Практикум з англійської мови (4 курс) 2020-2021 Рекомендована література Grammar in Use, автор: R. Murphy, M. Hewings, Cambridge Grammarway 3 або 4, автор: Jenny Dooley Virginia Evans, : Express Publishing Oxford Practice Grammar,: Norman Coe, Mark Harrison, Ken Paterson (Basic) John Eastwood (Intermediate) George Yule (Advanced), : Oxford Upstream Upper Levels, :Virginia Evans Jenny Dooley, :Express Publishing (B2 to C2) Мission 1 або 2. Solutions (Pre-Intermediate, Intermediate, Upper-Intermediate) ClickOn 2 (рівні В1 та В2): Virginia Evans, Neil O'Sullivan, : ExpressPublishing 3-4. (4 – Intermediate). Laser B1, B1+, B2. Oxford Exam Excellence, : Oxford, Intermediate to Upper intermediate Grammar and Vocabulary for First Certificate, : Prodromou, Luke. В2 FCE Practice Tests Plus, : NickKenny, : Lucrecia Luque-Mortimer Pearson,: Longman, B2 Get 200! : Marta Rodsinska, Lynda Edwards, Malcolm Mann, Steven Taylore-Knowles: Macmillan, B1-B2 (Book 1 and Book 2) Практичне заняття 2 (Simple) Grammar (Murphy) Past Simple p 10 Task 5.1.– 5.4. p.11 Future Simple p. 42 Task 21.1– 21.4 p. 43 Tests How to Improve Study Habits 1 ____________ Some people need total quiet, while others can study well with music in the background. The key is to find a comfortable place and study there regularly, such as a kitchen table, a desk, a favorite chair, a bed, etc. 2 _____________ Study a little every night instead of cramming late the night before the test. A good night’s sleep helps. Bleary eyes and a tired body do not. 3 _____________ In the department store aisles, there are boxes and boxes of binders, folders and organizational tools. For every class, prepare a binder, a folder or a notebook. There should be a place for class notes, handouts and homework assignments. Some of the larger binders can accommodate all classes. It is really a matter of personal choice; just keep papers separated by class. 4 _____________ One great way to study is to make a list of the important information from a chapter and write it in your own words. Copy down any words that are written in bold or in italics. Look at chapter headings, section headings and review sections at the end of a chapter for other important information to add to your study guide. Merge this information with class notes. 5 ____________ Studying takes time and effort. Get organized, ask for help and put forth effort in improving your study habits now. The lessons taught in middle school are building blocks for high school and college. Starting good study habits now will help you later in life. It does take more effort to study and to become organized A Modernize your working space B Form study habits at an early age C Select a suitable place to study D Find time for rest in your daily routine E Learn to identify the main ideas F Don’t fall behind your study schedule G Don’t wait until the last minute H Classify your study materials You’re Amazing, So Make Sure People Know It Ти приголомшлива, так що переконайся, що люди це знають When it comes to telling the world how wonderful you are, there’s a fine line between having other people think, “Wow! She’s got so much more about her than I thought” and “Blimey! I wish she’d shut up about herself”. It’s easy enough to let everyone around you know you’re something special - the trick is doing it without trying too hard or looking like an attention seeker. So here’s how to get the attention you deserve without screaming, “Look at me!” Коли справа доходить до того, щоб розповісти світові, який ти чудовий, існує тонка лінія між тим, що інші люди думають: "Вау! У ній набагато більше, ніж я думав " і " чорт візьми! Я хочу, щоб вона заткнулася про себе". Досить легко дозволити всім навколо вас знати, що ви щось особливе-трюк полягає в тому, щоб робити це, не надто намагаючись і не виглядаючи як шукач уваги. Отже, ось як привернути увагу, яку ви заслуговуєте, не кричачи: "подивіться на мене!” ________ Being loud isn’t a good way to get noticed. Quietness and a smile can be more interesting than someone who blurts everything out constantly. Be cool instead, and show people what you’re really about, rather than shouting it in their faces. Бути гучним - не найкращий спосіб бути поміченим. Спокій і посмішка можуть бути більш цікавими, ніж той, хто постійно все вибовтує. Будьте холоднокровні і покажіть людям, що ви насправді робите, а не кричите їм це в обличчя. ________ It may be tempting to try to bluff your way through a conversation. But if you don’t know much about the subject being discussed, you’ll get more kudos if you shut up and listen. You can’t lose - get your facts right and people will respect your wisdom, or stay quiet if you’re unsure and people will appreciate your honesty. Це може бути заманливо, щоб спробувати блефувати свій шлях через розмову. Але якщо ви не дуже добре розбираєтеся в обговорюваному предметі, Ви отримаєте більше похвали, якщо заткнетеся і будете слухати. Ви не можете програти - отримаєте свої факти правильно, і люди будуть поважати вашу мудрість, або мовчіть, якщо ви не впевнені, і люди оцінять вашу чесність. ________ Toning down your gossip factor will show there’s much more to you than people may think. Your mates will trust you and your reputation will sky-rocket. Gossiping gives negative vibes to other people. Пом'якшення вашого фактора пліток покаже, що у вас є набагато більше, ніж люди можуть подумати. Ваші товариші будуть довіряти вам, і ваша репутація злетить до небес. Плітки створюють негативні флюїди для інших людей. ________ Choose things to do that you love doing and not because everyone else is doing them. If you are passionate about something, and enjoying it, you’ll have more energy and people will be attracted to you - and you might even be the person who starts a new trend. Вибирайте те, що Вам подобається робити, а не тому, що це роблять всі інші. Якщо ви захоплені чимось і насолоджуєтеся цим, у вас буде більше енергії, і люди будуть притягнуті до вас-і ви можете навіть стати людиною, яка починає нову тенденцію. _______ We may not be superhuman beings, but remember, each and every one of us has something going on that’s worth shouting about. It’s a fact - everyone is an individual and that’s what makes you who you are. Be proud of why you’re different. If you love who you are, people are more likely to love you too. Може бути, ми і не надлюдські істоти, але пам'ятайте, що у кожного з нас є щось, про що варто кричати. Це факт-кожна людина індивідуальна, і саме це робить вас тим, хто ви є. Пишайтеся, чому ви Різні. Якщо ви любите себе такими, якими ви є, люди, швидше за все, теж будуть любити вас. A We are talented! ми талановиті! B Learn to accept yourself. навчіться приймати себе. C Don’t pretend you know everything. Не прикидайся, що знаєш все. D Idle talk is a bad habit. Порожня балаканина-погана звичка. E Try to act in good faith. намагайтеся діяти сумлінно. F Don’t talk behind people’s back. не розмовляй за спиною людей. G Keep your voice down. говори тихіше. H Pursue your interests. переслідуйте свої інтереси. The 5 Browns/ 5 Коричневих Кольорів Piano virtuosos Desirae, Deondra, Gregory, Melody, and Ryan Brown charm audiences worldwide, bringing fresh energy to the classical music genre. They sat down with two teen pianists to discuss the challenges of studying music. Віртуози фортепіано Дезіре, Деондра, Грегорі, Мелоді і Райан Браун зачаровують публіку по всьому світу, привносячи свіжу енергію в жанр класичної музики. Вони сіли з двома молодими піаністами, щоб обговорити проблеми вивчення музики. 1 ________Desirae: Classical music is young because the emotions that are being translated through music are young. They’re for everybody, just like they were 300 years ago. It’s all about love and hate and anger and joy, all these things that teenagers experience. Дезіре: класична музика молода, тому що емоції, які транслюються через музику, молоді. Вони для всіх, як і 300 років тому. Це все про любов і ненависть, гнів і радість, про все те, що відчувають Підлітки. 