problems. 9. He is good at analytical problems, but has poor communi­
cation skills. 10. He took to drinking and that determined his fate as an
We found a nice level spot for a picnic. 2. If the surface is not fla
and level, the ball will not roll properly. 3. The table kept wobbling
because the floor wasn’t perfectly even. 4. Humidity and temperature
in museums need to be even. 5. Your breathing becomes very quiet and
even after several minutes of meditation. 6. It’s sometimes hard to
maintain the right balance between your work and your home life.
7. She smiled, showing her small even white teeth. 8. An even number
is a number that is evenly divisible by 2. 9. Iceland has a relatively
mild and equable climate, despite its high altitude and its proximity to
the Arctic. 10. If the baby keeps screaming, just keep talking to her in a
calm and quiet voice. 11. The baby’s even breathing told the parents
that he had drifted off. 12. Your writing should flow smoothly and log­
ically, so that your arguments unfold in a systematic way. 13. Exactly
5 3ак. 1200
По-русски мы говорим так...
one year ago he gave his first concert. 14. The presents were divided up
in a most equable manner.
1. Several key witnesses have agreed to testify against him. 2. The
scattered ruins testify to the existence of a once large and prosperous
town. 3. These facts speak in his favor. 4. This witness was never
called to testify. 5. What we are witnessing right now is that this party
is running out of fresh ideas. 6. Could you witness my signature
on this document, please? 7. In the past the sea level was much higher,
as is witnessed by remnants of raised beaches. 8. Government auditors
will certify the financial statements. 9. Beef certified for export must be
safe and free from any disease. 10. A host of satisfied customers can
testify to the high quality nature of our work. 11. He witnessed to ha­
ving seen the accused near the scene of the crime.
1. Plenty of free parking is available around the hotel property.
2. If the rodeo rider touches the animal with his free hand, he is disqual­
ified. 3. You are free to come and go as you please. 4. We would like
to believe that we live in a free society. 5. We all have to stick together
to defend our right to free speech. 6. I’m a little occupied at the mo­
ment, but I’ll be free this afternoon. 7. Several countries are consider­
ing setting up a new free trade zone. 8. The medical term “free radi­
cals” describes highly reactive molecules produced by cells during
normal metabolism. 9. Next week I am taking a day off on Wednesday.
10. You can complete the application in a free form narrative format.
11. The goal of these programs is to further develop free market institu­
tions. 12. After boarding the bus, there seemed to be no vacant seats
left on it. 13. Non-profit and charity organizations may apply for feder­
al tax exemption. 14. The admission to the museum is free on Tuesday.
15. For some reason she prefers loose clothes. 16. He is fluent in three
foreign languages. 17. Free enterprise is the basis of market economy.
1. I fail to see the connection between the two cases. 2. The time
delay is noticeable when you have a phone connection via satellite.
3. He used his party connections to get a government job. 4.1 definitely
see no connection between the two phenomena. 5. There is a direct
causal connection between poverty and crime. 6. The experience bon­
ded us together. 7. Some experts still dispute the link between carbon
emissions and climate change. 8. A permanent satellite link provided
instant communication with the company headquarters. 9. This is what
I have to say in this connection. 10. This writer seems to have lost
touch with reality. 11. The bill will eliminate all legal barriers to the
effective use of electronic communication in transactions. 12. Electro­
nic mail is the cheapest way to stay in touch with all your friends.
1. Although the Pope can declare a saint immediately, the normal
process is that two miracles must be associated with the potential saint.
2. They had a guided tour of the holy city of Jerusalem. 3. Christian
Bible is called the Holy Bible or the Holy Book. 4. The Holy Land is
a term, which refers to the geographical region of no definite border.
5. Holy water is the water sanctified by a priest. 6. A Holy War is de­
clared or fought for a religious or high moral purpose, such as to extend
or defend a religion. 7. Jerusalem is sacred to the three great monothe­
istic religions of Christians, Muslims, and Jews. 8. They are making
fun of everything, nothing is sacred to them.
1. They checked their luggage with the airline, and went for a cup of
coffee. 2. Please hand in your keys when you leave the hotel. 3. They
decided to rent out their apartment for a year. 4. The commission has
been disbanded and its reports relegated to the archive. 5. Donating
blood gives a great feeling that comes with knowing that you may have
По-русски мы говорим так...
saved somebody’s live. 6. How many pieces of luggage do you have to
check? 7. She traded in her old car for a brand new one. 8. The sus­
pects have been handed over to the authorities. 9. She needs to have her
blood tested. 10. Look! The car in front of us is backing up. 11. The
new office building is to be delivered on a turnkey basis.
How do I create and save a new file? 2. A significant number of
new jobs have been created by the computer industry. 3. Soft music
creates a relaxing atmosphere. 4. Almost everyone tries to project a
positive image of themselves to others. 5. She succeeded in creating an
impression of an innocent victim. 6. The article creates an illusion that
the problem discussed is of vital importance. 7. Charitable organiza­
tions are supposed to be set up with a mission to serve a public cause.
8.1 don’t really think they are made for each other, they are just too dif­
ferent. 9. He is not cut out to be a doctor.
People offering their services voluntarily need to know that they
are making a difference and fighting for a just cause. 2. A fair trial re­
quires competent, neutral and detached judge. 3. The suspicions
proved to be justified. 4. This was an equitable decision, acceptable to
both parties. 5. We stand in full support of the just demands of interna­
tional peace and security. 6. It’s only fair that rich people should pay
a higher share of taxes.
I wish you hadn’t invited me. You put me into an embarrassing
situation. 2. Having too little money to spend has put me at a disad­
vantage with my friends. 3. Please, sign the document here, at the bot­
tom and have it stamped. 4. The council members put the proposal to
vote. 5. An old monument erected on the former battlefield is still lo­
vingly preserved. 6. He may lay down any conditions he wants, but we
don’t have to accept them. 7. I believe my final test was graded fairly.
8. I got my phone line connected the other day, so here’s my number.
9. I’ll put the kettle on, we’ll have tea. 10. I think nothing of him, he’s
just an annoying political commentator. 11. He did his utmost to put
spokes in the wheels of other candidates running for the post. 12. Be­
fore putting roses into the vase, cut the stems diagonally. 13. Have you
taken his temperature? He seems to be running a fever. 14. Setting
a digital watch can be a frustrating experience. 15. Let’s agree to disa­
gree and leave it at that.
He is a strict teacher, but we all like him. 2. He was not really
depressed in the strict sense of the word, just a little preoccupied.
3. Anything you tell us is in the strictest confidence. 4.1 think the sen­
tence was too harsh. 5. Criminality should be confronted by rigorous
enforcement of the law. 6. The court issued a stern warning to the dri­
ver. 7. He is a man of strict rules. He always demands a rigorous record
keeping. 8. He is a workaholic and a man of austere tastes. 9. Austere
economic policies were designed to allow the country to ride out the
economic depression. 10. No one wants to be permanently on a strict
diet and indeed this is often the reason why many diets fail. 11. The
employee responsible for the error has been given a severe reprimand
along with a written warning. 12. She always dresses in formal clothes.
13. My morals are strict and I might be a bit too uptight. 14. Austerity
measures imposed by the government led to antigovemment demonstra­
The winter is very severe, cold and nasty. 2. Huskies are an
active, energetic and resilient breed whose ancestors came from the
extremely cold and harsh environment of the Siberian Arctic. 3. As a
child Charles Dickens was exposed to hard living conditions. 4. He
gave me a stem look that made me feel uneasy. 5. In some cases wor­
По-русски мы говорим так...
kers are left with no option, but to resort to drastic measures. 6. Facing
up to the bleak truth is often too hard. 7. She was pondering over the
harsh realities of life she was facing. 8. This journalist is known for his
harsh criticism of the government environmental policy.
1. The ground underfoot was fairly firm and not too muddy.
2. I sleep better on a firm mattress. 3. The US dollar remained firm
against the yen today. 4. There was never a firm commitment that the
President would attend the conference. 5. It is my firm belief that we
should encourage debate about key issues, affecting the whole nation.
6. What the party needs now is firm leadership. 7. This special plastic
was chosen because it is very hard and durable. 8. Annuities provide
income payments for a fixed period of time or for life. 9. Given the
choice between a hardcover book and a paperback, I pick the hardcover
every time. 10. It takes a special and steadfast person to be able to stay
true to oneself. 11. I had to use a firm hand with him when he was
a child. 12. Writing a persuasive speech can be easier than you think
as long as you have a solid knowledge of the subject. 13. The law pre­
sumes that every person who has reached his or her legal age is of
sound mind. 14. He is a hard nut to crack and suspicious of everybody.
1. We were sitting in the shade and eating our lunch. 2. The painter
used different textures and shades to represent different seasons.
3. The dark history and secrets of this old castle are summoned from the
shadows of the past. 4. Even on a bright day the house was in the
shade. 5. The trees cast long, scary shadows in the evening light.
6. Some puppies love chasing their own shadows. 7. With most of its
best players traded away, the team was reduced to a shadow of its for­
mer self. 8. Your eye shadows should reflect your mood, attitude, and
lifestyle. 9. These claims would not hold up in court, none of them con­
tains the barest trace of truth. 10. Although his views were always
generally accepted he invariably caused a shadow of doubt. 11. Trying
to confuse the matter, he attempted to cast a shadow of suspicion on his
1. He was sympathetic to their demands. 2. He is not in the position
to make any demands right now. 3. They were not willing to meet her
demands. 4. The current technical standards for the new equipment are
currently under review and may require further analysis. 5. It is an ondemand bus stop. 6. If you do not meet work requirements, as defined
in your individual employment plan, you will be notified in writing that
you may be subject to a financial penalty. 7. Some of the claims made
were overly ambitious. 8. It is helpful to secure the services of an expe­
rienced attorney when first filing your claim for social security bene­
fits. 9. This cutting edge technology meets the demands of a digital
1. Please, make yourself comfortable. 2. I feel ill at ease among
people I don’t know. 3. Is the time of the meeting convenient for you?
4. Is it all right if I leave right now? 5. If it’s convenient call me tomor­
row before noon. 6. Electronic mail make communications easy, con­
venient and cheap. 7. How very inconvenient life would be without the
cell phones.
1. The rescue was carried out under extremely difficult conditions.
2. Prison conditions need urgent improvement. 3. The project aims to
provide better living conditions and health care for the elderly. 4. Many
of the refugees are living in appalling conditions without access to safe
drinking water. 5. In order to qualify for the loan you have to meet
strict financial conditions. 6. All other things being equal he would
most likely get the job. 7. Make sure you read the terms and conditions
carefully before signing the contract. 8. They gave the interview on
По-русски мы говорим так...
condition that their names would not be mentioned in the article.
9. He had little choice but to accept their terms. 10. His terms are very
reasonable. 11. Athletes need to know they are competing on equal
terms. 12. Cancellation under certain circumstances is covered by your
travel insurance. 13. Under no circumstances we will share our client’s
personal information with a third party. 14. We had to agree to the
terms of the contract.
Crime has decreased since the police surveillance cameras were
installed. 2. Do you have a smoke alarm installed in your office?
3. The court established an important legal precedent in this case. 4. He
was eager to establish good relations with the business community.
5. We have established the fact that you were present that afternoon.
6. We have fixed our fees for the next three years. 7. Interest rates have
been fixed at a rate below 5 percent. 8. Two of the suspects have been
positively identified by witnesses. 9. It is best for an individual to dis­
cover the truth by his own methods rather than accepting the arguments
of others. 10. Banks need to be able to run a criminal background
check, to make sure that candidates do not have a criminal record.
11. When was the monument set up?
This great Victorian house will be preserved intact and opened t
the public. 2. It was quite a trip with many difficulties, but we got
home safe and sound. 3. Some of the statues were broken, but others
were still undamaged. 4. There is a whole range of therapies that may
be suitable. 5. The value of the whole can sometimes be greater than
the sum of its parts. 6. He disliked the acting, but enjoyed the play as a
whole. 7. The hostages were rescued unharmed. 8. On the whole she
felt that the report was fair. 9. He swallowed the plum whole, without
chewing it. 10. I haven’t seen him the whole evening. 11. Reports in­
dicated that no building was left intact after the fire. 12. Since the estate
can not be sold as a whole, it will have to be split up.
The minister has been using public funds to finance private dea­
lings. 2. A private investigator is also called a “private detective” or a
“private eye”. 3. A private enterprise refers to a commercial enterprise
that is owned by private investors, shareholders or owners. 4. Expert
teachers can offer private tutoring tailored to your specific language
needs. 5. I don’t like people meddling in my private affairs. 6. It’s a
special case rather than a rule. 7. We should deal with arising problem
on a case-by-case basis.
He always keeps a spare clean shirt at the office. 2. Everything i
the house was spotless clean. 3. He earned an estimated one million
dollars net last year. 4. It was a pure chance that they also happened to
be there at that time. 5. Natural gas is the cleanest burning fuel availa­
ble, with virtually zero emissions. 6. Would you give me a clean sheet
of paper, please? - You mean a blank sheet, don’t you? 7. Fresh and
pure, white roses represent all that is innocent and truthful. 8. It was
a clean and significant victory for our team. 9. Net weight refers to the
weight of the product alone, discounting the weight of its container or
packaging. 10. Getting involved into this plot was sheer madness. 11. The
speaker did his best to bring his opponent out into the open. 12. This pow­
erful self-help book will help you to turn over a new leaf in your life.
1. He was practicing his new dance steps for the competition.
2. The mailbox is just a few steps from my front door. 3. He doesn’t
care for other people. He would never lift a finger to help anyone.
4. It’s not the best deal for the staff, but it’s a step in the right direction.
5. The new microchip is a major step forward in computer technology.
6. Step by step you will leam everything you want to know about compu­
ters. 7. He slowed his pace to observe where she went. 8. The soldiers
marched in step during the parade training. 9. We filmed the first steps of
our baby. 10. Walking in rapid strides, he hastened back to the house.
Fill in the blanks with an appropriate word or word
combination from part one and give other possible variants.
1. Any social reforms that the government would like to implement
require a solid__________. 2. We could react to this challenge the way
we think right but in any case we should__________. 3. The agreement
between the members of the alliance is the ______________ of their
common policy. 4. Huge raw materials sources provide a solid
_________for industrial development of this country. 5. This trading
company has constructed two large__________ near the port and close
to the railway station. 6. The US has a few military_________ situated
very far from its own territory. 7. In accordance with the new
programme every school will have its own sport ________________ .
8. Industrial development should be accompanied by the development
of electric_________ that would make the work of factories and plants
possible. 9. The delivered products will be stored in_________ before
they are taken to retail outlets. 10. The local authorities had to admit
that their village schools have very poor__________ . 11. Students can
not afford hotel accommodation they prefer to put up a tent or stay at
1. A special UN body called__________deals with threats to the
_________of states -members of the organization. 2. Terrorism is a
threat to international-__________ . 3. Recently a penalty for not
fastening __________ in one’s car has been increased. 4. Police is
responsible for_________ of every citizen but it is also the concern of
every man and woman. 5. In this place they were__________ from any
attack. 6. Many accidents have been reported from this mine,
apparently _________ leaves much to be desired there. 7. Newly
established _________ tiy to improve ___________ situation in the
1. Kids are out of danger I am sure. You have nothing
2. Sorry to________ you but this is rather urgent. 3. What__________
me a lot is that you are wasting your potential and misuse your talent.
4- Don’t _________ please. I can easily do it myself. 5. “What is
________ you?” the doctor asked. 6. It was such a stupid question
I didn’t even_________to reply.
1. What a lovely_________ ! What do you use it for? 2. Traditional
dinner in Russia consists of three_________. 3. To bake good pies you
need a special________ .
1. I think he_________ . He was coughing and sneezing yesterday.
2. She is _________ with the flu. 3. She complained of severe
________ in her chest. 4. If you have a__________ you must go to the
dentist at once. 5. I was cold and sat down very close to the fire, soon
the smoke made my eyes ___________ . 6. I know you are fond of
football. What club __________ ? 7. She is very reliable, she really
________ what she is doing. 8. She looks so unhappy. My heart
________ for her. 9. “Does it__________ here?” the doctor asked. 10.
It _________ rne to hear such things about someone I trusted.
11. You sound as an extremist .You are very________ . 12. You have
misunderstood me. I did not mean to___________ you. 13. You may
stay at home and have the necessary treatment as an_________. 14. He
is not really_________ but he has some psychic problems. 15. If one’s
illness returns periodically we call such person__________ . 16. Only
________ are staying in intensive care wards. 17. This country can
hardly count on rapid changes for the better because of its__________ .
18. I know that only I am to blame and not going to________ . 19. The
proportion of the haves and the have nots has always been a
________ subject.
По-русски мы говорим так...
l.Look! They__________the wedding cake. 2. Education there is
not free students must_________ and the fee is rather high. 3. The new
CEO is determined__________in the traditional mode of work in the
company. 4. You can__________in any bank, the interest you will get
will be about the same. 5. The speaker stressed that everyone must
_________to the stable growth of the company. 6. All the suggestions
were discussed and __________ to the final text of the agreement.
7. Every participant of the conference can ____________ a proposal.
8. The appearance of a popular film star__________ the dull gathering.
9. According to the constitution any deputy can ____________ a bill.
10. The soil in this area is not good, you can not count on good crops if
you don’t__________ it. 11. Rapid and continuous changing of the
staff_________ disorder in the smooth work routine. 12. Answering
questions the speaker_________ some points of his presentation which
some people misunderstood. 13. After a long and hot debate the clause
_________into the treaty. 14. These pretty little things will certainly
_________the room. 15. Will you___________ the list, I would like to
go on that excursion. 16. As a rule the government______________the
budget for the following year to the Parliament in the middle of the
current year.
1. Surfing in________ seas in extremely dangerous. 2. There was
great_________ among the people waiting for the Pope to appear on
the balcony. 3. Though she was on the stage for years she always
_________before starting her performance. 4. The PM was sure that
the_________ in the capital city will not turn into an uprising. 5. This
scholar is well known as his new theory _______________ the minds.
6. Though he is a good driver driving in traffic jams always makes
him_________ . 7. 1 did not know where the children were and that
made me_________ . 8. As the rumours about a possible lockout were
spreading people became_________ . 9. 1 really don’t_________ what
they will decide, 1 know that I am right.
1. Though his head is_________ he goes__________ all the year
round. 2. No one can win a war with _____________ hands, you need
weapons. 3. The__________facts were really shocking. 4. It was late
autumn,_________ fields were stretching on either side of the road.
5. This artist usually painted his women-sitters_________ . 6. Doctors
recommend to walk on green grass_________ . 7. The shore was rocky
with_________ cliffs along the seaside. 8. You will not be able to
change the situation for the better by__________ you should study the
roots of the conflict and speak to people. 9. The tourists had to sleep on
________ but were happy they had found some shelter in the stormy
1. He seems to be a little deaf in one ear, he always speaks in an
very_________ voice. 2. All articles in this newspaper appear under
________ names, and they attract more attention. 3. Princess Diana’s
death has been __________ since the time of the car crash in Paris.
4. What I don’t like about his manner of speaking is that he uses a lot of
words but the meaning is nothing but shallow.
1._________ flattery of one of those present made all the others
feel uneasy. 2. The jacket was made of__________fabric and cost very
little. 3. She did everything herself in her vegetable garden and after
hard work her hands were___________ . 4. This cream is very good
for_________skin. 5. His__________ words sounded offensive. 6. He
looks a_________ but in actual fact he has very good manners and is
very knowledgeable. 7. The decision of the government, was described
by newspapers as __________ interference in the internal affairs of
another country. 8. The footballer was penalized for___________ play.
9. These young people will never yield to ________________ force.
10. Refusing to hire this black teacher was a case of_______________
violation of anti-discrimination law. 11. His stories are full
По-русски мы говорим так...
of_________ jokes, but some people find them amusing and don’t
mind them. 12. If you multiply your weekly pay by fifty you will get
the_________ of the annual earnings. 13. Refusing to continue the talks
was a_________mistake of the Minister. 14. He is a good and kind man
but at times his behaviour is extremely________. 15. The teacher’s loud
and_________voice made his little pupils feel frightened.
1. He decided not to work for anyone any more and start
_________. 2. He hates to be_________ , thinking that it’s the waste of
time and tries always to keep__________. 3. He hates it when his wife
tries to_________ , and always tells her harshly to__________ . 4. It is
entirely my_________ , it does not__________ anyone else. 5. What
one likes or does not like is__________ of taste. 6. People often judge
their leaders by promises they make , they should rather judge them by
their_________ . 7. Please stop beating about the bush and__________.
8. To defend your motherland is a_________ indeed. 9. We all must
join our forces as overcoming the crisis and building a healthy
economy is our__________ . 10. Personal___________are kept in this
big cabinet. 11. He was extremely rude, he must apologize, it’s
_________of principle. 12. Human rights are violated there nearly
every day and the world community seems not to__________ . 13. This
_________has been taken to the Court of Appeal. 14. This new device
must be__________before it is recommended to consumers. 15. Do
you know if he has come_________ or for pleasure?
1. Could you give me a_________ book? I didn’t like the one I’ve
read. 2. This tea has a wonderful flavour. Would you give me
_________ cup? 3. There are five pictures of this painter at the
exhibition. One is a still life, ____________ are landscapes. 4. Your
students are not in this room. They must be__________ . 5. John is not
feeling well now, you’d better call on him_________ . 6. We are broke,
_________we’ve lost all our money. 7. Both women seemed to be
shocked, and __________ knew what to say. 8. On the one hand
globalization brings some benefits for nations but__________ it causes
some grave problems. 9. Nobody likes it when ______________ people
interfere in their affairs. 10. Only one student is absent,__________ are
1. It happened __________ 1903. Russia was a different country
then. 2.__________squadron is going to be sent to put down the rising.
3. “ Is he________ in the office? “ “ Yes, he hasn’t left___________ ”.
4-_________ he must stay in the hospital. 5. People say Moscow has
become_________ more beautiful. They like it__________more.
1. Usually people ___________ those who are unemployed and
homeless. 2. The policeman ___________ the boys and let them go.
3. He hated his job and________ the time and efforts he had to spend
on it. 4. Once you take a decision, go ahead and act on it, don’t
________ it- 5. The party____________no expenses on the election
campaign hoping to win the majority in the Parliament. 6. When he
was after something he really wanted he didn’t_________ .
1. The demands of the strikers were__________ and they were not
inclined to step back. 2. Farmers don’t usually throw away__________
bread but give it to their live-stock. 3. If you have pain in your back
you should sleep on a ___________ bed. 4. ___________ water may
damage your washing machine if you don’t use special washing
powder. 5. In the past school teachers were recommended to practice
________ discipline,__________ control and__________ punishments
of the pupils. 6. I don’t think that a good boss is the one who is
________ people working for him. 7. The deadline is____________ if
we can not make it the company will be severely penalized. 8. Many
Americans believe that __________ laws on firearms are necessary.
9. The meat was so_________ that I could hardly cut it. 10. In this
По-русски мы говорим так...
outdoor theatre the seats were so _____________ that visitors were
provided with cushions. 11. He was a man of__________ character and
it was not so easy to get along with him.12. Her hair looked_________,
dirty and unkept. 13. If the door doesn’t have a___________ frame it’s
not really safe. 14. For cross-country skiing you need a__________ ski
binding but for mountain skiing a_________ ski binding is necessary.
1. Though the main entrance is in perfect order all the family is in
the habit of coming and leaving through__________ . 2. He often puts
his wallet in his_________ and it was stolen from it twice. 3. The front
wheels are all right but there is a puncture in the left____________one.
4. Old dogs often have problems with their_________ legs. 5. In the
famous Shishkin’s picture there are three little bears in the foreground
and the pine forest___________. 6. This actress enjoys being in the
public eye so much that she tries to _________________ other people
_________. 7. Car drivers should always keep their front and
_________lights in good working order. 8. When you learn driving
it’s rather hard to master__________ and__________ . 9. He tried to
assure us that there was no__________ in his plan of action. 10. The
administration agreed on a fifteen percent increase_________ since the
beginning of last August. 11. When she thought about her last week’s
meeting with her boss she realized_________ how close she had come
then to wrecking her career. 12. Let her rest a bit, after a full day’s
work she usually is__________ . 13. She hated that “yes” man who
always _________ his boss. 14. When all the preparations were
completed we were_________ .
1. She had problems with her feet therefore she had to buy
_________shoes. 2. That was obviously a_____________ article as its
ideas and message ran counter to the views of the editor-in- chief and
his board. 3. The murder of the deputy head of the Central bank was
undoubtedly a_________ . 4. If the letter is very important you should
send it as___________ . 5. He asked his secretary____________ all the
letters to be sure that the information would get to the addressees in
1. Neither team won, the match ___________ . 2. Our attempt to
persuade our partner to support our plan of action__________ . He said
he would act according to his own plan. 3. Pupils are not allowed to
leave the classroom until the lesson__________. 4. Speaking about her
educational background she mentioned that she _______________ the
University ten years ago. 5. The party leader____________ his speech
repeating the main items of the programme. 6. When a youngster
_________ school he has to make up his or her mind whether to
continue education or start working. 7. If the teacher says:
“________ ” he means that the lesson is over even if the bell hasn’t
1. These people_________ the apartment since the house was built.
2. The old woman had to be standing as all the seats in the bus were
_________. 3. This sofa looks quite comfortable but Г m afraid it’s too
big and would_________ . 4. The new head of the Board of directors
will_________ in two week’s time. 5. The remaining two vacancies
_________ by black women. 6. Do you think she will be the first
woman_________ of the President? 7. My favorite team got the Cup
as it_________ in the competition. 8. During the Great Patriotic war
a huge part of the country’s territory was____________ by the enemy.
9. Two years ago these towns were_________ by the rebels. 10. I ‘11
________ a seat for you in case you are late. 11. People had
_________for tickets. 12. How long___________ to get to your office
during the rush hours?
1. Usually_________ is caused by germs in the mouth. 2. This
meat has got rotten. It___________ . 3. I like this perfume. It has a
wonderful_________ . 4. Why don’t you put on some deodorant not to
give off_________ . 5. These apples have a rich taste and___________.
По-русски мы говорим так...
6. The flowers are beautiful but they are___________. 7. A pleasant
_________of baking was coming from the kitchen.
1. He was instructed not to ____________ to the press about the
incident. 2. Government__________ about the situation in the country
was published today. 3. The defendant made___________ and insisted
he was not guilty at the conclusion of the hearings. 4. He____________
for a job but there is no reply yet. 5. People are____________ untill the
end of the week. 6.____________for visas must be dealt with within
48 hours.
1. Don’t worry, they are ___________ and carrying on as usual.
2. John had a good vacation and looks_________ . 3. He looked pale
and tired but seeing how much he is ordering I realized he had
_________ appetite. 4. ___________ diet will keep you healthy and
young. 5. Now you have a__________ heart but if you want to keep it
_________ you should give up smoking and have more exercise.
6. _________ criticism may help get rid of some shortcomings.
7. _________ air and __________ food will help your son recover.
8. This area is famous for its ____________ climate. 9. To resume
negotiations was_________ idea. 10. Effective economic policy will
keep the economy __________ . 11. This athlete is __________ and
willing to participate in the coming competition.
1. The first_________ of this writer dates back to the XIX century.
2. “Commersant” is a business and financial________ . 3.__________
of the law on election took place yesterday. 4.___________of detective
and romantic stories in soft cover can be found on every bookstall.
5. “Isvestija” is a_________ and “Literaturnaja gaseta” is a_________ .
6. Several remarks were eliminated in the__________ of his collection
of articles. 7. Plenty of_____________ both quality and popular are
published daily, weekly and monthly. 8. The first__________ was only
500 copies and they were sold out in no time. 9. “Arguments and
Facts” is said to be the most popular weekly newspaper. Do you know
what its_________ is?
1. The boy was __________ from school for treating younger
children brutally. 2. Police investigating the murder found that the main
suspect and all others were_________ . 3. I won’t be able to go on that
trip, you may__________my name__________ the list. 4. The doctor
recommended the patient to_________ dairy products from his diet for
a few weeks. 5. The President hasn’t____________ the use of military
force. 6. The head of the commission____________ this supposition as
being entirely improbable. 7. “Do you think he may be cheating?” “I’m
afraid this can’t be___________“ 8. This way of paying_____________
cash. 9. “Is it possible that your boss will agree to these conditions?”
“No, I think this is_________ ”.
