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Учебное пособие Контрольные работы по английскому языку

Федеральное агентство по образованию
Государственное образовательное учреждение
высшего профессионального образования
Воронежский государственный архитектурно-строительный университет
Контрольные задания
Учебно-методическое пособие
Рекомендовано в качестве учебного пособия
редакционно-издательским советом Воронежского государственного
архитектурно-строительного университета для студентов, обучающихся
по направлению 270100 «Строительство»
Воронеж 2009
УДК 802.0(07)
ББК 81. 2 Англ я 7
кафедра иностранных языков Воронежского филиала Московского
гуманитарно-экономического института;
М.А. Стернина, доктор филол. наук, проф. кафедры английского языка
естественнонаучных факультетов Воронежского государственного
Английский язык. Контрольные задания. [Текст] : учеб.-
А647 метод. пособие / Л.В. Лукина, Л.Н. Крячко, О.Ф. Нестерова,
Н.В.Сидорова; Воронеж. гос. арх.-строит. ун.-т. – Воронеж – 128 с.
ISBN 978-59040-227-1
Основная цель учебно-методического пособия – развитие навыков чтения и
понимания страноведческой и специальной литературы. Пособие предназначено для
студентов 1 курса всех специальностей, изучающих английский язык на заочном
отделении ВГАСУ.
Пособие включает две контрольные работы по десяти вариантам в каждой. Первая
контрольная работа содержит общеупотребительную лексику и тексты, знакомящие с
реалиями англоязычных стран. Вторая контрольная работа состоит из текстов, которые по
тематике соответствуют профилю архитектурно-строительного университета. Все 10
вариантов контрольных работ имеют единую структуру: задания по грамматике, один
текст, предназначенный для чтения и перевода и послетекстовые задания.
Отдельный раздел посвящен специальным строительным текстам, предназначенным
для аудиторного чтения, а также включает две устные темы.
Приложение содержит правила чтения гласных и согласных английских букв и
грамматический материал, который поможет снять трудности при выполнении заданий и
понять содержание текста в контрольной работе.
Предназначено для самостоятельной работы студентов заочного отделения, а также
для аудиторных занятий со студентами строительных специальностей.
Библиогр.: 9 назв.
УДК 802.0(07)
ББК 81. 2 Англ я 7
ISBN 978-59040-227-1
© Лукина Л.В., Крячко Л.Н.,
Нестерова О.Ф., Сидорова Н.В., 2009
© Воронежский государственный
архитектурно-строительный университет,
Учебно-методическое пособие «Английский язык. Контрольные
задания» для студентов 1 курса заочного отделения строительных
специальностей составлено в соответствии с программой по английскому
языку для неязыковых вузов и рассчитано на 320 часов самостоятельной
работы и 28 аудиторных часов (один семестр – экзамен). Пособие
предназначено для студентов 1 курса, изучающих английский язык на
заочном отделении и обучающихся по следующим специальностям:
строительных материалов, изделий и конструкций», «Подъемнотранспортные, строительные, дорожные машины и оборудование»,
строительстве)», «Теплогазоснабжение и вентиляция», «Водоснабжение и
водоотведение», «Экономика и управление на предприятии (строительство)»,
«Автомобильные дороги и аэродромы».
Цель учебно-методического пособия – подготовить студентов заочного
отделения к практическому владению английским языком в сфере
профессионально-ориентированного чтения и перевода научно-технической
литературы по специальности, а также развитие и совершенствование
навыков общения по разговорным темам.
Пособие состоит из трех частей:
 две контрольные работы, каждая по десяти вариантам, для
проведения промежуточного и итогового контроля усвоения
 специальные тексты для аудиторного чтения;
 устные темы.
Приложение 1 содержит правила чтения, Приложение 2 - грамматический
справочник по основным разделам английской грамматики. Приложение 3
включает таблицу английских неправильных глаголов.
грамматического раздела с последующим выполнением заданий. Все
варианты контрольной работы 1 и 2 построены по единой схеме. В начале
каждого варианта даны грамматические задания, для выполнения которых
необходимо проработать соответствующий раздел грамматического
справочника (см. стр. 97 данного пособия). Затем предлагается текстовый
материал, который нужно прочитать и перевести на русский язык. К каждому
тексту дается список слов для запоминания.
Для выполнения контрольной работы №1 студентам рекомендуется
пользоваться двуязычным (англо-русским) словарем общеупотребительной
лексики, а для выполнения контрольной работы №2 – англо-русским
политехническим словарем.
Учебно-методическое пособие предлагает список дополнительной
литературы для совершенствования навыков владения английским языком.
Мы надеемся, что данное учебно-методическое пособие поможет Вам
подготовиться к сдаче экзамена по английскому языку и научит читать,
понимать и переводить английскую литературу по специальности.
1. Рекомендации по выполнению контрольных работ
При заочной форме образования требования к обучению студентов
определены типовой программой по иностранным языкам для вузов
неязыковых специальностей (Москва, 1995). Заочная система обучения
предусматривает, главным образом, самостоятельную работу студентов с
учебной литературой. Основной целью заочной формы обучения студентов
английскому языку в неязыковом вузе является формирование умения читать
и извлекать информацию из иностранной литературы по специальности.
Обучение иностранному языку на заочном отделении неязыкового вуза
предполагает следующие формы занятий:
самостоятельная работа студентов с учебно-методической
литературой (см. список рекомендуемой литературы);
выполнение контрольных работ;
аудиторные занятия, проводимые с преподавателем;
итоговый контроль в форме экзамена (зачета) по окончании
курса обучения иностранному языку.
Курс обучения английскому языку включает выполнение двух
контрольных работ по своему варианту и завершается экзаменом. Начинать
работу надо с изучения краткого фонетического курса и правил чтения
гласных и согласных букв в английском языке (см. Приложение 1 стр. 96).
Грамматический материал студент должен проработать самостоятельно (см.
Приложение 2 стр. 97-122) и закрепить выполнением контрольных заданий.
Для самостоятельной работы по изучению английского языка студент –
заочник может пользоваться учебниками для вузов заочного или очного
обучения. Для повторения правил чтения и грамматики может быть
использован материал Приложения 1 и 2 данного пособия.
При подготовке к выполнению контрольных работ необходимо усвоить
основные грамматические темы:
глаголы «be» и «have»;
оборот «there is / there are»;
местоимения (личные, притяжательные, возвратные, указательные,
существительное (единственное и множественное число, артикль,
притяжательный падеж);
степени сравнения имен прилагательных;
времена группы Simple (Present, Past, Future);
времена группы Continuous (Present, Past, Future);
времена группы Perfect (Present, Past, Future);
времена группы Perfect Continuous (Present, Past, Future);
модальные глаголы;
активный и страдательный залоги;
инфинитивные конструкции (Complex Object, Complex Subject и Absolute
Participle Construction);
сослагательное наклонение, условные предложения.
После изучения курса студент заочного отделения должен уметь
распознавать основные грамматические конструкции при работе с текстом
(времена, залог, типы вопросов, модальные глаголы, неличные формы
глагола, сослагательное наклонение), уметь перевести незнакомый текст со
словарем, определять значения слов по контексту, вести беседу с
преподавателем на устные темы.
На 1 курсе студент – заочник должен выполнить письменно контрольные
работы № 1 и № 2 своего варианта. Номер варианта определяется по
последней цифре номера зачетной книжки студента.
Последняя цифра номера зачетной
Номер варианта
9 10
2. Порядок выполнения и оформления контрольных работ
Контрольные работы следует выполнять в отдельной тетради или на
листах (форма А4) в случае выполнения на компьютере.
На обложке тетради или титульном листе необходимо указать фамилию, имя
и отчество; курс; специальность; номер контрольной работы; вариант и
шифр студента. Контрольная работа должна выполняться аккуратным,
четким почерком или выполняться на компьютере, ответы на задания
следует давать в развернутом виде. При выполнении контрольной работы
необходимо переписать условия заданий и английский текст, оставлять поля
для замечаний преподавателя. Задания должны быть представлены в той же
последовательности, в которой они даны в контрольной работе. Допускается
наличие только общепринятых сокращений. Контрольные работы
приносятся (присылаются) на сессию. Если студент допустил в работе
ошибки, он должен их исправить в той же тетради, учитывая рекомендации
преподавателя, проверившего его работу. На экзамене студент должен
ответить на вопросы преподавателя по материалу контрольных работ.
Контрольная работа не своего варианта, выполненная не полностью или
не отвечающая предъявляемым к ней вышеперечисленным требованиям,
возвращается без проверки и не засчитывается.
Контрольные работы с исправлениями необходимо сохранять до экзамена
и отдать преподавателю, принимающему экзамен по английскому языку, так
как они являются важными учебными документами.
На 1 курсе (первая или вторая сессии) студенты – заочники сдают экзамен
по английскому языку. Студенты 1 курса специальности «Экономика и
управление на предприятии (строительство)» сдают в зимнюю сессию зачет
и экзамен по иностранному языку.
При выполнении контрольных работ рекомендуется использовать
следующие учебники, учебные пособия и словари:
1.Английский язык для строительных вузов: учеб. пособие / под ред. З.Е.
Фоминой / Воронеж. гос. арх.- строит. ун-т. – Воронеж, 2006. – Ч.1. –
147 с.
2. Английский язык для строительных вузов: учеб. пособие / под ред. З.Е.
Фоминой / Воронеж. гос. арх.- строит. ун-т. - Воронеж, 2006. – Ч.2. –
165 с.
3. Андрианова, Л.Н. Учебник английского языка для заочных технических
вузов и факультетов / Л.Н. Андрианова, Н.Ю. Багрова, Э.В. Ершова. М.: Высшая школа, 2000.- 350 с.
4. Людвигова, Е.В. Учебник английского языка для вузов заочного
обучения / Е.В. Людвигова [и др.]. - М.: Высшая школа, 1985. – 320 с.
5. Новицкая, Т.М. Практическая грамматика английского языка / Т.М.
Новицкая, Н.Д. Кучин. - М.: Высшая школа, 1993 г.-190 с.
6. Полякова, Т.Ю. Английский язык для инженеров / Т.Ю. Полякова [и
др.]. - М.: Высшая школа, 2000.- 250 с.
7. Пронина, Р.Ф. Учебник английского языка для заочных технических
вузов / Р.Ф. Пронина, Л.Н. Сорокина. - М.: Высшая школа, 1998. –
240 с.
8. Англо-русский политехнический словарь / под ред. А.Е. Чернухина. –
М: Русский язык, 1998. – 1098 с.
3. Требования на экзамене
К экзамену допускаются студенты, правильно выполнившие письменно
две контрольные работы, получившие оценку «зачтено», защитившие их на
практических занятиях, во время сессии преподавателю, а также посетившие
аудиторные занятия, на которых прорабатываются тексты по специальности
студента из раздела «Тексты для аудиторного чтения» (см. стр. 66-92) .
Структура и содержание экзамена:
 письменный перевод специального текста со словарем (600 печатных
знаков – 40 минут);
 беседа по одной из устных тем (см. раздел Oral Topics стр. 92-93).
Грамматический материал проверяется в форме контрольных упражнений
или тестов.
Контрольная работа № 1
Вариант № 1
Задание № 1. Перепишите и письменно переведите
предложения, подчеркните неопределенные местоимения.
1. There are not any modern conveniences in their house.
2. There is some clean water in the bottle.
3. No letters again! Nobody has written to me for a month.
4. The young engineer had no experience in such work.
Задание № 2. Выберите прилагательное в соответствующей степени
сравнения. Перепишите и переведите предложения на русский язык.
1. Sweden is the fifth (large, larger, largest) country in Europe.
2. In the past we needed (little, less, the least) mathematics than today.
3. You look much (good, better, the best) today.
4. Who is that boy in the (far, further, furthest) corner of the room?
Задание № 3. Выберите нужную форму глагола to be. Перепишите и
переведите предложения на русский язык.
1. Her hair (is, are, were) long, black and beautiful.
2. We (are, were, will be) at the Zoo last Sunday.
3. They (is, are, were) busy now.
4. I think the audience (is, was, will be) good tomorrow.
Задание № 4. Вставьте there’s или it’s. Перепишите и переведите
предложения на русский язык.
1. … a boring book.
2. … a wonderful park in this city.
3. … cold outside.
4. … a lot of work to do for us.
Задание № 5. Перепишите предложения, переведите их на русский язык.
Поставьте предложения в вопросительную и отрицательную формы.
1. He has got a beard.
2. We had only an egg and a cup of tea for breakfast.
3. It will cost three pounds.
Задание № 6. Поставьте глаголы, данные в скобках, во времена групп Simple
(Indefinite) или Continuous. Перепишите и переведите предложения на
русский язык.
1. She seldom (cook) in the evening.
2. She (not/cook) at the moment.
3. I (have) a bath when the phone rang.
4. He usually (go) to work by bus.
Задание № 7. Поставьте глаголы, данные в скобках, во времена групп
Perfect или Perfect Continuous. Перепишите и переведите предложения на
русский язык.
1. Somebody (eat) all my porridge. The plate is empty.
2. Our mother (clean) the flat before we all returned.
3. I (live) here since childhood.
4. I (come) just from London.
Задание № 8. Перепишите и переведите предложения на русский язык.
Выпишите из каждого глагол – сказуемое и определите его видовременную
форму. Напишите форму инфинитива глагола.
1. She has been learning English since she was eight.
2. I haven’t seen Ann for a long time.
3. When I arrived they were waiting for me.
4. Can you hear a child is crying?
5. I will be flying over the Atlantic Ocean at 12 o’clock tomorrow.
6. It rains a lot in autumn.
Задание № 9. Перепишите и переведите предложения на русский язык.
Подчеркните модальные глаголы.
1. If you don’t take your umbrella, you can get wet.
2. Look! There are dark clouds on the sky. It might rain soon.
3. I have to do some shopping today.
4. He should not smoke.
Задание № 10. Перепишите и письменно переведите текст.
A Visit to Stratford
Stratford is a very interesting town, in the centre of England. Everybody knows
it as Shakespeare's birthplace. There are no mountains or deep valleys near
Stratford but there are beautiful woods, green fields, a quiet gentlе river the Avon
and lovely black and white houses, with thatched roofs.
The first place which everybody goes to see there is Shakespeare’s house. It is a
small house with small rooms in the centre of Stratford. In one of these rooms
Shakespeare was born. On the walls of this room you can see many names of
famous people who visited this place: Walter Scott, Dickens, Thackeray and
others. In one room there stands a little wooden desk, the desk that Shakespeare sat
at when he went to the grammar school in Stratford.
There is a garden behind the house with many flowers, trees and plants which
Shakespeare mentioned in his plays. You can see a church there, where
Shakespeare was buried. There is a bust of Shakespeare that was made by a Dutch
sculptor who lived near Shakespeare’s Globe Theatre and saw Shakespeare many
times. Not far from Shakespeare’s house there is a very old hotel that was probably
there in Shakespeare’s time. The rooms haven’t got numbers on the doors as most
hotels have. Instead every room has the name of a Shakespeare play on it – the
“Hamlet” room, the “Romeo and Juliet” room and so on.
gentle – тихий
to be born – родиться
Globe Theatre – театр “Глобус”
to bury – хоронить
thatch – соломенная
the grammar school – гимназия
Dutch – голландский
Задание № 11. Перепишите вопросы к тексту и письменно ответьте на них.
1. What is Stratford famous for?
2. What river can you see near Stratford?
3. Where is Shakespeare’s house?
4. What famous people visited Shakespeare’s house?
5. Where was Shakespeare buried?
Вариант № 2
Задание № 1. Перепишите и письменно переведите
предложения, подчеркните неопределенные местоимения.
1. Some of us agree with the statement.
2. I did not see any change in his life.
3. Nobody can help him under the circumstances.
4. Something prevented him from coming.
Задание № 2. Выберите прилагательное в соответствующей степени
сравнения. Перепишите и переведите предложения на русский язык.
1. He found the work (easy, easier, the easiest) than he had expected.
2. She was (active, more active, the most active) of us.
3. He felt (bad, worse, the worst) yesterday than the day before.
4. When he had left Paris it was as (cold, colder, the coldest) as in winter there.
Задание № 3. Выберите нужную форму глагола to be. Перепишите и
переведите предложения на русский язык.
1. She (is, was, will be) at the lecture now.
2. Last winter (is, was, will be) cold.
3. We (are, were, will be) free yesterday.
4. I (am, was, will be) at home tomorrow.
Задание № 4. Вставьте there’s или it’s. Перепишите и переведите
предложения на русский язык.
1. … a beautiful garden near the house.
2. Where is the cat? … under the sofa.
3. … no theatre in that small town.
4. … hot today.
Задание № 5. Перепишите предложения, переведите их на русский язык.
Поставьте предложения в вопросительную и отрицательную формы.
1. In England the traffic keeps to the left.
2. The students had five examinations.
3. I will know the result in a day.
Задание № 6. Поставьте глаголы, данные в скобках, во времена групп Simple
(Indefinite) или Continuous. Перепишите и переведите предложения на
русский язык.
1. We (drink) coffee every morning.
2. While I (wait) for an answer, a knock came at the door.
3. They (have) dinner now.
4. He (come) to see me the day before yesterday.
Задание № 7. Поставьте глаголы, данные в скобках, во времена групп
Perfect или Perfect Continuous. Перепишите и переведите предложения на
русский язык.
1. I see the snow (stop).
2. His wife was not in. She (go) out a half an hour before.
3. I suppose I (read) the book by that time.
4. Tell me what you (do) in my absence.
Задание № 8. Перепишите и переведите предложения на русский язык.
Выпишите из каждого глагол – сказуемое и определите его видовременную
форму. Напишите форму инфинитива глагола.
1. We stayed in the garden for a long time.
2. She had finished packing by three o’clock.
3. Public opinion is changing.
4. I shall come along as often as possible.
5. Jerry has been discussing it with her this evening.
6. He will be asking me the same question tomorrow.
Задание № 9. Перепишите и переведите предложения на русский язык.
Подчеркните модальные глаголы.
1. You can go to St. Petersburg by train or by plane.
2. You should take a taxi if you don’t want to be late.
3. Every engineer must know at least one foreign language.
4. He may go away now. I shall finish the work myself.
Задание № 10. Перепишите и письменно переведите текст.
America in the Past and Today
Many hundred years ago on the territory of the present day America the redskin Indians lived. They hunted animals and fished, grew corn and tobacco.
In the middle of the 15th century Christopher Columbus from Spain sailed with
his crew on 33 small ships. They thought it was India. But Columbus was
mistaken. It was an island near North America. This discovery took place on the
12th of October 1492. But this new land got its name “America” a little later when
an Italian explorer Amerigo Vespucci described it in his writings in 1499.
In 1620 more than one hundred Englishmen left their country forever and went
to America on board the ship “Mayflower” to live and work there.
Later on, more and more people from many countries came to live in America.
England considered these new territories as its colonies and soon the newcomers
began to fight for their independence. The biggest war lasted from 1775 up to
1783. Commander-in-Chief of the North American Army was George
Washington. His troops won this War for Independence and on July 4, 1776 the
famous Declaration of Independence was signed by 13 United States of America.
George Washington was elected to be the first American President.
At present the USA is a highly developed industrial and agricultural country.
The population of the USA is about 250 million people of many nationalities.
Some of the biggest cities are New York, Chicago, Philadelphia, San Francisco
and others.
The capital of the country is Washington. The American parliament (called
Congress) has two chambers: the House of Representatives and the Senate.
The flag of the USA has 13 red and white stripes representing the original 13
states and 50 stars – for each of the 50 states of the country. Each state has its
national motto, bird and flower as its symbol.
newcomers – вновь прибывшие
Commander-in-Chief – главнокомандующий
the House of Representatives – палата представителей
a motto – девиз
Задание № 11. Перепишите вопросы к тексту и письменно ответьте на них.
1. Who lived on the territory of America many years ago?
2. Was America discovered by Columbus or Vespucci?
3. People from many countries came to live in America, didn’t they?
4. How long did the biggest war last?
5. What chambers has Congress?
Вариант № 3
Задание № 1. Перепишите и письменно переведите
предложения, подчеркните неопределенные местоимения.
1. When arriving in a foreign country one goes through the customs.
2. Speaking on TV the Prime Minister said that the Government would take some
practical steps to increase competition and improve the work of public services
(средства общественного транспорта и связи).
3. MP’s proposal (MP–член парламента) doesn’t seem to have aroused anybody’s
4. She didn’t tell anyone about her secret. Not a person.
Задание № 2. Выберите прилагательное в соответствующей степени
сравнения. Перепишите и переведите предложения на русский язык.
1. Love is (precious, more precious, the most precious) than money.
2. To violate traffic regulations is very (dangerous, more dangerous, the most
3. Interrupting people is (bad, worse, the worst) of all.
4. The House of Lords is (large, larger, the largest) in membership but the House
of Commons has nearly all the power.
Задание № 3. Выберите нужную форму глагола to be. Перепишите и
переведите предложения на русский язык.
1. The weather promised to be fine. There (are; were; will be) many stars in the
2. Buckingham palace (will be, was, is) the place where presidents, kings and
politicians go to meet the Queen.
3. The yesterday commercial program on TV (was, will be, is) of little artistic
4. Competition (was, is, will be) a good stimulus in the young managers’ future
Задание № 4. Вставьте there’s или it’s. Перепишите и переведите
предложения на русский язык.
1. …an awful day. Everything goes wrong.
2. …a big crowd at the discotheque tonight.
3. …the British Prime Minister’s residence in Downing Street 10, London.
4. …high time the children go to bed.
Задание № 5. Перепишите предложения, переведите их на русский язык.
Поставьте предложения в вопросительную и отрицательную формы.
1. A year ago she had long fair hair.
2. Buckingham Palace has a police station, two post offices, a hospital, a bar, two
sports clubs, a disco, a cinema and a swimming pool.
3. In the nearest future London will have a population of nearly 10 million people.
Задание № 6. Поставьте глаголы, данные в скобках, во времена групп Simple
(Indefinite) или Continuous. Перепишите и переведите предложения на
русский язык.
1. The police (stop) me on my way home last night.
2. The Smiths have bought a new house. They (move in) at the moment.
3. Your dad (meet) you at the airport. Don’t worry.
4. All the evening yesterday we (listen) to the old records.
Задание № 7. Поставьте глаголы, данные в скобках, во времена групп
Perfect или Perfect Continuous. Перепишите и переведите предложения на
русский язык.
1. Some time ago Jill’s hair was short but now it is long. She (grow) it again.
2. Tomorrow the terrorists (hold) the hostages for three days.
3. We were late for the station. The train (start) two minutes before we came.
4. Are you still watching television? You (watch) it since I left for work in the
Задание № 8. Перепишите и переведите предложения на русский язык.
Выпишите из каждого глагол – сказуемое и определите его видовременную
форму. Напишите форму инфинитива глагола.
1. The situation calls for immediate actions.
2. This is the third time Bill has phoned his friend this evening.
3. Parliament resumed the emergency debate last Friday.
4. The introduction of new technologies will promote economic development.
5. I had never seen Mr. Johnson so sad before our last meeting.
6. The population of the world is rising very fast.
Задание № 9. Перепишите и переведите предложения на русский язык.
Подчеркните модальные глаголы.
1. When Jim was 15, he could run 100 metres in 11 seconds.
2. It’s only natural that parents should worry about their children.
3. The new parking garage can house two thousand cars.
4. The traffic rules must be observed by everyone.
Задание № 10. Перепишите и письменно переведите текст.
The Houses of Parliament
Near Westminster Abbey on the riverside the Palace of Westminster, known as
the Houses of Parliament stands. These buildings were first built in the twelfth
century and rebuilt in 1840 – 1867 and partly again after the Second World War.
Parliament consists of the House of Lords, where the lords sit, and the House of
Commons, where the elected members of Parliament sit. The House of Lords is
larger in membership – more than eight hundred, but the House of Commons has
nearly all the power.
The six hundred and thirty elected members of the House of Commons meet in
session in Parliament. The members sit on two sides of the hall, one side for the
governing party and the other for the opposition. The Speaker is the chairman at all
the debates in the House of Commons. Lord Chancellor presides over the Lords.
His seat is called Woolsack to show that wool made England rich and powerful.
People who visit the Houses of Parliament may sit in the Public Gallery,
looking down into the House of Commons, and listen to the debates. The central
entrance hall is usually busy with people coming and going to see the buildings,
and others wanting to see their Members of Parliament (M.P.’s).
Sessions of Parliament begin in November and last for about one hundred and
sixty days. The sittings usually begin at 10 a.m. and end in the late afternoon, but if
Parliament is discussing an important question, sittings may go on until late at
night. All the time Parliament is in session, a flag flies at the top of the Clock
Tower, and when the House is still sitting after dark, there is a light over the face
of Big Ben.
a riverside – берег реки
in session – на сессии (о парламенте)
Chancellor – канцлер
woolsack – мешок с шерстью
sitting – заседание
Westminster Abbey – Вестминстерское аббатство
Palace of Westminster – Вестминстерский дворец
Задание № 11. Перепишите вопросы к тексту и письменно ответьте на них.
1. When were the buildings of the Houses of Parliament first built?
2. What Houses does the British Parliament consist of?
3. Is the Speaker or Lord Chancellor the chairman at all the debates in the House
of Commons?
4. Why is the Lord Chancellor’s seat called Woolsack?
5. What shows that the Parliament is in session?
Вариант № 4
Задание № 1. Перепишите и письменно переведите
предложения, подчеркните неопределенные местоимения.
1. I want some sugar to make jam.
2. Has anybody of them been to Scotland?
3. Nobody will smoke in the room.
4. The Metric System has some advantages over the English System.
Задание № 2. Выберите прилагательное в соответствующей степени
сравнения. Перепишите и переведите предложения на русский язык.
1. He is the (old, oldest, eldest) son of my father’s friend.
2. What is the (much, more, most) important invention in the twentieth century?
3. We have heard the (late, later, latest) news on the radio.
4. I am sure this coffee tastes (good, better, the best) than that one.
Задание № 3. Выберите нужную форму глагола to be. Перепишите и
переведите предложения на русский язык.
