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Конспект урока по теме Be tolerant and you will prevent conflicts

Конспект урока по теме “Be tolerant and you will prevent conflicts”
1. Организационный момент. (3 мин.)
Hello, boys and girls! Nice to meet you. The topic of our lesson is “Be tolerant and you will prevent
conflicts”. Do you agree with this statement? Why? In my opinion most conflicts happen because of lack
of tolerance. Is it true? Please look on the blackboard and read a definition of a word tolerance:
«Tolerance is a word used too often to represent being patient and accepting of what is different rather
than learning to understand the other, truly honoring our diversity”. Today we are going to speak about
tolerance and make some grammar exercises.
2. Активизация лексики в речи по теме «Толерантность». (10 мин.)
Now we are going to say compliments to each other. Let’s revise the vocabulary of the last lesson. Please
look on the blackboard. Use the vocabulary from the table.
adventurous - отважный
brave - мужественный
compassionate - сострадательный
considerate – внимательный к другим
cooperative - совместный
сourageous - бесстрашный
сreative – созидательный, творческий
dedicated - преданный
dependable - надежный
determined - решительный
enthusiastic - восторженный
fear - бояться
fearless - бесстрашный
flexible – гибкий
friendly – дружелюбный
funny – забавный
generous - великодушный
gentle - знатный
hard working - трудолюбивый
helpful - полезный
honest - честный
honorable - почетный
humble – простой, незнатный по происхождению
imaginative – творческий, оригинальный
innovative - новаторский
intelligent – умный, смышленный
joyful - радостный
kind - добрый
loyal – верный, преданный
optimistic - оптимистичный
organized - организованный
patient - терпеливый
proactive – упреждающий, проактивный
reliable - надежный
resourceful – изобретательный
respectful - почтительный
responsible - ответственный
sincere - искренний
trustworthy – заслуживающий доверия
wise - мудрый
Now please open your books on P. 143. Let’s do ex. 138. Answer the following questions and find out
how tolerant you are.
1. You walk home and see some schoolboys beating a smaller boy.
a) You pass by the boys without saying a word.
b) You try to stop them.
2. Your team lost the game.
a) You blame the players, the referee and yourself.
b) You congratulate the other team on their victory.
3. Somebody is wearing mismatched clothing and has a funny hairstyle.
a) You laugh at this person.
b) It does not make any difference to you.
4. A person refuses to eat some food because of his/ her religion.
a) You say it’s ridiculous.
b) You are interested and want to know more about the religion.
5. Your teenager brother has broken your cassette – recorder.
a) You hit him.
b) You forgive him because he did not mean to break it.
6. You do not agree with what your friend says.
a) You interrupt and do not listen.
b) You still listen to him/ her attentively.
7. Your classmate tells you that your friend said something bad about you.
a) You are planning to get back at him. (to get back – отомстить)
b) You decide to talk to your friend and ask what happened.
8. Somebody is telling a joke about people of a certain nationality.
a) You laugh and think it’s very funny.
b) You think that it is not fair to make fun of another group of people.
9. You believe that…
a) preventing wars is impossible
b) people must understand why wars happen.
Now mark your score. If there are more B’s than A’s you are tolerant. Let’s think what should we do to
be tolerant?
We should…
3. Тренировка навыков чтения. (10 мин.)
Open your books on page 146, ex. 144. Arrange the sentences to make a short story on tolerance.
Read the vocabulary:
to be out with – быть в ссоре
an argument – довод, аргумент, доказательство
to be angry with – сердиться, рассердиться на кого-либо
to hurt someone’s feelings – задеть чьи-либо чувства
to be tolerant of … - быть толерантным к…
to have ideas on – иметь идеи о…
a tall fellow – высокий парень
to drop into – заскочить в…
to be occupied – заниматься чем-либо
to encourage – поощрять кого-либо
to keep waiting – заставлять ждать
to afford – позволить себе
fist – кулак
patience – терпение
understanding – понимание
boiling – кипение, вскипание
a stony face – каменное лицо
a) I paid for some doughnuts and sat down at the table. I was thinking about an argument with Carol.
b) I was waiting for Carol in a café. I sat at the table with a tall fellow to see a bus stop where Carol will
c) I’d finished the last cake when the waitress put the plate with doughnuts and a cocktail.
d) The fellow in front of me eat one of my doughnuts and he didn’t even asked me. I pretended I hadn’t
seen anything and took another one for myself. The fellow looked at me with surprise.
e) The tall fellow and me eat the doughnuts. His eyes were full of anger. He rushed out of the café.
Please, answer the following questions:
1. Why the storyteller was angry?
2. How did the tall fellow react when the storyteller eat doughnuts? Why?
3. Were Carol’s advice helpful in this situation?
4. Физкультминутка (4 мин.)
I can see you are tired. It’s time to have a rest. Let’s dance. (Video “Can’t Stop the Feeling”
Music Express Choreography). Good of you. Let’s continue our lesson.
5. Тренировка грамматических навыков. (15 мин.)
Open your books on page 143 and do ex. 141, 143.
Put the verb into the correct form.
1. If I knew (I / know) his number, I would phone him.
2. I wouldn’t buy (I / not / buy) that coat if I were you.
3. (I / help) you if I could, but I’m afraid I can’t.
4. This soup isn’t very nice. (it / taste) better if it wasn’t so salty.
5. We live in a city and don’t need a car, but we would need one if (we / live) in the country.
6. If we had the choice, (we / live) in the country.
7. I’d make a lot of changes if (I / be) the manager of the company.
8. I wouldn’t call someone in the middle of the night if (it / not / be) important.
9. If I were you, (I / not / wait). (I / go) now.
10. You’re always tired because you go to bed so late. If (you / not / go) to bed so late every night, (you /
not / be) tired all the time.
11. I think there are too many cars. If (there / not / be) so many cars, (there / not / be) so much pollution.
12. We all need jobs and money, but what (you / do) if (you / not / have) to work?
Write sentences beginning I wish … .
1. I don’t know many people (and I’m lonely). I wish I knew more people.
2. I don’t have much free time (and I need more).
3. Helen isn’t here (and I need to see her).
4. It’s cold (and I hate cold weather).
5. I live in a big city (and I don’t like it).
6. I can’t find my phone (which is a problem).
7. I’m not feeling well (which isn’t good).
8. I have to get up early tomorrow (but I’d prefer to sleep late).
9. I don’t know much about science (and I should know more).
6. Подведение итогов, объяснение домашнего задания.
Your work in the lesson was excellent. I think that now you know what tolerance is. I want to suggest you
to do P. 139 ex. 121.