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Приложение № 5
Тема «Studying», 9 класс (факультативное занятие)
Коммуникативная ситуация №7 «The world of professions»
Цель: Развитие навыков коммуникативной компетенции учащихся в
рамках коммуникативной ситуации.
- Развивать навыки говорения (монологическая, диалогическая речь) по
данной теме с использованием всех форм инфинитива;
- Развивать навыки восприятия и понимания речи на слух;
-Создать условия для развития у учащихся творческого мышления;
- Способствовать правильному отношению к выбору профессии.
Предполагаемый результат: К концу факультативного занятия учащиеся
смогут вести беседу (диалог, монолог) в рамках коммуникативной ситуации с
использованием всех форм инфинитива.
Ход факультативного занятия
1)Организационно-мотивационный этап.
Введение в коммуникативную ситуацию.
a) Good Morning, everybody! I’m glad to see you!
T: Sit down, please. I’d like to begin our lesson with a statement of a wise man.
Listen to it and try to guess its author and the topic of our lesson.
“If you choose a job according to your interests and skills you won’t work a single
day in your life as you’ll get money for doing your hobby.”
Have you got any ideas?
P1: I think it was said by Confucius.
T: Oh, exactly! And what is the topic of the lesson?
P2: I think we are going to speak about careers.
P3: In my opinion we are going to discuss steps of choosing a career.
T: Well done! Who can comment upon the statement of Confucius?
P4: In my opinion, Confucius wanted to draw attention to choosing the right career
that will help us to become happy and successful.
And now I would like to know if you understand the difference between a job and
a career? It is important to make this difference.
Your ideas, please.
A career is the type of employment where you see growth, opportunity,
satisfaction and genuine happiness. A job is something you do because it is a
necessity to earn money, to meet your financial obligations and
to make ends
2)Операционно-познавательный этап
а). Ok. Thank you .You know there are a lot of jobs in the world. Let’s
remember some of them! Give names to the descriptions of these jobs:
a person whose job is to help people with the law or talk for them in court;( a
a person whose business is to buy, sell or look after houses/land for people; (an
estate agent)
a person who does work to improve bad social conditions and help people in need;
( a social worker)
a person who welcomes or deals with people arriving at a hotel, at a place of
business, visiting a doctor; (a receptionist )
a person trained to look after sick animals; ( a vet)
a person whose job is to work with electricity; (an electrician)
a person who prepares or organizes a newspaper, periodical or book; (an ‘editor)
a person who studies chemistry, a, scientist who specializes in chemistry; (a
a person who makes and sells medicines;( a pharmacist)
a person who owns a travel agency or works there and whose business is to arrange
travels. ( a travel agent)
While choosing a profession we should take into consideration different
factors. How do you think what factors are these?
Сharacter is important.
At doing different jobs we need different skills. What skills do people
need? (computer skills, communication skills, language skills)
What skills can different jobs require? ( an accountant – accuracy, an artist/actor –
a good imagination, a pilot/an officer/a fireman – courage)
3). Организационно-деятельностный этап.
а). Совершенствование коммуникативных навыков в игре.
Look at the screen. You see here many words
associated with people’s
character ( We will play an easy game: one of you will sit down on a chair, the
others will speak honestly about his/her traits of character Then our
psychologist will give her(his) comments.
Pupils speak in turn.
P1. I
P2. In
P3. I’m sorry but you are a bit lazy. You should be more hard-working.
Psychologist: As you are … I would advise ( I strongly advise you)
you to
become… because these traits of character are very important for the career of
в). Совершенствование коммуникативных навыков во время парной
Let’s speak in pairs! Name the features of character of your friend and give
some advice about the right career using the Infinitive with or without “ to”.
I would advise you to choose…
You are sure to choose….-Ты, несомненно, выберешь …
You are likely to choose- Ты, вероятно выберешь
You’d better become …
Perhaps you could take up a profession of …
It might be a good idea to try yourself in a profession of …
I'm afraid that's not my cup of tea. I'm thinking of becoming…
I would rather become …than …
- Olya, you are so hard-working , careful, responsible and you are crazy about
children . You’d better become a teacher.
- I'm afraid I can't. I wouldn' t like to teach children. It’s not my cup of tea. I
would rather become a pediatrician than a teacher (children's doctor). I am keen
on treating children.