1. The news he told us (are, was, were) interesting.
2. The Metric System (is, was, will be) a system of measures and weight.
3. You (are, is, were) at home last night.
4. It (is, was, will be) cold next week.
Задание № 4. Вставьте there’s или it’s. Перепишите и переведите
предложения на русский язык.
1. … easy to understand the rule.
2. … often a rainbow after the rain.
3. … electricity in all the houses of the town.
4. … so warm in the flat.
Задание № 5. Перепишите предложения, переведите их на русский язык.
Поставьте предложения в вопросительную и отрицательную формы.
1. They have got a nice cat.
2. We had a large lunch yesterday.
3. It will probably rain soon.
Задание № 6. Поставьте глаголы, данные в скобках, во времена групп Simple
(Indefinite) или Continuous. Перепишите и переведите предложения на
русский язык.
1. I (wash) my hair last morning.
2. He usually (do) his homework in the afternoon.
3. The girl (talk) to Tim when his sister came.
4. If they forecast rainstorms, we (return) to the city.
Задание № 7. Поставьте глаголы, данные в скобках, во времена групп
Perfect или Perfect Continuous. Перепишите и переведите предложения на
русский язык.
1. George smokes. He (smoke) for five years.
2. They already (paint) the walls in their flat.
3. The builder says he (finish) the roof by next week.
4. When I got to the car park I realised that I (lose) my keys.
Задание № 8. Перепишите и переведите предложения на русский язык.
Выпишите из каждого глагол – сказуемое и определите его видовременную
форму. Напишите форму инфинитива глагола.
1. It’s raining again. Take your umbrella.
2. My mother always forgets my birthday.
3. I am sure Andrew will come to see us this evening.
4. I knew that he was waiting for somebody.
5. As soon as she came in I knew I had seen her before.
6. It has been snowing since Tuesday.
Задание № 9. Перепишите и переведите предложения на русский язык.
Подчеркните модальные глаголы.
1. You must not worry about it.
2. Can you make me some tea?
3. According to the radio, it may rain today.
4. You should change your job.
Задание № 10. Перепишите и письменно переведите текст.
The Statue of Liberty
The magnificent Statue of Liberty stands in New York Harbour and welcomes
millions of foreign visitors and citizens returning to the United States from abroad.
The idea for such a statue originated in France on the occasion of the 100th
anniversary of the USA.
The French people gave August Bartholdi’s statue “Liberty Enlightening the
World” to the American people in 1886. The 12 acre Liberty Island was selected
as the permanent site for the statue. It was placed upon a concrete and granite
pedestal. The statue with its pedestal is 305 feet high.
Approximately 800.000 people visit Liberty Island each year. You can walk up
354 stairs to get to the top of the statue. An elevator takes sightseers to the top of
the pedestal, but from there those who wish to venture higher, must walk up to the
statue’s head, where there is an observation platform. On a clear day, this platform
affords a wonderful view of the harbour and New York. The right arm and the
torch are not open to the public.
There is a museum on Liberty Island, at the foot of the statue.
a harbour – гавань, порт
to welcome – приветствовать
site – местоположение
Liberty Island – остров Свободы
on the occasion of – по случаю
concrete – бетон
Задание № 11. Перепишите вопросы к тексту и письменно ответьте на них.
1. Where does the Statue of Liberty stand?
2. Where and when did the idea for the statue originate?
3. Who is the sculptor of the statue?
4. How many people visit Liberty Island each year?
5. How can sightseers get to an observation platform?
Вариант № 5
Задание № 1. Перепишите и письменно переведите следующие предложения,
подчеркните неопределенные местоимения.
1. There isn’t anybody in the garden.
2. I’ve got nothing to read.
3. She said something but I didn’t understand her.
4. Somebody has broken the window.
Задание № 2. Выберите прилагательное в соответствующей степени
сравнения. Перепишите и переведите предложения на русский язык.
1. It’s (easy, easier, the easiest) to phone than to write a letter.
2. Sydney is (large, larger, the largest) city in Australia.
3. Money is important, but it isn’t (important, more important, the most important)
thing in life.
4. Italy has (old, older, the oldest) population in the world.
Задание № 3. Выберите нужную форму глагола to be. Перепишите и
переведите предложения на русский язык.
1. Jane (will be, was, is) at home at the moment.
2. Where (are, was, were) you at 11 o’clock last Friday morning?
3. They (are, will be, were) engineers in 5 years.
4. Books (will be, were, are) expensive nowadays.
Задание № 4. Вставьте there’s или it’s. Перепишите и переведите
предложения на русский язык.
1. … a lot of snow in the forest.
2. … difficult to stop smoking.
3. I’m not going to buy this book. … too expensive.
4. … a vase on the floor in the corner of the room.
Задание № 5. Перепишите предложения, переведите их на русский язык.
Поставьте предложения в вопросительную и отрицательную формы.
1. Tina teaches mathematics to young children.
2. She met her friends yesterday evening.
3. The birds will eat the old bread left in the garden.
Задание № 6. Поставьте глаголы, данные в скобках, во времена групп Simple
(Indefinite) или Continuous. Перепишите и переведите предложения на
русский язык.
1. The kettle (boil). Can you turn it off, please?
2. Water (boil) at 100 degrees Celsius.
3. The police (stop) him on his way home last night.
4. The sky is black. I think it (rain).
Задание № 7. Поставьте глаголы, данные в скобках, во времена групп
Perfect или Perfect Continuous. Перепишите и переведите предложения на
русский язык.
1. Tom (smoke) ten cigarettes today.
2. Ron (study) very much this term.
3. It (snow) for two hours.
4. He (play) chess since he was eight.
Задание № 8. Перепишите и переведите предложения на русский язык.
Выпишите из каждого глагол – сказуемое и определите его видовременную
форму. Напишите форму инфинитива глагола.
1. John was working all day yesterday.
2. Ann works in a bank.
3. David went away 5 minutes ago.
4. Jill has lost her passport.
5. Next year Bill will be 25.
6. Tom is having a shower at the moment.
Задание № 9. Перепишите и переведите предложения на русский язык.
Подчеркните модальные глаголы.
1. Ann can speak Italian, but she can’t speak Spanish.
2. When you are driving you should wear a seat-belt.
3. You mustn’t walk on the grass.
4. It might rain this afternoon.
Задание № 10. Перепишите и письменно переведите текст.
The First Universities
Before the 12th century most people were illiterate. Reading and writing skills
were not considered important or necessary. Monasteries were centres of
education, and priests were the most educated people.
But with the development of such sciences as medicine and law, first
universities appeared in Italy and France. A university had four faculties: Theology
(the study of religion), Canon Law (church laws), Medicine and Art, which
included Latin grammar, rhetoric (the art of making speeches), logic, arithmetic,
geometry, astronomy and music.
In the middle of the 12th century a group of professors from France came to
Britain and founded schools in the town of Oxford in 1168. It was the beginning of
the first English university. A second university was formed in 1209 in Cambridge.
Towards the end of the 13th century colleges appeared around the universities,
where other subjects were studied.
Getting an education in those times was very difficult. Printing had not yet
been invented, and all the books were hand-written. That’s why books were rare
and very expensive. Only the richest people could afford buying books. If a man
had twenty or thirty books, people said that he had a great library. Special rules
existed for handling books. You were not to touch books with dirty hands or put
them on the table at meal times.
Theology – теология (богословие)
Canon Law – церковное право
Rhetoric - риторика
Задание № 11. Перепишите вопросы к тексту и письменно ответьте на них.
1. Who were the most educated people in England before the 12th century?
2. Where did universities first appear in Europe?
3. Which four faculties did a medieval university have?
4. When and how was Oxford University founded?
5. Why were books rare and very expensive in those times?
Вариант № 6
Задание № 1. Перепишите и письменно переведите
предложения, подчеркните неопределенные местоимения.
1. I’m not hungry. I don’t want anything to eat.
2. Has anybody seen the bag?
3. Someone has forgotten the umbrella.
4. He’s busy. He’s got some work to do.
Задание № 2. Выберите прилагательное в соответствующей степени
сравнения. Перепишите и переведите предложения на русский язык.
1. Last night I went to bed (early, earlier, the earliest) than usual.
2. The speed of this plane is as (high, higher, the highest) as the speed of sound.
3. The film was very bad. I think it’s (bad, worse, the worst) film I’ve ever seen.
4. Is it (expensive, more expensive, the most expensive) to go by car or by train?
Задание № 3. Выберите нужную форму глагола to be. Перепишите и
переведите предложения на русский язык.
1. John (am, is, are) afraid of dogs.
2. This time last year I (were, was, will be) in Paris.
3. Today she is in Madrid. Tomorrow she (is, was, will be) at home.
4. Please, be quiet. I (were, are, am) working.
Задание № 4. Вставьте there’s или it’s. Перепишите и переведите
предложения на русский язык.
1. … dangerous to work in the road.
2. … a new restaurant in King Street.
3. … a good film on TV tonight.
4. … impossible to understand her.
Задание № 5. Перепишите предложения, переведите их на русский язык.
Поставьте предложения в вопросительную и отрицательную формы.
1. The earth goes round the sun.
2. We invited them to our party.
3. I’ll meet you outside the hotel.
Задание № 6. Поставьте глаголы, данные в скобках, во времена групп Simple
(Indefinite) или Continuous. Перепишите и переведите предложения на
русский язык.
1. You look serious. What you (think) about?
2. When Karen arrived, we (have) dinner.
3. We (see) Rose in town a few days ago.
4. I think the weather (be) nice later.
Задание № 7. Поставьте глаголы, данные в скобках, во времена групп
Perfect или Perfect Continuous. Перепишите и переведите предложения на
русский язык.
1. Jim is away on holiday. He (go) to Spain.
2. I didn’t know who she was. I never (see) her before.
3. She (play) tennis since she was eight.
4. The match (finish) by 10 o’clock.
Задание № 8. Перепишите и переведите предложения на русский язык.
Выпишите из каждого глагол – сказуемое и определите его видовременную
форму. Напишите форму инфинитива глагола.
1. I have written several letters to my friends this week.
2. It had been snowing for a week when we came to the town.
3. He graduated from our faculty a year ago.
4. They are translating a very interesting article.
5. Our factory will have fulfilled the plan by the end of December.
6. I have been waiting for him for an hour.
Задание № 9. Перепишите и переведите предложения на русский
Подчеркните модальные глаголы.
1. I looked everywhere for the book but I couldn’t find it.
2. I think the government should do more to help homeless people.
3. The windows are very dirty. I must clean them.
4. I can look through the newspapers if you need it.
Задание № 10. Перепишите и письменно переведите текст.
Cambridge is situated at a distance of 70 miles from London. It is one of the
most beautiful towns in England. The dominating factor in Cambridge is its wellknown University, a centre of education and learning.
Newton, Byron, Darwin and many other scientists and writers were educated at
Cambridge. It has 27 colleges. Every college is headed by a dean.
Cambridge is built on a river called the Cam. The University was founded in
Today, Cambridge is famous not only for its University but also because it is a
very picturesque and ancient city. Many of its buildings are very old: some of them
were built about 700 years ago. Some of the older buildings are covered with
beautiful plants such as ivy. Many are surrounded by green lawns and
multicoloured flower-beds. Although all the colleges belong to the same
University, each has its own character and style. There are also many beautiful
bridges across the Cam including the Mathematical Bridge and the Bridge of
Cambridge is a very pleasant city to live and study in. Since there are so many
colleges, a large number of the city’s inhabitants are young students.
Sport plays a large part in university life. As Cambridge is on the river Cam,
rowing seems to be the most popular sport. There are “boathouses” all along the
river bank and early in the mornings you’ll see many students rowing, whatever
the weather.
Foreign students from different countries enjoy their stay in Cambridge not
only because of its beautiful sights, but because they have a chance to meet many
English people of their own age.
to head – возглавлять
a dean – декан
ivy - плющ
a lawn – лужайка
a flower-bed - клумба
Bridge of Signs – мост Вздохов
boathouse – лодочный домик
Задание № 11. Перепишите вопросы к тексту и письменно ответьте на них.
1. Where is Cambridge situated?
2. It was founded in 1209, wasn’t it?
3. Why is Cambridge a picturesque city?
4. What plays a large part in University life?
5. Do foreign students enjoy their stay in Cambridge and why?
Вариант № 7
Задание № 1. Перепишите и письменно переведите
предложения, подчеркните неопределенные местоимения.
1. Grandpa doesn’t want anybody picking him up at the station. He likes to be
2. It’s really easy to work on a computer, but, like anything, you need to work at it.
3. English and Americans often think of a pet as one of the family.
4. It’s a problem, isn’t it? Let’s try to work something out.
Задание № 2. Выберите прилагательное в соответствующей степени
сравнения. Перепишите и переведите предложения на русский язык.
1. (good, better, the best) is a friend that is near, than a relative far off.
2. A university is (large, larger, the largest) than a college.
3. In the USA (common, more common, the most common) college degree among
the others is a bachelor of arts.
4. Central Park, in the centre of Manhattan, is one of (popular, more popular, the
most popular) parks in New York.
Задание № 3. Выберите нужную форму глагола to be. Перепишите и
переведите предложения на русский язык.
1. Marilyn (are, were, is) in great shape due to her regular aerobics classes.
2. The dog (will be, was, is) well trained and didn’t hurt anyone.
3. Better (were, will be, to be) alone than in bad company.
4. Kind words like good deeds (are, was, am) eternal, you never know where their
influence will end.
Задание № 4. Вставьте there’s или it’s. Перепишите и переведите
предложения на русский язык.
1. Don’t be upset about being late. … another advanced computer class today at
four o’clock.
2. …not easy to cook dinner for the entire family.
3. …nice weather. I decided to forget my problems and just enjoy this beautiful
spring day.
4. In many apartment and office buildings in the U.S. … no 13th floor. The 14th
floor follows the 12th.
Задание № 5. Перепишите предложения, переведите их на русский язык.
Поставьте предложения в вопросительную и отрицательную формы.
1. We had a good day fishing in a lake.
2. Many large American cities have Thanksgiving Day parades.
3. You will have a little surprise on your birthday.
Задание № 6. Поставьте глаголы, данные в скобках, во времена групп Simple
(Indefinite) или Continuous. Перепишите и переведите предложения на
русский язык.
1. Taking care of a younger sister or brother children (learn) responsibility.
2. At the moment the girls (exercise) to music at the aerobics class.
3. Philip (graduate) from medical school in 1960 and from the University of
Michigan in 1956.
4. Tomorrow from four to five o’clock the vice-president of the company (have) a
meeting with a group of employees.
Задание № 7. Поставьте глаголы, данные в скобках, во времена групп
Perfect или Perfect Continuous. Перепишите и переведите предложения на
русский язык.
1. I want to study journalism to be a reporter – a newspaperman. I (think) about it a
lot lately.
2. Before I made an important decision on which college to go I (discuss) it with
my parents.
3. By midnight the astronomers (watch) the lunar eclipse for two hours.
4. The Stewarts are going to the theatre tonight. Richard (make) a reservation for
theatre tickets.
Задание № 8. Перепишите и переведите предложения на русский язык.
Выпишите из каждого глагол – сказуемое и определите его видовременную
форму. Напишите форму инфинитива глагола.
1. The mailman has just dropped some mail in our box.
2. Reading is one of the main ways of transmitting a culture from one generation to
3. The secretary offered a chair to the visitor.
4. The rain was beating on the windows.
5. The customer had been trying to draw the attention of a waiter for ten minutes.
6. The guests will be singing to the accompaniment of the piano at the party.
Задание № 9. Перепишите и переведите предложения на русский язык.
Подчеркните модальные глаголы.
1. You should give examples providing your point of view.
2. Friendship is a plant which must be often watered.
3. When travelling by train you can put your suitcase in the overhead rack.
4. Parents are often so busy with work and other responsibilities that they may not
be able to spend much time with their children.
Задание № 10. Перепишите и письменно переведите текст.
The English Character
Englishmen are naturally polite and are never tired of saying “Thank you” and
“I’m sorry”. They are generally disciplined; you never hear loud talk in the street.
They do not rush for seats in buses and trains, but they take their seats in queues at
bus stops. They will never shut the door in your face but will hold it open for you.
English people do not shake hands when meeting one another; they just smile
and say “Hello!”
Englishmen do not show their emotions even in tragic situations. They seem to
remain good-tempered and cheerful under difficulties.
Most English love gardens and this is probably one reason why so many people
wish to live in houses more than flats. They love flowers very much. The
Englishman says “My house is my castle”, because he does not wish his doings to
be overlooked by his neighbours.
It’s a tradition with English people to have a fireplace in their house. It is
usually made of stone in a wall of a room and with a chimney in the wall. A
chimney, therefore, is the main feature of almost every roof. The fireplace is the
natural centre of interest in the room. In the evening when the members of the
family come home, they like to gather round the fireplace and exchange the day’s
experience. In recent years, however, many fireplaces have been modernized; they
are gas or electric fireplaces.
The English people like animals very much. Pet dogs, cats, horses, ducks,
chickens, canaries and other friends of man have a much better life in Britain than
anywhere else. The English do all they can to make animals feel well in their
homes and outside their homes too.
in queues – согласно очереди
a fireplace – камин
a chimney – дымоход
experience – впечатления
Задание № 11. Перепишите вопросы к тексту и письменно ответьте на них.
1. What people are Englishmen by nature?
2. They do not shake hands when meeting one another, do they?
3. When don’t they show their emotions?
4. Why do so many English people wish to live in houses more than flats?
5. Where do friends of man have a much better life than anywhere else?
Вариант № 8
Задание № 1. Перепишите и письменно переведите
предложения, подчеркните неопределенные местоимения.
1. Somebody has stolen the painting from the gallery.
2. We didn’t know the place but we found the way without any difficulty.
3. Has anyone seen the dog today? I don’t hear his barking.
4. It is known that her best films are her early ones.
Задание № 2. Выберите прилагательное в соответствующей степени
сравнения. Перепишите и переведите предложения на русский язык.
1. After I’d washed my clothes they looked (old, older, the oldest) than before.
2. The mountain is said to be (high, higher, the highest) in South America.
3. The forest is (little, less, the least) than a mile away.
4. It was (boring, more boring, the most boring) story I’ve ever heard in my life.
Задание № 3. Выберите нужную форму глагола to be. Перепишите и
переведите предложения на русский язык.
1. The river (are, am, is) deep.
2. The role which he played in her life (were, was, will have been) significant.
3. We haven’t used much electricity this month. The bill is going (have been, will
be, to be) not so big.
4. They (are, is, was) very much interested in the news.
Задание № 4. Вставьте there’s или it’s. Перепишите и переведите
предложения на русский язык.
1. … a dishwasher in the kitchen.
2. … necessary to know a password to start the computer.
3. … no point in trying to persuade Jill. She will never make up her mind.
4. Where’s the camera? … not in the cupboard.
Задание № 5. Перепишите предложения, переведите их на русский язык.
Поставьте предложения в вопросительную и отрицательную формы.
1. The new safety system stops trains automatically.
2. I forgot about the meeting entirely.
3. She will write the questions on the blackboard.
Задание № 6. Поставьте глаголы, данные в скобках, во времена групп Simple
(Indefinite) или Continuous. Перепишите и переведите предложения на
русский язык.
1. Our son (send) us a postcard from every place he visits.
2. Last night when I turned on the radio the choir (sing) my favourite song.
3. At the moment medical staff (treat) the man in hospital for neck and arm
4. The wind speed (increase) tomorrow.
Задание № 7. Поставьте глаголы, данные в скобках, во времена групп
Perfect или Perfect Continuous. Перепишите и переведите предложения на
русский язык.
1. I (wait) for half an hour before the taxi came at last.
2. Mary doesn’t want any lunch. She (eat) already.
3. You look exhausted because you (work) all day.
4. By the end of this year the company (pay) the compensation for the damage
Задание № 8. Перепишите и переведите предложения на русский язык.
Выпишите из каждого глагол – сказуемое и определите его видовременную
форму. Напишите форму инфинитива глагола.
1. Millions of people all over the world travel every day.
2. Nowadays teenagers are not obeying their parents.
3. You will find a variety of sausages at the supermarket.
4. The registration had stopped long before the time of take-off.
5. My parents have been married for twenty-six years.
6. Vegetables and fruit looked very attractive.
Задание № 9. Перепишите и переведите предложения на русский язык.
Подчеркните модальные глаголы.
1. If the weather is cloudy airliners cannot fly.
2. At the restaurant you may reserve a table beforehand.
3. The modern manager must be able to analyze complex problems.
4. If we decide to save our money we can simply keep our money in a safe place.
Задание № 10. Перепишите и письменно переведите текст.
Wales - a Land of Songs
In the west of Britain lies one of the most beautiful parts of the British Isles Wales. The mountains and valleys in Wales are very beautiful. There are many
sheep and cattle-farms in the green valleys. Central and North Wales are farming
regions, while the valleys of South Wales are the industrial part of the country.
They are rich in coal, and the mining villages have grown into busy towns around
iron, chemical and oil works. Cardiff, the capital of Wales, is also a big port. It
exports a lot of coal.
Wales is a very popular place for spending holidays. Every year, thousands of
people take their holidays at the seaside on the North Wales coast or, if they prefer,
enjoy peace in villages far from town life. Some people choose Snowdonia. This is
a national park around Snowdon, the highest peak in the Welsh mountains and it is
ideal for walking or hiking holidays.
Wales has been called a Land of Song. The Welsh people are famous for their
good voices and it is difficult to find a village where there is not at least one choir.
Singers, dancers, musicians and poets come from all over the world to compete for
the awards at music festivals in Wales. They often wear their colourful national
costumes. At the festival Welsh girls wear their national dress - a tall black hat, a
red skirt and a white apron. In summer, the streets of this small country are full of
visitors speaking many languages. One of the foreign languages heard will be
English, because in North Wales many of the people speak Welsh as their native
language. Today only about a quarter of the Welsh population speaks this old
language as their first language, but many more who use English can understand
Welsh as well. Welsh people are proud of national language. In many of their
schools they now use and teach their national language.
a valley – долина
the mining villages – шахтерские поселки
works – заводы
walking or hiking holidays – занятия пешим туризмом во время отдыха
a choir - хор
Задание № 11. Перепишите вопросы к тексту и письменно ответьте на них.
1. Where does Wales lie?
2. Is Cardiff a big port?
3. Wales is a very popular place for spending holidays, isn’t it?
4. Why has Wales been called a Land of Song?
5. What language do many people speak in North Wales?
Вариант № 9
Задание № 1. Перепишите и письменно переведите
предложения, подчеркните неопределенные местоимения.
1. There isn’t anything on TV tonight.
2. Jack hasn’t anyone to help him.
3. There is somebody at the door. Can you go and open the door.
4. One has to take foreign passport if he goes abroad.
Задание № 2. Выберите прилагательные в соответствующей степени
сравнения. Перепишите и переведите предложения на русский язык.
1. Honesty is (the best, better, more better) policy.
2. The (oldest, older, elder)...men declare war. But it is the youth that fight and die.
3. Of two evils choose the...(less, little, least).
4. What’s the (later, latest, last) news of today?
Задание № 3. Выберите нужную форму глагола to be. Перепишите и
переведите предложения на русский язык.
1. Draughts (are, is, be) not a complicated game.
2. Scissors (am, are, is) a small tool with two sharp blades screwed together.
3. What (am, are, was) his politics? - He supported the Labour party.
4. There (is, are , has been) millions of stars within our galaxy.
Задание № 4. Вставьте there’s или it’s. Перепишите и переведите
предложения на русский язык.
1.…a fine day. Everything goes right.
2.…a big crowd at the station tonight.
3…. not a passion so strongly rooted in the human heart as envy.
4. Civilization will never flow backward while ...youth in the world.
Задание № 5. Перепишите предложения и переведите их на русский язык.
Поставьте эти предложения в вопросительную и в отрицательную форму.
1. The city of Montreal covers 70 square miles.
2. Scientists in many different countries are working to explain its mystery.
3. Recently BBC experts have invented a new system that lets the deaf understand
television programs.
Задание № 6. Поставьте глаголы, данные в скобках, во времена групп Simple
(Indefinite) или Continuous. Перепишите и переведите предложения на
русский язык.
1. I usually (leave) work before 8 o’clock.
2. John (paint) the garage at the moment.
3. My mum (watch TV) when I came home.
4. He (work) as an engineer.
Задание № 7. . Поставьте глаголы, данные в скобках, во времена групп
Perfect или Perfect Continuous. Перепишите и переведите предложения на
русский язык.
1. Some time ago Jill’s hair was long but now it is short. She (cut) it.
2. Our mother (cook) the dinner before we all returned.
3. We were late for the airport. The plane (start) two minutes before we came.
4. Are you still listening to music? You (listen) to it since I left for work in the
Задание № 8. Перепишите и переведите предложения на русский язык.
Выпишите из каждого глагол – сказуемое и определите его видовременную
форму. Напишите форму инфинитива глагола.
1. All historical places of London are in the West End.
2. I have not seen Bill for a long time.
3. Can you hear a bird singing?
4. Many different languages are spoken in Europe.
5. She has been studying in the library for hours.
6. There were so many cars in the street that we could not find a parking space.
Задание № 9. Перепишите и переведите предложения на русский язык.
Подчеркните модальные глаголы.
1. You must wear a helmet when you ride a motorcycle.
2. I had to go to the bank yesterday to get some money.
3. She got this job because she can speak five languages.
4. There were no buses yesterday evening. We had to walk home.
Задание № 10. Перепишите и письменно переведите текст.
Invention (device or process) is creation of new devices, objects, ideas, or
procedures useful in accomplishing human objectives. The process of invention is
invariably preceded by one or more discoveries that help the inventor solve the
problem at hand. A discovery may be accidental, such as the discovery of X- rays
by Wilhelm Conrad Roentgen while he was experimenting with cathode rays, or
induced, such as the invention of the lightning rod by Benjamin Franklin after he
proved that lightning is an electrical phenomenon.
Early inventors were usually isolated and unable to support themselves through
their inventions. In some cases, although two individuals working independently
achieved the same innovation simultaneously, only one was recognized for the
discovery. For example, the American inventors Elisha Gray and Alexander
Graham Bell applied for a patent on the telephone on the same day. Credit for the
discovery of the calculus was fought for bitterly by the English scientist and
mathematician Sir Isaac Newton and the German philosopher and mathematician
Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz.
