Y A K :3 7 3 . 1 6l 7: 8. 1l . l i 1 EEK: 81.2Aarn.-922 A66 rro EEAuTEnb KoHKypcAu HHo BAUUOHHbrx rrPOAyKTO B <IETEPEyPICKATI IIIKOJIA 2020>n 2013 roly A,uroprt noco6lrs Bbrpa>Kalor r-ry6oxyronpr,r3HarenbHocrb rlmsa3ur.r xrrpeKTopyAxaneHtt.rqecxorl yqHrenloPoccHticroii@eaepauullMaire BopnconHe[In,rl,qec3a rroHuMaHI{e, Ns 56, HapoaHorrty [oAIIep)Kk-yt{ co3IaHHe yc,ronufi ,LrIq TBopqecTBaII BHe.4peHLlr{ re.qaforl{r{ecKllx r{HHoBauLIIl B rrpouecc06) {eHr4q. A66 Arapoulyx H., Ey,raronO., 3euxennvE., PerueruuxonaA. TexHo-rornlr fionroroBKl,rx Ef3 no agr,'rnncxoMvq3brKv:r^re6goe noco6ne. - Cfl6.: <,KHrrxqsrfr .IIouo. 2015.- 130cro. I S B N 9 7 8 - 5 - 94 777 - 3 8 9- 7 Iaunoe yre6uoe noco6ue [perHa3rrar]eHo r,'r-fl nonroroBKu yqaruuxcq r Ef3 B KoHTeKcre rpe6onaHHiiOfOC. Yqe6Hoenoco6ue opueHrnp)fero61,uaruuurcflHa caMocroqrer.rbHoe BbrrrolrHeHrle :aAaHur?u cnoco6crnyer Qopll.rpoBaH],rro Ko\r\ryHHKarrrnnor)i r.ruos:lr.rFrorlKoMrtereHuun,npuveHrelroil Nre)KKyJ.rbrypHoro o6uleHlrq Anq ycrterrrHoticoutra,ru3iluI,IHr.{caMopearrr]aunu B KarrecrBer.IHcrpyNreHTa B COBpe NTeHHOM uKynbrypHoNlMupe. fro,:r B noco6tre BlcrloqeHbl TeKcrbI a,-It qreHurr tr o6c1,irueuut. nl{cb\{eHHbre3aaaHl4qtto reMaM u o6pa:uu BbllonHeHlrr 3a.[aHxua $oplrare Ef3. a raK)Keno]:Ipo6Hne]tHcrpyKuul4rlo ycneuHoMy Bbllror.lHeHtIro :anaHuii nrtcurtegnoiiqacrr{,TaKnxKaK<,fltt.rHoe fu,tcbNro> n <.CoqltreHIle-paccyxneHl{e'>. Teuarxra reKcroBno-rIHocrblo orBer{aerrpe6onaurrxrt<IlptrrrepHoiinporpavnrsro6\'.rc-Hlrfl aHrlrriicxolry 93bIK)/>. Kpoue 3Tor-o. noco6ue corepxnr rexHo.Torurrrr o6paruur Bbrno-:rHeHHr :alaHl.rir l, 2. 3 n 4 ycruoti qacru Ef3 B coorBercrBlill co Bce\rlr [3]reHeHrrtrNnr 2015 rora. B noco6un orpa)KeHbr coBpeMeHHbte Ilort\onble o6lleHutt r{ \qTeHbIpeKo\1eH,llau}ilr rpe-fMeTHoitxorrucclil{ [o HHocrpaHHbt\{ t3brKar\IEf9. flocrpoeHile Nlarepuilran pa:uoo6pa3ue 3arAHr,rui norso,rqrcT-vrurrerrurlcrro.rlb3oBarb Haprry c rpaJII4uHoHHbr\,ul o6-lueHnx HoBbre: TexHo,rrorr.ri KoNiNryHr,rKirrr.lBHoro o61ueul.rr, dropuarrlr pa3Ho,vpoBHenoro o61'seHIIs,rrH.trrBrJlllrrr3aILrlrr o6lueHrr:1.KprrrrrqecKoro ]tbru-iteHr.rq. Bxoaqurri B cocraBnoco6lrq Nly,rbruNre.rrrr:rHoru'i rolrnleKc Ha CD-ROM flo3tso:rr,rr NraKcLrN.rarrbHo r$SexrunHo no/:rroroBr,rrbcr KBbrno.:rHeHrrro BcexratrrHrriil,crHoiiqacrrrEf 9 BycxoBr.u{x, rtprr6nrrxeHHbrx K pea,IIbHor\'r)' 3K3i.l\IeHy.Ancx BKrrloqaer npofpaNr\ry-IrN{uraropvcrsor:r .racrn EfS c npo6utrl,tr.r 3ar:IaHrIqI{uOILIII|V u jlecrrbto yHrIKa'rbHbr\ortsaprra}{raN{H.flporpar,nra rolBo-rrrer ranrrcbrBarb, coxpaFlqrbII npoc.rvuHBarbortserblHit SKia\teHauuoHHbte .laraHI,tq. Tarxe.iIHcKcorep)KltrrrHcrpyKultlo ltacrll c KptlTepnfl\IxoueHKlr.o6par[artu orBeroBI,tKot\{MeHTapvflMn fto BblrorHeHfito3a.ilaHlli1'cruot"r 3KCtIEDTOB. ISBN978-5-9 477t -389-l O H. Aulporu-vr, O. 6y,raroa.E. JeuKeeu,r,A. PerueruHxoea.20 1-5 ' g O $ o p u - r e u u eO O O u K u u x u u i i l o n r " , 2 0I 5 OIIABJIEHI{E CrpanuqaB,'raAe,,'rbrlanoco6nq&rrqiloArorosKflxEI9 ......4 P e x o u e H n a u n u r r o H a r n c a H n r o r r n c b M a J r n q H o r o x a p a K r e p a ( a a A a H u e 3 9 ) . ,. . . . . . . 5 .....7 1 ] e l r o u c r p a u u o s s l rB r ?a p r . { a H T - [ u q Hnorr,or c b \ { a Jfexcptxa.Heo6xoaunrafl, rrlcbl,ra nlrg,HaIIucLrHhrr J'II,Ir{Horo .........8 ni{cbMor ......9 !,ono"uHnre,rlbHaqcxer\{aoueHuBaHl{fl3araHnfl,39<,rlr{.rHoe <.Ilr.{Hoe Kpnreplttt oueHL{BaHHq BbIro,rIHeHL4fl 3anaHnfl,39 ru{cbl.{o> . . . . . l0 paccy]KreHurr SopruareEI9 PexoueunauHurro HanucaHurc coqHHeHHs c g,'reMeHTaM[ (saAaHHe40).. {Dopltar fl npaBHJIaHatTvcaHr4fl <Mod r\IHeHlre> corrIILreHr.rs . !e naou crp au n o HHrrrl Bapfi aHr corru HeHr.r.fl<M o d NfHeHr4e>> Iercura. Heo6xorr.rlrasl.rflHanucaHll.s coqnHeHrl-tr "Moei uueHue>.. . oMoe oueHr.rBaHHfl 40 NrHeHue> 3al.aHrrfl fonolHlrrerrbloafl,cxeNra Kpr.rrepuuoueHr{BaHnq Bbrrro,rrHeHnfl,'tanaHnfl 40 oNloeMHeHr.re' Pexorueulaqu[ rro Bbrrro!'rHeHr{ro saAaHHfrycruofr qacru EI9 <IonopeHne)> ( s a s a H u4r 1 , 4 2 , 4 3 , 4 4 ) P a 6 o r ac n u c K o M - n p u r o x e H n. e . .M . .....11 1a IJ r5 t7 ........ 18 ....20 ......26 Texcru AJrr rroAroroBKl{ycrHbrxH rrucbMeHHbxBbrcKa3brnauufi Education MyFutureCareer. ThePriceofFame FriendshipandFrier.rds Fashion Shopping. AttheDoctor's. HealthyLifestyleandHealthyEating EatingOut... E n t e r t a i n m e n t a nLde i s u r e A c t i v i t i e s GlobalProblemsoftheWorld S c i e n t i f i c a n d T e c h n o l o gPi cr a o lg r e s s . MassMedia in the Modern World. FamilyRelations. TravelandTourisrn.... S t a y i n g i n aH o t e l Advertising Books Art: Paintingsand Painters. Environmentallssues ExtremeSports The Role of Young Peoplein Modern Society LivinginaBigCity.. CrimeandPunishment. . . . . 27 ......27 .....34 .....43 .......46 ........49 ......53 .......56 .... ...61 ...64 .68 ...... ..... ..71 .......74 . . . .76 .....79 ......84 ......90 .....92 ...95 . . . 98 ..101 .......104 . . . . . 108 ..113 .....117 Ta6ruqa-c"ronoo6pa:oraHr{e . O6anropax ..... 125 .......129 a CrpaHnrla BJraAeJrbrIa noco6ufl Mfl rroAroroBKr,r r EIg Name: Grade: My achievements Ne TOPIC I Education 2 Mv FutureCareer 3 The Priceof Fame 4 Friendshipand Friends f Fashion 6 Shopping 7 At the Doctor's 8 HealthyLifestyle and HealthyEating 9 EatingOut r0 Entertainment and LeisureActivities 11 Global Problems of the World tz Scientific and Technoloeical Prosress 13 Mass Media in the Modern World t 4 Family relations l 5 Travel and Tourism l 6 Stayingin a Hotel l 7 Advertising 1 8 Books 19 Art: Paintings and Painters 20 EnvironmentalIssues 2l Extreme Sports 22 The Role of Young Peoplein Modern Societv 23 Living in a Big City 24 Crime and Punishment Speaking Writing Writing VocabuTeacher's (Student (personal (composiNotes lary check signature letter) card) tion) {0 PEKOM ETUIAU'I I4 TIO HATII{ CAHI,Irc fI I4Cb MA JII4q H OTO XAPAKTEPA (3AI,UrUE 39) flpn uanucaHuururrHofo rr{cblr{aHeo6xonlrlronp nAepxr4Barbcqcnenlrolutrx npaBprn. - He :a6yAbreyKa3arbcnofi aapecB [paBoMBepxHeM yrJryB cnejlyrcueM nop.snKe: 'ropoA 'crpaHa Harrp]rrviep: flonycxaercrr yKa3blBarba.rlpecB KparKoMBr.r.rle, SaintPetersburg Russia LI]ILI St. Petersburg Russia - fIoA a,(pecoM,npoilycrr{B crpoKv, Heo6xonuN{oHanHcarbnary rr{cbMa: June7th,2015 7 June2015 IrJrr{MeHeeo$lruualrno: 07/06/rs - flucruo Haqr,rHaercq c HeoQurtua,-rbHoro o6parueHna.flpe4cranlre, qro a 3HaKoMbrx lmnefi o6rr.rHo Ha3brBalor rro uMeHIr. lpyry, BbI III{II-| HTe HaCTO.StUeMy Dear Tim, Dear Rebecca. flocre o6pauteu nq o6q:are,'rrFrocrasurcq :an.flra-q! - Pa3Ae,'Ifire reKcr cBoefo rrl{cbMaHa HecKor'tbKo roruqecrurx a6:auen, xaxnllil H3Koropblx Har{HpITe c <pacuoii crpoKr{. l. B repeor\aa6:aue saNrcreayer no6,raronapr{rscsoero,rpyra:a ero nuclN{o: Thanks (a lot) for your (last) letter. I was glad to get your letter. It was great to hear from you! / It was great to hear that... / I was happyto hear... Bbt Nroxere rarcKelr:gllHI4rLcq ra ro. qro He rll{cturrlpilHbrrre: Sorry I haven'twritten for so long but... / Sorry, I haven'tbeenin touch for so long. I'm sorry I haven't answeredearlier but I was really busywith my school. 14/vnu yroM.sHlrb raxoit-;ru6o Saxr u3 roryqeHHoro rucL,Nla: I'm gladyou passedyour History test! Soundslike you had a great time in London! Greatnewsaboutyour...! .Iacm n lrcsN,ta 2. OcHoeHa.g Btlpol:i a6:au: e Hdlr tto,r-,rsu6srr.u.laHsr no.rHsreoreersr Ha eceEaraHHueBAM sonpocrl. flpeano,laraercq,qro nr{cb}{o;foirxHo6rim uanncaHos ue@op\ra-qbHoNI crtl-rle,no3ToMyBbr N,ro)Kere LIcno,qb3oBars HeSoprtanbHbre c-:roRa-cBrr3Kr, TaKIIexax by the way,anfryay,so, pa3roBopHbre BL,rpa)KeHHl rltna Guesswhat? u"rrrWish me luck!. a raKxe BocK-rrruare-rrbHbre 3HaKlr(He yn,rcxartcl Ilx t{cnojrb3onagnelt).B coorsercTBl{Ilc HoBbINIil rpe6onaHrrRt\il.j K Hitllr.icaHl,trc,.IHqHoro nl,IcbMzl pa3roBopHbre BbrpDKeHnq well H 'cause-vnorpe6-r.nrl H E,[ b3-fl. Tperufi a6sau::aaarire sonpoclr sarueruy,rpyry.ec,'ruaroro rpe6yer :alaHue. PexonaeHryerc-fl .qenarb lIoIHqHOeBCTynneHHe nepertTer\r,KaK3aIaBaTbBonpocbr.Hanplnrep. B 3a.rlaHr{rr ecrs lrH$opMaurfr, qro reoii Apyf Harrarl3aHnr\{arbcqHoBbrN{BLrroN{cnopra n Haxo 3anarb o6 srorvr 3 nonpoca. C:reAosare,'rbHo, irorntluttfi nepexo.rl K BorrpocaMnpo cnopr 6y.rercneryrcrurrM:Great. you've taken up a new sportlWhatkind of sportis it?... 3. B noc:rerHeMa6:aue creayer o6bqcHurs.no.leN{ygrt :araH.{lreaerenlrcrr4o: Sorry, I haveto do my homework. I haveto go now becausemy Mum askedme to help her with the washingup. I've got to go now! It's time for my favoriteTV show. 14ynovqHlrr o lanuueriurrr xoHraxrax: Write back soon. Take care and keepin touch. Drop me a letter when you can. Hope to hear from you soon. I can't wait to hear from vou! - B roHue ru{ct'Ma Ha orAeJ'rbHoft 3aBeprilarcuranSpa:a-Krrulre. lloc,re Hed crpoxe yKa3brBaerc.rr scerua crasrrrcq :anstaq! Huxe rlpr.{Borqrcl HecKo-rrbKo Ro3r.{o)kHbrx BaplraHroB: 1) All the best, 2) Best wishes, 3) Yours. - Ha c,re41rouefrcrpoKe troA 3aBepuauueft Spa:olr yKa3brBaerctrtrue. aBropa (6e: @arraramtut). Hanpurrep: Andrew vtmKate Tarnrrr o6pa:o*r, rrucbMoK npyry r.rvreerc.reayrcruulierlr: Aapecrrurxlurero(-vxa:r,rnaercq B npaBoM eepxuerryr,ry) !,ara HanucaH[qnncbMa(yxa:unaercq noA alpecolr) O6paulenne, flepnurfi a6saq: B HaqaJrerrucbMaaBrop o6rr.rno a) 6naroaapnr aApecara3a paHeeflor'rfreHHyx) paHbrue KoppecrroHreHunro; 6) urnnHrercfl, qro Herruca-rr OcnonHasqacrb rrucbMa. (r. e. aaHlr Bropoft a6sau:n niiu no,rx<uu6rrrr pacKpbrrbrBceacrreKTbr, B 3araHr.rn )'Ka3aHHbre O T B e T b lU a g C e l a n a H r t l t e e a u g O n p O C t ' l ) Tperuft a6sau:saAafrrence neo6xo.unMble Borrpocbr, eroro rpe6yer 3a.4aHr{e flr{cbMa. ecJ'rlr tlerrdprrrft a6saq: B KoHqerrucbMaaBTopo6nr.IuoyrroMuHaero AanrsefrurrlxKoHTaKTax 3arepmarcuarQpasao (ucno;rs:yrorca$pa:lrrcurure) IloAnucsaBropa(nvr ) O NEMOHCTPAIII4OHHbII4BAPI{AHTJIUTIHOTOfII4CbMA pen-friend. English-speaking This is a part of a letterfrom Sheryl,-voLrr ...My friend and I are planning to stort a new hobby but we haven't decidedyet what hobby to choose.Do you haveony hobbies?Do youfeel you haveenoughtimefor hobbies?Wut hobbiesare popular with teenagersin your country?Are there any hobbiesyou'd like to take up? Asfor my schoolexams,they sre almost over und I'm lookingforward to my summer break... Writebackto Sheryl. In yourletter o answerherquestions . ask3 questions abouther plansfor the summer Write100-140words. Remember the rulesof letterwritine. St.Petersburg Russia 8/06/20rs Dear Sheryl, Thankyoufor the letter.Sorry I haven'tbeenin touchfor so long. Youask me abouthobbiesthat arepopular with Russianteens.Many teens are interestedin music and playing computergameswhile othersare into doing sports.Asfor me, m))hobbyis cooking.I collecttraditional Russianrecipesand cook thesedishes. I feel I don't have enoughtimefor my hobbyos I've got too much homework.If I had morefree time,I'd take upphotography. Anyway, it's great that schoolis nearly over. Wat are you going to do in summer?Are you going to spendtime with your parents?Wouldyou like to visit othercountries? Sorry, I've got to get readyfor my piano class.Write back soon. All the best, Alina 137 words JIEKCTIKA,HEOBXOAT{MAfl Anfl HATIWCAHI,'.fl,JII{qHOIO III,ICbMA o CTPYKT}?A PEKOMEruIAUI4T{ TIPI4MEPbI Address AApecnr{tuyuero SaintPetersburg AApec yKa3brBaeTcqB flpaBo]t BepxHeN,r )Tny Russia Date flol aapecoMAara 9thSeptember2015 Greeting C Hosoit crpoKr{ DearJohn, O6paureHrae nI{cbMo Har{HHaeTcq DearMary, nara c o6paurennq, nocre KOTOpOTOCTaBqT 3arrflTyro Introduction Ha.Iano [ucbMa Ccu,rxa Ha rrpeAbrr;ruIue Thankyoufor your last letter. It wasgreat/ovelyto rne aBTOp: KOHTaKTbI, hearfrom you. 6larolaplrr aApecara I'm sorr_v that I haven'twrittento you... paHee 3a lron)^{eHHoe IIIICbMO ; LI3BUHqeTCq, qTo He lll,lci]'ir paHbil]e I haven't Greatto hearfromyou again....Sorry, writtento you solong. It's beenagessinceI heardfromyou. Thanksso much for your longletter.Sorryfor not replyingto yousoonerbut I've beenverybusy. Sorryfor not replyingearlier. Main Body B neli no,rxurr 6rrrr In yourletteryouaskedmeabout. OcHoeuaq pacKpbrTbrBce ac[eKTbr, )xa3aHHble B 3a.4aHr.rH, T. e. AaHbroTBeTbrHa Bce BO[pOCbr[ncbMa I waspleased to hearthat .... I wasgladto hearthatyou ... nt{cbMa Conclusion Koueu rrr{cbN{a Asrop yfloN{r.{Haer o Pleasewrite to me soon, and tell me all your news. lalr,Herlufl.rxKoHTaKTax If you want to know any'thingelse,just drop me a line. That's all my newsfor now...Writeback soon. Pleasegive my regardsto your...And write and tell m e a l l y o u rp l a n sf o r . . . I would reallylike to seeyou. Why don't you come and visit me. Do write back soon. Ending 3aeepruarcruaa @pa:a rrHcbN,ra 9ra $para 3atshcur or creneHr.{6,uu:ocru aBTOpat{ anpecaTa, rocJreuee BCEIAA Bestwishes, All thebest, Yours, CTABI,{TCq 3AIlflTAfl, PersonalSign Ilt.Igrte rr{cbMa 6e: floanucr aBropa noArrHcbrBarcr !'i(a3aHuq@alrrr;rnrr Olga Misha 3aAaHHr39 <JInqHoerrncbMo>> nouoluure,rbHafl cxeMa oueHr{BaHr.rr 14vq nIaurvurero :iuaqe: 90-154 crroBa O6t€v BbrcKa3brBaH14rr coorBercrBver nocraBJ.reHHol:r B nncbMeBonpocAaH Acuexr 1. Orser Ha nocraBr'reHHsrrZ B nucbMeBonpocAaH Acnexr 2. Orser Ha nocraBJreHuur.,i T B nncbMe Bonpoc raH Acnexr 3. Olser Ha nocraBi'renHulr".r H co n Acnerr 4. Tpn Bonpoca Ha saraHHylo reMy 3aAaHbI rrl SI t-t = vX l-*H :Z t Lrl 4."J. o- =(J .9() Ha npenbrnyuueKoHraKTbI; co6rrcAeHbr: ccbr,'rKa Acnexr 5. Hopn,tsrBex,rr.{Bocrn 6,raroaapttocrb3a no,'ryrreHHoe nt{cbMo.Hanexn,aHa nocneAyroilrue KoHTaKTbl ttpaBttnbHo: o6paqeHue. Acnexr6. Clnreuoc o(ropv,reuneesrCrpitHo B ttoAnr{cr, zrBTopa coorBercrurra c Heo$HutlzurbHbrM 3aBeprxarculan dlpa:a, CTUJ'l(] M 6a,u - 2) I4TO|OBbll,l EAIJI (maxonriurr,Hsria IIoltt.tHocrs !,e"neHne Ha a6:aurt C p e r c r n a , t o f h . t e c r c o t cl B 9 3 H crpoxe ObpaureHneIra orAeJbHofr -1 co '1. L- 3anepurattlulaa (lpa:a Ha oTAe,'IbHofrcrpoxe crpore [loAnncs Ha orAeJrbHofr A A p c c a B r o p a B [ p a B o M B C p x H e My u y ( v o x H o x p a r r n i i ) Aara noA aApecoM ..i - 2) EAnI (naarcnva,rsuspi 6ar-rr I4TOI-OBbl14 - 2) 3. 9:srronoe o(ropu.neuuereKcra. I4TOfOBblh EArqn (narcnna,rsHsrrl6zr,r,r ga,rannfl 39 <JIuqHoe nncbMo>> Kpurepun oqeuuBaHnq BbrnoJrHeHLrs PeureH He KoMMyHuxarunHoi.i3aAaqu (coAEP)KAH14E) Kl r[oJrHeHorloJrHocTbrc:coAepxa 3aAaufle sHr rilrc oTpaxa( t c T ' B c ea c n e K T b r),' K a 3 a H H b rBc ' ; a A a u l r u( AaHbt a no_liltbteoTucTI-,t Ita Bcc Borrpocbl,3aa j l ri rl b r ' r - p 1R1o n p o c i tr r o y K a 3 a H r r o H T e M C :C T r 4 :noc , [ C l ocpopur'rcFl4cpc.rlr nt,l6p:trro I I p l u l 1 4 J t b F I oic y . t c l ' o t vlll c - r t nB L I c K A S b t B a H h t l n a n p e c i l fi r ; c o C l . t t t o r c t t Ll rrp r , r I u r r t , tB e 13L,tKe l l O p l \ l b l l l C ; , :Jf 1 ( JHgoc'fu. Bo:tLtto.weuI trcdoqCm, Hunpuitep,0t )nr(vnt(nr6Lre I eonDoc'a OPIA3NII4fl rexcra f gHxosoeo$opm,'renue reKcra K2 K3 BulcxasunaHue JroruqHo: cpencrBanohcno,rs:yeusrr)ic,roeapnslli:anac H r paN{N{arH,IecroiicRH3l4 ssr6pausrnpaBhnbHo; T!ltIecKhc cTpyKTypbt cooTBeTcTByUt' nocTaBlcKcr pil Jne,rer t Hair6lausr;crpyKTyp,reuuor..i3ilAilqe(4onycrcacrcqHe6o,'ree2-x Henoe oQopv,reHhc reKcracoorBercrnyer r-py6srx JreKctr Ko-rpaMMaru (recrcuxourn6or ) ; (l l-ropMilM, rrpHHflTbrM B cTpilHc H:yt111o prporpa@n ecK14 c 14rry HK'ryau Lro FrHbre o ruu 6 r u (rreAo,rxrro6utrs 4onyer\{oroq3r)rKa npaKrr4LrecKn olcyrcrByrcr (AonycracrcrtHc C)oureHoHHo,1Hoi;i ourn6ru). But.+to;weu ,'Iee2-x Herpy6r,rx op$orparf nqecKnxu nyHKryI uedo,tCttt: uen ur)pecu aLlrdoH Hbrxor-ur,r6ox) / uen dumu / (6Htu I owu6xn Ha(ped('mso.ro?uLr((Koit 3altaultc Bt'rrItoJ'tHeHo lroi'rHeHoHe [oJrHocTbm: collepxa- Bsrcxa:rrnaHxe He Bcerna,tott{qHo: H I l C f r e O ] ' p l1l XI X AC ATC TI I]C C CI I C T I C K T bV I ,K i I 3 A I I H I ) I C B l I M c l o r c H H L ' n ( ) c l a r K Hl t . l t t to r u l . t 6 x t ' gt 3il/larrIr ld (ero"rrcc ojrcc o oJlH J l H o f o A c l r c K T ap a c K p b r T o I I c I I oi I b |o RllHI I I I cpc/tcrtr,t o l tt,Icc xtl i.i IIC IIOJI}IOCT f l,ru I , r u llJ,ll,I H , l I , I iO,rlHIIaCIlCKT nOJrlHOCTblO c B q 3 r . ru, x n u 6 o p o f p a H H q c H; J l e n c H H e 'r'cKcra na a6:ausr HeJ'ron4rtHoL4i'il.{ o]'cyTc'frlycT, T, H Har a rrpLt r p r 4 M e p :l r c T o T B c T i l l r a K a or-"rr roii rt6o tri I3 ItOCT nocTilIIJIC ilr I I II t,tX BOtl pOCOB, I{r'tLt cyl'crtsycr; t4McrcrcflornenbHbrc tiapync la.,Iano3) rrorrpoca rrorrpocl n rorrtle),Bct-pe,raruTcH u r e H h l n p r I l { H lb r x H o p l t o { l o p M J ' l e u i l H 'r rrapyurcHrffr c'r'rr,,f c'r'rrjte erlofo t]( orlopru-rre url,.luf wtu i|l4rlHofo ilI4cbMa llprlFIflt'bl\ [4n erurcq JreKcr.rrrecKile H l-par\tMilrh(recKr.te ourn6xn, nc larpyAHrx>tuncrIoHl.tMilHrle rc Kcr:l (4onycrcaercrHe6o,ree4-x Hcrpy6brxJ'teKcuKorpaMMaruqecrux orun6ox);uucrculnecr op(torpa$nuecxner.rnyrrKTyauHoHHbrc ouru6xr.rHe 3arpyAHsrurKorvrNryHHKilul4K) (AorrycKaercfl He 6o,ree4-x Herpy6uxop$orpaSuuecxuxl{ nyHKryaulroHHbrx ourn6ox) B tl3blKe ll f l 3 b t K e FIOpM I Bel,KflHB0Cl'l.I 3aAaHueHe BbrrroJrHeHo: n conep)KarIt{e He 0'r'l)axaeTTc c l l c r r eK T b ,r K o T o p r , r ey K a 3 a H b t I ] 3 A , 1 I I HI J H ; F H c c o ( )| r ; c r cr n y e r r p c 6 y c M o v y ( 100 l0 140 clos) unu B nucb,MeHem o6.bctvr\, tIrn,HLtnodnucu. ntr oSpuryettLt Orcyrcrnyer r'rorlrKaB nocrpoeHnt4 I l t ) t c K l l 3 F , lB A H ' ' I t l ; t l p l , l H t T b l e HOpM bl [ 1 o H n r u a u n el e K c r a 3 a r p y A H e H ou 3 - 3 a MHO)KeCTIlaJIe KCl.tKO- fDa l\tl\t2lTltrtec rlt x out n 60x o d r o p u . n eH n f l j t H r r H o f o n n c b M a H e co6,ruarcrcn flpumevauue le: N,t HHl.lMil,.lbHoe Ko,rlLlqccTBo - o e1 5 4 . E c n u c,lcls - 90, M vra K C r . r N r a J r b H g n n c s u el l99 c,rog. BbrcraBrtcrcg <.0>> 3il coAcpxaHl.Ie re, ec,qr.r c.roR 6o,ree 154. ro nporJepfleTct lrforrlbKo lrl0 c,rcle or HaL[zuta flpu uo,ryveHltlraK3aMeHyeMbrM <<PeilreHlre 0 6iur,rosrlo KpuTeprrro KoMMyHnKar]tBHofr 3aAaqn,> scii :aAaHueoueHr{Baercs n 0 6aJr,ros I PEKOMEH4,aIIUn IIO HAIII{CAHI4IO COqI4HEHUfl C SIEMEHTAI4I4 PACC}?KNEr{TIfl B OOPMATE ETO (3AtrAHI4E 40) (DopMar n npanura Hanucaunq co.runenn.s<,MoE uuenue,> . . CoqxHeHile <.MoelltueHHe> nn[Iercr n uetirpilrbHoNl crt{,.te. B .[aHHoN{TI,Ire coqrrHeHua rpe6yercq Bblpa]rrrb cBoro roqKy 3peHur Ha 3aAaHHyroreMy, A TaKXe rrpnBecrl4 nporl{Bono,'roxHbre earllefi ToqKrl 3peHrr.qnpyrr.{x ;rrcleir u o6lscurrrb, rrorreMy Bbr c HttMr{ He cor,rlacHrt. Barue N{HeHnero-rl)kHo 6lrm .{e!rxo c@opnrlirupoBztHor{ no,rKpenneHo npI{MepaMu u,qu noKa3areJrbcTBaN{H. . O6rejNlcoqrdFreHws200-250 c,ror (nnunrrryrr 180 c,ros. lraxcuul.'lr 275). ' B coqHHeHHH rol,rtHbr aKTHBHo r.rcnoilb3oBarbcrrKoHcrpyKur.rr.rrlrna "In my opinion", "I think". "I believe". ' Heo6xonlruo Hcno,'rb3oBaHr.re BBonHbrx cJroBIr KoHcrpyKuuiiTurta "On the one hand, on the (Nevertheless, other hand" c.roB-cBs3orc Moreover. Despite...). . t4cnoJ'tb3oBaHue TIiila"I'm", "theyore""dontt". "cantt". coKpaueHnl, AonycKaerct . coquHeHue"Mod \rHeHHe,) Iil\,reeT cTpof-wocTp)xT):p)'.Ir3MeHeHHe roropoir rprr Har[,rcaHHH npuneldr K cHr,r)KeHr{rc coqHHeHr.Iq 6a.r,ra.CoqttHeHtreoMod nnesue ,>cocrorrr H:5 a6saqes: make an introduction (statethe problem) expressyour personalopinion and give 2-3 reasonsfor your opinion expressan opposingopinion and give l-2 reasonsfor this opposingopinion explainwhy you don't agreewith the opposingopinion make(draw)a conclusionrestatingyour position l) Make an introduction yKa3aB. qro Bo BcryrlneHr.rprueo6xonuuo rr€irKo coopiuyxhpoBarb reN,{y-npo6J'reN,ry, roqKu 3peHrl{ ua npo6,relry (Some peopleclaim that mobile cyuecrBylor nBe nporrlBononorKHbre phonesare very usefuldeviceswhileothersarguethat life could be lessstressfirlwithout them.) Bcryn:renne HE.[o,rxHo c,rosos c,qosonoeropqrb :alaHu]4o relr]t co.ruHeHl.rq. no3ToMyHeo6xonuuo nepe$pasupoBarbnaHHyroBaM TeMy coquHeHu.rr. Pexoueurtyerc.snepBoe npeAno)KeHuec.rlenarb Hanpuuep: Thereis no denyingthe fact that mobile phoneshavebecomean inseparable o6o6ularoruunr. part of our lives. 2) Expressyour personalopinion and give 2-3 reasonsfor your opinion ro.rtbKoOIHOff TorlKIt3peHIIq,Hailpltl\tep:Mobile Bo nropotl a6:aue Bbt,qo-rt;KHbl nplr.uep)KuBarL'cs phones,in my opirriorr,are very usefuldevices.I4II4I considerthe mobile phone to be a harmful and useless invention. Heo6xoAnuo npr{Becrn2-3 apryrvreHTa, rro.rlTBepxna}ouuxBaruyroqK_vipeHrir, no.4Kpennq"fl r{x [pLIMepaMrrLrJrvAoKa3arenbcrBaMu.He :a6srsaiire ncnortt,3oBarbc.rroBa-cB.x3Krr I4 BBoAHbIe KoHcrpyKuAV Nrfl. 6o,ree crpyKrypr,rpoBaHHoroBI)rcKa3brBaHLr,s,, a raroKe drpa:tr, Bbrpaxarcrulre MHeHr{e. co6ctseFrFroe 3) Expressan opposingopinion and give l-2 reasonsfor this opposingopinion. nponlBono,[o)KHbre B rperr,ev a6raue ueo6xoauno [pr4Becrr.{ saueii TorrKH3peHuq(1-2) c Ilpunep: However,some peoplethink that mobiie phones not only keep you in touch apr-!r\,{eHraMu. with your relativesand friends but also provide vou with a great number of tacilities.flo*rHure, uro a6sau HE Moxer cocroqrr !r: 1 npennoxeun.q.flo-rrxHo 6lrrr 2-3 flpe.[Jro)keHr.{fl. U 4) Explain why you don't agreewith the opposingopinion B 4 a6:aue BbrAo,I)KHL,Io6l-acullrr, nor{eMy su HE corJ'racHbrc MHeHr{eMvrltyrv'HelutTl.M}.r Apyrr4x ,rloAeri v ilpvBecru cBon apryr{eHTbrB rroAnep)Kray co6crseHF{oroMHeH}rs.Baruu KoHTpapryMeHTbr MHeHr,rlo 2-ir a6:au r.rno-lrxHbr6rrru,rornqHo cBq3aHbr c 3-v Apyrrrx,'IIoAeliHE ao,rxHrr noBTop.Brb a6:auenr. PeroueuayeMoeHaqtu'ro4 a6:aua: I cannot agreewith the statement/statements abovebecause... do not support the idea/ideas I above as... 5) Make (draw) a conclusionrestatingyour position B saKnloqeuuuHeo6xoauMocnenarb BbrBon.o6partrnurncl,K 3anaHuorln l-rnr uaparpa@erelre. Vxaxure, qro cyrtlecrelror 2 Tor{Kri3peHrrqua npo6;relry, a rakl,r{enonrBeprtrre co6crseuFryrororrKy 3peHH_fl. Hanpuvep: <All in all, there are differentpoints of view on this problem. I thinkthat...> u,ru <,Taking ever)'thinginto consideration,there are trvo differentpoints of view on this problem.I believethat...> Korla BbI3aKoHqHTe rrncarbcoquHeHr{e, o6cgaremno npoBepbrecnoropaOoryno clreAJnouefr cxeue: o O6ldu Moefo coqr.rHeHilq lv{eHblre 180 ne He u 6o;ruue 275 c:tos. .{erxo nocraB,qeHanpo6,repra(}xa:aHr,rIBe roqKl{ 3peHr,rf . Bo Bcr,vrrneHI4LI K rv{oeMy coqLIHeHI.Irc ua npo6:reuy). r Bo BToponI a6:aue Mo.s roqKa 3peHnq fl,cHa Lr onpe,r.e.reiHua; ilcnoJ'rb3oBaHo aocraroqHoe KO,rr B, rronTBepxaanruHx eei. HqecTBonpr4MepoB r,rapryMeHTo o B xaxn'olr a6:aue nprrclrcrBlror u npaBr.rxbHorrciloJ'rb3yrorcqpa:Hoo6pa:Hr,re cpe.4crBa ,tornqecrol:i cBs3u. . B rperbeu abgaue.rejxo c$opu.v-:rlrpoBaHa npourBonoro)KHaflTor{Ka3peHuqrr [oAKperLTeHa aprl/a4eHTar\4u. r B qerselproua6:aueBbrpDKeHo c apry\{eHraMuH3Tperberoa6:lauafi,r€irxoo6r'qcHeHo Hecor-rracr4e nor{eMy. r rlqrsrr"ra6:au-saKnnqeHr4e HaquHaercqc sso,lHorio6o6urarcuei.r Spa:rr, o6o:uaqaercqHa,Tlrrrr4r) aByx npornBonolroxHbr\roqeK lpeHrrr n euei pa3 flo]rBepxfaerc;ruod lrHeHneHa npo6,reuy. nOCTaB,IeHHy]O BO BCT]rIi;]9HUH. . IlpasunbHo r{cro,Ilb3oBaHbl rpaMNlarr,rqecKr4e KoHcrpyKuur{, BpeMeHa fJTaroJroB, cBq3b Mexny noruIe)KaIUHM It CKa3yeMbINI He HapyIXeHa, npaBHr'IbHO I{CnOJIb3OBaHbl npeAnof[ . . vI ApTVK,.ILI. crrrrs. Blr6pana BepHa.s JreKcr{Ka, orc}TcrByror KoHcrp}'Kut{r{,xapaKTepHbre alrl ue@opraarrbHoro (rovxn Mexny Op6orpaSut w nyHKryaunl B KoHue lpe,LrroxeHnfl, 3anrrbre oAHoponHbr]vru q,rleHaMnIIpe,lnO)I(eHl{q, IIOC,IeC,TIOB-CBq3OK H BCTVnI'lTe,'IbHblx KOHCTpyKIIttt'l)nepHa. flpnuevanne: He nepenHcrrsarire 3anaHr,reKaK 3aro-[oBoK &rrq Balrefo coquHeHnq, rloroMy r{To Bce c,'IoBaga 6;ragxe oTBeTa3acqL{TbIBaIoTcg KaK qacTb rl}{cbMeHHoro3a.[aHuq. 12 C NEMOHCTPAIII4OHHbII4 BAPI4AHTCOTII4HEHVIfl,<MOEMHEHtrIE> Parentsmust be strict with their little children. What is your opinion?Do you agreewith the statement? There is no denying the fact that all porentsfeel responsibilityfor their children. Somepeople think that strict rules are the only way to teach a child how to bepolite,patient and kind. Otherscloim that kids shouldn'tbe broughtup under totalparents'control. PersonallyI believethat it is betterto avoid beingstrict wilh little children. Firstly, almost all children try to disobeyparents' rules ond everypunishment only makes them angry, and doesnot improvetheir personalities.Secondly,I think that parents' behaviouris the bestexamplefor their children and it cannot be comparedwith any rule sinceeverykid wantsto havemuch in commonwith his/her motherandfather. However,somepeopleclaim thot beingraisedin a strictfamily lets a child hovebetterfutureopportunities.Theyare surethat strictfamily rulesmoy help to improvea child'spersonalityin o proper wq). I cannotogreewith the aboveopinionas thesepeoplefail to understandthat totql controland strict rulesonly lead to mistrustond misunderstanding between parentsand children.At this rate kids cannotfeel free to showtheir talentsond desireswhich meansthat their personalitiescannotbe developed properly. Thking everythinginto consideration,there are two opposingpoints of view on theproblemof strict attitudetowordslinle children.As I seeit, parentsshould not be strict and rude with their kids, theyhaveto be tenderand sympathetic. 246 words l-1 AEM OH CTPAUlr OH Hbr Iz BApI'IAHT COqr{ H EIJ'utfl," M OE M H EHtI E" Beinggivenpocket ntoneyteachesreenogersto be resportsible. What is -vouropinion?Do you agreewith the statement? The problem oJ'gettingpocket money has alwaysbeen very importantfor youngsters.Some people think that teenagersbecomemore responsibleond sensiblegettingpocketmonq). Othersclairn that youngpeoplecannot deal with moneyand believethey wasteit on uselessthings. In my opinion, gettingpocket moneyis important. It helpsteenagersto learn how to plan their budget.Thereare a lot of thingstheywant to spendtheir monq) getinformotionabout on, but the amountof moneyis limited.Moreoyer,teenagers the costof living. It helpsthem to realize whatjob to choosein thefuture to eorn enoughmoneyfor everythingthey want to get. On the otherhand, manypeoplesoythot teenagers wastepocketmoney.They cloim that youngstersspendhours in shoppingmalls buying numeroususeless things.Moreover,somepeoplearguethat teenagers haveno idea of how dfficutt monq) is eorned. I do not supportthe abovestatements. Firstly,teenagers don't wastemoneyon clothesbecouselookingsmart andfashionableis very importonttoday.Besides, theypayfor mobilephonesand the Internet.Secondly,maq) teenagers know that earningmonq) is not easybecausethey havepart-timejobs and reolizethat it is essentialto makegoodmoney,to be hardworking,reliableand intelligent. All thingsconsidered,thereare two opposingpointsof viewon theproblemof gettingpocket money.I believethot parentsshouldgive teenagers pocket money becausesensiblespendingof it teachesyoungpeopleo lot. 25l words l4 c HEOEXOAT4MAfln'Ilfl HAITI4CAHI4flCOqrrHEHI4.fl <MOE MHEHr{E> JIEKCTTKA" I a6rau BeorHlre 0parbr . I t i s p o p u l a r l yb e l i e v e dt h a t . . . . It is often suggested ribelievedthat.. . Peopleoften claim that . Sontepeoplearguethat... o A l o t o f p e o p l et h i n k t h a t . . . . Many peopleare in favorof idea . Somepeopleare convincedthat... 2 a6zat (Dpa:rr. sblpilKalorltrlecBO o In my opinion... o I think that... o I (strongly)believethat... o In my view... o To my mind... r To my way of thinking... (Dpasrr.xaparrepr.r:yro ulle npeu Nryurecreao6cy)Knaeuorirpo6,'reNrn: . As alreadystatedI'm in favourof... for a number of reasons... . There are many thingsto be said in favourof... . T h e b e s t /t h i n ga b o u t . .i .s . . . .Qpa:lr. nepe'rucxqn . F i r s t l y ,/ F i r s t o f a l l . . . . In the first place o To startwith, / To beginwith, r Secondly,Thirdly, Finally. e Last but not least. @pa:rr,gobaBnrlau.ugH le apr)'\{eHrbr: o Furthermore./Moreover, AVhat is more, o In addition to this/that... o B e s i d e s/ ., . . a l s o . . . . Apaft fi'om this /that... . . . . . . . . I . r toot m e n t i o nt h e f a c t t h a t 3 a6rau @pa:sr. lLrr grrpaxeHuq nporneono-loxuo r:iro.{ xil 3peHr{rr . However.somepeoplebelieve/ claim that... . O n t h e o t h e rh a n d ,s o m ep e o p i ea r g u et h a t . . . . It hasbecomefashionablcfor somepeopleto argr-re that.., 4 a6sau Apacllj;r,q BllpaxgElllr- u eco r-racrrq c n por u eon o,roxH o l:tto.{ xo li :p eHIIq r ) st h e s ep e o p l e f a i l t o u n d e r s t a n dt h a t . I c a n n o ta g r e ew i t h t h e a b o v eo p i n i o n ( s )/ i d e a ( s a . w i t h t h i s p o i n t o f v i e w ( s t a t e m e n to. p i n i o n )b e c a u s e t h e s ep e o p l ef o r g e tt h a t . . . I disagree o A s o p p o s e dt o t h e a b o v ei d e a s .I b e l i e v et h a t . . . o C o n t r a r l ' t ou ' h a tm o s t p e o p l eb e l i e v e .I t h i n k t h a t . . . r I do not full)'suppolt the aboveideasbecar-rse... 5 a6ran 3ar.tpqure,nsHure 0paru . In conclusiolt. r On the wliole. . To concludc. . To sumup, . All in all. r A l l t h i n g sc o n s i d e red. . Finally. o Lastl)', o Taking ever}-tllinginto account, . Taking everythinginto cortsideratiott t5 BbrpaxeHrre.rn.rHe{a\rHQHlJq. I n m y o p i n i o n .t h i s s u b j e c it s v e r y controversial. . In m)'view... . T o m - vm i n d . . . . T o n r ) ' w a yo f t h i n k i n g . . . . P e r s o n a l l Iy b e l i e v et h a t . . . . l t s t r i k e sm e t h a t . . . . I f - e esl t r o n g l it h a t . . . . I t : e e n r st o m e t h a t . . As lar as I am concerned... r fl 3ananufl40 <MO E MHEHI4E> cxeMaoueHnBaHrr nono,rHnreJrbHar 14ul nnLuyutero / uouep 6:laHxa O6tenaBbrcKa3brBaH14rr coorBercrByerrrocraBJreHHoli :aAa.re:180-275 cnon B srcrca:bru:lFrure HocHr n poAyKrHuHr,rir xaparrep - nocraHoBKa Acnerr l. Bc'ryn,rcHue npo6,reusr Acncrcr2. M Heuue aBropac 2-3 apfyr\{eH'raMr,l cg ,1 A c s e m 3 . [ - l p o r u n o n o l o x H a r ] T o ( t K A3 p c H t { qc l - 2 a p r y M e H T a M H ao co(J F-4 d^) = YX ::+F = >.*1 '9O Acnercr 4. 06r,rcHeHHfl, ItoqeMy atsTopHe corJ'taceHc nporuBonoloxHoti r o , t K o i i | p c H 1 4 f(lx o H r p a p r y t r e H r u r ) Acncrr 5. 3ar,,roqeHHe c [oATBepxAeHtreM no3l{urt4 zrBTopa Ac n exr' 6. Crlrr ceoeo$op u,reHue eur6pauo n paBunbHo:co6r nAaercrr u elirpa,r uHsri1 cr'n,rs kl-fOl-OBblt4 64.l'lJ'l(naaxornaa-nsuurr;i 6a,r,r- 3) ,[olnq uocts E E (g ..i 3 . i ' I E K C 1 4 K A( v a x nc.neHneua a6:lausr Irlc no.rrs:o gaHr{e cDencrts no IIIqec xoli c gqst,r hTOfOBbl14 EAJIn (varcnvartHtrfi 6ann - 3) ll Nta_rtbH bt 1.1oaqJ'l 1t 4. |PAMMATI4KA (uaxcnlra-nrHuit6a,u - 3) 5. OPOOIPA@^IAfl 14tlyHKTyAUl4f (rr,rarcunrarlHtrrZ 6a,rn- 2) Kpnrepun 40 oueHr.rBaHrnff Hnnsa,ra'Hnx :X"#T: Ea.l.rru PeureHne KoMMyHHKarnsHoft 3aAarr[ (CoaepxaHne) KI 3aAauneBbrnoJrHeHo noJrnocrbrc:co,qepxa Hr.{eorpa)Kzrer BCe actleKTbr, yKa3aHHble B 3aAaHL{t4;CTI,IJIeBOe 3 o$op u,reune peqh esr6paHon paBHJ'r bHo:co6,rrcAaercs neftrpa,rr,Hufrcrum, (Aonycxarorcq coKpaqennt). M oa: em 6amo I Hedl,adm Opraun:aqufl TeKcra K2 BucxagunaH[e,roruqHo: crpyKTypareKcra coorBercrtsyernpeA,,Io)KeHHor\{y nnaHy;cpeAcrBa,roru.{ec ro il c Bq3r4err6paHsr n paBlln bHo; TeKcr pa:4e,reH ua a6:ausr. Moltem 6umt I uedoqcim 2 3agauue BbIrIo,.IHeHo: HeKoropbrc acncKTtr, yKa3aHHbleB 3aAaHnlrpacKpbrTbrHe nonHocTblo; ttMenTcfl oTAe,'rbHbre Ha pyu e Hllrf crureBoro o(rop u,r eu l.rl perrH. !,o ny crca em cn 2--7 uedoqemu BsrcrcagsrsaHneB ocHoBHoMi'rofl,rrtHo:I4Melorcq orAei'lbHbreorK,rroHeHhtl bHble HOAOCTaTKI4 O1-nJIaHa B CTpyKTypeBblCKa3blBaHHtl ; HMeIOTC9OT/ler'l bHbre n pn ncnon bfoBr HHH cpe/tc rB,rorr.rqcc roi.l c Bl lr4l 14Mclo rcr orneJrr HeAocrarKn npl,rAeneHHh reKcra sa a6:aur,r.lonycrcaentcn 2-3 uedoqima I 3aAaHne BbrnoJ'rHeHo He fioJlnocrbro: coAc p)KzlHHc orpa)Kzler yKa3aHHbte HC tsCCacneKTbr, ts3anaHr,rI,l;AocTaToqHo qacro BcrpeqarcTcr Hapy[re Hr{l c'I'r4,']e Bofo otpopna,re n ul. n 4u edoq e' moe. rc ae m cs 6 !,o 1,c' BulcxagunaHrreHe Bcerna rornqHo: ecrb 3HarrnrerbHbrcorKroHeHHt or npeAnoxeHHofo nnilHa, t{Meorcq MHoror{r.rcrcHHbleouir.r6rchs H C n o r ' r]bo B a H H Hc p c / l c r n J l o n 4 q e c K o i ca e r l l r 4 .n x H l t 6 o p o l p a H h , l c H : reKCTaua a6:aqsr orcyrcrByer aeJreHI4e 3aAasue He Bbrno,rHeuo:coAep)KaHne He orpaxaer re r 3itAaHHhn a c n e K T b r ,K o r o p b r ey K a 3 a H b B , nuf n ne coornercrByer rpe6yevou y o6re v y ( 200-250 c,roe), nfunn 6o,ree 30% oteera HMeer HenpoayKruRuufr xapaKTep(r. e. rexcryaJrbHo coBnaAaer c ony6,rlrxo naHHbrM l4croq H14KoM r{,'rH apyf HMH ' J K 3 a M e H a u h o HbHrM1 4p a 6 o r a r rt r ) Orcyrcrsyer JIof HKa B n ocrpoeHl4 14Bbrc Ka3brBaHuq ; rrpeAno)KeHHsl ri n,raH orBera He co6lrcnaercs { 0 flpumevaune: MHHr.