2 ________Deondra: Gregory had this lucky pair of socks when he was a kid. And he was afraid to wash them because he was afraid the luck would go away. It was not good. ________Deondra: у Грегорі була ця щаслива пара шкарпеток, коли він був дитиною. І він боявся мити їх, бо боявся, що удача відвернеться від нього. Це було недобре. 3 ________Gregory: This is my dream job, and it also happens to be something I get paid for, which is cool. But I’m really happy when I see a bunch of kids come into the lobby to get autographs, and they tell us how we’ve inspired them to go on and practice. Грегорі: це робота моєї мрії, і це також те, за що мені платять, і це круто. Але я дуже радію, коли бачу, як група хлопців приходить у вестибюль, щоб взяти автографи, і вони розповідають нам, як ми надихнули їх продовжувати тренуватися. 4________Melody: People say, “You guys are so gifted, so talented.” And even though we feel like this is a big gift and there’s possibly something in the genes, a lot of it is work. If you don’t do anything with that talent, if you don’t constantly work at it, you won’t get anywhere. Мелоді: люди кажуть: "ви, хлопці, такі обдаровані, такі талановиті."І хоча ми відчуваємо, що це великий подарунок і, можливо, щось в генах, багато чого з цього-робота. Якщо ви нічого не зробите з цим талантом, якщо ви не будете постійно працювати над цим, ви нічого не досягнете. 5 ________Deondra: Just be yourself and don’t worry if you hit a few wrong notes. It’s not the end of the world. And don’t be afraid of the audience. They’re there to enjoy the music; they’re not there to pick it all apart like we often think. So, just try to give them a good time. Деондра: просто будь собою і не хвилюйся, якщо ти натиснеш кілька неправильних нот. Це ще не кінець світу. І не бійтеся публіки. Вони тут для того, щоб насолоджуватися музикою, а не для того, щоб розбирати її на частини, як ми часто думаємо. Так що просто постарайтеся дати їм добре провести час. A Is someone born a great pianist, or can this be taught? чи народжується хтось великим піаністом, або цьому можна навчити? B Do you think you are good role models for talented teens today? Чи вважаєте ви себе хорошими зразками для наслідування для талановитих підлітків сьогодні? C What advice would you give young musicians before they go on stage? яку пораду ви б дали молодим музикантам, перш ніж вони вийдуть на сцену? D What is the most difficult part of making a living in music? що є найважчою частиною заробляння на життя музикою? E Do you associate success with money? чи асоціюєте ви успіх з грошима? F What would you say to teens who think that classical music is “old and boring”? Що б ви сказали підліткам, які вважають класичну музику "старою і нудною"? G Do you have any strange traditions you follow before a major concert? чи є у вас якісь дивні традиції, яким ви слідуєте перед великим концертом? H How have you dealt with your fame and how do you engage with audience? як ви справлялися зі своєю славою і як ви взаємодієте з аудиторією? Практичне заняття 3 (Continuous) Grammar (Murphy) Present Continuous Rule p.2 Task 1.1- 1.4 p.3 Past Continuous Rule p12 Task 6.1.–6.4 p13 Future Continuous P 24.2 p 49 TESTS Yorkshire’s Robinson Crusoe Found His Paradise Йоркширський Робінзон Крузо знайшов свій рай In 1962 Brendon Grimshaw, the Yorkshireman, bought Moyenne — a small island just half a mile wide — in the Seychelles for the princely sum of £8,000, and he has been living there ever since. He spends his days caring for the island’s giant tortoises and birds that also call it home. У 1962 році Йоркшир Брендон Грімшоу купив на Сейшельських островах Мойеннневеликий острів шириною всього в півмілі - за величезну суму в 8000 фунтів стерлінгів і з тих пір живе там. Він проводить свої дні, доглядаючи за гігантськими черепахами і птахами острова, які також називають його домом. Giant tortoises are native to the Seychelles, but have been killed off on most of the other islands. Brendon has been gradually reintroducing them to his corner of the Indian Ocean, painting them with identifying numbers and giving them names such as Alice, Florita and Four Degrees South. Гігантські черепахи родом з Сейшельських островів, але були вбиті на більшості інших островів. Брендон поступово повертав їх у свій куточок Індійського океану, розписуючи їх ідентифікаційними номерами і даючи їм імена, такі як Аліса, Флорита і чотири градуси на південь. He first arrived there on holiday in the late fifties, restless and seeking adventure after years spent working as a newspaperman in Africa. “I knew the moment I set foot on the island that it was the right place for me”, he said. Brendon hired his own Man Friday, a Seychellois called Rene Lafortune, who helped him transform Moyenne. Together they planted palm trees, mango and paw-paw, saved rainwater and pumped it up the hillside by hand. When he arrived, there were no birds on the island, so he brought ten from a neighbouring island. Brendon started feeding them, and more birds settled on the island. Він вперше приїхав туди у відпустку в кінці п'ятдесятих, неспокійний і шукає пригод після багатьох років роботи газетяром в Африці. "Я знав, як тільки ступив на острів, що це було правильне місце для мене", - сказав він. Брендон найняв у п'ятницю свого чоловіка, Сейшельця на ім'я Рене Лафортун, який допоміг йому перетворити Мойєн. Разом вони садили Пальми, манго і Лапу-Лапу, економили дощову воду і вручну відкачували її вгору по схилу пагорба. Коли він приїхав, на острові не було птахів, тому він привіз десять з сусіднього острова. Брендон почав їх годувати, і на острові з'явилося ще більше птахів. “But we weren't doing it to make it into a national park or anything like that”, said Brendon. “We were doing it to make it habitable for me.” A Saudi prince once offered him a blank cheque for Moyenne, but Brendon certainly isn’t selling. “The only reason someone would want to buy this island is to build a big hotel”, he said. - Але ми робили це не для того, щоб перетворити його в Національний парк або щось в цьому роді,-сказав Брендон. - Ми робили це, щоб зробити його придатним для життя.- Один саудівський принц одного разу запропонував йому чистий чек для Мойенн, але Брендон, звичайно, не продає. "Єдина причина, чому хтось хоче купити цей острів, - це побудувати великий готель", - сказав він. Yes, of course he wants to keep his hideaway unspoiled, but perhaps he still has hopes of finding the pirate treasure rumoured to be buried somewhere on the island. After buying the island, Brendon admits he spent much of his spare time searching for the fortune, poring over old maps, hunting for clues and shifting tons of rock at his two excavation sites. Так, звичайно, він хоче зберегти своє притулок недоторканим, але, можливо, він все ще сподівається знайти піратські скарби, які, за чутками, зариті десь на острові. Після покупки острова Брендон зізнається, що більшу частину свого вільного часу він проводив у пошуках багатства, вивчаючи старі карти, вишукуючи підказки і переміщаючи тонни каменів на своїх двох розкопках. But it’s fair to say Brendon has never been motivated by money. He has worked tirelessly to transform and preserve Moyenne, ensuring that when he finally leaves the island it will be protected and passed to the people of the Seychelles as a national park. “Brendon is the modern Robinson Crusoe,” says Joel Morgan, environment minister for the Seychelles. “He’s a naturalist, a conservationist and a hard worker.” Але справедливо буде сказати, що Брендон ніколи не був мотивований грошима. Він невтомно працював над перетворенням і збереженням Мойена, гарантуючи, що, коли він нарешті покине острів, він буде захищений і переданий народу Сейшельських островів в якості національного парку. "Брендон-це сучасний Робінзон Крузо", - говорить Джоел Морган, міністр навколишнього середовища Сейшельських островів. - Він натураліст, захисник природи і трудівник.” The island has been Brendon’s life, and as he has struggled to create a spectacular home, it has repaid him by giving him a tonic that no doctor can prescribe: a real sense of purpose and meaning. Out in the Indian Ocean Brendon Grimshaw is still living the dream. Острів був життям Брендона, і поки він намагався створити вражаючий будинок, він відплатив йому тим, що дав йому тонізуючий засіб, який жоден лікар не може прописати: справжнє почуття мети і сенсу. В Індійському океані Брендон Грімшоу все ще живе своєю мрією. 