Today most modern inventions and discoveries take place in large research
organizations supported by universities, government agencies, private industries,
or privately endowed foundations. Because of this, ascribing any single invention
to a specific person has become difficult.
an invention - изобретение
creation - создание
a discovery - открытие
to support - поддерживать
research - исследование
Задание № 11. Перепишите вопросы к тексту и письменно ответьте на них.
1. What is invention?
2. Can the discovery be accidental?
3. Early inventors were not usually isolated and unable to support themselves
through their inventions, were they?
4. Where do most modern inventions and discoveries take place?
5. Why has ascribing any single invention to a specific person become difficult?
Вариант № 10
Задание № 1. Перепишите и письменно переведите
предложения, подчеркните неопределенные местоимения.
1. Have you got any objections?
2. I don’t know about it; ask somebody else.
3. I got the book without any difficulty.
4. I have nothing to read.
Задание № 2. Выберите прилагательные в соответствующей степени
сравнения. Перепишите и переведите предложения на русский язык.
1. If you require (further, farther, the furthest) information or assistance, ask at
your local station.
2. Actions speak (more louder, the loudest, louder) than words.
3. Hotels are becoming (more expensive, the most expensive, expensiver)
4. The damage to the car could be (bad, worse, the worst) than we expected.
Задание № 3.Выберите нужную форму глагола to be и переведите
предложения на русский язык.
1. There (is, are, was) ten pens and a magazine on the table.
2. All historical places of London (had been, were, are) in the West End.
3. He was considered (to be, to have been, was) a good teacher.
4. Two pilots (were, was, are) on the plane when it crashed.
Задание № 4. Вставьте there’s или it’s. Перепишите и переведите
предложения на русский язык.
1. … a stove in the kitchen.
2. … evident that people want peace.
3. … no point in trying to persuade Jane. She will never make up her mind.
4. Where’s the chair? … not in the living room.
Задание № 5.Перепишите предложения и переведите их на русский язык.
Поставьте эти предложения в вопросительную и в отрицательную форму.
1. In the year 1620 a ship named the ‘Mayflower’ brought 120 Englishmen to the
rocky coast of America.
2. Spaceships, computers and even an Egyptian mummy are among the many
thousands of objects in the Science Museum’s world famous collection.
3. They became successful businessmen.
Задание № 6. Поставьте глаголы, данные в скобках, во времена групп Simple
(Indefinite) или Continuous. Перепишите и переведите предложения на
русский язык.
1. Mary (meet) her friends at a cafe every weekend.
2. The Whites have bought a new flat. They (move in) at the moment.
3. My mum (cook) when I came home.
4. All the evening yesterday we (watch) a very interesting film.
Задание № 7. . Поставьте глаголы, данные в скобках, во времена групп
Perfect или Perfect Continuous. Перепишите и переведите предложения на
русский язык.
1. Someone (switch) on the TV.
2. He is the most interesting person I ever (meet).
3. I am tired now. I (clean) the house all morning.
4. When we arrived at the station, our train (leave).
Задание № 8. Перепишите и переведите предложения на русский язык.
Выпишите из каждого глагол – сказуемое и определите его видовременную
форму. Напишите форму инфинитива глагола.
1. He has been learning French since he was five.
2. I know you are taking an advanced geography course now.
3. It has been raining since early morning.
4. BBC experts invented a new system that lets the deaf understand television
5. By the sixteenth century a new economic system had replaced feudalism.
6. The number of people without work is rising very fast.
Задание № 9. Перепишите и переведите предложения на русский язык.
Подчеркните модальные глаголы.
1. I was so tired but I could not sleep.
2. I had to go to the bank yesterday to get some money.
3. You should wash your hands before cooking.
4. I must hurry.
Задание № 10. Перепишите и письменно переведите текст.
Ecological Problems
Since ancient times Nature has served Man, being the source of his life. For
thousands of years people lived in harmony with environment and it seemed to
them that natural riches were unlimited. But with the development of civilization
man's interference in nature began to increase.
Large cities with thousands of smoky industrial enterprises appear all over the
world today. The by-products of their activity pollute the air we breathe, the water
we drink, the land we grow grain and vegetables on.
Every year world industry pollutes the atmosphere with about 1000 million tons
of dust and other harmful substances. Many cities suffer from smog. Vast forests
are cut and burn in fire. Their disappearance upsets the oxygen balance. As a result
some rare species of animals, birds, fish and plants disappear forever, a number of
rivers and lakes dry up.
The pollution of air and the world's ocean, destruction of the ozone layer is the
result of man's careless interaction with nature, a sign of the ecological crisis.
Environmental protection is of a universal concern. That is why serious
measures to create a system of ecological security should be taken.
Some progress has been already made in this direction. As many as 159
countries - members of the UNO - have set up environmental protection agencies.
Numerous conferences have been held by these agencies to discuss problems
facing ecologically poor regions. An international environmental research centre
has been set up on Lake Baikal. The international organization Greenpeace is also
doing much to preserve the environment.
But these are only the initial steps and they must be carried onward to protect
nature, to save life on the planet not only for the sake of the present but also for the
future generations.
ancient - древний
harmony - гармония
environment - окружающая среда
to interfere - вмешиваться
to increase - увеличиваться, возрастать
smoky - дымный
by-product - побочный продукт
Задание № 11. Перепишите вопросы к тексту и письменно ответьте на них.
1. How did people live for thousands of years?
2. What cities appear all over the world today?
3. What pollutes the air we breathe?
4. What is the result of the pollution the atmosphere?
5. Why is environmental protection of a universal concern?
Контрольная работа № 2
Вариант № 1
Задание № 1. Выберите соответствующее местоимение. Перепишите и
переведите предложения на русский язык.
1. Who are (that, these, those) people over there?
2. Ann and Peter phone (them, themselves, each other) every day.
3. The building is very high but (his, its, their) windows are small.
4. You are quite ill. You must go (somewhere, anywhere, nowhere) today.
Задание № 2. Выберите нужный предлог in, of, for, to, at. Перепишите и
переведите предложения на русский язык.
1. My boss is not afraid … taking risks.
2. I am very good … mathematics.
3. Our Personnel Manager is responsible … hiring new staff.
4. I am interested … buying a new computer.
5. Some of the staff is not very enthusiastic about moving … our new office.
Задание № 3. Закончите разделительные вопросы и перепишите их.
1. It gets dark very early in winter, …?
2. He has been in construction for many years, …?
3. Builders construct residential and industrial buildings, …?
4. They sent a message to him yesterday, …?
5. Prefabricated units are delivered to the construction site, …?
Задание № 4. Поставьте предложения с модальными глаголами в
прошедшем или будущем времени, используя слова, данные в скобках.
Перепишите и переведите предложения на русский язык.
1. We have to buy some food for the picnic today (last Saturday).
2. He can speak English (when he was ten).
3. Mr. Smith must be in his office now (two hours agо).
Задание № 5. Выберите действительную или страдательную форму
глагола. Перепишите и переведите предложения на русский язык.
1. The power (is switched off, switched off).
2. They (are built, build) a lot of new houses in this district every year.
3. New metro stations (were built, built) in our city.
4. The pump (is made, makes) the water flow.
Задание № 6. Переделайте предложения из действительного залога в
страдательный, сохраняя видовременную форму сказуемого. Напишите и
переведите полученные предложения на русский язык.
1. Builders use a great variety of materials nowadays.
2. This firm is constantly producing prefab panels.
3. A famous architect has designed these buildings.
4. They built and modernized very many irrigation systems.
5. People will forget it very soon.
Задание № 7. Перепишите и переведите предложения на русский язык.
Выпишите из каждого глагол – сказуемое и определите его видовременную
форму и залог. Напишите форму инфинитива глагола.
1. Mankind has used metals for centuries in gradually increasing quantities.
2. According to its chemical and mechanical properties steel may be used in
different branches of industry.
3. Natural resources and energy are getting more expensive, and air is becoming
seriously polluted.
4. The ancient Egyptians discovered how to cut stone for building purposes.
5. The walls and towers of the Moscow Kremlin are protected with special waterresistant solution.
6. The modern twenty–five storey hotel has been erected in the center of Moscow.
Задание № 8. Выберите нужную форму глагола. Перепишите и переведите
предложения на русский язык.
1. If you (heat) water to 1000, it (boil).
2. If the ice were thick enough, we (be) able to walk across the river.
3. If they (study), they (pass) the exam. They failed it.
4. If he (go) without her, she never (speak) to him again.
Задание № 9. Перепишите и переведите предложения на русский язык.
инфинитивный (Complex Object, Complex Subject) оборот и определите его
1. We expect the problem to be solved in the near future.
2. This being done we decided to have a rest.
3. He is supposed to be in his office now.
Задание № 10. Перепишите и письменно переведите текст.
From the History of Building
Man has always been a builder. The first houses in different countries of the
world were made of wood. In other regions the most convenient building material
was stone.
The ancient Egyptians erected temples, palaces. Having dried the bricks in the
sun, they put up four walls, and above these they placed a flat roof. The roof was
flat because there was very little rain in Egypt. Egyptian builders gave the world
the column which has played an important part in the history of building. Most of
the buildings of old times were based upon the column and beam method of
The Greeks built a slanting roof because there was much rain in their country.
The Romans added the arch, thus increasing strength and beauty to their buildings.
Since the middle Ages, brickwork has been in constant use everywhere.
In our country architecture flourished for the first time in Kiev Russ. The
churches of the time were strong buildings with thick walls and small windows.
During the last hundred years many new methods of building have been
discovered. The use of precast concrete is a very advanced construction technique.
Nowadays houses are often built of complete concrete structural units which are
factory-made and assembled on the spot.
since the middle ages – начиная со средних веков
a flat roof – плоская крыша
a slanting roof – покатая крыша
the column and beam method of construction –
an arch – арка
a brickwork – кирпичная кладка
precast concrete – сборный бетон
стоечно-балочный метод
Задание № 11. Закончите предложение, выбрав соответствующий вариант
Most of the buildings of old times were based upon …
a) concrete structural units
b) the use of steel
c) the column and beam method of construction
Задание № 12. Перепишите вопросы к тексту и письменно ответьте на них.
1. Did ancient people use wood or bricks to build their houses?
2. What kinds of buildings did the ancient Egyptians erect?
3. What method of construction was used for most of the buildings of old times?
4. Why did the Greeks build a slanting roof?
5. What building materials are used nowadays?
Вариант № 2
Задание № 1. Выберите соответствующее местоимение. Перепишите и
переведите предложения на русский язык.
1. He took the child into (her, hers, his) arms.
2. (These, that, those) was a really nice meal. Thank you very much.
3. We enjoyed (myself, our, ourselves) at the dance.
4. This demand of (them, they, theirs) is quite ridiculous.
Задание № 2. Выберите нужный предлог after, of, for, with, at. Перепишите
и переведите предложения на русский язык.
1. He woke up … 8 o’clock.
2. They sent … a doctor.
3. He cared for and looked … his aging mother.
4. There is nothing wrong … him.
5. He is always careful … himself.
Задание № 3. Закончите разделительные вопросы и перепишите их.
1. Wood is the most ancient structural material, …?
2. We use many building materials for bearing structures, …?
3. He will wait in the next room, …?
4. There isn’t any extinguishing valve in this system, …?
5. We haven’t known him since his childhood, …?
Задание № 4. Поставьте предложения с модальными глаголами в
прошедшем или будущем времени, используя слова, данные в скобках.
Перепишите и переведите предложения на русский язык.
1. She can play a few simple tunes on the piano (when she was a little girl).
2. They must go home alone (tomorrow).
3. I can translate this article (the next week).
Задание № 5. Выберите действительную или страдательную форму
глагола. Перепишите и переведите предложения на русский язык.
1. The news (will announce, will be announced) after dinner.
2. Our scientists (are examining, are being examined) a new spaceship.
3. The front door of his house (unlocked, was unlocked).
4. The secretary (has recently brought, has been recently brought) this letter.
Задание № 6. Переделайте предложения из действительного залога в
страдательный, сохраняя видовременную форму сказуемого. Напишите и
переведите полученные предложения на русский язык.
1. Tom and Harry were carrying our suitcases.
2. She found the envelope at last.
3. We use secondary materials for the interior finish.
4. Our architects have gained considerable creative achievements.
5. They will discuss your report next week.
Задание № 7. Перепишите и переведите предложения на русский язык.
Выпишите из каждого глагол – сказуемое и определите его видовременную
форму и залог. Напишите форму инфинитива глагола.
1. Stone has been used as a structural material since the earliest days.
2. Buses and taxis are given a special lane.
3. James was picking his way among the heaps of gravel.
4. Tom has just told me a good story.
5. We shall have finished all the housework by 6 o’clock this afternoon.
6. Materials which have been affected by the fire are non-combustible.
Задание № 8. Выберите нужную форму глагола. Перепишите и переведите
предложения на русский язык.
1. If we (clear) this forest, many animals (die).
2. He (become) a highly qualified specialist, if he (study) well.
3. If I (be) you, I (study) for the exams.
4. We (not be able) to live, if the trees (not make) oxygen.
Задание № 9. Перепишите и переведите предложения на русский язык.
инфинитивный (Complex Object, Complex Subject) оборот и определите его
1. The river Thames is known to divide the city into two parts.
2. He would like us to read this book.
3. The weather being fine, they went for a walk.
Задание № 10. Перепишите и письменно переведите текст.
Fire and Water
The pages of history are full of conflagrations and disasters caused by fire.
The industrial revolution at the end of the nineteenth century resulted in higher
economic efficiency; it also created greater fire risks and more damage from fire.
Another challenge in the fight against fire has been set by newly developed
materials that decompose in a fire to products that pollute the environment. It
shows the link between fire protection and environmental protection.
Automatic fire fighting with the use of sprinkler systems has been known since
the middle of the nineteenth century. Henry S. Parmelee, American piano builder,
had the pioneering idea which was to revolutionize fire protection. His invention,
the automatic “Sprinkler System”, was taken up by the engineer Wilhelm Walther
as early as 1884, and this led to the construction of the first system in Germany.
In order to protect the environment, fire protection specialists have set
themselves the task of preventing or restricting the influence of contaminated
extinguishing water.
The Micro Drop extinguishing process is a major step towards the optimum use
of water as an extinguishing agent.
The breakthrough was achieved by transforming the extinguishing water into a
fog-like cloud of droplets distributed in space.
contaminated – загрязненный
extinguishing – гасящий, тушащий
Micro Drop – микрокапельный
a sprinkler system – противопожарная система
Задание № 11. Закончите предложение, выбрав соответствующий вариант
The industrial revolution at the end of the nineteenth century resulted in …
a) industrial fire protection laboratories
b) reducing the damage caused by fire
c) higher economic efficiency
Задание № 12. Перепишите вопросы к тексту и письменно ответьте на них.
1. What are the pages of history full of?
2. The industrial revolution at the end of the nineteenth century resulted in
reducing the damage caused by fire, didn’t it?
3. Who had the idea to revolutionize fire protection?
4. What is the major step towards the optimum use of water?
5. How is the extinguishing water transformed in the Micro Drop system?
Вариант № 3
Задание № 1. Выберите соответствующее местоимение. Перепишите и
переведите предложения на русский язык.
1. Some people are very nervous at (our; their; his) first driving lessons.
2. It can be funny to compare advertisements for cars with the reality of driving
(her, us, them).
3. (it, they, you) is known that different machines and mechanisms are being used
in road construction nowadays.
4. Russian engineers were the first (someone, anyone, ones) to construct granular
surfacing laid on a sand base.
Задание № 2. Выберите нужный предлог with, over, in, to, of. Перепишите и
переведите предложения на русский язык.
1. The M 25, the motorway around London was opened … 1986.
2. Winston Churchill described the car as the curse … the twentieth century.
3. Cities and towns all … the world have a traffic problem.
4. The electric car had success … American women in the early 1900s.
5. Many people have jobs that are related … cars.
Задание № 3. Закончите разделительные вопросы и перепишите их.
1. Road building is one of the earliest arts known to mankind, …?
2. The strategic and commercial aims of the Roman Empire required the creation
of broad lines of communication, …?
3. One day soon we will hear about a traffic jam all the way round the M 25 in
both directions, …?
4. We do not have the technology to find a solution to the traffic problem, …?
5. The first road was simply a layer of logs and brushwood over marshland, …?
Задание № 4. Поставьте предложения с модальными глаголами в
прошедшем или будущем времени, используя слова, данные в скобках.
Перепишите и переведите предложения на русский язык.
1. The spring flood may lead to disintegration of the road (last year).
2. With the use of tamed pack animals for transport paths must be cleared to a
greater width and height (in the ancient times).
3. Road engineers can improve the road building operations (in future).
Задание № 5. Выберите действительную или страдательную форму
глагола. Перепишите и переведите предложения на русский язык.
1. New types of road construction (invented; were invented) by Thomas Telford
and John Macadam.
2. Road jobs (demand, are demanded) the extensive transportation of large
quantities of materials.
3. Every year thousands of kilometers of new highways (put, are put) into service.
4. Nowadays a great care (take, is taken) to the safety on roads.
Задание № 6. Переделайте предложения из действительного залога в
страдательный, сохраняя видовременную форму сказуемого. Напишите и
переведите полученные предложения на русский язык.
1. The Romans built a military road through some of the highest and wildest
country in England.
2. In the period of early human settlements people were gradually making
3. The town of Delft in Holland has solved the traffic problems by encouraging
people to cycle.
4. They are building a tunnel to link the island with the mainland.
5. Urban highway construction inevitably causes disruption to traffic.
Задание № 7. Перепишите и переведите предложения на русский язык.
Выпишите из каждого глагол – сказуемое и определите его видовременную
форму и залог. Напишите форму инфинитива глагола.
1. By 2015, the number of cars on our roads will double.
2. Today people call the M 25 the biggest car park in Europe.
3. In both town and country, the greatest nuisance has always been caused to those
living, working and walking within the road’s noise zone.
4. The first artificially constructed roads were made in mountainous and forested
5. The underpasses in Düsseldorf had been created attractive to pedestrians.
6. Cars are symbols of freedom, wealth and masculinity.
Задание № 8. Выберите нужную форму глагола. Перепишите и переведите
предложения на русский язык.
1. If trains … (carry) more people, the roads … (not/be) so crowded.
2. If Romans … (not/invade) Britain they … (not/build) their roads there.
3. If there … (be) more roads, there … (be) more cars to use them.
4. If you … (start) earlier, you … (not miss) the train yesterday.
Задание № 9. Перепишите и переведите предложения на русский язык.
инфинитивный (Complex Object, Complex Subject) оборот и определите его
1. The federal road system is known to provide the drivers and passengers with
hotels and restaurants, service stations and repair shops.
2. In the second half of the 18th century a period of intensive road building began,
the rate of building being dependant upon the rate of development of industry and
commerce in various states.
3. The driver wanted the car to be filled up.
Задание № 10. Перепишите и письменно переведите текст.
Traffic Problems Can Be Solved
Advertisements for cars don’t show the reality of driving. Cities and towns all
over the world have a huge problem: traffic jams. Of course cars are symbols of
freedom and wealth. They represent a personal choice to travel when and where
you want to but when you are stuck in a traffic jam; all cars are just little metal
boxes to sit in.
There are millions of cars on the road today. How do cities cope with this?
Some of them have found solutions to their traffic problems.
The city Curitiba in Brazil has very few traffic jams. This is because the authorities
have developed an efficient bus network to transport people rapidly around the
city. Main roads have special lanes for buses only, so that they do not get caught in
traffic jams.
In Milan, cars need a permit to enter the city center. Only residents and some
employers can obtain a permit, so very little traffic now drives in or out. Nearly
everyone parks on the edge of the restricted area and heads for the center on foot.
As a result, Milan now has many pedestrian-only shopping streets.
In Athens, car owners are only allowed to drive into the city centre every other
day. They must match the final number of their car number plate to the day’s date
– if the date is an even number, and so is the final number of the number plate,
then they can enter the inner-city area. The same goes for odd number plates and
odd dates. This means that 50 per cent of all cars must stay at home each day.
a traffic jam – дорожная пробка
to be stuck – застревать
to cope – справляться
a bus network – сеть автобусных маршрутов
a lane – полоса движения
residents – постоянные жители
an employer – предприниматель
on foot – пешком
every other day – через день
Задание № 11. Закончите предложение, выбрав соответствующий вариант
Only residents and some employers can obtain a permit, so …
a) car owners are only allowed to drive into the city centre every other day
b) very little traffic now drives in or out
c) they do not get caught in traffic jams
Задание № 12. Перепишите вопросы к тексту и письменно ответьте на них.
1. What is a huge problem of cities and towns all over the world?
2. Have some cities found solutions to their traffic problems?
3. Why does the city Curitiba have very few traffic jams?
4. Milan now has many pedestrian-only shopping streets, hasn’t it?
5. How many cars must stay at home each day in Athens?
Вариант № 4
Задание № 1. Выберите соответствующее местоимение. Перепишите и
переведите предложения на русский язык.
1. Tom is very busy. Don’t speak to (he, him, his) now.
2. There was no light. I could see (something, anybody, nothing).
3. We didn’t have (many, much, a lot of) trouble finding a suitable office.
4. The fax machine will turn (itself, yourself, himself) off if you don’t use it.
Задание № 2. Выберите нужный предлог for, on, in, with, out. Перепишите и
переведите предложения на русский язык.
1. There is no increase … prices.
2. He is a sales manager. He works … Sony.
3. I think she must be … .
4. They are … business in London.
5. I’m really angry … you!
Задание № 3. Закончите разделительные вопросы и перепишите их.
1. There’s no point in saving money, …?
2. We’ve nearly finished, … ?
3. You like eating pasta, … ?
4. I went back to it a few years ago, … ?
5. Her parents were working abroad at the time, … ?
Задание № 4. Поставьте предложения с модальными глаголами в
прошедшем или будущем времени, используя слова, данные в скобках.
Перепишите и переведите предложения на русский язык.
1. I have to be at the office by 9.00 a.m. In my last job I (by 8.00 a.m.).
2. We can’t give you your bank balance by phone (yesterday).
3. You must pay your bill (next week).
Задание № 5. Выберите действительную или страдательную форму
глагола. Перепишите и переведите предложения на русский язык.
1. Peter Frank (is run, runs) the Marketing Department.
2. You (will meet, will be met) at the airport by one of our drivers.
3. The Marketing Department (has been turned, has turned) into three separate
4. Britain and France (were opened, opened) the Channel Tunnel in 1994.
Задание № 6. Переделайте предложения из действительного залога в
страдательный, сохраняя видовременную форму сказуемого. Напишите и
переведите полученные предложения на русский язык.
1. Marie and Pierre Curie discovered radium.
2. Workers in China make these telephones.
3. The company will hire some managers.
4. She is typing letters now.
5. The company has lost a great deal of money on the deal.
Задание № 7. Перепишите и переведите предложения на русский язык.
Выпишите из каждого глагол – сказуемое и определите его видовременную
форму и залог. Напишите форму инфинитива глагола.
1. He is talking to a customer at the moment.
2. We have automated our production lines.
3. The results are being published on Monday.
4. The names of the Nobel Prize winners will be announced in May.
5. I have been to Italy several times.
6. The first CDs were marketed in 1982 by Philips and Sony.
Задание № 8. Выберите нужную форму глагола. Перепишите и переведите
предложения на русский язык.
1. If you (book) your summer holiday in December, you (get) a discount.
2. I (go) to Brazil if I (have) enough money.
3. If I (have) more time, I (finish) my work yesterday.
4. They (sign) the contract if we (give) them a discount.
Задание № 9. Перепишите и переведите предложения на русский язык.
инфинитивный (Complex Object, Complex Subject) оборот и определите его
1. The company is believed to be planning a major new investment.
2. The lawyer advised me to read the contract carefully.
3. He coming very late, we had to stay at home.
Задание № 10. Перепишите и письменно переведите текст.
Business transactions usually start with enquiries. As a rule the prospective
buyer gets the name and the address of the prospective seller either at an
exhibition, from an advertisement in a newspaper, magazine, and thanks to a
television or radio commercial. All these channels of information and advertising
are very important. Enquiries can be sent by mail, by telex or by fax. Sometimes
enquiries can be made orally, by telephone. In the enquiry the prospective buyer
states in what goods exactly he/she is interested and asks for details on the price
and terms of sale.
After considering the enquiry for some time the seller sends an offer in reply.
The offer usually quotes the price and stipulates terms of delivery, terms of
payment, time of delivery and some other necessary details.
In the course of making enquiries and offers, the parties very often meet to agree
upon one or another question.
After the buyer receives the offer he carefully studies it. Then, very often, he
has a few talks or exchanges letters with the seller. After the two parties come to
an agreement about terms and conditions of the transaction they sign a contract.
Contracts usually contain the following information: date of the contract, names of
the buyer and the seller, description of the goods, price and the total value, terms
of delivery, terms of payment, etc.
an enquiry– запрос
a transaction – сделка
to stipulate – устанавливать
terms of payment – условия платежа
an offer – предложение
commercial – реклама на телевидении
terms of delivery – условия поставки
Задание № 11. Закончите предложение, выбрав соответствующий вариант
Business transactions start with …
a) an advertisement
b) offers
c) enquiries
Задание № 12. Перепишите вопросы к тексту и письменно ответьте на них.
1. How can a person or a company get the name and address of the seller?
2. How can enquiries be sent?
3. What information do offers usually give?
4. Why do the parties often meet in the course of making enquiries and offers?
5. What information does the contract usually contain?
Вариант № 5
Задание № 1. Выберите соответствующее местоимение. Перепишите и
переведите предложения на русский язык.
1. We’ve got (no, some, any) bread, but we haven’t got (any, no, some) cheese.
2. There is (some, any, no) towel in the bathroom. Will you give me one?
3. Are there (some, no, any) chairs in the kitchen?
4. The office is empty now. (nobody, everyone, anybody) has gone home.
Задание № 2. Выберите нужный предлог over, on, to, in, out of. Перепишите
и переведите предложения на русский язык.
