Intro. Luke 23:33, 34-41
Is something we should not get away from.
It is something that we should glory in.
1. The only time that Calvary is mentioned in the entire Bible.
2. The only thing that men learn from history is that they never learn from history.
3. They that never learn from history are condemned to repeat the lessons of history.
4. Man is a failure. Cf. News, scientists.
Let that teach you a lesson.
When reading each chapter you ought to ask yourself, “What does this chapter teach you.”
ILL. Daniel in the lions den.
ILL. Gun control laws in different countries.
i. He realizes понимать that they are doing it in ignorance.
ii. He’s praying for his enemies.
ILL. Mother in Africa starving along with her baby. Takes the last piece of bread but gives
it two here daughter but the mother dies.
Luke 23:34 прости им; ибо не знают, что делают. И делили одежду его, и
бросали жребии.
1. “To understand all is to forgive all”
When somebody knows all about you they probably wouldn’t want to help you.
Трудно простить жестокость.
ILL. Man that saved four people after an airplane crash. He died himself.
No one ever cared like Jesus.
You learned that from Calvary.
Education cannot give you that.
2. To understand is to think of others during suffering
i. He isn’t thinking about himself.
Isa. 53:5 Но он был изранен за наши преступления, он был терзаем за наши
беззакония: наказание мира нашего было на нем; и ранами его мы
We all think about ourselves. Everybody has egocentricism. эгоистичный
He is interested in you.
We forget He was a man, just a man, yet without sin; in need of sleep, who could feel pain,
Hungered, etc.
И стоял народ, созерцая. И насмехались над ним вместе с ними и начальники,
говоря, Других спасал; пусть спасет себя самого, если он Христос, избранный
1. Alright, you healed many, raised other from the dead, claim to be the Son of God; let’s see
you come down from the cross.
This is the failure of reason. Reason can fail a man.
within reason — в пределах разумного
1 Cor. 3:19 Ибо мудрость этого мира есть глупость перед Богом. Ибо написано: Он
уловляет мудрых в их собственном лукавстве.
1 Cor. 3:20 И еще: Господь знает мысли мудрецов, что они суетны.
1 Cor. 1:21 то угодно было Богу глупостью проповеди спасти верующих.
1. They were trying to be reasonable, saying, “If he really is the Son of God, then
let Him come down.
A. He could have come down. But He didn’t. Why? Because it is
IRRATIONAL. неразумный, нелогичный
B. They’re trying to figure it out but they can’t.
ILL. (Catholics) If He was sinless then Mary must have been sinless.
ILL. (Scientists) Since scientists were proven wrong that there were no dragons in
the oceans during the 15th century then that eliminates any and all possibilities of any
SEA MONSTER on this earth or above us.
ILL. Since sin entered into the world by Adam, they say that there was no sin, death
or the judgment of God before Adam and Eve were ever created. (Creationists and
“Two heads are never better than one if both heads are empty.”
The blood that was shed dried up after Jesus Christ died but God calls all men to trust
in the blood, of a dead Jew.
1. It doesn’t make sense.
2. What makes sense won’t work.
3. What is supposedly rational won’t work.
He died and was buried and rose again from the dead according to the scriptures.
Isa. 53:3 Несомненно, он взял на себя наши горести, и понес наши скорби: а мы
считали его поражаемым, наказуемым, и мучимым Богом.
Matt. 27:29 И, сплетши из колючек венец, возложили ему на голову
Isa. 53:5 Но он был изранен за наши преступления, он был терзаем за наши
беззакония: наказание мира нашего было на нем; и ранами его мы исцелились.
1. All the things for which you are guilty he paid for it;
paid debt погашенный долг
1.) Не прелюбодействуй, - paid for оплаченный,
2.) Не убей, - paid for
3.) Не укради, paid for
4.) Не лжесвидетельствуй, - paid for
5.) Не пожелай чужого - paid for
2. Jn. 1:29 Вот Ягнёнок Божий, который уносит грех мира.
You say, “It doesn’t make any sense.” That’s your problem.
1 Cor. 1:25 Потому что ГЛУПОСТЬ Божья мудрее людей
1Co 1:22, 23 Ибо иудеи требуют знамения, а греки ищут мудрости,
А мы проповедуем Христа распятого – для иудеев камень преткновения, а для
греков ГЛУПОСТЬ,
то угодно было Богу ГЛУПОСТЬЮ проповеди спасти верующих.