1. Turn off the tap! The sink __________ . 2. She knew he was
hungry and gave him a plate ____________ with hot soup. 3. Little
children are fond of playing in the sand at the___________ . 4. A little
boy was sitting at the_________ and crying while cars and trucks were
passing by. 5. We crawled to the___________ of the cliff and looked
down. 6. In summer she usually wore hats with broad____________ to
protect her face from the sun. 7. If you rent a room somewhere
_________the rent may be lower. 8. She was in love and ready to
follow the young man__________. 9. With the war thought inevitable
the_________ was set up close to the border. 10. The policeman didn’t
turn his head but__________he saw something moving and pulled out
his gun. 11. The desert was stretching____________ . 12. When a lit­
tle boy Oliver Twist had ___________ of misfortune and hard times.
13. I am afraid the nation is___________. Some urgent measures must
be taken without delay. 14. Let’s start tomorrow as early as possible.
We have_________ to do during one day.
По-русски мы говорим так...
1. It seems to me that her bedroom window is____________on the
right. 2. The football-player who is the__________ plays mainly down
the right side of the field and the_________ down the left side. 3. The
_________is the region that is situated in the most northern part of the
world. 4. The__________ for submitting applications was last Friday.
They don’t accept any more. 5. She was gazing at me in____________
surprise. 6. He found the situation extremely unfair and took it with
_________indignation. 7. We’ll have to take____________measures if
nothing else works. 8. To protect people from terrorist attack is
_________ necessity. 9. Normally tourists don’t see _______________
poverty of the slums. 10. After the terrible earthquake people were in
_________need of food, drinking water and shelter. 11. This party is
on the_________ left of the political spectrum. 12. Mr G. will remain
the director for__________three years more. 13. It is the____________
price we can agree to, we have already reduced it twice.
1. Everything was super that week-end ___________ the weather.
It was awful. 2. All the students will write the test tomorrow_________
John Brown who is ill. 3. After he had taken one more whiskey she
said”, _________ , Fred ,you are drinking too much”. 4. Computer
games are getting cheaper._________ they are becoming more popular
among the youngsters. 5._________ short stories he also wrote poetry.
1. We needed more food and decided_________ the nearest island.
2. With the coming storm the captain had to___________. 3. “Queen
Mary” is the steamship__________ across the Atlantic for New York.
4. The college has native language ___________ for foreigners who
intend to enter it. 5. After some time when some yachts failed to appear
in the port we realized that they had got__________ . 6. The President
was criticized for his__________ of confrontation. 7. My brother was
prescribed another_________ of injections. 8. Among other subjects
the Academy gives ___________ in IT (information technologies).
9. Doctors are thinking of changing the__________as the patient was
not getting any better. 10. When the GM is away on business his PA
________ about the state of affairs in the company. 11. The rate at
which a sum of money of one country’s currency is exchanged for an
equivalent sum of money of another country’s currency is called
________ . 12. Being ill the head of the experiment team asked
to _________ about the slightest changes in the course of the ex­
1. The cup fell down and___________small pieces. 2. He took a
________ and tied the parcel. 3. They wanted to buy a_______ and
build a two-storey brick house on it. 4. Shall I put a____________ of
lemon into your tea ? 5. Would you buy a toothpaste and a__________
of soap on your way home? 6. He likes his tea very sweet and always
puts several _________ of sugar into it. 7. He asked for a cheese
sandwich with two _________ of cheese. 8. This__________ of fabric
is quite enough for a dress. 9. She usually had one______________ of
brown bread with her lunch. 10. She angrily tore the letter into small
________ without reading it but after some time began to put it
together_________ . 11. When a person is very nervous he can’teven
think about eating, the food__________ . 12. It was really a tempting
________ but I had to refuse it. 13. The would be writer’s family was
very poor so he had to_________at an early age.
1. We are in correspondence but I don’t know him _____________ .
2. Though her features were quite___________she didn’t look pretty.
3. As a result of the air raid on the town over 700 hundred___________
died. 4. He was just an average___________with unimportant and bo­
ring duties. 5. There are still very few women among the____________
who can conduct services in churches. 6. Sometimes members of
government take part in major conflicts between business and trade
По-русски мы говорим так...
unions as __________. 7. I’d like to see ___________ dealing with
marketing. 8. The story is written__________ , the main character is the
story-teller. 9. Before the text of the play there came the list of
_________. 10. If you sign this protocol you become a____________
responsible for observing every clause there is in it. 11. She_________
in the local election though winning by a very small majority. 12. He
seemed to be a different person but in this time of crisis he_________.
13. If I were you I’d choose a different colour . This colour does not
_________you. 14. Our boss is in the habit of saying good and bad
things directly, right__________ . 15. He was ready to step down but
without_________ not showing that he was forced to do it. 16. I know
that she was quite shocked by the news but she____________ . No one
could say what she was really feeling. 17. They both tried hard to avoid
a meeting but suddenly found themselves__________ with each other.
18. Look! Your table-cloth isn’t on_________. Turn it over.
1. He had very few things and managed to pack all his_________in
one bag. 2. What you do outside your working hours is your
_________- Every person has the right to _____________. 3. In this
position one is entitled to have a___________ or PA. 4. This area is
_________and no trespassing is allowed. 5. He was invited to sit on
the board which was an important__________ success. 6. His remark
sounded as _________ and I was greatly offended. 7. This is not
of great importance just a matter or ______________ interest to me.
8. Completing this project is his________ responsibility. 9._________
hygiene is very important for preventing diseases. 10. Going through
the customs one may undergo ___________ on request of a customs
officer. 11. The World Chess Championship is an____________to find
the best chess player in the word. 12. The policy of the company was to
change its __________ every few years employing new people and
paying them less. 13. We can find_________ pronouns in all European
languages. 14._________ of all volunteers is very welcome.
1. Let us meet at our usual___________. 2. In most novels of Ch.
Dickens_________ in Victorian London. 3. An old woman got on the
bus and a young boy stood up and__________to her. 4. Look! There is
a_________ over there. Let’s try to park our car there. 5. The crime
was committed during the night but the police arrived to____________
only in the morning. 6. The accused was not__________ . The evidence
against him was only circumstantial. 7. If you intend to have your
vacation during the high season you’d better book____________ at the
hotel well in advance. 8. Car prices in that country are lower then
________ in Europe. 9. The residents were protesting against
________ being set up right on the children’s playground. 10. I didn’t
find my purse in its__________though I remember having put it there.
11. I know she was offered_________in some foreign company but I
don’t know any details. 12. “Excuse me, is the lower_______________
yours?“ “No, mine is the upper _____________. The lower is yours”.
13. His remark seemed so much__________that no one understood its
meaning or why he uttered it. 14. These two___________ are mine but
that case over there is somebody else’s. 15. In the last figure-skating
competition two pairs of skaters shared__________. 16. We can put the
arm-chair between the sofa and the bookcase, there is plenty or
________ . 17. They went from one hotel to another seeing
“No_________ ” sign at the reception everywhere. 18. The stalls in the
theatre were half full, there were plenty of vacant _________________ .
19. Seeing my friend pushing his way towards me and I moved a bit to
make _________ for him. 20. The President and the Premier
_________in the administrative hierarchy. 21.1 can’t bet that he will
take_________ but I am sure that his result will be very close to that of
the winner. 22. He hoped to get__________ of the sales director but it
turned out that it had already been filled. 23. In colour the carpet was
deep green touched_________ with pink. 24. She was so worried that
she could_________ . 25. When I am given a task I prefer to be the
first to deal with it starting it_________ .
1. After a long and bloody war the sides signed__________. 2. The
Middle East conflict has been going on for many decades but
________ still seems very hard to achieve. 3. Finding ways to put an
end to the conflict was the main goal of the_____________conference.
4._________ negotiations were broken off as one of the sides violated
the ceasefire. 5. When a war breaks out__________ suffer not less than
По-русски мы говорим так...
those fighting at the front. 6.____________ coexistence is an essential
prerequisite for economic and social progress. 7. After the war the
country was in ruins and__________ construction on a huge scale was
necessary. 8.__________ use of atomic energy may be of great benefit
for the development of the nation’s economy. 9. When I saw their
_________conversation I realized that they had made up their quarrel.
10. He seemed to be a very ___________ person who tried to avoid
getting into a conflict with anybody. 11. What we saw in the picture
was a beautiful_________ landscape stretching far ahead.
1. The problem was rather sensitive so I was waiting for the
_________to discuss it. 2. Many different factors are responsible for
the _________ situation. 3. Let’s make haste and finish up the
document, the boss can ask for it _____________ now. 4. I like the
_________ in the film when the main characters are parting forever.
5. There are several interesting_______ in the article. 6. I was on the
point of leaving and at that very_________ the telephone rang. 7. Why
don’t you seize_________ and make a clean breast of what you have
done. 8. They were alone at last and the young man took____________
and asked the girl to marry him. 9. I’ll be ready and join you
1. When people go to some distant place by train they usually travel
in_________ cars. 2. He liked to stroke her long______________ hair.
3. Mr. R. looked frightening but at heart he was____________ person.
4. She was a grown girl but she was still fond of__________toys. 5. In
the comer there was a sofa and two___________ chairs. 6. Does only
Russian have letters called ___________ sign and hard sign? 7. She
moved very gracefully her every movement was___________ . 8. You
have to cook that meat for about two hours to make it______________ .
9. I don’t like to wash my hair in_________ water, it usually takes so
long to wash the soap out. 10. The drawing room was furnished with
very stylish_________ furniture with the matching carpet and curtains.
11. In this cafe they serve very_________ bread with any ordered meal.
12. If you have a problem with your backbone you should not sleep on a
_________bed. 13.___________ sounds of music were coming from
somewhere. 14. She had many shortcomings but her___________ heart
compensated for them all. 15. If someone is going to travel by plane we
usually wish this person a__________landing. 16. After a hot and dry
month _________ weather set in. 17. This southern resort is popular
for its_________ climate. 18. The criminal was charged with a break
in and robbery so the suspended sentence he got seemed too
_________. 19. She didn’t like bright colours so her bedroom was
decorated in_________ pink and blue. 20. With___________ light and
_________music the atmosphere was really relaxing.
1. There are no ideal people. All have some __________________ .
2._________ anything more interesting to do he continued to watch
TV. 3. What I hated most while living in the hostel was the__________
of privacy. 4. Some people shy away from mixing with those who have
physical_________ . 5. The review of the play analyzed its merits and
_________. 6. Their health problems were caused by vitamin
________ . 7. The company is getting larger and is____________ staff
now. 8. These ugly looking houses were built right after the war to ease
housing _________ . 9. After the unexpected development of the
political situation the foreign policy experts had to confess their
_________foresight. 10. Some flights had to be cancelled because of
the_________ of fuel.
1. I am afraid there is something wicked about him, he seems to
enjoy doing something __________ that people can hardly stand. 2.
Biting nails is a most __________ habit. 3. What is giving off this
________ smell? It is nauseating. 4. But for their _________________
neighbour they would have never moved to another flat. 5. Mrs Baggot
was a very_________ person extremely difficult to deal with. 6. The
news about their favourite team losing the match was rather_________
По-русски мы говорим так...
for the fans. 7. The nineties were________time for the country. 8. The
audience was not friendly and the speaker was asked many__________
questions. 9. I realized that the meeting will be__________ but I could
not avoid it. 10. What you intend to do is not wise. It will get you in a
1. The way there was rather_________ I had to change three times.
2. The flat was quite big but not very_________ . 3. Have I called at
_________time? You seem to be busy. 4. I felt___________ when they
started quarrelling and yelling at each other in my presence. 5. These
seats in the theatre are cheaper but they are__________ you can’t have
a good view of the stage. 6. This term the time-table is very
_________: we start late, have a long break in the afternoon and finish
after 7 pm. 7. That kind of conversation was__________for a person in
his position. 8. His words made everyone feel___________people tried
not to look at each other. 9. The boy was sitting in an_______________
position and fidgeted trying to change it.
1. “Sorry to have kept you waiting” “________ ”. 2. I have a slight
headache, but_________ . I’ll take part in the discussion. 3. I’ve seen
her, I think she is ___________ . You may invite her for the casting.
4. We can go to the nearby cafe, it’s not first rate but the food is
_________. 5. He has taken his decision and__________ . You have to
accept it. 6. This is a fact.__________. Just take it into account. 7. The
fight started over __________ . We could see no reason behind it.
8. This method is the best. “_____________ . It has a few serious
shortcomings”. 9. “I am going to make these facts public”. “ You will
do_________ . It will frustrate the investigation”. 10.___________ if I
open the window. It’s rather hot here.
1. Orphanages must ___________ parentless children with food,
shelter and other necessities. 2. Workers were determined to go on
strike as they could not__________ their families on such low wages.
3. People hope that world leaders can agree on measures to_________
peace. 4. Government bonds are usually a safe investment. They are
________ by the country’s gold reserves. 5. The loan is____________
by a mortgage on our house. 6. New regulations are expected to
________ the attendance. 7. Police hasn’t discovered yet who was
________ terrorists with weapons. 8. New supplies will__________ of
the people for food.
1. The speaker_________ those present calling to support the new
government programme. 2. If you plan a trip abroad you must
________ for a visa to the consulate of the respective country. 3. A
stranger came up to me and__________ me by my first name. 4. He
didn’t_________ a doctor when he fell ill and now he is suffering the
consequences. 5. Those two are not very close but they are__________
footing. 6. They__________ to this oil company for sponsorship and
got the money. 7. When he realized that he wouldn’t be able to do the
task alone he__________ us for help. 8. The freezing temperatures
________ the water in the lake into ice. 9. The nurses were specially
trained how_________ difficult patients. 10. He was sure he had been
________ unfairly and complained to the boss. 11. She threatened to
________ court if he didn’t pay back the money he had borrowed. 12.
When the boy didn’t know what to do he usually__________ his father
for advice. 13. As soon as the thief saw the police approaching he
________ . 14. If the service is inadequate you may__________ to the
administration. 15. He is penniless because he _____________ all the
money he gets. 16. Computers were shipped in boxes and “_________ ”
was inscribed on everyone of them. 17. Her new mobile phone had
very many functions and she didn’t know how to_________ it. 18. He
was a wonderful story-teller, whenever he started any of his stories
people were_________ . 19. Soon her glee_________ fear.
1. Tomorrow the President is to deliver his_________ to the nation.
2. The phrase that is used at the beginning of the letter is called
По-русски мы говорим так...
________ . 3.__________ was made at the conference to raise money
for cancer research. 4. She was a Buddhist and her______________ to
Christianity surprised everybody. 5. If you have a health problem
_________ to a doctor is necessary. 6. This vase is ancient and
valuable,_________ may spoil it beyond any repair. 7. In the situation
of a conflict__________ may be the last resort. 8. In some countries
_________of one’s pets is a criminal offence. 9. Little was required of
him except_________ when he dealt with customers. 10. From time to
time banks have to ___________ worn out or damaged bank notes.
11. The 360 degrees________ of the Earth takes 24 hours. 12. I am
afraid something is wrong with her blood___________ , she is always
cold. 13. The woman was on trial on charges of_____________ of her
adopted son. 14. A new bank note of a bigger denomination will be put
_________next year.
1. During the first session the committee will deal with__________
questions. 2. The fortune-teller’s predictions were so___________ that
they could apply to anybody. 3. If we don’t pay attention to some
particulars our_________ impression was quite favourable. 4. One of
the novels by Ch. Dickens is called “Our _______________ Friened”.
5. People may live in different countries and have different cultural
background yet they often____________ similar values. 6. Scientific
discoveries ought to be used for the____________ good. 7. In many
European countries_________ secondary education is provided by the
state. 8. Crime can only be combated by___________ efforts of police
and civil society. 9. When differences are very big it may be extremely
difficult to find a_________ language. 10. To___________surprise the
new product was in great demand. 11. The__________ of all those who
took part in the meeting was to support the new government economic
programme. 12. __________ two hundred delegates took part in the
congress or the party. 13. The___________ income of a family is the
_________ of the salaries and wages of all its members.
14._________ fifty NATO aircraft took part in the air-raid. 15. The
weather was not sunny but _____________ we enjoyed our vacation.
16. The
number of all who cast their votes was over three
million people. 17. This farmer mostly grows grain, his___________ is
about 50 hectares. 18. This slum area has a lot___________ with innercity areas of other big cities. 19. The husband kept claiming that he had
_________with his wife’s disappearance. 20. It is____________ to say
that there is no climate in Britain but only weather.
1. The general manager ____________ to all those who helped
implement the project. 2. Because of the riots in some parts of the
country the government had to____________ the state of emergency.
3. The election was_________ after widespread accusations of vote­
rigging. 4. The use of poison gases was__________ by the international
community long ago. 5. In 1941 fascist Germany invaded the USSR
without_________ war. 6. In the Supreme Court judges_____________
the decision of the local court invalid. 7. She failed to____________for
work on Monday and her friends were worried. 8. Do you remember
when India__________her independence from Britain? 9. The defen­
dant _________ his innocence of all charges. 10. Martial law
_________on the whole of the occupied territory. 11. Your flight has
already been __________, you must quickly make your way to the
departure lounge. 12. After the incident he was severely__________for
his unsuitable behaviour. 13. As soon as all those present took their
seats the chairman__________ . 14. Under the new legislation leftist
parties were virtually_________ .
1. The article looks at how politics___________ national economy.
2. Neo conservatives __________ a considerable influence on US
politics. 3. I wonder if American art is____________ by the European
cultural tradition. 4. That agreement had little___________on the lives
of average people. 5. The hosts put themselves out____________ their
hospitality. 6. We would have never gained such success without the
support you_________ us. 7. He didn’t____________any pressure on
her when it came to her career. 8. Each of us is likely_______________
По-русски мы говорим так...
personal preference for certain types of entertainment. 9. The de­
legation was_________ a warm welcome. 10. The veteran MP was
_________the honour to open the new session of Parliament. 11. Will
you _________ me a favour? Remind the boss about his afternoon
appointment, please.
1. We all expected the conflict to settle down but unexpectedly
_________ facing a very tough alternative. 2. As ______________ we
needn’t have worried. 3. They searched the room thoroughly but the
two documents were_________ . 4. He followed the familiar road but
suddenly_________ in a strange place. 5. I am sure everything will
_________well in the end. 6. The next day the missing book was
_________in its usual place. 7. He seemed to be a nondescript person
but _________ a most amusing story-teller. 8. The names of two
candidates were __________ from the ballot paper. 9. The place
_________to have been used as a place of worship.
1. Young specialists often__________ their teacher’s methods and
practices. 2. Monitoring the work of different branches he___________
a lot of experience. 3. She knew from her own__________ what it was
to be jobless. 4. He is no doubt fit for this position for he has a
considerable_________ in management. 5. Life___________ prompted
not to trust a person I hardly knew. 6. The aim of the training was to
introduce_________ of marketing and sales. 7. Any medicine must
undergo numerous ____________ before it goes to hospitals and
pharmacies. 8. This short story was the writer’s first_____________ at
writing fiction. 9. This lab never____________with animals. 10. She
likes_________ with different hair styles and make-up.
1. Though he is about 30 he is a very__________ manager. 2. She
has been working with small children for more than twenty years, she is
no doubt an_________ at the job. 3. Most of the new scientific data is
recieved _________ . 4. Free__________ of perfume are given out for
the sake of advertising. 5. The company needs____________on labour
conflicts. 6. The ___________ of the new soap is selling very well.
7._________ are to reveal shortcomings of aircraft which are then
improved. 8. This is going to be a__________ no one knows if it will
become a regular show. 9. His theory has been proven right
________ . 10. The owner of the farm set up a_____________to plant
some hybrids and see how productive they may be.
1. He has a very good command of English: he can communicate
well, he understands films easily, he can read books in the___________
2. 1 have not seen anything like that. It is a highly___________ design.
3. It is a copy of the picture. The_________ paining is exhibited in the
national museum. 4. His music is recognizable. It is different from
anything else. He is a very_________ composer. 5. We went to Siberia
for vacation which was totally different from our_________ plan.
1. Which of you can boast a_________ eyesight? - he asked. 2. He
was taken to hospital because of a____________ pain in the stomach.
3.1 don’t know why but in an office we always experience a________
shortage of paper. 4. What angle is called _______________________?
5. She is eager to tell them the truth. The desire in so__________ that
she cannot sleep well. 6. To slice the bread use a very______________
knife. 7. Very few writers of funny stories are known for a__________
wit. 8. Tasting a Thai food ask for less__________ dishes. 9. It should
be a win-win situation when a person involved in the discussion has
both a quick wit and a ____________ tongue. 10. It’s a ____________
problem and it has to be solved.
1. The examinations over she deserved a really good___________ .
2. What do you usually do for__________ : play the piano, go to the
По-русски мы говорим так...
movies or something else? 3. Where do you think we can go for
vacation, to what_________ centre? 4. We have been walking for three
hours. Let’s have some__________. 5. I hear he resigned a couple of
years ago and has been in_________ since that time. 6. What I need is
a one week_________ in some health spa. 7. The doctor’s advice was
meditation and_________ .
1. She is so fond of herself. She actually_________ herself nothing.
2. It spoils the children if parents are unable to ______________ them
anything. 3. She ____________ his proposal after all. 4. He was
emotionally overwhelmed. He was at a loss for words. His tongue
_________him. 5. He was unfortunate to get into an accident: the
brakes_________ , and he could not stop the car in time to avoid it.
6. She is not the most lovable person on Earth, but there is no
her popularity.
1. Party members ___________ to comment on their leader’s
statement. 2. It can’t be true you could not____________this job offer.
3. Some faulty goods were detected in the shipment, so the store
_________ the whole of it. 4. What’s the use of_______________ his
signature? Everyone knows it was he who signed it. 5. I hope he will
not _________ his word. 6. The claim isn’t justified. Have they
_________ it? 7. In the wake of the anti-smoking campaign many
people_________ smoking.
1. She_________ her eyes and smiled at the rising sun. 2. They
need to_________ one more supermarket in the neighborhood. 3. Who
_________the meeting? 4. Troops were ordered not to___________fire
on the crowd near the president’s palace. 5. Will you help me to
_________ cold water tap please? 6. This monument has been
_________ recently. 7. I am glad that you finally ______________ for
yourself all the benefits of this program.
1. When do the stores__________ on Sunday I wonder? 2. It’s a
very sophisticated lock. Does the door ____________ easily? 3. We
climbed the mountain and gasped: what a view___________ before us.
4. The new school is still being built. It is to___________ by the end
of the year. 5. She is fond of watching flowers_____________ . 6. She
________ in her sister finally. 7. Their plot is no longer a secret.
It has_________ .
1. People used to__________ a lot of New Year greetings, unlike
nowadays. 2. Do I have to__________ the parcel to the new address or
to the old one? 3. Justice I do hope will be_________ fairly.
1. I looked at the table and couldn’t take in the information - three
planes were to__________ at the same time for the same destination.
2. He crossed the ocean all by himself only last year and this year he is
to_________ on a very long voyage again. 3. Because of the traffic
jams you have to_________ for the airport much earlier.
1. What is the minimal_________ in your country? 2. I am looking
for a new apartment to rent. In my case a lot depends on the monthly
________ . I cannot afford much as a ______________ . 3. Tuition
________ at the university this year is still higher. 4. This doctor’s
________ is flexible I should say. 5. Is there any entrance___________
for this museum? 6. What is the bus___________here? 7. Is there any
extra_________ for an in - room breakfast service?
1. What do you think I should do in order to _______________ my
English? I need it badly for work. 2. This nationwide project is
б Знк. 1200
По-русски мы говорим так...
_________by a lot of people. 3. The claim is not justified. It is not
_________by evidence. 4. The salary he gets is very low. How can he
_________ his family I wonder. 5. Due to the “Schoolmates” blog
many people_________ contacts among themselves. 6. If you fail to
have meals on a regular basis it is hard to__________ the right balance
of nutrition. 7. She felt ill at ease in their company though tried hard to
_________ the conversation going. 8. You are still too weak to walk.
Hold on to me to__________ yourself. 9. I can’t make it out: do you
_________ this team or the other one? 10. In order to_________ spirit
I either read a book or go for a walk.
1. It’s a brand new_________ they are playing on. 2. The road ran
through vast green_________ . 3. The magnet bracelet you are wearing
has a strong magnetic__________ . 4. She always makes notes in the
_________. 5. We were anxious to see the Borodino (battle)
_________. 6. He could get more results if he wanted to. He had an
open_________ for experiments. 7. She seemed never to be out of his
_________of vision, that is to be within it.
1. How can you characterize the geographical___________ of this
country? 2. Being in the__________you are now can you really afford
vacations? 3. I am not in the__________ to judge whether this decision
is right or wrong. 4. I understand that you find yourself in a dire state.
So try hard to get out of it, improve the____________. 5. It should be
understood by the people I believe that it was necessary to introduce the
_________of emergency. 6. Many news programs are devoted to the
issues of international_________ . 7. So, which of us in your opinion is
the master of the_________ . 8. As far as I know he ranks high on the
social _________ . 9. Election ____________ should be carried out
precisely. 10. His body ached all over after sitting in an uncomfortab­
1._________ for a new draft project are very welcome. 2. In case
you are interested in my opinion about how to improve the whole thing
I can certainly give you some_________ . 3. She shouldn’t have turned
down this _________ . 4. Are there any acceptable job _____________
there? 5. Was it the kind of______________ he just couldn’t refuse?
6. I call the meeting to order. I ask once more: are there delegates who
second the_________ ? 7. Your__________ is most generous, but I am
unable to accept it. 8. Will you read this___________ out loud please?
9. The free market is regulated by________ and_________ .
1. Let me_________ myself. 2. What they need is to prepare and
________ all the papers early next week. 3. He is really good at math,
so this problem solving_________ no difficulty for him. 4. During his
acting career he __________ many different characters. 5. Can you
________ how nice it would be if we could afford a holiday now.
6. I don’t think this move_________ a real threat. 7. It’s nice when
people are_________ for an award. 8. I wish I knew when opportunity
________ itself. 9. Who is going to _____________ our team at that
gathering? 10. The new film was first__________to the public after the
New Year.
1. Since when has this document been _______________ invalid?
2. Though unwillingly he_________ that he is to blame for this failure.
3. Olympic Games are __________ to be one of the greatest sports
events. 4. I could hardly___________ my old friend in that person, so
much he changed.
1. They are very hospitable people. They like to__________ guests.
2. Do you know the news: Peter proposed to Mary and she________ .
По-русски мы говорим так...
3. For all I know his new book has been____________for publication.
4. Don’t_________ it too much to your heart please. It’s not worth it.
5. It gave me great pleasure to ___________ the award. 6. Do they
_________credit card at this store? 7. The Bill was___________ in the
second reading. 8. Instead of getting offended he____________ it as a
joke. 9. My new TV set___________ a lot of channels. 10. He is a bit
busy at the moment. I am afraid. He is____________a bath. 11. How
many people _________ part in this discussion? 12. He mistakenly
_________a stranger for his friend. 13. It’s better not____________ for
granted something that you are not sure of. 14. To everybody’s surprise
two road police officers had to help a woman ____________________
a baby.
1. There was a huge traffic___________on the way here. 2. The
lights went out. The ___________ must have blown. 3. Popping of
champagne_________ s is sort of a New Year music for many people
on December 31. 4. There should be a bath____________ somewhere I
1. You should_________ the brakes before driving to the country.
2. Your passport is usually_________ while you are in or out of the
country. 3. Is there any way to____________his evidence? 4. It is an
ordinary practice that the accounts of any company are ____________ .
5. To_________written papers is a very time-consuming work. 6.
They always_________ passes at the entrance to the building. 7. The
new equipment is to be_________ by all means. 8. I know little about
this claim. We should
1. For vacations they went to Italy and________ time there perfectly
well. 2. When will the delegations__________ talks on that very urgent
issue? 3. He simply_________ time waiting for his boss. 4. It is only
natural that his mother was very much against his________time instead
of studying for exams. 5. Let me_________ a couple of lines right here,
the draft will look better, more complete, I think. 6. Why are you trying to
________ parallels between the two phenomena? They have nothing in
common. 7. He is in the habit of constantly_________ his hand over his
hair. 8. Sometimes an interview can be_________ by telephone, though
in most cases it is________ eye-to-eye. 9. He is no fool. It’s not easy to
________ him. 10. The state of economy depends on how effectively the
reforms are________ . 11. In the 30-s electricity was________ all over
the country.
1. Did anyone_________ you home after the party? 2. It is much
nicer to meet people at the airport than to_________ them off. 3.1 will
________ you out because it is rather complicated to find the exit.
4. The girl was so beautiful that he couldn’t tear his eyes off her, his
eyes _________ her until she disappeared from view. 5. They
________ the young men to serve in the army.
1. What are the arrangements for the meeting today: who is to take
________ ? 2. I suppose a diplomatic___________ is rather strict, isn’t
it? 3. The last test was carried out yesterday. Can we take a look at the
________ ? 4. She is always etiquette conscious, so her dinner parties
are usually arranged in accordance with _____________ requirements.