1. I’m going … the shop to buy some milk.
2. John lives … a small village.
3. Don’t put your feet … the table.
4. I jumped … the wall into the garden.
5. She took a key … her bag and opened the door.
Задание № 3. Закончите разделительные вопросы и перепишите их.
1. Shopping isn’t always fun, … ?
2. You like reading books, … ?
3. Your favorite colours are blue and green, … ?
4. He sent you a letter, … ?
5. You’ll finish the work by Saturday, … ?
Задание № 4. Поставьте предложения с модальными глаголами в
прошедшем или будущем времени, используя слова, данные в скобках.
Перепишите и переведите предложения на русский язык.
1. He must go to the bank to get some money (yesterday).
2. Can you speak any foreign languages (when you were a child)?
3. I don’t have to help you to find accommodations (you could do it yourself).
Задание № 5. Выберите действительную или страдательную форму
глагола. Перепишите и переведите предложения на русский язык.
1. Carpenters (is made, make) things from wood.
2. She (is cleaning, is being cleaned) the room at the moment.
3. New working methods (will study, will be studied) by young teachers.
4. Industrial products (have been replaced, have replaced) traditional ones.
Задание № 6. Переделайте предложения из действительного залога в
страдательный, сохраняя видовременную форму сказуемого. Напишите и
переведите полученные предложения на русский язык.
1. They make beer from water, hops and malted barley.
2. Philips and Sony marketed the first CDs in 1982.
3. Alexander Fleming discovered penicillin.
4. A team of European scientists is doing the research.
5. The committee will announce the names of the Nobel Prize winners in May.
Задание № 7. Перепишите и переведите предложения на русский язык.
Выпишите из каждого глагол – сказуемое и определите его видовременную
форму и залог. Напишите форму инфинитива глагола.
1. I was given a watch for my birthday.
2. These problems will have to be solved before we can go ahead.
3. Computers are used in all kinds of places nowadays.
4. People are using computers in all kinds of places these days.
5. The Second World War started in 1939.
6. He has been to Italy several times.
Задание № 8. Выберите нужную форму глагола. Перепишите и переведите
предложения на русский язык.
1. If our flight (land) on time, we (arrive) in time for lunch.
2. If I (have) enough money, I (buy) car.
3. If I (have) more time, I (finish) my work yesterday.
4. If you (intend) to go abroad you (have to get) a visa.
Задание № 9. Перепишите и переведите предложения на русский язык.
инфинитивный (Complex Object, Complex Subject) оборот и определите его
1. The weather being fine, we went for a walk.
2. This experiment was considered to be dangerous.
3. He wants this work to be done.
Задание № 10. Перепишите и письменно переведите текст.
Basic Computers
The computer is the heart of any direct digital control (DDC) system.
Although there are many models of DDC computer systems currently available,
most operate in the same basic way and are similar in design to personal
In their simplest form, all computers consist of hardware and software. The
term hardware includes all the components that a computer is assembled from
the central processing unit, memory, input and output terminals, operator
display terminal, keypad, and peripheral devices.
Peripheral equipment is used to link the computer's internal environment to
the outside world to allow humans to access stored information and to allow
for machine-to-machine communications in a computer network.
Software is a series of instructions that tell the computer how to operate.
These instruction sets or commands are packaged together to form programmes
which are designed to manipulate data for a specific purpose. There are several
echelons of software used in computers, which range from programs that tell the
computer how to handle basic tasks to programs that guide the computer
through difficult data processing. Computers commonly use several layers of
software running concurrently to guide their operation, and these layers are
transparent to the computer operator.
a direct digital control (DDC) system – система прямого цифрового контроля
hardware – аппаратное обеспечение
software – программное обеспечение
the central processing unit – центральное процессорное устройство
input and output terminal – терминал ввода и вывода
a keypad – вспомогательная клавиатура
peripheral device – периферийное устройство
environment – среда окружения
to access – иметь доступ
data processing – обработка данных
Задание № 11. Закончите предложение, выбрав соответствующий вариант
Peripheral equipment is used …
a) to link the computer's internal environment to the outside world
b) to form programmes
c) to manipulate data for a specific purpose
Задание № 12. Перепишите вопросы к тексту и письменно ответьте на них.
1. What is the heart of any direct digital control (DDC) system?
2. What do all computers consist of?
3. What components does the hardware include?
4. What is peripheral equipment used to?
5. What does software mean?
Вариант № 6
Задание № 1. Выберите соответствующее местоимение. Перепишите и
переведите предложения на русский язык.
1. We went on holiday with some friends of (our, ours, ourselves).
2. They want to see (their, them, theirs).
3. We invited her to stay with (ours, us, our).
4. She fell off her bike but she didn’t hurt (her, hers, herself).
Задание № 2. Выберите нужный предлог of, about, in, for, to. Перепишите и
переведите предложения на русский язык.
1. The price of electricity is going up … October.
2. I’m sorry … shouting at you yesterday.
3. I’m not ashamed … what I did.
4. Can I speak … you for a moment?
5. If you’re worried about the problem, you should do something … it.
Задание № 3. Закончите разделительные вопросы и перепишите их.
1. Cement is made of limestone and clay, …?
2. The characteristics of concrete depend upon the quality of the materials used,
3. Ann doesn’t seem very happy at the moment, …?
4. I was having dinner with some friends, …?
5. Tom will probably arrive at about 8 o’clock, …?
Задание № 4. Поставьте предложения с модальными глаголами в
прошедшем или будущем времени, используя слова, данные в скобках.
Перепишите и переведите предложения на русский язык.
1. I must get up early today (tomorrow).
2. I can run very fast (when I was young).
3. You may go to see this film (yesterday evening).
Задание № 5. Выберите действительную или страдательную форму
глагола. Перепишите и переведите предложения на русский язык.
1. A new microcomputer (has been developed, has developed) in our country.
2. Today scientists (are being conducted, are conducting) space research to study
our solar system.
3. The new exhibition (devotes, is devoted) to economic and social developments.
4. Two hundred people (employed, were employed) by the company.
Задание № 6. Переделайте предложения из действительного залога в
страдательный, сохраняя видовременную форму сказуемого. Напишите и
переведите полученные предложения на русский язык.
1. In the picture galleries and museums you meet well-mannered and well-dressed
2. Heating systems and cars mainly pollute air.
3. Somebody is cleaning the room at the moment.
4. They have built a new hospital near the park.
5. I think I’ll close the window.
Задание № 7. Перепишите и переведите предложения на русский язык.
Выпишите из каждого глагол – сказуемое и определите его видовременную
форму и залог. Напишите форму инфинитива глагола.
1. Modern industrial buildings have demonstrated the advantages of reinforced
concrete arches, metal frames and glass walls.
2. The high degree of mechanization is successfully achieved by reinforced
concrete blocks and units.
3. Large blocks of stone were transported over long distances by land and water.
4. The precast concrete technique is constantly being improved in our country.
5. New plants of large capacity have been coming into service in many parts of the
6. They will have finished the construction by the end of the next year.
Задание № 8. Выберите нужную форму глагола. Перепишите и переведите
предложения на русский язык. Выберите требуемую по смыслу форму
глагола и переведите предложения на русский язык.
1. It’s very crowded here. I (wish) there (be not) so many people.
2. If I (know) his number, I (phone) him.
3. We didn’t see you when you were crossing the street. If we (see) you, of course
we (say) hello.
4. It is raining. I (wish) it (stop) raining.
Задание № 9. Перепишите и переведите предложения на русский язык.
инфинитивный (Complex Object, Complex Subject) оборот и определите его
1. The train was supposed to arrive at 11.30, but it was an hour later.
2. Do you want me to meet with you?
3. It being late, we decided to stop working.
Задание № 10. Перепишите и письменно переведите текст.
Building Constructions
The buildings erected can be divided into two broad classifications: they are
either for housing or for industrial purposes. As far as material is concerned the
buildings can be divided into stone, wood and concrete types. The buildings made
of stone; brick or concrete blocks are durable, fireproof and have poor heat
conductivity. Nowadays houses are often built of complete structural units which
are factory-made and assembled on the spot.
The main parts of a building are a foundation, a framework, floors and a roof.
In order to build a house first an excavation must be dug. After that the foundation
is constructed to keep the walls and floors from the contact with soil. It may be of
stone, bricks, concrete. Then a framework is raised. It is the part of a building on
which the stability of the structure depends. This part of a building carries the
loads from the roof and floors. The framework is closed with various materials in
the form of panels. Floors divide the building into stories. They may be of timber,
reinforced concrete or other materials. The floors are supported on beams. A roof
is the topmost part of a building. Its function is to cover the building and protect it
from rain and wind. Roofs also tie the walls and give strength and firmness to the
structure. Wood, metal, tiling, bitumen felt and other materials are used for roofs.
Today builders make use of many materials: aluminium, plastics, alloys,
reinforced concrete panels, prestressed concrete elements, metal frames. Glassfiber reinforced concrete is considered the ideal material, which will provide the
desired qualities. Among these characteristics are the material’s lightness and ease
of handling, its strength and durability, its visual attractiveness and cost
heat conductivity – теплопроводность
factory-made – изготовленные на заводе
assembled on the spot – смонтированные на месте
a framework - каркас
a floor - перекрытие
reinforced concrete - железобетон
a beam - балка
prestressed concrete - предварительно напряженный бетон
durability - долговечность
Задание № 11. Закончите предложение, выбрав соответствующий вариант
The function of a roof is to ...
a) provide the stability of the structure
b) cover the building, give strength and firmness to the structure
c) carry the loads from the floors
Задание № 12. Перепишите вопросы к тексту и письменно ответьте на них.
1. How can the buildings be divided?
2. What types of buildings are erected according to the materials used?
3. What are the main parts of a building?
4. A framework carries the loads from the roof and floors, doesn’t it?
5. What materials do builders use in building construction today?
Вариант № 7
Задание № 1. Выберите соответствующее местоимение. Перепишите и
переведите предложения на русский язык.
1. When you did something foolish you feel (himself; itself; yourself)
2. Since Marilyn and Richard got married, (they, our, it) have lived with Richard’s
3. I’ve seen pictures of (you, him, her). He has brown hair.
4. This has been a great learning experience for (I, we, us).
Задание № 2. Выберите нужный предлог with, in, from, at, off. Перепишите
и переведите предложения на русский язык.
1. Take the kettle … the stove.
2. The album contains photographs of him … the family.
3. Hand me two eggs … the refrigerator and I’ll make you two fried eggs.
4. Until today, I was never really interested … medicine.
5. Make yourself … home.
Задание № 3. Закончите разделительные вопросы и перепишите их.
1. She doesn’t have his phone number, …?
2. Eating foods with protein is necessary for a healthy diet, …?
3. My father wanted me to study engineering, …?
4. Paul Smith will be back for his six o’clock appointment with Mr. Needham, …?
5. A real-estate agent has sold us a house, …?
Задание № 4. Поставьте предложения с модальными глаголами в
прошедшем или будущем времени, используя слова, данные в скобках.
Перепишите и переведите предложения на русский язык.
1. You must wear old clothes when cleaning the car (yesterday).
2. My neighbours can go away on holiday (last summer).
3. I must have dinner in a restaurant with some friends (tomorrow night).
Задание № 5. Выберите действительную или страдательную форму
глагола. Перепишите и переведите предложения на русский язык.
1. The plane (delays; is delayed). It hasn’t been announced yet.
2. Her parents (bought; were bought) a lot of books for her.
3. Shoes (make; are made) at the factory.
4. This jumper (has washed; has been washed) twice.
Задание № 6. Переделайте предложения из действительного залога в
страдательный, сохраняя видовременную форму сказуемого. Напишите и
переведите полученные предложения на русский язык.
1. Cows eat grass.
2. Before the World War II this famous company had made carpets.
3. I promised my children the tickets to the circus.
4. People are constructing modern buildings for many different purposes.
5. The mechanics will repair the engine quickly and efficiently.
Задание № 7. Перепишите и переведите предложения на русский язык.
Выпишите из каждого глагол – сказуемое и определите его видовременную
форму и залог. Напишите форму инфинитива глагола.
1. The rent includes gas and electricity.
2. Blinov designed and constructed a track-laying tractor driven by a steam engine.
3. Automobile industry has been developing in our country since 1917.
4. Combustion will rise the temperature and expand the gases.
5. The connecting rod is pushing the piston upwards.
6. Several types of tractors have been produced for work in agriculture.
Задание № 8. Выберите нужную форму глагола. Перепишите и переведите
предложения на русский язык. Выберите требуемую по смыслу форму
глагола и переведите предложения на русский язык.
1. If I … (take) some medicine my stomach-ache … (disappear).
2. If the previous occupants … (look) after the flat well it … (be) so dirty now.
3. If he … (put) the car keys somewhere safe he … (lose) them yesterday.
4. If I … (be) you I … (waste) my time.
Задание № 9. Перепишите и переведите предложения на русский язык.
инфинитивный (Complex Object, Complex Subject) оборот и определите его
1. The character of Mickey Mouse is known to be created by Walt Disney.
2. I saw your advertisement appear in the newspaper.
3. The working day being over, the city transport was overcrowded.
Задание № 10. Перепишите и письменно переведите текст.
Cars: Passion or Problem
For some people, the car is a convenient form of transportation. But for others,
the car is an exciting hobby. Some people spend their lives collecting valuable
cars. Others drive them in races. For many people cars are more than
transportation: they are a source of passion and pleasure. Yet cars can also be a
source of many problems.
In 1903, Henry Ford began selling Model T car for $825. His company, Ford
Motors, was the first to produce cars in large numbers. This made the car available
to large numbers of people and helped them to travel long distances quickly and
easily. The car has brought people much closer to places of work, study, and
entertainment. Many people also work in car-related industries: fixing cars,
washing cars, advertising cars, and selling car products such as stereos and cellular
Most Americans buy a new car every five or six years. This means that one
American may own a dozen cars in a lifetime. In fact, there are more cars than
people in the United States. In New York City, 2.5 million cars move in and out of
the city each day. In this traffic, the average speed is sometimes 8.1 miles per hour.
This speed could easily be reached by riding a horse instead of driving a car. But
New Yorkers continue to drive, just as people do in California, where freeways are
often crowded. Many people are unhappy with car traffic and pollution, as well as
with the use of beautiful land for building new roads.
Cars are important to nearly everyone, including engineers, businesspeople,
environmentalists, and even poets. Poet Curt Brown believes that cars are part of
our passion for new places and new experiences. According to Brown, this “very,
very comfortable flying chair” will continue to bring us travel and adventure, no
matter how it changes the future.
fixing cars - ремонт автомобилей
a cellular phone - сотовый телефон
a freeway - автострада
crowded - перегружены
an environmentalist - эколог
Задание № 11. Закончите предложение, выбрав соответствующий вариант
For many people, cars are more than transportation: …
a) many people also work in car industries
b) they are a source of passion and pleasure
c) many people are unhappy with car traffic and pollution
Задание № 12. Перепишите вопросы к тексту и письменно ответьте на них.
1. Is the car a convenient form of transportation?
2. Can cars also be a source of many problems?
3. What company was the first to produce cars in large numbers?
4. What are many people unhappy with?
5. Who are cars important to?
Вариант № 8
Задание № 1. Выберите соответствующее местоимение. Перепишите
предложения и переведите их на русский язык.
1. (Somebody, anything, something) took place there.
2. We've got a problem. I hope you can help (me, us, them).
3. She climbed out of the swimming pool and dried (itself, herself, myself) with a
4. You can give him advice but he won't listen. He's got (their, his, my) own ideas.
Задание № 2. Выберите нужный предлог in, with, on, to, about. Перепишите
и переведите предложения на русский язык.
1. What are you doing ... Saturday?
2. It was a lovely day. There wasn't a cloud ... the sky.
3. I was delighted ... the present you gave me.
4. I’m sorry ... the noise last night.
5. Your writing is similar ... mine.
Задание № 3. Закончите разделительные вопросы и перепишите их.
1. The research was carried out under great difficulty, ... ?
2. We are only at the beginning of the application of atomic energy, ... ?
3. New York makes a great impression on all visitors, ... ?
4. Smog can be harmful, even deadly, ... ?
5. Architects have done some very good work in designing new schools, ... ?
Задание № 4. Поставьте предложения с модальными глаголами в
прошедшем или будущем времени, используя слова, данные в скобках.
Перепишите и переведите предложения на русский язык.
1. The developer must familiarize himself with the development plan of the area
2. Land may be sold for construction projects (in a few weeks).
3. Developers can build production plants on land (a year ago).
Задание № 5. Выберите действительную или страдательную форму
глагола и переведите предложения на русский язык.
1. The master plan also (is defined, defines) places for active and passive
2. This house is quite old. It (built, was built) over 100 years ago.
3. They (are being built, are building) a new road round the city.
4. A decision (won't be made, won’t make) until the next meeting.
Задание № 6. Переделайте предложения из действительного залога в
страдательный, сохраняя видовременную форму сказуемого. Переведите
полученные предложения на русский язык.
1. Most town planners accept the traditional town pattern.
2. They have built a new hospital near the airport.
3. Somebody was recording our conversation.
4. We gave the information to the police.
5. People don't use this road very often.
Задание № 7. Перепишите и переведите предложения на русский язык.
Выпишите из каждого глагол – сказуемое и определите его видовременную
форму и залог. Напишите форму инфинитива глагола.
1. A new bridge was built across the river.
2. Drivers are asked to use an alternative route if possible.
3. Have you ever been on a ferry?
4. I’ve been translating songs since my youth.
5. I can recommend you a good book.
6. Some people became famous due to their hobbies.
Задание № 8. Выберите нужную форму глагола. Перепишите и переведите
предложения на русский язык. Выберите требуемую по смыслу форму
глагола и переведите предложения на русский язык.
1. If you (turn) off lights when not in use, you (save) energy.
2. If he (repair) taps, he (save) water.
3. I wish he (arrive) next week.
4. If Marie (have) a ticket, she (go) to the opera. She didn't buy the ticket.
Задание № 9. Перепишите и переведите предложения на русский язык.
инфинитивный (Complex Object, Complex Subject) оборот и определите его
1. All preparations being made, we went on an excursion.
2. I expect you to be on time.
3. He is said to learn foreign languages quickly.
Задание № 10. Перепишите и письменно переведите текст.
Town planning
The purpose of a town plan is to give the greatest possible freedom to the
individual. The new development absorbs or modifies an existing environment,
and so before it can be designed it is necessary to find out about that environment.
It is also necessary to do research of population growth, the distance from work to
home, the preferences for different types of dwelling, the amount of sunshine in
rooms, the degree of atmospheric pollution and so on. After the survey is
complete a forecast of future development is made in the form of a map: the
master plan or development plan. The plan of the city must be flexible so that it
may extend and renew its dwellings, reconstruct its working places, complete its
communications and avoid congestion in every part.
The plan is never a complete and fixed thing, but one that is continually being
adapted to the changing needs of the community for whom it is designed. The
flexible plan, preceded by a survey, is one of the most revolutionary ideas that man
has ever had about the control of his environment.
Most towns today have a characteristic functional pattern as follows: a central
core containing the principal shopping centre, business zones, surrounded by
suburbs of houses. Most town planners accept the traditional town pattern. In the
preparation of a master plan they are preoccupied with the definition of the town
centre, industrial areas, and the areas of housing; the creation of open space for
recreation, the laying down of a pattern of main roads which run between the builtup areas.
The master plan thus has to define the ultimate growth of the town, but though
the master plan is a diagram, and even a flexible one, it is the structure upon which
all future development is to take place.
forecast – прогноз
a master plan – генеральный план застройки
congestion – перенаселенность, скопление
a pattern – образец
suburbs – окраинные районы
housing – жилищное строительство
recreation – отдых
Задание № 11. Закончите предложение, выбрав соответствующий вариант
Before a town plan is designed, it is necessary ...
a) to renew and extend the dwellings
b) to make a forecast of future development in the form of a map
c) to find out about existing environment
Задание № 12. Перепишите вопросы к тексту и письменно ответьте на них.
1. What is the purpose of a town plan?
2. When is a forecast of future development made?
3. Why must the plan of the city be flexible?
4. Most towns today have a characteristic functional pattern, haven't they?
5. What does the master plan define?
Вариант № 9
Задание № 1. Выберите соответствующее местоимение. Перепишите и
переведите предложения на русский язык.
1. Who are (that, these, those) people standing near the door?
2. Mary and Jane phone (them, themselves, each other) every day.
3. The building is very big but (his, its, their) halls are small.
4. You are quite ill. You must not go (somewhere, anywhere, nowhere) today.
Задание № 2. Выберите нужный предлог in, of, for, to, at. Перепишите и
переведите предложения на русский язык.
1. Air is a mechanical mixture… several gases.
2. I am very good … chemistry.
3. Engineer is responsible… the equipment.
4. I am interested … buying a new program … my computer.
5. The task is… study the constituents of the air.
Задание № 3. Закончите разделительные вопросы и перепишите их.
1. It gets dark very late in summer, …?
2. He has not been in Russia for many years, …?
3. Architects design residential and industrial buildings, …?
4. They sent a telegram to him yesterday, …?
5. Bricks are delivered to the construction site, …?
Задание № 4. Поставьте предложения с модальными глаголами в
прошедшем или будущем времени, используя слова, данные в скобках.
Перепишите и переведите предложения на русский язык.
1. We have to go to a dentist today (last Saturday).
2. He can speak Italian (when he was ten).
3. Mr. Brown must be in his office now (in two hours).
Задание № 5. Выберите действительную или страдательную форму
глагола. Перепишите и переведите предложения на русский язык.
1. The TV set (is switched off, switched off).
2. They (are reconstructed, reconstruct) a lot of old houses in this district every
3. New supermarket (was built, built) in our city last year.
4. The boiler (is made, makes) from steel.
Задание № 6. Переделайте предложения из действительного залога в
страдательный, сохраняя видовременную форму сказуемого. Напишите и
переведите полученные предложения на русский язык.
1. Designers use a great variety of materials nowadays.
2. This firm is constantly producing modern equipment.
3. People use summer air conditioning in stores.
4. They built and modernized many air conditioning systems.
5. People will not forget it very soon.
Задание № 7. Перепишите и переведите предложения на русский язык.
Выпишите из каждого глагол – сказуемое и определите его видовременную
форму и залог. Напишите форму инфинитива глагола.
1. Mankind has used coal and oil in gradually increasing quantities for centuries.
2. The consumption of energy is expected to grow so new resources should be
3. Electric heaters play a large part in the air conditioning plants of large buildings.
4. Heating is used to provide comfort for people.
5. Air conditioning systems vary in cost.
6. The modern twenty–five storey hotel has been constructed in the centre of
Задание № 8. Выберите нужную форму глагола. Перепишите и переведите
предложения на русский язык.
1. Before you (leave), don't forget to shut the windows.
2. If you (take) more exercise you (get) fit.
3. He promised he would return the book as soon as he (read) it.
4. Unless they improve their attitude towards the work, they (fail) the exam.
Задание № 9. Перепишите и переведите предложения на русский язык.
инфинитивный (Complex Object, Complex Subject) оборот и определите его
1. All the questions having been settled, we went home.
2. It is believed that the new plan to be of great importance.
3. I want him to come.
Задание № 10. Перепишите и письменно переведите текст.
Energy and Its Sources
The consumption of energy is expected to grow. The amount of energy
consumed by a country is closely connected with its degree of technological
development and industrialization, which are in turn related to the people's
standard of living.
Energy can be classified according to its sources. Coal, oil, and natural gas are
«fossil fuels» which are extremely useful raw materials. But when they are burned
for fuel, harmful pollution may result and there is a great waste of natural
Wood was the main source a hundred years ago. The growth of coal usage in the
early 1900s is associated with rapidly increasing industrial development. There
followed a great expansion in the consumption of natural gas and fuel oil for
heating, electrical generation and especially transportation.
Several conclusions can be made: research and development work to find new
sources of energy and ways of increasing efficiency are needed; the new sources of
fuels must be fully developed and utilized. Natural gas is a popular source of
energy because of its convenience for use and cleanliness in burning. It is
generally believed that gas will be the first fossil fuel to be in short supply, and the
cost of oil extraction is high.
To these sources we can add the energy obtained from water motion and the
sun. Solar power is often mentioned as the logical alternative. The amount of
radiant energy that reaches the earth's surface is more than what is needed. For the
generation of electricity, there are serious problems to be solved. To collect and
concentrate the energy by reflectors and converters of present efficiency is the
major difficulty. There remain many technological problems in this area.
Man is consuming the remaining resources at a rate that they may last only a
few centuries. Efforts to eliminate the extravagant waste of energy are needed.
Several conclusions can be made: research and development work to find new
sources of energy and ways of increasing efficiency are needed; the new sources of
fuels must be fully developed and utilized. And we must give a serious
consideration nuclear energy, i.e. the energy from nuclear reactions, the burning of
nuclear fuel.
consumption - потребление
fossil fuels – ископаемое топливо
pollution - загрязнение
conveniently- легко, просто, удобно
generation – поколение
Задание № 11. Закончите предложение, выбрав соответствующий вариант
The amount of energy consumed by a country is closely connected with …
a) its degree of technological development and industrialization, which are in turn
related to the people's standard of living
b) its sources
c) research and development work
Задание № 12. Перепишите вопросы к тексту и письменно ответьте на них.
1. What is the amount of energy consumed by a country connected with?
2. What kinds of fuels can you name?
3. What alternative sources of energy do you know?
4. To collect and concentrate the energy by reflectors and converters of present
efficiency is the major difficulty, isn’t it?
5. What conclusions can be made to find new sources of energy?
Вариант № 10
Задание № 1. Выберите соответствующее местоимение. Перепишите и
переведите предложения на русский язык.
1. Who are (that, these, those) next to me?
2. Mary and Jane speak to (them, themselves, each other) every day.
3. The building is very old but (his, its, their) rooms are beautiful.
4. We enjoyed (myself, our, ourselves) at the party.
Задание № 2. Выберите нужный предлог in, of, for, to, at. Перепишите и
переведите предложения на русский язык.
1. The task is to study the constituents …of the water.
2. I’m going … the shop to buy some bread.
3. John lives … a big city.
4. These trains are very fast. They can travel … very high speeds.
5. Next week I am going to Moscow …three days.
Задание № 3. Закончите разделительные вопросы и перепишите их.
