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Английский язык

Английский язык
Кафедра «Иностранные языки -1»
Английский язы к
Рекомендовано редакционно-издательским советом
университета в качестве сборника тестовых заданий
для студентов 1 курса 1 семестра всех специальностей
ИУИТа, Гуманитарного института, Юридического
института и Вечернего отделения
под редакцией Федоткиной ЕВ.
МОСКВА-2 0 0 8
УДК 42
А 64
Апресян К.Г., Дронова Н.А., Кометиани Е.А., Коткова И.Б.,
Мохнаткина Г.В., Роговая Н.М., Русакова Н.В., Солопенко Т.А.,
Угольникова И.А. Английский язык. Сборник тестовых заданий
/ под редакцией Федоткиной Е.В. - М.: МИИТ, 2008. - 92 с.
Сборник тестовых заданий для студентов 1 курса 1 семестра
всех специальностей ИУИТ, Гуманитарного института,
Юридического института и Вечернего отделения представляет
труд преподавателей
«Иностранные языки - 1»: ГСТ, тест по англоязычным странам
-- Роговая Н.М., ГГУ - Апресян К.Г., ГСЛ - Угольникова И.А.,
ГПС, ГСО, ГМН, ГРК - Мохнаткина Г.В., ИТ - Русакова Н.В.,
УПП - Солопенко Т.А., Дронова Н.А., ЮИД - Кометиани Е.А.,
вечернее отделение - Коткова И.Б. Задания составлены на
основе утвержденных учебников и соответствуют «Рабочим
программам» по курсу дисциплины «Иностранный язык».
©Московский государственный университет
сообщения (МИИТ), 2008
Контрольное задание № 1
Вариант 1
Выберите правильный вариант
1. Не ... to London to take part in the conference last week,
a) goes
b)w ent
c) has been
2. They (already) ... at the hotel.
a) arrive
b) arrived
c) have arrived
3. Every year a lot o f holidaymakers ... by car.
a) travel
b) travelled
c) have travelled
4. Next month we ... sport facilities o f our resort.
a) improve
b) improved
c)shall improve
5. International tourism ... now.
a) develop
b) developed
c) is developed
6. Tourism necessarily ... travel; a tourist is usually defined
as a person visiting some places other than his usual residence
for more than 24 hours.
a) involve
b) involves
c) involved
7. In fact, visitors spending the night on board the ship ... as
same-day visitors and not tourists.
a)are classified
b) is classified
8. Personal motives ... congresses and other meetings - trips
undertaken to attend a congress or other types o f meetings for
non-profit motives.
9. I'm going on holiday for ... of weeks this summer.
a) a couple
b) a little
c) a great deal
10. Everyone has to pay taxes, ...?
a) doesn't one
b) don't you
c) don't they
II. К словам
иг первого столбика подберите
определения ш второго столбика_________________
a) those who travel because they have no
1. holidaymakers
b) those who travel for their vacation
2. hikers
c) those who travel by walking across
3. nomads
the country for pleasure
4. a trip
d) a journey in a plane
e) a short journey on a bicycle o ra horse
f) travelling with a short time staying in
a place
Вариант 2
Выберите правильный вариант
1. The main purpose o f our last year journey ... for health
a) is
b) was
c) has been
2. A 6 o ’clock train ... according to the schedule.
a) arrives
c) have arrived
3. After the future exams he ... on a trip with his parents.
a) goes
b) went
c) is going
4. Businessmen ... a meeting this week.
a) have
c) are having
5. Inbound tourism ... that people who live in another
country come to visit the country where you live.
a) mean
b) means
c) meaning
6. Many people ... entirely for the purpose o f recreation or
pleasure; they are people on holiday.
b) travelled
c)are travelling
7. The excursionist ... a foreign visitor whose stay does not
exceed 24 houts.
a) is
c) has been
8. Personal motives ... health-trips for medical reasons
either to receive medical care or to improve health.
a) include
b) includes
c) includes
9. No sooner ... all our work than we were given more to do.
a) had we done
b) have we done
c) do we do
10. "I've never eaten caviar." "... have I".
a) So
b) Too
c) Neither
К словам из первого столбика подберите
определения из второго столбика___________
1. immigrants
a) those who travel from their native lands
to your country
2. trippers
b) those who travel because they want to
make anothe r c ountry the ir home
inbound c) those who travel to a nearby attraction for
a short period for pleasure
4. a voyage
d) a journey in a car
e )a planned journey o f an official person or
a group
f) a long journey in a boat or a ship
Вариант 3
Выберите правильны й вариант
1. They ... fora drive tomorrow.
a) go
b) will go
c) are going
2. Passengers ... a lot o f mistakes when they were filling
their customs declarations at the airport.
a) made
b) have made
c) had made
3. Their partners (already) ... for the airport in order not to
miss their flight.
a) leave
c) have left
4. He usually ... this spa to improve his health in June or
a) visit
b) visits
c) visited
5. On the 8th ofJuly they always ... fora ride.
a) go
b) are going
c)w ent
6. People who ... to work in a foreign country have different
motives for travelling than other visitors.
a) travel
b) travelled
c) travels
7. Excursionist tourism ... particularly important for small
countries like the Caribbean Islands.
a) have been
b) is
8. The differential in tourist prices between countries ... a
result of their different salary levels.
a.) have been
b) is
9. Very ... tourists ever go to that holiday resort,
a) few
b) little
c) many
]0. There was hardly ... food left when we arrived at the
a) any
К словам из первого столбика подберите
______ определения из второго столбика__________
domestic a) those who travel daily on the
same route to work
outbound b) residents o f a particular country,
going abroad
3. commuters
c) residents of a country who travel
within their national borders
4. a journey
d)an act o f travelling to the nearest
e) travelling by sea
f) travelling to a place that is faraway
Контрольное задание № 2
Вариант 1
Переведите предложения с английского
языка на русский
1. Tourism may be defined as the science, art and business of
attracting and transporting people, accommodating them,
and catering to their needs and wants.
2. As an industry, tourism is a dynamic, evolving consumerdriven force.
3. It is the world's laigest industry, with approximately $ 3.5
trillion in gross output.
4. It Is the employer o f 183 million people.
5. This represents 10.2 per cent o f the global workforce.
6. By employing one out o f every ten workers, travel and
tourism are the world’s largest employer.
7. As an industry, tourism is expected to grow much fester
than othersectors, especially international travel.
8. Growing so rapidly, tourism presents both tremendous
opportunities and challenges.
9. Although a mature industry, tourism is a young profession.
10. In addition to their original expenditures, tourists produce
secondary impacts on local economy.
Ответьте на вопросы
1. Do you like to travel by train?
2. With a train you have speed, comfort and pleasure
combined, don’t you?
3. What is there on the railway platform?
4. Is Russia rich in mineral resources?
5. What is the total area of Russia?
III. Переведите слова:
Cany - carrier - carriage
Pack - package - packaging
Comfort - comfortable comfortless
comfortably -
comforting -
Вариант 2
Переведите предложения с английского
языка на русский
The tourist business deals with promotion, transportation
and accommodation. Tour wholesalers design and package
Tour operators sell tour packages to tourists and act as
escorts (guides).
