Leading and motivating What is leader5hipin business? Clearly, an entrepreneur shows leadership. They siart iheir own business,and then build it up from scratch.But the head of a ieam, deparimentor lalgc organizationcm also show leadelstup.what do thesepeoplehave in comlon? A good $ay io ansa'e! this is to look at the difference betweenleadershipand maagcmcni. To simplify greatly: irr Leaderslook at the big picture,wclcomechange,ale good at motivating and influencjng,and ivork well alone(or at the head oi teams). 1 Managerslook at the deiails,welcomestability,.re good at supervising,and wolk well as team members. In addition, managelstcnd io gct their authority from their role (a bosswith subordin.tes),a'hilc leadersget their a(ihority from their personaliryPcoplejust tunr io l..ders fo. guidance,regardlessofthei! position.Thev hale. quality Eight characteristics ol a good leader I Vision: this meansgcnc.atingideasabori the wny ahead, and then Scitirg buy- (= commitmentto a shared8oa1) from other people. ll Moiivation: as {'cll as oblious thin8s Iike salary this n r l u J c - p r J F p .J p p r . c r . r u . ni - d ( c o $ , n i t i o ' . Emotionalintelligence:this us€d to be calledempathy or intuition. It meds 'reading people' knowing what they Empoweringothers:tell pcople rvhat you expecthom them, gile them the tools ihey need to succeed,and then get out of their way. Leam to listen,nothing is more empoweringthm b€ing head. Being trustworthy:your behaviourshould be consistent rlith yourbeliefs,othetrise people won't trust you. Actionsspeaklouder thm aords. Taking risks and managingchange:leadersneed io be changeagenis- in a fasFmovingworld, any organizahon that siandsstill will fail. Butchangebrings rcsistance. Leadershave io explain why changeis necessa!, establisha process,involve everyone,providc support, communicatethe outcones and sharethe bencfits. Focrs and follow-through:this involvesseiting priorities and doinll whal you say you will do. Unfortunately,many lea.tersare poor finishcrs. A s e n s eo f h u m o u r :t h c a b i l i t yt o l a u g h . t y o u r s c l fi s . good ilay to b.ing othcrsalong wiih yo!.Ii dcnonshates a degreeof self-knolvlcclge. Motivation A survey by Kabsn Consultlngaakedpeople In a wlde |angeol Industry sectoG whet medelhem teel good al work. Here are the resulis: The Esearchersdrewthe followingconclusionsabout Noticelhe dominanceotthe lop thr€ecalegorles: motivation: achievemeni A senseof achevement, and havingthat working Positive recognizedappeff to be strongmolivatorc. Ina task-oriented busnessword, it3 mportantto lhai financial psandthe 'er.otiona' dimensnf relatonships areaso importantNolicealso remernber that relaiionsh rewardwasonlyrankedsixth Thisls quitesurprising. to workarevery mportant. Theresearchers thenaskedpeoplewhatmadethemleel Recognition andpositvefeedback arethe oxygenof bad at work Here the mostcommonresponseby tar was 'a negatveexperience wlh colleagues.A rangeof olher success and Employees .sk, 'Whalsin it for me?'Blsinest company factorswerea so menlioned:ack ot recognilion, facloK. s.tisfaction did not appearasrnotvational customer po lics stress,boringwork,elc temslhatwerementoned Motivation anddemotivation arenot equalandexact essoftenincluded:ack of support,havlnga bad boss,lack whle wasthe opposites. Forexample, aclrievement of d recton and unsatisfactory evelsol pay.Thesed d noi was rarely mentioned asa motvator,fdLlure stronqest seemto be lmportantdemotivalors. 24 1O IEADING AND MOTIVATING Exercises I0.1 Finda word in the first two sectionsol the text oppositethat matcheseachdetinition below.Thewords appearin order /wa aonls\[ ar t'e begrn-rng 7 rhrcewards(he^holertJaton._olt-srorF padoI i 3 theway n wh ch someones nvolved in an aclivity;positon undeGtanding howotherpeop€feel 5 knowedgethat |5b.sedon feelings ratherthanfa.ts 6 o vrnasomeone morccontrclov€rth€irlifeandwork 8 results '10.2 Thetext mentions'praise,appreciationand r€cognition'asbeinga part of motivation.which one of theseis the strongestmotivator? 10.3 Learn€rsof Englishoften usethe word 'sympathetic'whentalking about someonesuchas a good l€ader Put a tick (/) by the detinitionwhich matcheshow a native.tpeak€rusesthis word. 1 friendy, n ce probemsandhelpthem 2 wi n9 to understand someone3 1O.4 Makephrasesfrom the'Motivation'sedion ol the text by matchingan item lrom eachcolumn. (morivalor) I posiiv€=\ achievement 'eeobaclf'on yourbo., 'n ol vdlorr \ 2 neqatve 3 senreol recogn tion(demotiv.tor) (demotivator) 4 lackof experienc€s wth colleaques 5 company orient€dbu, n€ssword 6 physca 7 task' 8 f nancia 10.5 Completeeachsentencewith the corect form of the word in italics.Som€timesyou will needto usea negativetorm (de-,ur-). a tb the. .. . .................... company ln ihef eld b t3 the market c SheshowedexceLlent ability a Sense of achevements probably the numberone t offeredno few challeng€s. I was c h a n g en a fan-moving world snl b Thissituationis out ol control It5 compietely sansly a A lob welldoneg vesmea qreatfeelingof b Myworkng condtionsareteribe. Theyrelun totaly a Shesgoodat separatjng d compexprobleminlo its parts shesvery b On llrewrole. "greewill yoL 10.5 Readthe text about influencing,then answerthe people.lts a hiddelsk.ll I eadersdregoooarrr' renc,r9 L - vF y mpofl"rl orl ole1 rgro'ed lrlJercTg m€y rakelhe iorm ol persuadingpeopl€to adopl theirideas inspirng peope to achievece ain goals, or crcating Inlluencing requires a mixol interpersonal, communicalion presenlalion sk ls Andmoslimportanlly andass€rtveness you need to be abe to adaptand modilyyour personal stylewhenyou see the eii€ct its havingon others You can'tlorceyour deason otherpeope - theyhaveio teel andappreciated. acknowledged undefslood There's Theydont a kindol buzzarcunda good nfluencer. moan,blameand complan. Theysee whal needsdoing and andthensladtalkingto othersto lry 1ogel agreement aclionFinda word trom the text that meansi I reach,succeed in gettLng 2 abrly ro e<pessyo-rrdeas'rr.rlly a1dconfderly 4 (infonal) Ieelingol p easureor excitement \ , n f o . m a l l c o m p L a1r _a n a _ 1 o yn q w a y Se€ page 147 for some discussiontopics.