After salvation – you’re to continue to live by faith. It may not make sense a lot of times
but that is the “system” by which you’re to live
Вера же есть субстанция ожидаемого, доказательство невидимого.
Job 32:9 Великие не всегда мудры, и старики не понимают суд.
1. Darwin and evolution: Well you look the same as certain animals therefore it stands to
reason (Кажется разумным, что...) that we are related. связанные
Wrong- you came from a pile of dirt.
Man thinks he’s got it all figured out.
ILL. Two people that I know that have always tried to figure it out.
ILL. Making decisions by faith. You have to step out!!!
ILL. “We have come to the conclusion (делать вывод) that drinking whiskey is
good for you. Because if you put worms in a glass of water they live longer than in a
glass of whiskey. Therefore whiskey is good for you.
2. Experience of other religions1.) Buddhism - of getting out of the body through different religions.
2.) Nominal religious person, saying that there is one God has its failure
Jam. 2:19 Ты веришь, что есть один Бог. Хорошо делаешь; и дьяволы верят, и
3. Experience of Political Movements
1. United Nations (Организация Объединенных Наций) Since the beginning of United
Nations there has been close to 100 wars.
Peace Talks мирные переговоры fail to solve the problem
4. You and I can’t completely understand His sorrow. Sin deserves sorrow. He never
sinned. – 1.) ёмкость страдания
2.) длитилность страдания
3.) разнообразно (many) no where to lay his head
Connected with His work – they rejected His works
Lonely life – alone
1. Men can suffer during famine, war, etc., and die cursing God.
2. Jews that suffered for years now, WW II
Buried alive, gassed in gas chambers, etc. still never learned the lesson.
3. People think, “Well, I’ve suffered enough. Surely I’ve paid for my wrong doing.”
ILL. Note the awful fact of suffering your whole life and then go to hell.
1 Ki 18:28 And they cried aloud, and cut themselves after their manner with knives
and lancets, till the blood gushed out upon them.
4. Physical suffering tends to make you think about yourself.
ILL. Mr. Landes dying of cancer wanted nothing to do with God.
ILL. All the terror against Israel, only to find out that the worst is yet to come
ILL. газовая камера
Jer 16:16 Behold, I will send for many fishers, saith the LORD, and they shall fish them;
and after will I send for many hunters, and they shall hunt them from every mountain,
and from every hill, and out of the holes of the rocks.
Luke 23:40, 41
It isn’t experience, nor suffering, the other guy is suffering also, and it isn’t that he met
Jesus Christ earlier.
39 ¶ И один из повешенных злодеев поносил его, говоря, Если ты Христос, спаси
себя и нас.
40 А другой в ответ укорял его, говоря, Ты не боишься Бога, так как осужден на то
41 И мы – действительно справедливо, ибо должное воздаяние за дела наши
получаем: а этот человек ничего плохого не сделал.
42 И он сказал Иисусу, Господь, вспомни обо мне, когда придешь в царство твое.
That will work! Why? Look at the response!
43 И сказал ему Иисус, Истинно It’s infallible (безошибочный, непогрешимый,
надежное средство)
говорю тебе, сегодня It’s instant (мгновение)
будешь со мной в раю It’s infinite (бесконечный)
Look at verse 41 and the matter of self-righteousness
The matter of justly judging self И мы – действительно справедливо, ибо должное
воздаяние за дела наши получаем:
Acknowledging God’s righteousness - а этот человек ничего плохого не сделал.
1. As long as you try to hide behind your reasoning, experience, religion suffering, you’ll
never find God or Jesus Christ,
2. Jesus Christ is never concerned with a social or mass institutions content- it is
3. Self – righteousness of Buddhist, Mohammedists, etc.
4. Jesus Christ can “take” the crying in hell for ever but at the moment of the cry of one
sinner wanting to be saved, He saves INSTANTLY.
5. It’s a matter of renouncing self-righteousness to renounce one's errors —
отказываться от своих заблуждений
A. Works are NOT involved in the whole matter.
B. It’s a matter of taking your place with a thief. If so, He is willing to save and
Jesus Christ was и к преступникам причислен был (Isa. 53:12).
Psa. 39:5 воистину, каждый человек в его наилучшем состоянии есть
совершенная суета. Селá.