Travel agencies sell on behalf o f airlines, rail and bus
The transportation businesses ate airlines, cruise lines,
rental auto and bus companies.
The accommodation businesses ate motels (hotels for
motorists), resort hotels (hotels in exotic places for people
on holiday).
Destination-management companies ate organizations in
charge o f developing and implementing tourist programs
in the areas attractive to tourists.
The tourist market is divided into segments (user-groups)
according to the buying possibilities o f the clients: mass,
middle and luxury markets.
People who travel with a group make a group inclusive
People who prefer to travel alone are called independent.
When the people are taught to deal with ecology o f the
region they are visiting, they are called ecotourists.
Ответьте на вопросы
Have you ever been up in a plane?
How do you get on board the plane?
What is the busiest international airport in the world?
Who is the head o f our University?
Do you get a grant?
III. Переведите слова:
Freight - freighter
A ir - aircraft - airless - airfield - aircrew
Appoint - appointee - appointment
Контрольное задание № 3
Вариант 1
Переведите предложения с английского
языка на русский
A lot o f tourists attractions and destinations in Europe and
in Asia have suffered from the development o f tourism.
If they don’t create a special environmental programme,
the damage done by the unthinking tourism will be
Economic flows generated by international tourism have
become essential factors o f economic growth for many
The monument had been restored before the resort was
He filled in the registration card and then he booked the
The future o f the Alpine ecosystem depends on the
behaviour o f millions of tourists.
The trains that go to and from London are very crowded at
the time when people are traveling to work every day.
8. There are cheap tickets after a certain time o f the day,
usually about 9.30 when everyone has gone to work.
9. Many people in Britain live a long way from their work,
they often travel by train from the suburbs into the town
center to wo tic.
10. These people are called commuters.
Переведите предложения с русского язы ка
на английский
Какой у вас чудесный загар! - Спасибо за
Мне нравится бездельничать на пляже и плескаться в
Мы живем в десяти м илях от побережья.
Я сыт по горло рыбалкой.
Мне нравится идея провести отпуск на море.
Ответьте на вопросы.
1. Is it necessary to protect nature in tourist areas? Why?
2. What are the key factors in minimizing damage through
3. What touris t attractions do you know in Russ ia?
4. What seas wash the borders o f the Russian Federation?
5. What subject is the most difficult for you and why?
Вариант 2
Переведите предложения с английского
язы ка на русский
1. Before the travellers visited this national park, their guide
had provided them with the instruction how to behave
2. The industry of tourism wasn’t greatly developed at the
beginning of the 20th century'.
3. Successful ecotourism muststart with careful planning.
4. There are some effective ways o f environmental
protection which are needed to save environment in tourist
5. If the economic forecast had been made properly we
would have easily determined target markets.
6. It Is very necessary to provide travellers with special
instructions on how to behave to best preserve the places
7. On many fast trains to London there is a dining-car in
which you can buy lunch, dinner or coffee.
8. Sometimes a waiter from the dining-car brings round cups
o f coffee to the passengers.
9. There are only two classes in Britain - first and second.
10. A first-class ticket costs 50% more than a second-class
ticket does.
Переведите предложения с русского язы ка
на английский:
Он пишет книгу о своих путешествиях в Африке.
Это-трехдневное путешествие на поезде.
Мысль о путешествии по Атлантике приводила ее в
Круиз по Средиземному морю обешдл много
Вам придется путешествовать одному.
О тветьте на вопросы.
How can ecotourists protect the environment?
What rules must people follow to be “ecotourists”?
What does the expression “leisure tourism mean”?
What are some o f the different accommodations that are
available to travelers nowadays?
5. What catering facilities aie available in different kinds o f
Вариант 3
Переведите предложения с английского
языка на русский
1. Accommodation and entertainment costs have been raised
this week.
2. How did responsible tourism sustain the fragile landscape
o f this small country?
3. The environment is polluted by gases from private cars.
4. If some countries approached ecological problems
seriously they would protect the endangered species of
plants and animals.
5. If the authorities of the resort had carried out the trash, the
area wouldn’t be so polluted.
6. The environment will be strengthened by sensitive
7. In England train passengers seldom converse with their
fellow-travellers even on a long journey - this is more a
national custom than a matter o f etiquette.
8. When a passenger reaches the end of his journey and
leaves the train, he has to give his ticket to the ticket
collector at the exit before he can leave the station.
9. If he has luggage and wants someone to cany it for him to
a waiting car or a taxi, he must ask the porter.
10. The porter does not make a charge for this service, but he
expects a tip.
Переведите предложения с русского языка
на английский
1. Ты получил удовольствие от своей поездки на море?
2. Этот курорт знаменит песчаньши пляжами.
3. Я с нетерпением жду поездки в Испанию и
подумываю о посещении корриды.
4. Почему бы не провести каникулы где-нибудь на
Черноморском побережье?
5. В этом году я не могу позволить себе поездку на
Гавайские острова.
III. Ответьте на вопросы.
1. What does the expression “endangered species” mean?
2. What does the word “ecotourist” mean?
3. How can tourists reduce the pollution and damage o f the
environment in tourist areas?
4. What are some o f the services that hotels offer for
travelling businessmen?
5. What types o f hotels offer the greatest range of special
Контрольное задание № 1
Вариант 1
1. Выберите правильный вариант
1. Management is based ... scientific theories,
a) at
2. A m anager... choose the best course o f actions,
a) have to
b) should
c)m ust
3. ... day afte r my talk with the manager I left Chicago,
a) a
4. The ... solution for the companies is to set up a resources
utilization section.
a) better
5. The information he gave us about that company ...
convinc ing.
a) is
c) isn’t
6. When I arrived the meeting already . . . .
a) started
b) had started
c) is starting
7. You ... very busy when I saw you last night.
a) looks
b) ate looking
c) looked
8. Our m anager... several foreign languages.
a) know
b) knows
c) is knowing
9. The manager ... just the contract.
ajw illsign
c)has signed
10. As a rule a manager ... have an agenda fora meeting,
a) can
b) should
Найдите синонимы
a. doer
1. goal
b. performance
2. femiliar
c. specific
3. executor
d. aim
4. profit
e. acquainted
5. ma in
f. income
g. basic
III. К словам го первого столбика подберите
определения го второго столбика__________________
a) a person or customer that
1. skill
buys goods or services
b) someone who is paid
2. employee
regularly to work for an
c) money that somebody gets
3. output
from working or investing
d) something that you are
4. income
capable o f doing
e) the ability to do something
f) the amount o f something
that a person or organization
Вариант 2
I. Выберите правильный вариант
1. The foreman ... five minutes a g o ..
a) go
b) went,
c) gone
2. I ... go out as I finished planning the budget
a) can
b) should
c)m ust
3. I am ... among operating employees.
a) taller
b) the tallest
c) tall
4. Do not ask our executive ... questions now.
a) some
5. The manager ... sign another contract.
a) has
b)m ust
6. We ... this problem last week.
a) discussed
b) will discuss
c) is discussing
7. We ... for the new office in July.
a) are leaving
b) leaves
8. Top manager is responsible ... organization’s planning,
a) from
c) about
9. Moscow ... than Kiev.
a )isla tg e r
b) the largest
c)as large as
10. Health is ... than wealth.
a) good
c) better
Найдите синонимы
3. resolution
a. hire
2. result
b. consequence
3. responsible
c. functional
4. recruit
5. create
d. accountable
e. decision
f. make
g. find
К словам из первого столбика подберите
______ определения ю второго столбика____________
1. competitor
a) money that you pay to take
2. incentive
b) someone who is paid
regularly to work for an
3. goods
c) money that somebody gets
from working or investing
4. tuition
d) a company that sells the
same goods or services
e) something that makes you
want to do smth
f) objects produced for sale
Контрольное задание № 2
Вариант 1
I. Переведите предложения с английского языка на
1. Management is based on scientific theories.
2. A top-manager is an upper-level executive who guides and
controls the activities o f the organization.