6. What has Brendon Grimshaw done on the island? AHe has tamed Seychellois tortoises by giving them names. BHe has increased the population of tortoises on Moyenne. CHe has brought tortoises to the Seychelles from other continents. DHe has kept a definite number of tortoises in his nature corner. Що Брендон Грімшоу зробив на острові? А він приручив Сейшельських черепах, давши їм імена. B він збільшив популяцію черепах на Мойенні. C він привіз на Сейшельські острови черепах з інших континентів. D Він тримав певну кількість черепах у своєму природному куточку. 7. Which of the following is TRUE of Moyenne? AIt is going to become a fashionable resort. BIt gives harbour to international sea pirates. CIt has become a unique habitat for animals. DIt used to be a popular national park. Що з нижченаведеного відноситься до Мойєнни? А він збирається стати модним курортом. B вона дає гавань міжнародним морським піратам. C він став унікальним середовищем існування для тварин. D Раніше це був популярний Національний парк. 8. What does the phrase “A Saudi prince once offered him a blank cheque for Moyenne” in PARAGRAPH 4 mean? AA Saudi prince gave him an unlimited freedom of action on Moyenne. BA Saudi prince wanted to buy the island at any price. CA Saudi prince attempted to cheat Brendon out of money. DA Saudi prince confused a bank cheque with a blank sheet of paper. Що означає фраза "саудівський принц одного разу запропонував йому чистий чек для Мойенн" в пункті 4? А саудівський принц надав йому необмежену свободу дій на Мойенні. B Саудівський принц хотів купити острів за всяку ціну. C Саудівський принц спробував обманом виманити у Брендона гроші. D Саудівський принц переплутав банківський чек з чистим аркушем паперу. 9. What does the author state about Brendon Grimshaw? AHe is an enthusiastic volunteer. BHe is a fortunate treasure hunter. CHe is a hard-working entrepreneur. DHe is a competent geologist. Що говорить автор про Брендона Грімшоу? А він-ентузіаст-доброволець. B він щасливий мисливець за скарбами. C він-працьовитий підприємець. D він Компетентний геолог. 10. What can be inferred from the text? ABrendon loves being called Robinson Crusoe. BMoyenne is a site of archaeological diggings. CBrendon lives on the island on doctors’ advice. DThe Seychellois approve of Brendon’s activities. Які висновки можна зробити з тексту? A Брендон любить, коли його називають Робінзоном Крузо. B Moyenne - це місце археологічних розкопок. C Брендон живе на острові за порадою лікарів. D Сейшельці схвалюють діяльність Брендона. Britain’s Dream Jobs That You Could Actually Do Робота британської мрії, яку ви дійсно могли б зробити Have you ever given a thought to who provides the gravelly-toned voice on movie trailers – or who creates the sound effects on computer games or talks on radio and TV ads? Voice-over artists are paid to bring a script to life with their voice. Some voice-over artists come from a drama background, but qualifications aren’t necessary. Try approaching agencies who can help you put together a professional demo and offer coaching and courses. Once you’ve got your reel, the next step is to approach TV production companies and radio stations for ad work. Ви коли – небудь замислювалися про те, хто забезпечує скрипучий голос в трейлерах фільмів-або хто створює звукові ефекти в комп'ютерних іграх або говорить по радіо і телебаченню? Артистам озвучування платять за те, щоб вони своїм голосом втілили сценарій в життя. Деякі закадрові артисти приходять з драматичного минулого, але кваліфікація не потрібна. Спробуйте звернутися до агентств, які можуть допомогти вам зібрати професійну демонстрацію та запропонувати коучинг та курси. Після того, як ви отримали свою котушку, наступний крок-звернутися до телевізійних виробничих компаній і радіостанцій за рекламною роботою. Do your friends always turn to you for help on matters of the heart? Become a professional agony aunt and you can share your wisdom with the world. The best known agony aunts write columns for newspapers and magazines and answer reader questions online. As a professional agony aunt, most publications would expect you to be “qualified” to give advice - which might mean having a degree in psychology, being a trained psychotherapist, or having a background as a counselor. Having writing experience may help you to find paid work in the future. Чи завжди ваші друзі звертаються до вас за допомогою в сердечних справах? Станьте професійною тіткою агонії, і ви зможете поділитися своєю мудрістю зі світом. Найвідоміші тітоньки агонії пишуть колонки для газет і журналів і відповідають на запитання читачів в Інтернеті. Як професійна тітка агонії, більшість публікацій очікують, що ви будете "кваліфіковані", щоб давати поради - що може означати наявність ступеня в галузі психології, бути кваліфікованим психотерапевтом або мати досвід роботи в якості консультанта. Наявність письменницького досвіду може допомогти вам знайти оплачувану роботу в майбутньому. Being paid to eat chocolate for living rates pretty highly on the ’dream jobs list’ for many. Nearly every company in the food industry employs tasters who check product quality and work on developing new products - testing everything from fish pie to fudge. If you’re lucky enough to land a role as a food technologist at a company (a degree in food science and technology is generally required), you could find yourself working within the new product development team devising recipes, inputting on the design of the final decoration, and of course, tasting the new chocolate creations. Те, що вам платять за те, щоб ви їли шоколад, для багатьох досить високо стоїть в списку "робочих місць мрії". Майже в кожній компанії харчової промисловості працюють дегустатори, які перевіряють якість продукції і працюють над розробкою нових продуктів - тестують все, від рибного пирога до помадки. Якщо вам пощастило отримати посаду технолога харчової промисловості в компанії (як правило, потрібно диплом в області харчової науки і техніки), ви можете працювати в команді розробників нових продуктів, розробляючи рецепти, вводячи дизайн фінального прикраси і, звичайно ж, дегустуючи нові шоколадні творіння. You might not be lucky enough to own a Ferrari - but what about a job test driving them? Test drivers work with the company’s engineers to test the entire vehicle from front bumper to rear bumper, making sure everything works exactly as it should. Although not a prerequisite, a background in mechanics or mechanical engineering is likely to give you an advantage. You’ll also need exceptional driving abilities - speeding round a race track at more than 200mph requires training and skill, not least nerve. As you might imagine, competition is fierce. Можливо, вам не пощастить володіти Ferrari, але як щодо того, щоб провести тест - драйв? Водії-випробувачі працюють з інженерами компанії, щоб протестувати весь автомобіль від переднього бампера до заднього бампера, переконавшись, що все працює саме так, як повинно. Хоча це і не обов'язкова умова, досвід