{MalrbHoe Koi'urqecrBocroe - 180, - 275. Ecnu B corrnHeHr.{n179 c,roe, MaKcr4MiLnbHoe <,0,> BbICTaB,'tqeTCq 3a COAep)KaHl.Ie, eCJ'[{ CIrOn6Onee 276, To npoBep-flercg roJrbKo 250 c,ros or Haqa,'Ia Eal.lu .IIexcuxa fpauuarnxa Op$orpa$nfl lr rryHKryaqnfl K3 K4 K5 Irlc no,rs:yev sri.i c,roeapHrr ti sanac rrrrofi coorBercrrlyelnocrl BJrc 3 KOMMyHHKarn SHOH3aAaqe; t I p a K T i l q e c K uH e r H a p y u r e Hu n B ucno,Tb3()BzlH l,tt4reKcn Kt{ (l ourn6xa) 14cnol s:yrorcr rpaMMarl,rqecKue crpyKTypbrB cooTBeTcTBr,r r.{ c nocraBreHHoi,tsaaaqeti. fl parrnuecKll orcyrcrByrcr ourn6ru.l(l-2 Herpy6ueomu6xn) IrlN,leercqpriA rpaM Marn (IecKux our lt6or, He 3arpyAHar,ournx n o H l i M a H l r er e K c r a ( H e 6 o a e e4 - x orura6ox) Op@orpa$nqecKr,re oruu6rul npaKruqecKuorcyrcrByror. Te rccrpa3AeneH Ha npeAnoxeHVflc flpaBnr'rbHbrM nyHKryauhoHHbrM oQopv,reHnena( I-2 orun6ru) Irl Hreercs pfl A rpaM Marr4qecKrlx oltt u6orc, He 3arpyAHr rorrlHX l,llreercspr4 op$orpa$nvccrnx uf ntn nyHKryauhoHHbrx ouru6ox, tsToMr{I4crere, KoropbreHe3Haqnrer'rL,Ho 3arpyAHrrror noHHMaHue reKcra (ue 6o,ree4-x oruu6ox) l [4cnor s:yenru ir c,roaapnrr ii ganac c()o IrJeTcTtsyeT nocTfl tsneHHoil KoMMyHr.{Karu nuol,i 3a.4arte, oAHaKOBCTpeqanTCqOTAeIbHbte Heroq Hoc'rr4s ynorpe6,rcH il H cJroB (ue 6olee 4-x) -rrr.16o c.nouaputtii 3 a n a c o r p a H H q e H .H o , r e x c u r a nc no,'tb3oBaHanpaBHI t,Ho Hbreorun6rcn M Horoquc,'reH ypoBHrr,'ru6o oJ'reMeHTapHofo 0 14cnor s-rosaHHeonpaBAaHHo ot-paHl.{qeHHuln c,ronapHsti.l tanac, qacTo BcTpeqaroTcsHapyueHr4q B UCnOJ'I b30BaHL{t{,leKCUKLt. HeKoropbre 143KoTopbrxMoryT 3arpyaHrrTb rroH r4MaHr4eTeKcTa Irlcnors:yen srl.icrosaprrsrii :anac coorlrcrcrtrycrI IOcriluJtcHHoi.t KoM MyH 14Kilruguoti 3a/Iarte, 2 oAHaKO BCTperranTcfl oTAen bHbre HeroLl Hoc rt4 u ynorpc6,rcu u n c,'lorr( 2-3) r rr6oc.utlH:rpH r,rr.i 3anacofp:lFlHqen. Ho,rercnra oo t{cItoJt b3oBaHa I lpzlBt4jlbHo I I O H 1 4 M A H H CT C K C T A (4onycxaercs 6-7 ourn6oxn 3- 4 -x pa3AeJraxrparrrrrraruxn) ollru6xlr HeM Hofor{Hc,'IeHHbI, Ho 3aTpyAHfl IOT nOHLIMaHhe TeKCra (8 u 6o,ree) llpawr,ra opSorpa@ra14 H nyHKryauutr He co6lrcAamc;r (5 n 6oneeourn6ox) O TIPPIMETIAHI{fl - 2 6mna. 1. Marcuua-nrHsrri 6an.lr3a Kplrrepni;[email protected] rryHKryauuq,> B pa3nere<,fIHcbMo,> 2. llpu nonyqeHr.lu3K3aMeHyeNrulr 0 6a,'nonno KpHrepr{ro<<PeureHue Kor\r\{yHurarfisHorl3aAarit,t> B 0 6a,r,ros. BCe3aAaHlteoUeHl{BaeTCg <PeL[eHHeKoMMyHnxarnsHorl 3. fipn nony{eH[r{ 3K3aNleHyeMbrM xorr 6u I 6a[,'Iatro Kpr.{Tepr.rrc <,IeKcHKar. 3aAaqrr,> HeJrb3.rr cTaBr4Tb 0 6an,[oeilo Kpr.rTepr4]o + OIIIIIBKI,I Cpe4crna Jrorlr.recKoftcBr3u: . HenpaBllnbHoeHcrlor'rb3oBaHlle BBorHblxcJroB.BBoirHbIX BbrpaxeHnirIt colo3oB; o ylorpe6,reur4r.r ouru6xra s Mecror4Meuuil. IpauuarrvecxJre: . HenpaBH,'rbHoeyuorpe6:reHHeBpeMeH,rrpe&-roroB,aprnKneri; o HapyrrreHuenop-srKac,,'roB B rrpernoxeHur.{. Jlexcuqecxne: . HesepHoeyrorpe6,reHHe.rIeKcIlKlI; . Orulr6xr.rco c,ronoo6pa:oBaHl{eM u n nlr6ope qacrr.{pequ. flluxryauNoHHbre: . Harrr{caHr{e HenpaBr4,'rbHoe nporrucHbrxn crpovuux 6yra; rl'reHaMr{npenlo)KeHlas; . OrclrcrBue 3arrflTbrxMe)KnyoaHoponHbrMr.r o OrclrcrBue 3arlqrr,Ixrocre BBonHbrxxoucrpyxutnli; o OrclrcrBr{e ror{eKB KoHuenpennoxeHr.rq. flonropffournecs oruu6Kr{cqHrarorc.rr3a o.rlHyB paMKax onsoii rpar{Nrarr.rqecKorz, ,rexcuvecKorl, opQorpaSn.{ecxofi unr4nyHKryaur.roHHori rpynn br. Maxclrua:rr,uuri 6a,r,rsa nr.rcr,vo- 6 Maxcuva,rrHuii 6a,r:r:a coqttreHr.re- 14 pazrct - 20 O6urrariN{aKc}rMeLrbHnri 6a,r,r3a BecbnHcbMeHHbt:l' + TIPI4H,flTbIECOKPAIIIEH\Ifl [IPI4 TIPOBEPKECOqI,IHEHTITI Gr (gramn-rar)- rpalrnraruqecKHeoruu6rur Lex (lexis, vocabulary) - reKcuqecxr.reou,ru6xr.r Coh (cohesion) - ouru6xr.rB ricrrorb3oBaHuvcpencrB.rrornsecroil cB-s3H u,rrr{Mecror{naesufi Log (logic) - orclrcrBr,rei'roruKr,rB rroBecrBoBaHrrur Sp (spelling)- ourn6xv B npaBonHcaHnH P (punctuation) - olru6ru B rryHKryaur{u WO (word order) - orur.r6ruB nop.{nKec-lroBB npe.rlrro)KeHuu 19 g pEKoMEHAAIIT{I4rlo BbIIIoJ'IHEHITIo3MAHrlIf ycrHoIa.IAcrI,I Ero <IOBOPEHI{E>(3AnAHpIfl 41,42, 43,44\ nperlcraBJ'rqer co6oir KoMrrblorepu3upoBaHHuli recr. Bce gaAauvst 6yl]t"t roqB,tqrbc.s oAHo 3a npyfr{M Ha 3KpaHe KoN,rnbrorepa, 3K3aMeHyeulril HaroBapr.{Baer orBer B ulrxpo$ou. B xo,re aK3aMeHa 3anpeureHo Becrr.{ raxrae-,rn6o 3anr4cr{, Ha noAroroBKy K KaxIoMy 3a.[aHHIo Aaejrcq 1,5-2 ur.rHlrrt. 3ro o6yc,roa;reHo crpeN,r-rreHrreM rrpoBepr{TbcnoHTaHHy}o, a He rIoaroroB,TeHHlro pe q L'. VcrHa.s qacrb Ef3 cocrorrr rt3 verupeix :a,qaslni (e KI:lMax oHu uMenm o6osna,aeuunrcarc .,fosopeHrie> sadauu4 e1,42,43,44). (nx,rrovaqBpeMqHa nonroroBKy) - l5 uuH1r. O6uree BpeM.sorBera o.rlHofo3K3aI{eHyeN.loro Kaxroe nocnenyrcuee 3anaHHeeruaiirc.s troc,qeoKoHr{aHlrflBbrrroJ'rHeHr{q npenbuyuero 3aAaHu.fl. Bcd npev-a orBera seldrcs at'.1ilo3anncl. flocrapalirecr rrorrrHocrbroBbrrro,THurbrlocraBJreHHbre 3aAarIH,crapar)irecr roBopl{Tb gcHo H .rdrxo, He orxoAlrrb or reMbl Id c;reAoBarbnpe&rro)KeHHoMy nnaHy orBera. Tax sbt cMo)r(ereua6parr Han6o,rr,ruee Ko,rrr.rqecrso 6arriron. O 3AnaHlapI (41) 3aaaune I - .{reune Bcr,-rp{ se6o,rluoro reKcra HaytrHo-nonynqpHoroxapaKTepa.BpenaxHa nonroroBKy- l,5 unHytr. Bpeua Bbrror'rHeH[q3ar,aHritr roxe l,5 nuuymr, To ecrb:a l,5 Mr.rHyrbr BbI AonxHbI npoqrlTarb Becb reKcr rro,rrHocrbro.3a ycneuHoe BbrrroirHeHr{e nepBoro 3aAaHuqBbr - 0 6a,r,,roe. ilonyqaereI 6a,r,r.npII HeBbrrroirHeHrrr{ 3anaHrrq Brr He norTfrrre 6a.{:r,ec,rnesr: a) 4onycu.rre6o:ree5,llo6ux olru6ox B npou3HotxeHr4u; 6) 6yaere nocroflHHo 3anr,rHarbc.rr 14.ue,[arbnay3brraN{.r,fe r{x He no,rxHo 6rrrl, BcneAcrBr4e qero BaruapeqbcraHer rpynHo nou-flruori. Texno,rorugBbInoJ'IHeHHq sa.[aHugI o ilpoquraiire rercr 3anaHlrqnpo ce6r rr.ltr rueinoroNr; BbrnenurerpynHbreAnq npon3HorrreHr{fl BHhlraHuer{? c:-rr{THocrr u 6er:rocrbpeqH. cnoBa;no4ylrai.rreo6 uHrosaur.iu;o6paura-fl . r{t{ra.s reKcr, n:6eratire ueo6ocuosaHHl'Ix [ay3 B peqn. BepHo paccraBnxrlre yaapeHrrfl.t4 flpaBunbHot4crto-[b3yl"tre HHToHaun]o, He Hap]/ulal:ire uoplttl npol43HottleHH.tI ciroB. O6paaeqsaAaHnqI Imaginethat you are preparinga projectwith your friend.You havefoundsomeinteresting materialfor the presentation andyouwantto readthis text to yourfriend.Youhave1.5 minutesto readthe text silently,thenbe readyto readit out aloud.Youwill not havemorethan 1.5minutesto readit. ...You don't see many birds in winter. Most have left your area.Those that stay are not as active.Activit-vusesenergythat is neededto keepwarm. The worst problemsfor birds in winter are gettirlgenoughheatand holdingon to the heatorrceit is made.Theseare problernsfor all birds. But it is especiallytrue for rerv small ones.The1,'cannolfind enoLrghfood. The weatherstaysso cold for so long that thel'cAnnot eat enoughto keepalive. But birds havemany waysof fighting tlie cold. You shiverto keepwarm.The heirtthat r oLrmakeis mademostlvin your muscles. Tlie muscles aborrt,useyour make nrore heat wherrthcl'arc iicti\e. So one rval'of keepingr,varmis to r.rlove bodl' needsheat.the nrusclestightenand loosen Anotlrerway rs to shiver.Whcn 1'oLrr i nruscles. I luicklv. They becomeactive. Justas1'oushirerto keep\\':rrnt.so do birds. i I 20 c 2 (42',, 3AnAHr4E B :artannn 2 npeftraraercq o3HaKo\{r]Tbcsc peKraN{HrrMo6:bqs.,reHneM 14 3anarb narb nPtMblx BoflpocoBHa ocHoBer.qroLreBbrx Bpelrfl c"roa. Ha no,irroroBKy 1,5 urluyrrr. 3areNrssr nonfrure no 20 cexyHrilHaro, .{ro6113a,ir.arb raxasrir Bonpoc. 3a npaeulrHo ianaHHbrneonpoc Bbr[oryqaere no o,itHorry6a,l-rry, a Bcero :a :a,rasne - 5 6a,'L'Ioe. Bst ge norTyrlt{Te 6an.q:a Bonpoc,ec,rLr: a) esr :alarrn BorrpocHe ror, rcoroprrriuaao (uanpr.r\rep. B rrepBoNr 3a,laHnilBaN,r Har,oy3Harb Aary ornpaBreHnq,a Bbr3atraereBonpoco iare nprr6srrnn): 6) evecro nprr\,roroBorrpocaelr:anaelre rocsenFrsrri.Hanpnrrep, rperni;i nyHKr rpe6yer or Bac Borlpocao 3aBTpaKe. flpannlsnufi aonpoc r.oJtx(eH 38) rarb c,le,ryrcruuN,r o6pa:ou: Is breakfast included?Ecru sst cKaxere I'd like to know if breakfastis included,ro He rro-rry.{ure 6aru. raK KaKBbl 3anarv He nprvorZ Bonpoc,a rocueHusrii: n) no eaueir [.rHToHaunr{ HeqcHo.ralaere-]rrtsbrtsonpoc. r) elr Aonycxaere ouu6ru ( rpauuarr{r{ecKrre il,[eKcrrqecrne ), roropbre 3arpynHq]or noH14 MaHHe 3a.[,aH Hofo Bonpoca.Aprurcnu He cqura]orcs orur.r6xau l.r. TexHororuq BbrrrorHeHu s gal'ap'us2 . Bonpocbr r,o.'r)KHu6srrr rpaN,rNrarr.rqecKr{ BepHbnru.tr4:6eral:ireHeo6ocHoBaHHbrx [ay3 B peqn. BepHopaccraBnaiirey.lapeHr.rq, rtpaBlr;rbHo rlcro-as:fiire HHroHaulno,He uapyulatire HOpM br npon3HolxeHI,tfc,.toB. . BHuMare,rlbHoH3)reIrrrenpeil-[oxeHHvlo L{l,r}ocrpaunFo r{ onpe.[eJ'rl,rre,qro oHa peK[aMr.rpyer (:ro Krr]oqeBoe cJroBonouano6rrrcsBaN{ilprr nocrpoeHnu eonpoca). qro \lHorr.re{-roplr-v:rnpoBKr.r . O6parr4reBHHr\{aHHe, He co,TepxarHenocpercrBeHHo qro BorlpocIITeJIbHbrx cJ'roB. florr Hure, croBoZlace/location nperflo-iraraer BonpocWhere...?,croso time Bonpoc When...?, c,roso durationnpennonaraerBonpocHow long...?, c-irosocost/pricenpetnonaraer Bonpoc How much...I c,,roeoavailability ilperfno-iraraerBofrpocIs/Are there...? . fIoNIHI{Te,qro B 3anaHttltHeo6xo,ftir\{o rar:laBarb npr\'rbreBonpocbl.He gaqngarire cBoil Bonpocsrc @pa: Couldyou tell ne.../ I wonder.../I wouldlike to know. . He:a6sreaiire o roM, qro onr4HH Tor xe BonpocN{o)KHo 3artarbpa3Hbr\,rH cnoco6anru. price How much doesthe ticket cost?What is tl-re of the ticket?How much is the ticket? . Ec,'tt4Bbr noHur\{aere,qro ronycrn,'Iu oxln6ry, :a.faiire ror xe Bonpoc eue pa3. 3a 20 ceKyHA,KoropbreorBorqrcq ua xaxrfnli Bonpoc. Bbr BrrorHe3To ycneere. 3acqnrau 6y,rer 14cnpaBneHuufi napuaur. O6pa:eq tarasus,2 .1.,.t*r ro"lnt b GreatlandscaDe txcellentservrcr You are consideringstayinga night at the hotel and you'd like to get more information. In 1.5 minutesyou are to ask five direct questionsto find out the following: 1) spccialoffers 2) localsights 3) numberof availablerooms ,1)list of servicesthey'provide 5) if they havea website You have20 secondsto askeachouestion. 2l IIPIIMEP BbIIIOJIHEHI,Iq 3AnAHI,Ifl 2 (BAPI'IAHTbI BOIIPOCOB) o l) Do you haveany specialoffers? 2) Are there any local sightsnearby? 3) How many rooms are available? 4) What servicesdo you provide? 5) Do you havea website? o 3AIAHI{E 3 (43) B :anaHun 3 npe&uaraercreu6parb orHy u: rpdx $ororpaQlrr"rll orucarb ee!ua ocsone [rraHa. Bpernln Ha rronroroBKy- 1,5 ulrulrtr. Bpevx orBera- 2 lrrrrryrsr. q ganauug3 TexHo,rornqBbInoJrHeHH B aasuoM 3aAaHr.r{ ueo6xorl.ruoonucarb rorbKo OAHy Kaprr4HKy. r{To flouHure, B orBere.4o,rr)KHbr rrpnc}TcrBoBarbBcryrr}rrerbr{aq(I havechosenphoto number I and I want to tell you about it) H 3aK,rrrcr{Hre-r-rbHas $pa:u (That is all I wanted to say about this photo) Crpoiire BbIcKa3bIBaHHe crpofo rto npe[rro)KeHHoN,ry nnaHy.He :a6srsafireo6 ucno,rb3oBaHr4H c,rloB-c8q30rc. 3Tofo 3a.tlaHr.{s no KaxnoMy [yHKTy rl.fiaHa A-rrqycfleuIHoro BbrrroJ'IHeHl,{q Heo6xoAuuoBbIcKa3arr3 npe,uroxeHlrq-Hren(cuHrarcnvecKHpacnpocrpaHeHHsle $pastr) floc,rea,oBarerbHopacxpsreaure xaxlsrri nyHKT rr,rraHa,npe,Lqara.s apryMeHTaur4lo, fne 3To seo6xoauvo. He ye,reraiirecb cJ'n4rrlKor\{ or}dcaHlreMKaproHoK.TaKKaKBaMMo)KerHe xBarnrb rllera,rlbHbrNt BpeMeHrr. . . . o o O6paeeusatanus3 l. Imagine that while travellingduring your holidaysyou took somephotos.Chooseone photo to present to your friend. You will haveto start speakingin 1.5 minutesandwill speakfor not more than 2 minutes. In your talk rememberto speakabout: - when you took the photo; whal/who is in the photo; what is happening: why you took the photo; why you decidedto showthe pictureto your friend You haveto talk continuouslyostarting with: I've chosenphoto number... 22 fIPI4MEP BbITIOJIHEHVIfl3MAHI{fl 3 C 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. C BcryueHue: I havechosenphoto numberl and I want to saya few words about it. I took this photo when I went to Scotlandwith my friends.It was last summer in July. We were hiking then. The people in this photo are my close friends. In the background,you can see a beautiful lake which is situatedon the top of the mountain. The color of the lake is reallyamazing.I couldn't believethat soniethinglike that realll,erists. As you can see, my friends are sitting on the ground enjoying the breathtakingview of the mountain lake.My friendsare wearingcasualsunlmerclothesasthe weatheris nice and warm. I took this photo becauserny friends askedme to take a picture of them. They like having photos from all our journeys.In addition,that view wasone of the best during our trip and I wantedto keep a memory of it. I decidedto showthis picture to you becauseI wantedto sharethat wonderfulmomentwith you, as you hadn't seenthis lake before.What's more. photographyis my hobby as you know and I'm very proud of this picture. 3ar,rp.reHlae:That is all I wantedto tell you about this photo, I hopeyou liked it. YHI4BEPCAJIbHbIEOPA3bI NJIA 4I{ 5 IIYHKTOB 3ANAHTIfl 3 4. I took this photo becausemy (father/mother/sister/brother/relatives...) askedme to do it. What is more, that wasthe (best/brightest/funniest... day) of m-vholidaysso I wantedto keepa memory of it. 5. I decidedto show you the picture becauseyou wantedto know more about my (father/mother/ sister/brother/family...).Moreover,photographyis my hobby as you know and I'm very proud of this picture. 3ax-rto.{eur.re: That is all I wantedto tell vou about this photo. I hone vou liked it. 4 (44) 3AnAHr4E o B :anaHun 4 ctasvtcs 3a.[aqacpaBHrrrbane Qororpa$trrr Ha ocHoBenpeano)KeHHoro nJraHa. BpenrnHa noaforoBKy 1,5nr.rHyrn.BpenrrorBera 2 ulrHl.rtr. r . g ga4ar'ng4 TexHo,rorlrqBbIno,'IHeHI{ BHuuareJrbHo npourlraiire l.rHcrpyKur.rro K 3anaHnro; fIoAynaliTe, vto MoxHo cKa3arr,no KDKnoNiyrryHKTy3anaHuq;npoayualire K,,rroqeBbre Qpa:sr I4 CnOBa; . o o r . Crporo c,'reayi;irenpeuroxeHHoMy n.[aHy: Cocrasbre He MeHee3-x @pa:anq pacKpbrrrrqKaxroro nyHKra. He:a6yArre flpo Bcr]murenbHyr.o !r 3aK,rrrcqr.r'reJrbHyro Qpa:tr; Zcno,rmyrtre pa:uoo6pa:Hyro neKcHKy,coorBercrByroruyrcTeMer.{rTJ'r}ocrpaunri. flovHlrre, qro BpeMqBbrno,rIHeHI{fl 3axaHnfl- 2 rvrnHy'rlt. z) O6pa:euzalauvs 4 Studythetwophotographs. In 1.5minutesbereadyto compareandcontrastthephotographs: givea brief descriptiori of the photos(action.location) saywhat the prctureshavein common sayin what way the picturesare different saywhiclr of the concertspresented in the picturesyou'd prefer explainwh1' lbu will speakfor not more than 2 minutes.You haveto talk continuously. IIPI{MEP BbITIOJIHEHI4,I 3ANAHUfl 4 Bcryn,'reur.re: I havebeenofferedtwo picturesto compareand contrast.They are unitedby the topic "Music". In picturenumberonewe can seea band playing.Perhaps,thel'are playinglazzmusic in a club or a concerthall. In the secondonewe can seea kid playingthe piano. He mightbe havinga musical examin the school. ) These two pictures have a lot in common. To begin with, both pictures were taken during some musical event. Furthermore,in both picturespeopleare playing musical instrumentson stage. The musicianslook focused.The atmosphere in both photosis positiveand relaxing. _). However,there is a differencebetweenthese two pictures as well. [n the left picture, we see the audience,in the right one - onl-vthe musician.Besides,the first one showsus someprofessional musicians,whereas the boy lookslike a studentin a musicalschool. .I I wouldpreferthe concertpresentedin picturenumber2 (for a nunrberof reasons) To beginwith, I usedto be a studentin the musicalschooland I remenrberhow hard it wasto play alone on stage.Each eram and eachconcertwasa big stressfor me and my parents.Moreover, I loveplayingthe piano and goingto suchtvpe of concerts.This type of musicis my favoriteone. It lielpsme to relaxand get a lot of pleasure.Last but not least,classicalmrrsicbroadensmy mind and is greatfor personaldeveloprneut That's all I wantedto tell you aboutthesetwo pictures(photos) 3aKrrloqeFlre. I . l4 ., BbIPA)KEHVIfl,NJIfl TIOCTPOEHTIfl OTBETA K 3MAHI4 flM 3 144 Describing the picture . The pictureshows/ depicts...In this picturethe actionis takingplacein. (a house;a living room; a gymi a swimmingpool, a themepark etc.). . we can see... In this pictr,rre . T h e r ei s . . .i n t h e p i c t u r e . . I n t h e b a c k g r o u n d o f t h i s p i c t u r e t h e rl a e ri se : l c a n s e e / m a k e o u t ( s o m e p i e c e s o f f u r n i t u r e ; sportsequipment;somepeopledoingshoppingetc.). . etc.). In the foregroundI can see(somechildren:a family.a shopassistant . The peoplein the pictureare...Lookingat thesepeopleI getthe impressionthat they are (havingdinner;watchinga film; havinga break;doir,gtl-reirhomeworketc.) o W h a t t h e p e o p l el o o k l i k e .( A g e / h e i g h t / b u i l d / h a i r / e y e s / n o s e / m o u t h / s p e c i a l f e a t u r e s / generalimpression) o What the peopleare wearing.(Casually/ formally-dressed; the descriptionof piecesof clothes . The peoplein the picture look... bored / annoyed/ upset/ sad/ miserable/ lonely / unhappy / depressed/ confused/ furious / angry/ relaxed/ concentrated/ worried /happy / tired / interested /puzzled/confident/interested/excited/calm/pleased/thrilled / relieved/ amazedbecause... . The peoplein the picture seemsadbecause... . The generalatmospherein the picture is positivebecause... . The picture wastakenin... . The weatherin the picture is... Describethe season/ weather.I think / suppose/ guessit's summerspring/ winter / autumn since.. . . Talk about the atmosphere.The atmospherein the picture is (friendly,peaceful,relaxing, tense,busy,warm, cozy,happy etc.). Comparing and contrasting . Both photos show... . In both picturesthe peopleare... . One similarity is that... o What both thesepictureshavein common is... . . o . o . o However,there are alsosomedifferencesbetweenthe pictures. The pictureon the left is more...than the otherone. The situationshown in picture I is more ... than the situationin picture 2. The peoplein the first pictureare less...than the peoplein the otherone. This man looks...while the otherone is rather... The main differenceis (that)... Another important differenceis that... 25 o PAEOTA C AI{CKO M - II PI,IJIOX(EHI,TEM o6yvarouruii noco6Nro nlicK-npnno)KeHue r 3To r\rynbrr4Menlllistrrl KoMrr,rteKT, npeAHa3Har{euHlti.r KaK [rlg pa6orrr B K,rlacce,TaK r,I r:LrrqcaMocroqre,lsFlori rIoAforoBKI4 ] {au[xcq x Ef3. fltzcx cogep)Klrr rlporpar.{Nr,v-rrM}rrarop vcrsoil qacnr EfO 'Test Recorder' c Aecrrbro yHI4KaJIbHbIMI4Bapr{aHTaMI4r{ cncreuoil 3anvclt orBeroB, Kpurepur{ oueHKr4 r.{ peKoMeHilapl4v tKcfleproB rlo Bblrro..rHeHtrro 3a.1aHhrlycrHorl qacrtt. Bce Qari,rrl nocTy[Hbl r.{3 r{HTepaKTr.rBHofoMeH}o. Ha 6olrur.rHcTBe KoMnbroTepoB MeHro 3arlycKaercq aBToMarr.IqecKLInpr{ BcraB-rreHr.ru{ ar{cKa B nr{cKoBo.{,. Ecn[ 3Toro He npon3otrrJro, Bbr llerKo Moxere 3anycrr{Tb MeHro caMr{ nsor7ubrM [Ie;TyKoru no Qari,ry 'autorun.exe', conepxauleMcrl HA.III4CKC. ,iffi#*=e i,-,, ,::i., - ,:,,...:".: :-^i,." Pa6ora c nHcKoM He rpe6yer HI4KaKrrxrofionHr.{Te.r'rbHbrx nporpaMM r,r orrrr,rMH3r4poBaHa rIoA Bce aKTyanbHbreHa raHnstir MoMeHTBepcr.ruMicrosoft Windows @. B c,'ryrae Bo3Hr4KHoBeHvfl TexHt{r{ecKl{x BonpocoB Bbt r\,Io)KeTe o6parurtcn K pa3rfe.qyolloNlo[Ib" B N,{eHIO nI{CKa HJ'tHCBq3aTbcflC pa:pa6oru lrKaMr.rro e - mail [email protected]. 26 TexcrH nrq nonrorosK[ ycrHrlx H nHcrN{eHHHx rHcxa3rrsaHuft Read the text, learn the vocabuluryand disczss EDUCATION Educationis the mostpowerfulweapon which you con useto changethe world. Nelson Mandela Educationplaysa predominantrole in this modern world. Everypersonin his/her life dealswith education.It is one of the most valuablepossessions a man can get in his/her life. Some people think that the purpose of education is to teach a student how to live his life by developinghis mind and equippinghim to dealwith reality.He hasto be taughtto think. to understand. to prove. He has to be taught the essentialsof the knowledgediscoveredin the past and he has to be be equippedto acquireother knowledgeon his own. Otlier peoplesaythat the aim of educationshor"rld to teachpeoplerather how to think, than what to think; ratherto improvepeople'sminds, than to load one's memorlrwith the thoughtsof other men. During all the periodsof human history educationrankedhigh among people. Human progress mostly dependedupon well-educatedpeople. We get our knowledgeof this world and life through would havebeenimpossibleif peoplewerenot interestedin learning education.Many famousdiscoveries something.Self-educationis very important for the developmentof human'stalents.Only through self. educationa personcan becomea Education developsall sidesof human personality,revealshis/her abilities.Besides,it helps a personto understandhimself,to choosethe right way in this world. Whatevercareeryou choose,getting an appropriateeducationis the only way to becomesuccessful. Educational systemsvary in different countries but the general structure is about the same everywhere. Before going to primary school some kids attend kindergartens where they learn to communicate,to play and where they are taught pre-writing and pre-readingskills, as well as basic arithmetic and drawing. Our educationusuallybeginswith primary or elementaryschoolat the age of 6 or 7.ln most countries, it is con-rpulsoryfor children to receiveprimary and secondaryeducation. Primary and secondaryschoolstogethercomprise ll yearsof study.The boundary betweenprimary and secondary educationvariesfrom country to country. In Russiachildrengo to secondaryschoolat the ageof l0- I l. Dependingon the system,schoolsfor this period or a part of it may be calledgymnasia,lyceums,middle schoolsor colleges.The purposeof secondaryeducationcan be to give common knowledgein many differentschoolsubjects,to preparefor either highereducationor vocationaltraining. To go to a higher educationalinstitution, all applicantsare requiredto passthe Stateexam on the subiectsthey choose, and then submitthe resultsto the appropriateinstitutionwherethey will be consideredfor the enrolmenl. or post-secondary education is the third stage. It is the non-compulsory tlighqeilueatiq educationallevel following the completionof a secondaryeducation.Collegesand universitiesare the main institutionsthat providehighereducation. 27 <l> STUDENTCARD Givea 2-2.5 minute talk on the topic"Educotiort". Rememberto talk about: . o o o The role of educationin our life The stagesofthe educationalsystemin Russia The place you study Whether you have any favorite subjectsand why Answerthe question'Do you think it is essentialto havehighereducationnowadays?V/hV/ why not? VOCABULARYEXERCISES I. Put each of thefollowing wordsin its correct spacein the sentencesbelow approach dean l. 2. 3. +. _5. (). l. tolerance boardingschool dayschool issues skills motivation headmaster Readingandwritingaretwo of the which areconsideredto be the most important to life. Associationmeets monthlv to discr-rss The Parent-Teacher concerningthe school. A complexsubjectis besttaughtusinga simple Miss Dean hasso much that shecan handleeventhe most dimcult students. Teachinga subjectin a lively,interestingway increasesa student's to learn. The of the ans facultvusedto be the of a primaryschool. When I went to the I onlv sawnlv parentsduring the holidavs.but now that I go to the I seethem evervnisht. 2. Exploin the dffirence a. To take an exam and to passan exan-l b. Compulsorvand voluntary c. To educateand to brine uo 3. Put each ofthefollowingwords or phrasesin its correct spacein the passagebelow state primary privateseminar degree secondary academic co-educational lecture tutorial fees terms graduate breakup compulsory grant nurseryschool go to ir___, Whenchildrenaretwo or three1'cars old. thel sometinres wherethey learn games simple zrndsongs.Their first realschoolis called school.In Britainchildrenstarl tlieir schoolat the ageof five.The and is divided 1'earin Britainbeginsin Septernber into three Schools for the sllnrmerholicla-v irr JLrlr,. educationbeginsat the age of about eleverr.and most schoolsat this levelare which meansboysand girls str-rd1 togc'therin the sanreclasses.In Britaineducationrs from 5 to l6.vearsof age.but rlartl'childrerrchooseto remairrat schoolfclranothcrtwo or threevears a i t e r l 6 l o t a k eh i g h e rc \ u m s . \ l o s t c h i l d r e ng o t o s c h o o l sw , h i c ha r e l r a i n t a i n e db v 28 schoolswhich the governnlentor local educationauthorities.br-rtsomechildrenattend can be very expensive.Universitl,coursesnormally lastthreeyearsand then students (an . At university,teachingis by which meansthey receivetheir (a classof students individuallessonbetweena teacherand one or two students). (when a teachergivesa preparedtalk to a number of discussinga subjectwith a teacher), placeare giverra students)and of courseprivatestudy.Most peoplewho receivea universit-v and livirrgexpenses. by the governmentto pay their 4. Look at the list of qualities below. Wich, in your opinion, are the most important onesneededto be a good teacher? A good teachershould: . speakclearly . establisha friendly relationshipwith students . have a lot of confidencein front of a large group o understandstudent'sindividualneeds . encouragestudentsto be creative . keeptight controlofa groupofstudents o give studentsa lot of praiseand support r attendrefreshercoursesregularly . spendtime preparinglessonstl-roroughly . punish studentswho do not work hard enough Make sentencesusingphrasesexpressingpersonal opinion (ln m1' opiuiolr. to my way of thinking, I believe... ) 5. Put each ofthefollowingwords in its correct spacein the sentencesbelow cloakroom l. 2. 3. 4. 5. i lab privateschool art room comprehensive school canteen It is necessaryto pay school f-eesin order to go to a , whereasa is run bv the stateand thereforeis lree. Todayin the they had my favoritemeal: steakand chips. put your hats,scan'esand coatsin the You should last week rvhen he mixed the wrong chemicals John nearl-"-blew up the science together. The wallsof the are coveredin pictureswhich havebeenpaintedby the pupils. WORD FOR]VIATION 1. Fill in the correct word derivedfrom the word in brackets StephenMurray"s teenageyearswere difficult. He never nranagedto gain the (approve/of his teachersat sclrool.He ignoredrepeateduarningsto chiin-rehis attitudeor be crpelled. (intellect/pupil u'astirrghis opportLruities by _ He was widely consideredArl___ (complain)aboutthcir son but in spite (behave)in class.His parentsreccir'edregr.rlar (rebel)behavior.it u.:rstheir beliefthat the schoolrvas of their own experience of Stephen's (understand) that arosefrom time to tinte, as nruchto blame as Steoheurvasfor the (suggest) (bring)wasin that the bol"s They rearcted angrilylcl any (respond/for Stepltert's way lackof discipline. ar1-v _ 29 2. Fill in the correct word derivedfrom the word in brackets SchoolThen and Now (compare)betweenthe time when tliey Parentsand teachersare alwaysmaking_ (child) and the present (generate).They sayeverythingwasbetter than it were_ (educate).For exarnple,they say'theyusedto work much is today,especiallyirr (hard) in school, and that nowadays,we aren't verv interested.I (agree),becausewe (revise)for spend hours every day doing homework after our lessonsor (examine).I wonder if our parentsreally had to study so much after school everyday. In my opinion, (exaggerate)to say we have forgotten how to play. I think one reason why it is no (behave)in classis becausethey needto get rid ofstress. kids 3. Fill in the correctword derivedfrom the word in brackets Teaching children at home (surprise)that It is compulsory for children to have an education, but you may find it place the teachingdoesn'talwayshaveto take in the schoolbuilding.As long asthey havethe (necessity)paper (qualify),parentsthemselvescan teachtheir children at home. They may (decide)to do this becausethey are (happy)with a particularschool, make the (know) of their own child's needsthan teachers or becausethey feel that they have more (choose) (criticize)of parentswho make this _ at school. However,there may be _ (social) becausesomepeoplefeelthat childrenwho are taughtat home find it difficult to mix (support)of the idea disagreewith this. They with young people of their own age.However. think it is a betterway of teachingchildrenwhat is reallyirnportant. 4. Fill in the correctword derivedfrom the word in brackets It is nevertoo lateto learn? My attemptto teachmyselfSpanishhasbeen (successful) so far and I (able)to learnforeignlanguagesat my age. am wonderingwhetherI arn simply (intelligent), so (patient)and neither I am I am not just (possible) why have I found it almost to learn more than the basicsof Spanish (adequate)beyond very after nearly slr months of study? My vocabulary is (satisfy)to saythe least.I suspectI sound basic expressionsand my grammar is (polite). very too. RecentlyI met a Cubantourist in a cafeand (appropriate)becauseshe looked (fortune).I must havesaid something very offendedarrdgot up and sat at anothertable. 30 5. Fill in the correctwordderivedfromthe wordin brackets How to learnvocabulary (press) to learn huge amounts of Studentsare under enormous (guide)as to how to go about it. They have vocabularvbut thev are rarelv siven (tend) to try and learn long lists by hean, but this is hardly the most (efficiency)approach to the problem. The golden rule is to do lots of (revise)at regular intervals.Secondly,studentsshould concentrateon words (frequent).particularlyeverydaywords which also improve the with rhe highest (fluent).They also should take every students'spoken (opportune) ( psychology) to usethe wordsin communication- thereis considerable evidence that learnerswho like using foreignlanguages (perform). improvetheir oral + WRITING Osuarcouamecb c npasuna,MuHonucaHuflituttHoeonucbna (c.u. pazdet Pexoneadaquu no HanucaHuro nucw,rortu.tHoeo xapoKmepa)u euno.tuumendauue PersonalLetter This is a partof a letterfronrJenny.yourEnglishpenfriend ...1 am getting ready for my A-levels at the moment. It's rather dfficult for me to rememberall the necessoryfactsandfigures. And whendo you haveexamsin Russis?Do you find it easyto revise?Do you study at night? And another thing! My parents sayyou could comeand visit us in summer. Wouldyou Iike to? I huve to go now as I haveloads of homeworkto do. Drop me a line whenyou can. Bestwishes, Ienny Writebackto Jennv In your letter . . answerall herquestions. ask3 questions aboutyourtrip to England Write100-140words. Remember the rulesof letterwritilts. al JI .} GUIDED WRITING paccytrcdeuun (cu. pazden Ozuarconamecac npasuxailu HanucaHun co.tuHeHuttc 3)'IeMeHnta.vu <,Moennenusr>)u sbtnornume3adauun no Hanuca+urucoquHeHun Perco*tendouuu I. Study the ides about getting higher educartonlagreeor disagreewith them and add your own ones . It is better to continue educationto get necessaryknowledgefor our future profession. . It is better to start working right after leaving school to find out what your interests are to chooseyour luture career. . If you start working right after school you will become independentof your parentsquicker. O, university you will be able to make good friends who shareyour interests. : a a l. (lse the argumentsaboveto completea compositionon thefollowing topic Getting university education is essentialfor evetyoneafter leovingschool. What is your opinion? Write 200-250 words. Use the following plan . . . . . make an introduction.