3. Effectiveness of a manager’s activity depends on certain
important skills.
4. Knowledge o f theories does not provide practical results.
5. The M SURE Museum was set up 20 yeais ago.
6. Moscow State University is the oldest University in
7. The first-line manager has the closest connection with the
production process.
8. The Russian Federation is a constitutional republic headed
by the President.
9. The most important resources o f any organization are its
human resources.
10. It is very important for companies to gather information
about their competitors.
Ответьте на вопросы
What are the levels o f management?
What Univers ity do you study at?
Is it possible to get higher education without leaving a
4. Who were the most educated people in England before the
12th century?
5. What is a financial manager responsible for?
III.Используя суффиксы (-ship, -er, - ive), составьте
новые слова и переведите их на русский язык
Direct, leader, effect, manage, member, act.
Вариант 2
I. Переведите предложения с английского языка на
1. Moscow State U nivesity was founded in 1755 by the
great Russian scientist Lomonosov.
2. The most common areas o f management ate finance,
3. Top-manageis are responsible for the organization’s
planning and developing its mission.
4. Tire MSURE has comfortable hostels and provides
accommodation practically for all non-res ident students.
5. The Moscow State University o f Railway Engineering is
the largest polytechnic transport institution ofRussia.
6. Operating employees are qualified and non-qualified
persons working for the organization.
7. Middle managers implement the strategy and major
policies handed down from the top-level o f the
8. A conceptual skill is very important for top-managers,
because it helps them plan “super goals” for the
9. A decision-making skill is the ability o f a manager to
choose the best course of actions o f two or more
10. Most first-line managers are former operating employees
who, owing to their hard work, were promoted into
11. Ответьте на вопросы
1. What important skills are necessary for effectiveness o f
manager’s activity?
2. Who is in charge of academic and scientific work in
Russian Universities?
3. How many institutes does your Univeisity consist of?
4. Who is the head of our University?
5. How do students cover tuition fees and living costs in the
III. Используя префиксы (dis-, ип-, in-), составьте
новые слова и переведите их на русский язык
Obey, capable, equal, honest, direct, official.
Контрольное задание № 3
Вариант 1
I. Переведите предложения с английского языка на
1. A firm that offeis credit to its customers may find an
imbalance in its cash- flow.
2. Some firms believe that their employees are the most
important assets.
3. A budget is a financial statement that projects income
and/or expenditures over a specified future period o f time.
4. Inventory requires considerable investment for most
manufacturers, wholesalers and retailers.
5. Long-term financing is needed to start a new business.
6. The best solution for the companies is to set up a resources
utilization section.
7. Establishing organizational goals and objectives is an
important management task.
8. Cash flow is the movement o f money into and out o f an
9. An analytic skill is especially important for top-manageis
because they have to solve complex problems.
10. A marketing manager is responsible for the exchange o f
products between the oiganization and its customers or
11. Переведите предложения с русского т ы к а на
1. Организация, которая не приспосабливается к
внешнему окружению, может не выжить.
2. Недавно наша фирма открыла свой филиал в Париже.
3. Наиболее важными ресурсами любой организации
являются её людские ресурсы.
4. Они собираются подписать контракт завтра.
5. Все менеджеры среднего звена находятся сейчас на
III. Ответьте на вопросы
1. How many countries border on Russ ia?
2. What is the length o f the degree course in the UK?
3. What can you say about the structure o f Oxford and
Cambridge University?
4. What are the national symbol and emblem ofRussia?
5. What is Lake Baikal famous for?
IV. Найдите лишнее слово
A wages, profit, expense, revenue, benefit, salary
В science, skills, ability, knowledge, theory, resource
Вариант 2
I. Переведите предложения с английского язы ка на
1. The basis o f financial management is a financial plan
2. It is important to ensure that financial plans are being
implemented to catch minor problems before they become
major problems.
3. Resource utilization must not cause damage to people and
4. Each organization can be represented as a three storey
structure o ra pyramid.
5. It takes years of hard work as well as talent and good luck
to reach the rank o f a top-manager.
6. The income from sales could be used to finance the firm’s
operations and to provide a profit.
7. ТЪе financial manager should establish a means of
monitoring and evaluation o f financial performance.
8. Firms usually look for outside sources o f financing: short­
term or long-term financing.
9. The amounts o f long-term financing needed by large firms
can be very great.
10. Income and expenses may vary from season to season or
from year to year.
Переведите предложения с русского языка на
Вчера наша организация взяла краткосрочный кредит.
Мой руководитель всегда критикует все, что я делаю.
Строительство нового офиса началось месяц назад.
Завтра к нам приедет новый директор компании.
Занятые деньги возвращаются из дохода от продаж.
III. Ответьте на вопросы
1. How many stages o f education are there in the UK now?
2. What system is known as tutorials or supervisions in the
3. What does the Federal Assembly consist of?
4. Do the Universities o f Oxford and Cambridge consist o f
independent colleges?
5. When was your Univers ity established?
IV. Найдите лишнее слово
A to employ, to hire, to finance, to apply, to engage
В manager, supervisor, customer, executive, foreman
Контрольное задание № 1
Вариант 1
I. Выберите правильный вариант
1. Му son’s ... engineer.
a) a
с) the
2. Не knows ... French very well,
c )3. ... the evening he does a lot o f exercises,
a) in
c )a t
4. He often translates sentences ... Russian ... English.
a) in;
a) in
b) from
b) on
c ) on
c) into
5. ... lives in Moscow.
a) I
b)w e
6. ... go into the ir c lass room and s it down at the tables.
с )I
7. His advice ... very useful.
a) is
8. Her hair ... dark.
a) are
b) is
9. Sociology ... the systematic study o f social behaviour and
human groups.
a) is
10. They always ... business matters with their chief,
b) arediscussing
И. Найдите синонимы
1. plant
2. phone
3. discuss
a. talk
b. factory
c. call
1. build
2 . send
3. clever
Найдите антонимы
a. silly
b. destroy
c. receive
Вариант 2
I. Выберите правильный вариант
1. John has ... English in ... morning.
a) the
a) the
b) a
c) 2. Ele is ... pupil.