1. Days are longer than nights in summer, …?
2. It has been in reconstruction for many years, …?
3. Engineers construct residential and industrial buildings, …?
4. She sent a letter to him yesterday, …?
5. Pipes are delivered to the construction site, …?
Задание № 4. Поставьте предложения с модальными глаголами в
прошедшем или будущем времени, используя слова, данные в скобках.
Перепишите и переведите предложения на русский язык.
1. You have to pass a test before you can get a driving license (last Saturday).
2. He can swim very well (when he was ten).
3. I must return to office now (in two hours).
Задание № 5. Выберите действительную или страдательную форму
глагола. Перепишите и переведите предложения на русский язык.
1. The radio (is switched off, switched off).
2. They (are built, build) a lot of new schools in this district every year.
3. This system (was designed, designed) to operate.
4. Technical progress (have resulted, have been resulted) in the changing of the
composition of natural water resources.
Задание № 6. Переделайте предложения из действительного залога в
страдательный, сохраняя видовременную форму сказуемого. Напишите и
переведите полученные предложения на русский язык.
1. I clean the room every day.
2. This firm is constantly producing irrigation systems.
3. A famous architect has designed this cathedral.
4. They sent a message yesterday.
5. I will remember this rule.
Задание № 7. Перепишите и переведите предложения на русский язык.
Выпишите из каждого глагол – сказуемое и определите его видовременную
форму и залог. Напишите форму инфинитива глагола.
1. The sanitary engineer is concerned with hydrology.
2. Different systems of water filters are used in present day.
3. Water finds its way to the rivers.
4. Ocean water contains salt and other mineral materials.
5. The earliest written records of water purification date to 2 000 B. C.
6. The modern recreation center has been erected in the center of Moscow.
Задание № 8. Выберите нужную форму глагола. Перепишите и переведите
предложения на русский язык.
1. I wish I (be) tall and strong.
2. If I miss the bus this afternoon I (get) a taxi instead.
3. If the weather (be) fine yesterday he (go) to the country.
4. I wish I (have) a car.
Задание № 9. Перепишите и переведите предложения на русский язык.
инфинитивный (Complex Object, Complex Subject) оборот и определите его
1. His shoes being too small for him, he could hardly work.
2. The experiment proved to be a failure.
3. Scientists consider this problem to be very important.
Задание № 10. Перепишите и письменно переведите текст.
Water can appear in three phases. It takes many different forms on Earth: water
vapour and clouds in the sky; seawater and rarely icebergs in the ocean; glaciers
and rivers in the mountains; and aquifers in the ground.
Water can dissolve many different substances, giving it different tastes and
odors. Water fit for human consumption is called drinking water or potable water.
Water that is not potable can be made potable by distillation (heating it until it
becomes water vapour, and then capturing the vapour without any of the impurities
it leaves behind), or by other methods (chemical or heat treatment that kills
This natural resource is becoming scarcer in certain places, and its availability is
a major social and economic concern. Currently, about one billion people around
the world routinely drink unhealthy water. Most countries accepted the goal of
halving by 2015 the number of people worldwide who do not have access to safe
water. Water, however, is not a finite resource (like petroleum is), but rather recirculated as potable water in precipitation in quantities many degrees of
magnitude higher than human consumption. Therefore, it is the relatively small
quantity of water in reserve in the earth. Water-poor countries use importation of
goods as the primary method of importing water (to leave enough for local human
consumption), since the manufacturing process uses around 10 to 100 times
products' masses in water.
The problem of protecting natural water resources has grown very pressing for
many countries since the beginning of the second half of the 20th century. The
development of human society, the growth of civilization and social and technical
progress have resulted in the changing of the composition of natural water
resources. The rivers, lakes and ground-waters contain today the products of
mechanical, chemical and biological pollution.
dissolve - растворять
consumption - потребление
potable – годный для питья
quantity - количество
Задание № 11. Закончите предложение, выбрав соответствующий вариант
The problem of protecting natural water resources has grown very pressing for
many countries since…
a) nowadays
b) the beginning of the second half of the 20th century
c) the beginning of the second half of the 19th century
Задание № 12. Перепишите вопросы к тексту и письменно ответьте на них.
1. What forms does water take on Earth?
2. What is called drinking water or potable water?
3. Water as natural resource is becoming scarcer in certain places, isn’t it?
4. What do water-poor countries use as the primary method?
5. Why has changed the composition of natural water resources?
Тексты для аудиторного чтения
Industrial and Civil Engineering
Промышленное и гражданское Строительство
Текст 1
Houses are built of wood, brick, stone and concrete. Many new types of
individual houses are made from reed slabs, rolled gypsum concrete panels or
wooden sheets. A lot of houses are built of prefabricated blocks (prefabs). All the
parts of such houses are produced on an industrial scale in factories and assembled
on the spot. The building process takes place under the supervision of foremen and
engineers. The structure is put up by bricklayers, carpenters, plasterers, plumbers,
painters, locksmiths, glass-cutters, etc. In the construction of a house the first step
is to make a careful survey of the site and to examine the soil in order to find its
bearing power. Next, the building lines are staked out. After this, the foundations
are built. The excavation is dug for the basement and then followed by the actual
building of the foundation walls below ground level. Then the foundation work is
finished by providing anchoring sills. That is the case of a wooden building.
In the case of a brick structure, the building of the walls may be directly
proceeded with. Foundations are to keep the floors and walls from contact with the
soil, to act against the action of the frost and to prevent from settlement. The part
upon which the stability of the structure depends is the framework. It carries the
loads which are imposed on it. To do this work properly and safely the floors, walls,
roofs and other parts of the construction must be correctly designed and
proportioned. The designer determines the size of the walls, the floor joists, the
beams, the girders and the parts which make up the framework. He also decides
how they are to be spaced and arranged.
The building of a wall consists in laying down courses of bricks and bonding
them together with mortar. Walls are constructed to enclose areas and to support the
weight of floors and roofs. The walls may be solid and hollow.
Besides brick, stone, concrete and other natural and artificial materials are used for
the construction of walls. When doors or windows are to be made, a lintel is
usually inserted in the wall above the opening. The entrance leading into the house
from the street is called the front door, from the yard – the back door. The window
panes are fastened in with the help of glazier's putty.
1. What materials are houses built of?
2. Where are the parts of houses built of prefabricated blocks produced on?
3. What are the steps in the construction of a wooden building?
4. Who supervises the building process?
5. Who puts up the building structure?
6. What are the steps in the construction of a brick structure?
7. What natural and artificial materials are used for the construction of walls?
Текст 2
The Development of the House
The first houses in different countries of the world were made of wood. At that
time the greater part of our planet was covered with thick forests. Even in those
days men found ways of using wood as a building material. In some places they
tied together the tops of several trees and covered them with the hides (skins) of
animals. In other places they covered them with leaves or grass.
The primitive people's first houses were tents or huts. Primitive building
required no tools. The invention of tools permitted the cutting of stones and
timber. Stone was the most convenient building material in countries where there
was not much wood but plenty of stone.
People began to use stone widely to build their houses many centuries ago.
The column has played an important part in the history of building. Most of the
building of old times was based upon the column and beam method of
About 4,000 years before our era the Egyptians possessed great constructional
know-how (ability). They built simple houses by present standards. They used
bricks which in their most primitive form were not burned, but were hardened by
being dried in the sun. Since the middle ages, brickwork has been in constant use
everywhere, in every sort of construction and in every architectural style. They
made flat roofs because there was very little rain in Egypt. Their buildings were
simple in construction but very beautiful. We still admire their monuments,
sphinxes and palaces.
Greek builders learned much from Egyptian builders. They built their houses
with slanting roofs because the climate of these two countries differs greatly. Soon
Greek builders became second in column making. But they added the arch, thus
adding much strength and beauty to their buildings.
The use of precast concrete, a very advanced construction technique, has many
advantages over other building materials. Precast building units can be assembled
at the site all the year round in any weather. The precast concrete technique which
is constantly being improved in our country plays a great role in our extensive
building programme.
1. Why were the first houses in different countries of the world made of wood?
2. What were the primitive people's first houses?
3. What was the most convenient building material in countries where there was
not much wood?
4. What method of construction was most of the building of old times based upon?
5. Why did Egyptians make flat roofs and Greek builders slanting roofs?
6. How did Greek builders add much strength and beauty to their buildings?
7. What are the advantages of the use of precast concrete?
Текст 3
Home, Sweet Home
It is common knowledge that there is no place like home. To the British their
homes are important. They are dedicated to them; they give them a lot of time and
effort, looking after their homes with much love, care and enthusiasm.
More than half of British families own their homes (houses or flats). Others live
in council accommodation and some people rent from private owners.
There are three main types of houses that people live in: detached, semi-detached
and terraced.
A detached house is the most expensive type of home. It stands on its own land and is
not attached to another building. Such houses have privacy from neighbours, and they
are ideal for keen gardeners who can devote plenty of time to work in their garden.
A semi-detached house is joined the house next door by a shared wall. A house of this
kind is less expensive than a detached house, but still offers a good standard of privacy
and comfort. It usually has a small garden at the front and a larger garden at
the back.
A terraced house is usually two- or three-storey high. It is one of a continuous row of
similar houses, joined together by their side walls. Many rows of terraced houses were
originally built for workers in nearby factories or coalmines. A terraced house usually
costs less than a semi-detached or detached house of similar size. There are miles of
terraced houses in most towns. Over a quarter of British families live in them.
There are also other types of buildings in which people live: apartment blocks,
bungalows and country cottages. Bungalows are one-storey houses which are
particularly popular with older people. Apartment blocks are high-rise blocks of flats
which provide accommodation for a lot of city dwellers. But these buildings are not
very popular. About 20% of the populations live in flats. There are more flats in cities
than in rural areas. Most people in Britain traditionally like to live in houses.
1. How many British families own their homes?
2. What are therethree main types of houses that people live in?
3. What is the most expensive type of home?
4. What house is called a semi-detached?
5. What were terraced houses originally built for?
6. What other types of buildings are there in which people live?
7. What houses do most people in Britain traditionally like to live in?
Fire Safety in Building
Пожарная безопасность в строительстве
Текст 1
Basic Principles of Fire Protection and Design against Fire
Fire hazard in buildings may be divided into internal, in the building itself, and
external, arising from a fire in adjoining property. The internal hazard may be subdivided into danger to occupants of the building and damage to structure and
The basic principles of fire protection may be set out under three broad
- every building should be designed and constructed to reduce the risk of ignition
of any part of the building and the spread of fire inside the building, or into or out
of it;
- the parts of the building are required to withstand the effects of fire long
enough to avoid any structural collapse that would increase the risk of fire spread;
- the safety of the occupants within the building.
The fire safety problem concerns with some fire precautions. These precautions
must be considered at an early stage of the building design process. There are
some essential principles of fire design:
 the building should be constructed from building materials that will not
contribute to the spread of fire;
 there should be adequate provision to prevent an arson attack;
 the building should be fitted with an appropriate automatic fire-alarm system;
 all fire-protection systems should be installed by adequately trained specialists.
Fire safety engineer has two duties: to protect the lives and to safeguard
property within the building.
1. How is fire hazard in buildings divided?
2. What are the basic principles of fire protection?
3. When must fire precautions be considered?
4. Building materials shouldn’t contribute to the spread of fire, should they?
5. What should the building be fitted with?
6. What are the duties of fire safety engineer?
Текст 2
The History of Fire Prevention and Protection Abroad
We don't know for sure how the use of fire was discovered. But ever since man
has known fire, he has feared it too.
Historians record that in Rome in about 300 BC a band of slaves was given the
task of watching for fires from a top of a hill and of warning the citizens of fire.
Under Caesar Augustus the first municipal-type fire department appeared. The
command structure was almost identical to that is used by fire department today.
There were 7 squads that contained from 100 to 1000 men per squad. Each man
within each squad was given a particular task. Each squad had a supervising
William 1 of England decreed one of the first recorded fire prevention
regulations. The use of the open hearth for heating and cooking within houses
created a fire danger to such an extent that he ordered all fires be extinguished at
night and hearth covered.
King Richard 1 decreed that walls 16 feet high and 3 feet thick should be built
between the neighbouring buildings to prevent fire spread from one building to
After September, 2, 1666 further changes in fire prevention regulations took
place. On that day the Great Fire of London began and burned for 5 days, leaving
373 acres of ashes. Following that fire the London City Council acted to prevent
similar fires. Legislation was passed that required all homes were to be rebuilt of
brick or stone.
Almost before the settlement of America began, there were serious setbacks
because of fire. The first permanent colony in Virginia was destroyed by fire and
then in 1623 the colony in Plymouth suffered by destructive fire. Several reasons
explain why fire was such a hazard in the early American colonies: building their
homes the English settlers used traditional building methods and materials of rural
Benjamin Franklin in 1736 recommended the formation of a volunteer fire
company and served as the first fire chief in America.
On October, 9, 1871 a sweeping fire destroyed most of the city of Chicago. The
power of fire is a never-ending story: but the fight against fire is also a story worth
1. What task was given to a band of slaves in Rome?
2. When did the first municipal-type fire department appear?
3. What was the command structure of fire department?
4. Who decreed one of the first fire prevention regulations?
5. How did King Richard 1 try to prevent fire spread?
6. What happened to London in 1666?
7. Why was fire such a hazard in the early American colonies?
Текст 3
Fire Research Work and Training of Fire Safety Engineers
The first fire testing station was built in 1935 at Boreham Wood to test
elements of structure. This has grown into the present Fire Research Station as the
result of cooperation between the government and the insurance industry. Now the
station is one of the largest and best equipped in the world.
Aim of the Station is to improve methods of preventing and fighting fire. Work
is divided into five sections. In the operational research and intelligence section,
details of fires are coded and analyzed. The “ignition and growth of fire” section
studies the physical aspects of ignition, combustion and heat transfer.
Another section studies building materials under fire conditions to obtain basic
data for the design and protection of buildings. Tests are carried out on structural
elements. Results are used in advice given to architects, builders, structural
engineers and local authorities on appropriate types of structure and materials.
Two more sections deal with industrial fires and explosions involving gases,
vapors, dusts and unstable materials not classified as explosives and the properties
and methods of application of extinguishing agents – water, foam and dry powder.
Tests are also conducted on such equipment as automatic sprinkler systems, fire
extinguishers and automatic fire alarms.
In our country we can say we have the oldest Higher Educational centre in the
world training safety engineers.
The Moscow Institute of Fire Safety has accumulated a great deal of experience
in training specialists for fire protection at different levels.
There are the following faculties at the institute: the faculty of fire safety engineers
on the base of the general secondary education with five years period of training;
the faculty of fire safety engineers on the base of the secondary specialized
education with three years period of education; the faculty of training of leading
staff officers with year and a half period of training; a refresher course for fire
safety engineers with one month period of education; a post graduate and doctorate
About 130 professors and teachers well-known in Russia and in other countries
have been working at the institute. Annually about 550 specialists in Fire
Protection of the highest qualification graduate from the institute, the total number
of such specialists is more than 18000.
About 2000 fire safety engineers and researchers for fire service of Bulgaria,
Hungary, Viet-Nam, Germany, Guinea, Cuba, Moldavia, Poland, the Czech
Republic, Slovakia and other countries used to study at the institute.
The Moscow Institute of Fire Safety keeps in touch with many Fire Safety
Educational Establishments.
1. What was the aim of the first fire testing station and what is its purpose
2. How is work organized in the operational research and intelligence section?
3. What section studies the physical aspects of ignition and combustion?
4. Who are the results important for?
5. Who does the Institute of Fire Safety train?
6. How many specialists graduate from it annually?
III. Road Engineering
Дорожное строительство
Текст 1
The zone which is marked to lay the road is called the road zone or right-ofway. The higher is the technical classification of the road, the wider is the right-ofway for its construction. The road zone includes such parts of a road as a
carriageway, road shoulders, inner and outer slopes, and other parts.
The road surface strip within the limits of which motor vehicles run is called a
carriageway. Usually it is reinforced by means of natural or artificial stone
aggregates. These stone aggregates form the pavement.
The strips of the ground which adjoin the carriageway are called the road
shoulders. The shoulders render lateral support to the pavement. In future the
pavement will always be made of solid materials within the limits of the
To lay the carriageway at the required level above the ground surface a
formation or roadbed is constructed. It is constructed in the form of embankments
or cuttings with side ditches for drainage and the diversion of water.
The formation includes borrow pits – shallow excavations from which the soil
was used for filling the embankments. It also includes spoil banks. Spoil banks are
heaps of excessive soil remaining after the excavation of cuttings.
The carriageway and shoulders are separated from the neighbouring land by
slopes. The cuttings and side ditches have inner and outer slopes. The junction of
the surface of the shoulders and the embankment slope is called the edge of the
roadbed. The distance between the edges is called the width of the roadbed.
1. What is called the road zone or right-of-way?
2. What parts of a road does the road zone include?
3. What is called a carriageway?
4. Is the carriageway usually reinforced by means of natural or artificial stone
5. What is a roadbed constructed for?
6. What is called the edge of the roadbed?
7. What is called the width of the roadbed?
Текст 2
Pavement Structural Layers
To ensure all-year-round operation of vehicles traffic on a road, the
carriageway is covered with a pavement. The pavement is laid on the surface of
the roadbed. It can be rigid or semi-rigid structure. The pavement resists traffic
stresses and climatic factors.
The stresses induced in the pavement by motor vehicle wheels attenuate with
the depth. This enables the pavement to be designed in the form of a multilayer
structure. The pavement consists of the following layers: the surfacing, the
pavement base, the sub-base and the subgrade.
1. Surfacing is the upper and most rigid layer of the pavement. It is comparatively
thin, but resists well the abrasion and the impacts caused by the wheels, and also
the effect of weather conditions. Usually the surfacing is the most expensive part
of the pavement. Surfacing usually comprises two coats or courses – a course and
a wearing course.
2. Below the surfacing base coat is the pavement base, a strong bearing layer of
stony material or stone with a binding matrix. This layer is designed to distribute
the individual wheel-loads over the roadbed or sub-base. The pavement base is not
subjected to the direct action of automobile wheels.
3. The sub-base is a layer of earth or stone materials, resistant to moisture, inserted
when necessary between the pavement base and the roadbed. The sub-base reduces
the required thickness of the pavement base. The sub-base is made of gravel, slag,
soil treated with binding agents, sand, etc.
4. The subgrade comprises the thoroughly compacted upper layers of the roadbed,
upon which are laid the layers of the pavement.
1. What is the carriageway covered with a pavement for?
2. What structure can the pavement be?
3. What enables the pavement to be designed in the form of a multilayer structure?
4. How many courses does the surfacing comprise?
5. Where is the pavement base laid?
6. What is the pavement base designed for?
7. What does the subgrade comprise?
Текст 3
Side Ditches
For collecting water from the roadbed side ditches, flumes, interception ditches
and drain channeling can be used. Present road construction provides side ditches
parallel with the roadway. A side ditch is intended to collect the water discharged
by the crown. It also collects the water from the roadside. Water from the
adjoining land must be collected by the side ditch too. The side ditch discharges
into a natural outlet at the first opportunity.
Side ditches in cuttings and next to embankments may be excavated to a depth
of up to 0.6 m. These ditches are for the collection of water flowing off the road
surface and from adjoining land during rainfall or snow thawing. The side ditch
may contribute to the drainage of the subgrade because of the evaporation of
moisture from the side ditch inner slopes. However, the major use of the side ditch
is to permit the rapid discharge of water. When this water discharge is not ensured
and ponding occurs, the side ditch becomes a source from which water may
penetrate back under the road, resulting in saturation of the subgrade.
The cross-section of the ditch is either V-typed or trapezoidal. In the case of
impermeable soils and in less favorable conditions of runoff the side ditches can be
given a trapezoidal cross-section with a bottom width of 0.4 m and a depth of up to
0.7-0.8 m from the edge embankment. If the road must be built in dry country with
a rapid surface runoff, and the occurrence of ground water is deep, the side ditches
are given the shape of triangular flues of 0.3 m minimum depth. The V-typed side
ditch can be easily constructed and maintained with the blade grader. The V-typed
side ditch cannot be deep and, therefore, it is much safer than the trapezoidal side
1. What is the side ditch intended to?
2. What does the side ditch discharge into?
3. Why may the side ditch contribute to the drainage of the subgrade?
4. What is the major use of the side ditch?
5. When does the side ditch become a source from which water may penetrate
back under the road, resulting in saturation of the subgrade?
6. The cross-section of the ditch is either V-typed or trapezoidal, isn’t it?
7. What machine can the side ditch be easily constructed and maintained with?
IV. Economy and Management
Экономика и управление
Текст 1
Personnel Management
The most valuable asset of any business is its people. Land, buildings, goods,
and equipment may dominate a balance sheet, but they do not make a business
successful: people do. The best businesses are the ones that have the best people
— capable, creative, energetic people. To attract them requires both ingenuity and
initiative on the part of an employer. But the payoff in productivity is worth it.
Staffing your business with the best people should be one of the highest priorities.
Staffing, leading and controlling are important functions of management. The
main aim of staffing is to fill and keep filled the positions in the organization
structure with competent people. It also involves selecting, hiring, promoting,
planning the career, compensating and training.
Many firms have a personnel department with personnel manager directly
responsible for coordinating activities of the employees.
Yet, whether or not there is a personnel department, all managers are responsible
for managing human resources.
1. What do business successful?
2. What functions of management are named?
3. What assets of a business are mentioned in the text?
4. Which of them is characterized as the most valuable? Why?
5. What does the term "to staff" mean?
6. Who is directly responsible for coordinating activities of the employees?
7. What people are responsible for personnel management in an organization?
Текст 2
Legal Forms of Business
Having decided to set up your own business, you should choose the legal form
it will take. There are three legal forms to choose from: sole proprietorship,
partnership and corporation (limited company). No one form is better than another.
Each has its advantages and disadvantages. The important thing is to be sure the
chosen form is best for you.
Many businesses are sole proprietorships, which mean that they are owned and
run by one person. Setting up a sole proprietorship is easy; it does not need many
formalities. As a sole trader, a person is fully responsible for the success or
failure of his / her business. Any profits go to the owner; any losses are his or her
responsibility as well. If losses become greater than the investment, the owner is
responsible for paying them, even if this touches all personal assets. This feature is
called unlimited liability.
There is no legal difference between the owner and the business. As the
business is personal to the owner, it is liquidated upon the death of the owner.
Finances for a sole trader are usually limited to his or her own savings or to what
can be borrowed from family or friends. Therefore sole proprietorships are usually
small businesses.
When a proprietor wants to expand a business, one way to do so is to form a
partnership, a business formed for profit by two or more co-owners. The rights and
duties of a partnership are regulated by laws and by a legal agreement made by the
partners. Usually an agreement states how much capital each partner has put up,
how profits will be shared, and how the business will be run between the partners.
All partners are legally responsible for any of the firm's activities, in other
words, each partner has unlimited liability, meaning that all partners are liable for
the debts of the business. They share the risks and the profits or losses associated
with their business.
A way to avoid the risks of unlimited liability is to form a limited partnership.
In a limited partnership there are two kinds of partners – general and limited.
General partners have unlimited liability for the business. The liability of limited
partners is limited to the amounts of their investments.
However, in exchange for this limited liability, limited partners are usually not
allowed to take an active part in the firm's management. There must be at least one
general partner in such kind of partnership.
1. What legal forms of business are described in the text?
2. How many people can own a sole proprietorship?
3. What liability has a sole trader for his / her business?
4. How can a person raise funds for setting up a new business?
5. What kind of business is partnership?
6. What is the liability of partners for running a usual partnership?
7. What kinds of partners are there in a limited partnership?
Текст 3
Pricing, Promotion, Distribution
Marketing management is an important function of a business. The marketing
manager is responsible for the totality of a company's market offering - the range
of products and their packaging, the prices charged, the discounts offered, the
communications media employed (television, press, personal salesmen, direct
mail, etc.), and the channels through which the product or service is delivered to
the customer (retailers, mail order, automatic vending, etc.). The activity of the
marketing manager determines whether or not the company meets its financial
objectives. The sale of products or services is normally the sole income generator
in a company while most remaining personnel solely incur costs.
Hence, marketing management must maintain continuous contact with those
colleagues in the company who are responsible for manufacturing the products or
providing the service for sale, and with those financial colleagues who are
responsible for controlling budgets, raising capital and distributing profits.
1. What is an important function of a business?
2. What is the range of duties of a marketing manager?
3. What determines the activity of the marketing manager?
4. Why is his/her activity vital for the company's financial standing?
5. What interdepartmental contacts are important for marketing managers?
6. What are financial managers responsible for?
7. Which channels are products or services delivered to the customer through?
Automation of Technological Processes
Автоматизация технологических процессов
Текст 1
The History of the Internet
The 1990s saw great changes in the way people communicate. People could
send mail without going to the post office, and go shopping without leaving home.
Words like e-mail and download became part of people's vocabulary. The cause of
this great change was the Internet.
The idea for the Internet began in the early 1960s in the United States. The
Department of Defense wanted to connect their computers together in order to
share private information. In 1969, the Arpanet (an early form of the Internet) first
connected computers at four American universities. One computer successfully
sent information to another. In 1972, scientists shared Arpanet with the world.
They created a way to send person-to-person messages using Arpanet. This was
the beginning of e-mail.
Over the next few years, there was a lot of progress made in the world of
computing, but most people were not using the Internet. Then, in the 1980s,
personal computers became more common. In the early 1990s, two important
things happened: the birth of the World Wide Web in 1991, and the creation of the
first Web browser in 1993. The Web made it easier to find information on the
Internet, and to move from place to place using links. The Web and browser made
it possible to see information as a web site with pictures, sound, and words.
Today, millions of people connect to the Internet to send e-mail, visit web sites,
or store information on servers. Computers are now an important part of our lives
and are changing how we learn, work, shop, and communicate.
1. What was the great change in people’s life?
2. How and where did the idea for the Internet begin?
3. What was an early form of the Internet?
4. What was the beginning of e-mail?
5. When was the birth of the World Wide Web?
6. How do millions of people use the Internet today?
7. How are computers changing our lives?
Текст 2
The Internet
The Internet, a global computer network which embraces millions of users all
over the world, began in the United States in 1969 as a military experiment. It was
designed to survive a nuclear war. Information sent over the Internet takes the
shortest path available from one computer to another. Because of this, any two
computers on the Internet will be able to stay in touch with each other as long as
there is a single route between them. This technology is called packet switching.