(statethe problem) expressyour personalopinion and give 2-3 reasonsfor your opinion. expressan opposingopinion and give 1-2 reasonsfor this opposingopinion. expresswhy you don't agreewith the oppositlgopinion makea conclusionrestatingyour opinion PARAGRAPH I Many roads are openfor school-leaversthereforeit is not easyfor them to make the right choice.Some students claim that However,othersbelievethat )/, PARAGRAPH2 u.tunpunepatu), In my opinion( 2-3 apeyt\teHma c nodmeeptrcdexunnu PARAGRAPH3 On theotherhand,somepeoplearguethat(npomueonotoJtcHofl molrKospeHufl c apeyrreHmauu) _ PARAGRAPH4 (o1oncuuma, I disagree with theaboveideo(s)because noqevyHecoz,,raceH c ude,snuusnapazpaSa3, nodmeep dumb ap eyMeHn7o,\,tu, He no6mopn n uluu u nap aep ar! 2) PARAGRAPH 5 Takingeverythinginto consideration, thereare tv,opointsof viewongettinghighereducation.Tbny way of thinking, aa -tJ Read the text, Iearn the vocabularyand discnss MY FUTURECAREER lVork to become.not lo acctuire EtbertUunnora Choosinga careeris one of those important decisionsthat can changethe courseof our life. An individual can decideto follow in the footstepsof a parent or take over a family business.For others, careeris the pursuit of a passionor lifelong dream. Whether one's path is clear or uncertain,careful planning may lead to the job of a lifetime. There is a higli ealqpelitiotl in the world of careersand professions.The lack of guiding services and ever-increasing unemploymenthavecomplicatedthe decision-makingprocess.Most of the young men and women feel confused,indecisiveand frustratedin searchof suitablejobs. If you havean ideaof the careerpath !'ou want to pursue,it can help you makethe best decisions your about training and education.Manv linesof work requirespecificdegreesand certifications,which can take yearsto achieve.Understandingthe requirementsof your chosenprofessionwill allow you prepareyourselftbr the careeryou want. High schoolstudentsare at a stagein their liveswhen the-vhaveto decideupon a careerpath. No doubt, schoolplaysan important part in the decision-makingprocessas it teachesus differentsubjects, and helpsus discoverour specialtalentsand communicatewith other people.Teachersprovide helpful guld€lx€s and make objectiveassessments for a high schoolstudent.Parentsare very keento help their children makegood careerdecisions.Opinionsof our friendsand relativesare alsovery important. Choosingan appropriatecareerinvolvesmakingan honestself-evaluation of your talents,abilities and interests.While your decisiorl may change over time due to different circumstances,having a professionalobjectivewill help you makecritical decisions. Nowadays,there are more factorsfor peopleto take into considerationwhen choosinga job. In addition to the remuneration.many people may consideriob jaUsfaelia!, careergrowth opportunity, and the balancebetweenlife and work as other important motiveswhen selectinga workplace.Some people arguethat financial gain is gssenIialfor a personwhen he or she selectsa career,while others disagreewith it. Of course,money is important.Thereare lots of thingsmoney can buy, including social slatusand aonyerttgncg!f]1fb. Evenwhen cl'roosingjobs, many people look at the pay before considering what the job actllallyinvolves.Everyonewantsto meetthe needsof his family and children.However,if you enjoy your work, yolr are more likel-vto succeedin your career.You may not get a high salaryin the beginning,but your passionwill help you developprofessionally. On the other hand, if you are in a career you you go don't won't that like, are havethe rnotivationto to work. This lack of enthusiasmwill limit your chancesof professionalgrowth. Worse,it could leadto stressand man-vhealthproblerns. Throughoutyour career,you nlustbe ableto summarizeyour work history,outline your skillsand emphasizetraits you havefor future work. The ability to make a professionalqualificationsstatement suchas a resumeor CY is very important nowadays. Finally, when you are given tlte job of your dreamstry to remembereverl.thingyou know, be punctual, hardworkirtgand do your best. a^ J.+ STUDENT CARD C Give a 2-2.5 minute talk on the topic "Mv Future Career". Rememberto say: o o . . Whetherit is an easytask to choosea future careerand why What important thingsyou shouldkeepin mind choosinga future job Ifjob satisfactionis important What job you are goingto choose Answerthe question:What role does school play in the choice of profession? Translateand usein your own sentences: 1. Frankly speaking.... 2. To be well-groundedin the many subjects 3. To cut a long story short, I'd like to specializein the sphereof ........ 4. To havework experience... Peoplelookfor jobs at dffirent places. One can: . be employedby the governmentor a company ' work/be freelance Weofien speak of: ' full-time jobs ' part-timejobs ' regularjobs ' odd jobs Iobs can ofer someprospects: ' promotion . financial reward ' perks and bonuses ' good job opportunities Iobs can be atffactive and unattractive. Theseare somequolities that make them such. Attractive jobs jobs Unattractive creative challenging exciting fulfilling interesting pleasant popular prestigious backbreaking boring dangerous exhausting messy monotonous not respected tiring satisfuing skillful rewarding well-paid 35 Diferent jobs can require: . . . . . . specialknowledge accuracy courage a good imagination a l o t o f ( l i t t l e )e x p e r i e n c e meetingpeople ' ' ' . . physicalstrength specialtraining working from home/ travelinga lot working late (long) hours working night shifts Are thesejobs popalar? Describe them and explain whyyou considerthempopular? Accountant, airhostess,architect, (auto)mechanic.carpenter,chef, chemist, databaseadministrator, designer,surgeon,dentist,interpreter/translator. interiordecorator.journalist,lawyer,librarian,model, musician,nurse, photographer.police officer.programmer,editor. electrician,engineer,estateagent, fashiondesigner,firefighter,hairdresser, receptionist,secretary,socialworker,sport instructor,teacher, travelagent,vet, pharmacist.plumber,tailor, mason. CV (CurriculumVitae) - personalinformation, information about your education,qualifications,skills and experience. Letter of application- descriptionof your personalqualities,qualificationsand skills required to a particularjob, writterrin a form of a formal letter. Here is a list ofpoints, which you mightfind important whenyou are lookingfor a job. llhich are the 3 most important and the 3 least importantfor you? Giveyour reasons ' . . . . . . top wages opportunity to useyour own ideas on-the-job training when you begin further training health insurance chanceto help other people opportunityto becomewell-known . . . ' . . ' outdoor work no specialqualificationneeded re-eularworking hours flexibleworking hours work in a team with friendly people opportunityto beconteself-employed short wav from home Sudy the vocabulary,fill in the missing words Use: I am verv... ...isone of my strongpoints. accurate adaptable adaptability cooperative creative creatlvltv flexible fleribility energetlc organized organizatlon perslstent pr*.1*l punctualit), ..rp"t*Ot. t".tfrl tact determined irrtelligent - 36 VOCABULARYEXERCISES I. Choosethe right word 1. A(n) repairscar engines,whereasa(n) usesscientific knowledgeto developmachines.(mechanic/ engineer) 2. A(n) is responsiblefor the preparationand publicationof a newspaper,book or printsthemreadyto be sold.(publisher/editor) magazine,while a(n) 3. work on beachesor in swimming pools and savepeoplefrom drowning, but are hired to protect famous people. (lifeguards/ bodyguards) work in placesfrom which you can buy books. whereas work in placesfrom which yoLican borow books. (librarians/ booksellers) writes articlesfor newspapersor magazines,while a 5. A _ presentsnews storieson televisionor radio. (iournalist/ newsreader) is a scientistwho studiesthe starsand planets,but an 6. An predictions makes by studying the positions of starsand planets.(astrologer/ astronomer) informs people about the weather on the TV or radio, whereas 7. A a studiesweather conditions so that the weather forecastcan be siven. (weatherpresenter / meteorologist) 8. catchfishwhicharethensoldto shops.(fishermen fishmongers / who sellthem in their 2. Put each ofthe following wordsor phrasesin its correctplace in thepassagebelow references short-list fill in interview qualifications vacancy applicationform applicants experiences apply Applyingfor a job thereareusuallyvery many(a) In timesof high unemployment when a (b) is advertised.Sometimeslarge numbersof people (c) , and sendotr (d) lor a singlejob. It is not unusual,in fact, for hundredsof peopleto (e) to a flrm for one post. This number is reduced to a (f) of perhapssix or eight, from whom a final choice is made when they all attend an (g) . Very possiblythe peopleinterviewing will be interestedin the (h) the candidatessainedat schoolor universitvand whal (i) they have had in previousjobs. Thev will probablyask for o written by the candidates'teachersand enrployers. 3. Instructions as above commute pension salary ambitious prospects perks promotion increments retire commission Choosingthe rightjob is importantbut I havea wifeanda babyso I haveto think aboutrnoneytoo. If a Jobsatisfaction job interestsme, I needto knowwhat (a) it offersand whetherthereareregularannual (b) increases, called . I want to know if I will receivea (c) when I (d) _ at the ageof 60 or 65. If thejob is sellingproduct,I askif I'll receivet1pcrcentage of the v a l L roef w h a t I s e l l .c a l l e d( e ) . It is also important to know if there are extra advantages, like free mealsortransport, orthe useof a car.Theseare called(f) or frinsebenehts.Arc good?For example,is there a good chanceof (h) the futr"rre(g) 37 to a betterjob, with more money and responsibility?Is the job near my home? If it isn't, I'll haveto (i) everyday and this can be very expensive.I'm very keento be successful.I'm very (i) I don't want to stavin the sameiob all mv life. 4. FiA in theblank. Thefirst letterof eachmissingwordhasbeengiven (l) nowadaysso it is getting more and more difficult to get the kind There is a lot of u (2) you reallywant. Then 1,ouhaveto decidewhat is more important to you - how much ofj_ you e_ (3) or job satisfaction?Do you preferto work with your hands(calledmanual work) or do youprefertoworkinanoffice(calledclericalwork)?Doyouprefertoworkindoorsoro-(4)? Besides.certainprofessions requiredifferentqualitiesand abilities.Salespeople needto be p_ (5) to get peopleto buy their products.Receptionistsshouldbe p_ (6) in order to make people (7) as they shouldn't make mistakesin their feel welcome.Surgeonsmust be very a (8) (9) in orderto do her work quickly and work. A secretaryhasto be e and c_ accurately. And what qualitieswill you needin vour futureprofession? o WORD FORMATION 1. Reod the text and put the words in brackets into the correctform A NewOpportunifyin (inform) Technology! you you (bore) with your presentjob? Do you need Are looking for a change?Are (vary)in your work?Are you (energy)with goodpeopleskills?Stop! more (excite)newjob in our SalesDepartment,organizinga new A.T. Computersis offeringan (advertise)campaignin the USA. It's a (responsible). travelins and a lot of If you are (qualify).we will be very experienceand (challenge)position which involves (interest)and have necessary (please)to hear from you. 2. Read the text and put the wordsin brsckets into the comectform Dear Sir or Madam. (advertise)in International Businessmagazine and I am writing I readyour (require) for the course in English Language. for more information concernins entrv (qualify)are required?I do not possess Could you tell me what language the First (accept)on the course dependson having the Certificate and would like to know if (account)for an internationalcompanyI would be interested FCE? In fact. as I am an (develop)for both social and in a coursewhich focuseson lansuase (busy)purposes.I would also like to know the (distant)from the collegeto London and (attend)at all classes (absent)for if is obligatory.or whetheran occasional purposesoftravel be acceptable. I look forward to hearins from vou. Yours faithfully, Nelson Fernandez 38 3. Fill in the correct word derivedfrom the word in brackets Although recentlythere has been a small (reduce)in the number of people out of work in Europe,(employ)it ttill tt* number one (society) problenifacingthefifteerrmenrberstatesoftheEuropeanUrrion.Moreover, of opportunity betweenmen and wonlen is still an issuethat_ (potitical)in many couutrieshavenot come to gripswith. In (profess),u.hu, th. law and engineering are still noticeableby their absence. (employ)srill discrimirrareagainst Yl]:" lemate _ (employ)in a number of ways even if their (quatiff) are th. runle^ thor" of nren. lt would be a pity if the (".ht*.) of the EU on an -econonliclevelwere marredby (fail) in the vital areaof socialpolicy. -4. Fill in the correct word derivedfront the word in brackets Job interviews Manypeoplefeelvery (nerve)aboutjob interviewsbut rememberthe interviewers must have liked your (apply).so you only have to live up to their (expect)!Beforeyou go into the interviewrooln, takea few deep (breathe).Ifyou rhink about somethingnice, that bringsyou a feelingof (happy)then you will smile.and eive an impression of (confident). Makesurerharyontakeall therightpaperswith you - if"you forgetsomething,you could look (profession ). If they askwhy you left -v-our job, last do not give a long (explain).you havea right to your (private)and so do your previousemployers.Any future employerwill like it if you show (loyal)to your old boss.Takeyour time to answerquestions, and relax. If you follow this (advise).you havea good chanceofgettingthejob! + WRITING PersonalLetter This is a partof a letterfronrSheryl,yor.rrEnglishpenfriend.who writes: ".1 needsomemoney to go on hotiday with my friends at the end of August. Do you think I shouldfind aiob? Hove you or any of yourfriends done summer jobs? I am thinking ofworking as a waiterfor afew weeks.Do you think it is a good idea? Wat other jobsdo you think I coulddo?And what do you think theproblemsnight be?Let me know whatyou think. Write back soon. Best wishes, Sheryl o r Write back to Sherylansweringher questions. Ask 3 questionsabout the holiday she is going on with her fiiends. Write 100-140 words. Rememberthe rulesof letterwritins. 39 GUIDED WRITING Argumentativecomposition Some teenagerswould like to have a highly paid job; others believe that theirfuture job should be i nterestingand bring satisfact ion. What is your opinion? Write 200-250 words. Complete the text with the missing words and phrases: To start with, However,Wat is more, On the otherhand, Firstly, It't cottclusion,Besides,Secondly Nowadaysyoung people havevariousjob opportunities. No wonder that it is difficult for them to choosetheir future occupation.Someteenagers believethat job satisfactionshould be the major reason while choosinga job. ( l) some teenagersarguethat money is the keystonein every , job. I believe that the major concern when choosing a job should be our interestsand talents. (2) , a future careershould fit our personality,otherwise it is not going to be fulfilling.(3) , it is unlikelythat a job will be done properlyunlesswe are interested in it. Our attitudewill surelvhavea negativeimpact. (4) some teenagersclaim that the more money they get the more they will be respected.(5) , they believethat gettingmuch moneythey will be ableto buy what they want and it will make them happy. I totally disagreewith the abovestatements.(6) if you only work to earn money your life will soon becomeextremelyboring. (7) if , you really enjoy your job, you will achievesuccess get you and the rewardand respectthat truly deserveevenif you don't earn much monev. (8) , there are two points of view on the problem of the choice between money andjob satisfaction.I want to stressthat while salarvis important, teenagers sliould not consider primary factorwhen choosingtheir future occupation. earningsas a Argumentative composition L positiveand negativesspects Reudand discuss of teenagers at work. Wat isyour opinion? Positiveaspects Workingteenagers: a a a a o a a get a tasteof work at an early age earn extra pocket money get experienceof'a work placeand society learn to handlemoney gain the senseofindependenceand self-respect becomereliable many parentscan't support their children at universityor college; by working part-time studentscan help their parentswith their br"rrden 40 Negativeaspects If you have a part-time job o o . o 2. lou will be tired, you won't be able to concentrateat university or collegeand you won't be so healthy lou won't haveenoughtime to do your homeworkand your results will suffer you won't have time to relax, to spend on hobbiesor with your fiiends lou won't havea carefreeyouth (thereis plenty of work when you graduate Usethe argumentsaboveto write an argumentotivecompositionon thefollowing topic: Millionsof teenogers all overthev,orlddoport-timejobs in theirfreetime. Whatis youropinionon workingteenagers? Write 200-250 words. Usethe followingplan . . . o . makean introduction.(statetheproblem) yourpersonalopinionandgive2-3 reasons for youropinion. express for thisopposingopinion. express an opposingopinionandgive1-2 reasons why you don't agreewith the opposingopinion express youropinion makea conclusion restating PARAGRAPH1. INTRODUCTION Tbearnsomepocketmoneymillionsof teenagers seorchfor part-timejobs. Somepeopleclaimthat_ . However,othersare convincedthat PARAGRAPH2 Inmy opinion(2-3 apeyueuma cnodmeeptrcdeuunuu ntu npuuepauu), Al +t PARAGR.,IPH 3 On theolherhond,somepeoplearguethat(npomueonoto)tcHofl moqKa3peHun c apzyMeHmauu) _ PARAGRAPH4 (o6aacuuma, I disagree with theaboveidea(s)because nouewyHecoe/taceH c udenuuusnapazpaQa 3, nodmeepdumb opeyileHmayu, He no*mopflnu4u.rlLtcns nopazpoSe 2) PARAGRAPH5. CONCLUSION Takingeverythinginto consideration, thereare rwopointsof viewon theproblemof workingteenagers. To my woy of thinking, 42 Read the text. learn the vocobularvand discuss THE PRICE OF FAME Thepostmonwantson autograph.The cab driverwontsa picture. The waitresswantsa handshake.Everyonewants a piece of you John Lennon Most people find the idea of being famousattractive.The common perceptionis that celebrities and famous personalitieshave everl'thing in life. The truth is that there are as many downsidesand disadvantages of beinga celebrityasthereare a number of benefits. Among major advantages of being a celebrityfirstly the fact should be mentionedthat celebrities get specialtreatmentwhereverthey go. From specialseatsat theatresto specialtablesat restaurants, celebritiesare given the advantageof being the preferred customerseverlrvhere. Secondly,one of the very obvious advantagesof being famous is that fame generallybrings with it lots of fortune. Celebrities and other famous people are generallyricher than the averageperson. Luxurious homes and cars, fancy gifts, expensiveclothesand other such materialisticpleasuresof life convert from a dream to reality when peoplebecomefamous.Furthermore,when peoplebecomefamous,more opportunitiesarise in or not. Beingfamousdefinitell'opensmany doors in life which would have life whether career-related remainedshut if fame had not been achieved.Last but not leastcelebritiesare recognizedeverlrvhere they go. This is an advantagebecausepeopleoften draw a massiveego boost when random bystanders recognizethem. Fans are the people who adore their celebrity idols. Fan mail and other forms of appreciationthat celebritiesreceivecan be inspirational,motivationaland very humbling. But would you actuallywantto be famous?Many peoplewould, but they don't alwaysrealizehow 'the cult many disadvantages there are for those who live in the public eye.The massmedia havecreated of celebrity'. They just show the enjoyablethings about being a star, or the financial benefits,and ignore the problems that go along with it - things like having photographersaround you whereveryou go, and journalists publish unreliableinformation and spreadrumours. The deepestsecretsof you and your family may becomepublic property. Paparazzifollow famous people around in order to take unflattering photosof them in their most intimatemomentsmaking it impossiblefor them to havea privatelife. The life of a celebrity can be spoilt by fanswho want to know everlthing about their favourite star. Famous people are often followed or harassedby phone. email or messagesby followers who cross the Obsessioncan turn into threatsand evenph)'sicalharm. For example,John line and becomeobsessed. 'the Beatles'was shot by a crazy Lennon, a famous British singerand a song-writerand a member of man in New York City. That is why famous people often have to disguisethemselvesand spend much money on security. However,sometimeseventhesemeasuresdon't help. Everybodyknowsthe sad story of Princess Diana's death whose car was pursued by some paparazzi through Paris before the fatal crash. The paparazzitook pictures of the wrecked car before any of them called for help. They begin smoking, Very often celebritiesget tired of their stressfullifestyleand feel depressed. 'switching off - but they drinking and taking drugs. These are used as an escapeor a temporary way of do not solvetheir problems.There are many examplesof famouspeoplewho died becauseof alcohol or drugs such as Kurt Cobain or Amy Winehouse. So publicity doesn't only lead to fame, success,admiration and richness.It is also the reasonof eruT',rivalry, jcaleusy, stress,extreme fatigue and the impossibility to escapepublic attention. Famous peoplecan't do thingsthat the averagepersoncan, can't afford themselveslittle pleasuresof life, which can be very frustrating indeed. With this kind of pressuresomepeopledo regretmaking the decisionto seekfame. Once you've becomewell-known you can't go back. Some people haveto pay a high price for publicity. So is it actuallvworth it? It's a personalchoice. 43 a> STUDENT CARD Give a 2-2.5 minute talk on the topic "The Price of Fame". Rememberto talk about o o o What the positiveaspectsof beingfamousare What the negativeaspectsof beingfamousare Afamous personyou know Answerthe questiou Would you like to be famous?Why/ why not? + VOCABULARYEXERCISE Put each ofthe following words or phrases in its correct ploce in the passagebelow interviews bodyguards break-upprivacy pressures in the publiceye autographs celebrity entourage fans Being famous, being a (a) _ can mean wealth, recognitionand being surroundedby to admiring an (b) of helpers,secretariesand agents.It can mean giving (c) __ (d) _ press. (f) (e) also has its disadvantases. and to the But being . Thev need Famous entertainerssufferfrom a lack of (g) (h) _ to protect them. The constant(i) on them can leadto the CI)_ of their price marriages.This is the of lame. WORD FORMATION Thelife of a famousperson (profession)future in films go to Hollyvood only Manypeoplewhothinktheyhavea (enjoy) (disappoint)insteadof success.They often have to give up the more to find_ provide pla)' parts (advertise) because these chosen career in aspectsoftheir to (survive)can (finance)security- but they are not satisl_ving. For many actors.evenbasic (electric)bills. and the tinre be difficult. Some do not earn enoughto pay their rent or (prepare)of a portfblio for interviewsis often wasted.Of course and money they investin the _ (succeed). (explain) for why onl-v1% of actorsare really there is a possible (perform)will be the one that There arejust too many peoplewho believethat their next makesthenr a starl WRITING PersonalLetter penfriend. Thisis a partof a letterfromGeorge. 1'ourEnglish ...At schoolwe are doingprojectson fumous peoplein dffirent counf ies. Could1'outell me aboutfamous Russionperson? Wtat is he or sheJamousfor?Wouldyou like to becomefamous? Asfor my schooltrip to London last w,eek,it waswonderful... 14 Writebackto Georse. In yourletter . . answerall his questions. ask3 questions abouthis trip to London Write 100-140words. Rememberthe rulesof letterwritins. GUIDED WRITING C Argumentative composition 1) Study the example and complete the exercises 2) Underline the link words and expressions 3) Completethe gaps with the sentences A,B,C or D Positiveand negativeaspectsofbeing an actor. Have you ever dreamt of being an actor? The acting professionmay sound glamorous to most of us, but the truth is that there are advantagesand disadvantages to a life in acting. The main positiveside of being an actor is that it is a creativejob. I As a result,many of them come to terms with the bad aspectsof their characterand developthe good ones. Furthermore, many peopleare impressedby actors.2_ However,the greatestdrawbackis lack of privacy.3_ .What'smore. at the beginningof their careersthey have to strugglewith low pay and long hours. 4 All in all, being an actor means little or no privacy and long hours of practice for little reward. However, it can help you discovermany things about vourself and one day you might play the leading role in a film or in the theatre. A. They often enry their lifestylesand fame. B. For example,they have to go to a lot of auditions before they get a small part in a play or fllm. C. It's quite common to seefamousaclorsbeingmobbedby their far-rs while havingdinner or coffee. D. An actor, by playing different charactersduring his/her career,has the chance to expressdifferent aspectsof his/her own personality. 4) Replace the words/ phrasesfrom the text with the expressionslisted Tbsum up, This way, Onepoint of viewinfavor..., For instonce, In addition to this, On the other hand, Finally, Argumentativecomposition Somepeopleclaim that beingfamous isn't alw,avseos)'ond evencan ruin a person'slife. What is your opinion?Would1ou like to be famous? Wrire 200-250 words. o . . . . Use the following plan makean introduction(statethe problem) yollr personalopinion and give2-3 reasons express for 1,ouropinion expressan opposingopinion and give 1-2 reasonsfor this opposingopinion expresswhy you don't agreewith the opposingopinion make a conclusionrestatingyour opinion Read the text. Iearn the vocabulart, and discuss FRIENDSHIPAND FRIENDS AJriend is one thot knov,s)'ott os)tottare, ttnderstandswhereyou have been, occeprsv,hat)'ou hate beconrc,atd still,getlly allows1,oulo grow William Shakespeare Peoplesaythat friend in need is a friend indeed.A friend who hasknown you foreveris a treasure. Real friend is incredibly hard to find. If we try to define what a friend is, it will be not an easytask. A dictionarydefinesa friend as a personwho you know and like very much and enjoy spendingtime with. But what about peoplewho, for example,stud-vtogetherand spendmost of their time sharingthe same activitiesat school sometimesfor severalyears.Can we call them friendsor are they just classmates? Or the other situation,when peoplewerefriendsfor agesat schoolor universityand then haven'tseeneach other for l0 years.Are they still friends? Since childhood we socialize with a great number of people. When we are kids we are likely to befriend with someonesimilar. who are often the sarnesex, age and ethnicitlzand share similar interests,social skills and sometimesacademicachievement.Sinrilarityattractsas children may enjoy the sameactivitiesand eet the senseof emotionalcomfort. The older we becomethe more difficult and controversialrelationswe build. Many adolescentsconsidertheir friends to be more important than family members.The influenceof friendsin this period of life changesdramatically.Teenstry to copy their friends' behavior,manners,sEhoqlpcrfouriarcg and not alwaysthis influence benefitsa person.At school children and teenagersusualll'haveone or two 'best friends' who tl,ey considerto be the most closeand reliableonesand they also liavea wide circle of other liiends - 20-30 is not uncommon. The main reasonsfor this are time and shared_€xpgllc:tee. Adults usually say they have one or two close who always friends those they can rel1,' on in difficult times and the othersarejust acquaintancesor colleagues.When people grow up they may move apart geographicallyand lose the senseof a shared interestwhen they startworking in differentfields,or spendingtime in differentways. Nowadaysmany people claim that the developmentof social networkingsitesallow people to make friends easierand to keep closerelationshipsfor years.However,psychologistsinsist that social networksis a very controversialthing as they mity createan illusion of a real friendshipbut destroythe ability of a personto socializein a real life and constructa faceto facecommunication. Successful friendshiprequiresboth peoplein the relationshipto feelthe sameway about the other person.We are often surroundedby 'fair-weatherfriendi, peoplewho you considerto be your friends but provethemselvesnot to be rvhenthings get tough. So the most important thing about friendshipis 'in needwith you and will to find a personwho will stay supportvou in the most difficult period of life. joy If you havea personto find pleasurein irour and sharesorrowin your grief, then you are reallylucky. Quarrels yearsis universal,but friendships The importanceof closefriendshipespeciallyduringthe teertage don't alwayslast- especiallyfor childrenand teenagers. Sometimesliiendshipsend in angryaccusations and hurt feeliogs.Sometimesfnendsjust drift apart. Perlrapsthe most painful end to a friendshipis the one-sidedrejection- one lriend turns away.or choosessomeoneelseas a closefriend, and the other child or a teenageris leti feelingabandonedand wonderingwhy thingsfell apart.The end of a friendship is olien sad, but it's not necessarilya bad thing. Sometimesit's just alu.uayatdableresultof teenagers growingup in differentwaysor at differentrates.Sometimescertainpairsof childrenor teenagers tend to bring out the worst in eachother, and they"rebetterofffinding different.more compatiblefriends.Often the end of one friendship makesmore room for other friendshipsto grow. 46 STUDENT CARI) O Give a 2-2.5 minute talk on the topic "Friendship and Friends". Rememberto soy: o o o o What a friend is What friends we meet during our life What the influence of social networks is What your friend is like, what he or shelooks like, what you like doing together Answerthe questiou Why is it important to havethe best flriend? + VOCABULARYTOSTUDY Appearance HAIR: long, short, shoulder-length,curly, straight,wary, brown, blond, permed,dyed,white... EYES: small, large,slanting,blue, green,almond-shaped... MOUTH: small,thin/full lips... NOSE: straight,crooked,hooked,curved,small,turned-up,bulbous... HEIGHT:tall, of medium height,short... BUILD / CONSTITUTION: slim, well-built, muscular,skinny,fat, plump, overweight... AGE:teenage,old, in one's(early,mid, late)twenties,forties... FACE / COMPLEXION: oval, square,round. tanned,pale. freckled,wrinkled... SPECIAL FEATURES: dimples,scar.mole, limp, tattoo, high cheekbones,moustache,beard... Character: VIRTUOUS CHARACTERISTICS:good-humored,kind, communicative,sociable,friendly, modest, generous,attentive, thoughtful, earnest, sincere, enthusiastic,calm, quiet, self-possessed, honest, patient,sympathetic,respectable, intelligent,easy-going,devoted,loyal, courageous,industrious,hardworking, sweet,gentle EVIL CIIARACTERISTICS: unkind, reserved.uncommunicative.unsociable, haughty, arrogant, greedy, tactless, insincere, false, rulgar. double-faced,dispassionate,dishonest, cruel, intolerant, capricious,insensible,obstinate,stubborn,coarse.rude 47 C, WORD FORMATION 1. Usethe wordgiven toform a word that fits eachspace (relate) is not always Everyonewants to have friends, but building up new people easy.A few are born with outgoing (personal); they have a natural (able) to make new friends whereverthey go. However,not many people are (complete)at easein a room full of strangers. Most ofus feel (nerve)when we meet new people, and this can occasionallymake us appear (friend)when in fact we arejust shy.In any case,the (develop)of new friendships is a gradLralprocess- it doesn'tjust happenovernight.Long-standingfriendships (general)haveseveralthingsin common. The friendsenjoythe samesofisof (act), and sharesimilarbeliefsand values,they are (honestly)withone another, and have (expect).They (confidence)in each other, when similar (boredom)time with one anotherand they haveproblems.Friendsneversharea (appreciation) areusuallyvery of eachother.It sometimesis (appearance) that they are friendsby their looks becausesome sharea tastein clothes.Having a close (strong)in termsof friend helpsyou gain (confide). In (truth) friend there are a few orderto be a (require)suchas (tolerant)and (assist). WRITING C PersonalLetter This is a partof a letterfromyour Englishpenfriend. ...l've had an argument with my bestfriend, Linda, and we ore not talking to each other. I'm really upsetabout it. Do you everargue with your bestfriend? Wat kind of things do you argue about? lVhat do you think I should do to becomefriends with Linda again? Have you ever been in a similsr situation? Wat did you do? Write soon. Best wishes, Chrisrtne o . Writebackto Christineanswering herquestions. Ask 3 questions aboutLinda. Write100-140words. Remember the rulesof letterwritine. Argumentativecomposition A personmay hat'eonly one bestfriend. What is your opinion? Write 200-250 words. Usethe followingplan . make an introduction.