3. Peter is always . time ... his lessons.
a) in
a) for
b) for
b ) at
c ) on
4. How often do you write ... your friend?
a) to
b) c) for
5. ... live in Russia.
a) she
b)w e
6. ... doesn’t speak English to her teacher,
a) I
7. Where ... the glasses?
a) is
b) are
c) was
8. I admire these ... .
a) women-writer
b) woman-writers
c) women-writers
9. He ... much mail every' day.
a) receive
b) receives
c) is receiving
10. W h at. .. sociology focus on as a field ofstudy?
a) do
II. Найдите синонимы
1. customer
2. problem
3. aim
Найдите антонимы
2. upstairs
3. standard
a. objective
b. buyer
c. matter
a. exclusive
b. downstairs
c. expensive
Контрольное задание № 2
Вариант 1
I. Переведите предложения с английского языка на
1. Sometimes we go out and visit friends, but sometimes we
stay at home and read books or watch TV.
2. John wants to know French well to read books and watch
films in French.
3. It’s always a pleasure to sit here and read newspapers after
a long day in the office.
4. Film version is close to the original if popular actors star
in it.
5. Accommodation at the seaside has become very
expensive, that is why people who have got their own cats
stay at the camping s ites.
6. One major goal o f this perspective is to identity patterns o f
7. Economists explore the ways in which people produce and
exchange goods and services.
8. Sociologists are not particularly interested in why any one
individual commits suicide.
9. When sociologists wish to leam more about human
behaviour they do not simply walk out the door, or pick up
the telephone and begin asking questions.
10. Scientific studies do not aim to answer all the questions
that can be raised about particular object.
11. Ответьте на вопросы
1. How many members are there in your family?
2. What kind o f books do you like to read?
3. What kind o f disciplines do you study?
4. What subject do you like most?
5. Do you like travelling? How many countries have you
III. Образуйте существительные от следующих слов:
certain, advertise, drive, appoint, equip, pay, diverse
Вариант 2
I. Переведите предложения с английского языка на
1. After lunch I usually look through catalogues and
quotations or meet customers.
2. Unfortunately there aren’t many houses for sale at the
3. Some people like a quiet rest, while other people,
especially young, enjoy active open-air holidays.
4. Baker&Sons is not a very big company but their
equipment is o f high quality and very popular in the world
5. I’d like to look through your contract form.
6. Sociologists study the passionate desire o f movie or rock
fans to see in person, to talk with, even to grab the
clothing o f a star.
7. Sociological imagination can bring a new understanding to
daily life around us.
8. Sociological studies do not always confirm the original
9. A theory is a statement that uses concepts to explain
problems, actions or behaviour.
10. Political scientists study international relations, the work
of the government and exercises of power.
11. Ответьте на вопросы
1. What is your address?
1. When was your University founded?
2. How do you like to spend your free time?
3. How long do the students study at the University?
4. What general subjects do the first- and second-year
students study?
III. Make a noun using the following words:
work, free, friend, develop, kind, safe, teach, astonish
Контрольное задание № 3
Вариант 1
Переведите предложения с английского
языка на русский
1. The average British family lives in a semi-detached house
with a garden in the South o f England.
2. You would like to have their catalogues and quotation.
3. We discuss the price and terms o f delivery.
4. We’d like to give you an order for raw materials.
5. You are interested in the goods ofBnown&Co.
6. It is important to understand that a theory - even the best
o f theories - is not a final statement about human
7. Most human cultures change and expand through the
process of innovation and diffusion every year and in each
8. Humanity has made dramatic cultural advances.
9. Material culture refers to the physical or technological
aspects o f our daily lives.
10. Language is the foundation ofeveiy living culture.
II. Переведите предложения с русского язы ка на
Меня зовут Екатерина Петрова.
Мне 17 лет.
Я ю Москвы.
Я учусь в Московском государственном университете
путей сообщения на 1-ом курсе.
В свободное время я обычно хожу в кино или читаю
О тветьте на вопросы.
1. What University do you study at?
2. Who is at the head o f our Univeisity?
3. Do you get a grant?
4. What is the total area of Russia?
5. What seas wash the borders o f the Russian Federation?
6. Is Russia rich in mineral resources?
IV. Найдите лишнее слово
1. Lake, forest, taiga, river, midland, iactory.
2. Payment, delivery, inspector, equipment, goods.
Вариант 2
I. Переведите предложения с английского язы ка на
1. Ld like to say that the electric cookers which we bought
from you two years ago were o f high quality and met our
customers’ requirement.
2. At weekends many people go skiing and skating outside
3. 1 don’t recommend you to swim in the sea, it’s polluted.
4. Our machines are in great demand at this price.
5. I can pick you up at the Russian Trade Delegation at 6.30
if that’s convenient to you.
6. How well do you know English?
7. The study of culture is an important part o f contempoiaiy
sociological work.
8. Culture includes ideas, values and customs o f groups o f
9. In conducting research, sociologists must practice value
10. Sociologists must leam to see the world as the group sees
11. Переведите предложения с русского языка на
1. Меня зовут Федор Иванов.
2. Мне 29 лет.
3. Я живу в городе Рязани.
4. Моя семья не очень большая, она состоит го трех
человек: я, моя жена и дочь.
5. Каждое лето мы любим отдыхать на берегу Черного
III. Ответьте на вопросы.
1. Who is the head o f the University?
2. When do the students begin to study special subjects?
3. Where do the students have practical training?
4. When do the students take examinations?
5. Are there many problems in the national economy o f
6. What branches does the Russian Government consist of?
IV. Найдите лишнее слово
1. City, building, cinema, climate, hotel, restaurant.
2. Business, price, terms, event, customer, seller.
Контрольное задание № 1
Вариант 1
Выберите правильный вариант
1. Is there ... in the room?
a) somebody b) something c) anybody d) anywhere
2. It happened ... our way home.
a) in
b )o n
c )fo r
d) about
3. ... that s trange man s itting ove r the re?
a) Whose
b) Which
c) Who’s
d) Who
4. You will be here tomorrow, ...?
a) isn’t it
b) won’t you c) will you d) will you be
5. Mount Everest is ... mountain in the world.
a) high
b) highest
c) the higher d) the highest
6. Where ... you last night at the time o f the burglary?
a) were
d) have you been
7. People use ... words and gestures to express their feelings,
a) both
b) either
c) neither
8. There is no doubt that computers have ... our lives easier,
a) done
c) become
9. It was ... cold that I put on my coat.
a) too
10.1 hate .. ..
a) a rainy weather
b) rainy weather c) the rainy weather
d) rainy weathers
II. Выберите синонимы и антонимы.
Law, hate, rule, absolute, head, silly, bill, limited, reign,
enjoy, clever, leader.
