In the Mean time Luke 12:1-3 Между тем, когда собралось

In the Mean time
Luke 12:1-3
Между тем, когда собралось несчетное множество народа, так что они давили друг друга, он
начал говорить своим ученикам прежде всего, Берегитесь закваски фарисеев, которая есть
In other words, in the Russian language – Тем временем, за это время, пока
The phrase “между тем …” means that there are other things going on at the same time.
Note the parallel passage what happened –
Mark 8:14-16
14 ¶ Ученики же забыли взять хлеб, и не имели они в корабле с собой больше одного хлеба.
15 И он велел им, говоря, Смотрите, берегитесь закваски фарисеев и закваски Ирода.
16 И они рассуждали между собой, говоря, Это потому, что мы не имеем хлеба.
ILL. Dealing with events in your life; they seem to come not periodically, but at the same time.
ILL. Times are more dangerous now than ever before.
Now you have “blog,” “internet,” “Facebook,” “e-mail,” “Tweets,” etc.
There is more thrown at us now than ever before than in any other generation.
Cf. Our God is ALL-KNOWING; He knows all things. He is actively in control of all things.
ILL. The human brain reacts to all things – hormones, (гормоны) metabolism (обмен
веществ), pain, etc.
Man cannot consciously retain all that the brain regulates in the body.
1. Millions of People praying
2. People thinking, квинтильоны
3. People doing, etc.
4. God regulates all the atoms in our universe.
So, “in the mean time” means, that while one thing is going on so many other things are going on
at the same time.
ILL. We get overwhelmed by so many details in our lives; taxes, job, paycheck, raising
children, school, cleaning the house, washing dishes, health problems, car problems, problems on
the job, problems at school, tests, meeting people, losing a job, sowing, reaping, failures, blessings,
mother-in-law moving in, trying to lose weight, etc.
i. We get preoccupied (озабочены) with ourselves.
Мы перегружены делами.
We get overwhelmed with matters; by the number and complexities of details of events.
ii. If you don’t know what God thinks about stuff, you can get very discouraged.
iii. It is easy for you to get self-occupied, ambitious, too busy, dreams, etc. Then the dreams
become an idol, you get possessed with what you want.
iv. We are so ‘caught up’ with our personal interests so much that we can forget all about the
millions of things that God is doing.
v. So then the Book has to be filled with examples of millions of things going on at one time, but
“между тем…” is mentioned only 4 times –
There are only 4 times in 4 categories where the Books says, “между тем…”
Elijah and the false prophets
1 Kings 18:41-19:1
41 ¶ И сказал Илия Ахаву, Поднимись, ешь и пей; ибо слышен звук изобилия дождя.
42 Так Ахав взошел есть и пить. А Илия взошел на вершину Кармела; и повергся на землю, и
положил лицо свое между коленами своими,
43 И сказал слуге своему, Взойди теперь, посмотри к морю. И тот взошел и посмотрел, и
сказал, Нет ничего. И сказал он, Иди снова семь раз.
44 И случилось в седьмой раз, что тот сказал, Вот, маленькая туча поднимается из моря, как
кисть человеческая. И сказал он, Взойди, скажи Ахаву, Приготовь колесницу твою, и
съезжай, чтобы дождь не остановил тебя.
45 И случилось между тем, что небо было черным от туч и ветра, и был большой дождь. И
Ахав поехал, и отправился в Изреель.
46 И была на Илии рука ГОСПОДНЯ; и он опоясал чресла свои, и бежал перед Ахавом до
въезда в Изреель.
глава 19
Илия, и вдобавок, как он убил всех пророков
This is a prophetic event.
1. Things are speeding up since 9/11
11 сентября 2001 года (день масштабных террористических актов на территории США)
ILL. international terrorism — международный терроризм
awareness осведомлённость
2. (v. 42) Так Ахав взошел есть и пить. This is similar to “the days of Noah,”
37 Но, как дни Ноя были, так будет и пришествие Сына человеческого.
38 Ибо как во дни, что были перед потопом, они ели и пили…до того дня как вошел
Ной в ковчег,
3. In the midst of all that you deal; distractions, responsibilities, bills, marriage, children, work,
paychecks, life becomes more complex – God is fulfilling prophecy before your very eyes.
4. The first rain came after 3 ½ years – type of the end of the Great Tribulation.
1. Do not lose focus of God’s promise to you concerning the Rapture.
2. One day you will find yourself eye-to-eye with Jesus Christ.
3. You are one day closer to Jesus Christ than ever before.
ILL. Before the flood, nobody was ready, but Noah.
ILL. When Sodom and Gomorrah were burned; nobody was ready but Lot and his crew.
4. If you are not careful you can ‘miss the boat.’
5. There are many people that ‘believe’ the Bible but are gone apostate, are out of fellowship with
the Lord.
Luke 12:1
Между тем, когда собралось несчетное множество народа, так что они давили друг друга, он
начал говорить своим ученикам прежде всего, Берегитесь закваски фарисеев, которая есть
1. To teach you something important.
2. To fulfill 2 Tim. 2:2
i. In light of the fact that Jesus rebuked the Pharisees and Lawyers.
ii. Luke 11:54 They were trying to catch Him.
iii. They were Laying in wait for him.
iv. 12:1 Plus an innumerable multitude of people were around Him.