(statethe probiem) . expressyour personaiopinion and give 2-3 reasousfor your opinion . express an opposingopinion and give l-2 reasonsfor this opposin-e opinion . express you why don't agreewith the opposingopinion o [iake a conclusionrestating your opilrron 48 Read the text, learn the vocabularyond discuss EASHION only. Fashionis not somethingthat existsin dresses Fashionis in the slcy,in the street, fashion has to do with ideas, the way we live, whst is happening CocoChanel Fashionis somethingwe dealwith everyday.Evenpeoplewho saythey don't carewhat they wear choose clothes every morning that say a lot about them and the way they feel that day. We often judge people by what they wear. We expressourselvesin the style and colors we choose and the combination and jewelleryall tend to createan impressionof our of clotheswe put together.Our shoes,accessories personality. At the sametime, we use clothesto expressour individuality. socialclassand Fashionis revealing.Clothescreatea wordlessmeansof communicationthat we all understand. Clothes revealwhat groupswe are in. Stylesshow who you are, but they also createstereotypesand distancebetweenpeople.For instance,a businessmanmight look at a boy with greenhair and multiple piercing as a freak and outsider.Nevertheless,to another person. the boy is a strict conformist. He dressesin a certainway to delivera messageof separation,but within a certaingroup his own look is a uniform. Therearemany reasonswhy we wearwhat we wear.Protectionfrom cold, rain and snow:mountain climberswear high-techoutwearsto avoid frostbite.Physicalattraction:many stylesare worn to inspire 'chemistry'. Dressingin a particularoutfit might be a way of saying,'This is what I think is nice, and 'up' when we are happy and 'down' I believeit makesme look more attractive.'Emotions: we dress when we are upset. Religiousexpression:Islamic women cover every part of their body excepteyes. Identificationand tradition:judgeswear robes,people in the military wear uniforms, brideswear long white dresses. Fashionis a big business.More peopleare involvedin buying, sellingand production of clothing than any other businessin the world. Everyday,millions of workersdesign,Sely,glue, dye, and transport clothing to stores.One certainthing about fashionis change.We are constantlybeing bombardedwith new fashion ideasfrom music, videos,books, and television.Movies also have a big impact on what peoplewear.Ads on buses,billboardsand magazinesgive us ideasabout what to wear, consciously,or subconsciously. To really meet our needs,the wardrobemust be planned in relationto the kinds of things we do and kinds of placeswe go. We haveto match colorsand styles.Not all colorsand stylesgo well together. Young people no longerdresslike their parents.They wear comfortable,practicaland allordable clotheswhich haveprobablybeendesignedby somebodyyoung:urban fashionhastakenoverthe world. Todaywe tend to dressbasedon the way clothesappealto our personaltaste.If we like it, we like it. If we don't, we don't. We choseour styleto expressour personality.It's nice to be cool and to dress with the times. But what's cool now is probablygoingto look silly in a few years. As for me, I prefera casual/ formal style.My lavoriteitemsof clothesare... . . . o . . . It is important for me to feel comfortable. I don't carewhat I wear. I love spendingmoney on differentclothes. Looking smart is very important for me I realizethat differentsituationsneeddifl-erentclothes. My tastein clothinghaschanged:I usedto wear...and now I preferx,earitrg... In conclusion,more than beingjust a way to keepwarm. clothesreveala lot about a person'slif'e, characterand status. 49 (> STUDENTCARD Givea 2-2.5 minute talk on the topic"Fashion". Rememberto say: . . o . If fashionis a big part of our life Why peoplechoosedifferentstylesof what they wear What young peopleprefer wearingnowadays,why? If there is your specialstyle; why/why not Answerthe question:Can you judge a person by what he or she wears?Why? / Why not? O WORD FORMATION I. Completethe sentencesby changingtheform of the word in bold (style)for a largemodelingagency. (similar)betweenthe fashionsof the 1980sand the 1960s. (expect)a little; it's no easyto becomea supermodel, 3. I think youshouldloweryour you Know. 4'Letmeknowwhenyoumakea-(decide)aboutwhattowearforthewedding. (enthuse). 5. Fashioncriticshavegreetedthe new clothineline with (produce)of its shoesin an attemptto keepup with demand. 6. The factoryhas increased_ (beauty)l 7. That necklaceis (like). 8. Ail our clothesare desienedfor men and women l. Tracy works as a 2. There'sa {I VOCABULARYEXERCISES 1. Complete using the correctform of the words in the box current modern glimpse suit new fit clothing appearance 1. Ifyou careaboutyour_ match look cloth glance too muclr, peoplemight staft to think you're vain. It's quitea nice skirt,but I don't think it really my shoes. q u i t e M y m u n ra l w a y sl o o k s and triesto keepup with the latestfashions. quite differentliom today'sfashions. The ancientRonranswore itemsof As I went into the designer'soffice. I car-r-eht a of her drawingsbefore she hLrrriedlyput them away. 6. I know long skirtswereiu fashionlastyear.but the lashionis to wearthem quite short. 7. I've got to buy sonre shoesfor the weddingon Saturd:ry. 8. I didn't set the coatin the end becauseit didn't me underthe arms. 9. The shirt is so exoensive becauseit's madeout of snecial t h a th a sg o l d i n i t . y,oubecauseyou'\'egot bluee-ves 1 0 . I d o n ' t t h i n k t h i si u m p e r and paleskin. I L The designer ertmy designsand told me that they neededmore work. 1 2 . L o n gd r e s s easn d h i g h h c e l sa r eq u i t er g o o d tbr you. 2. 3. 4. 5. 50 2. Choosethe correct answer I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 I don't like _ on clothesin shopsbecauseI don't want peopleto see me in somethingthat doesn'tsuit me. A putting B trying D handing C wearing combination with a blue top is such a good idea. I'm not sure a green skirt _ Aon Bat Dfor Cin EveryonecomplimentedKitty her new outfit. Bto Dfrom Aon Cin of art. I think somemodern designsare more like _ A makes B works C objects D jobs people wish follow fashion without I didn't a tendencyto thinking about what suits them personally. A do B make C get D have I don't think T-shirts and jeans will evergo _ of style, do you? A away B out C off D down your make-upwith a soft brush, like this one. Make sureyou Aapply Bconstruct Ddress Cdecorate you pattern, you'll If wear that shirt with the _ look like a chessboardl A plain B striped C shinyD checked your hair downl You alwaysseemto look so formal. If only you would Aget Bset Cput Diet The latesttrend footwearis to wearverl' simple,traditionalshoes. Dfrom Aof Bon Cin My sisterand I sharethe sametaste_ clothesand we wear eachother'sthingsall the time. Don Ain Bof Cfor Why can't you Edgar'sexampleand wear a tie to work? D do A set B make C follow whether were My dad askedme his clothes fashionand I saidthey were- about twenty years _ ago! Ain Bfrom Con Dof 3. Circle the correct word l. Do you think the average/ everydaypersonis interestedin fashion? 2. I wish Dad would get a new costume/ suit to wear for his job interview. 3. I've got red hair, so I neverput on f wearred clothesor I'd look silly. 4. John got a reallycool blouse/ top in town yesterdaywith Eminem on it. 5. India supplies/ producesthe world with cheapclothes. 6. I'm going to get my nailsdyed/ paintedtomorrow. 7. During the design/ manufactureof the clothes, lasersare usedto cut the material accurately. 8. Which costume/ suit do you think I shouldwear to the fancy - dressparty - the cowboyor the vampire? 5r WRITING } PersonalLetter This is a partof a letterfrom Sheryl,your Englishpenfriend. ...Do yoa ever argue with your parents about what you wesr? My parents and I don't seemto agreeabout clothesat alMs it importantfor you to befashionable? What sortsof clothesdo you like wearing? Why?Do you think I should wear what my parents tell me to? Have you got any advice?By the rray next weekI'm going to a big schoolparty. I'm lookingforward to hearingyour opinion. Best wishes, Sheryl r . her questions. Writebackto Sherylanswering aboutthe partysheis goingto visit. Ask 3 questions Write100-140words. the rulesof letterwriting. Remember GUIDED WRITING O ArgumentativecomPosition Most peoplebelievethat it is important to look nice. What is your opinion? Write 200-250 words Usethe following plan . . . . . make an introduction. (statethe problem) expressyour personalopinion and give 2-3 reasonsfor your opinion expressan opposingopinion and give 1-2 reasonsfor this opposingopinion expresswhy you don't agreervith the opposingopinion make a conclttsionrestatingyonr opiniotr (Jsethe cluesbelowto plan and wtite your composition. positiveaspects:Clothesshow someone'spersonality.We feel betterand more comfortableif we know we'vegot good clotheson. Then, clothesarefun and youngpeoplelike shoppilrg.but they don't like to look like everybodyelse.Thel,try to havetheir own style,clothesthat fit their personalityand mood. Negativeaspects:Some peoplebecomecrazy if the1,can't changeclotheseveryday or they don't have the thingsthat are in fashionnow. Besides.somepeoplespendtoo much money on clothes'For many of them to look fashionableis the greatestjoy in life. 52 Read the text, learn the vocabalaryand discuss SHOPPING But'v,hat)'ou don'I hoveyel, or whotyou reolly wont, which can be mixedwith what _r-ou alreadyown. Buy only becausesomethingexcitesyou, notjust for the simpleact of shopping Korl Lagerfeld We live in a salsuxtel Jaetqly.The streetsof our cities are full of advertisementsoffering to buy a new product of a famousbrand. Our TV programsare interruptedby hours of commercialsadvertising new supershops,washingpowder and food, and we are readyto spendbig sumsof money to look more fashionable,to havea cozierhouseor to eat tastiermeals.To tell the truth, shoppinghasbecomea vital part of our lifestyle, a hobby or even an addiction. There are a lot of typesof shops:if you want to buy meat you go to a butcher's,if you want to buy you visit a bakery, if you want to buy fruit or vegetablesyou go to a greengrocer's,if you need not bread only food but some cleaning materialsas well you choose a supermarkd. All items are neatly wrapped and conveniently displayedon specialshelvesor racks or kept in refrigerators.You can walk among the rowswith a shoppingbasketor a trolley, choosingthings.You can take and study them, put them back and take againlater.Nobody tellsyou to hurry with the shopping.Finallv you haveto pay at the cashier's desk. For many peopleshoppingis a nightmare:the crowds,the queues,walkingfrom shop to shopjust for somethingthat matchestheir new outfit or for a specialbirthday present.The situationhas changed greatlywith the establishingof huge shoppingcentersor shoppingmalls as they are calledin the USA. Shoppinghasbecomea sort of entertainmentfor the whole family.Numerousdepartmentswith clothes, shoes,perfume, furniture. electricalappliancesand to1,s:restaurantsand cafes;cinemasand discos; children's playgroundsand sport centersprovide a family week-endunder one roof for all tastesand wallets. While speakingabout shopping,which some people call a wasteof time and money, we need to say about ways of payment. You can pay either cash or by credit card. When you buy (or, more formally,purchase)somethingin a shop.you usuallypay for it outrightbut sometimesyou buy on credit. Sometimesyou may be offereda discountor a reduction.If you want to retllrn somethingthat you have bought to a shop, vou may be given a refund, providedyou havea receipt.Never forget to check your changeat the cashier'sdesk(till) and alwaysaskfor a guaranteeif it is an electricalappliance. Follow thesesirnplerulesand shoppingcan becomea cure from stressand hectic lifestyle. Sndy the vocabulary. Usethis vocabularyin your own sentences a a o a a a Window-shopping- the activity of looking at things in shop windows but not buying anything Window-shopper Shopassistant- personwho sellgoodsin a shop Trolley- a containeron wheelsthat you usefor carryingthingsin a supermarket Shoppinglist - a list of thingsto buy Sales- time when a shop sellsits goodsat lowerpricesthan usual 53 STUDENT CARI) Givea 2-2.5 minute tslk on the topic"Shopping". Rememberto soy: Why peoplego to shopsand types of shopswe have Advantagesof shoppingin big shoppingcenters The processofbuying things Your attitude to shopping a a a a Answerthe question:Where do yor"rprefer to go shoppingand why? c WORD FORMATION Usethe word given to form a word that fits each space 1. Shopping 1. 2. -). 4. 5. 6. l. (decide). I ' m going to buy the blue one. I've made my (expense) for me. This dressis wonderful- but it's a little too plaver (use)l I've broken mv new CD and now it s (serve)to do everythingfor them. In the past, rich peopleoften had (afford)pricesl We offer top qualitl' products at ( t r u e ) .s o I c o m p l a i n e tdo t h e m a n a g e r . The advertwas_ (value). Pleasebe carefulwith that oaintine- it's extremelv 2. Not a computerwhiz-kid I was_ (lazy)browsingthroughthe smalladsin the localnewspaper whertI sawan (advertise)lbr a second-handword (process),soI decidedto givethem (inform).I havea computerbut it doesn'treallyhavea a nng to get more (power) enough memory for the project I'm involved in at the moment. In most (profess)it (occupy)nowadays,it is becomingusefulto be 'computer-literate'but in my (necessarv). (please) I must admit I do not eet much hasbecomean absolute out of sittine in front of a comnuterscreenfor hours. but I don't standmuch chanceof (appoint)to seemy bargaincomputerthe (promote)without computerskills.So I nradean _ next day. 3. Sunerlativevacuumcleaners (exhaust)housework can be and sweepingthe carpetmust be We all know how (house)chores.We think we havecome Llp (tire)of one of the most (solve) with a to back-breakingcarpetcleaning- ollr new rangeof stateof the art (effect) answerto dust, (clean)provide a quick and vacuum (inform)aboutour howeverdeeplyingrained.We would be happyto sendyou (describe) vacuum cleaners. Our leaflets a of the latest new contain comolete (demonstrate) of how they work why not to take up models,and if you would like a (oblige)to buy. Justsend (try) offer todaywith no our free offthe fornrbelowor rine uson i01 213679now. 54 WRITING O tr'l Argumentativecomposition With the developmentof the Internet shoppingon-line has becomethe most convenientway of purchasingthings. What is your opinion on the on-line shopping? Write 200-250 words. Use the following plan . o . . . make an introduction. (statethe problem) expressyour personalopinion and give 2-3 reasonsfor your opinion expressan opposingopinion and give 1-2 reasonsfor this opposingopinion expresswhy you don't agreewith the opposingopinion make a conclusionrestatingyour opinion 55 Read the text, learn the vocabularyand discuss AT THE DOCTOR'S Peoplepay the doctorfor his trouble; kindnessthey still remain in his debt his for Lucius Seneca One of the most valuableand important thing for a man is his health.A11of us try to saveit in many ways we consider to be right. However, nobody can avoid S€€ug ! jOeIaI if he likes to be sure every'thingis right with his health. Peoplehavelots of reasonsto seetheir doctors.Chronic diseases suchasheartdisease,high blood pressure,diabetes,obesity,and ga11Qcl do not developovernight and can in fact begin many yearsbefore they're diagnosed.A tggdarcheabup is lesstroublesome,a suddenpain is more unpleasant. If you feel it's time to take chargeof your health,the first thing to be done is to call to a clinic and to schedulean appointmentwith a physician. You shouldwait your time in the waiting room. When your name is calledyou can come in. First of all, the doctor will askyour name to find your casehistory.The casehistory is a small book where all your diseases, conditionsand their symptoms,complicationsand treatmentare written. The doctor will look thought it to refreshirrformationabout you. After it he will ask what the matter with you is. The doctor will listen to you carefully,ask somequestionsand write down all in your casehistory.Then he willexamineyou. Usuallyyou should strip to the waist.The doctor will soundyour chest,take]iour pulse,testyour blood pressure,and look at your tongue.If he is not sureyou areall right, he rnightaskyou to be x-rayed, to haveyour blood and urine tested. If you are all right, you may go home. ln casethe physicianhasdiagnosedsomethingwith you he will prescribeyou a specialtreatment.It can includetakingpills.gettinginjections,havingphysiotherapy or just having a rest.You also can get a medical certificate,which givesyon an oppoftunity to stay at home for sometime insteadof working as usual(sick leave). However.there are some caseswhen a physiciancan't help, and he asksyou to consult with medicalspecialists- doctorswho havecompletedadvancededucationin a specificareaof medicine. For example,if we haveproblemswith our heart or blood pressurewe go to a cardiologist,get a specialtreatmentfor his heartor blood vessels and havean electrocardiogram done. If we haveproblems with the skin, a dermatologistmust be able to help. He will adviseto do a skin test for the presenceof disease,and delivera detailedchemicalanalysisof blood. If we haveproblemswith digestionorgans, we go to a gastroenterologist, who may appoint us to do an ultrasoundor X-rays. Neurologistsand neuropathologistscan help people rvith diseasesof the llervoussystem.Mental disordersare treated by a psychotherapist and a psyehdogls!. Problems witll bones are treated by a rliCumatslq€lil. Ophthalmolo-eists are nredicaldoctorswho specializein the diagnosisand treatmentof eye problems, d i s e a s ea s ,n d i n j u r i e s . Oral health is important in any,age. Dgxtisjs provide plentl' of different servicesfrom qasnetiq procedures(treatmentsused to straighten,ltghten, reshapeand repair teeth) and restorativecare to extraction, S_row4s and dental implants. However. if your case is too serious,you require 24-hour nursing care or need a surgical tnlcrveltjon, yoLlrphysiciarrwill adviseyou to be taken to the hospital.Patientswho are treatedat the hospitalare calledinpatients.Thel'shouldbe in the hospitalallday fortlie periodthe doctorsaid.The consultantnormally does a ward round once or twice per week. He visitseach inpatient to reviewthe patient'sstatus.updatehis/herpersonalmedicalrecord,and discusscareplan. Nursesshouldperfbrm l h i s o r t h a tt r e a t n r e l.l l Nowadaysa lot of peopleareEuttingbackon healthcareexpenses and are reluctantto seea doctor. However,if diseases are gaughtearl)',treatmentsare usulrllymuch more effective.Ultimately, havinga regulardoctor'svisitwill helpyou livea lorrgand healthylife. 56 Answerthe questions: What the signsof a healthyman do you know? What can makeyou healthier? What is your attitudeto smoking? What argumentswould you chooseto convinceyour friendsnot to smokel Why don't somepeopleget rid of bad habits? What measurescan be takenagainsttaking drugs? Which argumentsagainstdrinking alcohol seemmost convincingto you? L 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. STUDENT CARI) C Givea 2-2.5 minute talk on the topic 'At the Doctor's". Rememberto soy: . o o o Why peopleshouldseedoctors What physiciansdo while treating patients What medicalspecialistsyou know What you do to stay healthy Answerthe question:Could you describeyour last visit to a doctor'l VOCABUIARYEXERCISES A 1. Fill in the blanks with the wordsgiven below ambulance complaints L 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 1. 8. treatment toothache cough throat hurts recover stomachache prescriptions physician here. What is troubling you? lt I want to havethis tooth filled Ihaveabad Hasn't anyoneadvisedyou to give up smoking? You havea bad will help my achingtooth. It hasto be pulled out. I'm afraidno soon. . It will help you You should follow the doctor's got your a cough. and ? I've a sore What are I'm afraid I won't be ableto helo vou. Let's call for the ? I've got a May I make an appointmentwith the 2. Complete the sentencesusing the suggestedwords bleeding plaster broken healthy earache injured dangerous sore fit well and frLrit diet includeslots of vegetables 2. John is verv ill and won't so to schooluntil he is s o t h e d o c t o rp u t i t i n p l a s t e lro r a m o n t l t . 3. Helen'slegwas to take more than 4 of thesetabletsin 24 hours. 4. It is 5. Georsehascut his hand and now it's in the gym twice a week. by doing exercises 6. David keeps 7. Edwardwalkedall dav in his new shoesand now his feet are 8. The bus crashedinto a tree,but luckil,vnobodywas 9 . Y o u s h o u l dp u t a on that cut. 10. Little Jimmy wascrying becausehe had an 1 A 57 3. Fill in the blonlts with the necessarvwords l. The doctor his patient very carefullyand somemedicine. 2. The flu usuallybeginswith 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Let me checkyour you mllst follow the doctor'sadvice. If you want This is very good for cough You haveall the of the flu. when shewas skiing She caught Your foreheadis hot, let me takeyour 4. Fill in the blanks with the wordsgiven below prescription waiting room operation ward examine pulse treatment illnessappointment temperature lungs receptionist symptoms thermometer chemist's When I go to the doctor, I tell the name and take a seat in the . My doctor is very busy so I have to make an first go what's wrong with nre. I tell him the beforeI to seehim. He asksme of my , for examplehigh temperature,difficulty in breathing,or pains,and then he will me. He will listen to mV with his stethoscope. usually wrist will rny to feel my take my he hold , he'il with his The problem is usually quite simple and he might give me a for some medicine. which I take to the .Of course,if I needsomeserious . I'11haveto go to hospital.There I'll be put in a bed in a with other people. If tl-rerewere somethingseriouslywrongwith me, I might needan WORD FORMATION 1. Fill in the correct word derivedfrom the word in brackets Stress (anxieff) and sufferfrom stress. In today's world people seem to be very (harm) and peopleneedto seekmedical This stressis often (treat) in orderto recover.However.a more (effect)solutionis for peopleto learn to (vary) can relax.This be achievedthroush a of leisure _ (active)such as sport, reading.music or evengardening. (Emphasize) is placeo on people spendingtime doing things that they enjoy, ultimate aim being (possible)and thereforeneed to (relax). Unfortunately,some people find this prescribed (tranquil).They by their doctor. Thesedrugs are called take drugs calm peopledown, but can be dangerousif takenfor iong periodsof time. Alternativemethodsare nruch (safety)and haveno sideeffects. 58 2. Fill in the correct word derivedfrom the word in brackets Natural remediesthat reallv work Just a few vearsago, most of us wouldn't considertaking echinaceaor another herb to cure a (infect). Today many of us swear by the _ (heal) cold or an propertiesof these herbs. (science)studiesprove that such natural remediesare (grow)number of entering the mainstreamof medicine. A (physics)are now recommendingalternative (treat) along with (tradition)therapies.Of course,for your own good health. neverbeginan-v (herb)or (direct)of a medicalprofessional.To help you choose vitamin therapywithout the (wise).we haveselectedsomeremediesthat are backedup bv a (stagger)amount of anecdotalevidence.So stock your shelveswith these simple cures and have a (health)lifestyle. 3. Fill in the correct word derivedfrom the word in brackets Staying healthy In today's hectic world people are always searching for more ways of keeping fit and (health). Running is an excellentexercisefor achievingthis goal. Beforeyou start, however,you should warm (move)that makeall your muscleswork.But be carefull uo andconcentrateon slow (inure). If you stretchwhen your musclesare cold, you might actr.rally risk an (comfort) clothing and make sure your Always wear (train) are in good shape.Wear good shoesthat will put less lpress)on your knees. Stayinghealthyalsorequires enoughsleep.lt's (occasion)ok to go to bed (regular)it will havea bad effect on your late,but if you cut down on your sleep (appear).Lack of sleepcan causeacne overall health. It will also affect vour or dry skin. Stayactiveduring the day if you don't get enoughexerciseduring the day, yolr may end up (sleep)all night. (heary) than you Standing,sitting and walking badly can make you look (straight)out your really are. Stand in front of the mirror with your feet apart. legs and pull in your stomach.Check that your ears,shoulders,hips and kneesare in line with each other.You shouldbe feelineand lookine betteralreadv! (pollute)level. If we got more freslr Most of us live in citieswith a high (attract). A quick walk is one of the air. we would look healthier and more (circulate) and looks. Walking slowly is best things you can do for your (use)but a quick pacegetsmore oxygeninto your lungs.So don't just go for a pleasantwalk, try and find a greenareaand get (move). (guilt) about eating too much chocolates Many young peopie feel (addict) to it. However, there is and even adrnit and sweets, some an (prove) to support this. But chocolate does contain a lot of fat, and addictswould do better to eat less.If vour diet is balancedvou need not feel euiltv: eatins chocolate (moderate)is fine but don't eat it insteadof a proper meal. 59 WRITING + PersonalLetter Thisis apartof a letterfromAndrea,yourEnglishpenfriend ...Guesswhat! I'm going to havemy tooth out. It's awful! Have you ever had any teeth out? Is it paiffil? My parents say I need to go to dentist at least twice a year but I'm really afraid of doctorsand hospitalsand I don't understandthe necessityof going there if you have no pain and aches. Wat do you think of it? Do you visityour dentist regularlyT By the way,I'm goingtojoin a yoga class. Writesoon. Bestwishes, Andrea . o Writebackto Andreaanswering herquestions. Ask 3 questions aboutheryogaclass. Write100-140words. Remember the rulesof letterwritine. Argumentativecomposition It is believedthat youngpeopletoday ore not as healthy as they werefifty yeors ago. What is your opinion? Do you agreeor disagree? Wrire 200-250 words. Use the following plan . . . . o make an introduction. (statethe problem) expressyour personalopinion and give 2-3 reasonsfor your opinion expressan opposingopinion and give I -2 reasonsfor this opposingopinion expresswhy you don't agreewith the opposingopinion make a conclusionrestatingvour opinion 60 Readthe text, Iearn the vocabularyand discuss HEATTHY LIFESTYLEAND HEAIJTHYEATING Tb insuregood heolth: eat lightly, breathedeeply, Iive moderoIe 11,,,ulrrror, cheerfu lness, and maintain an interestin life William Londen You hear a lot about living a health,vlifestyle,but what does that mean'l In general.a healthy persondoesn'tsrnoke,is at a healthyweight,eatshealthilyand exercises. Soundssimple,doesn'tit? The trick to healthyliving is making smallchanges...walking, addingfruit to your daily menu, havingan extra glasso1-water... thesearejust a few waysyou can startliving healthywithout drasticchanges. First of all, you can regulateyour diel and exercise.Doing sportson a regularbasishasa number of positiveeffects.It can reducethe risk of heartdisease,improvemood and reducesymptomsof anxiety you loseweight,burn offcaloriesand tone up your muscles. and depression.E-rercising The next important part of a healthy lifestyle is abalanecdj[et. Peopletoday are probably more concernedabout food than everbefore.Dieting (or being on a diet) doesn't mean that you should cut all your favouritefoodscontainingfat or carbohydrates. It just meanseatingsensibly.You needto get all protein types of substancesincluding t'at, and carbohydratesand try to avoid too much tuk food. To be healthy,peopleshouldgetrid of theirbad habits.It's necessary to stopsmokingand drinking alcohol. Everyoneshould rememberthal cigarettes,alcohol and drugs destroyboth body and brain. Besidesaccordingto statisticsmost of crimesare committedby peopleunder the influenceof drugsand alcohol. It's alsoimportant to consult doctors regularly.practicegood h)'gieneand developpositiveattitude to life. Keeping active way of life you can qapctry{h-itreis! On the u,hole,we must rememberthat rnoderationin eatingand drinking, reasonablehours of studying,regularityin exercise,recreationand rest and many other essentialslay the foundationsfot good health and long lil'e. STUDENT CARD 9 Give a 2-2.5 minute talk on the topic "Healthy Lifestyle and lleolthy Eating" Rememberto soy: . . . To be healthy meansto havea happy life Ifhealthy eatingis necessary Ifavoiding bad habits is necessary Answerthe questiou What do you personallydo to be healthy? 6l WORD FORMATION I. Fill in the spacesin thefollowing text using o suitable form of the wordsgiven in brackets. Pay attention to the useof negativeprefixes such as dis-, un-, im-, ir- etc (popular)decision to ban The British governmenthas decidedto take the public places. people (please) smoking in a lot of Though a lot of find smoking (health)and it coststhe state a lot to treat victims of and though expertsall agreeit is (deny)that many people get pleasurefrom the habit and find smoking, it is also (resist)when they are in company. smoking (possible)to deny the antisocialnature of the habit. However. it is now (effect)with many smokers,the government has now As advertisinghas proved (legal)in most public places.Smokerswho are made smoking (ability) to stop smoking may feel the new measlrresare unjust, but for the passivesmokersfrom whom a (bear)they will come as a breathof freshair. roomfull of smokeis 2. Fill in the spacesin thefollowing text using a suitable form of the wordsgiven in brackets (pride)if her childrenwere round and slightly In the past,any mother would be (research) gone. fat. Those days are have now reached the (conclude)thattoo muchfatandsugarinchildren'sdiets area majorfactorinthe (develop)of heart diseasesand other (ill) when they are older. However, growing (danger) children need to eat a wide rangeof foods. and their health could be (solve)is not to change by cutting out particularones.Psychologists saythat the (care).so that childrendo not lose musclein addition to eatinghabitstoo fast,but to do it lat. Parentsshould presentfood a little (different),spreadbutter thinl-v" and avoid putting sLrgar on the table. Children (courage) shouldalsobe to takepart in sports:thiswav theywill be usingcalories that they haveeaten. o WRITING PersonalLetter This is a part of a letterfrom Andl'.your Errglishpen friend. ...1'm starting tofeel really unfit! Do you exercisea lot? How often do you exercise? Wat should I do to getfit? I'm thinking ofjoining a gym. Is thst a good idea? ll/hat elsecan you recommend? Write back soon. Best wishes, Andv o . Writebackto Andy answering hisquestions. questions abouthis summerholiday. Ask 3 Write100-140words. Remember the rulesof letterwritine. 62 comPosition Argumentative of eating' dietis theonll'healths'way thata vegetarian It is belieyed diet? Whatis youropinionon a vegetarian Write200-250 words. Usethe followingPIan . . . . . makean introduction.