роботи в галузі механіки або машинобудування, швидше за все, дасть вам перевагу. Вам також знадобляться виняткові водійські здібностіприскорення по гоночній трасі зі швидкістю понад 200 миль на годину вимагає тренування і майстерності, не в останню чергу нервів. Як ви можете собі уявити, конкуренція жорстока. You may never be a star, but it’s easier than you might think to become a film extra. Extras are required to appear on TV dramas, commercials and music videos, as well as blockbuster movies - who knows, you could find yourself stood next to Johnny Depp one day. You don’t need supermodel looks - people of all ages and sizes are required - and acting experience isn’t necessary, though you will need a professional attitude and be able to take direction. Можливо, ви ніколи не станете зіркою, але це простіше, ніж ви думаєте, щоб стати додатковим фільмом. Статисти повинні з'являтися в телевізійних драмах, рекламних роликах і музичних кліпах, а також в блокбастерах - хто знає, може бути, одного разу ви опинитеся поруч з Джонні Деппом. Вам не потрібна зовнішність супермоделі-потрібні люди різного віку і розмірів - і акторський досвід не потрібен, хоча вам знадобиться професійне ставлення і здатність взяти напрямок. 6. What is TRUE of voice-over artists according to paragraph 1? AThey start their career on the radio. BThey require special training. CC They work with famous actors. DThey participate in commercials. Що можна сказати про закадрових артистів відповідно до пункту 1? А вони починають свою кар'єру на радіо. B вони вимагають спеціальної підготовки. C C вони працюють з відомими акторами. D вони беруть участь у рекламних роликах. 7. Which is one of the requirements for becoming an agony aunt? Aknowing how to make friends Bbeing able to treat heart diseases Chaving special education Dhaving literary experience Що є однією з вимог для того, щоб стати тіткою агонії? А знати як заводити друзів Б здатність лікувати серцеві захворювання В наявність спеціальної освіти Д маючи літературного досвіду 8. What is NOT mentioned about tasters? AThey work with various foods. BThey earn money by trying food. CThey take part in improving recipes. DThey get a rather high salary. Що не згадується про дегустаторів? А вони працюють з різними продуктами харчування. B вони заробляють гроші, пробуючи їжу. C вони беруть участь у поліпшенні рецептів. D вони отримують досить високу зарплату. 9. What does the text say about test drivers? AEngineering training is required. BTest drivers are former sportsmen. CLots of people want to get the job. DThe job offers lots of advantages. Що говориться в тексті про тест-драйвери? A Потрібна інженерна підготовка. B тест-пілоти-колишні спортсмени. C Багато людей хочуть отримати цю роботу. D робота дає масу переваг. 10 What is the main requirement for those who want to work as film extras? Ato be disciplined to follow instructions Bto have an attractive appearance Cto stand in for film stars if necessary Dto have a professional background Яке головна вимога пред'являється до тих, хто хоче працювати статистом в кіно? А бути дисциплінованим слідувати інструкціям B мати привабливий зовнішній вигляд C У разі необхідності замінювати кінозірок D мати професійну підготовку Практичне заняття 4 (Perfect) Grammar (Murphy) Rule p.14 Task 7.1–7.5 p. 15 Past Perfect Rule p.30 Task 15.1 – 15.3 p.31 Tests Job Descriptions 1 _______ support the department by performing office duties, including data entry, processing and recording transactions, preparing reports and budgets, fielding communications with clients and sellers, fact checking, filing, and other duties, as needed. We are searching for a motivated person who is an excellent multitasker with exceptional communication and time management skills. You should be thorough, accurate, and honest with good bookkeeping skills. To be a successful candidate, you should be proficient with computers and software, such as MS Excel or Quickbooks. 2_______ provide confidential information and guidance to individuals about a variety of social, financial, legal and employment problems. You will help people in crisis situations with complex problems such as benefits, debt and money issues, law and rights, healthcare, and education. The work is challenging and varied with duties that range from interviewing clients, assessing problems and writing reports, to mediating on a client’s behalf and providing legal representation at court cases. This can make the work emotionally demanding, but at the same time rewarding if a resolution to their problems or a way forward can be found. 3______ work closely with other creative agency staff in the conception and production of the verbal and messaging elements of promotion campaigns. A successful candidate will be responsible for the linguistic content of adverts, working across a range of media and formats, interpreting account briefs to compose slogans, catchphrases, tweets and scripts for TV and radio commercials. There is a considerable amount of contact with media planners and buyers and the in-house production department. 4._______ are responsible for the comfort, safety and welfare of passengers during flights. Working as a flight attendant provides plenty of contact with people as well as opportunities to travel. The staff shares responsibility for the safety and comfort of its passengers. The role can be physically and emotionally demanding and there is a high degree of responsibility involved. Working hours may involve long shifts and unsociable hours, and it may be necessary to work during public holidays. You may also receive additional payments for being able to speak more than one language. _______ study past human activity by excavating, dating and interpreting objects and sites of historical interest. They implement excavation projects, informally known as digs, preserve remains and collect data that informs their understanding of the past. Although fieldwork usually takes place in teams, it is possible to work on a self-employed basis. Temporary contracts are common. With experience, there is scope for consultancy work. Opportunities for national and international travel may arise through different dig locations, consultancy work with international development organisations, or through attendance of professional conferences. ACabin crew BExcavator operators CSoftware developers DAdvisory experts EArchaeologists FProduction engineers GAdvertisement originators HAccounting clerks Oscar-Winning Novelist Sidney Sheldon 1917-2006 To succeed on Broadway, in Hollywood, on TV or in popular fiction (17)______ , said The Guardian. The extraordinary feat of Sidney Sheldon, who died aged 89 was to have triumphed in all four. He won an Oscar, had six plays produced on Broadway, (18)_____ and wrote three successful TV series, including Hart to Hart. Born in Chicago in 1917, Sidney Schechtel was the son of a salesman and the only member of his family to complete high school, said The Independent. He (19)______ , but during the Depression was forced to leave in order to find paid work as a nightclub attendant. After (20)______ , he moved to New York to work in Tin Pan Alley and then went on to Hollywood. His major film success came in 1947 when he won an Oscar for the best original screenplay for The Bachelor and the Bobby Soxer, starring Gary Grant and Shirley Temple. It wasn’t until the age of 52 (21)______ , The Naked Face, which was followed by a series of blockbusters. A workaholic, Sheldon (22)______ , said The Times. Thus for Bloodline, set in the Pharmaceuticals world, he travelled 100,000 miles and read 60 tomes about Swiss cosmetics. Reviewers often described his writing as “trashy”, but Sheldon always insisted that he wrote not for critics, but for his readers. It was his proud boast that his novels were read by “everyone, from hookers to housewives... truck drivers in India to oil workers in Norway”. Asold millions of books Bsuccessfully selling lyrics to the club band Care the cherished dreams of the writer Dis the ambition of countless authors Espent a year researching each one Fworked not for becoming famous Gthat he published his first novel Hwon a scholarship to Northwestern University How Does Your Body Move? How does your body move? Does the brain send it messages? And in return, (33)_____ what they see, hear, and smell? The answer is your nerves! Nerves are thin, threadlike structures (34)_____ . Nerves run down your spine and branch out all the way to your fingers and toes. This system of nerves controls your body, tells your muscles to move, and (35)_____ . Nerves are a part of your nervous system, (36)_____ . Your nerves are made of cells called neurons. Neurons send and receive messages between your brain and the other parts of your body (37)_____ . Messages flash from neuron to neutron along your nerves and inside your brain. Signals from your eyes (38)_____ . The brain then sends signals that move very fast from cell to cell making sense of the message. Then the brain sends signals back down to the nerves connected to your leg muscles to say, “Run to the bus stop!” Amight tell the brain “There is my school bus” Bwhich carry messages between your brain and the rest of your body Clets you experience the wonderful world around you Dwhich also includes your brain and spinal cord Ehow we think, dream, reason and experience emotions Fby sending alternating electrical and chemical signals Gmight convert signals that carry information to the brain Hhow do your eyes, ears, and nose tell your brain Практичне заняття 5 (Perfect -Continuous) Rule p.20 Task 10.1–10.3 p. 21 Rule p.22, 24 Task 11.1 – 11.3 p. 23 Task 12.1 -12.3 p.25 Tests College Traditions Scripps College The highly ranked progressive women’s college knows how to keep that old school touch alive with their tradition of afternoon tea. Every Wednesday afternoon Scripps holds afternoon tea in the beautiful Seal Court. Surrounded by a fountain and mosaic murals, the Scripps students can relax, chat, and even have one-on-one discussions with professors while sipping on some tea. Oak Hills College The Oak Hills tradition follows that after a classmate’s engagement, the groom-to-be is thrown by his classmates into the campus lake. Friends of the fiancé carry him from his dorm to the dock and ask him two questions: “Do you love her?” and “Is she worth it?”’. Say “yes” to both and your friends will most lovingly throw you into the cold Minnesota lake. Washington University in St. Louis Walk In Lay Down, usually referred to as WILD, is a concert in the Brookings Quad every fall and spring. The tradition gets its name from the fact that students dragged sofas and couches into the quad (square) so they could listen in comfort. The concert usually features local bands as well as one or two nationally known groups or artists. The Say “Hi” Tradition requires all students to say hello to students and faculty that they meet on campus on this day. Smith College Whether you are going to come to the college for a lecture, to visit the award-winning Smith College Museum of Art, take a campus tour, stop in at one of the libraries, attend a performance or simply stroll the grounds to enjoy the beauty of Smith’s botanic gardens, come on Mountain Day and you'll find a campus filled with energy and enthusiasm. Since 1877, the women’s college in Northampton, Massachusetts has taken part in a strange but lovely tradition called Mountain Day. On a beautiful autumn day, Smith College’s president rings the college bells to give students an unexpected but welcomed break from classes so that they can hike up the mountain and pick apples. Bucknell University Starting with New Student Orientation, your first days at Bucknell immerse you in scholarship, learning and tradition what it means to become a member of the campus community. For example, during the first week of their second semester, first-year students serenade the president of the university. During their first and last weeks on campus, students gather in a circle in the college campus overlooking the hills at sunset for a class candle-lighting ceremony. Rollins College Fox Day is an annual tradition established by Rollins’ 10th president, Hugh McKean, in 1956. Each spring, on a day “too pretty to have class,” the president cancels all classes, providing undergraduate students with a surprise day off. A statue of the Rollins fox is placed on Tars Plaza early in the morning. A free pancake breakfast is offered and fun activities are planned throughout the day. According to the tradition of which college or university do students _____ ? Aclimb to the top of the hill and gather fruit Battend a performance in the local museum Cplay a trick on a man who has decided to marry Dhelp themselves to a morning meal at no cost Esing songs to the head of their institution Finvite a popular singer for a fox hunt Genjoy live music in the campus yard twice a year Hmeet once a week for pleasant informal socializing Hotels Astor Quest London Astor Quest is located not far from Hyde Park, Kensington Palace and Whiteley’s Shopping centre. We only permit guests between the ages of 18—30 to stay at our hostel, so we are an ideal accommodation for young travellers. Everybody working at Astor Quest is also young and lives here too, so they can give you hints about great places to see in London. We have dormitory rooms with 4 beds per room, and showers and toilets on each floor. Travel Joy Hostels Chelsea Travel Joy Hostels Chelsea is located in London between Pimlico and Chelsea and facing the River Thames. Underneath us lies a lively pub featuring bands from all over the city playing. If you don’t feel like going far for a bit of food, we have a Thai restaurant where you can choose from tasty Asian and English dishes here on the premises. Our rooms are clean and comfortable, our staff are hardworking. Hoax Hostel Liverpool Hoax is a luxury hostel situated right in the city centre. Guests can choose from double rooms to dormitory rooms for groups of up to 8. We offer guests a free continental style breakfast. Guests also have the option to upgrade to full English, American and veggie breakfasts! Wi-Fi is free throughout the building on your own wireless device. All guests must provide their ID on check in. All bookings for more than 16 people will not be accepted. YHA London Oxford Street A quiet hideaway from the bustle of the busiest street in the world, YHA Oxford Street allows you to relax and have this fabulous city at your fingertips. We offer private 2-bed, 3-bed or 4-bed rooms and family prices for all of them. We operate a key card system throughout the hostel so you can get in and out whenever you like. Please note, due to our location we are a very busy and vibrant hostel and would not recommend families bring children under the age of 14 here. Wombats City Hostel London We're located only minutes away from the Tower Bridge, the Tower of London and the City Hall. Not only is the location awesome, the building itself is breathtaking. Formerly a seamen’s hostel, the six-storied building was converted to an astonishing travellers’ place. All our rooms come with comfy wooden beds, private shower, toilet facilities and lockers for your belongings. You'll get our self-made city map with all essential information about the going-ons in town. Astor Hyde Park London Astor Hyde Park is located in South Kensington. Interesting places in the area include the Natural History Museum, the Victoria and Albert Museum and the Science Museum. You will enjoy modern living in a traditional recently restored English accommodation. The wonderful wooden staircase