With all of this going on, He was concerned about teaching His disciples some very important facts.
ILL. How many times I’ve had to deal with problems with church members when I’ve tried to
homeschool my own children.
- In the meantime – you need to realize that –
1. There are people that are really in NEED!
2. Someone you know that really needs help is on their way to hell.
3. Somewhere there is an elderly man or woman in a hospital that needs you to visit them.
1. You need time alone with God. But don’t get so caught up with your own problems that you
neglect to minister to others.
Mark 10:45
Ибо и Сын человеческий пришел не для того, чтобы ему служили, но чтобы послужить
и отдать жизнь свою как выкуп за многих.
III. GOD IS WORKING ON HEARTS when your heart is confused.
1. The Samaritans are a half-breed (гибриды). They do not ‘take’ to the Jews.
2. The woman at the well was about to get saved.
Jn. 4:25-30, then v. 31 - “In the mean while…” to verse 34.
There were other things going on. He was doing the will of God.
Yet there are other things that you’ve got to tend to –
1. Mowing the lawn, repainting something, cleaning up after the dog, or cat, taking the dog to the
hospital, etc.
2. The disciples were tending to business; food, they went into Samaria, a place of hybrids, etc.
The disciples had to deal with the Samaritans who would have raised the prices when the disciples
were shopping.
3. v. 31, 32 – When the disciples came to Jesus to eat, Jesus would have said, “No, I’m not hungry.”
4. The disciples were not there when Jesus was winning the woman to salvation.
5. Whey they were gone, “in the mean while” the Lord was WORKING.
ILL. Preacher had a job. Heard a conversation of a woman that was telling others of the night
before episode. The preacher could not tell of what she said.
She met him in the lunch room and began to explain to him that she read Bible stories to her son
every night.
1. You cannot tell what is happening in the heart of sinners.
2. God’s word will do its job when we can’t see that.
Isa. 55:10, 11
10 Ибо как дождь и снег нисходит с неба, и туда не возвращается, но поит землю, и дает
ей рождать и цвести, чтобы она давала семя сеятелю, и хлеб едоку:
11 Так будет слово мое, которое выходит из уст моих: оно не возвратится ко мне
тщетным, но исполнит то, что мне угодно, и преуспеет в том, для чего я послал его.
1. When you are dealing with your problems, illuminating things bigger than they really are, GOD
2. If you will get your eyes off of self, you’ll be able to see things that God does and keep a
conscience about God’s Mighty Hand in your everyday dealings!
“…in the meantime…”
While you are poor, without work, without pay, while your heart is broken, contrite, hurting, in pain,
aching because of something that has happened in your family, etc.
Rom. 2:15
14 Ибо, когда язычники, которые не имеют закона, по природе делают то, что содержится в
законе, эти, не имея закона, есть сами себе закон:
15 Которые показывают дело закона, написанное в сердцах их, и совесть их свидетельствует,
и мысли их при этом обвиняют, или же оправдывают одна другую;)
16 В день, когда Бог будет судить тайны людей чрез Иисуса Христа согласно моему
1. While you are called to minister as an ambassador for Christ.
2. God planned the way of salvation through His blood, through Jesus Christ.
i. Salvation is given as a free gift.
ii. When you were saved, you were saved eternally. You’re in the BRIDE, baptized by the Holy
Spirit of God. It is INSTANTANEOUS, complete in Him.
3. God had planned that for 4,000 years. Now available since the cross.
4. But that is useless in the individual’s mind.
i. The mind and heart are so important.
ii. You’re to accuse according to the Bible.
5. Gentiles can get ‘caught up’ with “accusing or else excusing” to the point in the end reject the
Lord Jesus Christ.
ILL. Where God ‘isn’t’ – in the thoughts of people.
Psa. 10:4 Нечестивый, через гордость лица своего, не ищет Бога: нет Бога во всех мыслях
Saved –
Christian – maybe you’ve had a series of bad problems.
But God has given you victory.
ILL. Day of Victory
Don’t get caught up with thinking that somebody else doing something to you.
You are doing it to your own self with their own thoughts.
While you live “in the meantime” stay with what God has already given to you to do.
It’s time to ‘get with it.’ Давайте приниматься за дело. Работы невпроворот
It is time to “step up.” наращивать усилия
There are many servants of the Lord, preachers that are no longer preaching; missionaries that are no
longer on the mission field, men and women who are no longer serving like they once served,
because of their own thoughts.
You can blame it on the world, the devil, and the flesh, and others but still it comes down to –
How you are going to think about God WORKING in your midst to
1. Fulfill that which He promised.
2. To work when you don’t think so.
3. Work in the hearts of others when you don’t know.
4. Showing Himself to others.
Unsaved –
1. Come to the Saviour today.
i. Don’t let your self-righteousness keep you from excusing yourself despite your sins.
2. Trust the Lord TODAY!