5. Not everything that was said was actually for the_________ , rather a
lot was_________ .
1 .The child ran towards his parents both of them__________ their
hands towards him. 2. The traffic jam was enormous, it_____________
По-русски мы говорим так...
very far. 3. The delegate made it clear in his speech that they were
making every effort to__________ out to those in need. 4. We hope
they will_________ a new telephone line and thus solve our problems
in this new neighborhood. 5. You shouldn’t___________ dealing with
this issue. It is extremely urgent.
l.Sins _________ they decided that they could go on sinning.
2. I can_________a minor offence or a mistake. However I can not
_________betrayal. 3.___________ , I should have warned you about
their arrival. 4. My handwriting is just terrible, ___________________ .
5._________ , am I right for the bus stop? 6.____________ , could you
repeat the message please?
1. Are you really anxious to go shopping or just to _____________
window shopping? 2. Holding a stone by tweezers the jeweler was
_________through a microscope. 3. Since in that case we are in the
decision-making position we have to ______________ this problem
thoroughly. 4. Even with the help of a magnifying glass over his
spectacles he could hardly _________ the text. 5. The investigation is
over. The case is to be__________ next month. 6. Do you___________
on this proposal as a challenge? - Well, I certainly do. 7. Why are you
_________at her? It makes me feel uneasy. 8. I am glad to hear that
his book of verses is_________ for publication.
1. I like these shoes, but they are a little bit too tight. May be I can
get them__________. 2. He usually flies business class, for he can
_________there. 3. The sandy beach___________ for miles. 4. Being
a student she only gets a scholarship which she has to___________ out.
5. What are we doing? Let’s admit that instead of solving the problem
we are just wasting time,_________ the discussion endlessly.
1. It’s winter all right. However it’s too hot here in the trolley. Can
anyone_________ the temperature inside? 2. When will you finally
_________ the matter? 3. Can you help me to _________________ the
microscope please? 4. It is easy to__________ the binoculars looking at
something in the distance. 5. The sides did their best to_____________
their differences and to_________ relations.
1. Do I need a_________ for this medicine? 2. They should work
out such a policy that can become a_________ for a total improvement.
3. She is a culinary genius. She has___________ for all sorts of tasty
things. 4. I wish I had a__________ for all occasions. 5. It may not be
the best thing to do - to act according to somebody else’s_________ .
1. What did he_________ to do in this situation? 2. He still can not
_________whether to accept the job offer or turn it down. 3. So, can
we finally say that the matter is__________ ? 4. Your company needs
a good specialist to help_________ financial problems. 5. Our meeting
I think_________ my fate. 6. The case was finally__________ in favor
of the defendant. 7. What ____________ the outcome of the match?
8. One day he is________ to talk to them about the matter, the other
day he is in doubt whether he should do that.
1. The temperature this season varies a lot, it is far from being
_________. 2. “I am sorry”, he said in a____________ and firm voice.
3. The baby’s room temperature should be________ . 4. The road you
have chosen for riding is not very__________ . 5. The baby is asleep.
Just listen to his_________ breathing. 6. Three is an odd number. It is
not an
По-русски мы говорим так...
1. There was nobody to___________ against him. However there
were some people to_________ in his favor. 2. During the sightseeing
tour you will see the ruins that__________ the existence of an ancient
settlement of that land. 3. The director of your department needs to
_________your signature here. 4. Who is supposed to ______________
these financial reports? 5. Quality of this product needs to be
_________. 6. Having been at the scene of a crime he had to
_________in court.
1. Any democratic society boasts of providing_________choice for
the people. 2. His__________manners were disarming and charming in
many ways. 3. He is known as a man of_________ behavior whatever is
meant by that. 4. In high season it is not that easy to find a__________
room at this hotel. It is always booked up. 5. She made up her mind to
enter a_________ enterprise zone, to become a businesswoman. 6. Can
we write the essay in a_________ form? 7. Plump women often prefer
________ clothes. 8. Nobody is__________from faults I believe. 9. Is
the admission to the park_________ ? 10. She is to have a___________
every week to work at the library.
1. Is there anything anyone wants to say in this _______________ ?
2. They say another telephone company provides better___________ .
Maybe I should switch to it too. 3. Climate change in our part of the
world has very close__________with total global warning. 4. Atlanta
airport has perfect train__________ that takes passengers to different
sectors they need. 5. In some stories it is hard to find ______________
between certain events and facts. 6. He claims to be able to manage
everything because he is highly__________ . 7. He seems to have lost
_________ with reality after staying abroad for many years. 8. For
some nationalities__________ of blood are more important than any
other ties.
1. Orthodox Christians dive into the_________ water of some river,
lake or pond on January 19 The ______________ Day of Epiphany.
2. It is my_________ wish to make a tour of the ... city of Jerusalem.
3-_________ Paul’s cathedral is one of the main attractions of London.
4. Somehow the two notions “_________ ” and “war” do not match
logically. 5. Nothing is_________ to him I am sorry to say.
1 ■ She________ all the exams with flying colours. 2. Being in a
dire financial situation she had to__________ her apartment for a year.
3. Are there any flats to ____________ in this building? 4. I will
_________two suitcases and will take along on board the plane one
carry-on. 5. I am to___________the book to the library next week. So
you may take it then. 6. In order to apply for the University I should
_________in all the papers in time. 7. When I have my house built it is
sure to be_________ on a turn-key basis. 8. Shall we___________ our
bags in the luggage room?
1. The new film he__________ got some awards and is nominated
for Oscar. 2. She is not quite good at ________________ a favorable
impression on everyone. 3. This organization was_________ long ago.
If dates back to the 80-s. 4. According to the strategy of our company
we’ll be trying to__________ new jobs, thus giving an opportunity to
young people to work and to become part of the company. 5. She is
able to_________ a very cozy atmosphere even at work. 6. Pollution
_________a threat to environment. Everyone knows that, but not much
is being done to improve the situation. 7. He always finds someone he
looks up to, he_________ this someone. It’s his mistake, I think.
1 .The accusations were rather groundless. By no means it could be
called a_________ trial. 2. The customer’s claim concerning faulty
По-русски мы говорим так...
goods was_________ . 3. It is not__________ . You didn’t wake me up
and I can be late for work. 4. Their demand for pay rise was found
. 5. He gets angry very often and he himself finds his anger
_________. 6. The 13% taxation for everyone is hardly____________ .
7. The judge should always be neutral, that means________ .
1.1 can not________ all those flowers into this vase. There are too
many. 2. I’ll have to get up very early tomorrow . So I need to
_________the alarm-clock. 3. Let’s find out about her mark. The
paper must have been __________ already. 4. The letter should be
_________before posting. 5. A new monument has been__________ in
the square. 6. Shall we___________ the proposal to nominate the film
for award to vote? 7. It takes young singers a lot of work to__________
voice. 8. The theatre is going to___________a new play soon. 9. This
decision_________ everyone. It was not clear why it had been taken.
You shouldn’t _________ him for being so tough. He was
instructed to act that way. 11. Let them go on with their project. Don’t
_________in his wheel.
1. At first she was not inclined to tell us everything. But then she
opened up to us in ___________ confidence. 2. ___________ diet is
something rather difficult to follow. 3. Law enforcement should always
be_________ . 4. The director promised__________ control on his part
over the performance of our duties. 5. It was a__________ warning, he
wouldn’t let it happen again. For he is as good as his word. 6. Our
accounting department is known for its ____________ record-keeping.
7. Her________ taste, her__________ dress, her___________hairdo
betrayed her nature.
Lit is not easy to put up with____________ criticism. 2. She was
clearly upset about his outburst. She kept silent but gave him a
_________look. 3. 1 do not agree that__________ truth is always better
than some sort of illusion with a natural touch of hope. 4. Life produces
_________ trials that you neither expect nor are ready for.
5. It so happened that he went through a ______________ school of
experience and still remained a personality. 6. He is not a nice person
to be dealing with due to his____________ disposition. 7. Linder the
circumstances the only right thing they could do was to take really
1. It is Euro and not dollar that is considered by many as a real
_________currency. 2. One should either use a sharp knife or have
strong teeth to cope with a_________ apple. 3. My new work allowed
no violation of an__________ order and__________ schedule. 4. My
decision to leave was_________ and final. 5. Aging people find their
memory not as_________ as it used to be. 6. He is a very determined
person and a good student. What he is after is___________ knowledge.
7. Being a man of__________will he never hesitates what decision to
make. 8. He was figuratively and literally standing on ______________
ground discussing his new novel.
1. He is crazy about her. He follows her everywhere as if he were
her_________ . 2. Your eye___________ are too shiny in my view.
3. It is too hot and sunny today, you’d better stay in the____________ .
4. I wonder if there is a ____________ of truth in what she told us.
5. Don’t even try to cast a ___________ of suspicion on any of us.
It won’t do. 6. Surrounded by the trees the house always seemed to be
in the__________. 7. He is tortured by the_____________of the past.
8. He always tries to be in the background,_________ a low profile.
1. Examination _________ this year are too tough to be met.
2. I believe that the proposed technical__________ are already a bit
outdated. 3. Trade unions appealed to the government to consider
По-русски мы говорим так...
economic __________ caused by the strike and their political
consequences. 4. I am under the impression that none of the exhibited
so-called paintings meets any aesthetic_________ . 5. You simply can
not get off here without asking
the driver to let you out.
It is a
_________ stop. 6.
It was as
simple as that. First he put
_________. Then it was found groundless and finally he just gave it up.
7. They put in their__________ to be part
of the project at a very
inappropriate moment. Otherwise they might have succeeded. 8. Itis
not always easy to meet the_________ of age.
1. We can arrange for a meeting at the time____________ for both
parties. 2. You had a long flight. Did you feel _____________ ? 3. He
joined the party practically not knowing people there and strangely
enough he immediately felt at _____________ . 4. Whatever place
_________you it__________ me too. 5. Is it___________to be the first
to call him?
1. The_________ of the contract were worked out by the lawyers so
thoroughly that neither party could find anything wrong with it.
2. While proposing to her he promised to create all necessary
_________for their happy life together. 3. Under no____________ will
she agree to work for them. 4. I will go to the meeting on one
_________- you too go with me. 5. He still doubts certain___________
of the deal. 6. They can not but agree to these favourable___________ .
7. Weather________ permitting they will have a picnic in the open
air. 8. Contest should be held on equal ________________ for all the
1. We are moving into a new flat and are busy planning how to
_________furniture best. 2. The other day I bought a nice new sink
and had it__________. 3. The alarm-clock stopped. I have to make it
work, to_________ a new battery and then to ... the time. 4. Think it
over and_________ the right price if you want to sell the item. 5. Due
to the lack of evidence it was difficult to__________ his guilt. 6. We
need to__________the person who came to the office yesterday and
_________him under observation. 7. In order to be a success we need
to_________ contacts with any of our partners and develop relations
with most reliable ones. 8. They should____________rules in order to
work properly.
1. I personally know the_________ range of theories she might get
interested in. 2. If you ask me about our vacation I would say that on
the__________ we had a good time. 3. It is just like her - to eat an
apple_________ , kernel including. 4. Look, you dropped the cup, but
•t is still__________. 5. The main idea of the restoration work is to
preserve the theatre __________ and beautiful as ever. 6. He was
actually trying to find a job the ___________ year. 7. ___________ of
articles in last year magazine reviews were devoted to the theme of
corruption. 8. Surprisingly he remained__________after the crash.
1. Coming up closer we saw a sign “________________ property.
No trespassing”. 2. It was a very sensitive matter. They had to be very
careful. They even hired a__________ detective. 3. In Britain public
schools in fact turn out to be__________ones. 4. You have no right to
pry into my__________ life, she said. 5. Please deal with our case
_________, don’t mix us up with any of the others. 6. This__________
visit is not to be made public. 7. One can hardly hope to have
_________correspondence using e-mail. 8. We often find similarities
in the subjects of our case study. However this case is_________ .
1. The child was some sort of a__________ sheet where you could
write whatever you wanted to. 2. ___________ conscience is the best
По-русски мы говорим так...
soporific, it helps you sleep well, have nice dreams. 3. It was by
coincidence that we were on the same flight. 4. What a
miracle. Who transformed this dirty log into_________ and nice room?
5. What I do not like about this colour (though many people do) that
it is_________ white. I prefer off-white. 6. Where can we breathe in
air in a big city? 7. I followed the commercial and bought
ecologically_________ products. 8. Did you see the match yesterday?
It was
victory, wasn’t it? 9. This necklace is made of
gold. 10. It was___________ madness to trust the people
who proved to be absolutely untrustworthy. 11. We can not call her
statement anything but_________ nonsense because it contradicted the
1 Come on, a few___________ more and we’ll be on the beach.
2. They slowed their________ to wait for her. 3. It will pass, believe
by_________ you will make sure it is true. 4. His new
job meant one more________ up in his career. 5. Both of the parties
took some_________ towards agreement and consensus. 6. It’s getting
dark — Let’s quicken our__________to reach our house before dark.
7. I always wonder how he manages to be that smart, what clever
he makes to achieve his goals. 8. She sticks to the principle:
at a time”. No hasty decisions, no rush actions.
Paraphrase the underlined words using words or phrases
from the vocabulary list. Change grammar or sentence
structure if necessary.
1. Every school should have various kinds of equipment necessary
for instruction. 2. A large house where people can go in for different
kinds of sport has been recently built in our area. 3. Ancient
philosophy laid the foundation of modern science. 4. If you are
determined to decline the project you should explain in detail why.
5. On the Black Sea coast there are many specially equipped areas
where tourists can stay for some time. 6. This large shedlike
construction for keeping big amounts of some consumer goods is on
sale now. 7. The new model of PC can store much more information
than the old one. 8. This country’s economy is not developed enough to
ensure a better living standards for its people. 9. One of the crucial
aims set by the president is to considerably enlarge the production of
electricity for both industrial and private consumers. 10. Having
completed their operation special police squad returned to where they
normally stay and train. 11. This country can produce enough energy to
satisfy internal needs and to export a part of it.
1. Special government services must guarantee that no invasion, act
of sabotage or terrorism endanger peaceful life of the people. 2. Every
plant or factory has a special service responsible for preventing injuries
at work places. 3. Different international organizations work together
to maintain world peace. 4. Because of the increasing crime every
district set up a special body to protect its residents. 5. Here is a list of
recommendations what one should do not to be attacked in the street.
По-русски мы говорим так...
6. On planes and in cars there are special belts which when fastened
protect passengers from injuries. 7. Now nothing threatens the tourists.
1. Don’t even think about anything bad. Everything will be all right
I am sure. 2. She was always ready to do her utmost to help her friends.
3. The only thing that he kept thinking about was how to please his
wife. 4. She didn’t care about how she looked and what people were
saying about her appearance. 5. Sorry to distract you from what you are
doing but I have an urgent question to ask. 6. If she is sleeping don’t
wake her up. 7. Don’t think about it. I’ll do it myself. 8. “Where do
you feel pain?“ the doctor asked. 9. His leg hurts him all the time.
10. She didn’t think of saying “hallo” .
1. It's a special pan which you can use for cooking in the oven.
2. Most of all she likes roast chicken. 3. To make good cakes or pies
you need a special pan. 4. This cafe offers something special every
day. Today it's salmon fishcakes.
1. He has a bad health problem. 2. She looks so miserable. I feel
upset and nervous when I see her. 3. Something is the matter with my
throat. I can hardly swallow a thing. 4. I can feel every muscle in my
body. 5. I have a bad tooth and I feel it. 6. What club do you think
is the best which you follow how it fares in championships? 7. What
you are saying makes me feel unhappy. 8.1 didn’t mean to offend you.
9. If the economy is stagnating urgent measures are needed to
rejuvenate it. 10. Something is wrong with his state of mind and his
psyche. 11. His disease is serious, he will have to stay in the hospital
for a long time. 12. Party loyalty was the subject they often quarreled
about and could never agree on. 13. If you have a problem with liver
don’t eat fat food. 14. When one doesn’t admit that he or she is to
II. EXERCISES. Task three
blame for a problem or something, one tries to declare someone else
responsible for it.
1. According to the law any deputy can make a proposal about a
bill. 2. When higher education is not free, the cost of tuition and other
things is to be covered by students. 3. Farmers put special stuff into the
soil to get better crops. 4. The speaker proposed to add a few changes
in the would be contract. 5. His very appearance made those present
feel more cheerful. 6. If you plant these flowers your garden will look
more colourful thanks to them. 7. Answering questions the speaker
explained in detail two main points of his presentation. 8. Some rude
remarks of this party member about others were the reason of sharp
disagreement , nearly a quarrel. 9. The motion was presented by the
opposition. 10. He worked very hard and improved the work of the
company. 11. If you are making a list of volunteers, please, don’t
forget about me.
1. The more we were waiting the more enthusiastic we felt about the
president’s appearance. 2. I was feeling worried and a little afraid
before my first interview. 3. All the boat trips along the sea coast were
cancelled on that day because of the storm. 4. Swimming in the sea
when it is not calm may be dangerous. 5. More people behave angrily
and violently protesting against their living and working conditions.
I. The sea has been stormy for the whole week and we couldn’t go
swimming. 2. How the situation will develop is of no interest to me.
3. I could never feel calm on the day of an exam. 4. Rumours of
possible lockouts made people angry and vexed. 5. This philosophical
teaching strongly influenced scholars and writers alike.
По-русски мы говорим так...
1. This painter was fond of drawing women fully undressed. 2. The
weather was rather chilly, but the girl was wearing a sleeveless dress
and had nothing to cover her arms with. 3. Media audiences often
expect more then just facts. 4. Some people are reluctant to know the
full and only truth. 5. Some doctors say that walking about with your
shoes and socks or stockings off is good for health. 6. Fields with
nothing growing on them looked sad and pathetic. 7. In late autumn
trees stand leafless. 8. We were happy to find some shelter even if we
had to sleep with nothing to be lying on. 9. The higher we climbed the
more cliffs with no vegetation we saw around us. 10. He could win any
fight with no weapon.
1. Mass media usually focus on the events that people are interested
in and view as important. 2. Jashin used to be a most famous footballplayer. 3. When speaking from the rostrum he never uses simple wav
of expressing himself. 4. A person may be well-known today, but
completely forgotten tomorrow.
1. This stone is not processed that’s why it doesn’t look like
a diamond. 2. This fabric is unpleasant to the touch, but it will wear
a lifetime. 3. His unkind and unfair words hurt people and made them
angry with him. 4. This statement by a high ranking government
official sounds as an unacceptable interference in the internal affairs of
another country. 5. This is a primitive table but it can be used as one.
6. After all that manual work the women’s hands were neither soft nor
white. 7. His undeserving praise and direct admiration of the boss right
to his face was his crude trick to win the boss’s heart. 8. Improper
conduct with other people won’t help anyone to make a career.
9. Football or tennis players are penalized if they push or hit other
team’s players on the field. 10. He is not well brought up or educated
but he is kind and easy-going. 11. This interpretation of the event is
II. EXERCISES. Task three
completely contrary to the fact. 12. Our calculations are preliminary
and not exact. 13. The refusal to hire a black teacher was a clear case of
a breach of human rights.
1. Why don’t you set up a company of your own. You can do it.
2. The kid is extremely active. He is doing something all the time.
3. You should stop meddling with your son’s family life. You make
them all unhappy. 4. We work together but we hardly know anything
about our fellow workers’ life outside the plant. 5. Working for stable
and lasting peace is a very proper reason for common effort. 6. Some
people like jazz music some like classical music, it depends on their
character. 7. We often assess others for what they say, we’d better
assess them for what they have done and are doing. 8. Every company
or organization has sets of documents concerning the career and
character of those who work for it. 9. Many pupils in that old English
school were hungry, tired and sick but schoolmasters didn’t pay any
attention. 10. When it’s the time to do some unpleasant job the children
declare that they must urgently do something else. 11. Mr. B. had to
make up his own mind to run or not to run for the local parliament.
1. No, it’s not the same article we were translating last time. 2. This
test is not like the last one. 3. He is fired, that is he has lost his job.
4. The sportsmen arrived on Sunday night and on Monday morning the
competition started. 5. This expression is common in Britain and |n
many European countries too. 6. One more man called but he hasn’t
mentioned his name. 7. Only three people backed the proposal all the
rest were against it. 8. Could I have one more try? I hope I’ll manage
1. He tried everything that was in his power to do the job well and
not to let his friends down. 2. He was ready to spend a lot of his money
По-русски мы говорим так...
to give a chance to seriously ill children. 3. I was really ashamed for
the mess in the room. 4. She didn’t want to spend so much time on the
formalities, but she had to. 5. Have some sympathy for her, she is
suffering so much.
1. The meat was impossible to chew. 2. There is a special part in a
PC that stores the information. 3. The bum’s hair was filthy and not
soft. 4. He spoke in the tone commanding complete obedience. 5. He
was unkind and too demanding to people, so hardly anyone agreed to
work with him. 6. The frame of this door is impossible to bend or
move. I’m sure the door is secure. 7. Don’t be so strict with him, he is
just a child. 8. To successfully fight terrorism severe measures are
necessary. 9. He was a man of very strong character, never indulging
1. The door leading on to the street was usually locked and people
went in through the door from the yard. 2. Don’t put your wallet in the
pocket under the waist-belt, a pickpocket may easily steal it. 3. Jane
enjoys being in the center of attention and always tries to make other
people seem not worth any attention. 4. Jack really did some stran­
ge things but I don’t think he was hiding his real intentions. 5. The
administration of the company warned that the new rule was enfor­
ced six months ago and new charges would be collected since that
time. 6. After doing all sorts of home chores all day she could hardly
move. 7. Some bosses expect their subordinates to act as their faithful
1. She usually bought ready made clothes and they fit so well that
we all were sure that her dresses and suits were made specially for her.
2. The article was a typical case of black PR it was definitely ordered
and paid for by someone. 3. For the past few years we had some high
II. EXERCISES. Task three
profile murders of business people and politicians. Rumours claimed
that all those deaths were ordered and paid for by some interested
]. The outcome of the game was a draw. 2. Mr. D completed his
course at Cambridge just before the Second World War broke out.
3. He completed his studies at the secondary school in Moscow and
plans to start working and continue his education at the same time.
4. At the end of his presentation the speaker gave a brief summary of its
main points. 5. The room was locked and no one could leave before the
end of the seance.
1. Do you know who is working in my former position now?
2. Some vacancies were given to native people and some - to migrant
workers. 3. John Kennedy was the President for only three years.
4. All those who wanted to have their books signed by the writer stood
one behind another as soon as the writer turned up. 5. How much ti­
me do you spend to get to your office and back. 6. This room is not
free. We have to find another one. 7. Do you know who came first
in the competition? 8. The enemy forces controlled a big part of
the country.
1. The General Manager warned the staff not to sav anything to the
press officially before the investigation of the accident is over. 2. The
accused claimed that he didn’t commit the crime he was accused of.
3. If you wish to have your vacation in summer you’d better write
a special paper requesting it beforehand. 4. Following the political
scandal the prime minister was ready to step down and officially
applied for it. 5. To be able to enter a foreign country one has to submit
a special paper to the consulate.
По-русски мы говорим так...
1. The psychiatrist claimed that the accused was in full command of
himself when he committed the crime. 2. The doctor said that the
patient had no problems with his lungs. 3. If you have proper eating
habits you will not put on weight. 4. This athlete is quite able to take
part in the coming competition. 5. The food in this little cafe may be
not very tasty but it won’t do you anv harm. 6. The report indicated
some weak points in our activity and recommendations how to impro­
ve it. 7. If the state of economy leaves much to be desired no
successful social reforms are possible. 8. If the climate in some area is
very humid it’s not good for people.
1. Nothing can serve as fair reason to accept terrorism. 2. I apo­
logize for not having come to the meeting.
1- The preparation of a book for sale may take quite a long time.
2. There are many daily and weekly newspapers and magazines. 3. The
official introduction of the new law will take place next month. 4. These
books of detective stories cost very little. 5. This booklet of statistics is
brought out every year. 6. When this book was published for the first time
only 100 copies were brought out. 7. The number of copies of this
newspaper is the biggest amounting to several thousands.
1. All the students of this group were forced to leave the University
because of their political views. 2. The police investigating the crime
came to the conclusion that all suspects except one may not be taken
into account. 3. She proved to be suffering from diabetes so she had to
give up eating any sugar containing food. 4. During the first
questioning the police discovered that the man had nothing to do with
the crime. 5. The Security Council members were unanimous that
II. EXERCISES. Task three
sending military forces to the area is not acceptable. 6. This way
of testing students doesn’t make it possible to examine them personally.
7. The police said it was possible that the woman’s death was not
an accident but murder. 8. The special committee is to take a decision
whether or not to let the athlete take part in the competition. 9. The
board hasn’t even considered this proposal because it was entirely
impractical. 10. This kind of behavior is not allowed in our company.
1. A little girl was carrying a plate so full of steaming soup, so she was
moving slowly and carefully. 2. Nowadays a lot of people prefer to live far
from the city center. 3. She was in love and was ready to follow the man
she loved anywhere, 4. In his.dream he often saw the place where he was
bom and spent his early years. 5. The desert was everywhere around us as
far as we could see. 6. The company is very close to going under, some
immediate and extraordinary measures are necessary. 7. 1 don't really
know when we can finish with everything, we have so much work to do.
8. He looked as if he could pass awav anv minute but then miraculously he
managed to pull through. 9. We must be fair and not to go too far in our
criticism. 10. I heard by accident that the company is planning to cut the
cost of its product. 11. During the war people in the rear seemed to have
more problems and misfortunes than they could bear.
1. Dealing with crime the Government will resort to force only if all
other measures prove ineffective, 2. During the flood in Indonesia last
year not less then 150 people died. 3. The government is taking very
serious steps to improve the situation. 4. We could see in what terrible
conditions poor people lived there.
1. All of us enjoyed the concert but Jane didn’t. 2. We visited all
the museums but we failed to visit Pushkin museum, it was closed.
3. This author wrote short stories and he also wrote poetry.
По-русски мы говорим так...
1. The captain took the decision to move in the direction of NewYork. 2. The boat was moving towards Hawaii. 3. After some time the
captain realized that they had lost their wav and he didn’t know where
they were going.
1. She was so angry that she tore the letter into tiny parts without
reading it. 2. In the time of recession people have to get some money to
support themselves bv doing any odd job that comes their way.
3. Being extremely selfish and ambitious the man always tried hard to
be ahead of others to get something when possible.
1. We knew how the man looked but didn’t know his name. 2. In a
critical situation a person shows what he or she really is. 3. The news
was shocking indeed but he seemed not to be impressed at all. 4. He
was telling everybody what an important job he was doing but in actual
fact he was just a simple clerk. 5. The author tells the story as if about
himself. 6. A good looser knows how to acknowledge defeat with
1. On the boat we had to keep all the things we had with us in
special boxes. 2. What you do outside vour office hours is no concern
of your bosses. 3. The man swore to revenge his former friend some
day for humiliation and unfair things he had told about him. 4. People
working for the company could be fired any day without any
preliminary warning. 5. Usually a manager of a big company has
somebody who helps him with every day routine. 6. If one feels to be
in danger he may hire a man who would be protecting him all the time.
7. Besides other factors your health depends on how careful you are
about keeping clean all vour body.
II. EXERCISES. Task three
1. The burglars were caught at the place where they had committed
the crime. 2. In this town it’s never a problem to find a good place
to park vour car. 3. I didn’t find you in your room, you must have
been in another room. 4. We had to go from one hotel to another as in
every one we saw the sign saving that there were no rooms available.
5. The pick-pocket was grabbed right when he was trying to pull the
purse out of the woman’s bag. 6. Why don’t you put the desk at the
window, there is enough available area. 7. He did his job very well and
seemed to enjoy it, he was apparently very good for this position. 8. In
the last year’s figure-skating competition two pairs got the gold
medals. 9. His remark was relevant and worth paving attention to.
10. You shouldn’t have said it. You made vour joke at a very wrong
moment. 11. When I have to do something I prefer to begin doing it
from the very beginning.
1. After a few weeks fighting the warring sides signed a document
putting an end to the conflict. 2. Negotiations aimed at ceasing fighting
and resuming life without bloodshed have been going on since the
beginning of the year. 3. Living without reciprocal military attacks is
often hard to achieve with a conflict lasting many years. 4. Living
without wars is an essential prerequisite for economic and social
progress. 5. When a country is at war people far behind the frontline
suffer not less than those fighting actual battles. 6. The demonstrators
protested against conscription in the time when the country is not at
war. 7. The use of atomic energy for non-militarv purposes may be a
great benefit for the world economic development. 8. When I saw their
friendly non-aggressive conversation I could hardly believe that they
were implacable foes only a few days ago.
