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China and Nuclear Weapons
Facts and Figures
 1953: Research begins on nuclear capabitities
• research spark delivered by Soviets
• first weapon provided in exchange for Chinese help in mines
• Later technology also given to Chinese from USSR
 1958: First uranium-enrichment plant
 1964: First nuclear bomb’ tests in Lop Nur
 1967: Test of the first hydrogen bomb
 1996: Last nuclear test
Lop Nur Test Site
Invention history
 The Soviet Union provided assistance in the early
Chinese program by sending advisers to help in
the facilities devoted to fissile material production
 In October 1957 USSR agreed to provide a
prototype bomb, missiles, and related technology.
The Chinese, who preferred to import technology
and components to developing them within China,
exported uranium to the Soviet Union, and the
Soviets sent two R-2 missiles in 1958
Test History
 1958 - China was already opposed to
Khrushchev's post-Stalin policy of "peaceful
 June 1959 - the two nations formally ended their
agreement on military and technology
USA position
 The American government was concerned about
the program and studied ways to sabotage or
attack it, perhaps with the aid of Taiwan or the
Soviet Union, but Khrushchev was not interested.
 The Chinese conducted their first nuclear test,
code-named 596, on 16 October 1964, and
acknowledged that their program would have been
impossible to complete without the Soviet help.
Test History
 Recent testing
• Last test was underground in 1996
• No test details have been released since
• Have only tested 5% as many weapons as US and
• Had slowed in comparison to US and USSR/Russian
 The number of nuclear warheads in China's
arsenal is a state secret, unofficially – 260 in 2015.
 Currently believed to have weapons technology
comparable to all other major nuclear powers
 May have weapons with yields on the order of
tens to hundreds of kilotons
 US believes the Chinese could "more than double"
the "number of warheads on missiles that could
threaten the United States by the mid-2020's"
Political course - white paper
 Early in 2011, China published a defense white
paper, which repeated its nuclear policies of
maintaining a minimum deterrent with a no-firstuse pledge. Yet China has to define what it means
by a "minimum deterrent posture". This, together
with the fact that "it is deploying four new
nuclear-capable ballistic missiles, invites concern
as to the scale and intention of China’s nuclear