maintains the Victorian style character. Our 33 guestrooms are decorated with modern designs and are comfortably spacious. A stainless steel kitchen, 2 lounges and a large dining area are all available for guest use. Which of the hostels ________? Ahas a limit on big group reservations Bused to be a place for sailors Cadmits guests for no more than two weeks Dhas guests and the staff of the same age Eenables guests to enter or leave the hostel freely at any time Fprovides separate rooms for boys and girls Goffers guests to listen to live music in the hostel building Hwas redecorated not long ago College Application Tips With college admissions becoming increasingly competitive, upper-class men are always stressing to ensure that their applications are good enough. Don’t worry! The process can be simplified by following these tips. 1________Are you interested in colleges with fewer than 5,000 students, or more than 20,000? Public or private? In-state or out-of-state? Urban, suburban, or rural setting? Will cost be an issue? With these factors in mind, create a list of six to eight colleges, some that match your top choices, a few colleges that you wouldn’t mind going to if you got in, and a couple of safety colleges that should accept you without question. Mark their deadlines on your calendar. 2________You should find three teachers in academic subjects who are willing to boast about you, so get going. Which ones love you? In which classes did you excel? And most importantly, who do you think is going to write a letter about how qualified and intelligent you are? Those who know you personally are your best bets. 3________Your most significant experience, your favourite book, what world crisis you would solve and how ... for some reason, colleges think that requiring applicants to write a composition on these topics will make them more personable. Well, don’t let that limit you. Stretch the college’s prompt as much as you need to paint a good picture of yourself. That’s the point. Have your teachers and peers edit your composition until you have a good sketch. Revisions from teachers who are unfamiliar with your writing will likely benefit you most. Remember that your sketches can be recycled, shortened, or lengthened as needed to fit a college’s guidelines. Don’t limit yourself ________During rigorous college regulations and requirements, a genius came up with the common application. Thousands of universities accept this standard application in place of their own, so instead of filling out eight different applications, you may be able to do only a couple. The college’s admission website will usually say whether they accept the standard app, but for a complete list, visit www.commonapp.org. Some colleges require a supplement, so make sure you complete this if necessary. 5________There are pros and cons to being a preliminary-action applicant. You must begin working on your application(s) very early. Early action is like having two attempts to enter a school. However, if you need financial aid, early action is discouraged. AWrite one application for several colleges BStart thinking about recommendations CAsk for financial help DPick out your schools EDraft your essay FArrange a meeting with unfamiliar teachers GDouble your chance by planning ahead HMake enquiries about a college Практичне заняття 6 (have, have got, used to, modal verbs) Rule p.34 Task 17.1–17.4 p. 35 Rule p. 36 Task 18.1 – 18.4 p. 37 Rule p. 52 Task 26.1 -26.5 p.53 Tests J.K. Rowling A woman who fits my understanding of a hero is J.K. Rowling. Today she is famous and popular. In 2007, Rowling was the second in Time’s annual Person of the Year issue. She received an honorary degree from Harvard University in 2008, and she was animated into The Simpsons comedy series in 2013. Rowling has over 10 million Twitter followers, me being one of them, and she regularly communicates with fans. Her seven Harry Potter books have sold nearly 500 million copies worldwide. J.K. Rowling had significant input into the film adaptations of the Harry Potter series, consulting on the film scripts and later joining the operation as a producer. As I have read, today her net worth is estimated to be around $1 billion and in 2004, Forbes magazine declared her the first person to become a U.S.-dollar billionaire primarily through book writing. However, J.K. Rowling has struggled through tough times in her life. After school, she took the entrance exams for Oxford but was not accepted. She ended up studying French at Exeter, a university which is much less prestigious. After graduation Rowling moved to Portugal to teach English. There, she married the Portuguese journalist Jorge Arantes and gave birth to a daughter, Jessica. Her marriage ended in divorce, and Rowling moved to Edinburgh with her daughter to live with her younger sister, Di. She was finishing her book Harry Potter, unemployed, in depression and in poverty. On top of her misfortunes, the first Harry Potter manuscript was rejected by 12 publishers before one of them picked it up. But her publisher suggested she not use her real name — Joanne Rowling — for her books, because they didn’t believe boys would want to read a fantasy book about a boy wizard that was written by a woman! J.K. Rowling proved that people should never give up on finding happiness in life, and finally sold her first book Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone for the equivalent of about $4,000. The first print was just 1,000 copies! The Harry Potter books have helped to restore the world’s love of reading. I wasn’t into reading until I started Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone when | was six. Since then, J.K. Rowling’s books have helped me discover not only that reading is fun, but that writing is too. Ever since I read her series, I consider writing to be just as enjoyable as playing computer games or watching TV. After the immense success of her Harry Potter cycle of novels, films and plays, Rowling went on to produce a highly regarded series of detective stories under the pseudonym Robert Galbraith. And J.K. Rowling has gone to great lengths for charity. She has donated special editions and signed copies of her books to be auctioned off for charity. She supports nine charities and co-founded the Children’s High Level Group. J.K. Rowling is continually finding ways to help poverty-stricken people. She could easily relax and enjoy her comfortable life, but she carries on using her astounding writing talent to inspire children and adults alike to make the world a better place. 6.Which of the following does the author mention as one of Joanne Rowling’s achievements? Abecoming Person of the Year twice Bconsulting on a famous cartoon series Cmaking a vast fortune from her pen + Dreceiving Forbes’s honorary award 7.What is NOT mentioned among the challenges J.K. Rowling had to face in life? Afailing university exams Bhaving a broken marriage Cliving from hand to mouth Dlacking her relatives’ support + 8.Which of the following is TRUE of J.K. Rowling’s writing? AShe started her literary career as a journalist. BShe has published books in various genres. + CShe was an instant success with publishers. DShe has refused to take up a pen name. 9.What is Joanne Rowling’s role in the author’s life? AJoanne Rowling became the author’s penfriend. BThe author switched from watching TV to reading. CJoanne Rowling inspired the author to start writing. + DThe author gave up playing computer games. 10.What does Joanne Rowling do being a celebrity? AShe arranges auctions of her books. BShe provides help for those in need. + CShe leads a relaxed carefree lifestyle. DShe holds literary classes for kids. Top Places to Visit in Hong Kong Hong Kong is one of the most vibrant, exciting and ambitious cities in the world, a fusion of East and West, old and new, high tech and traditional — a city of dazzling contrasts. 