Hearts that Open up Growing in Grace 2 Pet. 3:18 You might have

Hearts that Open up
Growing in Grace
2 Pet. 3:18
You might have knowledge by what about the grace.
God uses grace in your life to affect others.
-Yes, we’re to witness. That should be regularly.
A life for God CAN make a difference –
i. I Pet. 3:1-6 Sarah won Abraham. That takes grace.
ii. Dan. In the Lions Den while under pressure won the Kings favour. That takes grace.
Prov. 12:25 Тяжесть на сердце человека подавляет его: а доброе слово делает его
i. Others are watching you. They’re not willing to hear what you have to say all the time.
But they recognize what you allow and what you do not allow in your life.
ii. If you have something that they do not have, it gets their attention.
Especially if you are going through something difficult.
ILL. Examples of grace when under fire – Dr. Ruckman,
ILL. Corrie Ten Boom, Nick, Joni, Apostle Paul,
ILL. Christians that had to face lions.
What about those that witnessed that.
ILL. The Lord Jesus Christ and His earthly fight.
Jn. 1:14 И Слово сделалось плотью, и обитало среди нас, (и мы видели славу его, славу,
как единственного порожденного от Отца,) полное благодати и истины.
1:17 Ибо закон был дан чрез Моисея, но благодать и истина пришли чрез Иисуса
Have you grown in grace?
ILL. Situations – for growth in grace and for hearts to open up.
i. at home,
ii. on the street,
iii. in business,
iv. in difficult situations,
v. while teaching,
vi. Living with someone for many years,
vii. Driving,
viii. Preaching on the street,
ix. in the kitchen
xi. growing old gracefully, etc.
Fiery trials огненного испытания: intense encounters or struggles; bursts of anger, grief, or
Infirmities немощах: physical limitations and illnesses
Reproaches Поэтому я нахожу удовольствие в немощах, в поношениях, в нуждах, в
гонениях, в мучениях ради Христа: ибо, когда я слаб, тогда я силен.
: ridicule and rejection on account of faith or holiness
Persecutions: harassment and oppression due to religious convictions
Necessities: wear and care of daily responsibilities
Distresses: disappointments and deep hurts
Tribulations: unusual pressures and challenges
Temptations: opportunities to yield to our sinful nature
ILL. The two thieves. Both railed on Jesus Christ.
Matt. 27:36-45; Luke 23:33, 39-43
1. The grace in Jesus began opening the heart of one of the thieves (vss. 34-39).
2. (vss. 40, 41) The thief was under conviction.
Жертвы Божьи – дух сокрушенный; сердца сокрушенного и смиренного, О Бог, ты не
i. The penitent thief heard various things while he was dying.
Something triggered in his heart.
Jesus was under extreme stress. He was witnessing.
ii. Most hearts are like concrete. But something has to break their heart. Like your heart was
iii. God sees things that we don’t see. He can work on the heart of sinners when you’re not seeing
ILL. A brother in the Lord gave a young man some things to think about. The young man didn’t
take it to heart until he had a bad accident. Then he began to receive what was told him.
iv. Eventually Jesus won that penitent sinner to the Lord by His conversation.
1 Pet. 3:1, 2 “conversation” 2 times.
APPLICATION: Ask the Lord to arrange something that they will eventually get under conviction.
ILL. A brother witnessed to his friend that he would eventually receive the Lord.
The friend’s business went kaput. His mother recently died. The Lord is arranging things
for the friend’s heart to be broken.
ILL. What impressed me when I was saved, was not simply what was told me, but how Verla
carried herself since that time until now.
Now her son is serving in a church. She is serving. Her husband, my brother is going to
church. Her daughter is serving with a Christian organization. Etc.
APPLICATION: Pray that the Lord will arrange things to happen that some misfortune will happen
to break their hearts.
- It is better that something bad happen for them to get saved then nothing bad at all happen and
they go to hell.
Mk. 9:43 И если рука твоя служит для тебя преткновением, отсеки ее: луч­ше тебе войти
в жизнь увечным, чем имея две руки, пойти в ад, в огонь, который никогда не угаснет:
ILL. When something bad happens in a sinner’s life, pray, “Whatever it takes Lord, that their
hearts would be opened.”
42 И он сказал Иисусу, Господь, вспомни меня, когда придешь в царство твое.
43 И Иисус сказал ему, Истинно говорю тебе, Сегодня будешь со мной в раю.
44 И было около шестого часа дня, и была тьма по всей земле до девятого часа.
45 И померкло солнце, и завеса храма разодралась посредине.
i. He just ‘slipped’ in just before the darkness. He ‘got in.’
ILL. People broken just before death.
Sinner “I’m good.”
Brother in Christ “You’re going to die. You’re not going to be here forever.”
ILL. Only 2 times I saw when my unsaved father cried – why his mother died, and when he
was dying.
ILL. Stephen’s death got Paul under conviction.
For us
You have a God that can comfort you. “Everything is going to be okay.”
ILL. Jack Benny, Jew comedian комик died an unsaved sinner.
Mary “Jack. So many people love you. You’ve made so many people laugh.
Jack “So what. Mary, I have no comfort.”
You and I are not in the situation of no comforter.
Heb. 13:5, 6
5 Пусть жизнь ваша будет без алчности; и будьте довольны тем, что имеете: ибо он
сказал, Никогда не покину тебя, и не оставлю тебя.
6 Так что мы можем смело говорить, Господь – помощник мой, и не убоюсь того, что
сделает мне человек.
1. Gaining intimate knowledge of Christ exceeds the value of gaining more possessions
Phil. 3:8 Да и все, несомненно, я считаю просто потерей ради превосходства познания
Христа Иисуса, Господа моего: ради которого я претерпел потерю всего, и все считаю
просто навозом, чтобы завоевать Христа,
2. Developing stronger character is more important than getting your own way.
Heb. 5:8 Хотя он и Сын, однако научился послушанию посредством того, что
3. Demonstrating temperance is more heroic than dominating your competitors.
Prov. 25:28 Кто не управляет своим собственным духом, тот подобен городу
разрушенному, без стен.
4. Eternal treasures are more valuable than earthly riches.
Matt.19:21 Иисус сказал ему, Если хочешь быть хсовершенным, цпойди и продай, что
имеешь, и отдай бедным, и будешь иметь сокровище на небе: и приходи и следуй за
A prayer for grace –
Heb. 4:15 Ибо мы имеем не первосвященника, который не может быть затронут
чувством немощей наших; но [который] был во всем искушаем, подобно нам, но без
16 Будем поэтому смело приступать к престолу благодати, чтобы обрести милость, и
найти благодать для помощи во время нужды.
Is there anything that you haven’t allowed to work on?
ILL. Teacher asked the students if they understand all that the teacher covered.
Some didn’t raise their hand. They were afraid.
1. The strength of Godly character (Rom. 5:3-5)
2. Exceeding joy in God’s glory (1 Pet. 4:12, 13)
3. Reigning with Christ (2 Tim. 11:12)