III. К словам из первого столбика подберите
определения ю второго столбика__________
and controls
the overall activities o f the
2) neighbour
b) a higher educational institution
c) what you like to do at your free time
4 ) hobby
d) a person who lives very near you
e) your mother’s (oryour father’s)
f) the student takes it at the end o f the
g) a process o f coordinating the
resources o f an organization to achieve
the primary goals
Вариант 2
I. Выберите правильный вариант
1. I have known D r Simon ... 2000.
d) from
2. Do you know ... foreign languages?
b) some o f
3. The telephone was ... by Alexander Graham Bell.
a) discovered b) invented
c) explored
d) studied
4. The Sahara is ... desert in the world.
a) the hottest
b) hottest
c) the most hot
d) the hotter
5. They were in Spain last summer, ...?
ajw erethey b) isn’t it c jd id n ’tthey
d) weren’t they
6. I don’t like coffee with .. ..
a) the milk
b) a milk
d) milks
7. It is ... a boring book that I can’t advise you to read it.
a) so
8. Who ... to go to the cinema with you?
a) want
b) does want
c) wants
d) is wanting
9. Shakespeare is ... to understand than Agatha Christie.
a) difficult
b) more difficult
c) most difficult
d) the
most difficult
10. Neither Alex norN ick ... German.
a) know b) are knowing
c) don’t know
d) knows
Выберите синонимы и антонимы.
Manage, intelligent, poor, govern, unknown, fail, sell, head,
buy, clever, rich, famous.
III. К словам из первого столбика подберите
определения из второго с т о л б и к а _____
1. director
a) what the best sportsman wins
2. intelligent
b) a document written by job applicants
giving their personal, educational, and
professional details
3. resume
c)the boss o f a school or a company
4. nephew
d) this person can create new ideas
e) a peison who can understand the things
f) your sister’s or brother’s son
Контрольное задание № 2
Вариант 1
I. Переведите предложения с английского языка на
1. Our univeis ity was founded in 1896 as the Moscow
Engineering School.
2. There are more than 500 establishments ofhigher
education in Russia.
3. The study o f theoretical subjects is followed by practical
4. Moststudents wantto join university sport circles.
5. What is marital status? - 1 am single.
6. Do you get a grant? - Yes, I passed all exams well.
7. For those who are not from Moscow there are six hostels
at our university.
II. Переведите предложения с русского языка на
1. Кто вы? - Я студент первого курса.
2. Сколько институтов в вашем университете? - 7.
3. Я занимаюсь теннисом.
4. Ваши родители живут в Москве? - Нет. Они живут в
5. Я учусь в Гуманитарном Институте.
III. Ответьте на вопросы.
1. What unive rs ity do you study at?
2. Who gets a grant?
3. What foreign languages do you leam?
IV. Отметьте в каждом ряду слово, не подходящее по
Univecsity, hospital, college, institute, school, academy.
Nephew, uncle, teacher, cousin, family, husband.
Вариант 2
I. Переведите предложения с английского языка на
1. Our university was founded on the command o f His
Imperial majesty Nicholas II in 1896.
2. Every 8th person in the streets of Oxford is a student.
3. Many famous scientists and engineers were our
university’s graduates and delivered lectures there.
4. Educational history is a list of schools, colleges and other
educational establishments where you studied.
5. The history o f higher education in Russia goes back to
1755 when the first university was founded in Moscow.
6. For those young people who wotfc but want to get higher
education there is a Part-Time Department at our
7. The system o f studying in Oxford is called Tutorial
II. Переведите предложения с русского языка на
1. В каком институте вы учитесь? - Я учусь в
Гуманитарном Институте.
2. В нашем университете семь институтов.
3. Где живут ваши родители? - Они живут в Москве.
4. В следующем году я собираюсь изучать французский.
5. Мое хобби - плавание.
III. Ответьте на вопросы
1. What is your specialty?
2. What kind o f sports are you fond of?
3. Where does your best friend study?
IV. Отметьте в каждом ряду слово, не подходящее
по тематике
Swim, hobby, work, training, championship, stadium.
Term, course, academic year, session, vacation, weekend.
Контрольное задание № 3
Вариант 1
I. Переведите предложения с английского языка на
1. Research is an important feature o f univeis ity work.
2. Oxford assumed a leading role in religious controversy.
3. Students have practical training after the study o f
theoretical subjects, don’t they?
4. Our university is one o f the oldest higher educational
institutions in Russia.
5. If I passed all exams well I would get a grant.
6. How is your institute governed? - It is headed by the
7. Up to now higher education has been regarded as a general
training o f the mind and development o f the personality.
Переведите предложения с русского языка на
1. В Британии академический год делится на 3 семестра.
2. Какой университет старейший в России?-'- -Московский Государственный Университет имени М.
3. Оксфорд и Кембридж - старейшие и самые известные
британские университеты.
4. В нашем
университете преподают
иностранных языков.
5. Вы учитесь или работаете? - Я учусь в университете.
III. Ответьте на вопросы.
1. How is the System o f Education in Oxford called?
2. What stages does Contemporary Education System in the
UK have?
3. What students leam special subjects?
Вариант 2
I. Переведите предложения с английского языка на
1. Oxford and Cambridge Universities are believed to be the
oldest in the UK.
2. Moscow State University has great research capacity in
the natural and applied sciences.
3. The course o f study at Russian universities usually lasts
for 5 years.
4. In Scotland students receive the Scottish Certificate o f
5. You have to study for 5 years to get a diploma, don’t you?
6. Today the mastery o f even one subject in its entirely has
become impracticable.
7. He is unlikely to get a grant, because he didn’t pass all
exams well.
II. Переведите предложения с русского языка на
1. Какие
2. Обычно курс обучения в Британских университетах
длится 3 или 4 года.
3. Из скольких институтов состоит ваш университет? - В
нашем университете 7 институтов.
4. Твой лучший друг получает стипендию? - Да.
5. Московский Государственный Университет имени М.
универе игетов м ира.
III. Ответьте на вопросы.
1. How is the System of Education in Cambridge called?
2. What univeisity is one of the oldest transport universities
in Russia?
3. Who arc “Fellows”?
Контрольное задание № 1
Вариант 1
Выберите правильный вариант
1. In terms o f network browsing
... domain and ...
workgroup is exactly the same thing.
a) a
b ) the
b )0
c) 0
2. In ...business,... computers ate used for financial planning.
b) the
a) the
3. Computers accept... and instructions, and after processing
..., they output results.
a) data
b) datum
a) it
c) c its
4. When money ... fora new application software, it means,
... not spent in vain.
a) is spent
b ) are spent
a) they are
b) it is
they were
5. BASIC is one of... programming languages of... level.
a) the most easy
b) the easiest
the easy
a) a high
b) a higher
the highest
6. The old computers were ... than ...
a) less efficient
b) more efficient
c) efficient
a) the modem
b) modem
c) the most modem
7. With a notebook ... a pupil can work
a ) even
b) still
a) outs ide
b) nowhere
8. Spaceships, airplanes, computed and even an Egyptian
mummy are among the many ... objects in the Science
world famous collections.