(statethe problem) for youropinion yourpersonalopinionandgive2-3 reasons express for thisopposingopinion opiniorrandgive1-2 reasons an upposi,rg express whyyou don't agreewith the opposingopinion express youropinion restating makea conclusion 63 Read the text, learn the vocabularyand dlscrss EATINGOUT A restaurantis a fantasv - a kind of livingfantosy in which dinnersare the nrostimoortantmembersof the ca,st WarnerLeRoy Eating out has become a popular form of entertainment, which lots of us enjoy. In restaurants, cafesand pubswe celebratedifferentimportant occasions.meet friends.havedatesor just go to eat if we are bored with cooking at home. Sincegoingto other countriescan be quite expensive.dining in ethnic restaurantscan alsobecomean alternativethat offersyou the opportunityto samplesomethingdifferent. Ten yearsago, the only type of foreigncuisinethat was widely availablein our city was Chinese; todayhoweverwehave@'ranging|romhotandspicyMexicanfoodtomuch more delicateflaya$ of Japanesesushi.More of us eat out regularlyand we can get excellentfood in - French,Indian. Italian.Greek.Russian,Japanese, lotsof differentkindsof restaurants and Chinese. Traditional British and Irish pubs are very popr-rlarin our city as they servenot only excellenttypes of beerbutgood mealsalgaad-pqe€saswell. Furthermore,someethnic restaurants and pubsoffer different forms of entertainmentlike live music and traditionaldancing. ln restaurantsyou often havethreecourses:a stafier(e.g.soupor salad),a main course(e.g.steak or chickenor fish). and a desse( (e.g.strawberries or ice-creamor a pieceof cake).You may also have gin an aperitil(adrink beforethe meal.e.g. and tonic). and coffeeafterthe meal.When you pay the bill (AmEng check), you may alss_leaxe_alip(money for the waiter) if you are sa[is0crlwith the service. you nlay alsoneedto book a Usuallyl0 per cent of a bill is quite enough.If it is a popularrestaurant, table in advance. Last time I went to the restaurantwas last week. My parentsand I celebratedour small family occasionso we went to the restaurantthat serryes Mexicanfood. It wasa good idea.The food wasof very high quality - hot and spicybut not greasy.The servicewasefficientand friendly.There wasa Mexican band playing for part of the eveningso the atmospherewas lively.The only disadvantage of the place wasthe absenceof the placetbr non-smokersr.vhichwasstrangebecausenon-smokingpolicy in public placesis spreadingreall.vrapidly.Still, it wasa good night out and excellentvaluefor money. Study the vocabulary: o . . o . o . An expensiveevening.but it wascertainlyworth it. The servicewasquick. The placewaswav overpriced/ olerrated. Allthe food is homemade. Only the freshestingredientsare used. The servicewasfriendl-vand unhurried. I gaspedwhen I took the iook at the bill. 64 STUDENT CARI) O Givea 2-2.5 minutetalk on thetopic"Eatingout". Rememberto say: . r . . Whypeopleeatout Whereyou caneatout The procedurein a restaurant Yourlast visit to the restaurant Whatarethe popularplacesfor eatingout in your city?Why? Answerthequestion: VOCABUI"ARYEXERCISES I. Put each ofthe following wordsor phrasesin its correctplace in thepassage eat out fast food recipe take-away waiter snack cookerybooks menu dish bill ingredients tip [,materriblecook.I'vetriedhardbutit'snouse.I'vegotlotsof(a)-,Ichoosea (b) Iwanttocook,Ireadthe(c)IpreparealltheneceSSary(d)-and follow the instructions.But the result is terrible, and I just have a sandwichor some other quick (e) I don't like grand restaurants.It's not the expense;it's just that . So I often (f)_. givesme a (h) _ which I can't understand I don't feel at easein them. First the (g) _ words. when I pay the (D _ At the end of the meal has lots of foreign becauseit's complicatedand places,like hamburger shops I prefer (k) _ I never know how much to leave as a (i) places,where you buy where you pay at once and sit down and eat straightaway.And I like (l) take it home. meal in a special container and a 2. Put each of thefollowing words or phrases in its correct place in the passage snack chefs recrpes saucepans meal raw ingredients dishes cooker dairy . These books are full of Cookery books are usually written by famous (a) (b) . They usually tell you what (d) , telling you how to cook different (c) you needfirst.Thesemight be (e) meat,vegetables, or (f) productslike milk and butter.Then, they tell you what equipmentyou need,such as (g) on, you jr-rstfollow or bowls. When you've got everyhing, and you've turned the (h) orjusta o the instructionsin the book. Anybody can cookl Whether it's a complete(i) , all you haveto do is follow the adviceof an expert.[t's easywith the right book. o WORD FORMATION 1. Completethe sentenceswith the correctform of the word in bold The origin of the potato crisps (invent)of George Crum, in 1853.He worked as a The potatocrisp was the (custom)decidedthat he didn't like the chef at a popular resortin the USA. One dav a (thick)of his fried potatoes,and sentthem backto the kitchen.Crum madesomemore, (complain).Crum (turn)theseaswell, makingthe same but the man 65 got angry and, hoping to annoy the man, he made a third batch which were much (thin) and could not be eatenwith a fork. To his (amaze)the man lovedthem - and so potatocrispswereinvented.Sincethen. their (popular)hasincreased (drama),ar,d they are eatenall over the world. But GeorgeCrum was (aware)at the time that his inventionwould causesreat (confuse)in the futurebetweenthe Americans (who call them chips)and the British(who call them crisps). 2. Completethe sentenceswith the coruectform of the word in bold Coffeehouses coffee houses are a (special) of viennese rite. Each one serves a nuge _ (select)of exotic coffees,so you should consultthe menu. The most popular coffee is Brauner,which is (similarity)to espresso.The waitersare (extreme) polite and must be spokento (respect).Most regularsit for hours overone cup of coffee and do not feel obligedto order further (refresh). Tourists often cause (annoy) and are seen as (invade)who try to strike up conversations. The viennesedo not go to coffeehousesto be (social)lthey go to be seenin public. [Jpon leaving,it isn'l (necessity) to leavea very largetip. The (knowledge) coffeedrinker r,rsually roundsthe bill up to the nearestschilling. WRITING PersonalLetter This is a partof a letterfrom Susie,yourEnglishpenfriend. ...4s you are going to visit us soon I'd like to know what kind offood yoa prefer. lVhat do you think offastfood like McDonald's? Do you think you could cook ussomenational dish for us? I hsve tofinish now. Tomoruowmy psrents are coming home after their holidays and I have to clean theflat... Write back to Susie. ln your letter . o a n s w e ar l l h e r q u e s t i o n s . ask 3 questionsabout her parents'holidaytrip Write 100-140 words. Rememberthe rulesof letterwritiug. 66 GUIDED WRITING O you add? 1) Read the srguments about FastFood Restaurants.fl/hat can A Usethe cuesto write your composition For: The serviceis quick and you don't haveto wait' The food is cheap,especiallyfor young people' so you know what to expect' They are the sameever)ryvhere, The restallrantsareusuallycleanand the waiterswear specialuniforms' it savesa lot of time for busy They do their best to attract children. they organizepartiesand . . o o . Parents. a a Against: o . . The food containsa lot of fat and all is placedin a bun that is unhealthy. You don't reallysit down to eat. you enjoy or get used to' The food is the-sameeverlrvhereyou can't order the dishes a a Argumentative comPosition cities' More and morefast.foodrestaurantsore being openedin modern What is your opinion on fast food restaurants? Write 200-250 words. Use the following Plan . . . . . make an introduction. (statethe problem) your opinion expressyour personalopinion and give 2-3 reasotrsfor opposingopinion this for expressan opposingopinion and give 1-2 reasons expresswhy you don't agreewith the opposingopinion make a conclusionrestatingyour opinion 67 Read the text, learn the vocabula4, and discuss ENTERTAINMENT AND LEISUREACTIVITIES I would rother enterlain and hope that peoplelearnedsornething than educutepeopleand hope the_vwereentertained Walt Disnev Our world would be hard without rest and recreation.Peoplehave quite different ideasof how to spend their free time. For some of them the onl-vway to relax is watching TV or surfing the Net, others use their sparetime getting maximum benefit from it. It you enjoy doing some activity in your free time, then you havea hobby.A hobby is a kind ofself-expression and the wav to understandother peopleand the whole world. Lots ofpeople find goingto the cinemaone of the bestwaysof spendingtheir leisuretime. There is no doubt that a visit to the cinema is excellententertainment,and quite cheap.You can alwaysfind a film you like among horror films, thrillers,westernsor comedies.Despitethe fact that video production has floodedthe market,cinemahouseshaven'tbecomelesspopular.Thanksto new equipmentthat provides an excellentquality of picture and sound,modern cinemasattracta lot of people. Watchingtelevisionis anotherpopular form of entertainment.Televisionsatisfiesthe interestsof many people due to the variety of TV programs:featureand documentaryfilms, sitcoms,news, sport gamesand so on. Unfortunately,a many peoplewatchtoo much TV and may be calledcouch potatoes (the onessitting in comfortablechairs,munching on potato chips,watchingprogramson T\r1 The new lifestylebrought about greatchangesin the theatre.We are to admit that theatreis not as popular now as it usedto be. However.quite a lot of peopleconsiderit to be one of the most popular forms of entertainment.Living in SaintPetersbLrrg of its theatreland.There ]-oucan reallytakeadvantage are drama theatres,opera houses,comedv theatres,where the audienceis excitedby the prospectof seeinga play and its favounteactors.Puppettheatresaregreatfor kids. Other popular forms of entertainmentand spendingleisuretime are... As for me, I can't say I havea lot of freetime for entertainment.However,wheneverI get some, I do my best to have as much fun as possible.Most of all I like hanging out with my frierrds.If someone suggestsgeMg_e-uI,I alwaysagree.The next thing I adore is having my friends over. We play computer games,chat, listen to music, dance and have fun. One more thing I like doing is to eat out. [n recent yearsgoing out for a meal or having takeawa)'meals has become popular. Unfortunately,it is quite expensiveand I haveto asknty parentsfor somepocketmoney. o STUDENT CARD Give a 2-2.5 minute tolk on the topic "Entertuinment and Leisure Activities". Rememberto soy: . . o How differentpeoplespendtheir free time What types of entertainmentyou know How you usuallyspendyour leisuretime and why Answerthe questions: . Do you prefergoing to the cinemaor u'atchinga video at home?Why? o Wlrat are the most popular (or the most fashionable)fornis of entertainmelttamong teensin Russia? 68 ? YOCABULARY Study the vocabularyconnectedwith differentforms of entertainment Literature:novel,short story,chapter,poetry,sciencefiction ... 'couch potato'... Television:remote control, satellitedish, \?es of programs: news broadcasts,commercials,documentaries,quizzes,political debates,chat shows,sitcoms,sportsprograms,soapoperas,series,wildlife films, cartoons... People:announcer,director,cameraman,reporter,producer,playlvright,poet, novelist,author... Music: concert, opera, ballet, band, choir, record, headphones,composer,conductor, songwriter,a pieceof music Theatre:performance,play, cast, drama, stage,rehearsal,costumes,dramatist,review,first night, a playbill + WORD FORMATION Complete the sentenceswith the cowectform of the word given in brackets 1. SnowWhite and the SevenDwarfs (react)to the Disney film 'Snow White and the SevenDwarfs' when it (ordinary).Tt wasreceivedwith great (excite) was first shown in 1937was popular (through) world. the Good advertising and it immediatelybecameenormously (world) popularity; the film and its characters was not the only reason for this (imagine)of peopleall overthe world like no film beforeit. In Britain, there capturedthe (day) newspaperarticlesabout the film and how it was made. Snow Wite toys were (sell)everlrvhere.Somepeoplethought that it might be and books were on (upset)for childrenbut most peoplesawit as (harm) entertainment.Since 1937,it has been re-issuedeveryfew years,giving Public (enjoy)to manygenerations of children. 2. Realityshows (real) showsare very popular. Why are we so interestedin (relation) and in the (argue)ofordinary people?It's becausethey arejust the (feel)towardsthe people we live and work with. Often, we find it like us. We all havestrons (advise)onanyprobiemswearehaving'Bywatchingthe-(decide) hard to get (know)about how peoplereactto stressfulsituations.lt's they make on our screens,we gain (succeed) almostlikea-(psychology)experiment.Wecanseewhentheyare Lovethemor hatethem. andmakethesituationworse.This_ (entertain). morethan iust (inform)helpsusin our ownlives.As always, TV is much 3. Busking Street (perform),or'buskers',help makeany city centrea placeof (employ)peoplejuggling.playingthe (entertain).In any major city. you can find young. (suit) placeto perform and a guitar or evendoing magic tricks for money.All they need is a (approve)of busking.but most peopleagreethat it's an good crowd. Some peoplemight (enjoy)breakto havean (expect)showwhen you're out shopping. (able)to afford a luxury trip around the world, busk in order Someyoung people, (luck), a few hours (comfort),but it's cheap.Unlessyou are to travel.It's _ (advantage)is that you need to have some talent or you playing will pay for a bed. The might go hungryl 69 4. Complete the sentenceswith the correctform of the word given in bruckets (amuse)arcade. a) Shespendstoo much moneyplayinggamesin the (fun). b) My friendsthink that men who knit are hilariously -(enjoy)hobbiesis playinga musicalinstrument. c) One of my most d)Itisso--(please)tolieonthebeachdoingabsolutelynothing. (laugh)coming from the flat downstairs. e) We could hear loud (photograph) askedus to smile at the camera. D The (humour)stories. g) He kept the childrenamusedwith his (delightful)her readers. h) Her new noveIis sureto (peace)to sit by the seaand watchdolphinsplaying i) It is so j t My ideaof a total (happy)is a shoppingtrip to Milan. + WRITING PersonalLetter Thisis a partof a letterfromAndrea.your Englishpenfriend ...Guesswhat! I'm ill with the chickenpoxand the doctor saysI have to stay in bedfor at leasl the next two weeks.It's awful! Have you ever stayed in bedfor so long becauseyou were ill? lYhat cun I dofor two weeksin bed? I'm going to misssucha lot of schoolwork, too. How will I manage to catch up? By the way,my parents are coming backfrom lapan. Write soon. Best wishes, Andrea o . Writebackto Andreaanswering her questions. Ask 3 questions aboutherparents'trip. Write 100-140words. Remember the rulesof letterwritine. Argumentativecomposition Realityshowsare goining moreand morepopularitl,with teenogers. What is your opinion? Write 200-250 words. Use the following plan . . . . . makean introduction.(statethe problem) expressyour personalopinion and give 2-3 reasonsfor your opinion expressan opposingopinion and give I -2 reasonsfor this opposingopinion expresswhy you don't agreewith the opposingopinion makea conclusionrestatingyoLrropiniorr 70 Read the text, learn the vocabularyand discuss GLOBAT PROBLEMS OF THE WORLD Human use,population,ond technologyhavereached that ceftain stagewheremother Earth no longeracceptsour presencewith silence Dalai Lama XIV Nowadaysthe humanityfacesa greatnumberof variousproblems.The scientificand technological progresshas changedthe life on our planet and as a result our natural resourcesare exhausted,the ecologicalbalanceof the planet is disturbed,many speciesof flora and fauna disappeared,pollution threatensever!'thingalive.But the environmentalproblemsare not the only ones.Everyyearthousands of people die becauseof wars of annihilation, terrorism, different diseases,natural disasters,social problemsand in different terrible accidents. Our environmentis vitally connectedwith the problem of peaceon our planet. The scientists considerthat nuclearwar could destroymankind completely.It's true to saythat nowadaysgreatmasses of chemicaland bacteriologicalweaponshavebeenstockedin the world. If any of theseweaponsis used, the casualtieswill run into tensof millions. becausemankind has no immunity againstbacteriological weapons,and the useof chemicalweaponswill resultin masscontaminationof the area. In recentyearsterrorismhasbecomea seriousissue.Peoplealwayspanic about the possibilityof terroristsgettinghold of nuclearweaponsor they may blow up a nuclearpower stationinstead.Another worry is about the possibilityof our watersuppliesbeingpoisoned.Latelyother forms of terrorismsuch as "suicideterrorism" and bombing havebecomea real threat. Everyoneremembersthe tragedywhich happenedon the 1I th of Septemberin the USA when terroristshijackedtwo planesand crashedthem into two buildings in New York. Unfoftunately, there is little we can do about it, except.place our faith in the government,and hope that measurestakento preventterrorismare successful. There are also diseasesthat still can't be cured. One of them is AIDS. This devastatingdisease strikesthe body's immune system.Millions of people have alreadydied of AIDS. To overcomethis problem we need further progressof scienceand personalresponsibility.Other examplesof incurable are differentforms of cancerand heartdisorders. diseases They saythat recentextremeweatheris due to globalwarming.Bad weatherthreatensour homes and evenour life. One of the worst weatherhazardsis the storm known as a hurricaneor cyclone(the combinationof enormouswind speed,heary rainfallsand high seas).Another terriblething is a tornado. Tornadoesareblack,twistingcloudsthat suddenlyappearfrom nowhere,travelat terrifyingspeed,move in unpredictableways and causecatastrophicdamagein seconds.It's extremelydifficult to forecast wherethey are likely to strike.Peoplealsosufferfrom earthquakes(a suddenshakingmovementsof the ground), floods (when water coversthe land), drought (a long period of time when there is little or no (a largeamount of snowand ice that suddenlyfallsdown a mountain; rain and cropsdie) and avalanches a largeamount of substancethat fallsdown somewhere:an avalancheof rock/stones/mud). To sum up, I think that the most dangerousproblem is naturaldisastersbecausewe can't predict and avoid them in time. As for the ecologicalsituation in the world, we can saythat it's gettingworse. Peoplecut down forestsand rainforests,pollute air. water and soil, so rare plant and animal speciesdisappearand the climate changes.We have the time, the money and eventhe technologyto repair the damage.All we if only the governntenthires needto do is to open ollr eyesand act immediatel-v.We can pleycnl-Itagg-dies who don't overlookhuman or computererrors,look afterthe buildings,roadsand responsiblespecialists transport,keepnatureunder a strongcontrol and developan ability to resistany terroristactivity. 71 } STUDENT CARI) Give a 2-2.5 minute talk on the topic "Global Problemsof the World". Rememberto say: o r o What global problemsof the world are and what causesthem What natural disastersyou know The measureswhich shouldbe doneto survive Answerthe question:What is the most seriousproblem of the world in your opinion and why? A VOCABULARYEXERCISE Fill in the gaps in thefollowing sentenceswith un appropriate wordfrom the box floods emergency earthquake refugees [amine aid drought charity disease injuries L 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. The crops have failed again and is widespread. The latestSan Francisco measured 4.5on the fuchterscale. In caseof breakthe glassand push the button. Half a million havenow crossedthe border in an attemptto find food. I nevergiveto I think it shouldbe the government'sresponsibility. The presentgovernmenthasgiven more in to needy countries than any other in living memory. 7. Many children have sufferedterrible as a result of the fighting. 8. A new has been discoveredwhich causespartial blindnessand skin problems. 9. There hasbeena in certain parts of the country due to the lack of rain. 10. There has been so much rain that some rivers have burst their banks and there have been WORD FORMATION A 1. Fill in the gaps in thefollowing sentenceswith the correctform of the words in brackets l. The of the ozone layer is one of the worst things that has happened. (destroy) 2. If we don'tsendfood.therewill be on a massivescale.(starve) 3. We needto find a to the problem beforethingsget seriouslyout of 4. 5. 6. l. hand. (solve) It is shockingthat ten per centof the populationlive belowthe line.(poor) Someof the most beautifulIndian tisersare facins . (extinct) If the (pollute)getsany worse,I'm goingto move to the country I believethe of the planet is worth fighting for. (survive) 72 2. FiA in the spacesin thefollowing text using a suitable fornt of the wordsgiven in brackets It is t-to exaggerationto say that the world has become a global village. Modern methods (communicate)havemade the world much smallerand the problemswe face of (destroy)of (pollute)are not restrictedto one country.The suchas problem (stane) which is common in the the rainforests Brazil is evervone's and (extinct)of rare species irr many African countriesis a challerrgefor Europetoo. The (exhaust)of oil supplieswill shakethe is a tragedyfor the planet as a whole and the (protect) of the environment (found)of the world's economy.The poor. is the responsibilityof all nations, rich and However,uncontrolled economic (create)of greatinequalitybetween (compete)between strongand weaknationsleadsto the rich and poor nationsof the world. 3. Complete thefollowing text with the correct words derivedfrom the words in bold (devastate)yesterdayafter hurricane The islandof Madagascarwasin a stateof total I ) Geraldawreckedmillions of dollarswofth of land and propertyovertwo-day period. (torrent) rain and winds of up to 350 km per hour. Seventy The island was lashedbv 2) (home). ln the city of Toamasinaalone, people were killed and 500.000were left 3) (commerce)port of the island was almost 80,000people lost their homes.The main 4) (flood). There were 6) 5) destroved and70 Dercentof the island'sfarmlandwascomDletelv (heartbreak)scenesaspeoplereturnedto the ruins that wereonce their homes. Hurricanes gather speedand strengthover water, and Geralda traveledover a large areaof water beforeit hit the island of Madagascar.This is part of the reasonwh;r the storm struck so 7) (severe). o WRITING Argumentativecomposition Scientificprogresscon't be made v'ithoutperfonningexperimentson animals. What is your opinion?Do you think it is necessaryto perform experimentson animals? Write 200-250 words. Use the following plan . . . . . make an introduction. (statethe problem) expressyour personalopinion and give 2-3 reasonsfor your opinion expressan opposingopinion and gil'e 1-2 reasonsfor this opposingopinion expresswhy you don't agreewith the opposingopinion makea conclusionrestatinsvour ooinion 1a /) Read the text, learn the vocabularyand discuss SCIENTIFICAND TECHNOLOGICALPROGRESS Tbchnologicalprogressis like an axe in the hands of o pathologicalcriminal Albert Einstein It is impossibleto overestimate the role of scienceand technologyin our 1ife.We can't imagineour contemporarylife without telephonesand cars,computersand many other devicescreatedor modified by science.Now we live in the information era when the computer network embracesthe globe and connectsnot only the countriesand spacestationsbut also a lot of people all over the world. New technologiesare beingwidely developedand usedin differentspheresof life. There is, however,another part of the story, less obvious and lesswell known, but far more important. It is a story of expandingintellectualhorizons- the impact of scienceon the mind of a man. Fundamentally,scienceis an intellectualenterprise,an attemptto understandthe world in a particular way.All the developmentsmentionedaboveare but the results,the outcomesof this intellectualactivity. Scientistsinvestigatethe lawsof the universe,discoverthe secretsof nature,and apply their knowledge in practiceimprovingthe life of people. However,every medal has its reverse.Nowadayswe realizetl-iatthe rapid scientificprogresshas arouseda number of global problems:ecologicalproblems,the safetyof people and nuclear power stationsand the nuclearwar threat.Suchinvenlionsas nuclearweaponsand ballisticmissilesmadewars of annihilationpossible. A lot of peopleare surethat scientificand technologicalprogressthreatensnature.Differentkinds pollution, holes in the ozone layer, acid rains and greenhouseeffect are the result of it. A lot of of inventionsare harmful for our environmentand the future of our generation.If we don't think about the solntiorrto theseproblems.u'e'll ruin the placeof our habitatver-vsoolt. I think that by meansof scienceit is possibleto find harmlesstechnolog_ies, usepurifying systems, produce environmentallyfriendly productsand developalternativesourcesof energy.But solutionsto theseproblemsneedgreatinvestmentinto science. (..) STUDENT CARI) Give a 2-2.5 minute talk on the topic"Scientific and TeclmologicalProgress". Rememberto talk about: a a a The role of scientificand technologicalprogressin our life Iftechnological progressthreatensnature and people What can be doneto find the right balancebetweenthe technologicalprogressand the safetyof life Answerthequestion'Canvort think of an)4hil.l-s vou would hke to seeinventedthat will rnakeyour life easier? Do you know that there ore many Nobel Prize winnersomong Russiunscientists? . Ivan Pavlov(the Nobel Prizefor medicinein 1904) . Ilya Mechnikov(the Nobel Prizefor chenristrl,in 1908) r (the Nobel Prizefbr chentistr-v Nikolai Sem-vonor' inl95tr) . Ilya Frank.P.Cherenkov. I. Tamm (the Nobel Prizefbrphr,sicsin 195ii) . Lev Landau(the Nobel Prizefor ph-vsics in 1962) o PeterKapitsa(the Nobel Prizeforwork in magnctisnr physics,1978) and lou'-temperatllre Canyou add more names? /+ WORD FORMATION O Form a word thatfits eochgap A technologicalnightmare (dread)weekendlast month. In forly-eight hours, almost every_ I had a really_ (electric) appliance in the house broke down. The computer was first. A messageappeared saying 'Disk_ (fail) and I just had to switch it off and call the_ (technical) for help. Next was the (explode)and when I went to check,the laundry washingmachine.I hearda terriblenoiselike an _ (plug)the machinejust beforeit caughtfire. _ (believe)as was full of smoke.I managedto _ (frost) itself for no reasonand it may seem,the fridge stoppedworking the sameday. It startedto _ (nerve)wreck, so I decidedto lie down there was water all over the kitchen floor. By then I wasa _ (sleep)when my electric toothbrush startedbuzzing (loud). for a while. I wasjust falling Somehowit had switcheditselfon! WRITING O Personall,etter This is aparl of a letterfrom Mark, your English-speaking friend, who writes: ...Yesterdaythere wassomethingwrong with my computer! It was awful! Now I understand how addicted I am to all theseelectrical appliances...How ofien do you useyour computer? Do you only useit to chot on the Net? Do you havea digitol comera? Soon my parents are going to bay me a new iPod... o o Writebackto Mark answering his questions. Ask 3 questions abouthis newiPod. Write 100-140words. Rememberthe rulesof letterwritine Argumentativecomposition It is widely believedthat we rely too much on machines,and that the more technologyimproves,the lazier ond weakerhumans will become. What is your opinion on this problem?Do you agreeor disagree? Write 200-250 words. Use the following plan . . . . . make an introduction. (statethe problem) expressyour personalopinion and give 2-3 reasonsfor your opinion expressan opposing opinion and give 1-2 reasonsfor this opposing opinion expresswhy you don't agreewith the opposing opinion make a conclusion restatingyour opinion 75 Read the text, learn the vocabularyand discuss MASS MEDIAIN THE MODERNWORLD Mass media bombardpeoplewith sensotion.That substitutesJbr thinking Ray Bradbury Mass media is communication- whether written, broadcast,or spoken- that reachesa large audience.This includes television,radio, advertising,movies, the Internet, newspapers,magazines, and films. Mass media is a significant force in modern culture. Modern media not only reflects but also createsthe cultr.rre.The generalpublic typically relieson the massmedia to provide information regardingpolitical issues,social issues,entertainment,and news. Media messagespromote not only productsand news,but moods,attitudes,and a senseof what is and is not important.Massmedia makes possiblethe concept of celebrity:without the ability of movies.magazines,and news media to reach acrossthousandsof miles,peoplecould not becomefamous. The mass media has evolved significantly over time. The newspaperwas the original platform for massmedia. For a long period of time. the pr-rblicrelied on writers and journalistsfor newspapers to providethem with the latestnewsin current events.Peoplestill read papersto know the latestnews. Nowadayswe can saythat broadsheetneu'spapers are seeinga seriousqlropin circulationwhile tabloid newspapersare in no danger of dlzingout. Bold headlines,appealingphotos, low prices and colour supplementsmake tabloidsthe perfectchoicefor millions seekingsolneescapefrom real life. Televisionis the most effectiveplatform to reachthe generalpublic Programming is increasingly divcrse with shows almet_ts_plcaseall ages, incomes, backgrounds. and attitudes. This wrdesprgad availabilitlzand exposuremakestelevisionthe primary focusof most massmedia discussions. Teenagers are watchinglessTV becauseof the serviceswhich allow them to watch a programwhen they want. If they watchTVthey preferprogramscoming on in seasons. seriesor football matches,for example.Mass plays public; media also a critical role in educatingthe there are many educationaltelevisionstations that you could learn from, like National GeographicChannel, DiscoveryChannel, and the History C h a n n e l t, o n a m ea f e w . Today, the Internet is the most relevantform of massmedia and has becomea major tool for news outlets. Since the evolutionof the Internet, the generalpublic is now able to accessthose same newsoutletsin an instantwith just a click of a mouse,insteadof havingto wait for scheduledprograms. Everybodycan easilyget sonleaccessto the Net. be it at school,work or home. On the Net peoplecan find tlie information for a variety of topics. get the latest news and do the shoppingwithout leaving home. Internetmediaprovidemany massmediaservices, suchas email,websites, blogs.and Internelbasedradio and television.The Internetalsoplal'san essentialrole in educatingthe generalpublic. With the information on the Internet, one could learn anythingfrom somethingas simple as how to tie a tie, to the more complexlike how to build a computer.Most teenagersare [eavity activeon a c Ol social networking sites.Email communicationand social networkshave become one of the most popular waysof keepingin touch as one can interactwith friendson a wide scale. In many cases,the massmedia is the only sourcethat the generalpublic relieson for news.Many pcople say 'l believeit becauseit hasbeerrreportedon TV'. Unfor-tunatel-v. rnediadoes not alwaysuse its power responsibly.The media hasa lot of powerand it doesn't alwal'sappreciatethe extentto which it can affectthings.Tlrrough massmedia, ne\\'soutletshavea major influenceon the generalpublic and a tx4iorllpael llt the public's opinion on certaintopics, especiallyin politics and business.Public or officialgovernmentopinion quite often doesn'tstimulatecreativethinking and makespeopledependent by others.Now with things like Twitter peoplecan spreadthe news,but it does on the viewsexpressed run the risk that it's not alwayscorrect.So to be responsiblemassmedia consumerswe sliould get the informationfrom differentsourcesand be critical of what we hear and read. 76 c STUDENT CARD Givea 2-2.5 minutetalk on thetopic"MassMedia in theModern World". Rememberto sa)': . Abouttheroleof massmediain modernlife . Aboutdifferenttpes of massmedia o Whatthepositiveeffectsof massmediaare o Whatthenegative effectsof massmediaare Answerthe question:Where do you prefer to get infonnation from? Why? <> WORD FORMATION 1. Read the text below. Usethe word given in brackets toform u word thatfts the gap Internet: how it affects us (value)functions of the Internet is its One of the most (information) function.The internet keepspeopleinfornred about current events,as well as about the (achieve)in scienceand culture. You can even find out (late) (ground)stationto the houseof your girlfriend, who has how to passfrom the (recent)movedto London (distance) Recentlythe systemof learnirrghasbeconre (popularize). You can studyforeignianguages and evenstudyin universities.Individual (educate)program can be developed (especial)for you. (wide)used in business.Thanks to the Internet we have The Internet is also (connect)with partners liom all corners of the world. You can even rapid (negotiate),hear and seeyour contacts,and (change) conduct graphicand textualinformation. 