1. The situation in the Middle East at this point of time is volatile
and unpredictable. 2. I’ll be ready very soon. 3. I liked the part of the
По-русски мы говорим так...
film when the main characters finally meet and make up their quarrel.
4. In this connection I’d like to stress two things. 5. You should ask
your boss about your prospects in the company when he is in good
spirits. 6. The writer expressed some interesting views in the article.
7. You can come when you want to.
1. Small kids usually like toys that they can put their arms round and
hold close to show they love them. 2. The food here is tasty and the
meat is easy to chew. 3. The bread has iust been baked. 4. All her
movements and gestures were never abrupt. 5. I prefer background
music not to sound too loud. 6. The light in the room was not bright.
7. Unexpectedly the sentence for the crime proved to be not so severe.
8. Rain water is usually easy to use with soap.
1. He has to wear glasses because his eyesight is not good enough.
2. Almost any situation has a good and a bad side. 3. After the disaster
people suffer as they have not enough food and medical supplies.
4. The company has just started working and it doesn’t have enough
employees. 5. In spring people’s immune system weakens because
there are not enough vitamins in their bodies. 6. Let’s call them “foxes”
if we can’t think of a better name.
1. He had the habit that most people hated: he bit his nails. 2. We
are unfortunate to have a neighbour that constantly causes trouble.
3. He is the person that most people find it hard to like and to get on
with. 4. That was a difficult and distressing time for people. 5. I am
afraid this news will make her very unhappy. 6. At present the situation
in the country is unpredictable and may bring about most unwelcome
II. EXERCISES. Task three
1. I am afraid I can’t meet with you at that time. I will be busy.
2. Her behavior made me feel uneasy. 3. The seats in the theatre were
very hard and difficult to sit in for a long time. 4. The position he was
sitting in was hard to keep. 5. Late hours are not good time for
telephone calls. 6. This semester our time-table is quite bad: we start
late, have long breaks and finish about 8 pm. 7. By chance he got
himself in the situation that made him feel ill at ease. 8. Who likes to
deal with people who get on vour nerves? 9. I think such tone is not
proper when you are speaking with children.
1. Guests can get rooms and meals at any hotel. 2. This office can
give any information about the local area. 3. Parents must get all
necessary things for their children. 4. Two generators produce electric
power for the local hospital. 5. The agent had to discover who the
terrorists got weapons from. 6. One of the main tasks of the UNO is to
make peaceful life last everywhere. 7. The school had to buy one
hundred text-books more so that all pupils could have them at the
beginning of the school year. 8. Hard work and dedication apart from
talent helped her gain tremendous success. 9. Why don’t we introduce
regulations making students not cut any classes? 10. How can our
families make their ends meet on such meager wages?
1. The government representative went up to the rostrum and started
speaking to the audience. 2. We went to the consulate to fill up the
necessary papers in order to get the visa. 3. He is broke because he has
spent all his money most unwisely. 4. His enthusiasm soon became
apathy and indifference. 5. The government did not know what
measures they should take in this crisis. 6. Please be careful with this
box. Glasses are packed in it. 7. She threatened to start legal proceedings
if he did not pay back the money he had borrowed. 8. The moment they
saw the terrible beast they started running away as fast as they could.
По-русски мы говорим так...
9. Не was a wonderful story-teller: everyone stopped doing anything and
started listening to him attentively as soon as he began his story.
1. I wonder what the proper wav to begin a letter is. 2. Some well
known doctors spoke on the radio asking businessmen to give money
for cancer research. 3. Being very polite to everybody was what helped
him to get on with people and always have their support. 4. In some
countries if vou are cruel with vour pets you may be prosecuted.
5. A year ago a new coin began to be used everywhere. 6. Astronomers
study the wavs different planets move around the sun. 7. The boy
jumped several times to get the movement of his blood around his body
back to normal. 8. Is the money spent on marketing included in the
price? 9. His becoming a Buddhist did not surprise anybody.
1. The speaker was asked a few questions which related to the main
idea of the presentation not to particulars. 2. Could you describe the
main directions of the company’s activity? 3. The impression shared by
most visitors was quite favourable. 4. Let’s discuss today only premises
and goals of the project. 5. Scientists hoped they’ve made their
discovery for the benefit of all people. 6. They came from different
social strata but had similar interests and ideals. 7. He was considered
to be a friend to all his group-mates. 8. What kept the members of the
club together was that they were interested in the same things. 9. In the
past many families had just one room in a big flat living there together
with other families. 10. The decision was taken quickly as all those
who were to take it agreed to it. 11. We came from different countries
but we all could speak English. 12. The earnings of all the working
members of the family amounted to 20 thousand roubles. 13. Counting
all the necessary spendings the project required about 1 million pounds.
14. If we count all those who took part in the conference 30 countries
were represented there. 15. Considering all that was said about the
experiment the assessment of the results was positive. 16. There is
practically nothing new in the article only things well known to
everybody. 17. To get out of the crisis the contribution of all the
interested parties is required. 18. Russia and China border on each
II. EXERCISES. Task three
other. 19. Many people usually sav that there is no climate in England
but only weather.
I. This would be a good way to show them how grateful we are.
2. The date of the President’s visit was made public yesterday.
3. Because of the hurricane the government had to introduce the state of
emergency. 4. The press has reported the Defence Minister’s resig­
nation. 5. Do you know why he did not come to the meeting?
6. The use of poisonous gas in military operations is banned by the law.
7. The Supreme court judges have decided that the legislation can no
longer be applied. 8. The boss was furious about her unacceptable
behaviour and told her plainly what he thought about it. 9. People at the
railway station were informed that the strike was over and trains will
resume regular arrivals and departures. 10. The defendant never
admitted that he had committed the crime.
1. Was the development of American art in any wav affected by the
European roots? 2. American mass culture can be traced in all Western
cultures. 3. This political agreement has not so far told on the lives of
average people. 4. He did not force her to either accept or reject the job
offer. 5. Parents ought to stand by their children when they face
difficulties. 6. Victims of the earthquake were grateful to all who had
come to their rescue. 7. The scholarship committee will decide in
favour of those who come from disadvantaged backgrounds. 8. When
husband insisted on something wife never demonstrated that she was
against it.
1. Then I realized that I was in a most difficult situation. 2. They
never expected her to become such a good actress. 3. We failed to find
two very important documents in the file. 4. To our surprise we saw
that he was a loyal and reliable partner. 5. They realized that the task
was more difficult than they expected. 6. From what we saw we
По-русски мы говорим так...
thought that the huge stone was used as a place of worship. 7. Some
time later we realized that our decision was right.
1. In our professional activity we often do exactly what our teachers
did. 2. Most effective methods of work should be made broadly public.
3. People should let others know what they have learnt during their life
and work. 4. The new medicine was experimentally used in many
hospitals of the country. 5. I know how it feels to be suddenly jobless
as it happened to me once. 6. She likes to wear different kinds of ma­
ke-up to see which is better. 7. He knows how to run the HR
department because he headed the HR department once.
1. After working in this field so many years he knows perfectly what
to do and how. 2. He is excellent with computers he knows everything
about them. 3. This lot of products is not a regular part of the
production, the managers just want to see how big the demand for them
will be. 4. This is the place where we can try new methods.
1. Do you read books in the language they are written in? 2. She
doesn’t look like anyone else. She is very specific.
1. His eyesight is pretty good. He can see really small things.
2. Use the knife with caution. You can cut yourself. 3. They ran out of
food supplies in the famine-stricken areas. They experienced hardships.
4. Is “sharp” the right word to describe his appearance referring both to
shape of his chin and his nose? 5. He prefers Mexican cuisine, because
he doesn’t like unflavored food. 6. She is famous for her witty remarks.
II. EXERCISES. Task three
1. A day when there is no need to go to work is called a free day.
2. Instead of working tomorrow we can go to a library, because we are
allowed to be free from work. 3. Very often when we want to have
a break from work during the day we visit a special room and spend
some time there before we return to work. 4. For vacations we
sometimes stay not at a hotel, but at a special center for rest. 5. He
retired, he is not working any longer.
1 .He was not able to go to Britain. He was not given a visa. 2. They
told him that they would not give him any help. 3. Did she accept
his marriage proposal? Oh, no, guke on the contrary, she didn’t.
4. Everyone agrees that he is a very witty person. 5. He could hard­
ly speak when he saw her. He lost his voice.
1. She couldn’t accept their invitation to dinner because she had
already been invited elsewhere on that day. 2. He usually sticks to his
point of view, no matter what. 3. It turned out we were unable to go on
vacation then so we didn’t buy the tickets we booked. 4. He should
stop smoking. It won’t do him any good. 5. It seems he ought to quit.
He definitely should not keep the post. 6. They shouldn’t be getting on
with their policy of pressure. 7. How can he say that he has never made
such a statement?
1. Keep the cage closed. The tiger can leap out. 2. Many oriental
women keep their faces covered, they do not want strangers to see them.
3. Push the drawer back, please, and keep it closed. 4. So did he have to
begin doing something new again? Yes, this is his new business. 5. Try
the tap please to find out if hot water is running. 6. He is known to have
По-русски мы говорим так...
worked out a new method of research. 7. When will they make it
possible for the people to see the new monument?
1. He was given an absolutely new opportunity for finishing the film
he was making. 2. When do the shops start working on Sunday?
3. How did they manage to learn about the plot? Someone must have
helped them. 4. She was eager to share the news with someone she
trusted. So she told me all about it. 5. It was the last exam she was to
take at the University. Now she could dream about her future and bright
new prospects she will hopefully have.
1. - What am I supposed to do with the letters?
- They have to be mailed to all the addresses stated on the
2. - That letter has returned. I wonder why?
- No wonder it is back. It should have been mailed to the new
address of this company.
3. - What about these goods?
- They are to be sent out this week.
4. - The legal process of judging and punishing people requires
justice to be done objectively.
1. Their journey promises to be very exciting. They began it last
week and have been sailing in the Mediterranean Sea for several days
already. 2. She was standing at the big window of the airport holding
room looking at the plane that was about to go up. 3. Hurry up or you
will miss the train which has already begun to move slowly. 4. “When
is he going to go to London?” “Next week I suppose.” 5. It’s too late
for the child to stay up, he should be sleeping.
II. EXERCISES. Task three
1. How much do the workers here get on average? And the clerks?
What do they get? 2. I’d like to rent this flat, it’s comfortable. What do
I have to pav monthly? 3. Shall I have to pay to enter the Museum?
4. He is a well-known composer. That is why the payment he gets for
his creation is rather high. 5. What is the system of payment here: per
hour, per week, per month? 6. What will she have to pav for studying
at the University? 7. How much do I have to pav for going by bus in
this city? 8. How much do they ask for each piece of work they complete?
1. These two countries have had diplomatic ties for years. 2. It is
amazing: the two of them have been writing to each other every week
for 20 years. 3. We have never lost contact so far and I hope we’ll not
do so in future either. 4. Stability is something we should have by all
means. 5. “Take care of your health and you will live a hundred years,
the doctor said. 6. She has been through a lot of trouble, which does not
make it easy for her to always be in a good mood. 7. What team is he a
fan of? 8. The fence is shaky, you should do something to support it.
1. We can use this area of land for keeping animals or growing food.
2. We do not grow anything here this year. It can be said that the ground
has been given a chance to rest. 3. The country is known for paying a lot
of attention to sports activities. It accounts for quite a number of places
where one can practice sports. 4. She has the ability to succeed in more
than one area of research. 5. Type your name in the User area. 6. He is
used to making notes in the left-side space of a page.
1. In his speech at the Forum the head of the delegation touched
upon the present state of international relations. 2. The investigators
7 Зак.1200
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examined the wav the body was lying on the floor at the scene of
crime. 3. There were many questions in the questionnaire she was to
answer, including the one about her family and social position. 4. Like
any other legal document an agreement has some parts each of which
deals with a particular point. 5. What is the main thought that the
author of this article wants to bring home to people?
1. Before the committee debates a proposal it should be put forward
by someone and supported by someone else too. 2. After two years
of dating he finally asked her to marry him. 3. The store announced
a special price on all TV sets till the end of the month. Which was
much lower than the usual price for them. 4. Though it was not a job he
had in mind, he couldn’t refuse their proposal. He needed some job
badly. 5. The goods sell so well that it seems we should deliver much
1. A group of words (usually including a subject and a verb) can
express a statement, question or instruction. 2. Can you read this
statement out loud? It is short, though it consists of two correlative
1. Can you tell me vour name, please? 2. Will you give me any
statement from the previous job, please? 3. The prosecutor did not give
enough facts, statements or objects to convict the defendant. 4. At the
bank they first of all asked for our I.D. cards. 5. He couldn’t have done
it. It’s beyond me. 6. I do not think that their proposal might interest
you. 7. Who is going to speak on behalf of our committee at the
II. EXERCISES. Task three
1. Not many countries have officially agreed that the organization
exists. 2. Those documents were found no longer legal. 3. He was
convicted for having committed that crime. 4. The doctors examined
the young man and said that he couldn’t serve in the army. 5. He
insisted on not being guilty of the crime. 6. Somehow he looked
familiar when I saw him at the concert, but I couldn’t recollect when
and where we had met before.
1. She was very grateful to him for giving her a wonderful present She took it with pleasure. 2.1 hope they didn’t reject their invitation to
the party. 3. After the resignation of the Director of the department
Mr. B. began to work in that capacity. 4. Many new members joined
the party before the Congress was held. 5. Somehow he made himself
responsible for what was happening. 6. The Liberal Democrats tabled
an amendment to the bill that was later agreed upon by the Committee.
7. How many visitors does he have daily? 8. After living in Greece for
some years he decided to become a Christian. 9. Don’t treat it as a joke.
It is no joke at all. 10. After all he had to come to a decision he found
appropriate in that situation.
1. The light went off. Something happened to the protective device.
2. I see why you can not take a bath. The water keeps flowing through
a hole at the bottom of the bath. There is nothing to keep the water in.
3. You will lose your job all right. I will make you leave it in a great
hurry. 4. He is definitely very silly I must say.
l.They asked us to show our tickets at the entrance. 2. Are they
going to control our activities? 3. Their evidence should be double­
По-русски мы говорим так...
checked I suppose. 4. Will the company accounts be checked by an
independent expert? 5. There is a company unit that has to see to it that
the instruments and equipment are in order. 6. In order to attract
customers they often put some goods on display at the store with an
appeal: “Check me out. Give me a chance”.
1. It was decided to organize a conference. 2. The sides met to discuss
some very important issues. The talks were very important for both of
them. 3. There is going to be a new railway soon instead of the old disuse
one. 4. She put her hand up to touch her hair - a tumble of waves. 5. He
took a new sheet of paper and made some lines on it for a new chart.
6. I don’t like it when someone doesn’t know what to do with one’s time,
just lets it go down the drain instead of using it purposefully.
1.1 don’t think he can fool us all. We know all his tricks.
1. He accompanied the delegation to the conference room. 2. May I
go with you to make sure that you reach your home safe and sound?
3. See you tomorrow at the railway station to wish you a safe journey.
4. Mv son has joined the army recently. We had quite a party before he
left. 5. The spectators were applauding him all the wav from the stage.
6. He didn’t take his eves off her all the time he could see her.
1. When one joins diplomatic service he should learn a lot of things:
a set of rules for the correct wav to behave on formal occasions among
others. 2. They filled in a special paper at the police station. 3. At the
trial the judge asked them to read out loud what was put down at the
interrogation. 4. All sessions of the parliament are reflected in special
II. EXERCISES. Task three
1. He held out his hand to reach the ball. 2. “Let us shake hands” he said and put out his hand. 3. They are trying to lav out the telephone
line strictly according to the plan. 4. They seem not to be able to settle
the matter - the discussions are endless. Can they be doing it on
purpose? 5. I can call it a gesture of good will. He did help us a lot,
it was a real support.
1. What he did is called betrayal. She will never forget about it.
2. I paid no attention to a lot of his mistakes, so I can close mv eves to
this one too. 3. Don’t be angry with me. please, if I hurt you. I am
sorry. 4. Since you helped me to settle the matter 1 will not consider
you in debt to me any longer. 5. Can I ask you? What time is it?
6. I didn’t quite get what you said. I am sorry to sav. Will you repeat it
please? 7. It is mv fault I should admit. I’ve given you a wrong
1. She is fond of not only buying things at the stores, but of looking at
the shop windows. 2. The witness fixed his eves on the suspect. 3. It’s
high time they finally did something with his application. 4. They think
about him as a new candidate. 5. They thought about it as a reward.
1. The gloves have become a little bit too tight. Can 1 make them
larger. I wonder. 2. She prefers to dry clothes on the balcony. That is
why she put up a rope there between the walls. 3. The athlete had to
give up the tournament for he had injured his leg. 4. He was supposed
to make a report during 20 minutes. Now some 40 minutes have passed
and he is still speaking, mainly repeating what has already been said.
5. A young couple decided to be more economical, to plan their
expenses very carefully between the pay-days.
По-русски мы говорим так...
1. It’s 11 p.m. already. Will you make the radio not so loud? 2. The
sides have to find a solution in this conflict situation and to smooth over
the differences between them. 3. There wouldn’t be so many traffic
jams in our city if all the drivers obeyed traffic regulations. It needs
constant supervision. 4. They used to be good friends. Somehow their
relations have been spoiled recently by misunderstanding. They should
do something to bring them back to normal.
1. I want her to share with us the secret of her cooking this delicious
pie. 2. If the authorities are really concerned about economic growth of
the area they ought to find a sort of a remedy for it. 3. One can hardly
expect to find an advice for all the predicaments one can face in life.
1. Discussing plans for vacations next year we made a decision to go
to some African countries for we hadn’t visited any before. 2. They
were firm in their decision to sell the old house. 3. What influenced the
outcome of the match? 4. A judge had a final say in the matter that
ended in my favour. 5. How can we find a solution for this very
complicated matter? 6. He is fond of thinking over crossword puzzles.
1. There wasn’t a single bump on the road that we felt. 2. He firmly
drew a direct line. 3. Now that high temperature was gone, the child was
sleeping calmly. His mother was listening carefully to his breathing still
worried. 4. It’s a nice and comfortable temperature for there flowers. It
should always be kept the same. 5. One of the greatest advantages of
these islands is the climate: it practically doesn’t change throughout the
year. 6. His manner of speaking is very appealing - he doesn’t raise his
voice ever, no matter what. He manages to control his temper.
II. EXERCISES. Task three
1. She was called to the trial to speak in front of the Jury. 2. These
findings only prove the existence of the civilization in question. 3. You
should have your signature on this document stamped. Otherwise it
won’t be considered valid. 4. All the young men enlisted in the army
should go through a medical examination.
1. The important thing is that he is free to choose what he likes.
2. She is fifteen now. Her parents moved to Germany when she was
five. After 10 years of living and studying there it is only natural that
she knows German very well. 3. ft was very difficult to book hotel
accommodation there. All the hotels were either too expensive or
booked up. 4. Tuesday is a good day for visiting museums here. You
don’t have to buy a ticket.
1. Close spiritual relationship is something that distinguishes their
union. 2. The lawyer claims that his client’s health problems are
directly related to his work in the mine. 3. The school encourages links
between students and local business. 4. ft so happened the two friends
didn’t communicate, for a couple of years. 5. After moving to a new
house she was eager to have a telephone installed to be able to
communicate with friends and relatives. 6. They should have more
specialists capable of dealing with both the organization and the public
in order to create a good opinion among people about the company
itself and its activities.
1. Elderly people often treat the water they get in a church as a
medicine not only for spiritual health purposes, but also for physical
indisposition. 2. The relics of real people who were made saints after
По-русски мы говорим так...
they passed away can be found in some monasteries. People worship
them. 3. Nothing is dear to him; he doesn’t worship or respect anything
or anybody.
1. Finally the documents went to the archives where historical
documents and records are stored. 2. We decided to take our luggage to
the hotel cloakroom and pick it up before the departure. 3. Are they
going to sell their old flat? No, some of their friends asked them to let
their relatives live in the flat for a year. 4. When do you have to give
the book back to the library? 5. Mr. B. is going to retire. However it
will be difficult for his successor to assume Mr. B’s duties. 6. How
many exams will she have this term? 7. He began to weaken with age.
1. When did this independent state appear on the map? 2. Who was
a founder of that theory? 3. Possible attack against peacekeepers is j
threat to peace in the area. 4. Those episodes were filmed in Europe
during World War II. Including them into his movie the director
managed to create the right atmosphere of the time and had a very good
film as a result. 5. The scholar is known as a person who laid the
foundation of his own centre of research.
1. Taxation should be balanced: taking into account interests of
economy on the one hand and people on the other. 2. The miners’
demand for a pay-rise was based on inflation and hard working
conditions. 3. Any judge should always be objective, no matter how
difficult it can be to feel neutral and unbiased. 4. The judge dismissed
their claim for compensation, which caused their anger for they
believed they had every right to get it. 5. He had many reasons for his
suspicion. 6. Their statement about the company’s environmental
policy reflected real state of affairs.
II. EXERCISES. Task three
1. They new monument they constructed in the square is weird.
2. I arranged the flowers in a vase and placed it on a small bureau in the
corner. 3. The athlete promised to break the old record during the
competition next week. 4. Will you take care of the alarm-clock.
please? It must wake me up at 5 a.m. not to miss the plane. 5. What
mark did you get for your written paper? 6. I didn’t expect them to
take such a decision. They forced me to agree to it. 7. Your signature
should be verified by a seal. 8. When did they first perform the play?
1. I know he was a good teacher, but I couldn’t put up with his
condescending manner of speaking and his demanding tone in
particular. 2. He is a real expert in art. 3. If you want the diet to be
effective there should be no deviations from it on your part. 4. Any
government ought to be very tough in its control of inflation. 5. Harsh
measures will have to be taken to bring down prices or at least not to let
them go up. 6. The information he shared with the Committee was
highly confidential. 7. The secretary was harshly lectured for forgetting
to warn the boss of the call of his superiors.
1. The authorities should take very strong measures to combat
corruption. 2. Parking regulations are tough. For example, it’s against
the law to park on a double yellow line with all the consequences to
follow. Don’t you think that the law should be more lenient as far as
parking is concerned? - No, as a matter of fact I don’t. 3. Why do some
people have to come through a lot of hardships in their lifetime? 4. He
is known for being very tough. That is considered to be the main aspect
of his character. 5. Global warming^paradoxically brought about very
cold winters in some parts of the globe. 6. The climate there is far from
being mild.
По-русски мы говорим так...
1. Rain is a rare guest in that part of the country. It is one of the
reasons why the soil there isn’t soft at all. 2. Unlike the books in soft
cover, which are convenient to take along to be read on the way the
ones on the shelf are quite the opposite in the type of cover they have.
3. So you are interested in our schedule, aren’t you? Well I can say we
don’t work flexitime here like it or not. 4. What is the final date for
finishing the project? 5. When prices do not fluctuate people like it.
6. He has quite a will power no doubt about it. 7. I am completely
convinced that this research will open up new prospects and aspects of
study. 8. Though he is old his memory never fails him. 9. He is a tough
guv, very confident and determined, capable of protecting himself all righ
1. On a hot sunny day I always try to find a cool place, protected
from the Sun. 2. We were sitting under a big tree where neither the Sun
nor the rain could reach us. 3. She looks tired, with dark circles under
her eves. 4. If there is the slightest doubt about his being guilty he
should be considered innocent unless it is proved otherwise. 5. The
man is a real coward, always frightened. A lot of things scare the life
out of him.
1. He is not in a position to make demands now. 2. I did write that
letter, I confess because of his pressure. 3. Different words are used to
denote insistent requests in terms of politics, economy and territory.
4. There is no regular stop here. You should ask the driver to let you
put. 5. It’s not easy to be up to the high standards set by them. 6. He
passed his exams well. What was asked of him seemed easy.
1. He is a man who feels fine in any company. 2. A nurse helped
the sick person to sit up. By changing his body position he felt better.
II. EXERCISES. Task three
3. What can you say about the time of the meeting? Is it Q.K, with you?
4. Do you think the conference hall appropriate for holding a meeting?
5. Is this all right if I talk to her about this sensitive issue?
1. It was very difficult to carry out rescue operation because the
weather was bad. 2. Foster parents were determined to make everything
possible for a child to live happily in their family. 3. What is required
by this contract? 4. At first sight the agreement seems to be good for
us. However we should study it carefully before signing it. May be we
can add some special provisions in order to benefit_from it. 5. He
should never agree to the terms of the contract they offer. 6. He agreed
to write such an article having made only one reservation: not to give
his real name as an author. 7. All the participants in the contest should
be treated equally, it’s a must.
1. They should adjust the cameras they put at the entrance. 2. The
results of the research carried out by the expedition made it possible to
know the age of the findings. 3. It was proved that at the time of the
crime he was far from the scene of it. 4. It’s not long ago that they
began to exercise control over this construction project. 5. Have they
agreed upon the time of the meeting? 6. Since when have those two
countries had diplomatic relations?
1. I liked the presentation he made at a conference in general.
2. Why are you so late? I’ve been waiting for you all day long. 3. After
all those years away from that town she was happy to find the house she
used to live in undamaged and well-preserved. 4. It’s better to cut the
fruit and not to swallow it all at once.
По-русски мы говорим так...
1. It should be considered as one case only. Not a regular practice.
2. There are not many people who want others to pry into their life.
3. The visit was paid unofficially. 4. He acted as a private person in
that deal. 5. Does he really own that enterprise?
1. Change the shorts, please. They are dirty. Take a washed up
pair - Mother told her child. 2. Well. I can see the result of your
cleaning efforts. The flat looks as it has just been cleaned. 3. The color
of her blouse was very white, without any impunities. 4. You can drink
this water all right. They purify it carefully. 5. I am so glad our team
won the game. It was a good fair victory. 6. What was his last year
profit after taxes had been removed? 7. It was accidental that they
didn’t miss each other at the station.
1. From where I stood I could hear someone coming in my
direction. 2. The new university is located very close to her house.
3. Her joining the company was a move in the right direction for she
might have good prospects for her career there. 4. Little by little you
will learn how to do this work properly. 5. Parents are fond of filming
their babies when they start walking.
Translate the following sentences into English using key
words and synonymous words or word combinations.
1. Это учение явилось базой для дальнейшего развития науки.
2. Спортивная база будет построена в горах. 3. Недалеко от горо­
да Н строится новая военно-морская база. 4. Командос закончили
операцию и вернулись на базу. 5. Большие запасы продуктов и
товаров обычно хранятся на базах. 6. Новая модель компьютера
имеет значительно большую базу данных. 7. В этом курортном
месте строятся многочисленные базы отдыха. 8. Здесь недалеко
есть хорошая туристическая база. 9. Чтобы повысить уровень
жизни людей необходимо создать твердую экономическую базу.
10. Этот договор послужит базой для дальнейшего успешного раз­
вития двусторонних отношений. 11. Эта школа выгодно отличает­
ся прекрасной учебной базой. 12. Мы должны выйти из договора,
но подвести под это решение хорошую базу.
1. Это -секретный документ, так как он относится к внутренней
безопасности страны. 2. Эти самолеты пользуются доброй славой
за свою безопасность и надежность. 3. Я надеюсь, что здесь мы
будем в безопасности. 4. Солдаты шли пешком несколько дней,
пока они оказались в безопасности. 5. Все члены команды по­
терпевшего крушение судна теперь в безопасности. 6. Ты знаешь,
кто отвечает за технику безопасности на нашем заводе? 7. При
местных органах власти созданы комитеты общественной безопас­
ности. 8. Застегни ремень безопасности, а то нас оштрафуют.
9. Многие международные организации стараются внести свой
вклад в укрепление мира и безопасности во всем мире.
По-русски мы говорим так...
1. Извините за беспокойство, могу я задать вам вопрос? 2. Не
беспокойся, она обязательно поправится. 3. Он очень устал, не
нужно его беспокоить. 4. Не беспокойся. Я выясню все сам. 5. Ее
внешний вид не беспокоил ее совершенно. 6. Простите, что беспо­
кою вас, но вопрос очень срочный. 7. Что случилось? Что тебя
беспокоит? 8.Не беспокойся, меня не нужно подвозить, я дойду
пешком, здесь близко. 9. После последних соревнований его бес­
покоит правая нога. 10. Зачем беспокоиться и приглашать их, они
все равно не придут. 11. Она даже не обеспокоилась (не затрудни­
ла себя), чтобы нас поприветствовать.
