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KO-India (2)

Year 9 India knowledge organiser
Being a large sub-continent as India is, it
enjoys a wide range of climates from
tropical monsoon in the south to
temperate in the north and dry desert
like in the north-west. India is home to
the wettest place on earth.
Time zone
The entire country sits in the same time zone, the time
in India is five and a half hours ahead of GMT
Capital city of India
The capital city of India is New Delhi, which has a
population 21,753,000 people living in the metropolitan
area. This makes it the 3rd largest city in the world.
Languages of India
There are 14 official languages of India with Hindi, Bengali, Telugu and Marathi
being the most widely spoken.
National day
India celebrates Republic day on the 26th January every year.
Where is India?
India is in south Asia, a large
country, it is the 7th largest
country in the world. It borders
with 7 other countries. They are:
Afghanistan, Bangladesh,
Bhutan, Burma, China, Nepal,
Land area
India covers an area of 3,287,263 sq km sq km. It is roughly one third the size of
America or China. Twice as big as Iran or Mongolia and ten times as big as
Malaysia or Norway
In India, the Rupee is used for currency.
Pakistan and Sri Lanka.
Land area
India covers an area of 3,287,263 sq km sq km. It is roughly one third the size of America or China. Twice as big as
Iran or Mongolia and ten times as big as Malaysia or Norway.
Population of India
The population of India is 1,240,340,000 (Feb 2014 estimate). It is the 2nd largest population in the world. One in
every six people in the world live in India. It is 31st most densely populated country in the world.
Definition: How
are a countries
world politics
influenced by
Globally: India is a member of the G20.
The G20 are the twenty most developed
economies in the world. These countries
meet every year, and discuss world trade
Impact on the environment
India is ranked as the 155th country out of 177 in a global
ranking on environmental quality. This costs India around
$80 billion per year (5.7% of its total economy)
Impact of Development
The Elderly (50+): Access to better healthcare, which
may prolong their life. Do not possess necessary
skills so may lag behind. Socially, changes to the
Indian society may be difficult to adapt to.
Females: The BIGGEST winners: Emancipation of
women = equal access to a high quality education
and healthcare system, which enables them access to
highly skilled jobs that are well paid.
Solid Waste Pollution:
Indian cities generate 100 million tonnes of waste each
40% of urban waste in India is just simply not collected,
and is allowed to rot on the streets.
Water Pollution:
India has the capacity the deal with just 1/6 of its
sanitation produced.
Over 100 Indian cities directly dump untreated sewage
into the Ganges.
In Asia: The partitioning of India and
Pakistan in 1947 was accompanied with
riots and mass casualties.
The effects of this are still felt today:
The relationship between India and
Pakistan is still far from healthy
Both countries are nuclear armed.
Air Pollution:
Major issue in India, with wood burning and vehicle
emissions behind the primary cause.
Natural methods of fuel production (wood burning)
constitutes 90% of rural energy, and 24% of urban energy.
These biomass house burners are the leading cause of
greenhouse gas emissions.
Rate of change in female literacy rates (11.8%)
greater than males (6.8%) between 2001-2011.
Young adults: Access top universities, receiving a
world class education = compete for the highest
skilled and paid jobs = more equal society.