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Theme 1 2345

Theme 1: Communities. Neighbours. My place in cyberspace. Make yourself at home. Tribe. Culture
and society. Cultural diversity and identity. Ideological culture. Language. The arts.
1. Warming up. Inform the audience on the latest news.
2. Consider the following terms and compose your own sentences with them in writing. Perform the
vocabulary bank tasks in writing.
3. Grammar. Articles in practice. Perform the language bank tasks 1, 2 in writing.
3. Reading. Read the text and translate it into Ukrainian. Divide the text into some sense-fragments,
entitle each one in question-form, and present your partner with a chance of answering them. Perform
the reading tasks.
4. Grammar. Quantifiers. Circle the correct alternatives. Perform the language bank tasks 1, 2 in writing.
5. Speaking. Perform the speaking tasks.
6. Vocabulary Plus. Compound nouns. Complete the compound nouns. Perform the vocabulary bank
tasks in writing.
2. Consider the following terms and compose your own sentences with them in writing. Perform the
vocabulary bank tasks in writing.
P.92 1A. 1. Do you know your neighbours? How well do you know them?
Most recently, I moved to another apartment and, of course, I have new neighbors. A friendly family
lives in front of our door, which I really like. On the left, we still have neighbors but they are not so
friendly. Our soundproofing is not that good and the noise and quarrels from them are a bit annoying
2. Do you have a good relationship with them? Why?
We have good relations with neighbors but not as good as with neighbors who live in another house
where we used to live. I have a friend who lives there on the 3rd floor and we have been friends with
her since childhood.
2A. 1-B; 2-E; 3- D; 4-A; 5-C
2B. Which sentences are true for you? Tell other students.
I get on well with my neighbour - we always say 'hello' and have a chat.
This describes me 100 percent. I am always friendly to my neighbors and always cheer
P155. 1A.
1-B; 2-E; 3-D; 4-A; 5-C
1B. a) comes to my house (informally) – pops over
b) not friendly - unfriendly
c) uses my possessions - borrows
d) gives me things (which I will later return) – lends me
e) helps a lot - helpful
f) talking about other people (usually bad things) – gossiping
1C. Are any of the sentences in 1A true of your neighbours?
From what I reviewed, I realized that once our neighbors helped us with the car. At one point it died out
and the neighbors helped us. My mother communicates for a very long time with a neighbor who lives
on the 3rd floor and we always help each other.
3. Grammar. Articles in practice. Perform the language bank tasks 1, 2 in writing.
P92 3A. Honestly, I thought that Americans know half of their neighbors and I think it's cool. For me,
Americans are always friendly to each other. You can even see it in TV shows or movies.
3B. 1. Use a/an:
• the first time something is mentioned
(new information),- a
• with jobs - c
2 Use the:
• when we know which one we are talking about - b
• with superlatives - e
3 Use no article:
• to talk generally about people or things. - d
• with most names of places - f
4. 1.a; 2.a; 3. The; 4.-; 5. an; 6. The; 7.-; 8. a
P143 8.1 A. Are you ready to go? The Flight leaves at 6.00 p.m. 2 Bobby's girlfriend an engineer. 3
Thousands of people were at the game, so there was a lot of noise. 4 I saw a doctor about my pain.
Fortunately, the doctor said it was nothing serious. 5 Laila was hungry so she ate a bit of bread. 6.
women live longer than men. 7. We went to party but there weren't many people there. 8 We looked
up and saw an aeroplane in the sky. 9 I work a cleaner in an office block. 10 My wife and I have lived the
United States for several years.
8.1 B. 1. Many; 2.Much; 3.Lot; 4.Little; 5.Few
8.2 A. I met a man whose house had burned down.
2 This was the moment when we knew we would win.
3 I spent several months in Rome, which is my favourite city.
4 The village, where Teresa grew up poor but happy, was very small.
5 The girl who sold you the carpet is from Morocco.
6 That blog, which he writes every day, is one of the most popular in the country.
7 Jill married a guy who she met on a dating site.
8 I don't want to be with someone whose whole life is spent surfing the net.
8.2B. 1 What’s this programme? Did you want to watch it?
Is this the programme that you wanted to watch ?
2 Last year I met a translator. She spoke six languages.
Last year I met a translator who spoke six languages
3 It was six o'clock on the fifth of August. At that moment, the world changed forever.
It was six o'clock on the fifth of August when the world changed forever.
4 They gave Jodie an apple. She ate it quickly.
They gave Jodie an apple, which she ate quickly.
5 You see that apartment? Felipe lived there.
That's the apartment where Felipe lived.
6 She spent a month in Manchester. She loved it.
She spent a month in Manchester, which she loved
7 The boss's office is next to mine. He's always shouting!
The boss, whose office is next to mine, is always shouting.
8 My boyfriend is coming to visit me. He lives in Barcelona.
My boyfriend, who lives in Barcelona, is coming to visit me.