a) thousand
b) thousands of
a) museums
b) museum’s
c) museum
9. A typical... century Internet -traveler is a man ... sayshave already been there”.
a) twenty one
b) twenty first
c) twenty second
a) who
b) which
c) whom
10. Due to the flights into outersp^ce, we can see ... moondust in ... museums.
a) many
b) a little
a few
a) any
c) every
Найдите синонимы
Memory, handle, connect, card, process, board, storage,
manage, program, control, routine, unit, link, device
Найдите антонимы
External, output, send, different, ancient, internal, similar,
receive, input, enter, hard, leave, soft, modem
IV. К словам из первого столбика
определения из второго столбика
1. software
2. central
processing unit
3. main memory
4. configuration
a) physical units which make up a
computer system
b) ability to store or retrieve data
c) programs or instructions executed
by the computer
d) the main board in a computer, into
which the circuits are plugged
e) the brain o f a computer, which
executes programs stored in the main
f) a series of instructions
g) a type o f a memory chip that can be
read but cannot be written on or
h) a unit that reads and writes data on
an externa! storage device
i) a section which holds instructions
and data currently being processed
j) a combination o f physical
components forming a unit that
performs a specific function
Вариант 2
I. Выберите правильный вариант
1. ... string “ABCDEDCBA” is ... palindrome
a) a
b )0
a) the
b )a
c) 0
2. It is the same when ... string is read from the left to the
right as w hen... string is read from the right to the left.
b) the
c )a
a) a
b) the
c )0
3. The ... , which the word “global net” refers to is wellknown to . . . .
a) phenomenas
b) phenomena
c) phenomenon
a) mens
b)m en
c) man
4. Information in the form of ... is given to the machine,
afterwhich the computeracts on ... and gives a result.
a) data
b) datum
c ) datas
a) them
b) they
c) it
5. ...bit is... unit of information.
a) the
b) 0
c) a
a) a small
b) the smallest
c) the most small
6. The capabilities of... analog computerate ... those o fa
digital one.
a) as great as
b) not so great as
c) the greatest
a) an
b) the
c) 0
7. ... computers ... play a great role in the development of
a) still
b) however
a) also
c) already
8. On 5/8 1999, the delegation arrived ... Moscow to take
part in the computer conference.
a) the fifth o f August
b) the eight o f May
c) eighth ofM ay
a) at
c) in
... inventions had ... great impact on the humanity ... the
invention o f the Internet.
a) few
b) little
c) much
a) a s ....... as
b) not so ........ as
th e ......among
10. The Internet is ... wild world and ... who travel over it can
leam a lot.
a) a
II. Найдите синонимы
run, aim, execute, fraction, create, purpose, monitor, keep,
sophisticated, display, work out, complicated, part, store
III. Найдите антонимы
Input, central, temporarily, empty, output, peripheral, enter,
permanently, safe, insecure, leave, lull
IV. К словам из первого столбика
определения из второго столбика
3. control unit
a) a program built into the circuitry
o f a ROM to control the operation o f
the computer
b) physical units, which make up a
computer system
c) a program that controls devices or
other programs
d) the main board in a computer into
which the circuits are plugged
e) the largest and the most powerful
type o f a computer
f) a component o f the CPU, which
performs the actual arithmetic and
logical operations
Контрольное задание № 2
Вариант 1
I. Переведите предложения с английского языка на
Bill Gates - the Founder o f Micros oft
1. William Heniy Gates is not an ordinary man.
2. He is an American businessperson and Chief Executive
Officer o f the Microsoft Corporation.
3. William Henry Gates was bom in Seattle, Washington,
4. Gates was the founder o f Micros oft in 1975.
5. Together with Paul Alien, his partner in computer
programming development, they started their business.
6. They developed a version o f the BASIC, computer
programming language for the first personal computer.
7. Since that, their names have become famous.
8. In the early 80-s Gates led his company from the developer
o f computer programming languages to a large computer
software company.
9. Much o f Gates' success is based on his ability to combine
technical visions with market strategy.
10. Gates continues to work personally in the product
promotion o f Microsoft company.
11. Ответьте на вопросы
1. What is the purpose o f the ASCII code and what does this
acronym stand for?
2. What memory section is permanent and contains
instmctions needed by the CPU?
3. What is the abbreviation for “binary digit”?
4. What Univets ity do you study at?
5. What does the Federal Assembly o f the Russian
Federation consist of?
III. Образуйте от данных глаголов другие части речи
Вариант 2
Г. Переведите предложения с английского языка на
Some Facts from Peter Norton's Life
1. Nobody knew an ordinary programmer called Norton in
2. However, he has been in programming since 1969, when he
bought one o f the first PCs that just appeared on the market.
3. In 1982, at the age o f thirty-five he left his job in the
aerospace industry and founded his own firm “Peter Norton
Computing”, which began to supply utilities for ЮМcompatible PCs.
4. By that time the stock of the company had been only
$30 000.
5. The personnel consisted o f one and the only one man PeterNorton himself.
6. The main product at that time was "The Norton Utilities
Batch", which allowed users to recreate lost data.
7. However, very soon Norton's name became known to
millions, and his products became a “brand-name” .
8. PeterNorton is a bachelor o f mathematics from the famous
Berkley University.
9. For more than 20 years Norton has been saving people from
catastrophes with computers.
10. He enables people to manipulate data easily, protects from
viruses and provides data security.
II. Ответьте на вопросы
1. What academic opportunities does M SURE offer?
2. What are the main parts o f the CPU?
3. How do we store data and programs permanently?
4. What information is lost when a computer is switched off?
5. What are the main political parties in Britain?
III. Образуйте
от данных глаголов другие части речи
Контрольное задание № 3
Вариант 1
I. Переведите предложения с английского языка на
1. From the programmer’s point o f view, all members o f the
PCs family consist o f a processor, memory chips and several
smart or programmable circuit chips.
2. The nerve o f a PC is the central processing unit, which
consists o f three main parts.
3. The smallest element o f a display surface is a pixel.
4. Information is processed and stored in computers in the
electronic form.
5. Her computer is as powerful as mine is, so she can easily
work with optical disks and multimedia applications.
6. In order to avoid numerous figures we use units such as
kilobytes and gigabytes.
7. A port is a connection between the CPU and other devices,
such as the main memory or I/O devices.
8. By means o f it, data can enter or leave the computer.
9. Computeis have many applications in a great variety o f
10. In some modem systems, information can be stoned in
optical disks.
Переведите предложения с русского языка
на английский
1. Способность компьютера выполнять так много задач
делает его незаменимым.
2. Какой редактор гы используешь?
3. Хорошая машина оберегает вас от глупых ошибок.
4. Мне не понравилась вся программа. С одной стороны
это интересно, но с другой это рискованно.
5. Windows NT - одна из моих любимых операционных
III. Ответьте на вопросы.
1 What is the full name of your University?
2. What is the smallest element o fa display surface?
3. How is a collection of eight bits called?
4. What unit performs calculations on the data?
5. What are the main components o f your computer system?
6. What is the national symbol o f the Russian Federation?
IV. Найдите лишнее слово
software, utility, applet, routine, mode, operating system
computer, printer, server, cooker, mouse, plotter
user, system administrator, programmer, waiter, operator,
Вариант 2
I. Переведите предложения с английского языка на
1. In business, computeis are used for financial planning,
accounting and specific calculations.