11.Victoria Peak - B This Peak rising 1810 feet above sea level — is one of the most popular attractions in Hong Kong; it is absolutely incredible! Looking down from The Peak you’ll be amazed by the spectacular view of the surrounding city skyline, the world-famous Victoria Harbour and Kowloon, towering skyscrapers and peaceful green hillsides. Getting there is an unforgettable trip. There’s nothing in the world like the Peak Tram. Pulled by steel cables, the tram climbs 373 metres. It’s so steep that the buildings you pass look like they’re leaning! Whether you’re going up or coming down, you'll love this trip. 12.Temple Street Market -C It is an amazing shopping sight, featuring rows of brightly lit stalls selling an astonishing range of inexpensive items especially for men — including clothing, pens, watches, electronic gadgets. That’s why it is also called “Men’s Street”. What you buy will probably be fake but for many that takes a second seat to the bargaining and atmosphere of this famous night market. It is open from 4pm to midnight, but really comes alive after sunset. 13.Lantau Island -A The main reason people go to this island is to visit the largest Buddhist monastery in Hong Kong located high in the Lantau hills. Walk up 260 steps to the 100 ft tall seated statue of Buddha and take in the breathtaking view of the surrounding hillsides. You can even stay at the monastery and taste some of the delicious, yet simple vegetarian fare. 14.Lama Island - D Located about half an hour by ferry from bustling downtown Hong Kong, Lamma is one of the most adored weekend getaways. Clean air, golden beaches, fantastic hiking are the main draws. Bicycles are the mode of transport as cars are banned there. People come from all over the world to sample fresh chilli crab, garlic prawns, deep-fried squid, steamed fish with ginger and spring onions at a variety of terraced restaurants raised on posts above the bay. There are also western-style restaurants and handicraft shops along its laidback main street. 15.Yuen Po Street Bird Garden - F Occupying an area of about 3,000 square metres, this charming Chinese-style garden is located on Yuen Po Street in Mong Kok. It is the favoured gathering place of Hong Kong’s songbird owners and has 70 or so songbird stalls selling row upon row of macaws, tropical starlings and crested parrots in beautifully lacquered traditional Chinese birdcages. Kowloon Walled City Park - H At night you can visit Kowloon Walled City Park, the former site of the notorious Kowloon Walled City slum. The slum that grew up within the Kowloon Walled City was the most densely populated area ever to exist on planet earth. A town, declaredly under the control of China, and thus left unpoliced by the British, it was almost entirely outside the law. Building codes and health and safety codes were entirely disregarded, resulting in the construction of dozens of multi-story buildings. The laneways through the slum were so damp, dark and dirty that residents routinely moved from rooftop to rooftop to get around! Life in the Walled City was well documented by documentary film makers, photographers, social scientists and the international press. It was featured in the 1988 cult film Bloodsport, and Jackie Chan fans will know it from his popular film Crime Story. Today, a peaceful park is located where the Walled City slum used to stand. At which place will tourists ________ ? Ahave both a spiritual and culinary experience Bget a bird’s eye view of the city + Cget a good deal on a variety of goods Dhave to remember that motor vehicles are not allowed Esee the famous leaning houses of Hong Kong Fsee and buy exotic pets Gbuy fancy designer gear Hsee once the poorest district of Hong Kong Whale Watch Trips For 24 years, 7 Seas Whale Watch has set the standard for how whale watching should be done. We provide our passengers with the cleanest and most seaworthy boats in the industry, the friendliest and most enthusiastic crews, and the most knowledgeable and experienced naturalists. All this has made us (17)__C___ on the North Shore of Massachusetts. One of the most important aspects of all our whale watch trips is the education of our passengers. Being able to consistently find a large number of endangered whales feeding so close to a populated coastline (18)__E___ some of the most mysterious animals in the world. Whale watching boats have long since provided a platform for scientists to study the lives of these whales in detail and in a way that simply was not possible before whale watching became popular. As the result, the population of whales (19)___B__ is among the most thoroughly researched and well-understood populations of whales anywhere in the world. Your participation on a 7 Seas Whale Watch supports the continuation of this important research. Every 7 Seas Whale Watch is conducted by a naturalist (20)__H___ . These areas such as Alaska, Newfoundland, and Hawaii are all areas where humpback whales travel to in order to feed, mate, or give birth to a calf. Additionally, our naturalists, researchers and interns use our vessel as a platform to collect important data which has been submitted to such whale information collection centres as the Whale Centre of New England in Gloucester, the Marine Centre of New England, and Whalenet, (21)__D___ , researchers and educators from around the world. You will receive expert analysis of (22)__G___ . We hope this gives you a greater insight and a deeper appreciation for this unique New England adventure. Awas a strong probability to meet Bthat return and feed here each summer Cthe most recommended Whale Watch Company Dwhich establishes internet communications amongst students Eis a rare opportunity to learn about Fwhich had made trips educational for all ages Gthe behaviour and activity of the whales and wildlife you are observing Hthat has observed and researched whales in many parts of the world Практичне заняття 7 (modal verbs) Rule p.56 Task 28.1– 28.3 p. 57 Rule p. 58 Task 29.1 – 29.3 p. 59 A BRAIN-BOOSTING VIDEO GAME In the video game Tetris, players try to pack as many shapes as possible into a small space. According to a new study, that’s not all they’re doing. It sounds like a joke, but the study uses serious science. A team of three researchers from Canada and the United States scanned the brains of 15 adolescent girls, aged 12 to 15, who played Tetris. The scans showed that after 3 months of playing the block-stacking game, grey matter in the girls’ brains was thicker. (Grey matter is the wrinkly mixture of brain cells and blood vessels responsible for processing information in the brain.) Part of the thicker grey matter was in a region of the brain near the top of the head. This area, called the parietal lobe, is believed to be responsible for collecting information from the senses. The study shows that «brain structure is much more dynamic than had been appreciated», says Richard Haier of the University of California, Irvine, one of the three scientists behind the study. Haier says they studied girls’ brains because they typically spend less time playing video games than boys. For comparison, the scientists also scanned the brains of 11 girls who had not been playing Tetris. They found no increase in the thickness of those girls’ grey matter — suggesting that certain parts of the game-playing girls’ brains grew because the girls had played the video game. The researchers didn’t stop there — they also did real-time brain scans of girls while they were playing Tetris. For those scans, they used a technique called functional magnetic resonance imaging, or FMRI. An FMRI tracks how blood moves through the brain, and allows scientists to see which brain areas are being used. These scans showed that in the brains of girls who played Tetris for three months, some parts of the brain were being used less. The scientists don’t know why. Haier suggests that the drop in activity may be due to the brain actually working more efficiently than before. «We’re not sure, but we think the brain is learning which areas not to use», Haier says. «As you learn the game, it becomes more automatic». The parts of the brain that got bigger over the course of three months were not the same parts of the brain that were being used less. This comparison hints that bigger is not always better: just because a part of the brain gets bigger doesn’t mean that it’s working more efficiently. «Understanding how the brain works is not easy», says Haier. The scientists don’t know if the brain changes due to Tetris will help a person learn new skills or have better memory. «We know Tetris changes the brain», Haier says. «We don’t know if it’s good for you». 