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The interaction of the world

The interaction of the
connection between language and
culture has always been at the
center of discussions among
scientists in various fields:
linguoculturologists, philosophers,
etc. The vast majority of linguists
have come to the conclusion that
phenomenon, should be considered
both from a linguistic point of view,
and from an extra-linguistic or
cultural point of view, since it itself
is a part of culture.
It would be appropriate to emphasize
that the interaction of language and
culture should be considered very
carefully, bearing in mind that these are
different semiotic systems, but they are
closely interrelated: in communication
processes, in the formation of language
abilities of a person, in the formation of
a generic, social person.
The first attempt to solve the problem
of interaction and interrelation of
language and culture was made by V.
von Humboldt in his work "On the
difference in the structure of human
languages and its influence on the
spiritual development of
mankind"(1830-1835), whose concept
is based on the following provisions:
- material and spiritual cultures are
involved in language;
- any culture is national, its character
is expressed through a language
because of a special vision of the
- the internal form of language is an
expression of the "national spirit", its
One of the problems that hinder
research on the relationship
between language and culture is
the inaccuracy in the
interpretation of culture, and
this is not surprising. The
concept of "culture" is multifaceted, as a result of which
different definitions of culture
appear as different variations of
its meaning depending on the
aspects of its consideration. At
the moment, there are more
than 500 different definitions of
culture. In a broad sense, culture
is understood as "the totality of
manifestations of the life,
achievements and creativity of a
Any culture is a unity of spiritual
and material aspects. The material
aspect of culture represented in
language specific lexical units,
spiritual - resistant associations,
shared vision of the world that has
been developed by one or the
other linguistic community in the
course of its cultural-historical
Nevertheless, language and
culture have significant
differences, namely, in
language as a phenomenon,
the focus on the mass
addressee prevails, while in
culture, elitism is valued.
Obviously, culture is a sign
system, but unlike language, it
is not able to organize itself.
Finally, language and culture
have different sign systems.
A significant contribution to
the study of the relationship
between language and culture
was made by research in the
middle of the twentieth
century, which led to the
conclusion that the relationship
between language and culture
is extremely complex and
multidimensional. Nowadays,
we can talk about three main
approaches to the study of the
problem of the relationship
between language and culture.
The most well-known approach in
world of linguistics is represented
by the Sepir-Whorf hypothesis of
linguistic relativity. The main idea
of this hypothesis is the close
connection of language with
culture and its influence on all
spheres of human life. Language is
a prerequisite for the development
of the entire culture as a whole.
According to the idea, people
perceive the world in the
refraction of their native language,
and each language forms a unique
linguistic picture of the world,
different from other languages.
Kukushkin, and E. S.
Markaryan worked on the
development of the second
approach. The key point of
this method is the attitude
to language as a reflection
of culture. In this
approximation, the
relationship between
language and culture is
characterized as
unidirectional. Again, there
are some inaccuracies in this
hypothesis, since the role of
language in this case is
reduced to a formal
reflection of the facts of
culture, language is
presented only as its tool,
The most successful approach is considered to be the third, the key concept
of which is based on the dependence of language and culture on each other.
In other words, they are in constant interaction, while remaining independent
sign systems. "Language is an integral part of culture, the main tool for its
assimilation, it is the reality of our spirit. Language expresses specific features
of the national mentality". On the other hand, "culture is included in the
language, since it is all modeled in the text". Thus, according to the cultural
approach, language is a specific means of storing and transmitting
information, as well as managing human behavior. Through language, a
specifically human form of social experience transmission, cultural norms and
traditions is carried out.
When interacting with a
foreign culture, one should
take into account its
traditional ideas and attitudes
in order to avoid a cultural
barrier in the communication
process. It is important to
have a systematic knowledge
of the traditions and realities
of society, and this is possible
only when learning the
national language.
Simultaneously with the
process of learning a foreign
language, a person is
immersed into a new culture
and receives historical
There is no doubt that there is a
direct connection between
language and culture, and the link
is indissoluble. Language appears
both as a repository of cultural
values of the nation, and as a tool
for the assimilation of these values.
A community can be called ethnic if
it is united by a common language
for all its speakers, which serves as
a guarantee of the translation of
the national cultural values.
Language "cannot be unrelated to
culture, since one of the goals of
society is to create culture".
Language and culture appear as
factors of mutual development and
existence. Culture is unthinkable
Language is a fact of cultural
existence for several reasons.
First, it is defined as an integral
part of the culture that we
inherit from our ancestors.
Second, language is the main
tool for learning other cultures.
Finally, language is the most
significant of all forms of
cultural order.
Taking into account all
mentioned above, we can
conclude that language is an
integral part of culture and its
tool, it is the reality of our
spirit, the face of culture; it
Thank you for your attention!