2. The CPU is the brain o f the computer, its most influential
3. Wearable computers are equipped with a wireless modem,
a keypad and a small screen.
4. A palmtop is a computer, which is small enough to be held
in the palm o f a hand.
5. Computeis have been thought of as extremely large adding
6. In the early 60-s, computeis were very expensive to own
and run.
7. A microprocessor coordinates activities, which take place
in the computer system.
8. A tiny dot on the screen is called a picture element, or
9. A computer, unlike a human being, has no intuition.
10. A chip is an electronic device composed of silicon
11. Переведите предложения с русского языка на
1. Какая из систем интересует тебя больше?
2. Я могу работать с компьютером и день и ночь.
3. Человек и компьютер не могут существовать без
воздействия друг на друга.
4. Быстрый просмотр текста помогает понять его идею.
5. С точки зрения программиста все члены семейства PC
программ ируемых м икросхем.
III. Ответьте на вопросы.
1. How many time zones are there in Russia?
2. What are the main peripherals? Name them.
3. What does “RAM” stand for?
4. How can you expand the “RAM” capacity?
5. What is the difference between the binary notation and the
decimal system?
6. How long will you have to study at the University to
become a bachelor?
IV. Найдите лишнее слово
floppy, hard disk, compact disk, e-mail, storage device, tape
lightpen, scanner, printer, joystick, mouse, trackball
hardware, processor, motherboard, utility, chip, register
Контрольное задание № 1
Вариант 1
I. Выберите правильный вариант
1. In the past 15 years commutertrain ridetship ... 25%.
a) has increased b) is increasing
c) had increased
2. The railroad track ... of rails, ties, and ballast,
b) is consisting
3. Railways ... to cany people and freight.
a)is used
cjareu sed
4. When ... the first railway appear?
a) do
5. They ... the new engine now.
a) test
b) are testing
c) have been testing
6. The first steam locomotive ... the Rocket.
a)were called
b)ate called
c)w as called
7. Some changes ... on the railways in the iiituie.
a) will made
b) will be made
c) will make
8. The Russian inventor Polzunov ... the lststationaiy steam
a) build
b) built
c) has built
9. The Russian railways ate ... in the world.
a) longest
b) most long
c) the longest
10. Concrete sleepers are ... than wooden ones.
a) more heavy
b) heavier
c) as heavy as
II. Найдите синонимы и антонимы
put into operation
put into service
to reduce
to decrease
to complete
to finish
III. К словам из первого столбика подберите
определения из второго столбика___________________
1. ballast
a) a set o f movable rails at a
place where a railways line
divides into 2 tracks, which
can be altered to allow a train
to use either track
b) 2 parallel rail for trains to
2. diesel locomotive
travel along
c) stone used to make a
3. coach
foundation for railways
4. switch
d) an engine that bums oil as
e) a train that carries goods
f) a separate section o f a train
for carrying passengers______
Вариант 2
Выберите правильный вариант
1. On the 1st Januaiy 1948, the British railway......
a) nationalized
b) were nationalized
c) was nationalized
2. W hat... the permanent way consist of?
a) does
3. Some new technologies ... on the railways in the future.
a) are being introduced
b) will be introduced
c) are
4. The BAM Railway ... a laige volume o f traffic in Siberia.
b) carry
c) carries
5. The distance between rails ... the gauge.
b) is called
c) calls
6. The engineers ... the experiments with new electric
locomotive now.
a) carry out
b) are carrying out c) have carried out
7. Stephenson ... the world’s 1ststeam locomotive.
a) invents
b) invented
c) has invent
8. Much ... to improve the railway track condition in Russia
a) have been made b) has been made
c) is making
9. The track with iron sleepers is ... than the track with
wooden sleepers.
a) more safe
b) safer
c) no more safe
10. This new locomotive is ... o f all.
a) most powerful
b) the most powerful c) powerfuler
II, Найдите синонимы и антонимы
to initiate
to eliminate
to continue
to create
III. К словам из первого столбика подберите
определения из второго столбика___________________
1. traction
a) the distance between rails
2. line
b) the power used in pulling
something along the surface
3. gauge
c) heavy beams o f concrete or
wood on which the rails o f a
railway ate fixed
4. car
d) a railway coach fitted with
beds in sleep in
e) section o f a railway system
f) any carriage or van on a
Вариант 3
I. Выберите правильный вариант
1. The engineeis ... for you at the railway station now.
a)are waiting
b)w ait
c) were waiting
2. Why ... railway play a very important part in the national
economy o f every country?
a) does
3. How often ... by means o f railroad?
a) does you travel b) are you travelling
c) do you travel
4. W h at... at the moment? - He ... a new subway train.
a) does the driver do
a) is driving
b) are the driver doing
b) drives
c) is the driver doing
5. The Moscow Metro ... several millions o f passengers a
a) handle
b) handles
c) is handling
6. George Stephenson ... the world's fust successful
a) has constructed
b) have constructed c) constructed
7. When and where ... it’s first railway?
a) did Russia built
b) did Russia build c) has Russia built
8. He ... in Liverpool.
a) has just arrived
b) have just arrived
c) just arrived
9. ... to England? - Yes, I ... there last year.
a) Were you ever
a) was
b) Have you ever been
b) have been
c ) Has you ever been
c) weie
10. Mr. G ra y ............... the constructor today.
a) haven’t seen
II. Найдите синонимы
1. car
2. to run
3. suitable
Найдите антонимы
1. success
2. to construct
a. loco
b. coach
c. train
a. to operate
b. to connect
c. to produce
a. different
b. powerful
c. convenient
a. branch
b. failure
c. change
a. to break
b. to build
c. to design
3. powerful
a. strong
b. weak
c. heavy
III. К словам из первого столбика подберите
определения из второго столбика__________
1. traction
a) a kind o f service
2. locomotive
b) steam or electric train
3. railway
c) the power that draws locomotives or
4. inventor
d) a man who discovers something
progressive for people and science
e) the track on which trains run
f) a man who builds railways
Вариант 4
1. Выберите правильны й вариант
1. Russian Railways ... an enormous volume o f the world's
rate traffic every year.
a)are carrying
b) is carrying
2. W hat... now? - They ... the trains.
a) do they do
a) are examining
b) ate they doing
b) were examining
c) were they doing
c) examine
3. The Moscow Metro ... o f a circle line and other lines
radiating from the centre to the countryside.
b) is consisting
4. She ... by train in a first-class compartment at the
a) is travelling
b) travel
c) travels
5. The construction o f the Moscow Underground Railways
a) is still go on
b) are still going on
c) is still going on
6. Geoige Stephenson ... the first public railway between
Stockton and Darlington.
a)has constructed
b)have constructed
7. The Tom Thumb ... a very small and light locomotive,
a) was
c) has been
8. The inventor ... Cardiff for Manchester.
a) have just left
b) just left
c) has just left
9. I ... this constructor forages.
a) didn’t see
b) haven't seen
c) didn't saw
10. She ... by train.
a) has never traveled
b) did never travel c) have never
II. Найдите синонимы
1. works
2. to develop
3. builder
Найдите антонимы
1. reduction
2. to improve
3. safe
a. means
b. factory
c. railroad
a. to work out
b. to help
c. to construct
a. constructor
b. inventor
c. architect
a. introduction
b. production
c. increase
a. to appear
b. to damage
c. to switch
a. important
b. dangerous
c. difficult
III. К словам из первого столбика подберите
определения из второго столбика__________
1. coach
a) the power which draws the
2. railway track
b) the way on which rails and
sleepers are laid
c) construction o f railroads
3. railway engineering
4. smooth
d) flat surface
e) steam locomotive
f) passenger car
Контрольное задание № 2
Вариант 1
1. Переведите предложения с английского языка на
1. A railway can be defined as an engineering structure that
consists o f two metal guiding rails on which cars are selfpropelled or pulled by a locomotive.