2. Fill in the correct word derivedfrom the words in bold The Internet (communicate)as we know it. From education to The Internet has chansed (technology)advancehasaffected (practical) , (advertise)this neu' everyaspectof our lives.Magazines,newspapersand evenbooks are on-line and can be read on the (inform) on any topic - the _ (possible)are computer.You can find (end).The Internetcan (instant)connect yoll to other computers,allowing you to cliat with peopleall overthe world.It's actualll'ver)'easv to learnhou,to usethe s)/stem, and onceyou'reou(develop) line, you'll neverwant to turn the computer off. The of technology hascome such _ (amaze)electronicdeliceshavechangedmany people'slivesforever. a long way. These 77 3. Read the text below. Usethe wordgiven in bracketstoform a word thatfits the gop On the box What do you needto becomea (success)TV personality?The people who are usually chosento host TV quiz showsand chat showsseemto have a few (qualify) for the job apart from having an (attract) appearance:in the case of women, this means being blonde and (beauty).A certain level of intelligenceand (essence)but most peoplewho work in the media do not seemto educationis (talent) in any other respects.The sad thing is that TV personalitieshave be very (power) influence on viewers and it is (nature)for a (late) fashion and young viewersto admire thesecharmingpeople,wearingthe alwayssmiling. However,today'syouth desene (good)role modelsthan these. WRITING } Argumentativecomposition The Intemet has more drowbacksthan advantages. What is your opinion on the Internet as a sourceof information? Write 200-250 words. Use the following plan . . . . . make an introduction.(statethe problern) expressyour personalopinion and give 2-3 reasonsfor your opinion expressan opposingopinion and give 1-2 reasonsfor this opposingopinion expresswhy you don't agreewith the opposing opinion makea conclusionrestatinsvour oninion 78 Read the text, learn the vocabulsryand discuss EAMILY REIATIONS In everyconceivablemanner, thefamily is link to our post, bridge to ourfuture. Alex Haley As soonasthe man stepsin this world, the first individualshe comesacrossarehis family members. The first personis the mother who hastakengreatpain to bring him to this world. Then is the fatherwho is alwaysthereto carefor him. Then come the siblings. r.rsually referto a family consistingof mother. fatherand their children as a nuclear Psychologists family. An extendedfamily includesaunts,uncles,nephews,cousins,nieces,grandparents,daughtersand sons-in law and other relatives.Familiesthat include either a mother or a father but not both are calledone-parentor singleparentfamilies.Most single-parentfamiliesare the resultof divorce. 'a The word family hasmultiple meaningsin dictionary.It is socialunit living together'or'parents and their children as a group, whetherdwellingtogetheror not'. [n a broaderterm, distant relativescan alsobe addedto this group. However,it is much more than that. Family is the first learningplaceof an individual in this world. Startingfrom childhood until old age,he learnsever)'thingfrom his family. He learnshow to love, how to behave,how to come alongin life, all from his family. This developsa sort of affection among all family members.They are alwaysthere to help each other. The family systemworks like a chain. Youngerpeoplelearn from elderswhile eldersdependon their kidsfor a lot of things.When kidsgrow up, get marriedand havetheir own children,the whole cycle is repeatedagain.Family memberswill alwayscome to yoLlrrescuewheneveryou needthem. You can alwaysshareyour problemswith your family and you alwaysfind a better solution for your problemsafter a discussionin the house.We can't makeit out without our family in life. When you are disappointedor confusedby the outsideworld, your family is alwaysthereto fall back on. Youngerpeoplethesedaysoften considerfamily a burdenoverthemselves and try to get awayfrom them. They actuallyfail to realizethat family is the group that hasmadethem so strongto facethe world without any help. Unfortunately, the contemporary habits of socializationand work have preventedus from living in a harmonious family relationship.There are severalthings that individuals, especiallyyoung adults, can do to solvethis problem. Firstly, giving more priority to family life is essentialfor working parents to havea good relationshipwith their children.Parentsshould fosterthe bond betweensiblings,as well asbetweeneachparentand child. Secondly,no matterhow busythey are, young working adultsshould contact and visit their parents.Sometimes,evenjust a simple phone call can be enoughfor parentsto feel that you love them. Finally, ability to cornpromiseou areasof disagreementis essentialin a family. There must be open honest communication about everl'thing. Peopleliving together should be palicn!, understanding,careful,tenderand devotedto eachother and iravea good senseof humour. Parentsfeel great affection for their children and try to bring them up in a proper wa]r.There are differentopinions on how children should be treatedif they disobeytheirparents,break the rules, and don't keep their words or promises.Most people think that parentsshould be patient, kind and understanding.They should remembertheir own sreen years.The rules and children's behavior are discussedin suchfamilies.Othersbelievethat childrenought to obeytheir parentsin any situationand if principleswon't do a lot of good. The they don't, they shouldbe punished.From my point of view.sr-rch cruelty ar-rdlies.So, being an ideal parent is a very delicate fear of punishmentmay lead to selfishness, task demandingtact, patienceand diligence. It is necessaryto mention that in a caseof divorce people should think first of all about their children,otherwiseit can causeunpredictableconsequences. It would be a mistaketo think that a happyfamily doesn'tfaceany problems.H owever,it's essential for parentsand their childrento be alwaysreadyto experimentand find a way out of the problem.Mutual are the thingsthat strengthenfamily relationship. affection,trust and distributionof responsibilities 79 STUDENTCARD } Give a 2-2.5 minute talk on the topic"Family Relations". Rememberto say: o o o o If it is important to havea good family, why/why not What things can help the family membersbecomecloser How disobedientchildrenshouldbe dealt with .{ few words about your family Answerthe question'Does your family help you to solveyour problems? O VOCABUI"ARYEXERCISE Fill in the blonl<swith the wordsgiven uncle husband parents grandmother wife family grandparents widower A nuclear family consistsof only a _ and a an extended is more common. It consistsof not onlv of but also of , aunts,unclesand cousins.My lookingafterhergrandchildren. My mum'sbrother,my and children. In my country, and children liveswith us and loves George,isa and haslived with us sinceAunt Helen died. He is alsomv Godfather. O WORD FORMATION Fill in the correct word derivedfrom the word in brackets (depend)it's important to make sure they understand As your children move towards_ (spoil) and (greed) what decent valuesare. To prevent them from becoming you shouldn't indulge them too much. To make sure they grow up well(manner)they (teach)to be polite from an early age.Children should be scoldedfor bad should be (behave),whichwillbean-(effect)wayofhelpingthemto (distinct) right from wrong. You need to reward your children when they do things well to give them (tolerate) and (proud).You shouldtry to makeyour children a senseof (believe)by exposingthem to (respect)of otherpeople's (differ) racesand cultures. Parentsshould try to place great (important)on setting (behave)is often an a good exampleto their children, as children's (imitate)of their parents'. 80 O WRITING PersonalLetter This is a partof a letterfrom Christine,yourEnglishpenfriend. ...Do your parents criticize you whenyou don't do well at schoot?Mine seemto put me under so muchpressure. Vl/hatcan I do? Do you think I should tell them that it's making me unhappy?How can I explain to my parents how lfeel? I try my bestat schoolbut I just neverseemto get top marks. By the way, next month my parents are going on holidays and suggestI should go with them, Write back soon with vour advice. All the best, Christine . . Writebackto Christineanswering her questions. Ask 3 questionsaboutthe holidaysparentsaregoingto. Write100-140words. Rememberthe rulesof letterwritine. O GUIDED WRITING Argumentativecomposition Many parents encouragetheir children to study well by giving them extra pocket moneyfor eochgood mark. Do you think that beinggivenextra pocketmoneywill help childrento studybetter? l) Completethe text with the missing wordsand phrases 2) Put the poragraphs in the right order however,firstly,while, in my opinion, secondly,to sum up, moreoyer, A. ( 2 ) , parentsshould not givetheir childrenmoney in order to encourage them to studybetter.Getting extrapocketmoney may becometheir main targetand studentsmay start cheatingso asto get good grades.(3)_. childrenmav ger upsetwhen they do badly at school not becauseof their poor knowledgebut becausethey will get no money. B. It cannotbe deniedthat moneyoils the wheelsof the world. Many parentsseepocketmoney as a way of encouragingtheir childrerrto do well at school.Somepeoplebelievethat pocket morley can reallyimprove school performance,(l) othersclaim that it will neverwork if a child hasno desireto get knowledge. C. I completely disagreewith the above opinion. (5) , it is normal to expect pupils to do their homework properly becauseit is their duty as are household chores (6) nowadaystry to getpaft-timejobs and irr my opinion, this is , many teenagers the bestway to understandthat gettingmoney is hard work 81 D. (4) saythat gettingextrapocketmoney for good school , someteenagers gradesteachespupils that money does not grow on treesand developsa senseof how much has to be done to earn it. They claim that studying is really hard work so it is fair to be rewardedfor their efforts. E.(7) , there are two points of view on the problem of getting extra money for good studying.As I seeit, this practicehas more bad than good sidesand pupils should by readyto learn for learning'ssake. l. 2. 1 J. ^ T. 5. Argumentativecomposition Somefamilieshavean only child;otherschooseto hate two, threeor evenmore children. What is your opinion? Would you prefer to be an only child in your family or to have brothers and sisters? Write 200-250 words. Use the following plan . . . . . makean introduction. (statethe problem) expressyour personalopinion and give 2-3 reasonsfor your opinion expressan opposingopinion and give 1-2 reasonsfor this opposingopinion expresswhy you don't agreewith the opposingopinion make a conclusionrestatingyour opinion PARAGRAPH I. INTRODUCTION One-child householdshave doubled over the last three decadesmaking it one of thefastestgrowing units. Somepeopleclaim that family _. However,other people orgue that PARAGRAPH2 In my opinion(2-3 opevveHma u,tunpu.uepauu), c nodmoepxdeuun.nu 82 PARAGRAPH3 On theotherhand,somepeopleclaimthat(npomueonotoJrcHor mo.lKa3peHurc apzy,MeHmauu) _ PARAGRAPH4 I totally disagreewith the aboveidea(s)because(o6oncuuma, noqe.My He coeiaceHc udeauuus napaepaQa3, nodmeepdumaapeyueHmo.Mn, He noemopfltoulur4u napaepaQ2) PARAGRAPH5. CONCLUSION Tokingeverythinginto consideration, thereoretwopointsof viewon theproblemof beingan onlychild in thefamily. Tb my way of thinking, 83 Read the text, Iearn the vocabularyund discuss TRAVELAND TOURISM One's destinationi,snever a place, but a new way of seeingthings Henry Miller Travelingis an activity that can be enjoyedby anyone. It can bring a new senseoflife into a person and give a completely new view on the world. The most conrmon reasonswhy people travel are to get away from their current situationsand locatiolls,to enjoy new experiences,learn new languages,try new food, and get acquaintedwith new culture. Some people travel to experiencedifferent seasonsor to c hallcx€il hcrxscllqt In many countriestourism is one of the fastestgrowing industrieswhich has become a major sourceof their income and seriouslyaffectstheir economy.Touristsspendmoney on local goods and servicesand so provide locals with work. Hotels, bars, transport, shopsand restaurantsall need staffing and becauseof tourism demand, people can get much-neededemployment.Tourism can provide an incentivefor investmentin developmentof infrastructuresuchas roadsand rail networks,aswell asfor funding local medicaland educationfacilities.What's more, tourism is the way of showingoffttaltattal and local heritage.Millions of tourists go sightseeingaround museumsand archaeologicalsitesand hope to absorbsomeof the cultureof the placethey are visitingto broadentheir mind. Unfortunately,there is a flip side of tourism. If the developmentof the colrntry is uncontrolled, unplanned or happens too quickly, it can pale?_Ihleal 10 natural environment. Moreover, ancient buildings,monumentsand cathedralsoften struggleto cope with the vastamountsof tourist traffic and ruflfer_wcarand tear, or damage.Very often, if you are on a packageholiday, very little money goes to local people.Most of the profitsgo to the foreigrr-ownedcompaniesthat rr-rnthe biggestresorts.Quite an upsettingfact is that touristscan often lack respectfor local traditionsand culture,not following local dressstandards,for example.Martin Jacques,a lamous British journalist, once said that 'television and tourism havemade the rvholeworld accessible and thus havecreatedthe illusion that we enjoy the knowledgeof other places.when we barelyscratchthe surface'.He may be right as it is simply impossible to learn anythingmeaningfulabout a culturein just two weeks. Nevertheless, the World Tourism Organizationpredictsthat in the XXI centurytraveland tourism will become the world's largestindustry aycrtakilg information technologiesin terms of money. In comparisonto the holidaymakersof the )C( centurywho mostll,chosebeachholidays,the XXI century touristsprefer travellingon their own, choosingself-cateringaccomnrodationand visiting more than one country during one holiday.With the accessto the Internetpeopleare becomingmuch more aware of what is availableto them in terms of holiday choices.Peopleare willing to be more adventurousand to explorethe world. independentjumping at atly c Typesof holidays: Backpackingis a form of low-cost.independentinternationaltravel.It includesthe useof a backpackor other luggagethat is easilycarriedfor long distancesor long periodsof time; the useof public transport; inexpensivelodging suchasyouth hostels. A packagetour or packageholidayconsistsof transport,accommodationand mealsorganizedby a tour operator arrd sold to a consLrmerby a travel agent.Other sen,icesmay be provided like a rental car, activitiesor outingsduring the holiday.Transporlcan be via chafterairline to a foreigncountry. Activity Holidaysare chosenby activepeopiewho love skiing.scubadiving, hiking etc. Cultural Holidaysare popular with thosewho want to seemollLlments.churches.mlrseumsand other sights. 84 Campingis an outdoor recreationalactivity.The campersstayovernightoutdoors,usuailyat a campsite. Camping may involvethe useof a tent. caravan,motorhomeor a cabin.Campingis an inexpensiveform of accommodation. Ecotourismis a form of tourism involving visiting undisturbed natural areas.It is a responsibletravel to natural areasthat conservesthe environment and improvesthe well-being of local people. Ecotourism hasa save-the-planet goal. Study the vocabulary: To choosea good lour operator To book well in advance To get vaccinations To confirm a booking / flight To apply for a passport/ visa To makea hotel reservation To arrangetravel insurance + STUDENTCARD Give a 2-2.5 minute talk on the topic ,,Traveland Tourism',. Rememberto so),: o o o . What makespeopleleavetheir homesand visit far-awayplaces What the advantagesof tourism are What the disadvantages of tourism are Ifyou like travelingand how you prefer to do it Answerthe question:Wrat trip wasthe most successful and memorablefor vou? C VOCABUI,ARYEXERCISES 1. Circle the odd word out . . . o . airplane: seatbelt,wing, deckchair,cockpit car: windscreen,boot, brake.anchor bicycle:pedal. saddle.exhaustpipe. chain train: buffet car, track, handlebars,luggagerack ship:deck, bonnet, bridge,cabin 2. Decide which of thefollowing wordsare connectedwith a) planes, b) ships,c) trains, d) buses.Somewords can be usedmore than once Locomotive. mast. runway, harbor. drir.'er.flight. artendant.carriage.life-jackets.dashboard. platform, co-pilot, engitre-room,radar. boarding pass.plrrser.number plate, wagon, horn, level crossu.lg, compartment,rearview rnirror. 85 3. Put each of thefollowing words or phroses in its correct place in the passagebelow departurelounge departuregate departures board handluggage announcement securitycheck immigrationofficer securityguard excessluggage conveyorbelt check-in desk check board checkin passengers takeoff runway on board taxi trolley duty free When you travelby air you haveto get to the airport earlyin order to (a) about an hour your you put push If (b) before flight. havea lot of luggage.-voucan it in a and it to the (c) yourticket and weight your luggage.If you have (e) , where someonewill (d) it can be expensive.Your heaq, luggageis put on a (1) and carried away.A light bag is classedas (g) _ and -voucan take it with you on to the plane.An (h) looks at your passportand a (i) checksyour hand luggagebeforeyou go into the 0) _ to wait till your flight is called. If you want to, you can buy some cheap (k) _ goodshere. Then you see your plane. You on the (l) _ or you hear an (m) _ that you must (n) go through the (o) and then there is sometimesa (p) _ beforeyou actuallyenter the plane. When all the (q) _ are (r) --, and when the captainand his crew are readyin the cockpit, the plane beginsto (s) to the end of the (t) . Finally, permissionis plane receivedfrom the control tower and the movesfasterand fasterin order to (u) _ 4. Put eoch ofthe following words or phroses in its correct ploce in the passagebelow destination self-catering If you stayin A jetlag adventure holiday stopover resort souvenir abroad brochure rooms,you haveto cook your own food. is a kind of small magazinethat often advertises holidays. is a town where lots of peoplego on holiday. when you arrive in a country where the time is very different from the You sufferfrom countryyou left. is the placeyou are goingto. Your is a breakin the middle of a very long flight. s are fun for peoplewho enjoyphysicalexerciseand trying new activities. Whenyou go , makesureyou takeyour passportwith you/ of mv trio to Athens. I got a model of the Acropolis as a 5. Fill in the correctwordfrom the list trip route voyage tour flight journey .l travel lt's a good ideato takebreaksduring a especiallyif you are driving a long way. My daughteris going on a school next week. lrom London to New York takesabout eieht hours. 3. The A I felt seasickdurins the l . z. a. 5 . Do you preferto by.* or train'l just parents 6 . My have come back from a '7. I had to take a different of Scotland. to work this mornine due to road works. 86 + L WORD FORMATION Usethe word given in bold toform o word that fits the gap (tour). You sperrd half of vour time making It is not always easy being a (arrange) for your holiday and the other half worrying about sticking to the (time). I think it's relaxing sometimesto spend a holiday at home. There are (culture) problems, you do not need someone to be the no (photograph)and you know that the local (inhabit) are friendly. 2 . Usethe word given in bold toform a word thatfits the gap (recognize) l . Beijinghas changedso much in the last few yearsthat it's almost (complete) The run different system from ordinary trains. 2. new trains on a (world)is about a billion and it rs increasinsall the time. The number of cars (broad)your horizons + . Living in a foreigncountry reallydoes (direction)flight from London to Delhi so I've booked one that 5 . I can't find a J. changesin Frankfurt. (arrive)at Singaporeairport. mustcompletea visaform upon__ 6 . All passengers 1 . You can still see old milestonesby the side of the road in England, showing the (distant)to the nearesttown. 8. The Museum of Transporthasa full-sizedjet plane next to the (enter). 3. Fill in the correct word derivedfrom the words in bold (operate)in Germany.So far testshavebeen A new type of train may soon be in __ (commute)willbe ableto travel years' (success) time and it is hoped that in l0 (actual)the world's from Hamburs to Berlin in lessthan an hour. The Transraoidtraiti is lowest-flying aircraft. It has been designedto travel at up to 420 km per hour, and it has neither wheels nor a motor. (magnet)unitspowersthe train,allowingit to "fly" onecentimeter Insteadofrails, a seriesof abovethe tracks.Sirrceit is suspendedin the air, it can turn sharpcornersat very high speedswithout (environment)haveserious (notice)disturbanceinsidethe train. creatingany (significant) (object)to the train, however,as it is noisier that normal trains. (alternate)to traveling by Nevertheless,it seemsthat the new train will soon be a popular plane betweencitiesin Germany. 87 C WRITING PersonalLetter You havereceiveda letterfrom your English-speaking friendCarlawho writes: ...My classwent on a one-day trip to Straford-on-Avon last week.I really enjoyedit though travelling by bus waslong and tiring. Do you often go on school outings? Do you enjoy thesetrips, why or why not? What wasthe most interestingtrip? My Grondfother was 70 last weekand wehad afamily gathering... Writea letterto Carla. In your letter . answerher questions . ask3 questions abouther familygathering Write100-140words. Remember the rulesof letterwritine. GUIDED WRITING C Argumentative composition 1. Study the example 2. Paraphrase thefollowing topicsfor compositionsto make theproper introduction part with twopoints of view on the problem (the first paragraph) to the compositions Example: 'On-line educationis o growing industry, but is it a blessingor a curse?' What is your opinion? Due to recenttechnologicaladvances,a growingnumber of peoplegive up the clossroomenvironmentand chooseto study on-line. Somepeopleclaim that distant learning will completelysubstitutetraditional waysof education.However,othersarguethot thereis nothingbetterthon real-life communicationwith a teocherin the classroom. 1. 'Not all peopleenjoya 9-to-5 workingdo1:111 ofrce'. 88 2. 'A lot of parentsbelievethat children watchtoo tnuch TV. 3. 'Only thepeoplewho eorn a lot of moneyare successful'. Argumentativecomposition Comment the followins statement. Tburismruins everythingit touches. What is your opinion? Do you agreewith this statement? Write 200-250 words. Use the tbllowing plan . . . . . make an introduction. (statethe problem) expressyour personalopinion and give 2-3 reasonsfor your opinion express an opposingopinion and give l-2 reasonsfor this opposingopinion expresswhy you don't agreewith the opposingopinion make a conclusionrestatingyour opinion Study the clueson Travellingand Tourismwhich may help you in your writing: . . r . . . . Tourism can bring economic_sainto the developmentof the country. Tourism is extrerne ly beneficialas it providespeoplewith jobs. popular Most resortsare polluted and overcrowded. Tourism bringsculturesand peoplecloser. Travellingis a part of people'seducation:it broadensminds. Many ancientmonumentsare destroyedby crowdsof tourists. The increasingnumber of touristsdamagethe local environment. 89 Read the text, learn the vocabularvand discuss STAYINGIN A HOTEL Thegreat advantageof a hotel is thot it is o refugefrom home life GeorgeBernard Shaw while traveling,people needsomewhereto stay.that's why there are a lot of good hotelsat their disposal.Still, if you do not want to get disappointed,it is advisableto book accommodationin advance by telephoneor Internet' particularlyif you aretravehngin sumnrer.In that caseyou won,t needto leave the hotel becausethere is no roont, u'hich is alu'ay's an unpleasantexperience,especiallyif you arriveat nieht. Almost all modern hotelshave rooms with all modern conveniences: air-conditioning,a private bathroom,a telephone,a TV-set,and others.The serviceis usuallyquite satisfactory.You can take a s i n g l er o o m .a d o u b l er o o m o r a s u i t e . Supposing,you booked accommodationin a hotel. Your taxi drives up to tlie entranceof the hotel; you pay the driver and get out of the cab. The porter helpsyou with the lLrggage and you enterthe lobby of the hotel. You go to the receptiondeskand speakto the receptionist, this is the clerk who is in chargeof roonrsand who registersthe newcomers. Whetl you are through with all the fornralities,y,ouwill get the key your to room and a lobby boy will takeyou to your room. At a hotel you call get variousseryllcs.If y'ouwant to haveyour suit pressed or dry-cleaned.your shirt ironed. or your laurldry done, you should ring for the maid. You can also haveyour mealsserved into your roorX-The Up is usuallygivenwith the wordsof thanks. In the lobby thereare a lot of offices:alootrngofiee. posrarndan information desk.Nearly all the hotelshavebars,restaurants. gyms and swimnringpools. Bills are usuallypaid at the end of sta-v. When you are readyto checkout, you tellthe deskclerk to get your bill ready. As for me, the lasttime I stalredin a hotelwaswhen... Explain thefollowing words: B&B, guesthouse, inn, motel,youthhostel,campsite,holidaycamp,full board,halfboard. self'-caterine. resort + STUDENT CARD Giveo 2-2.5 minute talk on the topic,,Stal,ingin a Hotel,' Rememberlo sq': a a a a Why peoplestay in hotels What modernconveniences you may find in a hotel What servicesyou can find in a hotel If you haveeverstayedin a hotel, whereand who with Answerthe question.Whatis betterin vour opinion. stayin a hotelor renta flat?Whvl 90 O WORD FORMATION Form a word thatfits eachgap Customersusuallvmake a phone call or senda fax to make a I'm not sureof the exactdatesvet so I'd like to makea 1. 2. (reserve) bookirig for the 24'hto 28"'(provision) (booking) 3. Therearemoreglleststhanrooms.I'm afraidthe hotelis 4. I'm sorrv.butthercis no for the honeymoonsuitefor the period you require. (available) The customerhasbeentakenill so we've had a of the booking. (cancel) (occupy) There is no one in room 507at the moment and room 508 is also jobs One of the first to be done by the receptionisteachday is to dealwith the 5. 6. 7. (correspond) 8. The hotelasksguests not to leave piecesofjewelleryin the room. (value) The managementhope that computerizeddoor lockswill thievesfrom getting (prevention) into hotel rooms. 9. O WRITING PersonalLetter pen-friend. This is a partof a letterfrom Mary,yourEnglish-speaking ...1t wasgreat to hear that you wentto Italy duringyour summerholidays.I havealways wantedto visit this wonderfulcountry.Did you enjoyyourjourney? Wat placesof interestdid you you mostof all? Did you like your hotel? visit? Wat impressed Asfor me, I'm awfullytired becausewe'vegot too many testsat school.Can't waitfor the aatumnbreak... Writebackto Marv. In your letter . answerher questions . ask3 questions aboutherplansfor the autumnholidays Write 100-140words. Rememberthe rulesof letterwritine. yl Read the text. learn the vocabulamand discuss ADVERTISING Advertisingis the on of convincingpeople to spendmoneytheydon't have for somethingtheydon't need. Will Rogers printed in newspapers Although the averagecitizen is usuall-vannoyedby all the advertisements and magazinesand the commercialsbroadcaston TV the impact of the whole adverlisingindustry on a singlepersonis immenseand playsa very important role in our lives.Advertisingabsorbsvastsumsof money but it is usefulto the community.What are the functionsof advertisements? The first one to mention is to inform. A lot of the information people have about household glevices, cars,buildirrgmaterials.electronicequipment.cosmetics.detergents and fbod is largelyderived from the advertisements the),read.Advertisements introducethem to new productsor remind them of the existingones. The secondfunction is to sell.The productsare shownfrom the bestpoint and the potentialbuyer, on having enteredthe store. unconsciouslychoosesthe advertisedproducts. One buys this washing powderor this chewinggum. becausethe colorful TV commercialsconvincehim of the bestqualitiesof the product. Evencigarettesor sweetsor aicohol are associated with the good valuesof human lit-esuch asjoy, freedom, love and happiness,and just those associations make a person choosethe advertised products.The aim of a good advertisement is to createa consumerdemandto buy the adverlisedproduct or service.Children are good exampleas they usr.rally want the particularkind of chocolateor toy or chewing-gum.Beingnaive,they cannot evaluatewhat is truthful and what is exaggelalgd. Thirdly, sincethe maiorit-vof advertisements are printed in our presswe pay lessfor newspapers and magazines.also TV in most countriesis cheap.The public advertisingseenon streethoardings, railwaystationsand buildingsmakespeople'slife morejoyful. Nloreover,all thosesmall adsin the press concerning"employment", "edlrcation" and "for saleand wanted" columns, help ordinary people to find a betterjob or a better employee,to sell or to buy their second-handthings and find services,or learnabouteducational facilities.socialeventssuchas.concerts.theatreplays,footballmatches,and to announcebinhs. marriages and deaths. Nevertheless, despiteour dissatisfaction when beingbombardedby all the advertisers'information we must admit tliat they do perform a usefulsen'iceto society,and advertisements are an essentialpart of our everydaylife. STUDENT CARD r) Give a 2-2.5 minute talk on the topic'Advertising" Rememberto sot,: a a a What role advertisingplaystoday What the positiveand negativeaspectsof advertisingare Ifadvertising is necessaryfor you, why or why not 92 o WORD FORMATION Complete the sentenceswith the correctform of the word in bold 1. Advertisements (advertise) does have its drawbacks. Some It cannot be denied that (true) (reall and give advertisementsshow life (consume). people information.In advertsall seemto be happy all kidsseem (health)and well off. But this is not true at all. In to be (add),advertsdo not talk aboutproductsdefects.What is more, advertisingincreases pricesfor consumers ( p r e s s ) put and o n t h e n rm a k i n gt h e mb u yt h i n g st h e yd o r r ' tn e e d l.t i sa l s om u s t (forbid)to advertisealcohol and cigarettesas these be (harm). (produce)are really 2. Firstwomenin advertising (choose)for women rn (busy);however,advertisingwasone of the few. Sincewomen were responsible (purchase)done in their household, for most of the (advertise) (valuable)of wonren'sinsight during the and agerrcies recognizedthe (create)process.In fact, the first American advertisingto use a sexualsell was (produce).Although tame by today's standards, createdby a woman - for a soap (advertise)featureda couplewith the nressage "The skin you loveto touch" the At the turn of the centurv.there were few career 3. TV adverts Manytelevision (commerce)featuresongsor melodies("jingles") or slogans (design) to be striking and (memory), which ma-v (view)long after the span of the advertising remair-rin the minds of televisiolr (life) of their campaign.Some of thesead jingles or catch-phrasesmay take on own, spawninggagsthat appear in films, televisionshows, magazines,comics, or literature.These long-lastingadvertisingelementsmay be said to have taken a place in the pop culture history of the (generate)to wlrom thel'appeared.Examplesare the (endure)slogans,such as "l ? New York", Just do it (Nike) or'Because yolr are worth it' - L'Oreal Cosmetics. 