Owing to this technology, if some computers on the network are knocked out (by a
nuclear explosion, for example), information will just route around them.
The most popular Internet service is e-mail. Most of the people, who have
access to the Internet, use the network only for sending and receiving e-mail
In many developing countries the Internet may provide businessmen with a
reliable alternative to the expensive and unreliable telecommunication systems of
these countries. However there are still both commercial and technical problems
which will take time to be resolved.
The most important is security. When you send an e-mail message to
somebody, this message can travel through many different networks and
computers. The data is constantly being directed towards its destination by special
computers called routers. Because of this, it is possible to get into any of
computers along the route, intercept and even change the data being sent over the
1. What is the Internet?
2. Where and when did the Internet begin?
3. What is called packet switching?
4. What is the most popular Internet service?
5. What is the most important problem with Internet?
6. Why is it possible to change the data being sent over the Internet?
7. How can you get into any of computers and change the data?
Текст 3
Going Online
All over the world, people are gaining access to the Internet. More and more
people are using computers to go online. This change has happened quickly. For
example, in 1997, there were fewer than eight million Internet users in Japan. Just
five years later, there were almost 65 million. During that same period, Internet use
around the world grew by 600%. The Internet is affecting many lives, and it is
changing how we communicate. But are these changes good or bad?
The Internet can be a great tool for communication. Everyone agrees on that.
People can use e-mail to keep in touch with family and friends whether they are far
away or just across town. Sending an e-mail message is quick, easy, and cheap.
People can also use the Internet to find new friends. Do you want to talk about
politics or sports or how to find true love? Go online! You will find people who
share your interests. Maybe you will make friends in distant places and learn about
other cultures. In many ways, the Internet can bring people together.
However, some people say that the Internet has the opposite effect. They claim
that it is leading to less communication, not more. These people believe that time
online means time alone. "The Internet is taking people away from their families
and friends," they say. "It draws people away from their communities, and that is
not good."
So, what is actually happening? Researchers are trying to find out. They are
studying the effects of the Internet on our lives. They are looking at the behaviour
of people who use it and people who do not. At this point, there are two basic ideas
about what is happening.
Some researchers who have done studies in the United States have bad news for
people who often go online. They report that people who use the Internet on a
regular basis are more often lonely and unhappy. They say that these people are
spending time at their computers instead of with other people, so they have less
active social lives.
Other researchers disagree. They describe other studies from the United States
and some from England. These show that people who often go online make more
connections with other people because they use the Internet to communicate. And
here is a surprise. According to these studies, frequent Internet users get in touch
more not just online but by phone and in person, too. They have busier social lives,
and they are usually happier. They also watch less TV.
Does going online affect everyone in the same way? Perhaps not. Perhaps the
effects of Internet use depend on a person's character. Psychologist Robert Kraut
thinks this is so. According to Kraut, the Internet allows social people to become
even, more social. It lets them get in touch with friends more easily, and they go
out more often. And people who are not social? They may use the Internet to avoid
others. They may like going online so that they don't have to talk to anyone.
However, this does not mean that the Internet is unhealthy for shy people. In fact,
the Internet can help shy people make friends. Researchers find that shy people
frequently communicate more easily online than face-to-face.
The Internet is changing how we communicate. Maybe you can see its effects
on your own life. It is less easy to see larger changes in our communities or around
the entire world, but changes are happening. It is something to think about.
1. Why do people use e-mail?
2. How does the Internet bring people together?
3. What the opposite effect does the Internet have?
4. Does going online affect everyone in the same way?
5. Why do shy people frequently communicate more easily online than face-toface?
6. How does the Internet influence your own life?
7. How do you prefer to get in touch with your friends just going online, by phone
or in person?
VI. Urban Construction and Utilities
Городское строительство
Текст 1
Acquiring Land for Industrial Construction
Recent trends in the real estate market show that increasing numbers of
manufacturers are looking to invest in the construction of new production plants
throughout Russia.
It is essential that the whole development process should be well planned and
professionally executed. The following points are especially important to consider.
Sufficient land plots for industrial construction may be difficult to find in the
vicinity of city centers and available transport routes. According to zoning
regulations, developers can either build production plants on land that is
designated for industrial purposes or obtain a permit to use agricultural land.
However, the transfer from the agricultural to industrial category may take up to
one year. It is forbidden to start construction on agricultural land regardless of any
rights to ownership or unofficial permits.
The developer must familiarize himself with the development plan of the area
where the land plot is located in order to confirm that no urban development is
Legal due diligence of the site is absolutely necessary to verify the land title,
especially in light of privatization issues.
During construction, the investor typically has the right to only a short-term
lease (1-3-5 years); however, after the title to the property is officially registered,
then the investor may sign a long-term lease (for a maximum of 49 years).
1. What do recent trends in the real estate market show?
2. What should be well planned and professionally executed?
3. Is it difficult to find sufficient land plots for industrial construction?
4. How much time may the transfer from the agricultural to industrial category
5. Why must the developer familiarize himself with the development plan?
6. What is absolutely necessary to verify the land title?
7. Does the investor have the right to any term lease?
Текст 2
Allocation of Land for Construction Project
Land plots owned by the state or municipalities can be allocated for
construction projects under title or lease. Authorities may not refuse to issue land
titles to individuals or companies for construction purposes, unless: the land plots
are withdrawn from the market; a federal law prohibits land privatization; or the
land plots are reserved for state or municipal needs.
Land can be allocated for construction purposes with or without prior consent
for the location of the facilities to be constructed.
Prior consent for the location of the facilities to be constructed is required for
land plots to be leased out to commercial organizations. Prior consent is normally
required for investment in industrial projects in or outside populated areas in cases
where no town-planning documentation has been drawn up in relation to such
territories and no rules are in effect for land use and development. In such cases,
determination of the location of the industrial facilities to be constructed requires
thorough analysis of the environmental, architectural, sanitary and other
implications of the planned construction.
Municipalities in urban and rural areas are required to notify their inhabitants of
possible or forthcoming construction projects. In cases where the location of
buildings, structures or facilities affects the common interests of local residents,
decisions to proceed with the projects are to be made taking the opinion of the
local population into account.
Under the Land Code of the Russian Federation, land may be sold or leased out
for construction projects by competitive bidding only, with no requirement for
prior consent for the location of the facilities to be constructed. This procedure is
used primarily in cities where the executive authorities or municipalities allocate
land plots by tender or auction. Each land plot must be properly prepared for sale
or lease.
Prior consent is not required either in cases where a construction project is to be
located in a city or a rural populated area in accordance with town-planning
documents and rules regarding land use and development.
1. How can land plots be allocated?
2. May authorities refuse to issue land titles?
3. When is prior consent for the location of the facilities required?
4. What does determination of the location of the industrial facilities require?
5. Is the opinion of the local population taken into account?
6. In what cases isn't prior consent required?
Текст 3
The simplest and most commonly used method of measuring the distance
between two points on the ground is called chain surveying. Angles in surveying
are measured with special instruments called transit (теодолит). In its simplest
form the transit is a telescope mounted above a horizontal circular scale.
Route survey is a survey necessary for the location and construction of
transportation or communication lines such as highways railroads, canals,
transmission lines and pipe-lines. The preliminary work consists of a topographic
City surveying is the term frequently applied to the operation of laying out lots
and to the municipal surveys made in connection with the construction of streets,
water supply systems and sewers.
The maps and data produced by surveyors are used by civil engineers in many
ways. Before construction begins the exact position of the various parts of the
dam, or the track of the railway or road, are fixed on the ground by using normal
surveying methods. In choosing the site for a dam, for instance, an engineer can
study on a map the courses of all the rivers and streams in the area. By reading the
contours he can calculate the amount of water which can be stored by building a
dam of a given height in a certain place. In the same way the results of a soil
survey clearly marked on a map will give the engineer vital information about the
foundations. When deciding the route of a railway or road, the gradients, radii of
curves, heights of embankments and depth of cutting can be calculated from data
supplied by the surveyor.
Terrestrial photogrammetry or photographic surveying from ground stations
had been found to be a useful addition to other methods in mapping of
mountainous areas.
1. What is the simplest method of measuring the distance between 2 points on the
2. How are angles measured in surveying?
3. What is route survey necessary for?
4. What type of survey is made while constructing streets, water supply systems?
5. What should be done before constructing a dam?
6. How are survey data used in road building?
7. What surveying is useful in mountainous areas?
VII. Mechanical Engineering
Строительные и дорожные машины
Текст 1
Components of the Automobile
The automobile consists of three basic parts: the power plant, the chassis and
the body. The power plant or engine is the source of power that makes the car
wheels rotate and the car move. It includes the electric, fuel, cooling and
lubricating systems.
The chassis consists of a power train and a frame with axles, wheels and
springs. The chassis includes the brake system and the steering system as well.
The power train carries the power from the engine to the car wheels. It consists
of the clutch, the gear box, the propeller shaft, the rear axle, and the final drive,
The body has a hood, fenders and accessories: a heater, lights, a radio, a
windshield wiper, a convertible top raiser and so on. The body is designed to
contain and protect not only the engine and other car components, but it provides
protection to the occupants from wind, dust, cold, and rain as well.
To guide the car it is necessary to have some means of turning the front wheels,
so the car can be pointed in the direction required. The steering wheel in front of
the driver is connected by the gears and levels to the front wheels for this purpose.
The front wheels are on the pivots so they can be swung to the left or right.
The brakes are necessary to slow or stop the car. They are the most important
mechanisms on the car. Upon their proper work the safety and lives of people
riding in the car depend. Most braking systems are hydraulic. But many vehicles
now use power brakes.
The frame is the structural center of some vehicles. It provides support for
engine, body, wheels and power train members. It is usually made of U-shaped
sections. These U-shaped sections are carefully shaped and then welded or riveted
together. Cross members reinforce the frame and also provide support for the
engine and wheels. The frame is extremely rigid and strong. It can withstand the
shock blows, vibrations and other strains to which it is put on the road.
The engine is attached to the frame in three or four points. Noise and some
vibrations are inherent in engine operation. To prevent this noise the engine is
insulated from the frame by some form of a rubber pad at each point of support.
1. What does the automobile consist of?
2. What does the power plant include?
3. What does the chassis consist of?
4. The power train carries the power from the engine to the car wheels, doesn’t it?
5. What is the body designed for?
6. What is it necessary to guide the car?
7. Are the brakes the most important mechanisms on the car?
Текст 2
Components of Tractors
Nowadays tractors are widely used in agriculture and in industry. In agriculture
tractors are used in such jobs as plowing, planting, cultivating, fertilizing,
harvesting, transport works, etc.
In different branches of industry tractors are used as road transport tractors
hauling heavy loads. They are also used for different building purposes.
Tractors may be agricultural tractors, road transport tractors and special
Agricultural tractors are subdivided into: the general tractors designed for
hauling agricultural machinery; cultivators designed for specific agricultural jobs;
tractors for operation on soft boggy ground.
Road transport tractors are equipped with a load carrying platform.
Special tractors are usually equipped with auxiliary devices. Tractors may belong
either to wheeled-type tractors or to track-laying type tractors.
The construction of a tractor includes the following main units:
1. Power unit which includes the engine with all auxiliary devices – a radiator, a
fan, a starter device, a fuel tank, a pump, etc.
2. Transmission which consists of a clutch, a speed control unit, universal joints,
gearing mechanisms, shafts, steering mechanisms, a final drive, axles.
3. Driver which includes driving, supporting and controlling mechanisms.
4. A steering unit.
5. The tractor frame.
6. Working and auxiliary equipment.
Tractor engines have internal combustion engines as the source of power.
Tractor engines requirements differ considerably from the requirements of the
automotive engines. Automotive engines are generally unsuitable for tractors.
1. Tractors are widely used in agriculture and in industry, aren’t they?
2. What jobs are tractors used in agriculture for?
3. How may all tractors be classified?
4. What groups are agricultural tractors subdivided into?
5. What are road transport tractors equipped with?
6. What are special tractors usually equipped with?
7. What type may tractors belong to?
Текст 3
Principal Mechanism of Crawler-Mounted Tractors
The various types of tractors in use today have an almost identical transmission
system. They consist of four main groups of mechanisms mounted on the main
frame. They are:
1. The power unit, including the engine and all its accessories.
2. The power train, comprising the engine clutch, the propeller shaft, the
transmission, the center drive, steering clutches with brakes and the final drive.
The power train transmits torque from the engine to tractor tracks.
3. The crawler running gear, including the chain, drive sprockets, the idler, truck
wheels and support rollers and a suspension. The suspension connects the tractor
frame to the running gear.
4. Controls, consisting of the steering clutch, brakes, and mechanisms controlling
fuel feed.
In addition, the tractor carries the hood, the cab and fuel tanks.
Tractors are usually steered by friction clutches mounted on the live axle after the
center drive. These clutches, known as steering clutches, consist of a number of
friction disks.
The weight of the tractor is transmitted to the ground through support rollers
which run on the track. They are connected with the tractor frame by a suspension.
The suspension damps shocks when the tractor moves on uneven ground.
Disconnecting one of the steering clutches, partly or completely, reduces the
speed of rotation of the corresponding sprocket and its track. And the tractor will
turn towards the side of the sprocket lagging behind.
Small-radius turns cannot be made by slowing down one sprocket using the
steering clutches. Therefore, the tractor controls include a special device for
stopping the free track by means of special brakes, which act upon the driven parts
of the steering clutches.
A tractor going down a slope is braked and stopped by using the same brakes
applied to both tracks simultaneously.
1. What is the main feature of the various types of tractors in use today?
2. What do crawler-mounted tractors consist of?
3. What mechanisms does the power unit include?
4. What mechanisms does the power train comprise?
5. What is the function of the power train?
6. What mechanisms does the crawler running gear include?
7. What do controls consist of?
VIII. Building Materials
Строительные материалы
Текст 1
The House
Man has always been a builder. The kind of house he built depended upon the
climate, upon his enemies, and upon the building materials at hand. The first
houses in many parts of the world were made of wood, for in those days the
greater part of the Earth was covered with forests.
In other regions the most convenient building material was stone. Men began
building houses out of stone very long ago. Although they were built without
cement, the remains of a few of them still exist.
The ancient Egyptians built very simple houses, by present standards. Having
dried the bricks in the sun, they put up four walls, and above these they placed a
flat roof. The roof was flat because there was very little rain in Egypt. Although
their buildings were simple in construction, the Egyptian art of building was very
In ancient Russia architecture flourished for the first time in Kiev Russ. The
churches of that time were strong buildings with thick walls and small windows.
Buildings of the 19-th century are characterized by the use of new materials and
by a great diversity of architectural styles. From the end of the 18-th century iron
and steel became widely used as alternatives to wood.
The 20-th century is notable for widespread use of steel - reinforced concrete.
Architecture of the 20-th century is characterized by very high buildings particularly skyscrapers - and by great diversity of styles which completely differ
from those of the past.
1. What were the first houses made of?
2. The ancient Egyptians built very complex houses, didn't they?
3. Where did Russian architecture flourish for the first time?
4. What are buildings of the 19-th century characterized by?
5. When did reinforced concrete appear?
6. What is the main peculiarity of the 20-th century buildings?
Текст 2
Egyptian Pyramids
Architecture is the art which makes buildings beautiful to look at as well as
useful. There have been many different styles or kinds of architecture in the past
and there are many different styles today in different parts of the world.
Houses are built for dwelling; large buildings are constructed for industrial
purposes; theatres, museums, public and scientific institutions are built for cultural
activities of the people.
Primitive stone structures, huts and tents are the earliest types of human
dwellings. The oldest monuments which are met within architecture are the
colossal pyramids of Egypt most of which were constructed about 6,000 years ago.
The pyramids are large triangular buildings which were placed over the tombs of
Egyptian kings. The best known of the pyramids are a group of three built at Giza
south of Cairo. The largest of these is 482 feet high. The country was rich in hard
and durable stone, but poor in timber and metal, so that the main material used for
construction was granite, and this was the reason for the durability of the
pyramids. Large blocks of stone were transported over long distances by land and
water, and placed into position with the help of the most primitive equipment.
1. What are the purposes of different buildings?
2. Primitive stone structures were the earliest types of dwellings, weren’t they?
3. What are the oldest monuments met within architecture?
4. What kind of buildings are pyramids?
5. Was timber or stone the main material used for construction in Egypt?
6. How were large blocks of stone transported and placed?
Текст 3
Some Building Professions
Builders construct and reconstruct residential and industrial buildings, bridges,
schools, museums, theatres, hospitals. They build tunnels, power stations, dams. A
lot of people work together to make the house. Civil engineers and architects have
a common aim – to create something which will serve the purpose for which it is
A man who designs buildings and makes the plans for them is called an
architect. He has to think not only of what he wants the building to look like when
it is finished, but also what it is to be used for. He must not forget the sort of
material to be used in the building. This may be stone, brick, wood or steel and
concrete. An architect must know many facts concerning materials, for example
what loads different materials may safely carry - so that there will be no danger of
his building falling down. He must need some knowledge of sculpture, painting,
design, geography, city planning, etc. The structure an architect creates should
give us pleasure, a sense of beauty.
Civil engineer specializes in the building of industrial or dwelling construction.
He is engaged to prepare the plans and specifications and to supervise the
construction of the project. Civil engineer must provide people with all modern
conveniences, such as running water, gas, electricity, central heating, while a
sanitary engineer protects the quality of water by purifying it.
Builders assemble a house from prefabricated units which are delivered to the
construction site. A welder then welds the units to hold them in place. The men of
many other building professions take part in building construction. The
stonemason builds the foundation. The bricklayer builds the walls and other parts
made of bricks. The carpenter erects door and window frames. The plaster makes
walls and ceilings smooth. The slater is employed for putting slates or tiles on the
roof. The plumber lays pipes to carry clean water into the house and waste water
away to the sewers. The electrician runs electric wires and the glazier puts glass in
the window frames.
1. What do builders construct and reconstruct?
2. What aim do civil engineers and architects have?
3. Who is called an architect?
4. An architect must know many facts concerning materials, mustn't he?
5. What are the functions of civil engineer?
6. Who builds the walls?
7. Who is responsible for the water in the house?
IX. Heating and Ventilation
Отопление и вентиляция
Текст 1
Air Conditioning
The term air conditioning has been widely and loosely used, it includes any
ventilation system with fan and heater. True air conditioning involves means for
warming and humidifying air in winter and for cooling and dehumidifying in
summer. Air conditioning is finding an ever widening application in industry.
Accurate control of atmospheric conditions is very important for industrial
processes. Air conditioning systems vary in complexity and cost. Complex systems
are finding their application in air conditioning of a multi-storey office block,
factory, cinema or theatre.
For many years air has been introduced into buildings after heating,
dehumidifying and in some cases, cooling it. And we have called that process
ventilation. In recent years much greater stress has been laid on the treatment of air
and we call the process air conditioning. Air conditioning systems are divided into
three types - winter, summer and complete. Winter air conditioning includes
cleaning, heating, humidifying and circulating of air. It is finding its application in
offices, auditoriums, schools and residences. Summer air conditioning includes
cleaning, cooling, dehumidifying and circulating of air. The people are using
summer air conditioning in stores.
Complete air conditioning involves winter and summer functions. It is used in
theatres, large department stores. Each type of air conditioning depends upon the
climatic conditions.
Developments of the last twenty years have changed our conception of air
conditioning. Air conditioning is required for offices, department stores, hospitals,
hotels and dwelling houses. But the techniques of air conditioning have not kept
pace with the increasing demand. The cost of an air conditioning system influences the
cost of the building, as it needs the additional height and floor areas to mount this air
conditioning system.
Some efforts have been made to reduce the space occupied by air conditioning
systems. But they have not been definitive, except some methods that have been used
for many years. Air conditioning is rapidly being adopted in passenger ships and
automobiles. Car heaters have been employed for some time. But recently new
equipment has been designed to maintain car interiors at a comfortable temperature
in summer and winter.
1. What term includes any ventilation system with fan and heater?
2. Air conditioning systems vary in complexity and cost, don’t they?
3. What has much greater stress been laid on in recent years?
4. Where is air conditioning finding application?
5. What does the cost of an air conditioning system influence?
6. Where is air conditioning being adopted?
7. What has new equipment been designed for?
Текст 2
Systems of Heating
The number of different heating systems is almost unlimited. Various systems of
heating are being used at the present day. They are: direct, indirect, water heating
systems, steam heating systems and so on.
A direct system is that in which the fuel is consumed in the room. It is being
used for intermittent heating, or for heating isolated rooms. An indirect system is
that in which the fuel is consumed outside the room. In this system the heat is being
conveyed to the room by a medium such as steam or hot water. Indirect system is
being used for the continuous heating of a number of rooms or large buildings. It
begins from one central source and that’s why it is named Central Heating.
Steam heating systems are classified according to the following features: piping
arrangement, pressure or vacuum conditions, obtained in operation and method of
returning condensate to the boiler. A steam heating system is known as a one-piping
and two-pipe system. In one-piping system a single main supplies steam to the
heating unit and conveys condensate from it. In two-pipe system each heating unit is
being provided with two piping connections. Steam and condensate flow in separate
branches. Steam heating systems are classified as high pressure, low pressure
(vapour) and vacuum systems. This classification depends on the pressure
conditions under which the system is designed to operate. The system is known as a
gravity return system. Condensate is returned to the boiler by gravity. All heating
units are being elevated above the water line of the boiler.
1. What systems of heating are used at the present day?
2. What heating is the direct system used for?
3. What heating is the indirect system used for?
4. How are steam heating systems classified?
5. What do you know about one-piping system?
6. What do you know about two-pipe system?
7. What can you say about gravity return system?
Текст 3
Modern Heating and Ventilation
Ventilation means the circulation of air without any treatment. Ventilation is used
where the cost of air conditioning is not justified. Ventilation may be natural or
mechanical. Natural ventilation is due to the action of wind through wall openings
and the updraft caused by the difference in temperature between indoors and
outdoors. The limiting factors in natural ventilation are usually cold weather
conditions and the availability of heat. Buildings with small floor areas are ventilated
by natural means. Natural ventilation has the advantage of being cheap to install.
Mechanical or artificial ventilation is used for theatres, factories, large public halls
and other buildings with large floor areas. Artificial ventilation may be classified
as follows: exhaust ventilation, plenum ventilation and some combination of the
above mentioned systems.
Heating and ventilation may be required to provide comfortable conditions for
people and for industrial processes. Both are necessary and should be considered
together. But the design of each must be treated separately. Heating and ventilation
of buildings by electrical methods are finding their application nowadays. These
methods have the advantage of being quick in construction. They are suitable for
buildings of all sizes and types. Small rooms can be adequately heated with
electric fires. Tubular heaters are used for rooms where the temperature must be
maintained for long periods. These heaters are usually fixed to the walls near the
floor. Not long ago electrically heated panels were developed. On these the heating
elements are mounted behind metal panels. The heating of rooms by means of
large warmed panels is named panel heating or radiant heating.
Electric heaters play a large part in the air conditioning plants of large
buildings. The air enters the building through the ventilation ducts and passes over
electric heaters. They raise the temperature of the passing air and give comfort to
the people.
1. What does term ventilation mean?
2. What can heating and ventilation be required to provide?
3. Must the design of heating and ventilation be treated separately?
4. What methods of heating and ventilation are widespread?
5. What is the advantage of electric methods?
6. What is used to maintain the temperature for long periods?
7. Electric heaters do not play a large part in the air conditioning plants of large
buildings, do they?
Water Supply and Water Disposal
Водоснабжение и водоотведение
Текст 1
The water industry provides drinking water and wastewater services (including
sewage treatment) to households and industry, water purification facility.
In the developing world, 90% of all wastewater still goes untreated into local
rivers and streams. The processes generally employed in making water safe for
water supply include coagulation, filtration, and disinfection. Water from some
sources must be treated also for the removal of color, taste, and odor. Coagulation
is commonly effected by adding to the water a salt of aluminum (usually
aluminum sulphate) or ferric iron. A precipitate forms and causes a clumping of
the bacteria and other foreign particles which then settle out during the several
hours of sedimentation. In this way 85% or more of the bacteria and suspended
particles can be removed.
Activated carbon is sometimes added before sedimentation to remove tastes and
odors. In the process of filtration the water is allowed to pass through layers of fine
sand to remove remaining germs and particles. Chlorine is commonly used to
destroy harmful bacteria persisting in a municipal water supply after the other
treatments. Chlorine dioxide has more recently been found effective as a destroyer
of bacteria as well as a means of removing unwanted tastes and odors. Other
means of destroying germs include the use of ozone and of ultraviolet light. Some
water supplies are aerated, i.e., exposed to the action of air and sunlight either
through sprays or by running over coarse gravel; taste and odor are improved and
some germs are destroyed.
1. What does the water industry provide?
2. What do the processes generally employed in making water safe for water
supply include?
3. What must be treated for the removal of color, taste, and odor?
4. Why is activated carbon added before the sedimentation?
5. What has been found effective as a destroyer of bacteria as well as a means of
removing unwanted tastes and odors?
6. What are ozone and ultraviolet light used for?
7. When are taste and odor improved and some germs destroyed?
Текст 2
Water Supply
Water is a common chemical substance that is essential for the survival of all
known forms of life. All known forms of life depend on water. Humans require
water that does not contain too many impurities.
The distribution of drinking water is done through municipal water systems or
as bottled water. Governments in many countries have programs to distribute water
to the needy at no charge. Others argue that the market mechanism and free
enterprise are best to manage this rare resource and to finance the boring of wells
or the construction of dams and reservoirs. Water supply facilities include for
example water wells cisterns for rainwater harvesting, water supply network, water
purification facilities, water tanks, water towers, water pipes including old
aqueducts. Atmospheric water generator is in development. Drinking water is
often collected at springs, extracted from artificial borings in the ground, or wells.