1. Обычно мы заказываем обед из трех блюд. 2. Это блюдо
можно ставить в духовку. 3. Пицца с грибами — ее любимое блю­
до. 4. В меню этого ресторана всегда имеется их специальное
1. Не беспокойся, он болеет всего два дня. 2. Ей пришлось
остаться дома, чтобы ухаживать за ребенком, который болел.
3. Их ребенок болеет скарлатиной уже целый месяц. 4. Она жалу­
ется, что у нее болит спина. 5. У Фреда болели ноги, после того как
он весь день катался на лыжах. 6. Доктор спросил пациента: «Где у
вас болит?». 7. Он не кашляет и не чихает, но у него болит горло.
8. От дыма у всех больно щипало глаза. 9. Поэт с юности был болен
туберкулезом. 10. Боюсь, что у меня грипп. У меня все болит.
11. Если у тебя болят зубы, сходи к зубному врачу. 12. За какую ко­
манду ты болеешь? 13. У кого что болит, тот о том и говорит.
14. Она выглядит такой несчастной. У меня сердце за нее болит.
15. Он человек очень ответственный и всегда болеет за дело.
16. Здесь больно? 17. Вам больно сгибать ногу в колене? 18. Я не
хотел сделать тебе больно, обидеть тебя. 19. Ты уж больно горяч.
II. EXERCISES. Task four
1. Сколько больных терапевт поликлиники принимает каждый
день? 2. Это тяжелобольной, мы должны пригласить других специ­
алистов для консультации. 3. Он определенно психически боль­
ной. Мы должны перевести его в специальную больницу. 4. Не
говори об их разводе, для него это больная тема. 5. Я никогда не
думал, что у него больное сердце. 6. Говорить об их бедности —
это бить по больному месту. 7. Он не признает своей вины, и бу­
дет валить с больной головы на здоровую. 8. Больная экономика —
следствие неудачных реформ.
1. Больного внесли в операционную и начали готовить к опера­
ции. 2. Фирма внесла деньги на наш банковский счет. 3. Резолю­
ция была внесена представителем оппозиции. 4. В соответствии с
конституцией каждый депутат имеет право вносить законопроект.
5. Мы внесли плату за обучение до начала учебного года. 6. Дора­
батывая проект договора, стороны внесли несколько новых поло­
жений. 7. Внести ваше имя в список? 8. Статья хорошая, но нуж­
но внести в текст некоторые поправки. 9. Каждую весну фермеры
вносят в почву удобрения. 10. Последняя поправка в конституцию
была внесена два года тому назад. 11. Ваша группа внесла много
полезного в работу нашей компании. 12. Ожидается, что стороны
внесут ясность в свои позиции по этому вопросу уже сегодня.
13. Мы хотели бы внести некоторые изменения в наш план.
14. В это дело так и не была внесена ясность. 15. Выступающий
внес предложение прекратить обсуждение и приступить к голосо­
ванию. 16. Проект бюджета на следующий год был внесен на об­
суждение в парламент еще летом.
1. Пришедшие на митинг с волнением ждали прибытия лидера
партии. 2. Ожидая своего выступления, я всегда испытываю вол­
нение. 3. Сильное волнение на море не позволило спасателям
По-русски мы говорим так...
близко подойти к горящему судну. 4. Народные волнения быстро
распространились по всему региону. 5. Долгое ожидание усилило
всеобщее волнение.
I. Люди всегда волнуются из-за нестабильности и неопреде­
ленности своего положения. 2. Невеста очень волновалась в связи
с предстоящей встречей с семьей жениха. 3. Возможные сокраще­
ния взволновали всех сотрудников. 4. Я должен идти домой, а то
родители будут волноваться. 5. Этот вопрос меня не волнует.
6. Новое философское учение взволновало умы ученых. 7. Мне не
хотелось бы попусту его волновать.
1. Стояла поздняя осень. Голые поля простирались по обеим
сторонам дороги. 2. Многие всю зиму ходят с голой головой (без
головного убора). 3. Спать на голом полу не удобно. 4. В комнате
не было никакой мебели, только голые стены. 5. В статье сообща­
лись только голые факты и никаких комментариев. 6. Серьезные
проблемы нельзя решить голым администрированием. 7. Люди
были готовы драться с врагом голыми руками. 8. Голая правда
оказалась просто ужасной. 9. На ней было вечернее платье с глу­
боким вырезом, а руки оставались голыми.
1. Неожиданно раздался громкий стук в дверь. 2. Музыка была
оглушающе громкой. 3. Шпионский скандал оказался громким
делом. 4. В те годы В. Маяковский был громким именем в поэзии.
5. Громкая слава, как правило, бывает недолгой. 6. Обычно он де­
лал все как следует и без громких слов. 7. Многие ораторы любят
использовать в своих выступлениях громкие слова.
II. EXERCISES. Task four
1. Грубые слова всегда обижают. 2. Он любит отпускать гру­
бые ремарки о людях, которых он едва знает. 3. Он добрый чело­
век, но иногда его манеры просто грубы. 4. После весенних работ
на огороде руки становятся грубыми. 5. Комбинезон был сделан
из грубой ткани, не пропускающей воду. 6. После целого месяца в
море кожа лица стала грубой и темной. 7. Грубая пища полезна
для пищеварения. 8. Его грубый голос соответствовал его грубым
манерам. 9. Я не понимаю, что вызвало у тебя эти грубые слова.
10. О грубых нарушениях прав человека часто сообщают в прессе.
11. Г рубая лесть иногда срабатывает. 12. Сейчас многие эстрадные
выступления полны грубых шуток. 13. Конечно, это грубая рабо­
та, но на этой лавке сидеть вполне удобно. 14. Люди далеко не
всегда уступают грубой силе. 15. Игру этой команды отличают
многочисленные случаи грубой игры. 16. Мы сделали грубый рас­
чет стоимости будущего изделия. 17. Последнее заявление прави­
тельства в отношении соседней страны было охарактеризовано как
грубое вмешательство в ее внутренние дела. 18. Чиновников об­
виняют в совершении грубых административных ошибок.
1. Есть хорошее средство от тоски - займись делом. 2. Они от­
крыли свое дело примерно десять лет тому назад. 3. Кажется, что
он сидит без дела, но, на самом деле, он думает. 4. Один департа­
мент, как правило, не вмешивается в дела другого. 5. Не вмеши­
вайся не в свои дела и не наживешь так много недругов. 6. Наше
общее дело - построить экономически мощное и стабильное госу­
дарство. 7. Ребенок не должен сидеть без дела. Родители должны
уметь занять его делом. 8. Ты не знаешь, он приезжает по делу или
отдохнуть. 9. Защита родины - правое и благородное дело.
10. Многие граждане живут в нищете, а правительству нет до этого
дела. 11. Я не согласен, что это твое личное дело, это дело касает­
ся всех нас. 12. Мы должны оценивать наших руководителей по
их делам, а не по словам. 13. Твое решение не дело вкуса и не дело
привычки. Это дело принципа. 14. Я же вижу, что что-то случи­
По-русски мы говорим так...
лось. Скажи мне, в чем дело? 15. В отделе кадров находятся лич­
ные дела всех сотрудников министерства. 16. Министр возбудил
дело против газеты за клевету. 17. Министерство иностранных дел
занимается развитием и поддержанием отношений с различными
странами мира. 18. «Не в этом дело, - сказал он. - Дело в том, что
мы тратим слишком много денег». 19. Дело было много лет назад.
20. «Я знаю, что она на тебя обижается». - «Подумаешь, большое
дело. Я тоже на нее обижаюсь». 21. Зачем дело стало? Давайте,
наконец, примемся за дело.
1. Это совсем другая тетрадь, а мне нужна точно такая же.
2. Выступающий привел пример совсем другой ситуации. 3. Он
написал два романа. Один имел большой успех. Другой оказался
полным провалом. 4. Никто не любит, когда другие вмешиваются
в его дела. 5. Они разорены, другими словами они потеряли все
свои деньги. 6. Люди в очереди медленно продвигались один за
другим, предъявляя свои пропуска. 7. «Пожалуйста, зайдите в
другой раз, - попросила секретарь. - Сейчас шеф очень занят».
8. С одной стороны, укрепление местной валюты - хороший при­
знак, но с другой - оно может сказаться самым непредсказуемым
образом на состоянии экономики в целом. 9. В этом отношении мы
не отличаемся от других компаний, но в других отношениях мы ни
на кого не похожи. 10. И тот и другой прибыли в одно и то же время.
И. Ни одна ни другая сторона не знала, что предпринять.
12. Этот обычай общепринят в США и в других странах. 13. Захо­
дил кто-то другой, но я не спросил его имени. 14. Некоторые кем­
пинги расположены на берегах рек, другие — недалеко от шоссе.
I. Я бы хотела еще немного молока. 2. Газеты сообщают об
еще одном коррупционном скандале. 3. Дайте мне, пожалуйста,
еще пару бананов. 4. Нужно обсудить еще два вопроса. 5. Я не
сомневаюсь, мы еще встретимся. 6. Эта книга мне понравилась
еще больше. 7. Директор еще занят, позвоните, пожалуйста, позд­
нее. 8. Соглашение было подписано еще в 1996 году. 9. Еще вчера
II. EXERCISES. Task four
он согласился на наше предложение. 10. Они встретились и по­
дружились еще 50 лет тому назад. 11. «Ты говоришь, у нее про­
блемы в школе?» - «Да, и еще какие». 12. Пока еще ты должен
лежать. 13. «Они уже подписали контракт?» - «Еще нет». 14. «У
Джона, кажется, большие неприятности». - «Еще какие!» 15. Кто
еще примет участие в конференции?
1. Мы не можем не жалеть тех детей, которые остались без ро­
дителей. 2. Ребенок выглядел таким испуганным и беспомощным,
что его нельзя было не пожалеть. 3. Я сожалею, что доставил вам
столько хлопот. 4. Мне жаль ее. Она так страдает. 5. Не подписы­
вай этого контракта. Ты об этом пожалеешь. 6. Он жалел о каж­
дой минуте, когда вынужден был отрываться от работы над своим
проектом. 7. Они не жалели сил, чтобы справиться с заданием как
можно лучше. 8. На хорошее образование не стоит жалеть средств.
9. Пожалей ее. Она так несчастна. 10. Никогда не жалейте о про­
шлом. Ведь его не изменишь.
1. Еда была ужасной. Мясо было таким жестким, что его невоз­
можно было разрезать, не говоря уже о том, чтобы прожевать.
2. Сидеть на жестких каменных скамьях было очень неудобно.
3. Если у вас проблемы со спиной, вы должны спать на жесткой
постели. 4. Заверни хлеб как следует, а то он скоро станет жест­
ким. 5. Бастующие выдвинули жесткие требования по оплате тру­
да и условиям работы. 6. Информация в ПК сохраняется на жест­
ком диске. 7. Сроки выполнения задания были очень жесткими, и
инженеры вынуждены были трудиться практически круглые сутки.
8. Многие учителя начальной школы против жесткой дисциплины
для своих маленьких учеников. 9. Для успешной борьбы с пре­
ступностью и терроризмом необходимы более жесткие законы.
10. Его жесткие волосы не поддавались никакому бриллиантину.
11. Он был очень жестким в обращении с подчиненными и всегда
говорил тоном, не терпящим возражений. 12. Даже самые жесткие
По-русски мы говорим так...
меры не всегда приносят желаемый результат. 13. В армии необ­
ходим жесткий контроль и жесткая дисциплина. 14. Дверь была
деревянная, но в жесткой металлической раме.
1. Не клади портмоне в задний карман. Его легко вытащить от­
туда. 2. Придется остановиться. Заднее колесо спустило. 3. Воры
проникли в дом через заднюю дверь. Очевидно, она была не запер­
та. 4. На арене большой бурый медведь не только быстро ходил на
задних лапах, но и танцевал под музыку. 5. На переднем плане
картины мы видим небольшую речушку, а на заднем - красивую
дубовую рощу. 6. Вспоминая свою встречу с начальником, она
задним числом осознала, что чуть не погубила свою карьеру. 7. Он
сделал это без всякой задней мысли. 8. После целого дня работы в
поле мы были просто без задних ног. 9. Немало начальников ис­
пытывают удовольствие, когда их подчиненные ходят перед ними
на «задних лапках». 10. Ни с того ни с сего он дал задний ход
и ударил припаркованный автомобиль. 11. Что-то с машиной не в
порядке, задняя скорость не включается. 12. Администрация со­
гласилась повысить зарплату и выплатить разницу задним числом,
начиная с сентября.
1. Я знаю, что это готовое платье, но оно сидит на тебе как
специально заказанное. 2. Они не сомневались, что эта статья бы­
ла заказной. Многие факты, изложенные в ней, были искажены.
3. Убийство губернатора было несомненно заказным. Но неизвест­
но, кто мог быть заказчиком. 4. Подобные официальные письма
мы всегда отправляем как заказные.
1. Наша попытка переубедить партнера закончилась неудачей.
2. Джон закончил Оксфорд как раз накануне войны. 3. Выступав­
II. EXERCISES. Task four
ший закончил свою речь призывом к совместным действия. 4. Она
успешно закончила среднюю школу и затем сразу пошла работать.
5. После долгой паузы руководитель группы сказал: «Давайте на
этом закончим и встретимся после выходных». 6. Я тебе позвоню,
когда закончится урок.
1. Эта аудитория занята, нам придется поискать другую.
2. Этот диван удобный, и он не занимает много места. 3. Г-н Джон­
сон занял место директора два года тому назад. 4. Ваше новое за­
дание не займет много времени. 5. Ты не помнишь, кто занял пер­
вое место на последнем шахматном турнире? 6. Она была первой
женщиной, занявшей пост президента компании. 7. Вчера город
захватили повстанцы. 8. Пожалуйста, займи мне место, если я бу­
ду задерживаться. 9. Как только объявили о начале регистрации,
люди стали занимать очередь. 10. Мне нравится моя работа, но
дорога занимает почти два часа в один конец. 11. Моя подруга
прекрасно умела занимать гостей. 12. Она хороший воспитатель и
всегда знает, как и чем занять ребятишек. 13. Ее собственные за­
боты так ее занимали, что она не могла сосредоточиться ни на чем
другом. 14. В этой постановке он не занят, и мы можем уехать на
несколько дней. 15. Она, и правда, несколько эмоциональна, но и
терпения ей не занимать. 16. Они заняли у меня денег, чтобы ку­
пить эту машину.
1. В квартире стоял приятный запах только что испеченных пи­
рогов. 2. Неприятный запах изо рта часто бывает признаком бо­
лезни. 3. Дезодоранты хорошо устраняют запах пота. 4. Цветы
очень красивые, но совершенно без запаха. 5. У этих духов очень
приятный запах. 6. Вблизи линии фронта стоял тошнотворный
запах разлагающейся плоти. 7. У этой колбасы жуткий запах.
Не ешь ее ни в коем случае, а то отравишься.
По-русски мы говорим так...
1. Правительство сделало заявление о намерении вступить в
альянс. 2. Последнее выступление лидера партии прозвучало как
предвыборное политическое заявление. 3. Обе стороны сделали
заявление о своих претензиях на право собственности на этот дом.
4. Заявление обвиняемого о своей невиновности было встречено
гулом неодобрения. 5. Ты подал заявление об отпуске? Ведь нам
уезжать через неделю. 6. Заявление о получении визы должно
быть подано не менее, чем за месяц. 7. Он сказал мне, что не со­
бирается подавать заявление об уходе.
1. Он вполне здоров и может приступить к работе. 2. В здоро­
вом теле здоровый дух. 3. У жителей этой местности был какой-то
нездоровый внешний вид. 4. Фред часто сетовал на то, что он
не здоров, но при этом отличался вполне здоровым аппетитом.
5. Здоровое питание - это много овощей и фруктов и мало мясных
и жирных продуктов. 6. Это кафе славится вкусной и здоровой
пищей. 7. Сейчас у него здоровое сердце, но если он будет про­
должать так много курить, и сердце, и легкие станут больными.
8. По работе мне приходится много двигаться, и это помогает мне
быть здоровым. 9. Здоровая критика всегда на пользу делу.
10. Здесь построено много гостинец, так как в этих местах очень
здоровый климат. 11. Здоровая экономика - это мощная производ­
ственная база и сбалансированная финансовая система. 12. Когда
кто-либо чихает, мы говорим: «Будьте здоровы»!
1. Извините, но мне пора уходить. 2. Извините за беспокой­
ство, но дело очень срочное. 3. Террористические акты невозмож­
но ничем извинить. 4. Извините, если я все назову своими имена­
ми: этот человек невежда и интриган. 5. Ты хочешь, чтобы я и се­
годня мыла посуду? Нет уж, извини. Мы договорились делать это
II. EXERCISES. Task four
по очереди, и сегодня твоя очередь. 6. Извините за выражение, но
то, что вы говорите, полный бред. 7. Извините, что заставил вас
ждать. 8. Извините, но я этого никогда не обещал.
1. «Аргументы и факты» - это еженедельное периодическое
издание. 2. На следующей неделе мы ожидаем издания нового
налогового закона. 3. Я подожду, когда выйдет из печати дешевое
издание этого детектива, и тогда куплю его. 4. Ежегодное издание
всех статистических данных выйдет из печати в конце января.
5. Многие газеты - ежедневные издания, а журналы - еженедель­
ные и ежемесячные. 6. Исправленное издание полного собрания
сочинений поэта появится в продаже через неделю. 7. Первое из­
дание произведений этого автора считается раритетным. 8. Тираж
этого издания был очень небольшим и разослан по библио­
1. Студента могут исключить из института за систематические
пропуски занятий и за неуспеваемость. 2. В ходе расследования
несколько человек, подозреваемых ранее в причастности к пре­
ступлению, были исключены из числа подозреваемых. 3. У Кати
заболел ребенок, ее можно исключить из списка тех, кто поедет на
экскурсию. 4. Из-за плохого сердца он должен был исключить со­
леные, жирные и другие высококалорийные продукты из своего
рациона. 5. Полиция заявила, что в этом случае исключает терро­
ристический акт. 6. Я полагаю, что мы можем исключить это пред­
положение как совершенно невероятное. 7. Этот путь на край­
ний север исключает самолет. Там нет места для посадки.
8. Его исключили из участия в соревнованиях, так как тесты на
употребление стимуляторов оказались положительными. 9. Пре­
зидент исключил применение вооруженных сил как способ разре­
шения конфликта в этом регионе.
По-русски мы говорим так...
1. Применение военной силы против мирных граждан должно
быть исключено. 2. Не исключено, что он просто блефует. 3. «Ты
предполагаешь, что Петр занимается чем-то незаконным?» - «Бо­
юсь, что это не исключено».
1. Скорей закрой кран. Вода в раковине вот-вот польется через
край. 2. Хозяйка принесла ему тарелку, до самых краев полную
горячего супа. 3. Опасно, когда маленькие дети играют у самого
края воды в штормовую погоду. 4. Края шляпы были широкими
и украшенными лентами и цветами. 5. На краях рюмки были сле­
ды помады. Значит, из нее пила женщина. 6. Маленький мальчик
сел у края дороги и горько заплакал. 7. В тот период экономика
страны была на краю полного краха. Необходимы были срочные и
решительные меры. 8. Мы живем не за городом, но на краю горо­
да. 9. Он подполз к краю обрыва и заглянул вниз. 10. Послушай,
тебе не кажется, что ты хватил через край? 11. Она любила его
и готова была следовать за ним хоть на край света. 12. Степь про­
стиралась без конца и края. 13. Эта территория - особый край:
здесь находится главный национальный заповедник. 14. Я слы­
шал краем уха, что они уже достигли соглашения. 15. На чужбине
люди часто вспоминают свой родной край. 16. Краем глаза я уви­
дел, что кто-то тихо вошел в комнату и спрятался за портьерой.
17. Я знал, что в детстве мой товарищ хлебнул через край трудно­
стей и горестей. 18. Давайте начинать. У нас непочатый край рабо­
ты. 19. Когда я его увидел, в первый момент мне показалось, что
он на краю могилы. 20. Пехота выдвинулась к переднему краю
1. Левый крайний и правый крайний - важные игроки в футбо­
ле. 2. Я помню, что ее окно крайнее, но только не помню справа
или слева. 3. В некоторых районах этой страны можно увидеть
II. EXERCISES. Task four
крайнюю нищету. 4. И тут на его лице отразилось крайнее изум­
ление. 5. Экспедиция на Крайний Север отправится через месяц.
6. К операции стоит прибегать как к крайней мере. 7. Открывать
огонь можно было только в случае крайней необходимости. 8. Не­
которые высказывания этого политика вызывают крайнее возму­
щение. 9. Завтра — крайний срок подачи документов. 10. После
землетрясения люди испытывали крайнюю нужду в пище и теплой
одежде. 11. В крайнем случае я обращусь к вам за помощью.
12. После громкой ссоры все испытывали крайнее смущение.
13. От цунами пострадали по крайней мере четверть миллиона
человек. 14. Эта группа депутатов считается крайне правой.
15. Он - человек крайних убеждений, поэтому такой нетерпимый.
16. Мы знали, до какой крайней цены можем торговаться, и потому
продолжали настаивать на ее снижении.
1. Там, где мы отдыхали, все было прекрасно, кроме погоды.
2. Кроме Петра все приняли участие в конференции. 3. Мы по­
смотрели все достопримечательности Москвы, кроме памятника
Петру. 4. Кроме истории, он любил литературу, особенно поэзию,
и музыку. 5. Какими иностранными языками он владеет, кроме
английского? 6. Всем, кроме Анны, придется сдавать этот зачет
еще раз. 7. Кроме симфонической музыки, этот композитор писал
музыку к водевилям, а также романсы. 8. У нее ничего не было,
кроме трех фунтов, которые ей дала тетушка. 9. Общественность
критикует правительство за неэффективное управление экономи­
кой, кроме того, она обвиняет ряд членов правительства в корруп­
ции. 10. После того как все посмеялись над остроумной шуткой,
председательствующий заметил: «Но, кроме шуток, ситуация мо­
жет незаметно выйти из-под нашего контроля».
1. Они решили держать курс строго на север прямо через пу­
стыню. 2. Надвигался шторм, и капитан решил изменить курс.
3. Новый круизный лайнер лег на курс через Атлантический океан
По-русски мы говорим так...
в Нью-Йорк. 4. В статье автор анализировал политический и эко­
номический курс страны. 5. Боюсь, что яхта сбилась с курса, нуж­
но начать поиски. 6. Она прослушала полный курс истории и мо­
жет читать лекции по истории средних веков. 7. Сейчас он на вто­
ром курсе, а осенью будет на третьем. 8. В настоящее время во
многих учебных заведениях имеются курсы иностранных языков.
9. Ему прописали курс уколов. 10. Биржевой курс меняется почти
ежедневно. 11. Если этот курс лечения не поможет, придется лечь
в больницу на обследование. 12. Обменный курс публикуется во
многих газетах. 13. «Когда выйдет из печати наш новый сбор­
ник»? - «Я не в курсе дела». 14. Когда наш шеф в отъезде, его за­
меститель держит его в курсе дела. 15. Он не соглашался занять
этот пост, пока полностью не вошел в курс дела. 16. Если больно­
му не станет лучше, врачи изменят курс лечения.
1. Блюдо упало и разбилось на мелкие кусочки. 2. Дай мне,
пожалуйста, кусок бечевки, я хочу связать эти старые газеты.
3. Когда я нервничаю, мне кусок не идет в горло. 4. Обычно он
пьет чай с двумя кусочками лимона. 5. Это был большой кусок
земли с прекрасным фруктовым садом. 6. «Вам положить са­
хар?» - «Да, пожалуйста, два кусочка». 7. Не забудь взять пасту и
кусок мыла. 8. На обед он всегда брал суп с кусочком черного
хлеба. 9. Этого куска ткани будет достаточно и на платье, и на
юбку. 10. Его предложение было по-настоящему лакомым куском,
и я не смог отказаться. 11. Она в гневе порвала его письмо, а спу­
стя некоторое время стала собирать его по кусочкам. 12. Он любит
бутерброд с сыром на завтрак, но всегда кладет на хлеб два кусоч­
ка сыра. 13. Будущему писателю пришлось с ранних лет зарабаты­
вать себе на кусок хлеба. 14. В любой ситуации он умел находить
выгоду для себя и вовремя урвать для себя кусок.
1. У нее были правильные черты лица, но она не производила
впечатление привлекательной. 2. Я знаю в лицо этого человека, но
II. EXERCISES. Task four
не могу вспомнить его имени. 3. На приеме присутствовали члены
кабинета, парламентарии и другие высокопоставленные лица.
4. Он не занимал высокого поста, а был обычным должностным
лицом. 5. В конгрессе приняли участие и духовные лица различ­
ных конфессий. 6. По решению арбитражного суда этот бизнес
может быть продан только третьему лицу. 7. Лица, ведущие бух­
галтерский учет, отвечают за правильную и своевременную уплату
налогов. 8. Можно сказать, что в ходе судебного слушания обви­
няемый и ответчик выступают как юридические лица. 9. В начале
пьесы автор перечислил действующих лиц. 10. Она знала, что го­
лубой цвет ей к лицу. 11. Вот тогда он и показал свое истинное
лицо. 12. Роман написан от первого лица, как будто автор расска­
зывает историю своей жизни. 13. Он всегда говорил неприятные
вещи прямо в лицо, потому и имел много недругов. 14. Он при­
знал свою вину, подал в отставку, но не потерял лица. 15. И он
и она долгое время успешно избегали встреч и вдруг столкнулись
лицом к лицу. 16. Она оказалась в трудной ситуации, но не удари­
ла в грязь лицом. 17. Хорошо было бы знать не только лицо, но и
изнанку ситуации.
1. Выходя из самолета, не забудьте взять все свои личные вещи.
2. Проходя через таможню, вы предъявляете свои личные вещи для
контроля, если таможенник попросит об этом. 3. Ваша личная
жизнь - это ваше личное дело, и никакой начальник не имеет права
в нее вмешиваться. 4. На этой должности человек имеет право
иметь личного секретаря. 5. Это не только мое личное мнение, это
мнение всего нашего коллектива. 6. В этом деле у него нет ника­
кой личной заинтересованности, он искренне болеет за общее де­
ло. 7. Достичь компромисса - вопрос его личной ответственности.
8. Личное участие каждого в выполнении данного проекта будет
проанализировано и оценено. 9. Менять личный состав каждые
пять лет - политика данной компании. 10. Миссионеры старались
внедрить правила личной гигиены. 11. На владельца завода было
совершено покушение, и его личная охрана не смогла его предот­
вратить. 12. Эти соревнования не на личное, а на командное пер­
По-русски мы говорим так...
венство участников. 13. В английском языке, как и в русском,
имеются личные местоимения. 14. Личный досмотр при пересе­
чении границы становится все более строгим. 15. Петр дал
себе слово забыть обиду и не сводить с обидчиком личных счетов.
16. Его слова прозвучали как личное оскорбление в адрес партне­
ра, и мы не могли понять, что явилось причиной.
1. «Место встречи изменить нельзя» - так назывался популяр­
ный советский детектив. 2. Место отгрузки - небольшой порт на
севере Норвегии. 3. Через пять минут полиция уже была на месте
преступления. 4. Место строительства было огорожено высоким
забором. 5. Давай подвинемся и освободим немного места для
Маши. 6. Клади все на свои места, тогда тебе не придется ничего
искать. 7. Может быть, история и расставит все по своим местам,
но очень не скоро. 8. Грабителей поймали на месте преступления
и сразу же арестовали. 9. В это время я находился в другом месте,
и у меня есть свидетели. 10. На чемпионате по фигурному ката­
нию в прошлом году две пары фигуристов разделили первое место.
11. Посмотри, вон хорошее место для парковки. 12. Когда мы
вошли в зал, там уже не было ни одного свободного места.
13. Мы можем поставить телевизор сюда, здесь достаточно места.
14. Мы ходили из гостиницы в гостиницу и везде видели табличку
«Свободных мест нет». 15. Не везде существует традиция усту­
пать места в общественном транспорте пожилым людям и инвали­
дам. 16. Этот писатель занимает видное место в национальной ли­
тературной традиции. 17. Ему предложили выгодное место, но он
почему-то отказался. 18. Ты не знаешь, сколько мест багажа можно
взять с собой в поезд? 19. Я не могла найти себе места от волнения.
20. Мы начали работать над этой программой практически с пусто­
го места. 21. На вашем месте я был бы более осмотрительным.
22. Когда мы узнали его получше, мы поняли, что этот человек на
своем месте. 23. Его шутка была явно не к месту, но присутству­
ющие вежливо улыбались. 24. «Ни с места! - крикнул полицей­
ский. - Или я открываю огонь».