4. SunerBowl (general)consideredthe (effect)mass-marketadvertisingformat, and this is (broadcast) (reflection)by the liigh prices TV networks chargefor commercial airtirneduring popularTV events.The annuaiSuperBowl Americanlbotballgameis known asmuch for its commercialadvertisements as for the gameitself.and the averagecost of a single30-secondTV spot (legend)game(seenby 90 million viewers)hasreachedUS$3 million. As during this a result,watchingand discussingthe broadcast'scommercialshasbecomea (music)have (signify)aspectof the event.In addition. many poplllar singersand performedduring the event'spre-gameand halftimeceremoniesbecauseofthe (expose). In the United States.the TV advertisement is 93 1..) WRITING Argumentative composition Advenisingis commonthroughouttheworld.However,not oll peopleconsiderit helpful. Whatis youropinion? Wrire200-250 words. Usethe followingplan . . . . o makean introduction.(statethe problem) yourpersonalopinionandgive2-3 reasons express for youropinion express an opposingopinionandgiveI -2 reasons for thisopposingopinion express why you don't agreewith the opposingopinion makea conclusion youropinion restating 94 Read the text, learn the vocabularyand discuss BOOKS With evervbook. vou becomean investig,ative ,rpinrr. Yoi spenda lirtle rime leirning whot it's like to live in someoneelse's SNOCS John lrving There is no dolbt that readrngis verv important.By learningto readyou iearnhow to concentrate, how to use your imagination, and to visualizethe storiesin your own way. Undoubtedly, readingis becominglessand lesspopular nowadays,with the increasingpopularity of TV, videosand computers. I'm not surepeoplereadas much asthe'ywatchTV or videonow. However,I think that with booksyott alwaysget a picture in your mind. and havecer-tainideasabout certaincharacters,so vivid sometimes whertthey makea film out of your tavouritebook. that it can becomea disappointment genres arepublishedeveryyearttt numerouspublishinghousesso you Booksof differenttypesand A lot of bookshopsilre beingopetredtoday in our city can choosea book which bestsuitsyour requests. and provide customerswtth a greatvarietyof books.What's more, in somebookshopsyou can drink a cup of coffeewhile readinga bestsellerand meet authorspresentingtheir latestworks. There are differentkirrdsof books.You know that childrenlike readingand listeningto fairy tales, There are also historicalnovels.adventurebooks, sciencefiction, love stories,true fables,ShOrt_StA11gS. stories,aulSbjqgpphjg,Sand detectivesfor people of all ages.Some people prefer referencebooks and or usethem in their work. encyclopaedias Audlotsats are popular with people who spend a lot of time in cars getting to work and beilg stuck in traffic jams. For some of them it is the only opportunity to appreciatebooks in our hectic lifestyle.Thc AriySnlot'electronicpublishingand the Irtternetllcans tlrat mLichtrcrvitllbrmationis trot priltccl in paperbooks.but is maclcrilailablconiinc througha digitallibrary,on CD-ROM. or irt tltc lbrm of E_]Xrolr.A1 online book is an c-bciolithat is availablconline throrighthc Internet. Some people think that electronicbooks are great. You can store thousandsof books on an e-reader,whereaspaper books take up lots of spaceat home. Furthermore,you don't need to go to a bookshopbecauseyou cetnbLryand receivebooksonline instantly. 'real' book On the other hand, printed books are still very'popular.Sontepeoplepreferto hold a and like to touch paper pages.You can lend a lavourite book to a friend but you can't borrow your friend's e-readerfor a couple of weeks.Bcqdes, electrotticbooks are quite expensive. Electronicbooksare undoubtedll,arealll,usefulinvention.Man.vpeopleusethem but they won't replacepaperbooks in the future. Readingbooks enhancesnot only the grammarand diction of a person,but also broadenstlte horizonsof knowledge,enrichingthe innerworld of a person.As a result,good readerscan easilyand effectivelycommunicatewith others. Such skills are essentialfor improving an individual's overall personality.S. Maughanlonce saidthat "a real masterpiecemakesyou sharefeelingsand emotionswith the characters,follow the plot and think." I believethat we shouldtry to readasmany booksaspossible. no matterwhetherwe swallow,chew or digestthem. 95 Russianwriters and poets: Britishwritersand poets: Americanwritersand noets: As for me I'm into.... I'd like to tell you about a book I've recentlyread/ I'd like to tell you about my favouritebook. I t i s " . . . . . "b y . . . . The main charactersare ...Mostly I liked ....because The olot is (quite, very) funny, serious, dramatic, gripping, moving, clever, thrilling, typical, boring, predictable,ordinary,silly because.... The situationis set in.... This book hasgot a lot of original ideasabout..... This book is reallyworth readingI this book isn't worth reading. Study the vocabulary: Books:entertaining,boring, shocking,frightening,sad,exciting Scarycharacters,tragic end, too much violence,funny incidents,predictablecharacters Original ideas,unhappy situations,lots of action, repetition STUDENT CARI) C Give o 2-2.5 minute talk on the topic"Books". Rememberto talk about: o . o . The role of books in our lives Typesofbooks Advantagesand disadvantages ofe-books your The book which is favourite or which you haverecently read Answerthequestion:Will.in youropinion, books continue to exist with the developmentof the Whv/ whv not? lnternet resources? O WORD FORMATION 1. Complete the sentenceswith the correct form of the word in bold TennesseeWilliams (child)in (east) Williamswasbom in l9l4 ar,d spenthis Tennessee people Mississippi.His real name was Thomas Lanier Williams, but like many in the (young)he uorked in various (pursue)of fame, he adopteda pen-name.During his (occupy)includinga periodasa shoesalesman. (drama) that he becamefamous. His best However,it was of course as a (live) of southernAnerican societywith its pretenceof wellwork was basedon the 96 (elegance)behavior.His most famous mannered and (achieve) include 'A StreetCar Named Desire" and "Cat on a Hot Tin Roof'. Both disnlava (combine)of socialawareness and emotionaltension.Manv (success)films have been plays. made, basedon his * WRITING PersonalLetter ...1 enjoy reading very much and I read a lot in my spore time. I would be really interestedto find out more aboutfamous Russianwriters. Wo is yourfavourite writer at the moment? Haveyou got enough time for reading? By the way,I am thinking ofjoining our school'sLiterature CIub. Write soon. Take care, Mary This is a part of letter from Mary, your English pen friend. Writebackto Mary. In your letter . answerall herquestions. . ask3 questions aboutherschool'sLiteratureclub Write100-140words. Remember the rulesof letterwritine. Argumentativecomposition Somepeoplesay that reading a book without illustrations is boring. What is your opinion on bookswith illustrations? Write 200-250 words. Use the following plan o . . . o make an introduction. (statethe problem) expressyour personalopinion and give 2-3 reasonsfor your opinion expressan opposingopinion and give 1-2 reasonsfor this opposingopinion expresswhy you don't agreewith the opposing opinion make a conclusion restatingyour opinion 97 Read the text, learn the vocabularyand discuss ART: PNNTINGS AND PNNTERS Art ffirs twogreat gifts of emotion the emotion of recognitionand the emotion of escape. Both emotionstake us out oJ-theboundariesof self... Duncan Phillips People say that they need art as a way of understanding the world around them and a way of expressingtheir feelingsand emotions.There are many differentforms of art - literature,architecture, sculpture,paintirrg,drawing, music, dance,theatre,cinema, etc. There are many stylesand genresof art aswell. Painting is the art of portraying or representingobjectswith line and colour. There are different genresof painting:the landscape,seascape, still life, portrait, genrepainting.Artistsexpresslhruideas through composition,colouring. light and shadeeffect. Many techniquesdevelopedthrough centuries allow artiststo transformtheir feelingsinto flat irnageson a canvasor a pieceof paper.Paintingssendus back to life and to other artswith the ability to seebeautyall about us aswe go olt our accustomedways. There is a galaxy of great painters in Russia.Andrey Rublyov and Pheophan Greek are wotkl: known icon painters.Ivan Shishkincan be calledthe singerof Russianforests,("Morning in the Pine Forest"), while l.Levetan derived inspiration from the Russianautumn. The Peredvizhnikiinclude artistssuch as Ilya Repin ("Ivan the Terribleand his Son Ivan") and VassilySurikov ("The Morning of the StreletskiExecution", "Boyarynya Morozova"). Victor Vasnetsovchose the folk Russianstyle ("Bogatyrs"), Mikhail Vrubel is noted for originalityof thought and novelty of form, his "Demon" is the fruit of his fantasticimagination. The work of Ivan Aivazovskycan be regardedas a singleepic poem of the sea("The Ninth Wave"). Russianart is brilliantly represented in The StateRr.rssian Museum. As for British painters,the best known are William Hogafth, JoshuaReynolds,Gainsborough, Constableand Turner. Some of their masterpieces are erhibited in The Hermitage,in the department of Englishart. Modern paintershavea lot of opportunities nowadaysto demonstratetheirworks of art in different museumsand art-galleries,evenon the street,in the so-called"Art zones". My favouriteartist is Ivan Nvazovsky(1817-1900).He gaineda worldwide fame by his romantic paintings,rclu&able for their emotional colours. In his painting "The Ninth Wave" he revealedthe beautyofthe mighty seaon a stormyday and conveyedit masterfully.The raysofthe settingsun penetrate thror"rgh the dark low clouds.In the centre.a magnificentwave.curled like a shell,portraysthe conflict of wind and water.The colouringis masterful;the treatmentof light is wonderful.The angry line of the horizon contraststhe smooth water in the foreground,where a nlast of a wreckedship is floating with severalpeople. clenchingto it for life. The sitLration rs desperate. lt's the moment of highestemotional tension.The picture is romantic in its patheticvigour and realisticin the masterfuldepictionof the sea. oTheNinth In the degreeof finish,tliis paintingis unsurpassable. It is a poeticand convincingseascape. wave>> is a real Aivazolskv'smastemiece. Sndy the vocabulary: A landscape- a picture representinga tract of country with the variousobjects.In the context of art Iandscapegenerallydenotesa picture and not a view depictedthere. Wren speakingof the view use scenery,countryside. - a painting or other artisticrepresentation A seascape ofthe sea. A still life a paintingof suchunanimatedsubjectsas fruit, flou'ersand other decorativethings. Genrepainting- a paintingthat represents scenesfrom everydavlife in a more or lessrealisticway. The fine arts famousand highly recognisedforms of art especiallypaintingsor sculptures. Visualart - art opposedto literatureor music which yor"riook at 98 Performing a'rt- arr forms such as dance or drama which involvesdoing things. Performanceart - a type of art that can combine acting, dance, painting, film to expressideas. Translate into Russian: To specializein, to poftray people and emotions,to depict a person/a sceneof life/ the mood of..., to revealthe person'snature, in the foreground linlhe background/on the top/on the bottom, in the right/left-hand corner,to placethe figures;to combine form and colour into harmoniousunity; brilliant colour schemeIski:m]. Colours can be: light, dark, vivid, warm, cool, strong,soft, bright, cheerlul,gloomy,pure etc. Impressionof a painting can be: moving, lyrical, romantic, poetic, disappointing,unsurpassed masterpiece,impenetrable - extremely difficult to understand, intriguing - interestingbecauseit is strangeor mysterious. A plan for the picture description: 1. The general effect (the title and the name of the artist; the time of the picture creation; genre; the generalatmosphereor the theme of the picture) 2.The contentsof the picture (place,time and setting) 3. The composition and colouring (background,what colours predominatesin the picture; how the objects are located). 4. Interpretation (feelingsand ideasthe painting evokesin the viewers) + STUDENTCARI) Give a 2-2.5 minute talk on the topic'Art: Paintingsand Painters". Rememberto say: o r o o What types of art you know What painting is and what genresof painting exist What famous Russianand British artists you know What your favourite painting is Answerthe question:Why do people like going to art museums? C WORD FORMATION Fill in the spacesin thefollowing text using a suitable form of the wordsgiven in brackets (profession)artist is to understand what the art world wants The key to being a (success)artistneedstohavea-(recognize)sty1e and then produce it. The (desire). It takes an artist and to make works of art that other people find (finance)rewardscan be amazing.People (end) practice to developtheir own style but the (expense) art becausethey think that the more don't just want art. They want (value)a painting is, the better it is. Often, that is true, but sometimesbad art sellsfor an (fame) artistsmade very little money from their art, but now we can (believe)price. Many (create)reallyare. seehow imoortant their 99 O WRITING Argumentativecomposition Wsitingmuseumsis o completewosteof time. what is your opinion on visiting museumsand picture galleries? Write 200-250 words. Use the following plan o . . o o make an introduction. (statethe problem) expressyour personalopinion and give 2-3 reasonsfor your opinion expressan opposingopinion and give l-2 reasonsfor this opposingopinion expresswhy you don't agreewjtli the opposrngopiniorr make a conclusionrestatingyour opinion 100 Read the text, learn the vocabularyand discuss ENWRONMENTALISSUES Becausewe don't think aboutfuture generations, they will neverforgetus Henrik Tikkanen We are in the environmental crisis becausehuman beings have broken out the circle of life and are destroyingthe environment.Overpopulation,industrialization,urbanizationand environmental pollution havedisastrouseffectson natureand wildlife. The first threat to the planet is the extinction of plant and animal life. Many animals find it more and more difficult to surviveastheir natural habitat is being destroyedby growing cities.The earth forestedareasare in dangerof disappearingcompletel,vas treesare burnt or cut down. Illegal hunting (poaching)threatenssome rare speciesto becomeextinct.This processcan be controlled if we protect animals in dangerbizlaw, open more parksand plant more forests,introduce harsherpunishmentfor poachersand raisepr:blicawareness about endangeredspecres. problem The second iswater,air and soil pollution. Factoriesand carsreleasepoisonouschemicals into the air. The cheniicalsmir with the water in the clouds, and the polluted rain which falls later damageseverl'thing alive. Gasesfrom aerosolspraysand fridgesgo into the atmospheredestrolzingthe ozone layer which Eevenls_us_jla!0getting harmful radiation. As a result. more and more people get spreadfast. skin cancer.Our societyproducestoo much packagingand food waste;that is why diseases Peopleusea lot of detergents for cleaningtheir housesand cars,this wastedwateris poured into streams, rivers,seas,and oceanskilling aquaticlife. A few stepscan help to changethe situation.We must throw awaylessrubbish;use recyclingand control the usageof waterand electricity. Deforestation, using aerosols and burning fusul-fucls cause 1he process of Global Warming (GreenhouseEffect). This environmentalchangeleadsto rising temperatures,melting ice capsin the polar regionand droughtsand floods. These problemsare very serious.Both scientistsand politiciansagreethat unlesssome radical stepsare takenin the nearestfuture, life on our planet may be destroyed. Here are someof the waysto solveecologicolproblems. Expressyour own opinion if they are helpful or not: . . . . . . . . The factoriesand plantsmust be removedfrom cities Green zonesmust be created.The greenerymust be protectedand increased Pollution control systemsmust be introduced must be widely used Purifoingsyslemsfor cleaningand trappingharmful substances Noise must be reduced We must keepthe streetsof townsclean We must utilize and recyclethe waste protection Peoplemust developinternationalcooperationin the field o1'environmental Can voa add other meosuresto onesmentionedabove? Vl/hatcan you say about ecologicalsituation in thepluce you live? r0l STUDENT CARD Givea 2-2.5 minute tolk on the topic"Environmentalfssues". Rememberto soy: o o o What you know about the threat of extinctionof plants and animals About differenttypesof pollution What peoplecan do to help the environment Answerthe question:What is the ecologicalsituation in the place you live? WORD FORMATION O I. Complete thesesentenceswith the coruectform of the words in brackets I 2 a J What can we do to reducethe (pollute)of the atmosphere? (disaster) produced The changein the climatehas floods. (extinct). Many rare speciesare threatenedwith (harm)to our health. Many of the gasesproducedby factoriesare (damage)effectson the environment. Exhaustfumeshave 4 5 (populate). 6 Many countriesmusttry and controlthe growthof the (survive). 7 Protectingthe environmentis essentialto our (protect)of the environmentis everyone'sresponsibility. 8 The (poor)in othersgetsworse. 9 Whilesomecountriessetricher.the (starve). 1 0 Millions of peoplein the world are threatenedwith 2. Readthefollowing text andrtil in the correctwordderivedfrom the wordsin bold (danger)species.the rhinoceros,is still being One of the world's (organize) hunted for their horn. The World Wildlife Federationsupports which try (hunt) by providing vehiclesand (equip)for severalnational to stop the parks in Africa. Protectedareashave a high fence around them, so rhinos roam in (safe). The WWF also helps in (transport)of rhinos from (danger)areasinto the protected ones. It is very important to lessenthe demand for rhino horns. (aware)of the problem is one of ways to help the situation. Rhino Raising (conserve)is one of the WWF's main tasks. (hope)the WWF will be ableto put a stopto the (acceptable) act ofrhino hunting. 3. Readthefollowing text andrtil in the correctwordderivedfromthe wordsin bold (threat) our natural environment.Acid There are many problemswhich (globe)warming and air and water (pollute)are among the raln, most seriousones.There are severalwaysto help improve the situation.Firstly. we should encourage (recycle)becauseit is the (produce)of new materialswhich causesthe most damage.We must learn to reuse things like plastic bags and glassjars. Secondly, (help). Furthermore,joining an driving an environmentally-friendlycar is also (organize)which plantstreesor cleansup beacheswould be (concern)about the environment.Lastly, supporting (prove) that you are really groups such as Greenpeace,which try to prevent many (environment) disasters,would help to ensurethat our planetwill be cleanand safefor future generations. 102 4. Reod thefollowing text and fill in the correct word derivedfrom the words in botd More and more animals are fighting for (survive)nowadays, and it is not (hunt)who are to blame. Thousandsoffish die evervvearas a resultofthe (legal) (dump)of wastein riversby factoriesall over Etrrope. (investigate)are often carried out to discoverwho is (response)for theseecologicaldisasters,but evenwhen the offendersare found, the (punish)for this kind of (behave)is not assevereasit shouldbe. Factorieswill only refonn oncethe nublic (threat) to stopbuyingtheir products,and not before.It is the only (solve)to a verv seriours problem. only O WRITING PersonalLetter Youhavereceived a letterfromyour English-speaking friendDonna,who writes: ...Guesswhat! My parents let me hovea petfor my birthday. Isn't that great? I haven't decided yet whatpet to get. Hoveyou got a pet? lVhatanimals do yoa think make goodpets? Is it dfficult to look ajter a pet? Let me know what you think. Anyway, I have to go now. I've got loads of homework to do tonight (unfortunately). Write bock soon. All the best, Donna o . Writebackto Donnaanswering herquestions Ask 3 questions aboutDonna'shomework. Write100-140words. Remember the rulesof letterwritine. Argumentativecomposition Is itfair to keepanimals in zoos? what is your opinion? Do I'ou think that peopleshouldkeepanimarsin zoos? Write 200-250 words. Use the following plan o . . . . make an introduction. (statethe problem) your personalopinion and give2-3 reasonsfor yotrropirriou express express an opposingopinion and give l-2 reasons tbr this opposingopinion expresswhy you don't agreewith the opposingopinron m a k ea c o n c l u s i o nr e s t a t i nrgo t r r o p i n i o n 103 Read the text. learn the vocabularvand discuss EXTREME SPORTS Sportsdo not build character. They reveal it Heywood Broun People are different in every'thing.Some people prefer the regularactivitiesor sports, like soccer, basketballor biking. On the other hand, we can alwaysmeet peoplewho cannot control their passion to get involvedin new activities.Thesedare devilscan risk their livesjumping from an airplaneto make some tricks in the mid-air or go down a steepslopeat a high speedon skisor a snowboardunleashing themselvesthrough some adventurousor dangerousactivitiesand risky stunts.The number of people chasing for danger and extreme sport is on the increasenowadays.However, what do we mean while talking about 'extremesports'? The phrase'extrentesports'appearedin 1995when the AmericanTVsports networkorganizedthe first ExtremeGames,which are now known asX Games.Extremespons haveoften beencharacterized as 'alternativesports' as they are consideredto be different from more traditional, establishedones which are often called mainstreamsporls. However,malry extremesportsare in fact new versionsof older ones,often rnadepossibleby technologicalchangesor improvementin equipment.Inline skating or rollerblading , for example, is a new form of roller skating or BMX racing is based on cycling. As they have become competitive,extremesports have even been partly absorbedinto the mainstream, snowboarding,for example,hasbecomean Olympic event. So, what makesextremesportsreally 'extreme'?The key word is risk - they all sharean element of dangerusuallycombinedwith acrobaticstunts.All theseactivitiesoften involvespeed,height. a high level of physical exertion and highl), specializedgear. Severalof sports that fall into this category have been known as 'outlaw sports'becausethey were bannedin many areasfor being too dangerous.Take basejumping, for example.A numberof peopleevenobjectedto thesedangeroussports,highlightingthe risk of accidentand evendeath.You may sa-vthat any sport can be dangerous.The statisticson injury in mainstreamsportsare quite an eye-opener.Of the more popular sportsthat can be deadly,cycling and swimming are the ones most likely to lead to a fatality. However,the truth is that risk of dying or getting a serioussport injury is much lower in traditional sportsthat in extremeones. What makespeopleregularlyrisk their livesfor an adrenalinebuzz? Many of them get bored with studies,e-mails. deadlines.work challengesand tr-vto find a perfect escapeby bringing new thrillirig experienceand pleasantemotions into their iives. For others extremesport is a great opportunity to make friendswho sharethe samepassion.Thosewho are deeplyinto extremesportssaythat the most important thing about them is that extremesportsarejust not like mainstreamsportsmostly because past and presentthey are crawlingwith rebels.riders, driversand rock stars.It's not about uniforms, coachesor scripts.Expressingyourselfthrough action is the key. It's an attitude, a way of life, even a religion.Once you are in, you are in for life. Nevertheless,in termsof dealingwith the potentialrisksinvolvedin these'extremesports',there are various measureswhich can be taken to enslrrethat all controllablerisks are reduced.The most obviousone is to ensurethat thesesportsare carriedout under the correct supervision.by experienced and qualified personnelir, a well-suitedenvironnlent.A11possiblesafetyprecautionsshould be taken whenevernecessaryto guaranteethe safetl'ofboth panicipantsand spectators. To tell the truth. it would be fantasticto erperiencesomethingextraordinary,at leastonce in a lifetime. As for me I'm a (snow)fan and I'm into....very much. I'm pretty adventurousso I like doing....or I'd like to try I'm pretty adventurousbut I'd rather watch extremesportson TV than try doing one of them, my friendsgo downhill skiingor snowboarding. althor-rgh As for me, I'm afraidof heightand speedso I preferpla-ving tennis. 104 [a. Sndy the list of extremesports: Earth: skateboarding,longboarding.mountain boarding, sandboarding,BMX, motocross,FMX, aggressive inline skating,mountain biking. caving,slacklining,abseiling,rock climbing, freeclimbing,bouldering, mountaineering,parkour,sandkiting, zorbing Water: surfing, body boarding, waterskiing,wakeboarding,kitesurfing,windsurfing, cavediving, flowboarding, paddle surfing / stand up paddle, kayaking.cliffjumping, coasteering.scubadiving, knee boarding, white waterrafting, skim boarding,jet skiing Snow and Ice: snowboarding,snow skiing,ice climbing, snowmobiling,snow kiting Air: basejumping, skydiving,wing suiting,bungeejumping, high-lining, hanggliding, paragliding 1.b Chooseone extremesport to tell your classmatesabout 2. Sudy the vocabulary To reduce/increasethe risk of something Risk-takers To be worth the risk/ to take a risk A real risk of seriousinjury Team spirit The benefitsoutweigh the risk Life -threatening activities To get adrenalinegoing... To hire an instructor Protectivegear Mountain biking, mountain climbing, mountaineering,hang gliding, kiting O STUDENT CARI) Give a 2-2.5 minute talk on the topic"Extreme Sports". Rememberlo say: . o . The differencebetweenextremesports and traditional ones What makes people risk their lives Ifyou prefer watchingor taking up risky sports;why/ why not Answerthe question:Why are so many parentsagainstthe idea of their children playing risky sports and what is the solution to this oroblem? 105 WORD FORMATION 1. Usethe word given toform a word that fits eachspace (popular) over the last few Adventure sports have increasedgreatly in years. More and more people are looking for (excite), perhapsbecausethey feel (interest).Take, for example,a man who sits in his office all day from their livesare _ (adventure) Monday to Friday,but on Saturdayhe is an risk-takingherowho panicipatesin the most (danger)of sports.He looks for the (hieh) jump (race) cliffto liom, strappedin a hang glider harness,or he is one of the crew (terrify) speeds.He is not difficult to recognizebecausehe is down a river moving al (talk) about what he has been doing at the weekend.He the one who is often heard (strange)to tell his stories to, and he is always always is Iookingfor an unsuspecting (impress)by. looking for the next thing he can do, which he thinks peoplewill be 2. Usethe word given toform a word that fits each space Why are some people risk-takers?What makesthem take pan in (danger)or (explain)for this. Car racerslove even life-threatening activities?There are different (excite)of speed.while climbersget their thrill from the (face) challengeof high mountains. Millions of yearsago, when people laced dangerdaily, risk-takingwas (survive).Although living in today'sworld is (easy)than essentialfor (base)instinct still remains.However,taking riskscan it wasin thosedays,perhapsthat (healthy)obsession.Some people can evenbecome addictedto danger, become a ver)r (interest)that the majority of riskand are unableto stop looking for it. It is also (curiosity)? takersseemto be men. Is this becausemen are more Or do womenthink (sense)? twice about taking risksbecausethe]"are more 3. Fill in the spacesin thefollowing text using a suitable form of the wordsgiven in brackets Running is excellent exercise.Before you start running. you should warm up first, using (move)that make all your muscleswork. But be slow (care)! If you stretchwhen your musclesare cold, you might _ (injury)yourself.Alwayswear (comfort)clothing and make sureyour (train)are in good shape.lf you wear shoesthat give good supportto your whole foot, you will pr"rt (little)pressureon your knees.You should startexercising (slow),at a paceyou can keepup for about 15-20 minutes.Try to exerciseon soft ground as this will (protection)your kneesand hips from too much tension. 