Building more wells in adequate places is thus a possible way to produce more
water, assuming the aquifers can supply an adequate flow. Other water sources are
rainwater and river or lake water. This surface water, however, must be purified
for human consumption. This may involve removal of undissolved substances,
dissolved substances and harmful microbes. Popular methods are filtering with
sand which only removes undissolved material, while chlorination and boiling kill
harmful microbes. Distillation does all three functions. More advanced techniques
exist, such as reverse osmosis. Desalination of abundant ocean or seawater is a
more expensive solution used in coastal arid climates.
1. What is a common chemical substance that is essential for the survival of all
known forms of life?
2. How is the distribution of drinking water done?
3. What do water supply facilities include?
4. Building more wells in adequate places is a possible way to produce more water,
isn’t it?
5. What must be purified for human consumption?
6. What does filtering with sand remove?
7. Where is desalination of abundant ocean or seawater used?
Текст 3
The problem of protecting natural water resources has grown very pressing for
many countries since the beginning of the second half of the 20th century. The
development of human society, the growth of civilization and social and technical
progress have resulted in the changing of the composition of natural water
resources. The rivers, lakes and ground-waters contain today the products of
mechanical, chemical and biological pollution.
The waste products that result from the daily activities in a community are of
two general types: the liquid waste, known as sewage and the solid wastes, known
as refuse. The different wastes are the following: the wastes from lavatories, baths,
sinks, and laundry tanks in residences, institutions, and business buildings; wastes
from various types of manufacturing or industrial plants, and the surface run-off
from storms or street-flushing operations.
Sewage may also be divided according to its source into the following three
classes. The sewage from institutions and business buildings is called domestic
sewage, sanitary sewage or house sewage; that resulting from manufacturing or
industrial processes is known as industrial waste; and that from run-off during
storms is called storm sewage. A combination of domestic sewage, industrial
waste water is called combined sewage. The removal of all kinds of sewage is
usually accomplished by means of sewers. The sewers are placed in the streets
below the ground surface. The general process of removing sewage is designated
as sewerage and the entire system of sewers including a sewage treatment plant is
known as a sewerage system.
In conclusion it should be stressed that with the growth of population many
modern treatment systems have been built and much more is still to be done in this
1. When has the problem of protecting natural water resources grown?
2. What have resulted in the changing of the composition of natural water
3. The rivers, lakes and ground waters contain today the products of mechanical,
chemical and biological pollution, don’t they?
4. What waste products do you know?
5. What is called domestic sewage, sanitary sewage or house sewage?
6. What is known as industrial waste?
7. What is called combined sewage?
Oral Topics
Student’s Life
My name is Vladimir Petrov. I was born on the 2-nd of April 1986. I am twenty
three years old. I'm from Russia. I am a first-year student of Voronezh State
University of Architecture and Civil Engineering. I study at the correspondence
Here are some words about my student's life.
The academic year is divided into two terms from September till January and from
February till July. Twice a year at the end of each term students have sessions when
they take several exams and credit tests.
Students are divided into academic groups. There are 30 students in each as a
rule. Every group elects a monitor. The monitor is responsible for the group.
Students attend lectures and practical classes at the university. They study
different subjects such as: Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry, Computers'
Technology, Economics, Concrete Structures, Theoretical and Structural Mechanics,
Strength of Materials, Geodesy, Hydrology, Water Supply and Disposal Systems,
Heat and Gas Supply, Building Materials, Automobile Roads and Aerodromes,
Economics and Management in Civil Engineering, Humanities and Foreign
Languages. During lectures they take notes. At practical classes and seminars they
discuss the material of the lectures.
Students read up for lectures, and seminars at the library or at home. They work
hard, so they have little free time. But when they have it, they try to amuse
themselves somehow: they listen to music, watch TV, read books, visit their friends,
and go to the theatre or to the cinema. They also go in for sports.
In conclusion I'd like to say that student’s life is very important and interesting.
Voronezh State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering
I study at the State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering. There are
eight faculties at our University: the faculty of Civil Engineering, the faculty of
Engineering Systems and Sanitary Constructions, the Architectural faculty, the
Mechanical and Road-building faculty, the faculty of Building Technology, the
faculty of Automation and Information Systems, the faculty of Economy and
Management and the Social-and-Humane faculty.
More than 500 teachers train specialists in several fields such as civil engineers,
technologists, economists, sanitary technical engineers, road builders, mechanic
engineers, architects and managers, etc.
The University was established in 1930. More than 6 000 students study at its
day-time and correspondence departments. I study at the correspondence department.
It should be said that our University works to discover new information, new
methodologies, and new engineering designs that can improve construction.
The University occupies six buildings. Its laboratories are equipped with modern
apparatuses and instruments. The University has also a computer center. At the
disposal of the students there is a large library; one of the best in our city. It
numbers more than 500 thousand volumes. There are six hostels, where about 2000
students live. All the hostels are not far from the University.
At the disposal of the students there is also a student’s sports camp, a two-storey
refectory and a number of snack bars. Eight sports halls are for the students who are
fond of sports.
Our graduates work in different parts of our country and abroad. They can work
at the biggest construction jobs, at different constructional enterprises and in different
design and research institutes.
In conclusion I would like to say that the profession of a builder is one of the
most necessary, peaceful and noble.
Учебно-методическое пособие «Английский язык. Контрольные
задания» для студентов 1 курса заочного отделения строительных
специальностей, созданное на базе действующей программы, позволит Вам
проверить Ваши знания лексики и грамматики и умения извлекать
информацию из текстов. Для того чтобы выполнить контрольные задания,
нужно усвоить лексико-грамматический материал основного курса
рекомендуемого базового учебника для технических вузов («Курс
английского языка для вечерних и заочных технических вузов» Л.Н.
Андриановой, Н.Ю. Багровой, Э.В. Ершовой, М. «Высшая школа», 2000),
другого учебника или приложение данного пособия.
Учебно-методическое пособие устанавливает объем и последовательность
выполнения работы по подготовке к экзамену (зачету), дает необходимые
указания и сведения для сдачи английского языка.
Пособие включает две контрольные работы (десять вариантов), устные
темы и специальные тексты для работы на практических занятиях. Учитывая
профессиональную ориентацию студентов заочного отделения, обучающихся
в строительном вузе, авторы пособия использовали тексты строительной
направленности с учетом их многопрофильности.
В процессе обучения Вы должны усвоить основные грамматические
формы английского языка, базовую строительную и общеупотребительную
лексику. Задания контрольных работ нацелены на развитие и закрепление
навыков перевода, необходимых для понимания научно-технических
текстов. Уровень владения английским языком, его усовершенствование
должны определяться большой самостоятельной работой самих студентовзаочников.
Тексты для аудиторного чтения включают специальные тексты, которые
по тематике соответствуют будущей профессии студентов строительных
вузов заочного отделения и предназначены для работы под руководством
Устные разговорные темы: «Жизнь студента» (Student's Life) и «Наш
университет» (Our University) предназначены для самостоятельного
Работа по предлагаемому учебно-методическому пособию поможет Вам
повысить общие знания английского языка, планомерно и тщательно
подготовиться к экзамену по английскому языку.
Библиографический список
1. Английский язык для строительных вузов: учеб. пособие / под ред. З.Е.
Фоминой / Воронеж. гос. арх.- строит. ун-т. – Воронеж, 2006. – Ч.1. –
147 с.
2. Английский язык для строительных вузов: учеб. пособие / под ред. З.Е.
Фоминой / Воронеж. гос. арх.- строит. ун-т. – Воронеж, 2006. – Ч.2. –
165 с.
3. Андрианова, Л.Н. Учебник английского языка для заочных технических
вузов и факультетов / Л.Н. Андрианова, Н.Ю. Багрова, Э.В. Ершова. –
М.: Высшая школа, 2000. – 350 с.
4. Людвигова, Е.В. Учебник английского языка для вузов заочного
обучения / Е.В. Людвигова [и др.]. - М.: Высшая школа, 1985. – 320 с.
5. Новицкая, Т.М. Практическая грамматика английского языка / Т.М.
Новицкая, Н.Д. Кучин. – М.: Высшая школа, 1993 г. – 190 с.
6. Полякова, Т.Ю. Английский язык для инженеров / Т.Ю. Полякова [и
др.]. – М.: Высшая школа, 2000. – 250 с.
7. Пронина, Р.Ф. Учебник английского языка для заочных технических
вузов / Р.Ф. Пронина, Л.Н. Сорокина. – М.: Высшая школа, 1998. –
240 с.
8. Шляхова, В.А. Английский язык. Контрольные задания для студентов
технических специальностей высших учебных заведений: учеб. пособие
/ В.А. Шляхова, Т.Д. Любимова. – М.: Высшая школа, 2000. – 111 с.
9. Англо-русский политехнический словарь / под ред. А.Е. Чернухина. –
М: Русский язык, 1998. – 1098 с.
Приложение 1
Правила чтения
В результате сложного исторического развития английского языка и
системы его письменности возникло расхождение между написанием слова и
его произношением.
Чтение гласных
В английском языке 6 гласных букв (a, e, i, o, u, y) которые передают 20
гласных звуков в зависимости от типа слога:
1. Открытый слог (оканчивается на гласную): he, name (гласная буква
читается, как называется в алфавите);
2. Закрытый слог (оканчивается на согласную): cup, sit
3. Гласная + r (ударный): far, bird
4. Гласная + r + e (ударный): share, more
1) a Ann can take care of a car.
[i:] [e] [ə:] [iə]
2) e
He met her here.
[o:] [o:]
3) o Tom has more horses at home.
[əi] [ə:] [i]
4) i A nice girl sits by the fire.
5) y
I type the myth about tyrants and myrmidons.
6) u
[јuə] [ə:] [ju]
He must buy pure fur in future.
Сочетание гласных:
ai, ay – [ei]: aim, stay;
au, aw – [o:]: fault, raw;
ee, ea, ie - [i:]: beet, tea, field;
ea перед буквой d – [e]: head, bread;
ind, ild - [ai]: kind, mild;
ou, ow – [au]: cloud, town
Окончание прил. 1
Чтение согласных букв
c – [s] перед буквами e, i, y: produce, science, agency
[k]: product, accounting
ck – [k]: back, clock
ch, tch – [tƒ]: which, catch
[k]: mechanic, architect
g – [dz] перед буквами e, i, y: page, gin, gym
[g] : go, big
ng – [η]: thing, song
th – [θ]: three, think
[ð]: that, with
ph – [f]: philosophy
qu – [kw]: quote, question
sh – [ƒ ]: ship, dish
w, wh – [w]: way, why
who – [h]: whose, whole
wr – [r]: write
kn - [n]: know, knee
gn – [n]: sign
igh – [αi]: bright, high
Приложение 2
Грамматический справочник
1.1. Порядок слов в повествовательных предложениях
1. Отличительной чертой английских повествовательных утвердительных
предложений является твердый порядок слов в предложении. Обычно
порядок слов в утвердительном повествовательном предложении
следующий: подлежащее занимает первое место, за ним следует сказуемое,
затем дополнение и, наконец, обстоятельства.
He read an article slowly.
Обстоятельства места и времени могут стоять также и перед подлежащим.
In the evening I usually watch TV.
Продолжение прил. 2
2. В составном именном сказуемом никогда не опускаются формы
настоящего времени глагола to be.
This is my friend. - Это моя подруга.
3. В английском языке не может быть полностью безличных предложений
– в предложении должно быть подлежащее, пусть даже формальное.
It is cold. - Холодно.
4. Русскому обороту у меня есть соответствует английский глагол have
или комбинация have got.
I have (got) a dog. – У меня есть собака.
Вопросительные предложения
(Interrogative Sentences)
В английском языке различаются следующие типы вопросительных
предложений или вопросов:
1. Общий вопрос (general question):
Are you busy now? - No, I am not.
Do you speak English? – Yes, I do.
Общий вопрос требует ответа «да» или «нет».
2. Альтернативный вопрос (alternative question):
Did they go to the theatre or to the cinema?
Do you like coffee or tea?
3. Разделительный вопрос (disjunctive question):
He is a good student, isn’t he?
They went to the library, didn’t they?
4. Специальный вопрос (special question):
Специальные вопросы ставятся к какому-либо члену предложения и
начинаются с вопросительного слова.
What does he do?
Where did he go?
Where does he go on Sundays?
When do you get up?
How long have you been there?
Продолжение прил. 2
Имя существительное
(the Noun)
Имя существительное обозначает предмет, явление и отвечает на вопрос
Who? или What?
По своему составу имена существительные могут быть простыми,
производными и сложными.
2.1. Число существительных
Большинство существительных имеют два числа: единственное (singular)
и множественное (plural). Множественное число образуется с помощью
окончания -s или –es, которое присоединяется к форме единственного числа:
book - books; class - classes, post-graduate - post-graduates, business - businesses.
Следует запомнить особые случаи образования множественного числа: a
man - two men, a woman – five women, a child – a lot of children, a tooth –
ten teeth, a foot – two feet, a leaf – three leaves, a person – six people.
В текстах научного стиля часто встречаются существительные,
сохранившие греческую или латинскую форму множественного числа:
basis – bases - базис, основа
crisis – crises – кризис
analysis – analyses - анализ
thesis – theses - тезис, диссертация
axis – axes - ось
phenomenon- phenomena - явление
radius - radii – радиус
nucleus – nuclei – ядро
criterion – criteria – критерий
referendum - referenda – референдум
datum - data – сведения, информация
formulae – formulas – формула
medium – media – средство
hypothesis – hypotheses - гипотеза
Исчисляемые существительные (countable nouns) имеют формы
единственного и множественного числа. Неисчисляемые существительные
(uncountable nouns) имеют только одну форму единственного числа: water,
kindness, heat, money.
Продолжение прил. 2
Существительные: information (информация), knowledge (знания,
знание), advice (совет), progress (успех, успехи) в английском языке
употребляются только в единственном числе.
This information is correct.
We have little information.
Названия наук: economics, mathematics, physics имеют только
единственное число.
Mathematics is difficult.
2.2. Падеж существительных
(The Case of the Noun)
В английском языке существительное имеет два падежа: общий падеж
(common case) и притяжательный падеж (possessive/genitive case).
Общий падеж имеют все существительные. Это форма, в которой
существительное дается в словаре.
Притяжательный падеж обычно употребляется с одушевленными
существительными. Существительное в притяжательном падеже служит
определением к другому существительному, обозначая принадлежность
предмета и отвечает на вопрос Whose? (чей, чья, чьи): the girl’s book; the
boys’ books, James’s house, my friends’ help, Jane and Mary’s room.
Существительные в единственном числе образуют притяжательный
падеж путем прибавления окончания ’s (знак апострофа и буква s) к форме
общего падежа (the boy’s coat – пальто мальчика; the cat’s tail – хвост кошки).
Существительные во множественном числе с окончанием –s (-es)
образуют притяжательный падеж путем прибавления только апострофа (’) к
окончанию (the boys’ parents – родители мальчиков; the dogs’ eyes – глаза
Существительные во множественном числе, не имеющие окончания –s (es) образуют притяжательный падеж путем прибавления окончания ’s
(children’s toys – игрушки детей).
Слова, обозначающие время, пространство и вес, используются в
притяжательном падеже: today’s newspaper; a month’s leave. Это правило
распространяется и на слова, обозначающие города, страны, названия судов.
Артикль - это часть речи, которая используется с существительными.
В английском языке имеется 2 вида артикля: неопределенный a/an;
определенный the.
Продолжение прил. 2
Имя существительное может сочетаться как с определенным, так и с
неопределенным артиклем в зависимости от значения и употребления имени
существительного: a book; the book, the books.
Неопределенный артикль (a/an) произошел от числительного one
Поэтому неопределенный артикль употребляется только с исчисляемыми
существительными, стоящими в единственном числе.
Неопределенный артикль имеет две формы (a/an):
- артикль a употребляется перед слогом, начинающимся с согласного звука.
Например: a student, a post-graduate, a year, a university, a union, a European
- артикль an употребляется перед слогом, начинающимся с гласного звука.
Например: an article, an economist, an hour, an umbrella, an honest person.
Общее значение неопределенного артикля – это указание на принадлежность
предмета к какому-либо классу однородных предметов.
Иначе говоря, неопределенный артикль просто причисляет какой-либо
предмет к классу однородных предметов, но не выделяет его; сообщается
факт, какая-то новая информация; делается высказывание общего характера.
I wrote an article.
He is quite an expert in this field.
Tom bought a computer.
A woman is as old as she looks; a man is as old as he feels.
Определенный артикль the произошел от указательного местоимения this
(этот) и может употребляться с существительными в единственном и во
множественном числе перед:
а) существительным, обозначающим конкретный предмет:
Give me the book, which is on the table.
б) когда из ситуации ясно, о чем идет речь:
I have read a very interesting book. The book really impressed me.
в) существительным, единственным в своем роде: the sky, the moon, the
sun, the world, the capital
г) фамилией, имея в виду всех членов семьи: The Browns are my colleagues.
д) с порядковыми числительными: I live on the second floor.
е) названиями морей, рек, океанов: the Thames, the Black Sea, the Pacific
ж) названиями горных цепей, пустынь: the Urals, the Sahara
з) названиями театров, музеев, журналов, кораблей: the Hermitage, the
Times, the Titanic, the British Museum, the Bolshoy Theatre
и) названиями четырех сторон света: the North, the South, the East, the
Продолжение прил. 2
Артикль не употребляется перед:
а) неисчисляемыми существительными: milk, water, snow, money.
Do you like Russian food?
Но, если имеется в виду конкретная часть вещества, определенный артикль
The meat I have bought yesterday was very good.
б) существительными, обозначающими время принятия пищи: dinner,
supper, breakfast, lunch; время суток: morning, evening, afternoon; времена
года: summer, autumn, winter, spring
в) именами собственными: Mary is my daughter.
г) названиями городов, стран, континентов: Moscow, England, France,
America, Europe, Russia, Britain
д) названиями улиц, площадей, парков: Reagent Street, Trafalgar Square,
Red Square, Oxford Street, Fifth Avenue
е) словами, обозначающими направление: west, south
ж) названиями отдельных островов, горных вершин, заливов: Elbrus,
Jamaica, Malta.
В некоторых устойчивых словосочетаниях употребляется только
неопределенный артикль:
in a hurry - второпях
to have a mind to do – иметь желание, намерение что-то сделать
a great deal (с неисчисляемыми существительными) – много
as a result – в результате
a few – несколько
a little – немного
as a matter of fact – фактически, на самом деле
for a short time – в течение короткого времени
have a walk – погулять
have a rest – отдохнуть
have a shower – принять душ
drive a car - водить машину
В следующих словосочетаниях употребляется только определенный
it is out of the question – об этом не может быть и речи
in the original – в оригинале
on the whole – в целом
on the one hand… on the other hand – с одной стороны…с другой стороны
on the right (left) – справа (слева)
in the morning – утром
in the evening – вечером
in the afternoon – днем, после полудня
Продолжение прил. 2
at the cinema (the theatre) – в кино (в театре)
at the office – в офисе, на работе
in the army – в армии
in the country – в деревне, за городом
at the same time – в то же самое время
Некоторые словосочетания употребляются без артикля:
in time – вовремя
at present – в настоящее время
from morning till night – с утра до вечера
from beginning to end – с начала до конца
at home – дома
at work – за работой
by name – по имени
by chance – случайно
by heart – наизусть
by mistake – по ошибке
in conclusion – в заключение
Имя прилагательное
(The Adjective)
Английское прилагательное имеет только одну форму, не различаясь ни
по роду, ни по числу, обозначает признак предмета (a cold day, black hair) и
образует степени сравнения: сравнительную (comparative degree) и
превосходную (superlative degree).
У односложных и двусложных с окончаниями –y, -er, -ow (heavy, clever,
narrow) прилагательных сравнительная степень образуется при помощи
суффикса – er, превосходная степень при помощи суффикса – est. Суффиксы
добавляются к основе формы положительной степени.
Например: cold – colder – the coldest; cheap – cheaper – the cheapest; near –
nearer – the nearest, dirty – dirtier – the dirtiest, clever – cleverer – the cleverest.
У остальных двусложных и многосложных прилагательных
сравнительная степень образуется при помощи слова more, превосходная
при помощи – most.
Например: beautiful – more beautiful – the most beautiful; expensive - more
expensive - the most expensive.
Если прилагательное в положительной степени оканчивается на –y после
согласной, то окончание в сравнительной степени будет –ier (easy – easier) в
превосходной степени – iest (easiest).
Продолжение прил. 2
good – better – the best – хороший – лучше – самый хороший, лучший
bad – worse – the worst – плохой – хуже – самый плохой, худший
little – less – the least – малый – меньше - наименьший
many, much – more – the most – много – больше – больше всего
far – further – the furthest – далекий – более далекий – самый далекий
Для сравнения различных предметов употребляются конструкции as…as
(такой как), not as…as (не такой как), слово than (чем).
Например: His garden isn’t as beautiful as mine.
This car is more expensive than my brother’s.
4. Наречие
(The Adverb)
Наречие - часть речи, которая чаще всего следует за глаголом и
показывает, как совершается действие. В основном наречия образуются от
He works hard. - Он много работает.
Наречия делятся на простые, производные и сложные:
1) простые наречия – soon, fast, there, then, when, why, etc.;
2) производные наречия образуются с помощью суффикса –ly:
bad – badly ((плохой - плохо)
usual – usually (обычный - обычно)
day – daily (день - ежедневно)
part – partly (часть - частично)
Если прилагательное оканчивается на букву –y, то она меняется на букву
–i (easy - easily), если прилагательное оканчивается на –le, то буква –e
опускается (simple - simply);
3) cложные наречия образуются путем словосложения: sometimes,
meantime, anyway, midway (на полпути), overhead (наверху), at least (по
крайней мере), at first (сначала), in vain (напрасно).
Большинство наречий имеют только сравнительную степень, которая
образуется, как и у прилагательных с помощью слова more или окончания
–er. Превосходная степень с помощью слова most или окончания -est в
односложных наречиях.
Например: early – earlier – earliest; brightly – more brightly – most brightly;
slowly – more slowly – most slowly.
well – better – the best – хорошо – лучше – лучше всего
badly – worse – the worst – плохо – хуже – хуже всего
far – further – the furthest – далеко – дальше – дальше всего
Продолжение прил. 2
5. Местоимение (The Pronoun)
5.1. Личные местоимения
(Personal Pronouns)
Личные местоимения выступают в роли подлежащего или дополнения и
имеют два падежа: именительный падеж (the nominative case) и объектный
падеж (objective case).
именительный падеж
объектный падеж
I (я)
me (мне)
you (ты)
you (тебе)
he (он)
him (ему)
she (она)
her (ей)
it (для неодушевленных) it (ему, ей)
we (мы)
us (нам)
you (вы)
you (вам)
they (они)
them (им)
Tom – he; Ann – she; students – they; Russia – it; house – it; houses – they; dog –
it; dogs - they
После местоимения you глагол-сказуемое всегда стоит во множественном
Например: You are at home.
Личные местоимения в именительном падеже являются подлежащими, в
объектном падеже – дополнениями.
Например: I told her about the voyage.
He looked at us and went out.
Притяжательные местоимения
(Possessive Pronouns)
Притяжательные местоимения (чей?) имеют две формы: относительную
(основную) и абсолютную (самостоятельную). Относительная всегда стоит
перед существительным. Абсолютная заменяет его.
основная форма
абсолютная форма
Например: Is it your book?
Продолжение прил. 2
Yes, it is mine.
Указательные местоимения
(Demonstrative pronouns)
единственное число
this (этот, эта, это)
that (тот, та, то)
множественное число
these (эти)
those (те)
such (такой, такая, такое, такие)
Например: This book is very interesting.
Whose books are these?
Вопросительные местоимения
(Interrogative pronouns)
Who – кто; what - что, какой, какая, какое, какие; whose - чей; which который.
Вопросительное местоимение может употребляться с предлогом перед
местоимением или после него в конце предложения.
Например: About what are you speaking?
What are you speaking about?
Возвратные местоимения
(Reflexive pronouns)
Возвратные местоимения соответствуют возвратной частице – ся (-сь) в
глаголах или возвратному местоимению себя, себе, а также слову сам.
Имеют лицо и число.
Возвратные местоимения образуются прибавлением окончаний –self
(единственное число) и –selves (множественное число) к личным и
притяжательным местоимениям.
единственное число
множественное число
Например: I did the task myself. – Я сделал задание сам.
He wrote the report himself. – Он написал доклад сам.
They like to do everything themselves. – Они любят делать все сами.
Продолжение прил. 2
5.6. Неопределенные и отрицательные местоимения
(Indefinite and Negative pronouns)
some/any – какой/ая/ое-нибудь, либо
somebody/someone – кто-то
something – что-то
someone/anyone (somebody/anybody) – кто-то, кто-либо, кто-нибудь
anything – что-то, что-нибудь, что-либо
nobody/ no one – никто
nothing – ничто
one – любой
К неопределенным местоимениям относятся также: all, each, either,
neither, both, none.
- some, something, someone употребляются в утвердительных
- any, anybody, anything, anyone – в вопросительных и отрицательных
после частицы not;
- no, nobody, no one - в повествовательных предложениях с отрицанием.
I see something on the table.
I see nothing on the table.
There is no one at home.
I don’t see anything on the table.
Do you see anything on the table?
Местоимение one может употребляться:
а) чтобы избежать повторения исчисляемого существительного;
б) в значении «каждый», «всякий», «любой».
The report is the one I wanted.
One must know that it’s dangerous.
5.7. Слова, обозначающие количество
Местоимения many и much употребляются в значении много.
Many - перед исчисляемым существительным (many books, many people),
much - перед неисчисляемым (much money, much water).
Many, much употребляются чаще всего в вопросительных
отрицательных предложениях.
Have you got many friends? I haven’t much information.
Продолжение прил. 2
В утвердительных предложениях часто употребляются: a lot (of), lots of,
plenty (of).
A lot of my friends are students.
Местоимения few и little употребляются в значении мало.
Местоимение a few употребляется перед исчисляемыми существительными
(a few books, a few people), а местоимение a little – перед неисчисляемыми (a
little money, a little water).
Например: Few people understand the theory of relativity.
I have little interest in politics.