3. Reading. Read the text and translate it into Ukrainian. Divide the text into some sense-fragments,
entitle each one in question-form, and present your partner with a chance of answering them.
Perform the reading tasks.
Деяким людям просто щастить. Там були околиці друзів у США, які виявилися давно втраченим
братом і сестра. Був чоловік, у якого загорівся будинок і якого врятував сусід, який заліз на стіну,
заліз через вікно і відбивати дим, щоб дістатися до потерпілого. І там це всі ті розповіді про людей,
які рятують сусідського кота. Боротися позбутися грабіжників або зробити покупки для своїх літніх
сусідів. Але поганих сусідів теж багато: людей, які відмовляються ремонтуйте зламані паркани,
нехай їхній сигаретний дим пливе на вашу кухню, або постукайте у ваші двері, щоб сказати, що
надворі припаркована дивна машина (ймовірно, вашого гостя) або щоб нагадати вам косити газон.
У життєвій лотереї ви можете лише сподіватися, що ви залучите хороших хлопців наступні двері.
Ось кілька ваших історій: хороші, погані та у вас були дивні сусіди.
How old is Marie's neighbor and what does he collect?
Мій сусід наповнює свій двір фігурками. У нього так багато, що вони покривають трава. Йому за
п’ятдесят, тому я вважаю це дуже дивним, але він завжди веселий і щасливі, тому у нас немає
претензій. Мері Перлмуттер
What did Max expect from his neighbors?
Я очікував проблеми з сусідом, тому що у мене є дерево з гілками, що висять над їхнім парканом.
Одного разу вони постукали в двері і дали мені величезну яблучний пиріг, який вони спекли. Тоді
вони сказали: «Це зроблено з вашого яблучного дерева»! Сподіваємося, вам сподобається».
Відтоді ми дружимо. MaxZ4
У мого сусіда в саду є парова машина. Я думаю, що він був істориком або щось таке. Він тримає
його в чудовому стані і дає пограти місцевим дітям на цьому. RGH
What was Paulina's problem and how did she solve it with her mother?
Мої сусіди зверху вішають білизну з вікон своєї квартири. Одяг капає на наше прання, тому що ми
живемо під ним. Так одного дня мама зійшла і запропонувала нам митися по понеділках і По
четвергах, а вона робить своє по середах і суботах. Ми спробували і це працював чудово! Пауліна
What did the neighbors offer Vince?
Мої сусіди знизу влаштовують багато вечірок на вихідних. Я напівглухий, але навіть я чую шум.
Одного разу я поскаржився, і мене запросили. Я відмовився. Мені вісімдесят три. У моєму віці я не
вмію танцювати, як раніше. Вінс
4. Grammar. Quantifiers. Circle the correct alternatives. Perform the language bank tasks 1, 2 in
P93. 7A. a) My downstairs neighbours have lots of parties.
b) But there are plenty of bad neighbours too.
c) Here are a few of your stories.
d) We have no complaints.
e) There are all those tales of people who rescue their neighbour's cat.
f) He has so many that they cover the grass.
7B. 1. a,b,e,f mean a large number/amount?
2. c mean a small number/amount?
3. d means none?
4. c,f two quantifiers can only be used
with countable nouns (things we can count)?
8A 1. A lot of; 2. Many; 3. Plenty; 4. A lot of; 5. Much; 6. Several; 7. A few; 8. A lot; 9. Much; 10 No!
8B I agree with this advice. It is better to find a common language and help a person in the beginning. If I
were a new resident of some quarter, I would be happy to consult with someone.
5. Speaking. Perform the speaking tasks.
6. Vocabulary Plus. Compound nouns. Complete the compound nouns. Perform the vocabulary bank
tasks in writing.
p. 155 1.A 1 tennis – racket, tennis player, tennis court
2. coffee shop, coffee machine, coffee cup
3. post office, postcode, postcard
4. language barrier, language lab, language learner
5. sun cream, suntan, sunglasses
2.B 1.running shoes, sport shoes, high-heeled shoes
2. chequebook, picture book, textbook
3. bedroom, dining room, changing room
4. sewing machine, washing machine, drinks machine
5. mobile phone, pay phone, cellphone
10A I live next to the main road, so it's a bit noisy.
2 There's a wonderful bookshop near where I live.
3 There's a lovely public swimming pool by my house, and it's free for children.
4 Where I live is good for window shopping but too expensive to buy anything!
a) noun + noun – bookshop
c) verb + noun – swimming pool
b) adjective + noun – main road
d) noun + verb – window shopping
11A. 1. traffic jam, traffic lights
2.car park, car rental
3. shopping centre, shopping mall
4. supermarket, outdoor market
5. primary school, language school
6. sports centre, city centre
7. high street, one-way street
8. semi-detached house, terraced house
9. housing estate, industrial estate
10. duty-free shop, gift shop