(Thank you. It might be a good idea to try myself in a profession of a
mathematician. I am crazy about solving mathematical problems.)
to work in a scientific , computational, social, artistic field)
с). Well, friends , I see that choosing a career is very important to you. You
know there are different kinds of professions.
highly-paid and low-paid, challenging and boring , mental and physical jobs,
creative and monotonous, satisfying and tiring, exciting and dangerous,
interesting and prestigious , exhausting , messy, popular and unpopular.
d). Активизация грамматических навыков в речи: Complex Subject
To look better into a large number of these careers try to characterize them
using the Complex Subject. Use the following verbs:
.. :is supposed to be…
is believed to be…
…is reported to be…
…is considered to be…
…Is known to be…
…Is said to be…
Example: The profession of a computer- operator is believed to be well-paid and
And what do you think about the profession of the teacher?
e). Активизация в речи всех форм инфинитива
I agree with you that
my job is not highly-paid, but it is extremely
interesting. I am glad to work as a teacher at school
I am happy to have chosen this career.
I am glad to have been working at school for 35 years.
I am very happy to be working here with you now.
I am proud to be told about students’ progress.
And now I would like to know what you are happy to?
f). As I have already said I love my job and I get satisfaction from it which takes
the first place for me and then goes salary. And what do you think of it? What’s
your opinion of the problem? I would like you to interview each other on(about)the
questions:1.Which is more important for you– a high salary or satisfaction? What
profession would you never choose?
g).Let’s go to the blackboard and make two circles. The outside circles will
begin to interview and the inner circle will answer, then you change your
places and vice-versa. And after that you will speak about what you have
Masha! What does Tanya think about it? What is Anton’s opinion?
-She thinks a high salary is more important than satisfaction. To be rich means to
be independent. Money is said to be opportunities: you can travel to different
countries, you can study abroad, you can be free.
- He thinks to have money is as important as to get satisfaction from work. If you
get satisfaction from work you try to work better, you make promotion and have a
high salary.
Rita: I think first goes satisfaction and then high salary. The person should be glad
to be working at in his job. But if a person is skilled enough then the salary will be
high. Everyone will be glad to receive a lot of money but the most important thing
for me
is satisfaction and comfort.
Darina: To begin with, I think high salary is more important than satisfaction.
People go to work to get money for themselves and the family. But I think to earn
a lot of money and to have a career promotion can be never achieved without
Our summery is:
Satisfaction +money make happiness.
h). Активизация навыков восприятия и понимания речи на слух
Now I’d like you to watch the video «Windows on Britain» and to match each
person to their jobs. You will work in groups again. This group will match
the first 3 persons and that group will match the next 3 ones. In your answers
you should use the infinitive.
It should be done like this: (the cards are given to the students)
What is he?
I know (believe) him to be a schoolteacher.
How many hours a week does he work?
I consider him to work about 60hours.
What does he like about his job?
He seems to like his long holidays
What doesn’t he like about it?
He appears not to like working at weekends
What is he?
I know him to be a helicopter pilot.
How many hours a week does he work?
I expect him to work about 30-40 hours.
What does he like about his job?
He seems to like getting home every night and not to think about anything else.
What doesn’t he like about it?
He turns out not to like getting up early at 5 o’clock in the morning
What is she?
I know her to be a bookseller
How many hours a week does she work?
I consider her to work 27.5 hours.
What does she like about her job?
She seems to like serving .her customers
What doesn’t she like about it?
It wasn’t said about.
What is he?
I expect him to be a sales rap.
How many hours a week does he work?
I know him to work about 60-80 hours.
What does he like about his job?
He seems to like freedom
What doesn’t he like about it?
He turns out not to like working at weekends.
What is he?
I consider him to be a lecture.
How many hours a week does he work?
I expect him to work about 30-40 hours.
What does he like about his job?
He seems to like amazing young people
What doesn’t he like about it?
He seems not to like a lot of paper and administration
What is he?
I believe him to be an air pilot.
How many hours a week does he work?
I expect him to work about 50 hours.
What does he like about his job?
He seems to like his job to be fun
What doesn’t he like about it?
He doesn’t like ……
What is she?
I expect(know) her to be Oxford tour guide
How many hours a week does she work?
I know her to work from 3 to 7 days a week.
What does she like about her job?
She turns out to like meeting people
She seems not to like rain
i). Could you say what profession from these 7 would you choose? And what
profession would you never choose? Explain, why?
What are their
advantages and disadvantages?
j). I can say that any job has advantages and disadvantages and it is very
difficult to choose one out of so many jobs in the world. And now imagine you
are a psychologist. You have been invited to our school to speak to the pupils
about choosing a profession.
Summarize everything you have learnt at the
lesson. Try to be confident and convincing. (Plan is given).
4).Оценочно-рефлексивный этап
Our lesson is coming to the end. I’m very satisfied with your work. And what
about you? What was interesting? What was difficult?
I want to finish our lesson with the proverb
“Choose a job you love, and you will never have to work a day in your life”.
(Unknown author)