II. EXERCISES. Task four
1. После долгих и трудных переговоров мирный договор был,
наконец, подписан. 2. Использование атомной энергии в мирных
целях поддерживает все население страны. 3. В мирное время тер­
роризм является главной угрозой. 4. После окончания войны нача­
лось широкомасштабное мирное строительство. 5. Мирное со­
существование было главным лозунгом двуполярного мира.
6. Мирное население оказывается жертвой любого вооруженного
конфликта. 7. Он был очень мирным человеком, всегда уступал,
никогда не шел на конфликт. 8. Никто не может сказать, как скоро
будет достигнуто мирное урегулирование на Ближнем Востоке.
9. За окном был мирный зимний пейзаж, и невозможно было пред­
ставить, что в нескольких километрах идет война.
1. Начальник ждал подходящего момента, чтобы объявить все­
му личному составу о предстоящей реорганизации. 2. В этом
фильме мне понравился момент, когда герои встречаются на смот­
ровой площадке небоскреба. 3. Муж решил воспользоваться мо­
ментом и выяснить всю правду. 4. Статья посвящена текущему
моменту и его влиянию на отношения между странами. 5. Не бес­
покойся, мы справимся с этим делом в один момент. 6. Видишь,
шеф настроен благодушно, лови момент и проси у него прибавку
в зарплате. 7. В своем выступлении я бы хотел остановиться на
трех основных моментах. 8. И как раз в этот момент раздался
громкий стук в дверь. 9. Думаю, он может появиться в любой
момент. 10. Стороны подписали контракт в самый последний
момент. 11. Это оказался момент истины для всех заинтересован­
ных сторон. 12. В этом сообщении есть два интересных момента.
1. Ты знаешь, я никогда не ездил в мягком вагоне. Наверное,
это очень приятно. 2. По характеру она была очень мягким чело­
веком. 3. Два мягких кресла стояли по обе стороны дивана. 4. Она
По-русски мы говорим так...
прекрасно умела готовить мясо. Оно у нее получалось удивительно
мягким и вкусным. 5. Неожиданно для всех судья вынес мягкий
приговор. 6. Не нужно идти за хлебом. Этот хлеб еще вполне мяг­
кий. 7. По всей Европе стояла мягкая погода. 8. У нее было мяг­
кое сердце, она никому не могла ни в чем отказать. 9. Усталый
путник мечтал о горячей еде и мягкой постели. 10. Желаю вам
мягкой посадки в Москве. 11. Все животные семейства кошачьих
отличаются мягкими движениями. 12. Откуда-то доносились мяг­
кие звуки музыки. 13. Раньше в этом городе была очень мягкая
вода. 14. У себя дома он предпочитал мягкий, неяркий свет.
15. Гостиная была обставлена модной мягкой мебелью. 16. Хотя
она совсем взрослая, но любит получать в подарок мягкие игруш­
ки. 17. Спальня была оформлена в мягких тонах. 18. Только в рус­
ском языке есть твердый и мягкий знаки. 19. В этом кафе всегда
подают мягкий и вкусный хлеб.
1. У всех есть недостатки. У кого-то их больше, у кого-то
меньше, но недостатки есть у всех. 2. Каждое новое изобретение
имеет важные достоинства, но порой у него бывают и недостатки.
3. Нередко физические недостатки человека вызывают у других
людей какой-то испуг. 4. Из-за недостатка времени мы не осмот­
рели и половины достопримечательностей. 5. Недостаток витами­
нов может быть причиной пониженной сопротивляемости орга­
низма к болезням. 6. Самой большой проблемой будущего может
стать недостаток питьевой воды. 7. В годы войны все семьи стра­
дали от недостатка еды. 8. Несмотря на большой размах строи­
тельства, Москва испытывает недостаток жилья. 9. Он хронически
страдал от недостатка сна. 10. За недостатком более интересного
занятия они принялись играть в карты.
1. С улицы проникал неприятный звук и действовал мне на не­
рвы. 2. Что это за неприятный запах? Что-то пригорело у тебя на
плите? 3. У нее была неприятная привычка кусать ногти. 4. Он
II. EXERCISES. Task four
хороший специалист, но довольно неприятный человек. 5. Непри­
ятные соседи могут быть причиной для переезда. 6. Последние
недели на работе были очень неприятными. 7. Не говори о про­
блемах здоровья, это для него неприятная тема. 8. Сообщение
о проигрыше любимой команды было для болельщиков весьма не­
приятной новостью. 9. Я понимаю, что обстоятельства весьма не­
приятные, но нам придется искать приемлемый выход. 10. Этот
факт, конечно, неприятный, но мы не можем его замолчать.
1. Боковые места в театре неудобные. 2. Эти кресла жесткие
и неудобные. 3. Ему пришлось сидеть в очень неудобной позе, и
он все время ерзал. 4. После этих слов он почувствовал, что созда­
лась неудобная ситуация для всех присутствующих. 5. В этом се­
местре у нас очень неудобное расписание. 6. Мы живем довольно
близко, но сообщение до нашего дома очень неудобное. 7. Своим
решением ты поставил нас в неудобное положение, мы ведь были
уверены, что ты не ответишь отказом. 8. Когда они начинали ссо­
риться, я чувствовал себя очень неудобно. 9. Давай позвоним ему
завтра, сейчас уже поздно и звонить неудобно. 10. Неудобно
начинать такой серьезный разговор на ходу, поговорим в дру­
гой раз.
1. После войны у многих людей не было ни работы, ни денег,
ни жилья. 2. Тут ничего не скажешь. Это прекрасное произведение
искусства. 3. Всякую неудачу он воспринимал спокойно со слова­
ми: «Ну что же, ничего не поделаешь». 4. Этот ресторан не ши­
карный, но вполне ничего. 5. Не беспокойся, это задание не слож­
ное, выполнить его ничего не стоит. 6. «Эта модель совсем но­
вая». - «Ничего подобного. Ей уже более десяти лет». 7. Ничего,
если прибавлю звук, я плохо слышу. 8. Ничего себе! Посмотри на
эту обстановку! Выглядит, как музей. 9. «Ну как тебе наша новая
сотрудница?» - «По-моему, она ничего». 10. «Как ты себя чув­
По-русски мы говорим так...
ствуешь?» - «Течет из носа, но это ничего». 11. Посмотри, ничего
себе домик! Настоящий замок.
1. Ну какой ты молодец. Выполнил все в лучшем виде.
2. Я упал по дороге в институт, опоздал к началу зачета, зачет не
получил. Ну что за день! 3. Ну, тут ничего не поделаешь. Придет­
ся все начинать сначала. 4. «По-моему, это самый лучший фильм
последних лет». - «Да ну! Правда?» 5. «Я вымыла посуду и помы­
ла пол». - «Ну молодец!» 6. Ну, хорошо. И чем все кончилось?
7. Ну, погоди! Я еще с тобой расквитаюсь. 8. Ну и ну. Я и не пред­
полагал, что вы уже обо всем договорились. 9. «Он не захотел по­
ступать в институт и решил пойти работать». - «Ну и что?» 10. Ну,
что ты, все будет хорошо. Я уверена. 11. «Ты в самом деле хочешь
уехать?» - «Ну, если и так, так что»? 12. Ну, и как ты объяснишь,
в чем состояла ошибка? 13. Ну, давай! Попробуй еще раз. Я уверен,
что у тебя получится. 14. Ну, попробуй! Салат очень вкусный.
1. Этот фермер обеспечивает молочными продуктами все су­
пермаркеты нашего городка. 2. Ему приходилось работать в не­
скольких местах, чтобы обеспечить семью всем необходимым. 3.
Это старая тепловая электростанция. Она работает на угле, обес­
печивает электричеством весь наш город 4. Главная цель работы
ООН - обеспечить прочный мир во всем мире. 5. Его упорный
труд и преданность делу обеспечили ему успех. 6. Новые контрак­
ты обеспечат наши потребности в трубах для газопровода. 7. Кто
обеспечит явку на это мероприятие? 8. Эти облигации были
надежно обеспечены активами компании. 9. Нам было поручено
выяснить, кто обеспечивает террористов взрывчаткой.
1. Выступающий обратился к участникам собрания со словами
приветствия и благодарности. 2. Шеф обращался ко всем на «ты»,
II. EXERCISES. Task four
невзирая на возраст и положение в компании. 3. На улице ко мне
подошел незнакомец и обратился ко мне по имени. Оказалось, мы
с ним когда-то учились в одной школе. 4. Если вы собираетесь за
границу, вам необходимо обратиться за визой в консульство той
страны, которую вы хотите посетить. 5. Как только хулиганы за­
метили полицию, они обратились в бегство. 6. В своем ежегодном
обращении к нации президент обратился с призывом к гражданам
страны поддержать правительственные реформы. 7. Если вам зав­
тра не станет лучше, вы должны непременно обратиться к врачу.
8. Боюсь, мы одни не справимся с этой работой, придется обра­
титься к ним за помощью. 9. Он умный и опытный человек, почему
бы тебе не обратиться к нему за советом. 10. В такой ситуации
лучше обратиться за консультацией к юристу. 11. Он так небреж­
но обращался с деньгами, что вскоре оказался в полной нищете.
12. Все продавцы должны быть обучены, как обращаться с труд­
ными покупателями. 13. Как только он начинал читать свои стихи,
все до единого обращались в слух. 14. Если вы недовольны об­
служиванием, обращайтесь с жалобой к администрации. 15. Я не
знаю, какой пост он занимает и как к нему следует обращаться.
16. Часто случается, что любовь обращается в ненависть, но редко
бывает наоборот. 17. В крайнем случае ты можешь обратиться в
суд. 18. Я обращаюсь к вам, чтобы узнать, нет ли у вас вакансий.
1. Сегодня вечером президент выступит с обращением к нации.
2. В зависимости от характера письма обращение к адресату может
быть различным. 3. Обращение писателя в католицизм никого не
удивило. 4. При каждом обращении к врачу она высказывала но­
вые жалобы. 5. При обращении в суд каждый должен пройти
определенные формальности. 6. От секретаря требуется умение
работать с компьютером и тактичное обращение с посетителями.
7. Этого работника цирка уволили за жестокое обращение с жи­
вотными. 8. Издержки обращения, как правило, включают в роз­
ничные цены. 9. Неосторожное обращение с огнем может приве­
сти к пожару. 10. Статья была посвящена особенностям обраще­
ния ценных бумаг. 11. На эту сестру были жалобы на плохое
8 Зак.1200
По-русски мы говорим так...
обращение с больными. 12. Новая пятитысячная банкнота будет
пущена в обращение в следующем году. 13. Астрономы опреде­
ляют орбиты и скорость обращения планет. 14. Пожилые люди
нередко страдают вялым кровообращением и поэтому все время
мерзнут. 15. Старые денежные купюры регулярно изымаются из
обращения. 16. Предметы антиквариата требуют осторожного
и бережного обращения. 17. Этот известный врач выступил с об­
ращением собрать деньги на помощь детям больным лейкемией.
18. Эти супруги предстали перед судом по обвинению в жестоком
обращении с их приемным сыном.
1. Давайте сначала обсудим общие вопросы, а затем перейдем
к конкретным пунктам нашего плана. 2. Наше общее впечатление
вполне благоприятное. 3. Их предсказания настолько общие, что
они кажутся правильными почти при любом развитии событий.
4. В соответствии с конституцией каждый имеет право на бесплат­
ное общее среднее образование. 5. Россия и Китай имеют общую
протяженную границу. 6. Выступающий обрисовал проблему
только в общих чертах. 7. Она полагала, что, в общем, его оценка
была справедливой. 8. Это была общая квартира, где жили пять
семей. 9. Общий доход семьи немного превышал прожиточный
минимум. 10. При всяком общем деле важно найти общий язык.
11. Они привыкли трудиться ради общего блага. 12. Начать заба­
стовку было их общим решением. 13. Ко всеобщему удивлению,
этот ленивый ученик оказался талантливым актером. 14. Мы смо­
жем добиться серьезного прорыва только общими усилиями.
15. Я не уверена, что у них будет крепкая семья, ведь у них нет ни­
чего общего. 16. Избирателям надоели общие места и пустые обе­
щания в предвыборных выступлениях кандидатов. 17. Нацию объ­
единят общие цели, общие идеалы и общие интересы. 18. В общей
сложности на митинге выступили 25 человек. 19. Общее количе­
ство людей, пострадавших от землетрясения достигло 2 тысяч.
20. Общая посевная площадь в последние годы значительно сокра­
тилась. 21. Ранее плата за квартиру рассчитывалась из размера
площади комнат, а теперь - из размера общей площади.
II. EXERCISES. Task four
1. Мы хотели бы объявить о нашей глубокой благодарности
всем тем, кто помогал в восстановлении нашего города. 2. Ему
объявили строгий выговор за недопустимое поведение. 3. Объяви­
ли, что прибытие самолета задерживается на два часа. 4. Результа­
ты выборов были объявлены недействительными. 5. Обе воюю­
щие стороны объявили о прекращении огня. 6. Гитлеровкие вой­
ска вторглись в нашу страну, не объявляя войны. 7. Газеты
объявили о прибытии важного гостя до того, как его самолет при­
землился в аэропорту. 8. Премьер-министр объявил о своей от­
ставке, и затем все правительство ушло в отставку. 9. После нача­
ла войны во всей стране было объявлено чрезвычайное положение.
10. Этот человек всегда объявлял о своей невиновности. 11. Ко­
мандующий объявил приказ о всеобщей мобилизации. 12. После
Второй мировой войны ряд колониальных стран объявили о своей
независимости от метрополии. 13. Как только все собрались,
председательствующий объявил собрание открытым. 14. Сбежав­
ший из тюрьмы преступник был объявлен вне закона. 15. Я не
знаю, что с ней случилось, но на работе сегодня она не объявилась.
1. Есть ли у нас возможность оказать влияние на внешнюю или
внутреннюю политику правительства? 2. Этот учитель всегда ока­
зывал благотворное влияние на своих учеников. 3. Глава государ­
ства оказал большое внимание этому почетному гостю. 4. Внеш­
няя политика всегда оказывает влияние на развитие национальной
экономики. 5. Делегации Китая было оказано теплое гостеприим­
ство. 6. Этому ученому была оказана честь представлять свою
страну на всемирном конгрессе. 7. Нередко родители оказывают
давление на своих детей, а дети этому сопротивляются. 8. Нашей
делегации был оказан самый теплый прием. 9. Им едва ли удалось
бы добиться таких результатов без поддержки, которую вы им ока­
зали. 10. Они обратились к нам за помощью, и мы не можем им
отказать. 11. Наши войска оказывали упорное сопротивление вра­
гу. 12. Правительство выразило глубокую благодарность всем
По-русски мы говорим так...
тем, кто оказал помощь пострадавшим от стихийного бедствия.
13. Я не думал, что они окажут предпочтение футболу и не пойдут
на экскурсию. 14. Я попросил его оказать мне небольшую услугу:
занести эти книги в библиотеку. 15. Комитет по утверждению
стипендий, как правило, оказывает предпочтение студентам из ма­
лообеспеченных семей.
1. Он не мог объяснить, как он оказался в незнакомом ему ме­
сте. 2. После вмешательства администрации я оказался в весьма
затруднительном положении. 3. Наша ссора оказалась простым
недоразумением. 4. Вопреки нашим ожиданиям фильм оказался
очень популярным. 5. Смерть после полученных ран оказалась
неизбежной. 6. Он всегда производил впечатление примерного
супруга, но, оказывается, он иногда бил свою жену. 7. Как сооб­
щают, один из заключенных не оказался на месте. 8. Дети оказа­
лись живы и здоровы. Они были у одной из школьных подруг.
9. Как оказалось, нам не нужно было тревожиться.
1. Как правило, когда мы начинаем работать самостоятельно,
мы перенимаем опыт своих учителей. 2. Она надеялась полу­
чить ценный опыт, работая в крупной иностранной компании.
3. Он убедился на собственном опыте, что такое быть без работы.
4. Мы хотим поехать на этот завод, чтобы перенять их передовой
опыт производства газовых труб большого диаметра. 5. Даже
прошлый личный опыт не всегда нас учит. 6. В этой лаборатории
проводят опыты на крысах. 7. Медицинские опыты доказали эф­
фективность этого нового лекарственного препарата. 8. Этот рас­
сказ был первым литературным опытом А. Чехова. 9. Вряд ли я
смогу тебе помочь, у меня очень небольшой опыт такой работы.
10. Она любит производить различные опыты со своей прической.
11. В работе над новыми лекарствами лабораторные опыты совер­
шенно необходимы. 12. Мы собрались здесь, чтобы обменяться
II. EXERCISES. Task four
1. Я очень советую тебе обратиться к Петрову. Он очень опыт­
ный врач. 2. Он самый опытный рабочий в нашем цехе. 3. Судя по
результатам экзаменов, он очень опытный преподаватель. 4. Мы
получаем значительную часть новой информации опытным путем.
5. В настоящее время мы работаем над опытным проектом.
6. Опытные образцы нового мыла раздавались бесплатно. 7. Пра­
вильность этой теории была доказана опытным путем. 8. При сов­
хозе была построена собственная опытная станция. 9. Опытное
производство должно доказать эффективность новой организации
труда. 10. Мне бы хотелось, чтобы опытную установку поставили
в нашем цехе.
1. Ты помнишь, как называется первая книга, которую ты
прочитал в оригинале? 2. Он известен как большой оригинал.
3. Нам нужно сделать несколько копий с оригинала фоно записи.
4. На первый взгляд она казалась вполне обычной девушкой, но на
самом деле она была большой оригинал.
1. Осторожно. Этот нож острый. 2. Некоторых птиц отличает
очень острое зрение. 3. Он всегда проявлял острый интерес к
обсуждению данной темы. 4. Прошлой зимой это предприятие
испытывало острую нехватку топлива. 5. Какое примечательное
лицо: острый нос, заостренный подбородок, тонкие губы. При этом
острый ум и острый язык. 6. Острые блюда характерны, например,
для мексиканской кухни.
1.Ты слишком много работаешь. Тебе нужен отдых. 2. День
отдыха для студентов во время рабочей недели означает библио­
течный день, т.е. день самостоятельной работы в библиотеке.
По-русски мы говорим так...
3. Здесь есть комната отдыха? 4. Он уже давно находится на
заслуженном отдыхе.
1. Ей отказали в визе, что очень её огорчило. 2. Мне жаль
Билла. Он сделал Мери предложение, а она ему отказала. 3. Ему
не откажешь в популярности. 4. Двигатель отказал, машина
остановилась, и они не смогли приехать вовремя. 5. Всю свою
жизнь она отказывала себе во всем, отдавая все детям. 6. Не от­
кажите в любезности, передайте мне, пожалуйста, эту книгу.
1. Ему сделали такое предложение, от которого он не.сможет
отказаться. 2. Ни одна из сторон не сможет отказаться от договора
в одностороннем порядке. 3. Им следует отказаться от политики
давления. 4. «Вы отказываетесь от Вашей позиции?» - спросил
судья. 5. «Как насчет того, чтобы посмотреть этот фильм?» «Не откажусь, спасибо». 6. Подумав, он отказался от обещания
помочь им.
1. Не открывай окно, здесь холодно. 2. Я подумал, что передо
мной открываются широкие возможности. 3. Кто открывает
конференцию? 4. Видишь? На этом доме вчера открыли памятную
доску. 5. Они все еще надеются открыть новую планету.
6. Открой, наконец, свои карты. Давай все выясним. 7. Это
называется «открыл Америку». Это давно всем известно.
1. Когда здесь открывается купальный сезон? 2. Какие
перспективы открывались перед ним в то время! 3. Высказав свое
заветное желание, она открылась мне. 4. Как открывается этот
II. EXERCISES. Task four
1. «Это письмо следует отправить по новому адресу». - «Оно
уже отправлено». 2. Товар был отправлен еще на прошлой неделе.
3. Судья должен быть нейтральным. Его задача - отправлять право­
1. Приобретя тур, они отправились в путешествие. 2. Пото­
ропитесь. Поезд отправляется через 20 минут. 3. Каждый день
рано утром она отправляется на работу. 4. Дети, отправляйтесь на
боковую, уже поздно.
1. Здесь почасовая или сдельная оплата труда? 2. Многие
предпочитают помесячную плату за труд, а не понедельную.
3. Плата за коммунальные платежи значительно выросла. 4. Плата
за проезд сейчас выше, чем была в прошлом году. 5. В этом году
плата за обучение в этом вузе осталась прежней. 6. Какова сейчас
минимальная плата за труд?
1. Ему хорошо удается искусство поддерживать любой разго­
вор. 2. Трудная задача поддерживать жизнь в этой экологически
неблагоприятной местности. 3. Регулярное транспортное сооб­
щение поддерживается между этими городами. 4. Мы поддержи­
ваем это предложение. 5. Он оказался в сложной ситуации. Его
следует морально поддержать. 6. Мост поддерживается сильными
опорами. 7. Задача лидеров этого альянса - поддерживать мир в этом
регионе. 8. Все участники встречи единодушно поддержали эту ини­
1. Игроки вышли на футбольное поле. Сейчас начнется матч.
2. При изучении данного явления открывается широкое поле
По-русски мы говорим так...
деятельности. 3. В поле зрения следователя попала очень
незначительная, на первый взгляд, но, тем не менее, важная деталь.
4. Он часто делает заметки на полях страницы. 5. «Что он может
сделать в данной ситуации?» - « Ничего. Один в поле не воин».
1. Эту страну отличает очень удобное географическое положе­
ние. 2. Своим вопросом он поставил нас в затруднительное
положение. 3. Ситуация накалилась. В стране введено военное по­
ложение. 4. Я не знаю, каково её семейное положение. 5. Основ­
ные положения теории четко определены и не вызывают сомнений.
6. При таком положении дел вряд ли можно что-нибудь изменить.
1. Предложение было отклонено, поскольку не получило боль­
шинства голосов. 2. На прошлом заседании мы внесли на рассмот­
рение новое предложение. 3. «Ты знаешь, он сделал ей предложе­
ние». - «Ну, наконец-то. Я за нее рада». 4. Важными понятиями в
экономике являются «спрос» и «предложение». Поскольку спрос
органически определяет предложение. 5. Прочитайте это предло­
жение вслух, пожалуйста.
1. «Представьте меня своим друзьям, пожалуйста». - «Охотно».
2. Вам нужно представить справку с места работы. 3. Несомненно,
данное предложение представляет определенный интерес. 4. Он
обладает даром подмечать нюансы поведения отдельных людей, их
манеру говорить и блестяще представляет их на сцене. 5. Я не мо­
гу себе этого представить. 6. Его представили к награде за важное
1. Это соглашение признано недействительным. 2. Его призна­
ли негодным к военной службе. 3. Часто бывает трудно призна­
вать свои собственные недостатки. 4. На суде он не признал себя
II. EXERCISES. Task four
виновным. 5. Мы не можем признать эту причину уважительной.
6. Странно, он не признал меня при встрече.
1. Нам приходится принимать вызовы нового века. 2. Я при­
нимаю на себя ответственность за это решение. 3. Закон был при­
нят в третьем чтении. 4. Директор обычно принимает посетителей
по понедельникам и четвергам. 5. Многие из тех, кто остался на
постсоветском пространстве, приняли российское гражданство.
6. «Обязательно принимайте лекарство перед сном», - сказал врач.
7. Я принял ваше высказывание в шутку, никак не думал, что вы
говорите серьезно, что ж, я приму это к сведению. 8. Рад, что вы
приняли участие в этой встрече.
1. Свет погас из-за того, что перегорела пробка. 2. Где пробка
для ванны? Не могу её найти. 3. Все бутылки были закрыты проб­
ками. 4. Стало невозможно ездить по городу. Повсюду попадаешь
в пробки. 5. «Вылетишь отсюда, как пробка из бутылки!» - кричал
директор ресторана на официанта.
1. Паспорта граждан в обязательном порядке проверяются на
границе. 2. Проверь тормоза, прежде чем ехать в такую погоду.
3. Было необходимо проверить факты, прежде чем принять какиелибо решения. 4. Оборудование было проверено до начала работы.
5. Его направили в поликлинику, чтобы проверить состояние здо­
1. Он слишком занят, чтобы проводить время впустую. Он не
может себе этого позволить. 2. Они собираются провести конфе­
ренцию в следующем месяце. 3. По этому вопросу следует прове­
По-русски мы говорим так...
сти конференцию. 4. В дачный поселок провели электричество.
5. В задумчивости он провел рукой по волосам. 6. Ребенок провел
линию на листе бумаги. Это был его первый рисунок.
1. «Проводите его в кабинет, пожалуйста», - сказал директор
секретарю. 2. Когда он уезжает? Я хочу его проводить. 3. Судно
мастерски провели в гавань. 4. Певца проводили долгими, несмол­
кающими аплодисментами. 5. Аплодисментами же провожают
артиста в последний путь.
1. Можно простить многое, но только не предательство. 2. Так
получилось, что ему простили долг. 3. Простите, как пройти
к ближайшей станции метро? 4. Простите, но это моё место.
5. Простите, как вы сказали, вас зовут?
1. Дипломатический протокол — это свод правил поведения
в официальной сфере. 2. Где протокол допроса обвиняемого?
3. Вот, посмотрите, это протокол последнего заседания. 4. Прото­
кол заседаний - это объемистый документ, вернее, сборник доку­
1. Он протянул руку и взял с полки книгу. 2. Недавно здесь про­
тянули новую телефонную линию. 3. В знак примирения они про­
тянули друг другу руки и обменялись рукопожатиями. 4. Не затя­
гивай с ответом. Позвони им сегодня же. 5. Бабушка часто гово­
рила внучке: «По одежке протягивай ножки. Научись жить по
этому правилу».
II. EXERCISES. Task four
1. Она любит рассматривать витрины магазинов, поскольку не
может себе позволить купить дорогие вещи. 2. Когда я вошел,
он внимательно рассматривал какой-то предмет, находящийся на
письменном столе. 3. Я не могу рассмотреть, что там написано.
Шрифт слишком мелкий. 4. Когда это дело рассматривается в суде?
5. Мы рассмотрим это предложение в кратчайшие сроки. 6. Я рас­
сматриваю ваши слова как награду всей нашей команде за наш
1. Если эти перчатки немного растянуть, то они вполне подой­
дут тебе по размеру. 2. Ему трудно ходить - он растянул связки на
ноге. 3. Тебе не кажется, что он слишком затягивает доклад?
4. Они оба - пенсионеры, им приходиться экономить деньги, рас­
тягивая их от пенсии до пенсии. 5. Она долго плавала, чтобы рас­
тянуть удовольствие от купания в море.
1. Отрегулируйте, пожалуйста, звук вашего приемника и умень­
шите громкость. 2. При таком количестве транспорта уличное дви­
жение трудно регулировать. 3. Тебе нужно регулировать расходы
в соответствии с твоими доходами. 4. Наконец-то разногласия уре­
гулированы и конфликт улажен. 5. Температура в этом помещении
регулируется автоматически.
1. Вам нужен рецепт, для того чтобы купить это лекарство.
2. В аптеке есть два отдела: отдел лекарств, отпускаемых по рецеп­
ту, и безрецептурный отдел. 3. Давай попросим у нее рецепт пиро­
га. Он очень вкусный. 4. У нее всегда есть рецепт на все случаи
жизни. 5. Я решил действовать по вашему рецепту.
По-русски мы говорим так...
1. Вы уже решили, куда отправиться в отпуск? 2. Он был полон
решимости получить ответ на свое предложение. 3. Сын увлекает­
ся математикой. Ему нравится решать математические задачи.
4. Вопрос уже решен, не так ли? 5. Их вмешательство в это дело
решило судьбу обвиняемого.
1. «Попробуйте провести ровную линию», - сказал учитель
ученикам. 2. Я искренне удивился тому, что дорога такая ров­
ная. 3. «Давление в норме. Пульс ровный», - сказал врач, осмот­
рев пациента. 4. Ровный климат оказывает благоприятное влия­
ние на здоровье людей. 5. Для ровного счета давайте обсудим и
этот вопрос.
1. Эти факты не могли не свидетельствовать против него.
2. Главный свидетель дает показания в суде. 3. Вам необходимо
засвидетельствовать Вашу подпись. 4. Данная находка свидетель­
ствует о правильности выводов, сделанных в ходе работы экспе­
диции. 5. При поступлении на военную службу все будущие воен­
нослужащие должны быть освидетельствованы медиками.
1. В центре города трудно найти свободную парковку. 2. «Где
он работает?» - «Он свободный художник». 3. Нас попросили
написать сочинение на свободную тему. 4. К сожалению, не могу
дать тебе в долг. У меня нет свободных денег. 5. Никто не свобо­
ден от недостатков. 6. Вы сейчас свободны? Можно с вами пого­
ворить. 7. В этом городе вход в музей свободный. 8. Как я пони­
маю, ты предпочитаешь свободную одежду, не так ли?