6. Глагол (The Verb)
6.1. Группа простых времен (Simple Tenses)
6.1.1. Настоящее простое время (The Present Simple Tense)
Утвердительная форма глагола в Present Simple совпадает с формой
инфинитива без частицы to во всех лицах, кроме третьего лица
единственного числа. В третьем лице единственном числе глагол принимает
окончание –s или –es. (Инфинитив = словарная форма = основная = первая =
неопределенная форма глагола).
I work
you work
he works
she works
it works
we work
you work
they work
Отрицательная и вопросительные формы глаголов в Present Simple
образуются при помощи вспомогательного глагола do (does – для третьего
лица единственного числа) и инфинитива смыслового глагола без частицы
I do not work.
He does not work.
Do you work?
Present Simple употребляется:
I don’t work.
He doesn’t work.
Does he work?
1. Для выражения действия, которое происходит обычно, постоянно.
Например: He studies at the University. – Он учится в университете.
I usually look through the newspapers in the morning. – Я обычно
просматриваю газеты утром.
Продолжение прил. 2
2. Для выражения действий, которые отражают объективные процессы в
природе и обществе.
Например: Water boils at 100 degrees Centigrade. – Вода кипит при 100◦ С.
Magnet attracts iron. – Магнит притягивает железо.
3. Для выражения действия, происходящего в данный момент с глаголами,
которые, как правило, не употребляются в Present Continuous: to be, to
see, to hear, to feel, to know, to understand, to recognize, etc.
Например: Now I understand the meaning of this word, but still I don’t know
how to use it. – Теперь я понимаю значение этого слова, но все еще не знаю
как использовать его.
обстоятельственных предложениях времени и условия после союзов: when,
while, till, until, after, as soon as, as long as, if, unless, on condition that,
Например: We shall make up the report together when you come to me. – Мы
составим доклад вместе, когда ты придешь ко мне.
Прошедшее простое время
(The Past Simple Tense)
Все английские глаголы делятся на правильные глаголы (watch, play и
др.) и неправильные глаголы (begin, give и др.).
Утвердительная форма правильных глаголов в Past Simple образуется
путем прибавления суффикса –ed к основной форме глагола.
Например: play – played, watch – watched, live –lived, marry – married.
Утвердительная форма неправильных глаголов является второй формой.
Например: see - saw, hear - heard, pay - paid, cost - cost, do – did, have – had,
be – was, were (см. таблицу форм неправильных глаголов в Приложении 3).
Отрицательная и вопросительная формы правильных и неправильных
глаголов в Past Simple образуется при помощи вспомогательного глагола did
и инфинитива смыслового глагола без частицы to.
Например: I did not (didn’t) read this article.
Did you begin to collect the material for your research?
Past Simple употребляется:
1. Для выражения действия, имевшего место в прошлом (yesterday,
Продолжение прил. 2
the day before yesterday, last week/month/year, etc., ago, the other day).
I became a post-graduate two years ago. – Я стал аспирантом два года назад.
In 2007 he entered the University. – Он поступил в университет в 2007 году.
2. Для выражения ряда последовательных действий, происходивших
одно за другим в прошлом.
Например: I came, I saw, I conquered. – Пришел, увидел, победил.
Будущее простое время
(The Future Simple Tense)
Future Simple образуется с помощью вспомогательных глаголов shall
(для первого лица) и will (для остальных лиц) и инфинитива смыслового
глагола без частицы to. В настоящее время имеется тенденция использовать
глагол will для всех лиц.
Например: I shall (will) prepare the translation in time. I’ll do it.
Отрицательная форма глагола в Future Simple образуется при помощи
отрицательной частицы not, которая ставится после вспомогательного
Например: I shall (will) not follow you. I shan’t follow you. I won’t follow you.
Вопросительная форма Future Simple образуется
вспомогательного глагола на место перед подлежащим.
Например: Shall I begin to answer? Will he come to the lecture?
6.2. Группа длительных времен (Continuous Tenses)
Настоящее длительное время
(The Present Continuous Tense)
В группе Continuous Tenses используется конструкция, состоящая из
формы глагола be и смыслового глагола с - ing окончанием (Participle I).
Формы глагола в Present Continuous образуются при помощи
вспомогательного глагола to be в форме Present Simple (am/is/are) и
причастия настоящего времени смыслового глагола (причастия I).
Например: I am reading a book now.
He is translating an article.
We are planning to go to London.
Для образования отрицательной формы частица not ставится после
вспомогательного глагола.
Например: I am not writing. I'm not writing.
Продолжение прил. 2
He is not writing. He isn’t writing.
Для образования вопросительной формы вспомогательный глагол
ставится перед подлежащим.
Например: Is he writing? Are we discussing the text?
Present Continuous употребляется:
1. Для выражения развертывающегося действия, происходящего в
данный момент в настоящем (now, at present, at the present
moment, at this moment, etc.).
Например: Do you realize what you are saying? – Ты понимаешь, что ты
What are you doing now? – Что ты сейчас делаешь?
2. Для подчеркивания непрерывности действия, которое происходит
не только в данный момент, но носит постоянный характер.
Например: He is writing a book now. – Он сейчас пишет книгу.
I am working on the thesis. – Я работаю над диссертацией.
3. Для выражения запланированного будущего действия.
Например: She is leaving for Moscow tonight. – Она уезжает в Москву завтра.
Прошедшее длительное время
(The Past Continuous Tense)
Формы Past Continuous образуются с помощью вспомогательного
глагола to be в форме Past Indefinite (was, were) и причастия I смыслового
Например: I was writing at that moment. He was making tea when I came.
Отрицательные и вопросительные формы образуются по аналогии с
Present Continuous, только глагол to be употребляется в Past Indefinite.
Past Continuous употребляется:
1.Для выражения развертывающегося действия, происходившего в
какой-то момент в прошлом (at that time, at 5o’clock yesterday, etc.).
Например: When I returned he was working at the article. – Когда я вернулся,
он работал над статьей.
They were walking along the street when I saw them. – Они гуляли по улице,
когда я увидел их.
Продолжение прил. 2
Будущее длительное время
(The Future Continuous Tense)
Future Continuous образуется с помощью вспомогательного глагола to be
в форме Future Simple (shall be, will be) и причастия I смыслового глагола.
Например: I shall be writing. I’ll be writing.
I will not be writing. Will you be writing?
Future Continuous употребляется для обозначения продолженного
действия, которое совершится в определенный момент в будущем.
Например: I shall already be working when you return. – Я буду уже работать,
когда ты вернешься.
6.3. Группа перфектных времен (Perfect Tenses)
6.3.1. Настоящее перфектное время (The Present Perfect Tense)
В группе Perfect Tenses используется глагольная конструкция, состоящая
из формы глагола have и смыслового глагола в форме причастия
прошедшего времени (Participle II) или 3-й формы глагола (правильные
глаголы - lived, arrived; неправильные глаголы - seen, done).
Present Perfect образуется с помощью вспомогательного глагола to have в
форме Present Simple (have, has) и причастия II (причастия прошедшего
времени) смыслового глагола.
I have worked.
I’ve worked.
He has worked.
He’s worked.
She has worked.
She’s worked.
You have worked. You’ve worked.
They have worked. They’ve worked.
В отрицательной форме после вспомогательного глагола употребляется
частица not.
Например: I have not written yet.
В вопросительных предложениях вспомогательный глагол ставится
перед подлежащим.
Например: Has he already written?
Продолжение прил. 2
Present Perfect употребляется:
1. Для выражения действия, законченного к настоящему моменту, но
связанного с настоящим (already, just, yet, ever, never, today, this
year/week/month, this morning, etc.).
Например: I have just written to him. – Я только что написал ему.
I haven’t seen him this month. – Я не видела его в этом месяце.
I have not seen him yet. – Я все еще не видела его.
2. Когда время совершения действия не упомянуто.
Например: Have you read anything about economics? - Вы читали чтонибудь по экономике?
3. Для обозначения действия, которое началось в прошлом и не
закончилось к данному моменту в настоящем, а продолжается и в этот
момент. В таких случаях обычно указывают период действия посредством
предлога for (в течение) или начальный момент действия в прошлом
посредством слова since (с тех пор как).
Например: I have lived here for four years. – Я живу здесь 4 года.
He has studied English since childhood. – Он изучает английский язык с
Прошедшее перфектное время
(The Past Perfect Tense)
Past Perfect образуется с помощью вспомогательного глагола to have в
Past Simple (had для всех лиц) и причастия II смыслового глагола.
I had worked.
I’d worked.
He had worked. He’d worked.
Past Perfect употребляется для выражения действия, которое
совершилось ранее другого действия в прошлом. Глагол, обозначающий
более позднее действие, употребляется в Past Simple.
Например: My watch stopped as I had not wound it up. – Мои часы
остановились, так как я не завел их.
Для выражения действия, которое совершилось к данному моменту в
прошлом. Этот данный момент в прошлом выражается такими
обозначениями времени как by that time, by three o’clock, by the evening, by
the end of the month, etc.
Например: By that time I had finished the first chapter of my thesis. – К тому
времени я закончил первую главу диссертации.
Продолжение прил. 2
Будущее перфектное время
(The Future Perfect Tense)
Future Perfect образуется с помощью вспомогательного глагола to have в
форме Future Simple (shall have, will have) и причастия II смыслового
I shall have written. He will have written.
They will not have written.
Will he have written?
Future Perfect употребляется для выражения будущего действия, которое
совершается ранее другого будущего действия.
Например: Before you come we shall have fulfilled the task. – Мы выполним
задание, до того как ты придешь.
6.4. Группа перфектно-длительных времен (Perfect Continuous Tenses)
Настоящее перфектно-длительное время
(The Present Perfect Continuous Tense)
В группе Perfect Continuous Tenses используется глагольная
конструкция, состоящая из have been и смыслового глагола в форме
причастия настоящего времени (Participle I - doing)
Present Perfect Continuous образуется с помощью вспомогательного
глагола to be в форме Present Perfect (have been, has been) и причастия I
смыслового глагола.
I have been writing. We have been writing.
I have not (haven’t) been writing.
Has he been writing?
Present Perfect Continuous употребляется для выражения действия,
которое началось в прошлом, продолжалось в течение некоторого времени и
все еще продолжается в настоящее время и переводится на русский язык
глаголом в настоящем времени.
Например: She has been working here for five years. - Она работает здесь пять
How long have they been living in London? – Как давно они живут в Лондоне?
Present Perfect Continuous употребляется с такими обозначениями времени:
for, since.
Продолжение прил. 2
6.4.2. Прошедшее перфектно-длительное время.
(The Past Perfect Continuous Tense)
Past Perfect Continuous образуется с помощью вспомогательного глагола
to be в форме Past Perfect (had been) и причастия I смыслового глагола.
I had been writing. He had been writing.
We had not (hadn’t) been writing.
Had she been writing?
Past Perfect Continuous Tense употребляется для выражения
прошедшего действия, которое продолжалось в прошлом некоторый период
времени, закончилось при наступлении второго, более позднего прошедшего
действия или закончилось к данному моменту в прошлом (by…).
Например: I had been writing my exercises for two hours when my friend came. Я писал упражнения два часа, когда пришел мой друг.
By three o’clock he had been working in the library for two hours. - К трем часам
он уже (про) работал в библиотеке два часа.
6.4.3. Будущее перфектно-длительное время.
(The Future Perfect Continuous Tense)
Future Perfect Continuous образуется с помощью вспомогательного
глагола to be в форме Future Perfect (shall have been, will have been) и
причастия I смыслового глагола.
I shall have been writing.
He will not have been writing.
Will they have been writing?
Future Perfect Continuous употребляется для выражения будущего
действия, которое, начавшись в будущем, будет продолжаться в течение
некоторого периода времени до наступления другого, более позднего
будущего действия или момента.
Например: Before the new machine is stopped tomorrow morning, it will have
been working for three hours. - До того, как новая машина будет остановлена
завтра утром, она будет работать три часа.
Продолжение прил. 2
Страдательный залог
(Passive voice)
The book is
The book is being
The book has
been written
The book was
The book was being
The book had been
The book will be
The book will
have been written
И в русском, и в английском языках существует два залога:
действительный залог (the Active Voice) и страдательный залог (the Passive
Формы глагола в страдательном залоге образуются при помощи
вспомогательного глагола to be в соответствующем времени, лице, числе и
причастия II смыслового глагола.
В действительном залоге лицо или предмет сам совершает действие.
Например: He broke the cup. – Он разбил чашку.
В страдательном залоге это лицо или предмет испытывает действие,
совершаемое другим предметом или лицом. Говорящего в первую очередь
интересует объект действия, в нашем случае – чашка (the cup).
Например: The cup was broken by him. – Чашка была разбита им.
Если нужно выразить, кем выполнено действие, то используется предлог by
(для одушевленных предметов) и with (инструмент действия).
Модальные глаголы
(Modal Verbs)
Модальные глаголы сами действия не выражают, они обязательно имеют
при себе смысловой глагол. I can do that. – Я могу это сделать.
Модальный глагол в сочетании с инфинитивом образует в предложении
составное глагольное сказуемое.
Модальные глаголы выражают значение возможности, необходимости,
вероятности, желательности и т.п.
Модальные глаголы не имеют всего набора глагольных форм, т.е. это
неполные глаголы.
Продолжение прил. 2
После модальных глаголов (кроме ought) частица to не ставится.
I can speak English.
К модальным глаголам окончание –s не прибавляется.
I must do that. She must do that.
В вопросительной форме модальный глагол ставится перед подлежащим.
Can you do it?
May I do it?
Must he do it?
Need he do it?
Ought she to do it?
Should we do it?
В отрицательной форме частица not ставится сразу же после модального
глагола. Глагол can и отрицательная частица пишутся слитно: cannot.
He cannot do it.
8.1. Модальный глагол can
(The modal verb can)
Can выражает:
1) физическую или умственную способность
He can sing perfectly. - Он очень хорошо умеет петь.
She can speak English. - Она может говорить на английском языке.
I could not go to the theatre because I was busy. – Я не смог пойти в театр,
так как был занят.
You cannot cross the street here. – Вы не можете переходить улицу здесь.
2) вежливую просьбу
Could you give us advice? - Не могли бы вы дать нам совет? (Дайте,
пожалуйста, нам совет.)
Настоящее время: can - I can’t lift my suitcase, it’s too heavy. – Я не могу
поднять чемодан, он слишком тяжелый.
Прошедшее время: could – I couldn’t understand what was going on. – Я не
мог поныть, что происходит.
К модальному глаголу can близка конструкция be able to: I won’t be able
to meet you at the airport. – Я не смогу встретить тебя в аэропорту.
Продолжение прил. 2
8.2. Модальный глагол may
(The modal verb may)
May выражает:
1) просьбу о разрешении выполнить действие
May I use your phone? – Можно воспользоваться вашим телефоном?
(Can I use your phone? – тоже возможно использовать в этом значении).
2) предположение
It may rain soon. - Вероятно, скоро пойдет дождь.
8.3. Модальный глагол must
(The modal verb must)
Must выражает обязанность, необходимость, вынужденное действие.
You must be on duty now. - Ты должен быть на дежурстве сейчас.
К модальному глаголу must близка конструкция have to: We have to pay
our taxes. – Мы должны платить налоги.
Настоящее время: must, have to, has to – You must stop smoking. – Ты
должен бросить курить.
She has to study a lot. – Она вынуждена много заниматься.
Прошедшее время: had to – He had to work last Saturday. – Ему пришлось
работать в прошлую субботу.
8.4. Модальные глаголы should и ought
(The modal verb should and ought)
Should и ought близки по значению и выражают совет, рекомендацию,
You ought to study well. – Тебе следует учиться хорошо.
You should help about the house. – Вам следует помогать по дому.
9. Неличные формы глагола
(The Non-finite forms of the verb)
Инфинитив, герундий и причастие называют неличными формами
глагола, так как они не могут изменяться ни по числам, ни по лицам.
Продолжение прил. 2
(The Infinitive)
Infinitive Simple
to write (active)
Infinitive Continuous
to be writing
Infinitive Perfect
to have written
to have been writing
to have been written
Инфинитив соответствует в русском языке неопределенной форме
глагола. Я забыл закрыть окно. – I forgot to close the window.
образуется с
отрицательной частицы not, которая ставится перед инфинитивом.
Simple Infinitive Active и Passive употребляется для выражения действия,
одновременного с действием, обозначенным глаголом-сказуемым в
предложении, в настоящем, прошедшем и будущем времени.
I am glad to meet you. – Я рад встретиться с тобой.
I was glad to meet you. – Я был рад встретиться с тобой.
He will be glad to see you. – Я буду рад встретиться с тобой.
Continuous Infinitive употребляется для выражения действия в процессе
обозначенным глаголом – сказуемым в предложении.
They happened at that moment to be standing near a small garden. - Оказалось,
что в тот момент они стояли у маленького садика.
Perfect Infinitive употребляется для выражения действия, которое
предшествует действию, обозначенному глаголом-сказуемым.
I am glad to have seen you. - Я рад, что видел вас.
9.1.1. Сложное дополнение
(Complex Object)
Complex Object состоит из существительного или местоимения в
объектном падеже и инфинитива. На русский язык переводится придаточным
I consider him to be the best person for this job. - Я считаю, что он лучший
человек для этой работы.
Продолжение прил. 2
Everybody expected her to marry Pete. - Все ожидали, что она выйдет замуж
за Пита.
Сложное подлежащее
(Complex Subject)
Complex Subject состоит из существительного или местоимения в
именительном падеже и инфинитива. Существительное (местоимение) и
инфинитив разделяет сказуемое.
Mary is said to resemble me. - Говорят, что Мери похожа на меня.
Mr.Brown was heard to laugh heartily. - Слышали, как Мистер Браун смеялся
от души.
He was thought to be honest and kindly. – Думали, что он честный и добрый.
He was made to put on his clothes. – Его заставили одеться.
(The Gerund)
Герундий – это неличная форма глагола, соединяющая в себе свойства
существительного и глагола. Герундий не имеет точного соответствия в
русском языке и зачастую употребляется после предлога.
My brother is fond of playing computer games. – Мой брат любит играть в
компьютерные игры.
Indefinite Active - writing
Perfect Active - having written
Indefinite Passive - being written
Perfect Passive - having been written
He is interested in collecting books. - Он интересуется коллекционированием
He was interested in collecting books. - Он интересовался
коллекционированием книг.
He will be interested in collecting books. - Он будет интересоваться
коллекционированием книг.
I relied on his having been informed in this sphere. - Я полагался на то, что он
информирован в этой сфере.
(The Participle)
Причастие – это неличная форма глагола, которая обладает свойствами
глагола, прилагательного и наречия.
В английском языке существует 2 вида причастий: Participle I (Present
Participle) plan – planning –планирующий, do – doing - делающий.
Продолжение прил. 2
Participle II (Past Participle) planned - запланированный, done –
9.3.1. Причастие I
(Participle I)
Причастие I имеет четыре формы:
Simple active
Perfect active
- writing
- having written
Simple passive - being written
Perfect passive - having been written
Participle I Simple употребляется для выражения действия,
одновременного с действием, выраженным глаголом-сказуемым в
предложении в настоящем, прошедшем и будущем времени.
When reading the book, one can’t help laughing. – Читая книгу, невозможно не
When reading the book, one couldn’t help laughing. - Читая книгу, невозможно
было не рассмеяться.
When reading the book, one will laugh all the time. - Читая книгу, будете
смеяться все время.
Participle I Perfect употребляется для выражения действия,
предшествующего действию, выраженному глаголом-сказуемым в
предложении в настоящем, прошедшем и будущем времени.
They were old friends, having been to school together. - Они были старыми
друзьями, так как вместе учились в школе.
9.3.2. Причастие II
(Participle II)
Participle II имеет одну неизменяемую форму. От правильных глаголов
причастие II образуется при помощи окончания – ed (- d). Причастие II
неправильных глаголов дается в словаре как третья форма глагола (см.
таблицу форм неправильных глаголов в Приложении 3).
Например: а broken cup (разбитая чашка), a broken chair (сломанный стул),
the problem discussed at the meeting (проблема, обсуждавшаяся на собрании),
a newspaper published in Moscow (газета, издаваемая в Москве).
Сложное дополнение с причастием
(The Objective Participial Construction)
Сложное дополнение с причастием обычно соответствует в русском
языке придаточному предложению с союзами «что», «как».
Продолжение прил. 2
I could hear him reading aloud. - Я мог слышать, как он читает вслух.
9.3.4. Сложное подлежащее с причастием
(The Subjective Participial Construction)
Сложное подлежащее с причастием употребляется при сказуемом,
выраженном глаголами физического и умственного восприятия.
They were heard talking together. - Слышали, как они вместе разговаривали.
I saw the letter burning. – Я видел, как горело письмо.
9.3.5. Абсолютная причастная конструкция
(The Nominative Absolute Participial Construction)
Абсолютная причастная конструкция состоит из существительного в
общем падеже, личного местоимения в именительном падеже или
указательного местоимения и причастия.
The door of the vacant room being open, we came in. - Так как дверь
пустой комнаты была открыта, мы вошли.
Приложение 3
Таблица неправильных глаголов
(I форма)
to be
to become
to begin
to break
to bring
to build
to burn
to buy
to choose
to come
to cut
to do
to draw
to drink
to drive
to eat
to fall
to feel
to fight
to find
to fly
to forget
to get
to give
to go
Past Simple
(II форма)
was, were
Participle II
(III форма)
гореть, жечь
рисовать, тащить
водить машину
бороться, сражаться
получать, становиться
идти, ехать
to grow
to hang
to have
to hear
to hold
to keep
to know
to lead
to learn
to leave
to let
to light
to lose
to make
to meet
to mean
to put
to read
to ring
to run
to say
to see
to sell
to send
to set
to show
to shut
to sing
to sit
to sleep
to speak
to spend
to swim
to take
to teach
to tell
to think
to throw
to understand
to win
to write
содержать, хранить
учить (ся)
значить, означать
сказать, говорить
помещать, ставить
проводить, тратить
Введение …………………………………………………………...
Рекомендации по выполнению контрольных работ …………….
Порядок выполнения и оформления контрольных работ ………
Требования на экзамене (зачете) …………………………………
Контрольная работа № 1
Вариант № 1 ………………………………………………………….
Вариант № 2 ………………………………………………………….
Вариант № 3 ………………………………………………………….
Вариант № 4 ………………………………………………………….
Вариант № 5 ………………………………………………………….
Вариант № 6 ………………………………………………………….
Вариант № 7 ………………………………………………………….
Вариант № 8 ………………………………………………………….
Вариант № 9 ………………………………………………………….
Вариант № 10 ………………………………………………………...
Контрольная работа № 2
Вариант № 1 ……………………………………………………….....
Вариант № 2 ………………………………………………………….
Вариант № 3 ………………………………………………………….
Вариант № 4 ………………………………………………………….
Вариант № 5 ………………………………………………………….
Вариант № 6 ………………………………………………………….
Вариант № 7 ………………………………………………………….
Вариант № 8 ………………………………………………………….
Вариант № 9 ………………………………………………………….
Вариант № 10 ………………………………………………………...
Тексты для аудиторного чтения
I. Промышленное и гражданское строительство
(Civil Engineering)
Текст 1 Housing ………………………………………………………
Текст 2 The Development of the House ………………………………….
Текст 3 Home, Sweet Home ……………………………………………
II. Пожарная безопасность в строительстве
(Fire Safety in Building)
Текст 1 Basic Principles of Fire Protection and Design against Fire ………...
Текст 2 The History of Fire Prevention and Protection Abroad ……………..
Текст 3 Fire Research Work and Training of Fire Safety Engineers …………
III. Дорожное строительство (Road Engineering)
Текст 1 Right-of-way ………………………………………………….
Текст 2 Pavement Structural Layers …………………………………….
Текст 3 Side Ditches …………………………………………………...
IV. Экономика и управление (Economy and Management)
Текст 1 Personnel Management …………………………………………
Текст 2 Legal Forms of Business ………………………………………..
Текст 3 Pricing, Promotion, Distribution …………………………………
V. Автоматизация технологических процессов
(Automation of Technological Processes)
Текст 1 The History of the Internet ……………………………………...
Текст 2 The Internet …………………………………………………...
Текст 3 Going Online ………………………………………………….
VI. Городское строительство (Urban Construction and Utilities)
Текст 1 Acquiring Land for Industrial Construction ……………………….
Текст 2 Allocation of Land for Construction Project ………………………
Текст 3 Survey ………………………………………………………..
VII. Строительные и дорожные машины
(Mechanical Engineering)
Текст 1 Components of the Automobile ………………………………….
Текст 2 Components of Tractors ………………………………………..
Текст 3 Principal Mechanisms of Crawler-mounted Tractors ………………
VIII. Строительные материалы (Building Materials)
Текст 1 The House …………………………………………………….
Текст 2 Egyptian Pyramids……………………………………………..
Текст 3 Some Building Professions ……………………………………..
IX. Отопление и вентиляция (Heating and Ventilation)
Текст 1 Air Conditioning ………………………………………………
Текст 2 Systems of Heating …………………………………………….
Текст 3 Modern Heating and Ventilation ………………………………...
X. Водоснабжение и водоотведение
(Water Supply and Water Disposal)
Текст 1 Purification ……………………………………………………
Текст 2 Water Supply ………………………………………………….
Текст 3 Sewerage ……………………………………………………...
Устные темы (Oral Topics)
О себе (Student’s Life) ………………………………………………...
Университет (Our University) ………………………………………….
Заключение ………………………………………………………...
Библиографический список ………………………………………
Приложение 1. Правила чтения …………………………………
Приложение 2. Грамматический справочник …………………..
Приложение 3. Таблица неправильных глаголов ………………
Учебное издание
Лукина Людмила Владимировна
Крячко Лилия Николаевна
Нестерова Ольга Федоровна
Сидорова Наталья Владимировна
Контрольные работы
Учебно-методическое пособие
Отпечатано в авторской редакции
Подписано в печать 6.05. 2009. Формат 60 × 84 1/16. Уч.-изд. л. 7,9.
Усл.-печ. л. 8,0. Бумага писчая. Тираж 610 экз. Заказ №
Отпечатано: отдел оперативной полиграфии Воронежского
государственного архитектурно-строительного университета
394006 Воронеж, ул.20-летия Октября, 84