6. Scientists found a connection between playing Tetris and A the thickness of grey matter in the brain. B the size of parts of the brain. C the conditions of the brain cells. D the thickness of the blood vessels inside the brain. 7. What does the research of the grey matter show? A It was more diluted in the brain near the bottom. B It was responsible for processing blood in the vessels. C It was answerable for collecting information from the senses. D It was thicker in the brain at the top. 8 The scientists who were examining the girls’ brain knew that boys usually spent A more time playing video games than girls. B less time playing video games than girls. C as much time as girls who played video games. D not so much time as girls who were accustomed to playing video games. 9 The researchers used functional magnetic resonance imaging to A study how the girls were playing a game. B monitor the process of blood circulation through the brain. C study the processes of the mental activity. D do a scanning of the parts of the brain. 10 What does the word «it» in line 24 mean? A Grey matter. B Brain. C Learning. D Game WAYS OF TRAVELLING FOR FREE Don’t let your empty wallet stop you from taking the trip of a lifetime. Just remember: with the right attitude, the best things in life — even travelling — can come pretty cheap. 1 Budget airlines are virtually a religion in Europe, where few people pay full price for airline tickets. In fact, some airlines, especially those in the United Kingdom, offer international fares for little more than the taxes. You’ll be blown away by some of the sales on offer, check out some websites that offer happy hour rates for one hour a day. What advocates say: A $30 ticket to get across Europe? It makes the train seem expensive. What Granny would say: Sounds good. Do they offer a discount for seniors? 2 Once you’ve arrived at your destination, consider approaching a manager and negotiating a deal to exchange some work for your room — if they’re short of staff, you can barter your labour for a free place to stay. An alternative is to apply for a job before you even leave home, especially if you’ve had experience in the hospitality industry. A number of websites list such jobs. Other sites offer listings on a country-bycountry basis. Some places may be apprehensive about hiring someone from abroad; depending on the place, some may require you to hold a working visa before your arrival. What advocates say: As long as no money is exchanged, trading your labour for room and board is a good way to get around the visa issue of working in other countries. What Granny would say: It’s like slave labour! You should report them if they make you work too hard. 3 Most travel companies will offer a discount — or a free travel — to people who organize a tour for several people. They commonly refer to them as «group leaders». No, this does not mean that you are responsible for guiding your group of friends around Rome, but rather that you organize who will be going, where they will be going, and when. This one is a no-brainer for teachers and professors (ever wondered why your teacher in high school was happy to accompany 20 teenagers on a trip to Paris?) But it can work for other people too. Check out adventuresincorporated.com or adventures-abroad.com for examples, or enquire with any organization of interest to you. Advocates would say: Great idea! Not only will you get to travel for free, but you can go with your friends. What Granny would say: You can start by organizing my trip to Florida this winter. 4 If you are the sort of person who would welcome the challenge of climbing to Everest Base Camp to raise money for a charity, this one could be for you. One of the newest trends in travel has seen companies springing up that will help you organize the challenge of your choice — or join an existing expedition — all in the name of charity. You do the climb (or other adventure), and raise the sponsors, they take care of the rest. Advocates say: Where’s my ice axe? What Granny would say: Why go so far when you can do charity work at the nursing home across the street? 5 OK, this may sound like a long shot, but if you’re short on cash and long on time you’ll be absolutely amazed at how many travel competitions are there for the winning. Travel writing or photography may win you cash or a trip. Airlines, cruise lines, resorts, tourism boards and adventure travel companies all offer up prize trips every so often. If you’re not picky about where you go, a little time and energy invested might get you out of here sooner than you think. Advocates say: I won something once. What Granny would say: Want to take me to bingo on Tuesday? A Organize a Group Tour B Get a Travel Scholarship C Take a Hard-core Challenge D Do Some Charity E Fly Smart F Trade Labour at a Hostel G Transport Other People’s Vehicles H Enter Contests INFECTIOUS DISEASES While many infectious diseases were once all but eliminated from the United States, there’s an evidence that climate change is a factor (17) and make a comeback. Mosquitoes capable of carrying and transmitting diseases (18) , now live in at least 28 states. As temperatures increase and rainfall patterns change — and summers become longer — these insects can remain active for longer seasons and in wider areas, greatly increasing the risk for people who live there. The same is true on a global scale: increases in heat, precipitation, and humidity can allow tropical and subtropical insects (19) into new places. This, coupled with increased international travel to and from all 50 states, means that the US is increasingly at risk for becoming home to these new diseases. Nearly 4,000 cases of imported and locally-transmitted dengue fever were reported in the US between 1995 and 2005, and that number rises to 10,000, (20) . In Florida, 28 locally-transmitted cases were reported in a 2009—2010 outbreak, the first there in more than 40 years. Dengue fever, also known as «Breakbone Fever», is characterized by high fever, headaches, bone and joint aches, and a rash. Recurrent infection can lead (21) . Lyme disease — transmitted primarily through bites from certain tick species — could expand as temperatures warm, allowing ticks to move into new regions. West Nile virus, which first entered the US in 1999, expanded rapidly westward across the country. By 2005, (22) . Warmer temperatures, heavy rainfall and high humidity have reportedly increased the rate of human infection. A checking for information on recent disease outbreaks B over 16,000 cases had been reported C that can help them expand their range D to bleeding, seizures, and death E to move from regions where infectious diseases thrive F like dengue fever, for example G when traveling internationally H when cases in the Texas-Mexico border region are included