Christian Alter Rom. 12:1-3 Paul`s talking to those that are saved

Christian Alter
Rom. 12:1-3
Paul’s talking to those that are saved.
Our altar is not a physical altar
ALTARS алтарь, жертвенник
1. Physical altars of the world.
i. Gen. Cain and Abel.
3 И с течением времени случилось, что Каин принес от плодов земли приношение
4 И Авель, – он также принес от первенцев отары своей и от тука их. И уважил ГОСПОДЬ
Авеля и приношение его:
5 А Каина и приношение его он не уважил. И сильно разгневался Каин, и лицо его поникло.
Ahab (2 Kings 16:10-15) saw an altar in Syria.
Manasseh 2 Kings 21:1-6 made altars for Baal, to offer up his own sons.
They have no spiritual relationship to appease their god’s anger.
ILL. Alters of ‘Christians’ – where they spend their time and money.
Sports, TV, etc.
Social standing
Entertainment –
Youtube –
Altars in history of the heathen
1. This shows that they’re to worship somebody.
2. This shows that they’re at odds with the God of the Bible.
ILL. Cathedrals кафедральный собор churches.
Базилика Успения
Heb. 13:10
10 Мы имеем жертвенник, от которого не имеют права питаться те, кто служит скинии.
11 Ибо тела тех животных, чья кровь вносится первосвященником в святилище за грех,
сжигаются вне стана.
12 Посему и Иисус, чтобы освятить народ своей собственной кровью, пострадал вне врат.
13 Выйдем поэтому к нему за стан, неся его поношение.
14 Ибо здесь мы не имеем постоянного города, но ищем будущего.
15 Поэтому давайте через него непрестанно приносить Богу жертву хвалы, то есть, плод уст
наших, воздающих благодарение имени его.
16 Но делать добро и общаться не забывайте: ибо такими жертвами Бог очень доволен.
The Christian’s altar is a spiritual altar, not a physical thing to come to, to worship God.
ILL. Places people go to as if it is a ‘holy’ place.
Jesus in a manger ясли
What a Jew has to do to properly understand (Rom. 12:1)
What a Catholic has to do to properly worship the Lord – reject the mass, reject all the rituals.
A pagan has to reject his pagan altars.
Rom. 12:1
Paul had gone through 11 chapters of doctrine –
1. The
3. All have sinned.
4. Justification
5. The peace of God
6. Dying to sin, and self,
In the end, the New Testament doctrine is to get you live a living sacrifice.
Everywhere you go you’re to offer up yourself as a sacrifice.
i. You give the Lord your body – on the job, at home, at the market.
2. If you don’t submit your body you’ll have real problems.
You are God’s property - 1 Cor. 6:19, 20
You belong to God. The Christian is to submit his body.
You’re always going to have to fight against your own flesh that will want to go its own way.
ILL. In the O.T. the priest would put blood on the top of the right ear, right thumb and right toe.
That is total consecration. посвящение
APPLICATION – you’re to offer all of you up to the Lord Jesus Christ.
3. You can pick up some daily crosses.
i. You’re thought-life. Memorization
ILL. Prisoners are ‘consecrated’ physically but not spiritually. Watch what happens when they
get out.
ILL. Prisoner had a box of 1000’s of dollars buried. “I’m going to need it when I get out.”
The preacher said, “You’d better get rid of it.”
The prisoner’s heart when to that money.
ii. You are killing the body’s natural tendencies and desires to please God.
ILL. That what monks and gurus do all the time. But they’re not saved, so that can’t please
4. You’ve got to yield your heart, soul, and spirit and mind to God (Rom. 6:11).
5. You’re members are to be offered.
i. eyes
ii. tongue – is it yielded (cf. Eph. 4:29-32)
You are spirit, soul and body. All three parts are to be yielded to God.
1 Thess. 5:19-23
Prov. 5:2 ‘lips to keep knowledge
Mal. 2:7 all of the saved are priests of the New Testament to witness, and preach the word of God.
You spirit has to be broken and then born-again
Psa. 51:17-19
16 Ибо ты жаждешь не жертвы; а то бы я дал ее: в сжигаемом приношении ты не
17 Жертвы Божьи – дух сокрушенный; сердца сокрушенного и смиренного, О Бог, ты не
18 Сделай доброе в добром расположении твоем Сиону: построй стены Иерусалима.
19 Тогда угодны будут тебе жертвы праведности, сжигаемое приношение и всецело
сжигаемое приношение: тогда принесут на жертвенник твой бычков.
II. IT’S A REASONALBLE (разумный, благоразумный) SERVICE
1. The most reasonable alter you have is to sacrifice yourself to server God.
ILL. A small dog that was found, given to a preacher. The wife and daughter wanted to know
what to do with it. The dog was taken in by the master. That dog was dedicated to him.
2. ‘strange’ service in the eyes of the world.
Church services, street preaching, witnessing, praying, fasting, reading your Bible.
3. This is the MOTIVE for this sacrifice –
Mercy Rom. 11:30, 33 mercy, God’s ways, etc. for us to be able to get God’s mercy.
You bunch of Gentiles obtained mercy because the Jews wouldn’t have Him.
What a thought. The Love and mercy of God.
4. 2 Cor. 5:14-17
ILL. A soldier in training – he HAS to submit, when to get up, when to eat, when to train, when
to go to war, go this many things, to be fit for battle.
5. The power and blessings that come to the Christian who obeys the request.
Joab dies at the 1 Kings 2:28-34