II. EXERCISES. Task four
1. Мы не смогли установить причинно-следственную связь в
этом деле. 2. Иногда дружеские связи бывают крепче родствен­
ных. 3. На факультете ввели новую специализацию - «специалист
по связи с общественностью». 4. Телефон, кажется, в исправности,
но я часто не могу куда-либо дозвониться. Может быть, что-то не
так на линии связи? 5. Все уже высказались по данному поводу.
А что вы можете сказать в этой связи?
1. Царь Николай II был причислен к лику святых. 2. Мы ино­
гда ездим в Сергиев Посад за святой водой. 3. Защищать Родину наш святой долг. 4. Что ожидать от человека, для которого нет
ничего святого? 5. Во имя всего святого, не делай этого, прошу
тебя. Если ты поговоришь с ним, будет только хуже.
1. Нам придется сдать багаж в камеру хранения отеля. До авто­
буса в аэропорт еще 3 часа. 2. Она решила сдать квартиру на год.
3. Я должен был сдать эту книгу в библиотеку еще позавчера, но
совсем забыл об этом. 4. Сдам вам дела и буду наслаждаться от­
дыхом. 5. Все студенты успешно сдали сессию.
1. Его отказ подписать этот контракт создал много проблем.
2. Необходимо создать новые рабочие места, решить целый ряд дру­
гих вопросов. 3. Что создает Вам хорошее настроение? 4. Для про­
верки работы организации была создана комиссия. 5. Кто является
создателем этой теории?
1. В конце концов, кто может назвать подобные требования
справедливыми? 2. Во всех случаях суд должен быть беспри­
По-русски мы говорим так...
страстным и справедливым. 3. Ему придется пересдать этот экза­
мен. Я понимаю, что это справедливое решение. 4. Многие считают
подоходный налог в размере 13 % справедливым налогообложени­
ем. 5. После того, что вы мне рассказали, я полагаю, что ваше по­
дозрение справедливо.
1. Будь любезна, поставь, пожалуйста, цветы в вазу. 2. Есте­
ственным желанием спортсмена было поставить новый рекорд.
3. Какую оценку тебе поставили за письменную работу? 4. В этой си
туации у меня не было выхода. Я был просто поставлен перед фак­
том. 5. На эту справку нужно ставить печать. 6. В новом сезоне театр
собирается поставить современную пьесу. 7. Давайте разберемся
в этой ситуации раз и навсегда, поставим все точки над «Ь>.
1. Она старалась говорить строгим голосом, но не смогла сдер­
жать улыбку. 2. Мне кажется, что дисциплина в современной школе
не такая строгая, как прежде. 3. Строгий контроль должен осу­
ществляться повсеместно, особенно в сфере экономики. 4. Серьез­
ное преступление не должно оставаться без строгого наказания.
5. В манере одеваться у этого телевизионного диктора проявляется
строгий вкус.
1. Выступление писателя, показанное по телевидению, было
подвергнуто в прессе суровой критике. 2. Я взглянул на своего ви­
зави. Взгляд его был пристальный и суровый. 3. В жизни этого
актера были не только счастливые моменты, были и суровые испы­
тания. 4. Ты говоришь, что суровая правда лучше, чем сладкая
ложь. Наверное, это так. Но я боюсь, что она отразится на ее здо­
ровье. 5. Недостает экстрима? Что ж поезжай, например, на Край­
ний Север - суровый край с суровым климатом.
II. EXERCISES. Task four
1. Твердые сорта пшеницы используются даже в диетическом
питании. 2. Не одни только доллары США считаются твердой ва­
лютой. 3. Это ваше твердое решение не принимать участия в об­
суждаемом проекте? 4. Он составил это завещание, находясь в здра­
вом уме и твердой памяти.
1. В жаркий летний день всегда приятно побыть в тени деревь­
ев. 2. Ему нужно отдохнуть: у него усталый вид и тени под глаза­
ми. 3. Без малейшей тени сомнения в правоте своих действий он
уволил своего помощника. 4. Про таких, как он, «осторожных»,
говорят, что он боится собственной тени. 5. Как ему удается всегда
оставаться в тени и при этом оказывать влияние на принятие ре­
1. Демонстранты выдвинули требование повышения заработной
платы. 2. Их требования относились, прежде всего, к экономиче­
ской сфере. 3. На этой остановке автобус останавливается по тре­
бованию. 4. Экзаменационные требования в этом году стали значи­
тельно более сложными. 5. Владения компьютером - не просто мо­
да и удобство, а требование времени.
1. Можно только позавидовать ему. Он в любой обстановке чув­
ствует себя удобно. 2. Вам удобно в этом кресле? 3. Если мы до­
говоримся о встрече на 3 часа, вам это будет удобно? 4. «Вы не
подскажите, как удобно добраться до музея?» — «Вы можете доехать
туда автобусом». 5. Как вы полагаете, я могу позвонить ему
в 10 часов? Это удобно?
По-русски мы говорим гак...
1. Условия контракта были тщательно выработаны. 2. Я со­
гласна выполнить все их условия. 3. Они приобрели билеты на
льготных условиях. 4. Её жилищные условия можно считать нор­
мальными. 5. Ни при каких условиях я не соглашусь на это пред­
1. Вчера установили компьютер, который мы купили сыну ко
дню рождения. Он очень доволен. 2. Когда, наконец, привезут и
установят новую мебель? Жду не дождусь. 3. Почему на этот про­
дукт нет ценника? Он появиться, как только установят цену.
4. Подчас требуется очень много усилий для того, чтобы установить
истину. 5. Личность задержанного установлена.
1. Целый ряд публикаций посвящен проблемам экологии в этом
регионе. 2. Целый год мы ждали отпуска. 3. Было настолько жар­
ко, что она выпила целый стакан воды, затем еще один и еще.
4. Взяв чемоданы с карусели в аэропорту, он с облегчением вздох­
нул: «Все в порядке, все цело». 5. Путешествие было долгим и
утомительным. Но все вернулись целыми и невредимыми.
1. Что случилось, то случилось. Но это частный случай. Обоб­
щать не следует. 2. Желтая пресса не может обойти вниманием
частную жизнь знаменитостей. 3. Было не просто пройти к лесу.
Со всех сторон окружали частные владения. 4. Многие врачи име­
ют частную практику. 5. Зачем обсуждать эту тему прилюдно?
Не лучше ли разобраться во всем в частном порядке.
II. EXERCISES. Task four
1. Экологически чистые продукты - вот, что нам нужно. 2. Ка­
кой чистый звук у этого телевизора! 3. Передай мне, пожалуйста,
чистый лист бумаги. 4. Он решил перевернуть страницу и начать
жизнь с нового листа. 5. От чистого сердца мы поздравили его
с днем рождения. 6. Чистый вес этого продукта составляет
250 грамм. 7. По чистой случайности нам удалось избежать столк­
1. При виде её он сначала замедлил шаг, а затем и вовсе остано­
вился, чтобы заговорить с ней. 2. Мать наказала сыну во время их
путешествия не отходить от неё ни на шаг. 3. Он услышал прибли­
жающиеся шаги и замер в ожидании. 4. Первые шаги ребенка зрелище очень трогательное. 5. Мы настоятельно просили его
предпринять какие-либо шаги к примирению, но не ожидали такого
ловкого шага.
Match the Russian with the English, give more than one
variant when possible.
Part one “Б”, “B”
1. У кого что болит, тот о том и
2. подвести базу под что-либо в
оправдание или обоснование
4. валить с больной головы на
5. комитет общественной
6. Она всегда испытывала волнение
перед выходом на сцену.
7. За кого (какую команду) ты
8. Новое учение взволновало умы
9. внести раздор
10. бить по больному месту
11. энергетика
12. больной вопрос
13. У меня за тебя болит душа.
14. внести оживление
15. Он всегда болеет за дело.
16. Здесь больно?
17. Ты уж больно горяч
а. energy resources
б. This new teaching has
stirred the minds.
в. You are a hot head.
r. to back up something
Д. He puts his heart and soul
into what he is doing
е. She always had butterflies in
her stomach before going on
to the stage.
ж. to liven up
з. Does it hurt here?
и. What club do you support?
к. community self-protection
л. I am really worried about
m. to hit where it hurts most
h. sore subject
o. The hungry has always bread
on his mind
n. electric power industry
p. to cause disorder
c. to lay the blame on
somebody else
II. EXERCISES. Task five
Part two “Г”,“Д”
1. ближе к делу
2. грубые выражения
3. За чем дело стало?
4. громкие слова
5. голое администрирование
6. Им нет до нас дела.
7. грубая игра
8. голая правда
9. Это не ваше дело.
10. громкое дело
11. грубая лесть
12. Не в этом дело.
13. без громких слов
14. Не вмешивайся не в свое дело.
15. Большое дело (ирон.)
16. Дело было 20 лет тому назад
17. под громким названием
18. возбудить судебное дело
19. Это не мое дело.
а. coarse language
б. high flown words
в. Mind your own business,
r. foul play
д. naked truth
е. gross flattery
ж. purely bureaucratic methods
з. That’s none of your business
и. high-profile case
к. It happened 20 years ago
л. What’s the delay?
m. That’s none of my business.
h. under the high-sounding name
o. Come to the point
n. Big deal!
p. That’s not the point.
c. They don't care about us.
t. without a fuss
y. to bring a law suit
Part three “Е’\ “Ж”, “3”
1. В здоровом теле здоровый дух.
2. занимать много места
3. задняя мысль
4. жесткий срок
5. Он еще занят.
6. не жалеть усилий
7. жесткие требования
8. применить задним числом
9. заявление обвиняемого в суде
о виновности или невиновности
10. Давай на сегодня закончим.
11.заявление прав/претензий/
а. He is still busy.
б. fixed date
в. made-to-measure clothes
r. Let’s call it a day.
д. He hasn’t come yet.
е. Sound mind in a sound body.
ж. statement of rights
з. contract killing
и. tough requirements
к. to take up a lot of room
л. She has become even more
По-русски мы говорим так...
12. Он еще не пришел.
м. Не grudged every minute he
had to stay away from the
h. plea of guilty or not guilty
o. to spare no efforts
n. reverse movement
p. to apply retroactively
с. ulterior motive
13. задний ход
14. заказная одежда
15. Она стала еще красивее
16. жесткая дисциплина
17. заказное убийство
18. Он жалел о каждой минуте, когда
отрывался от эксперимента.
т. strict discipline
Part four “И”, “K”
1. на крайний случай
2. крайнее возмущение
а. to overdo
б. Corruption can not be
justified by anything.
в. as a last resort
r. circulation
д. the lowest price
3. передний край обороны
4. край чашки
5. исключить возможность
6. Коррупцию ничем нельзя
7. Это не исключено.
8. крайняя цена
9. услышать краем уха
10. край воды
11. тираж издания
12. Это исключено.
13. дешевое издание
14. хватить через край
е. utter surprise
ж. cheap edition
з. waterline
и. to exclude the possibility
к. utmost indignation
л. to reject an assumption
m. to hear by chance
h. This is impossible.
o. to see out of the corner of
one’s eye
n. the front line of defence
p. the brim of the cup
c. This can not be ruled out
t. the edge of a clif
y. roadside
15. исключить предположение
16. крайнее изумление
17. увидеть краем глаза
18. край обрыва
19. край дороги
II. EXERCISES. Task five
Part five “Л”, “M”
a. sleeping саг
1. мирное население
б. upper / lower/ berth
2. мягкий климат
3. Я хочу отметить два момента. в. current situation
г. civilian population
4.изнанка и лицо
д. to catch somebody red-handed
5. не измениться в лице
e. soft landing
6. Свободных мест нет.
ж. to betray no emotions
7. потерять лицо
8. поймать на месте преступления 3. the right and the wrong side
и. the right man in the right place
9. мягкий вагон
к. to lose face
10. мирное время
л. the right time
11. в любой момент
m. mild climate
12. мягкая посадка
h. I’d like to make two points.
13. текущий момент
o. No vacancies.
14. подходящий момент
n. time of peace
15. человек на своем месте
16. верхнее (нижнее)/место в купе»
p. anytime
каюте и т.п.
Part six “H”
1. неудобное время
2. Ну перестань! Это не конец
3. Ну и что?
4. Мне было за него неудобно.
5. Ну погоди!
6. Ничего себе домик!
7. за недостатком чего-либо
8. делать что-либо неприятное
9. Неудобно обсуждать этот
вопрос в машине.
10. неприятные обстоятельства
11. Она ничего себе.
a. for want of something
6. Oh! What a house!
в. to do something annoying
r. Come now! It’s not the end of
the world.
д. Come on, now! Go ahead!
e. Just you wait!
ж. troublesome situation
3. inconvenient time
и. upsetting fact
к. Well, you did great!
л. His behaviour embarrassed me.
По-русски мы говорим так...
12. Ну, молодец!
м. So what!
13. Неудобно звонить так поздно, н. Nothing could be easier.
14. неудобная квартира
o. I’d feel uneasy calling so late
15. поставить в неудобное
n. A car is not the right place to
discuss the matter.
16. Ну, давай! Действуй!
p. to make someone feel
17. Ничего не поделаешь!
c. uncomfortable flat
18. неприятный факт
t. It can’t be helped,
19. Ничего не стоит это сделать. y. She is O.K.
Part seven “O”
1. объявить вне закона
а. total living space
2. общие интересы
б. by joint efforts .
3. обращаться на «ты»
в. commodities turnover
4. обратиться в бегство
r. to declare martial law
5. объявить о независимости
д. to issue an order
6. объявить документ
е. to take to one’s heels
7. Как к нему следует обратиться? ж. to reprimand somebody
8. объявить выговор
з. to have nothing in common
9. обратиться за помощью
и. to be on first name footing
10. общая жилая площадь
к . to go to court
11. кровообращение
л. distribution costs
12. объявить приказ
m. How should he be addressed?
13. обращаться в суд
h. to outlaw somebody
14. ничего не иметь общего
с кем-либо
o. to proclaim independence
15. обращение товаров
n. to ask for help
16. объявить военное положение p. blood circulation
1 7. общие идеалы
c. to declare a document null and
18. издержки обращения
t. shared values
19. общими усилиями
y. common interests
II. EXERCISES. Task five
Part eight “O”
1. передовой опыт
а. The children were found to be at
б. to give a warm welcome
в. to adopt somebody’s methods
r. experimental station
д. one’s first try at writing
е. to do somebody a favour
ж. He proved to be a good doctor
2. опытный полет
3. опытный проект
4. оказывать теплый прием
5. как оказалось
6. опытная партия
7. опытным путем
8. проводить опыты с чем-либо з. as it turned out
и. pilot lot
9. оказать честь
к. sample
10. опытная станция
л. to do somebody an honour
11. Двух девочек не оказалось
в лагере.
m. to experiment with something
12. Он - большой оригинал.
h. He is very eccentric.
13. Дети оказались в школе.
Two girls were missing
14. опытный образец
15. Он оказался хорошим врачом. test flight
16. перенять опыт
17. оказать услугу
18. убедиться на горьком опыте
19. первый литературный опыт y. to know something from bitter
Part nine “О”
а. hot dish
1. Он - большой оригинал.
б. to reinvent a wheel
2. сильное желание
в. to go to bed
3. тонкий слух
r. She confided in me.
4. отказать в просьбе
д. His voice failed him.
5. язвительное замечание
6. Ему не откажешь в остроумии. е. There is no denying that he is
1 won’t say “no"’.
7. дом отдыха
з. to turn down a request
8. Она доверилась мне.
По-русски мы говорим так...
9. раскрыть карты
10. Его подвел голос.
11. У нее сдали нервы.
12. открыть сезон
13. не откажусь
14. пряное блюдо
15. отправляться на боковую
16. открыть «Америку»
и. burning desire
к. Не is a true original.
л. to show one’s hand
м. to launch a season
h. sharp remark
o. She had a breakdown,
n. keen hearing
p. holiday centre
Part ten “П”
1. плата за вход
2. Один в поле не воин.
3. чрезвычайное положение
4. быть на высоте положения
5. в поле зрения
6. плата за проезд
7. положение о выборах
8. быть хозяином положения
9. плата за обучение
10. положение договора
а. tuition fee
б. fare
в. entrance fee
г. within view
д. election regulations
е. clause of an agreement
ж. state of emergency
з. to be up to the mark
и. One man is no man.
к. to be the master of the
л. demand and supply
11. признавать недействительным
12. принимать на себя
m. to declare smth invalid
13. принимать в учебные заведения и. to take smth at face value
14. Я тебе этого никогда не прощу. o. to assume responsibility
15. спрос и предложение
n. to admit
16. вылететь как пробка из бутылки p. to absolve from debt
17. принимать за чистую монету
c. Sorry, 1 am wrong.
18. принимать (российское)
t. Excuse me, can I ask you...?
19. принимать крещение
у. to agree to conditions
20. принимать что-либо в шутку
ф. to be baptized
21. прощать долг
x. I will never forgive you.
22. принимать условия
ц. to duck out like a shot
II. EXERCISES. Task five
ч. to take (Russian) citizenship
ш. to take smth as a joke
23. Простите, я не прав.
24. Простите, я могу вас спросить?
Part eleven “Р”
1. рассматривать заявление
2. растягивать перчатки
3. регулировать уличное
4. урегулировать разногласия
5. лекарства по рецепту
6. лекарства без рецепта
7. решить исход матча
8. рассматривать витрины
9. рассматривать в упор
10. ровная линия
11. растянуть мышцу
12. рецепт пирога
13. на «ровном месте»
14. регулировать громкость
15. ровная поверхность
16. растягивать (экономить)
17. рецепт на все случаи жизни
18. растягивать рассказ
19. ровный климат
20. растягивать удовольствие
21. ровный пульс
а. to spin out a story
б. to go window shopping
в. to stare at
r. to stretch out the money
д. to adjust the volume
е. to decide the outcome of the
ж. to consider an application
з. to stretch gloves
и. to pull a muscle
к. straight line
л. regular pulse
m. to control the traffic
h. prescription drugs
o. even surface
n. over-the-counter drugs
p. for no apparent reason
c. recipe for the pie
t. equable climate
у. to prolong the pleasure
ф. formula for all occasions
x. to settle differences
Part twelve “C”
1. (за)свидетельствовать подпись a. to testify against
2. духовная связь
6. tax exempt
По-русски мы говорим так...
3. сдавать в наем
в. Nothing is sacred to him.
4. свидетельствовать в суде {юр.) г. public relations
5. свободные манеры
д. money to spend
6. свободный художник
е. available assets
7. связь с общественностью
ж. loose clothes
8. свободное место
з. to put into operation
9. святая вода
и. to witness a signature
10. сдавать дела
к. a saint
11. средство связи
л. to deliver on a turn-key basis
12. свободная одежда
m. vacant seat
13. святой человек
h. freelance artist
14. свободный от налога
o. holy water
15. свидетельствовать против
n. to lease
16. сдавать в эксплуатацию
p. easy manners
17. Для него нет ничего святого. c. (spiritual) bond
18. сдавать под ключ
t. means of communication
19. свободные деньги
у. to give evidence
20. свободные средства (фии.)
ф. to pass over one’s duties to
one’s successor
Part thirteen «С»
1. создавать организацию
2. справедливый суд
а. in strict confidence
б. To set the alarm clock (for 7
в. to train voice
r. to lay down conditions
д. rigorous control
е. to stamp smth
ж. to put a question point-blank
з. correct statement
и. to baffle
к. fair trial
л. to present with a fait
3. справедливое утверждение
4. ставить рекорд
5. ставить перед фактом
6. ставить в тупик
7. строгий ценитель
8. строгий вкус
9. под строгим секретом
10. суровая правда
11. суровый климат
II. EXERCISES. Task five
м. severe climate
o. bleak truth
п. strict critic
p. to set up an organization
c. to erect a monument
t. to set a record
у. to dot the “i-s” and to cross
the “t-s”
ф. stem warning
x. just demands
ц. severe trial
4. austere taste
ш. strict law
12. ставить памятник
13. ставить точки над «Ь>
14. строгое предупреждение
15. суровое испытание
16. справедливые требования
17. строгий закон
18. ставить будильник на семь
19. строгий контроль
20. ставить вопрос ребром
21. ставить голос
22. ставить условия
23. ставить печать на что-либо
Part fourteen “Т”
1. твердый переплет
2. твердое решение
3. твердые знания
4. отказываться от требований
5. выполнять требования
6. требования времени
7. твердая уверенность
8. твердый график
9. свет или тень
10. оставаться в тени
11. твердый грунт
12. экзаменационные требования
13. эстетические требования
14. твердая валюта
15. твердые сроки
16. остановка по требованию
17. твердый орешек
18. твердый порядок
19. бросить тень сомнения на
а. to fulfill (smb.s) demands
б. aesthetic standards
в. hard currency
r. deadline
д. established order
е. firm soil
ж. hard cover
з. request stop
и. to give up one’s claims
к. hard nut to crack
л. fixed schedule
m. firm decision
h. strong belief
o. solid knowledge
n. to cast a shadow on
p. to stay in the background
c. light and shade
t. needs of the age
y. examination requirements
По-русски мы говорим так...
Part fifteen “У”, “Ц”, “Ч”, “Ш”
1. чувствовать (себя) удобно
(физически - о положении
2. чувствовать себя удобно
3. Удобно ли Вам это время/
место встречи?
I. бытовые условия
5. устанавливать факты
6. целый ряд вопросов
7. частный случай
8. чистый воздух
9. предпринять шаги
10. чистая прибыль
II. вывести на чистую воду
12. на каждом шагу
13. чистая случайность
14. это неудобно
15. условия контракта
16. установить камеры
17. целый день
18. частное лицо
а. net profit
б. mere chance
в. to turn over a new leaf
r. everywhere
д. to take steps
е. to install security cameras
ж. under no circumstances
з. in one piece
и. particular case
к. an individual
л. individually
m. fresh air
h. ecologically safe
o. all day long
n. to establish facts
p. to feel at ease
c. terms of the contract
t. Is this time/place convenient
for you?
19. частная собственность
у. a whole number of questions
20. цел и невредим
ф. living condition
21. остаться целым (о предмете) x. I don’t think it’s the right
thing to do
22. экологически чистый
ц. to be comfortable
23. ни при каких условиях
ч. private property
24. начать с чистого листа
ш. safe and sound
25. в частном порядке
щ. to expose
What do people usually say or do in the following
Part one
1. - when there is no reason to worry
2. - when someone is busy and you badly need ask him/her
something or let him know about something
3. - when you are in a hotel room and wish to have a long
uninterrupted rest
4. - when someone is offering to do something for you which you
can easily do yourself
5. - when you said or did something that made someone feel
offended which you did not want
6. - when you come to consult a doctor what his usual question is
7. - when a doctor presses on parts of your body or bends your legs
what questions he usually asks
8. - when every muscle of your body feels painful
9. - when you are leaving after visiting a sick person
10. - when you don’t want someone to interfere in your affairs
Part two
1. - when you don’t want to interfere in somebody else’s affairs
2. - when someone deviates from the subject discussed
3. - when you greet someone
4. - when you see something amazing developing at the moment
5. - when you want to stress how long ago something happened
6. - when someone does something wrong and you are sure he/she
will realize it later
7. - when you want someone not to be hard on some person but
rather be sorry for him or her
По-русски мы говорим так...
8. - when someone sneezes
9. - when you want to stop doing something for that day
10. - when your friend takes his leave
Part three
1. - when someone tries very hard to please his/her superior in every
possible way and you don’t like it
2. - when we write a paper requesting a job
3. - when we emphasize that someone is in good health and is able
to assess and analyze things properly
4. - when you apologize for disorder in your room
5. - when you apologize because one had to wait for you for some
6. - when you apologize for using harsh words
7. - when you can’t squeeze through
8. - when you remark that someone or something is very close to
9. - when someone realizes that he/she is in a critical situation
10. - when we want to underline that there are no ideal people
Part four
1. - when a policeman commands to remain on the spot where
one is
2. - when your friend said something rude and you feel uneasy
because of that
3. - when you urge someone to continue whatever one has been
4. - when you think that the situation can not be changed
5. - when you want to praise someone
6. - when you are astonished about something
7. - when you want to calm someone down
8. - when you want to make sure what’s the right way to address
9. - when someone is strikingly different from other people
Part five
1. - when you want to stress that somebody is very special, not like
anyone else
2. - when you want to know if somebody can read a book which
is not translated from the language it was written in
3. - when you want to ask someone very politely to do something
for you
4. - when something is offered to you and you are willing to accept it
5. - when you want to say that somebody sacrificed a lot, deprived
himself / herself of everything
6. - when a person is known to have a sharp mind and tongue
7. - when you want to emphasize that something is not new but has
been known for quite some time
8. - when somebody is blind to a situation and you want to help him
see it as it really is
9. - when a country or a company decides to observe the provisions
of a treaty or agreement no longer
10. - when a person claims that he/she hasn't said something that he
did say
11. - when the decision is taken not to hold a meeting or a function
that has been arranged
12. - when a person decides not to exercise his rights any longer
Part six
1. - when somebody is required to pay for education, for going by
bus; for some services
2. - when you want to stress that one person alone can not cope with
the situation
По-русски мы говорим так...
3. - when you want to say that in this particular case all depends on
one person alone
4. - when you want somebody to feel the way you do under the
5. - when you want to draw attention to the fact that a document is
no longer legal
6. - when you are required to show/to submit a document about the
facts of your career
7. - when you want somebody to accept smth as it is
8. - when you tell somebody to live according to his means
9. - when the situation seems to be critical and then someone gets it
back to normal
10. - when you believe that it is you that some statements refer to
- when someone in charge comes to see how the activity is goi
on right when it is unfolding
12. - when one wants to make sure that all the facts are accurate
13. - when you want to have a farewell party for somebody’s
14. - when you want to say that a person may pass away very soon
Part seven
1. - when you want to calculate/to consider expenses very carefully
to meet the pay day
2. - when you want to ask about the time
3. - when you want somebody to give you instructions how to cook
a delicious pie
4. - when somebody thinks he knows the way to economic recovery
and can give an advice how it can be done
5. - when you think you know the way following which people can
live a happy life together
6. - when you speak about something that played a decisive role in
smb’s life
7. - when you want somebody at the meeting exactly at 10 o’clock
- when in your opinion there was absolutely nothing to provok
the quarrel, it just started for no apparent reason
Part eight
1. - when you speak about the hotel where there is no accom­
modation at the moment
2. - when you don’t have to pay any tax for the product
3. - when a person is very naive, touchingly innocent
4. - when you notice that age tells on people
5. - when you want to make / to put everything crystal clear
6. - when you want to state in the contract that they need to have the
house 100% ready for you to accept it
7. - when someone answers questions of councils for the prose­
cution or the defence in the court of law
8. - when we speak about a writer or an artist who doesn’t work for
any state or private company or organization
9. - when we speak of assets that the company may spend at its own
free will
10. - when you speak about someone having friends in high places
who can help you with your career or everyday problems
- when you give away your old car whose cost in to be reduce
from the cost of a new one
12. - when you do something and inform about your action and the
results that can’t be changed
13. - when you want to show that a word combination, a phrase or a
paragraph is taken from some published work
14. - when you want to stress that somebody is as good as other
people of the same category
15. - when somebody creates unreasonable obstacles on the way to
solving a problem
16. - when we speak about some government or companies
decisions aimed at cutting spending as much as possible
9 Зак. 1200
По-русски мы говорим так...
Part nine
1. - when you want to describe a person as being very tough
2. - when you want to say that something is not true to life at all
3. - when you don’t want to attract attention to yourself
4. - when someone intentionally tries to make the problem seem
5. - when you describe someone who has lost a lot of weight and
looks very frail
6. - when there was a break in but nothing was stolen or damaged
7. - when you want to emphasize that someone started his life anew
8. - when there are no clouds in the sky
9. - when nothing is printed or written on a page or a sheet of paper
10. - when you have no feeling of remorse for what you’ve said or
11. - when you begin doing something from the very beginning
- when somebody does nothing to be of any assistance to
Task two
1. economic base 2. have good reasons 3. the basis 4. basis
5. warehouses 6. Bases 7. center 8. power industry. 9. wholesale
depots 10. educational facilities 11. tourist camps
1. security council, security 2. security 3. safety belts 4. safety
5. Safe 6. accident prevention 7. self-protection groups, personal safety
1. to worry about 2. disturb 3. troubles 4. bother 5. bothering
6. bother
1. dish 2. courses 3. baking dish
1. ill 2. down 3. pain 4. toothache 5. smart 6. support 7. puts her
heart and soul to 8. bleeds 9. hurt 10. grieves 11. hot-tempered
12. hurt 13. out-patient 14. mentally disturbed 15. chronically ill
16. seriously ill patients 17. ailing economy 18. lay the blame on
somebody else 19. sore
1. are bringing 2. pay the tuition 3. introduce changes 4. deposit
money 5. make his or her contribution 6. introduced 7. make
8. livened up 9. introduce 10. fertilize 11. caused 12. cleared up
13. was inserted 14. brighten up 15. put me on 16. submits for consi­
По-русски мы говорим так...
