Загрузил Азамат Эгиев

английский диссер

Good afternoon!
My name is. And I am honoured to present my master's thesis on the
following topic: State and development prospects of the fuel and energy
complex of Russia.
The goal of the master's thesis was to highlight problems of development
of the oil and gas industry of the Russian Federation. The material for the
research was taken from books and Internet resources on the economic of oil and
gas industry.
The following methods of research were used. They are: analysis of
literature and scientific resources, study and generalization of experience on this
issue and others.
The master's thesis consists of an introduction, three chapters, a conclusion
and a reference list. In the introduction we identify the subject of the research,
outline the goal and describe the design of the master's thesis.
Chapter 1 gives an overview on the fuel and energy complex. Theoretical
and methodological foundations of the study are given here. We study 3
problems here. Firstly, the nature of the fuel and energy complex as an economic
system. Secondly, we view methodical bases of system research of the fuel and
energy complex. Thirdly, the functional-structural aspect of the study of fuel and
energy complex is presented here.
Chapter 2 is devoted to the current state and problems of development of
the fuel and energy complex. We view 4 problems in this chapter. Firstly, we
consider global trends in energy development. Secondly, we study external
challenges for the fuel and economic complex of Russia. Thirdly, we analyze the
state and problems of development of the oil and gas industry of the Russian
Federation. Finally, we present the state and problems of development of pipeline
transport of oil and gas.
Chapter 3 provides an overview on the prospects of the development of
the fuel and energy complex of the Russian Federation: forecast and
recommendations . We study 4 main problems. Firstly, scenarios of world energy
development are given here. Secondly, we view the development prospects of
the oil and gas industry of the Russian Federation. Then we study, prospects of
development of pipeline transportation of oil and gas in the Russian Federation.
Finally, the Prospects for the construction of a branch line to China are given in
this chapter.
There is still a lot for us to learn. ( в русском варианте есть очень
красивая фраза = Диссертант не претендует на исчерпывающее решение
вопросов, обозначенных в работе).
The conclusion summarizes the results of the research.
These are the main conclusions of my master's thesis.
Thank you once again for granting me the floor.
В заключении обобщены результаты проведенного исследования.
Таковы основные выводы моей магистерской диссертации.
Еще раз спасибо за предоставленное мне слово.