106 C WRITING PersonalLetter This is a part of a letter from Paul, your English pen friend. ...At school we are doingprojects on sports that are popular in different countries. Could you tell me about two kinds of sports that are popular with Russianteenagers?Wy are theypopular? Do you have enoughtime for sports? By the way,I om thinking ofioining our schooldrama club. Is that a good idea? Write soon. Best wishes, Paul Write backto Paul. In your letter . . answerall his questions. abouthis schooldramaclub ask3 questions Write100-140words. Remember the rulesof letterwritins. Argumentative composition Extreme sportshelp to build chorocter. What is your opinion? Write 200-250 words. Use the following plan: . . . . . make an introduction. (statethe problem) expressyour personalopinion and give 2-3 reasonsfor your opinion expressan opposingopinion and give I -2 reasonsfor this opposingopinion expresswhy you don't agreewith the opposing opinion make a conclusion restatingyour opinion t07 Read the text, learn the vocabularyond discuss O THE ROLE OF YOUNG PEOPLEIN MODERN SOCIETY What should young peopledo with tlteir lives today? Ilany things, obviousll'.But the most doring thing is to createstable comrnunitiesin which the terrible disease of lonelinesscon be cured Kurt Vonnegut Adolesc€ntcis a vital period in life as this is the first tirne individualscan truly,'make_Lheir own decisions.The relationshipstecnagersiravc'n'ith thcir pee15,farlill'. and rnenrbersof their socialsphere pla-va vital role in the socialdevclopnrcntof'an adolescglr!bccauseteenagL'rs can be easil)'rnflulossdby ivith. the peoplethey developcloserelationshrps The role of the famil-vin a teenager'slife changesdramaticall.v. Somepsychologistssa-vabout the generatiottgap.Generationgapis the differencein ideas,feelingsand interestsbetweenolder and younger peoplewhich is often characterized by the lack of understandirig. Argumentsoften co_r1_9-_e_nt nrirrorissue-s of control,suchiis acceptable clothing,and the aclolescent's right tclprivacl,.whichteenagers may have previouslyviervecl itsissuesoverrvhichtheir parentshud completeautho$lJ. Socialmedia hasalsoplayed an increasingrole i11teenagerand parent disirgrc'enlents. Whilc piuents ncver had to worr-naboLrtthe parL'ntshavcvcry' socialrnediain the past.it hasbeconrca dlingerousplircefor childrcn. Man.v_. lfuealLs,ef little knowledgeof social networking sitesarnclthis tirrther increasestheir mistrust" Despitechanging f-amilyrolesduring adolescence. the home e.nvuont_r:lent and parents are still iulportant for tlre behaviors and choicesof teenagers^ Teensrvho havea good relationshiprvith their parentsare lesslikely ta eigage, jtr variousrisktre-haliots. suchassmoking.drinking.fightin-e. andior unptotecteel sexualintercourse.Irr addition.parentsinfluencetlie educationof aclolercence. Most modern teenagers realizewhat role educationpla-vsin modern world so they are more likely to completesecondaryand higher educationto ge1better chancesof a careerdevelopmetlt.Of course the amount of time adolescentsspcndon u'ork and leisrireactivitiesvariesgrcatl-v, but more and more teenagersare spendinsnlore time in school or ivorkingand lesstimc' on leisureactivities.The grorving jobs in sunrrnertinreasthe problemof pocketmoneyexists. numberof teenstr-vto find somepuirl-time Someparentsare too strict and control how their childrenspendmoney. Adolescenceis the period when teenagersoften becomeheavilyemotionallyinvestedin friends. Friends de.mattstrutealgrc_at!:ri$pilcl_eu one another so it is common for teens to copy friends in different situations.Pccr grsups can have positive influenceson an individual, such as on academic motivation and performance.Unlbrtunately,they can also have negativeinfluences,like encouraging experimentationwith drugs,drinking. vandalism.and stealing.So the socialenvironmenlwhich can be createdfor a teenageris very important. Within the pastten !'ears.the amourrtof socialnetu'orkln*s S[e.:-ayailable tetlrc_Uublichasgreatl]'' ( in 23% teens social rnedia rneauirrg irrcreased. One four arel-heal:lr, theyuseat leasttwo clifferent ) users. nieciia Sonreps1'choklgists haveindicatedthatelectroniccommunicatiorr t-vpesofsoci:rl eachandeverl'clav. impairs their a{Iectsadolescents'socialcleveloprlent.replacesfa-E_erla:lale_lQl!1mlu1lciition, lregativel-v social skills, arld cau somelimc'sleaclto unsaft interaE1totrurlhstra!]gcI5. Horvever.other researchers suggeststhirt Intc'rnetcommunicationbringsll'icrtciscloserand is bc'neficial1brsociallyaruiioustecns. who find it easierto interactsocitrlh'online. Adolescenceis a period full of uncertainties;therefore,teenagersfeel the need to find somebody that they can cling to, who would make them feei like they belong somewhereor to somethingin the society.The role which a teenagershould neverplay is a desperate.lonely person,and this is everyone's responsibility.The chanceshouldbe givento ever.vone. r08 There are some waysto a happy life. Read thepiecesof adviceand discussthem: . Love yoLrrself. Almost no orle is satisfiedwith the wa1'heor she looks. Rememberthat you are you you and are unique. Be yourself.You cannotbe "cool" all the time. And who determineswhat is cool? The advertisingcompanies?MTV? The happinessfrom foilowing the crowd is not lasting.Don't sacrificeyourselfto be with someonewho doesn'trespectyou. Believein yourself- if you don't, how can you expectothersto'.) Ifyou set yourselfgoals,alwaysset goalsthat you can reach.If you havedone enough,then award yourself.Smile at your facein the mirror and say:"I did greattoday". Sayit threetimes and mean it. Learn the powerof colour.Blue is calming,red givesyou energy,orangemakesyou more optimistic, turquoisemakesyou lessshy and more confidentin vourself. Believedreamscan come true; it's the first steporl the road to making them happen. Learn to say "No". If you reallydon't want to do something,savso...If this is difficult for you, say "This isn't easy.but I haveto say "no". Eat breakfasl.Peoplewho maketime for it are slimmer and healtliier. Exercise!It's reallyworth the time and effort it takes.Exerciseis fun. It strengthensyour muscles. It's a good way to meet peopleand make friends.It helpsto get rid of pent-up emotionsand anger and it can lift your mood. Bewareof watchingtoo much television.Once on. the TV can be difficult to turn olL Get eight hours sleepat night - you'11feeland look betterafter it. Feelinglow? Meet a friend, listento rnusicor just havea sleep.Readingsomethingreally gripping can alsohelp. Expectto fail sometimes.It happensto everyone,no matter how successful. The important thing is your to learn someusefullessont'roni disappointments. Learn the power of positivespeaking- soundingoptimistic makesyou feel that way. Worried about something?What advicewould you give to your bestfriend? Take that adviceyourself. Be social.Peoplewith friendslive longerthan loners. - a sportsclub or a drama society.Peoplewho feel involvedare nroreoptimistic and Join somethin-e more snccessful. chemicalsthat would otherwisebuild Crying is an important way of gettingrid of stress-generated up in your body. nothing wrong with beingshy.But it wouldn't hurt to make an effort Feelingshy?There'sabsolr"rtely to be more social. Do sport. It can giveyolr energyto live. . r . . . . . . . o o . . . . . . . . . (; STUDENT CARD Give a 2-2.5 minute talk on the topic"The Role of YoungPeoplein Modern Society". Rememberto say: . o . What role the family playsin a teen's life What the attitude of teenagersto educationis What role friendsplay Answerthe question:What problemsas a teenagerdo you face? 109 o WORD FORMATION 1. Read the text below. Usethe word given in brackets toform a word thatfits the gap (decide).It is very hard to make them in Every day we have to make important (who)the world is so simpleand (young),becausewe arenot children,for_ (transit) period teenagersare very not yet adults,who have life experience.In this (satisfy) (change),fullof self-criticism,frequentchangesof mood, are alsoeasily with their appearance.Teenagers (influence)by others.And just in this period a greatnumberof peoplebeginto smoke,communicatewith (we)in orderto find the right (differ) groups. But I think we should love (social). way in life and the placein 2. Fill in the conect word derivedfrom the word in brackets How play has changed (consider)overthe lastfifty years.In the The way children play has changed (safe)of children if they went out to play. Most past, parentsdid not haveto fear the (neighbour)were communities in which everyoneknew everyoneand children could (add) there was hardly any (supervise) by adults.In be left to play pinch or used for a (easy) football transformed into a traffic and a street could be (fortunate) things are very different today. Apart from the fact that our game of tag, (danger)than they were in the past,the last fifty yearshaveseen streetsaremuchmore (include),of (create) of more and more sophisticatedgames, the_ course,the thousandsof computergameson the market.Too much time spentalone with a computer (able)to form friendshipswith other children. may damagethe child's c WRITING PersonalLetter This is a parl of a letterfrom Pam,your Englishpenfriend. ...1don't think it'sfair to make children do householdchoresbecouseweare too busyat school. And what about you? Do you help you Mum aboat the house? Wat kind of things do you have to do? Do you have enoughrtme tu do chores? Asfor my plansfor the summer,I'm goingto Italy with myfriends. We'll be sndying ltalian at a summer school. It's really great! Hope to hearfrom you soon. Love, Pam a a her questions. Writebackto Pamanswering Ask 3 questions abouther trip to Italy. Write100-140words. Remember the rulesof letterwriting. ll0 O GUIDED WRITING Argumentativecomposition Somepeoplethink that socialnetworkscon substitutereol-life communication. What is your opinion?Do you agreewith this statement? Write 200-250 words. Use the following plan . . . . o make an introduction. (statethe problem) expressyour personalopinion and give 2-3 reasonsfor your opinion expressan opposingopinion and give 1-2 reasonsfor this opposingopinion expresswhy you don't agreewith the opposing opinion make a conclusionrestatingyour opinion PARAGRAPH 1. INTRODUCTION It is almost impossibleto live in isolation. Peopleneedcommunicationond in modern high tech world it is more and more often tendsto takeplace on-line. Somepeopleare sure thal . However,othersare convincedthat PARAGRAPH 2 u,tunpuuepauu) I stronglybelievethat (2-3 opeyweHmo c nodmeeptrcdeuun.uu PARAGRAPH 3 mo.tKo3peHun c opzyMeHmauu) On theotherhand,somepeoplearguethat(npomusono:toJrcHafl _ tll PARAGRAPH4 (odaacuumt, I donotogreewiththeaboveidea(s)because c udeauuusnapaepaQa nolerryHecoeroceH apeyweHmaJvu, Heno*mopnnu,UwunapaepaQ2) 3, nodmeepdumb PARAGRAPH5. CONCLUSION All things considered,there are two points of view on the possibility*of substitutionreal-life communicationfor on-line interaction in social networks. Tb my way of thinking, t12 Read the text, learn the vocabulsryand discuss LTVINGIN A BIG CITY A ciQ is a place wherethere is no need to waitfor next weekto get the answerto a queslion,to tastethefood of any country,tofnd new voices to listen to and familiar onesto listen to osain Margaret iroa A place where you live can have a hlge_lllpae! on your lifestyle. There are many reasonsto be crime rate,icltool takeninto considerationwhile choosinga residence. Clost.u'cather.demographics, performance. and pro.ximit}'tci rvor!' nul a{J'ectvour choice on which neighborhoodis best for you. Check out somefinancial,cultural and lifestylebenefitsand drawbacksof living in the city. To many people a megalopolis(a metropolis)seemsan incredibly excitingplace to live. A big advantageis accessto rich cnltural life. You can regularlygo to museums,Ar1galleriesand seeall the latestf,lms. The residentsof big citiesare exposedto the diversityof people,they seeother culturesand are enrichedby that. IrTa big city you can get ever)'thingat your fingertipsand anl.thingthat you want is available24 hours! iay. You can havea lot offun on the budget.set countlessjobopportunitiesand be advancedin education.However,with the good alsocome the bad. Although a big city has morejob opportunities,thereare alsomore peoplecompetingfor a single job. This can make your job searchfmstrating.You will seehundreds,if not thousandsofjobs available but you still might get unemployed.The cost of living is typicaliyhigherin big citiesand it can cost you an arm and a leg fbt a small apartmentin a decentareaof the city'. Although the diversityis a good thing, the amount of people can be a bit overwhelming.There will alwaysbe crowdsand alwaysbe peoplearound. Somepeopleevenmention the aggressive natureof the residentswhich can makethe life in a city ratheruncomfortable.Pollutionand noiseare a sadreality A lrugeclor-rdof smog hoveringover the downtown for a big city and one of the biggestdisadvantages. skyline is a typical picture of any cityscape.Car alarmsgo offthrough the night, police sirenstoo. It's hard to get a good night's sleep.There is alwaysmore crime in a big city so you are more likely to be a victim living in a big city than in a small town. Children who are brought up in big citiesdo not have freedom to go out in the streetand play. Everl.thinghasto be superv'isedand arrangedin advance. "A nightmare!" you will say.For somepeoplethe disadvantages are outweighingthe advantages and they really considermoving out of a megalopolisin searchof a slowerpace of life and friendlier peoplein suburbsor in the collntry. But most city dwellers,who enjoy the hustleand bustleand want to be closeto the actior-rand new possibilities,feedoffthe cit],'senergyand wouldn't live anyrvhereelse. Ia. Sndy thevocabulary: Resident Urban/rural Large-scale development life of Quality Air quality Pollutionfrom autoemission Rubbish/waste/ garbage Recycle Landfill Heavy traffic (severetraffic) Traffic jam Cost of living Poverty Sprawlingslums Employment opportunities / unemployment rate Scatteredpocketsof greenery The prospectof water/oxJgenshortage 113 Ib. Usethe wordsaboveto talk about theproblems of big cities 2. Decide which of thefollowingfactors you considerare mostfleastimportontfor a good quality of life, Put them in order (number I - most important) and explain your choice . . . . . Clean streetswith no litter Low crime rate Work and jobs No traffic congestion Good public transportsystem . ' ' ' ' Good rangeof leisureand entertainmentfacilities Good housing Green spaces Good schools Clean air 3. Describe theplace whereyou live using this vocabulary: Typesofhouses: a detachedhouse (notjoined to another house), semi-detached(a house that is joined to another house on one side), a bungalow(a small housethat has all its rooms on the same a cottage(a housein level),a terracedhouse(a housein a row ofhouses),a block offlats, a skyscraper, the country), a 5 storeybuilding; Tlpes of flats/ apartments:a bed-sit (a rentedroom for living in),a studio (one small flat with one main room; a one-bedroom/two-bedroomflat, a penthouse,a communal flat, on the ....floor/ ground floor, to overlooksomething Location: anareain the city center.not far from...., on the outskirtsof the city (the furthestparts from the center),the suburbs(an areaawayfrom the centerwhere rnanypeoplelive), Characteristics:overcrowded,shabby,spacious,poky (very small), cozy, tiny; Living conditions:all modern conveniences: central heating,running cold and hot water, home securitysystem,built-in cupboards. (,, STUDENT CARD Givea 2-2.5 minute tolk on"Living in a Big City". Rememberto tolk about: o Advantagesof living in a big city . Disadvantagesof living in a cify o The housesand living conditionsin the placeyou live Answerthe question:What can you say for and againstliving in the country? C VOCABULARYEXERCISES Read the text belowand decidewhich anwer A, B, C, D bestfits eachspace A hectic time Dear Trevor, (2) we (1) sinceI wrote to yolr but I've beenvery busl'_ I know it's been_ (3) butasyou decidedto move to the country.The houseis in the villageis not quite ready (4) the lastfew weekswe've had to chaseup buildersand plumbersand we've can imagine (5) got a long way to go. (6) work on it I've almostforgottenhow long it's It's beensucha long time sincewe (7) and we've been exactly.We must havestartedit about sevenyears n4 (8) spent a small fortune on it. We are (9) living in our rather cramped flat where (10) us a few yearsago but it ( l l ) to get unbearableand we (12) forward to moving out. We are still (13)aroundfrom morning (14) night and it's been particularlyhectic (15)the lastweek.Anyway, (16) all this wasgoing on Karen fell and sprainedher ankle that wasthe last thing you we needed! l. A longtime 2. A everytime 3. A still 4. A for 5. Ayet 6. A havestarted 7. A before 8. A still 9. A already 10.A werevisiting 11.Abegun 12.A havelooked 13.A rush 14.A and 15.A during 16.A in o B sometimes B eversince B already Bas B already B start B ago B not B still B havevisited B is beginning B looked B rushed B into B from B during C ages C while C yet C while C nearly C did start C previous C already C yet C had beenvisited C begins C will look C rushing c rill Cin C while D lately D before D soon D since D still D started D since D yet D longer D visited D begin D arelooking D berushed D through D while D for WRITING PersonalLetter This is a partof a letterfromJane,your Englishpenfriend. ...My hometownis rather smoll but I like it. Thepeople are here veryfriendly and they try to keep our town clean and beoutiful. And do you enjoy living in a big city? How do you spendyour free time there? Anyway, I'm thinking of travelling to Russianext summer. Could you tell me what weather to expect? I hove to go now as I'm helping my Mum in the shop. Lots of love, Iane Writebackto Jane In your letter . . answerall her questions. ask3 questions abouther hometown Write 100-140words. Rememberthe rulesof letterwritine. 115 + GUIDEDWRITING 1. Read someargumentsabout the life in a big city and in the countryside. llhat can you add? LIITNG IN A BIG CITY: positivesides . . ' ' ' ' ' negativesides air and noisepollution cost of living is high crime level is high traffic jams / car crashes/ rush hours / constantqueuing alwaysin a hurry litter and garbage stressfullife comfortable flats with all modern conveniences a lot of cultural centers,more entertainment more chancesto be employed/ to enterthis or that university shoppingfacilities sportsfacilities developedtransport system life is more anonymous LIVING IN THE COUNTRYSIDE: positivesides ' . ' . . cost of living is lower life is safer lesscrime lesstraffic freshair and beautifulnature negative sides . . . . ' difficult living and working conditions no entertainment problemof employment it takestoo much time to get to town life is lessanonvmous 2. Usethe argumentsaboveto completea compositionon thefollowing topic More and morepeopleare trying to moveto big cities everyyeor. What is your opinion on living in a big city? Write 200-250 words. Use the following plan . . . . . make an introduction. (statethe problem) expressyour personalopinion and give 2-3 reasonsfor your opinion. expressan opposingopinion and give 1-2 reasonsfor this opposingopinion. expresswhy you don't agreewith the opposingopinion make a conclusionrestatingvour opiniou 116 Read the text, Iearn the vocabularv and discuss CRIME AND PUNISHMENT Crime has alwaysbeena regrettablyconsistentelementof humon experience Mark Frost + VOCABULARY 1. Match the criminals with the descriptions 1. thief 2. robber a. b. c. burglar mugger forger kidnapper d. e. arsonist f. g. shoplifter h. vandal l 0 hijacker i. j. 1 1 .blackmailer k. l 2 smuggler l. lJ. murderer someonewho kills somebodyelseon purpose someonewho stealsthingsfrom shops someonewho takesa person by force and demands ransom in order to set them free someonewho stealsthingsfrom a bank, post office,shop, etc.,often usingthreatsand force someonewho usesforce to take control of an airplane. train, etc. someonewho takesthingswhich do not belongto them someonewho damagesother people'spropertyon purpose. someonewho attackspeople in the streetin order to steal something someonewho setsfire to propertyon purpose someonewho breaksinto people'shousesto stealthings. someonewho demandsmoney or favorsfrom someoneby threateningto tell secretsabout them someonewho takessomethingillegallyto anothercountry m. someonewho illegallycopiessomething,especially somethingprinted or written on paper,to make people think that it is real 2. Match eochpunishment to the description a life sentence a fine communityservice a suspended sentence 1. When you are giventhis sentence,you don't go to prison. If. however,you commit anothercrime in the nearfuture,you will be sentto prison. 2 . When you aregiventhis sentenceyou haveto pay somemoneyto the court . 3. When you are giventhis sentence,you haveto do somethingfor your local area.The work you are givenmight be connectedto the crime you committed. 4. When you are given this sentence,you are sent to prison for a very long time for committing a seriouscrime. tt7 3. Go through the list of offences.Then look at theforms of punishment and decide which is appropriatefor each offence. llrite sentencesas in the example OFFENCES . . . ' . ' Murder Hijacking an aircraft Kidnapping Littering Writing graffiti on a public building Stealinga car . . . . . . Pickpocketing Stealingsweets Making noiselate at night Beingon a bus without a ticket Violent behavior in a football match Toxic wastepollution PUNISHMENT To be sentencedto life imprisonment, to be sentto prison, to be fined a large/smallamount of money, to be givena suspendedsentence,to be put on probation, to do community service,to be givena warning, to be givencorporalpunishment, to be sentencedto deathpenaltyor capitalpunishment. be sentencedto life e.g. Murder is a major offence.I think that someonewho murderssomebodyshor,rld imprisonment. 4. Completethefollowing chart Verb Person Noun accuse accused vandalize vandal smuggle start a fire deliberatelv arson blackmailer blackmail commit a crime cnme hack into a computer hacking hijacker hijack lmpnson pnson or lmpnsonment kidnap kidnapping pnsoner kill mugger mug commit an offence offence pickpockel pickpocket rob shoplifter shoplift stalk stalking thief steal suspect susplcron forger forge 118 5. Match the crimes in the box to the descriptions( I - 10) arson mugging hijacking burglary forgery smuggling vandalism shoplffing pick pocketing robbery domesticviolence 1. I caughthim just as he wastaking my wallet from my back pocket. 2. The gangwasarrestedwhile trying to get diamondsand drugsinto the country illegally 3. Terroristsorderedthe pilot to fly the planeto anothercountry. 4. The teenssmashedwindowsand sprayedgraffition the wallsof the youth center. 5. The thieveswere holding the bank managerat gun-point while they weretaking the cash. 6. When he broke the back window to set in. the alarm went off. 7. He wasfound guilty of copyingclassicpaintingsand trying to sell them as originals. 8. The gangof youth wasarrestedfor attackingthe woman and taking her handbag. 9. The two girls were found guilty of taking the item from the supermarketwithout paying for it. _ 10. He hassetfire to the forestiustfor fun. 11. The womanwasoftenseenwith bruiseson her face. 6. Match the wordsfrom the box with the definitions the accused judge policeman witness defenselawyer jury prosecutor 1. somebodywho hasbeenchargedwith committing a crime 2. a professionalwho decideshow a criminal shouldbe punished 3. a professionalwho speaksfor the accusedand adviseshim/her in court 4. someonewho hasseenthe crime happen 5. a group of peoplein court who decidewhethersomebodyis innocent or guilty 6. somebodywho is to deterpeoplefrom committing crimesand to arrestthosewho breakthe law the law in court 7. a professionalwho represents 119 a) READING Read the text, Iearn the vocabularyand discuss CRIME and PUNISHMENT Some might define crime asan act of offencetowardsthe morality of humans.Others rnight regard crime as an act that harms the universal human rights. First of all, however,crime is an offence made towardsthe law.There are many reasonswhy peoplemay commit crimes and it dependson tlie type of personthey are.Socialscientistssuggest that criminal behavioris due to socialissueslike unemployment, poor housingand lack of education.If a personremainsunemoloyedfor a long time it becomesdifficult for him to support hirnself.Some people may turn to crime as an easyway of making money. Another reasonis advertising.TV advertisingmakesyou want thingsyou don't really need.Somepeopleend up stealingthings they want, but they can't afford. Some TV programsalso play their role in the rise in crime among teenagers. Seeingviolenceso often on the televisionmakesyoung peoplethink that it's all right, and makesthem more likely to act in a l'iolent way in real life. What's more, criminals are often shown in a way that makesthem and their lifestylelook glamorousand desirable. In recent decades,crime rate in the world has sleaddLllercase_d. There are severalmajor crimes: murder, fo1qr$erapc, robbery,aggravatedassault(assaultwith intent to commit murder), property crime, burglary,lalsetry_Ihc{i.motorvehicle theft, arson and manslaughteJ. Hate crimesare definedas any oft'ensebasedon the disability,race.sexuality,religion and values of tlre victims.The atrocitiesknown as hatecrimesare gettingall too common within today'ssociety. While murders,robberies. and rapesare categorized as "streetcrimes",anothervarietyofcrime "white should alsobe mentioned.This other form of crime is collar" crime. White collar crimesinclude such forms as bank fraud, blackmail, bribqy, embezzlementand curreneyrehcnEt. When a crime is committed. the police begin investigatingit. If they are a success.the criminal is arrestedand facestlie trial. The jury finds him guilt),or not guilt!'. If the accusedis found guilt)r,tlie judge nassesthe sentenceon him. The accusedhasthe right to applyto the highercourt where his or her casewill be heard again.In many counlriesthe capitalpunishmentor deathpenaltyis abolished,so life sentenceis the most rerelil2udshmg{. Probationputs the convictedcriminal under the supervisionof the stateand is typically used for nonviolentoffenders.Criminals sentencedto community serviceare often nonviolentoffenders.too. It is true that somecriminalscommit crimesagainafterthey havebeenpunished.Thereare two main reasonsfor re-offenders.Firstl1,,the prison systenrcan make the situationworse. Criminals put togetherin prison and they make friendswith other offendersand exchangeinformation about what they havedone beforethey came to the prison or they may plan crimes with other inmates.Secondly, offendersoften do not have any other means of earning money. They are poor, uneducated;and a criminal recordmakesfinding a job difficult aspeopleusuallyavoid hiring ex-convict. To solve this problem, governmentsshould focus on rehabilitationof criminals rather than punishment.Above all, prisonsneedvocationaltrainingwhich makesinmatesto preparefor life outside the prison.They can learn practicalskillssuchascomputerprogramming,car maintenanceand graphic desigr-r. Thus, the problemcan be solvedby focusingrehabilitationratherthan punishmentitself. 120 What makespeople commit crimes?Do you agree?Add somemore reasons o . . . o Socialconditions:povertyand drug/alcoholaddiction Homelessteensstealin order to eat The gap betweenthe living conditionsof differentclasses The rich commit crimesfor the sakeof easymoney and to be wealthier Young peopleoften grow up without any firm idea about the differencebetweenright and wrong, becauseparentsare too busyworking to guidetheir children The police may also be to blame. There are caseswhen the offender may not be punished at all or may be given a fine . O STUDENT CARI) Givea 2-2.5 minutetolk on thetopic"CrimeandPunishment". Rememberto say: . r o o Whypeoplecommitcrimes Whattypesof crimeyouknow Whattypesof punishmentyouknow Whatyour attitudeto rehabilitationof criminalsis Whatis the criminalsituationin the placeyou live? Answerthequestion: O VOCABULARYEXERCISES I. Read the text belowand decidewhich answerA, B, C or D bestfits eachgap The young man lived in a slum areaof the city all his life and it wasjust a matter of time before he was in (1)........ with the law. At school, which he hardly ever attended, not only did he (2>...................the school propertybut he was also a bully, frighteningand beatingup other children. When he was fifteen, he was (3)....................forbreaking into a local shop. At the age of sixteen,he was (4)................with assault.He got off'with two years'(5)........................for this and wasset free. Within six months,he wasbackin (6)...............after he hadbeenarrestedfor stealingcars.This time, he was(7)......................to two yearsin prison.After liis release, l-Le againturnedto crime.This time it was pleaded (8)...................despitethe fact he had been caughtred-handed. bank robbery. At his trial he He wasfound (9).........................and thejudgesentenced him to ten years(10).................. Schoolsociologistsblame his background,while otherssayhe wasjust bad. 1. Aproblems 2. Amug 3. Aaccused 4. Acharged 5. Apunishment 6. Acourt 7. Apunished 8. Aguilt 9. Asuspicious l0.Aprison Bdefense Bvandalize Bcharged Baccused Bbail Bprobation Baccused Bsuspicious Bguilty Bprobation Ctrouble Cthieve Csentenced Creleased Cprobation Cjail Ccommitted Cinnocent Cillegal Coffence t2l Dcourt Drob Darrested Dsuspected Dfine Dtrial Dsentenced Dfree Dagainst Dimprisonment 2. Completethe wordpatterns with wordsfrom the box accuse charge suspect apologize get away let off sentence blame somebodywith a crime somebodv wltn a warruns. somebodyof (doing) something. somebodyof (doing) something. with a crime. somebodyfor a crime. somebodyto time in prison. for (doing) something. WORD FORMATION L FiA in the spacesin thefollowing text using a suitableform of the wordsgiven in brackets (systematize)offi ngerprints The reachedBritainin I 901andproved (use).In 1930,ScotlandYardsetup its first (classifl) systemto enable officers to (crime)known comparefingerprintsfound on the sceneof crime with thoseof police. (great) to the Fingerprinttechnologyhas advanced sincethen.Differenttypesof (strong)the impressionof the firigerprint before it is taken. Another (revolutionary)has been in the way that fingerprints are identified. Today, the first (searching) is done by the compuler.which then producesa (select)of possiblematches.The final (identiff)howeveris done by police experts. oowder are usedto 2. Completethe sentenceswith the correctform of the word in bold (crime)are eventuallycaughtby the police. Most (fail)of the policeto catchrobbers. There wasan investieationinto the (describe)ofher attackerto the J, The womalr was able to sive a verv detailed police. (poor)is connectedto crime, but not all poor peoplebecome 4. I acceptthat criminals. (prove)that he 5. The accusedman walkedfreefrom the court becausetherewasno committedthe crirne. (low) the ageat which young childrencan be 6. The governmentis tryingto prison. sentto I ) 3. Fill in the spacesin thefollowing text using a suitable form of the wordsgiven in brackets The unlucky burglar (crime). He was an This is a true storv about a rather unfortunate (extreme)persistentburglar, who was busy robbing an empty house when he was (expected)disturbedb-v" (arrive)of the two people the suddenlyand (argue) with the couple, he managedto push who lived there. After a shor1.ansrv pastthem and escapeinto their backgarden (lucky) for hinr. he fbund the gardenwas 122 (complete)surroundedb-vliigh fencesat the sides,and a wall at the end. Although he (know)of what wason the other side,he decidedto get overthe wall. Showing had no great (athlete)ability,he ran at the wall and was (succeed) in getting (amaze) over it but when he landedon the other sidehe found to his and horror thal he wasstandingin the local orisonvard. 4. FiU in the spacesin thefollowing text using a suitable form of the wordsgiven in brackets Criminal behavior (globe)phenomenon.Somepeoplesaythat a lot The increasein city crime is a (migrate)and the new people arriving from other of crime in this countrv is becauseof (culture) values countriesbring differenl and attitudesto the law. I don't aereewith this ideabecausethe most common crimesare (local)producedand not imported from other countries. (vandal)is one of the biggestcrimes in nTycity with bus sheltersand shop windows (pay)parkingfines.whicli is unlikely being popular targets.Another popular crime is to be becauseof imrnierantsbecausemost of them do not own cars. (oppose)point of view is that young local peoplefeelangrywhen they can't The get a job and in order to (hand)the changein their environment,they strikeout at (thief) is more common than car crime easytargets.This would explainwhy bicycle (neighbour)wheremost carsare protectedwith electronic thesedays,especiallyin rich alarms.Another reason,though, for so many bicyclesgettingstolenmight be that the (punish)is not very severecomparedto car stealingwhich can land you in prison for a number of years. A TOPIC FORDISCUSSION O Resd and discussargumentsfor and againstsendingpeople to prison. What is your opinion? Arguments for imprisonment: o . . Prisonsprotect us from thosewho might harm us A chanceto realizewhat a personhasdone; analyzehis/her previouslife. To feel the price of freedom Argumentsagainstimprisonment: . . . Horrible conditions,inadequatemedicalcare,abuseby guards Criminals learn in prison how to commit worsecrimes People are releasedwith only a few rubles in their pocketsand a perspectiveof being unemployed I z.) GUIDEDWRITING + Argumentative composition 1. Read and discussargumentssupportingand denying thefact that the rise in the crime rate and violence shown on W are connected Arguments supporting the idea: o Children become more aggressiveafter watching violent shows. o Young people tend to imitate crime techniqueswatchedon TV. . Teenagersare likely to be arrestedfor criminal acts after watching crime series. Argumentsrejectingthe idea: o TVjust reflectsthe increasein violenceand crime in society. . Crime programscan stoppeoplefrom breakingthe law asthey r"rsually showthat crime doesn't pay. o Teenagerslearn about the consequencesof crime so they will think twice before committing any crime. o The main reasonfor committing crimesis povertyand bad education,not TV programs. 2. Usethe cluesto completeyour composition.Commentthefollowing statement Violenceon W and crime in societyare clearly related. Do you agreeor disagree?Do you think violenceon TV shouldbe forbidden? Write 200-250 words. Use the following plan . . . o . make an introduction. (statetlie problem) expressyour personalopinion and give 2-3 reasonsfor your opinion expressan opposingopinion and give l-2 reasonsfor this opposingopinion expresswhy you don't agreewith the opposingopinion make a conclusion restatingyour opiniorr r24 (WORD FORMATION BANK) Ta6ruua-c"ronoo6pasonaHne NOUN N) VERB ADJECTIVE ADYERB NOTES