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Ход урока

Ход урока
I. Организационный момент.
Good morning, boys and girls!
Cl.: Good morning, teacher!
T.: I’m glad to see you!
Cl.: We are glad to see you, too!
T.: How are you today?
Cl.: We are fine, thank you.
T.: Sit down, please.
So Lets Smile to each other and begin our lesson.
And At the beginning of our lesson let's check your home work
Open page fifty eight exercise one.
So, lets start
(Спрашиваю любого)
Great job, guys!
And next exercise is number one on page sixty.
Well done!
Теперь давайте разделимся на три команды . ( you will be the first team you will be the
second you will be the third)
1. 2. Введение в ситуацию общения.
Please, look at the screen. What pictures do you see?
In English please. There are photos of famous people at the screen.
(The first teem answers
What does the second team think about it?
What does the third team say? )
Can you guess the topic of our lesson?
Anybody knows?
(слайд1 - портреты известных людей).
You are right; we are going to speak about famous people.
2. Основная часть. 40 мин.
2. 1. Фронтальная работа (закрепление лексического материала по теме”Professions”). 2 мин.
There are people of different professions among celebrities. Let’s revise the names of some professions. Look
at the slide and give the names of the professions (слайд2 - приложение 1).
(Каждая команда называет по одной профессии по очереди
The first team answers- WHO IS THIS
And the second team answers-WHO IS THIS
And the third-WHO IS THIS)
Thank you. Now open please page sixty exercise three. Try to remember as many facts as you can about
Shakira. Don t look at the text.
Each team describes Shakira. Then we will check that you know about her. The team who will be the first will
get one point. But also you should do your exercise properly.
You have five minutes.
So the time is over! Let s check!(The second team, the third, the first)
It’s great. Thank you very much.
Now each team will be taken a photo of well known person . Don t show your photo to other teams. You
should describe the person on the picture. Is it clear?
Also you will be got a text about your person.
Then one of each teams will tell us about his or her famous person.Ok?
You have twelve minutes.
So, your time is over. Let s check your exercise.
The third team go to the blackboard. Tell us about your person. GREAT JOB!
The first WELL DONE
The second IT IS GREAT
Each team is got one more point.
Now open page 60 exc. 5. Listening. Раздаю листочки чистые с таблицей. Ребят.заполняем таблицу
Listen and match the people to their hobbies..
(Слушаем 3 раза )
Делаем 3 минуты.
Проверяем по командам
It s wonderful , thank you.
Now we are going to speak about American TV Families. Do you know The Simpsons?
It s a very popular TV show all over the world. It s about a funny cartoon family from Springfield ,
Let s read about the Simpsons
But at first listen to me. I will tell you about Bart and Homer Simpsons.
Вы следите за мной, читаю перевожу, объясняю суть
Лиза 1 команда
Мэги 2 команда
Мардж 3 команда
Читаем переводим . За правильность – 1 балл
5 минут.
1 команда
Good job!
Now we will remember Present Simple.
What do you know about this tense?
Как вы знаете в англ языке существует 12 времен, сегодня мы с вами будем повторять самое
простое настоящее время. Оно так и переводится.
Давайте откроем стр 67 номер 6
Я читаю вы следите и вместе переводим.
Действие этого времени определяется регулярностью. У него
есть слова помощники. Которые всегда сопровождают
предложения этого времени.
sometimes = иногда.
always = всегда.
seldom= редко.
usually = обычно.
оften = часто.
every morning = каждое утро.
every evening = каждый вечер.
every week = каждую неделю.
every month = каждый месяц.
every year= каждый год. и.т.д.
every day = каждый день.
Структура предложения PRESENT SIMPLE
Подлеж + V (S, ES) + второст. чл. предл.
I play- Я играю He plays – Он играет
You play - Ты играешь She plays- Она играет
They play – Они играют It plays – Оно играет
We play – Мы играем
They often read English books.
He always reads in the evening.
He is usually at his office in the morning.
We seldom go to the cinema.
I meet with my friends from Miami every week.
You are often late for your work.
We rarely meet in the mornings
2) Определите, относятся ли эти предложения к Present Simple.
1.Я всегда делаю уроки.
2.Они сейчас делают уроки.
3. Он только что прочитал книгу.
4.Каждый год я отдыхаю у бабушки в деревне.
5.Обычно, я просыпаюсь в 7 утра.
So our lesson is over
Сейчас я раздам вам листочки и вам нужно будет нарисоватьсмайлики
Понравился вам урок/ не поравился/ или урок средний
Thank you very much. Good buy!