1. rough 2. excitement 3. had stage fright 4. unrest 5. stirred
6. nervous 7. worry 8. agitated 9. care
1. bold, bare headed 2. with one’s bare 3. naked 4. empty 5. naked
6. bare-foot 7. bare 8. purely bureaucratic methods 9. the bare floor
l.loud 2. big names 3. highly publicized 4. high-flown words
1. fulsome 2. coarse 3. callous 4. rough 5. harsh 6. rough
diamond 7. gross 8. foul 9. brute 10. blatant 11. vulgar 12. rough
estimate 13. bad 14. ill-mannered 15. gruff
1. his own business 2. idle, himself busy 3. interfere in his affairs,
mind her own business 4. private matter, concern 5. the matter
6. deeds 7. get down to business 8. noble cause 9. common cause
10. files 11. the matter 12. care 13. case 14. tested in practice 15. on
1. different 2. another 3. the others 4. somewhere else 5. another
time 6. in other words 7. neither 8. on the other hand 9. other 10. the
1. as far back as 2. one more 3. still, yet 4. for the time being
5. even, still
Ключи к упражнениям
1. feel sorry for 2. took pity on 3. grudged 4. regret 5. spared
6. spare himself
1. tough 2. stale 3. hard 4. hard water 5. strict, tight, tough
6. tough with 7. fixed 8. strict 9. tough 10. hard 11. demanding
12. coarse 13. rigid 14. fixed-toe, fixed-heel
1. the back door 2. hip pocket 3. rear 4. hind 5. in the background
6. push ... to the background 7. tail 8. going into reverse, backward
movement 9. ulterior motive 10. to apply retro actively 11. in
retrospect 12. dead on her feet 13. danced attendance upon his boss
14. dog tired
1. made-to-measure 2. sponsored 3. contract killing 4. registered
5. to register
1. ended in a draw 2. ended in failure 3. is over 4. graduated from
5. concluded 6. finishes 7. lets call it a day
1. have occupied 2. taken 3. take a lot of room 4. take up the
position 5. are filled 6. to hold the post 7. came in first 8. occupied
9. seized 10. keep 11. to queue up 12. does it take you
1. bad breath 2. stinks 3. fragrance 4. body odour 5. smell
6. odourless 7. smell
По-русски мы говорим так...
1. not to make any statements 2. statement 3. plea 4. applied 5. to
apply for their leave 6. application
1. in good health 2. healthy 3. healthy 4. healthy 5. healthy,
healthy 6. sound 7. fresh, wholesome 8. healthy 9. a good 10. sound
11. in good shape
1. publication 2. periodical 3. promulgation 4. cheap editions
5. daily, weekly 6. first printing 7. periodicals 8. printing
9. circulation
1. expelled 2. eliminated from the enquiries 3. strike... off
4. exclude 5. ruled out 6. dismissed 7. ruled out 8. excludes 9. not
1. is overflowing 2. filled to the brim 3. water line 4. roadside
5. edge 6. brims 7. in the suburb 8. to the end of the earth 9. the front
line of defence 10. out of the comer of his eye 11. endlessly 12. more
than his share 13. on the verge of a disaster 14. endless amount of
1. the last 2. the right wing, left wing 3. Far North 4. deadline
5. utter 6. utmost 7. drastic 8. absolute 9. extreme 10. dire
11. extreme 12. at least 13. lowest
1. except 2. with the exception of 3. joking apart 4. moreover
5. besides
Ключи к упражнениям
1. to set course to 2. change the course 3. heading 4. courses
5. off course 6. policy 7. course 8. a course 9. course of treatment
10. keeps him informed 11. exchange rate 12. keep him informed
1. broke into 2. a length of string 3. a plot of land 4. slice 5. bar
of soap 6. lumps 7. slices 8. length 9. piece 10. pieces, piece by piece
11. sticks in his throat 12. morsel 13. to earn his daily bread
1. by sight 2. regular 3. civilians 4. official 5. clerics 6. third
parties 7. the official 8. in the first person 9. characters 10. legal
entity 11. made a creditable showing 12. showed his real self
13. become 14. in the person’s face 15. losing his face 16. did not
betray any emotions 17. face to face 18. the right side
1. personal belongings 2. private life, privacy 3. personal assistant
4. private property 5. personal 6. personal insult 7. personal
8. personal 9. personal 10. personal inspection 11. individual
championship 12. stuff 13. personal 14. participation
1. meeting place 2. the scene is laid 3. gave his seat 4. a parking
place 5. scene of the crime 6. caught red-handed 7. a room
8. anywhere else 9. a construction site 10. usual place 11. a position
12. berth, berth 13. out of place 14. pieces of luggage 15. the lead
16. room 17. vacancies 18. seats 19. room 20. rank highest 21. the first
place 22. the job 23. here and there 24. find no piece 25. from scratch
1. a peace treaty 2. the peace settlement 3. peace 4. peace
5. civilian population 6. peaceful 7. peaceful 8. peaceful 9. peaceful
10. peaceful 11. peaceable
По-русски мы говорим так...
1. right time 2. current 3. any time 4. episode 5. points 6. instant
7. the chance 8. advantage of the opportunity 9. in no
1. sleeping 2. soft 3. gentle 4. cuddly 5. easy 6. soft 7. smooth
8. tender 9. soft 10. upholstered 11. fresh 12. soft 13. soft 14. kind
15. soft 16. mild 17. mild 18. lenient 19. mellow 20 subdued, soft
1. shortcomings 2. for want of 3. lack 4. defects 5. demerits
6. deficiency 7. short of 8. shortage 9. lack of 10. shortage
1. irritating 2. annoying 3. unpleasant 4. disagreeable 5. un­
pleasant 6. upsetting 7. bad 8. upsetting 9. distressing 10. troub­
1. inconvenient 2. uncomfortable 3. inconvenient 4. embarrassed
5. uncomfortable 6. inconvenient 7. inappropriate 8. embarrassed
9. uncomfortable
1. that’s all right 2. it’s nothing 3. not bad 4. passable 5. there is
nothing you can do about it 6. you can’t deny it 7. nothing 8. nothing
of the kind 9. nothing of the kind 10. is it all right
1. provide 2. support 3. safeguard 4. secured 5. secured 6. ensure
7. supplying 8. meet the demand
1. addressed 2. apply 3. called 4. consult 5. on first name
6. turned 7. asked 8. turn 9. to treat 10. treated 11. go to 12. turned
to 13. took to flight 14. complain 15. squanders 16. handle with care
17. handle 18. all ears 19. turned into
Ключи к упражнениям
1. his address 2. salutation 3. the appeal 4. conversion 5. a visit
6. carelessness with it 7. bringing the matter before the court 8. ill
treatment 9. proper manners 10. withdraw from circulation 11. rota­
tion 12. circulation 13. maltreatment 14. into circulation
1. general 2. general 3. general 4. mutual 5. share 6. common
7. general 8. joint 9. common 10. everybody’s 11. general agreement
12. on the whole 13. aggregate, sum 14. all in all 15. in general
16. total 17. total crop area 18. in common 19. nothing to do
20. a commonplace
1. expressed his gratitude 2. declare 3. declared null and void
4. outlawed 5. declaring 6. ruled 7. turn up 8. declared 9. proclaimed
10. was declared 11. announced 12. reprimanded 13. declared the
meeting open 14. outlawed
1. influence 2. exercise 3. influenced 4. impact 5. to show
6. rendered 7. put 8. to show 9. given 10. done 11. do
1. found ourselves 2. it turned out 3. missing 4. found himself
5. prove to be 6. found 7. proved to be 8. found missing 9. appeared
1. adopt 2. gained 3. experience 4. experience 5. experience 6. best
practices 7. clinical trials 8. try 9. conducts experiments 10. expe­
1. experienced 2. old hand 3. experimentally 4. samples 5. an
expert 6. pilot lot 7. test flights 8. pilot show 9. empirically
10. experimental station
По-русски мы говорим так...
1. original. 2. Original. 3 original. 4 original. 5 original
l.keen 2. sharp 3. acute 4. acute 5. burning 6. sharp 7. quick
8. hot 9. quick, sharp 10. urgent
1. rest 2. relaxation 3. recreation 4. rest 5. retirement
6. holiday 7. relaxation
1. denies 2. refuse 3. turned down 4. failed 5. broke down
6. denying
1. refused 2. turn down 3. refused 4. refusing to acknowledge
5. go back on 6. dropped 7. gave up
1. opened 2. open 3. is opening 4. start 5. turn on 6. unveiled
7. discovered
1. open 2. open (unlock) 3. unfolded 4. open 5. open
6. confided 7. come to light (has been uncovered)
1. post 2. forward 3. administered
1. take off 2. set out 3. leave
1. wage 2. pay, rent 3. fee 4. fee 5. fee 6. fare 7. fee
Ключи к упражнениям
1. keep up 2. backed up 3. supported 4. provide for 5. maintain
6. keep 7. keep 8. support 9. support 10. keep up
1. field 2. field 3. field 4. margins 5. field 6. sphere 7. field
1. location 2. strained circumstances 3. position 4. situation
5. state 6. situation 7. situation 8. scale 9. regulations 10. position
1. suggestions 2. proposals 3. proposal 4. offers 5. offer
6. motion 7. offer 8. sentence 9. demand & supply
1. introduce 2. submit 3. presents 4. performed 5. imagine
6. poses 7. nominated 8. presents 9. represent 10. presented
1. declared 2. admitted 3. recognized 4. recognize
1. entertain 2. accepted 3. accepted 4. take 5. accept 6. take
7. passed 8. took 9. receives 10. taking 11. take 12. took 13. to take
14. to deliver
l.jam 2.fuse 3. cork 4. plug
1. check 2. checked 3. verify 4. audited 5. grade 6. check
7. tested 8. check
По-русски мы говорим так...
1. spent 2. hold 3. wasted 4. wasting 5. draw 6. draw
7. running 8. conducted conducted 9. deceive 10. carried out
11. installed
l.see 2. see 3. see 4. followed 5. sent
1. minutes 2. protocol 3. test report 4. protocol 5. record, off
1. held out 2. stretched 3. reach out 4. install 5. delay
!. absolved 2. overlook, condone 3. sorry 4. I'm sorry 5. excuse
me 6. pardon (me)
]. do 2. examining it 3. consider 4. make out 5. heard 6. look
7. staring 8. considered
1. stretched 2. stretch 3. stretch 4. stretch 5. dragging
1. adjust 2. settle 3. adjust 4. adjust 5. settle, normalize
1. prescription 2. formula 3. recipes 4. formula 5. recommenddation
Ключи к упражнениям
1. decide 2. make up his mind 3. settled 4. solve 5. determined
6. decided 7. decided 8. determined
l.even 2. calm 3. even 4. smooth 5. regular 6. even
1. testify, testify 2. confirm 3. witness 4. certify 5. certified
6. testify
1. free 2. easy 3. natural 4. vacant 5. free 6. free 7. loose
8. free 9. free 10. day off
1. connection 2. connection 3. connection 4. connection
5. cause and effect 6. connected 7. touch 8. bonds
1. holy 2. sacred, holy 3. saint 4. holy 5. sacred
1. passed 2. let out 3. rent 4. check in 5. return 6. hand
7. delivered 8. leave
1. made 2. creating 3. set up 4. create 5. create 6. poses
7. idolizes
1. fair 2. justified 3. fair 4. justifiable 5. just 6. justified 7. im­
По-русски мы говорим так...
1. put 2. set 3. graded 4. stamped 5. erected 6. put 7. train
8. stage 9. baffled 10. reproach 11. put spokes
1. strict 2. strict 3. rigorous 4. rigorous 5. stem 6. rigorous
7. austere, plain, severe
1. bitter 2. stern 3. bleak 4. severe 5. severe 6. cruel 7. drastic
1. hard 2. hard 3. established, fixed 4. firm 5. sound 6. sound
7. strong 8. firm
1. shadow 2. shadows 3. shade 4. trace 5. shadow 6. shade
7. shadows 8. keeping
1. requirements 2. standards 3. demands 4. standards 5. request
6. claim 7. claims 8. needs
1. convenient 2. comfortable 3. ease 4. suits; suits 5. appropriate
1. terms 2. conditions 3. circumstances 4. condition 5. provisions
6. conditions 7. conditions 8. conditions
1. place 2. installed 3. place, set 4. fix 5. establish 6. identify,
keep 7. establish 8. lay down
Ключи к упражнениям
1. whole 2. whole 3. whole 4. undamaged 5. intact 6. whole
7. series 8. safe & sound
1. private 2. private 3. private 4. private 5. individually
6. unofficial 7. private 8. special
1. blank 2. clear 3. mere 4. tidy 5. pure 6. fresh 7. safe 8. clear
9. pure 10. sheer 11. utter
1. steps 2. pace 3. step, step 4. step 5. steps 6. pace 7. moves
8. step
По-русски мы говорим так...
Task three
1. educational facilities 2. a sports center 3. was the basis 4. give
good reasons 5. holiday camps 6. wholesale warehouse 7. has a bigger
data base 8. economic basis can not ensure 9. energy potential
10. base 11. electric power industry is enough
1. state security 2. accident prevention 3. international security
4. community self-protection group 5. for his or her personal safety
6. seat belts and safety belts 7. The tourists are out of harm’s way now
1. worry 2. to put herself out 3. worried about 4. bother 5. disturb
6. disturb 7. bother 8. what’s your complain? 9. troubles 10. bother
l.dish 2. her favourite dish 3. baking dish 4. a special dish
1. is very sick 2. my heart bleeds for her 3. I have a sore throat
4. 1 am aching all over. 5. a bad toothache 6. support 7. hurts me to
hear 8. to hurt you 9. ailing 10. He is mentally disturbed 11. serious
case 12. a sore subject for them 13. a bad liver 14. lays the blame on
somebody else
1. initiate 2. students must pay the tuition fee 3. fertilize the soil
4. to introduce some changes 5. brightened up those present 6. they will
liven up your garden 7. cleared up 8. caused discord 9. was submitted
10. made his contribution to the company 11. put me on the list
Ключи к упражнениям
1. excited 2 nervous 3. rough seas 4. stormy 5. take part in riots
and uprisings
1. rough 2. I don’t care how the situation will develop 3. I was
always nervous 4. agitated 5. stirred the minds
1. naked 2. her arms were bare 3. bare facts 4. naked truth 5. bare­
foot 6. empty fields 7. bare 8. on the bare floor 9. bare cliffs 10. with
his bare hands
1. high-profile events 2. great name in football 3. he user highflown words 4. a famous name
1. a rough diamond 2. coarse 3. he uses harsh 4. gross 5. crude
6. hardened 7. fulsome flattery 8. ill behavior 9. for foul play 10. a
rough diamond 11. a blatant violation of the fact 12. rough estimate
13. flagrant violation
1. start your own business 2. keeps himself busy all the time
3. interfering in your son’s... 4. private lives 5. our common cause
6. it is the matter of taste 7. judge them by their deeds 8. personal
records 9. did not care about them 10. it comes to doing something
unpleasant 11. it was up to Mr В
1. it is a different article than the one 2. different 3. in other words
4. the next 5. other 6. another man called 7. others 8. another
По-русски мы говорим так...
1. spared no effort 2. to spare по expense 3. sorry 4. to waste
5. take pity on her
I. very tough 2. a hard disk in PC 3. coarse 4. an authoritative tone
of voice 5. hard on people 6. rigid 7. tough 8. rigorous 9. tough
1. back door 2. hip pocket 3. push other people to the background
4. had some ulterior motive 5. retroactively 6. was on her last legs
7. to play up to them
I. made to measure 2. a sponsored article 3. contract killings
1. the game ended in 2. graduated from 3. finished school
4. concluding 5. before the seance was over
1. holding my position 2. were filled 3. was holding the post of
4. queued up 5. does it take you 6. occupied 7. won the first place
8. occupied
1. make any statements 2. the plea of the accused was not guilty
3. apply for your leave 4. applied for resignation 5. to apply for a visa
1. in sound mind 2. healthy lungs 3. a healthy diet 4. in good shape
5. quite wholesome 6. contained constructive criticism 7. the economy
is not sound 8. healthy
Ключи к упражнениям
ИЗВИНЯТЬ, извинить
1. justify 2. I am sorry
1. the publication 2. periodicals 3. promulgation 4. cheap editions
5. an annual publication 6. the first print was only 100 copies
7. circulation
1. expelled from 2. eliminated from the enquiries 3. exclude
4. eliminated this suspect 5. unanimously excluded the possibility of...
6. excludes the possibility 7. does not rule out 8. exclude the athlete
from the competition 9. excluded 10. unacceptable
1. filled to the brim with 2. in the suburbs 3. to the end of the Earth
4. his native land 5. was stretching endlessly 6. on the brink of a disaster
7. endless amount of work 8. had his foot in the grave 9. to overdo
10. overheard 11. had more than their share of problems and misfortunes
1. as a last resort 2. at least 3. drastic measures 4. extreme poverty
in which people lived there
1. except 2. except for 3. besides poetry this author wrote short
1. to set course for 2. headed for 3. were off the course
1. into small pieces 2. to earn their daily bread 3. grabbed the
По-русски мы говорим так...
1. the man by sight 2. shows his or her real self 3. showed no
emotions 4. a simple functionary 5. in the first person singular 6. not
losing face
1. personal belongings 2. in your private life 3. personal insult
4. the company’s personnel 5. a personal assistant 6. a personal
bodyguard 7. personal hygiene
1. scene of the crime 2. parking place 3. elsewhere 4. no vacancies
5. was caught red-handed 6. room 7. the right man for the right place
8. won the first place 9. to the point 10. your joke was inappropriate
11. to start from scratch
1. a peace treaty 2. peace talks 3. peace time 4. time of peace
5. civilian population 6. in peace time 7. peaceful uses of atomic
energy 8. peaceful conversation
1. the present situation 2. in no time 3. the episode 4. two points
5. when you find the right time 6. made some interesting points 7. any
1. cuddly toys 2. tender 3. is fresh 4. were usually gentle 5. to be
soft 6. was subdued 7. to be lenient 8. soft
1. is poor 2. merits and demerits 3. shortage of food and medicine
4. is short of stuff 5. suffer from vitamin deficiency 6. for want of
a better name
Ключи к упражнениям
1. a most irritating habit 2. a very disagreeable neighbour 3. a veiy
annoying person 4. upsetting time for people 5. will be distressing for
her 6. troublesome
1. that time is inconvenient for me 2. made me feel embarrassed
3. uncomfortable 4. very uncomfortable 5. inappropriate 6. inconve­
nient 7. in an awkward situation 8. with disagreeable people
9. inappropriate
1. any hotel can provide guests with rooms and meals 2. provide
3. support their children 4. supply 5. supplied terrorists with weapons
6. to safeguard peace 7. to supply all pupils with them 8. paved her
way to success 9. to ensure attendance 10. support our families
1. addressed the audience 2. to apply for visas 3. squandered his
money 4. turned into 5. how to handle the crisis 6. handle this box
with care 7. to go to court 8. took to flight 9. was all ears
1. salutation 2. appealed on the radio to...
3. good manners
4. ill treatment of your pets 5. was put into circulation 6. the rotation of
planets 7. his blood circulation back to normal 8. are marketing
expenses 9. conversion to Buddhism
1. general questions 2. the company’s activity in general 3. the
general impression 4. to day let us discuss the project only in broad
terms 5. the common good 6. shared their interests and ideals 7. their
mutual friend 8 their common interests 9. communal flats 10. by
common consent 11. English was our common language 12. the
cumulative income of the family was... 13. the total cost of the project
По-русски мы говорим так...
was about one million pounds 14. all in all 30 countries were
represented at the conference 15. on the whole the result of the
experiment was considered positive 16. the article consists of
commonplaces 17. joint efforts are required 18. have a common border
19. it’s a commonplace to say
1. to express our gratitude 2. was announced 3. declared a state of
emergency 4. has announced 5. didn’t show up at the meeting 6. is
outlawed 7. to declare this legislation null and void 8. reprimanded her
9. it was announced at the railway station 10. proclaimed his innocence
1. influenced by 2. had an impact on 3. hasn’t had an effect 4. put
any pressure on her 5. to support 6. rendered their assistance 7. give
preference to 8. put up any resistance
1. found myself 2. they did not think that she would prove 3. two
very important documents in the file were missing 4. he turned out to
be 5. the task appeared to be more difficult 6. appeared to have been
used 7. our decision proved to be right
1. adopt our teacher’s methods 2. best practices 3. share their life
experience 4. had some clinical trials 5. from my own experience 6. to
experiment with different kinds of make-up 7. from his past experience
1. is very experienced 2. a real expert in computers 3. a pilot
production 4. a pilot station
1. in the original 2. a true original
Ключи к упражнениям
1. keen 2. the knife is sharp 3. an acute food shortage 4. pointed
chin; pointed nose 5. he likes spicy food 6. sharp tongue
1. day off 2. to have a break from work 3. relaxation; recreation(al)
room 4. holiday center 5. he is in retirement now
1. they refused him a visa 2. they refused to help him 3. she turned
him down 4. there is no denying that he is witty 5. his voice failed him
1. she declined their invitation 2. he does not renounce his point of
view 3. we cancelled our ticket reservation 4. give up smoking 5. he is
to resign 6. should abandon their policy of pressure 7. how can he go
back on his words
1. do not open the cage 2. do not show their faces 3. do not pull
the drawer 4. to start a new business 5. turn on the tap please 6. to
have discovered 7. when will they unveil the new monument
1. new opportunities opened up for him 2. When do the shops
open? 3. How has the plot come to light 4. she confided in me
5. brilliant prospects will open up for her
1. to be posted 2. should have been forwarded to the new address
3. to be shipped 4. justice to be administered
По-русски мы говорим так...
1. started on a journey 2. to take off 3. departed 4. to leave for
5. he go to bed
1. what wages do they get; what salaries do they get 2. what is the
monthly rent 3. is there any entrance fee 4. the fee 5. pay by the hour;
weekly pay; monthly pay 6. tuition 7. fare 8. what is their perfor­
mance pay
1. have maintained 2. kept up correspondence 3. we have kept in
touch 4. maintain 5. keep up your health 6. to keep up the spirit
7. what team does he support 8. to hold the fence up
1. field 2. the ground is fallow 3. playing fields and sports grounds
4. field of research 5. field 6. margin
1. international situation 2. position of the body 3. marital and
social status 4. clauses 5. main idea; message
1. tabled; seconded 2. proposed to her 3. special offer 4. turn down
their job offer 5. should supply more
1. a sentence 2. sentence; two subordinate clauses
1. introduce 2. provide an employment reference 3. did not
produce 4. to show our ID cards 5. I can not imagine it 6. can be of
interest to you 7. to represent
Ключи к упражнениям
1. have recognized 2. were declared invalid 3. was found guilty
4. pronounced unfit for military service 5. he pleaded not guilty
6.1 could not recognize him
1. accepted 2. accepted the invitation 3. took office 4. were
admitted to the party 5. resumed responsibility 6. was approved
7. does he receive 8. to adopt Christianity 9. do not take it as a joke
10. made a decision
1. the fuse has blown 2. plug 3. dash out like a shot 4. daft as a
1. they checked our tickets 2. to check on us 3. should be verified
4. will ...be audited 5. a company unit that has to test the instruments
and the equipment 6. try me
1. to hold a conference 2. to have talks 3. a new railway is to be
built 4. ran her hand over her hair 5. drew some lines 6.wastes time
1. he showed the delegation into the hall 2. see you home 3. I’ll see
you off at the railway station 4. Before sending the son to the army we
По-русски мы говорим так...
gave him a good send off 5. clapped him as he was leaving the stage
6. followed her with his eyes
1. should learn a diplomatic protocol 2. police report 3. inves­
tigation record 4. parliament journal
1. stretched out his hand 2. held out his hand 3. to install 4. they
delay dealing with the problem 5. he gave us a helping hand
1. she will never forgive him 2. 1 can overlook this mistake too 3.
pardon me if 1 hurt you 4. 1 will absolve you from your debt
5. excuse me... 6. Pardon, what did you say 7. I am sorry to have given
you a wrong document
1. window shopping 2. was staring at the suspect 3. they studied
the application 4. they consider him a new candidate 5. they looked
upon it as a reward
1. stretch them 2. stretched a rope 3. had pulled a muscle 4. he is
dragging out the report 5. to stretch out the money
1. adjust the volume 2. to settle the differences 3. traffic control
4. to normalize relations
1. recipe 2. formula for economic recovery 3. recomendation for
any occasion
Ключи к упражнениям
1. decided 2. were determined 3. what decided 4. decided the case
in my favour 5. settle 6. solving crossword puzzles
1. it was a level road 2. straight 3. regular breathing 4. even 5. it is
equable 6. he speaks in a calm voice
1. to testify 2. testify 3. certified 4. doctors should examine all the
1. can have a free choice 2. she is fluent in German 3. there were
no vacant rooms 4. the admission is free
1. spiritual bond 2.are closely connected with 3. ties 4. lost
contacts 5. to be in touch with 6. PR (public relations) specialists
1. holy water 2. were canonized 3. nothing is sacred to him
1. were relegated to the archive 2. to leave 3. to rent it 4. to return
5. will take over 6. have to take 7. he began to grow weaker with age
1. when was the state founded 2. who created the theory 3. poses a
threat 4. made a good film 5. set up
1. There should be an equitable taxation. 2. The miners’ demands
for a pay-rise were justified. 3. impartial 4. they considered it justified
По-русски мы говорим так...
5. His suspicions were well-grounded. 6. It was a correct statement
about the company’s environmental policy.
1. put up 2. put, put 3. to set a record 4. set the alarm clock
5. How was your paper graded? 6. I was presented with a fait accompli.
7. should be stamped 8. stage
1. stem tone of voice 2. an exacting connoisseur 3. it must be strict
4. should exercise rigorous control over inflation 5. strong measures
6. in strict confidence 7. severely reprimanded
1. drastic measures 2. the law should be less strict 3. severe trials
4. he is known for being a stem man 5. harsh winters 6. is severe
1. soil is firm 2. hard cover 3. we have a fixed schedule of work
4. deadline 5. are fixed 6. a strong will 7. my strong belief is that...
8. he is of sound memory 9. is a hard nut to crack
1. I always look for a shade 2. in the shade of a tree 3. shadows
under her eyes 4. a shadow of doubt 5. is afraid of his own shadow
1. to put in claims 2. on his demand 3. political demands, economic
demands, territorial claims 4. there is a request stop 5. to measure up
to their exacting demands 6. the requirements seemed easy
1. feels at ease 2. he felt more comfortable 3. Is the time
convenient for you? 4. convenient 5. appropriate
Ключи к упражнениям
1. in bad weather conditions 2. to create conditions 3. We say what
are the terms of the contract. 4. the terms seemed favourable; special
requirements 5. to the conditions they offered 6. on one condition
7. the necessary requirement is to treat all the participants equally.
1. placed 2. to establish 3. established 4. to keep the construction
project under observation 5. to fix 6. established
1. on the whole 2. the whole day 3. intact 4. whole
l.a special case 2. to inquire about their private life 3. a private
visit 4. as an individual 5. is it his a private enterprise?
1. a clean pair 2. nice and tidy 3. pure white 4. the water is clean
5. a clear victory 6. net profit 7. a mere chance
1. some steps 2. a few steps away from her house 3. a clever move
4. step by step 5. make their first steps
ПРЕДИСЛОВИЕ.......................................................................... 3
I. СЛОВАРЬ................................................................................ 7
Task One
Translate the following sentences into Russian. When possible
give variant translations using words synonymous to the key
Russian word................................................................................ 97
Task Two
Fill in the blanks with an appropriate word or word combination
from part one and give other possible variants.......................... 138
Task Three
Paraphrase the underlined words using words or phrases from
the vocabulary list. Change grammar or sentence structure if nec­
essary.......................................................................................... 175
Task Four
Translate the following sentences into English using key words
and synonymous words or word combinations.......................... 205
Task Five
Match the Russian with the English, give more than one variant
when possible............................................................................. 242
Task Six
What do people usually say or do in the following situations? ... 253
КЛЮЧИ К УПРАЖНЕНИЯМ............................................. 259
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