2. As the train speed increases, the tractive effort from the
locomotives decreases.
3. Some passenger railway companies only operate the
passenger equipment on tracks that are owned by freight
4. Concrete ties are rapidly gaining acceptance for heavy
mainline use.
5. The purposes of the rail joint are to hold the two ends o f
the rail in place and act as a bridge between the rail ends.
6. The track structure is made up o f ballast, ties and rails,
each o f these contribute to the primary function o f the track.
7. The designer must take into account the type o f train
traffic (freight, passenger, light rail, length, etc.).
8. The metro is the most efficient rapid transit system.
9. The total number o f passengeis carried by the London
Underground each year is enormous and it is constantly
10. The most promising use o f monorails is to link big cities
with their airports.
11. Ответьте на вопросы
1. What Institute do you study at?
2. Are there any foreign students studying at your
University? What are they?
3. What opportunities to study foreign languages does the
University offer?
4. What are your special skills?
5. When will you graduate from the University?
III.Переведите слова на русский язык
Вариант 2
I. Переведите предложения с английского языка на
1. Since the first railways, there have been many
improvements in all aspects of railroading.
2. By 1840 wooden ties kept in place by ballast stone had
replaced simple stone surface support.
3. It is the tractive force at the locomotive driving wheels at
the rail that starts and moves tonnage up various grades.
4. Some railways use steel ties in heavy travelled road
crossing and at rail joints.
5. Some lighter models o f steel ties have experience
problems with cracking.
6. Standard joints connect two rails o f the same weight and
section, they are typically 24" in length for the smaller rail
section or 36" in length for the larger ones.
7. The Moscow Metro is serviced by electric trains carrying
over 6 min passengers each day, more than any other metro
system o f the world.
8. Train tickets in GB may appear to be expensive, but this
form o f transport is last and environmentally friendly.
9. There exists a number o f monorails operating in the world
today, their main types are suspended and supported ones.
10. There ate some advantages which make monorails a
convenient means o f city transport.
11. Ответьте на вопросы
1. What Unive ts ity do you study at?
2. What academic opportunities does your University offer
3. How can you characterize the sport centre o f the
4. Please, write down your name, age and marital status.
5. Have you got any work experience?
III.______ Переведите слова на русский язык
Вариант 3
I. Переведите предложения с английского языка на
1. Railways are used to carry passengers and freight.
2. The first railways in England were used to carry coal.
3. These locomotives will be made at the locomotivebuilding works.
4. The Moscow Metro is spoken about as the cleanest and the
most beautiful in the world.
5. The express train from Kievsky Terminal to Vnukovo is
much spoken about.
6. The first steam locomotives were looked at with great
7. The conference will be attended by railway experts from
various countries.
8. The power used for drawing trains is known as tractive
power or traction.
9. Very long trains can be drawn by modem electric
10. All the questions were answered in details.
11. Ответьте на вопросы
1. When was the first Moscow Engineering School founded?
Who founded it?
2. How was it reorganized later?
3. How many Institutes are there in M SURE? What are they?
4. What Univeisity and Institute do you study at?
5. What kind o f disciplines do you study?
6. What are your aims in the professional field in the nearest
III. Translate the following words from English into
to invent - invention - inventor
to construct - constructor
to connect - connection
to suit-suitable
I. Переведите предложения с английского языка на
1. Railways ate used as a means o f freight and passenger
2. The first railway in our country was constructed in the
3. The locomotives can be run by computers.
4. The Moscow Metro is much spoken about.
5. The beginning o f the 20th century was spoken o f as the
Golden Age o f travel.
6. The engineer will be informed of the change in the time­
7. Express trains are also known as " last trains".
8. The Tom Thumb, constructed by Peter Cooper, was
looked at with great interest.
9. The experiment was watched by the group o f scientists.
10. Very heavy cars can be drawn by modem locomotives.
11. Ответьте на вопросы
1. What univets ity do you study at?
2. When was the first Moscow Engineering School
established? Who established it?
3. How many Institutes does your University consist of?
What are they?
4. What Institute do you study at?
5. What kind o f disciplines do you study? What ate youR
favourite subjects?
6. Do you like to study in MSURE? What are your aims in
the professional field in the neatest future?
III. Translate the following words from English into
to develop - development, power - powerful, engine
engineer, to introduce - introduction
Контрольное задание № 3
Вариант 1
I. Переведите предложения с английского языка на
1. By 1998, the number o f Japan’s passenger railway
companies had increased, operating on a total o f 27,179
km o f track.
2. Today freight trains haul less than 1% o f the tonnage
carried by tracks.
3. There are several railway megalines available in the
United Kingdom, they provide the railway enthusiast with
information and advice about the current day railway
scene, railway developments and history.
4. In stations train dispatchers control traffic.
5. One of the most important features o f railways in Japan is
that private railways play a large role in urban transit.
6. Concrete sleepers are used on most trunk lines today
because o f their longer service life and greater track
7. The Seattle Monorail is currently operating one train on a
reduced schedule due to the ongoing repair effort on the
other train.
8. Train on the sub-surface underground lines running about
5 meters below the surface have the same loading gauge as
British mainline trains.
9. The London Underground is a public transport network,
composed o f electrified railways that run underground in
tunnels in central London and above ground in the city’s
10. The escalators in London Underground stations are among
the longest escalators in Europe and all are custom-built
for each station, they must run 20 hours a day, 364 days a
year and cope with 13,000 people per hour, with 95% o f
them operational at any time.
11. Переведите предложения с русского языка на
1. Стандартная колея - 4 фута 8,5 дюймов, с которой
началась паровая железная дорога, стала обычной для
Англии, Северной Америки и стран Западной Европы,
кроме Испании, Португалии и Ирландии.
2. ОАО РЖД владеет 100% российских железных дорог,
обеспечивает перевозку более 1,3 млн. пассажиров и 1,
2 млн. тонн груза в год.
3. Прототип современного спального вагона появился
приблизительно в середине 19 века.
4. Главная цель реформирования железных дорог в
России - развитие национального транспорта,
увеличение числа перевозок и улучшение качества
5. И дизельные, и электрические локомотивы могут
тянуть достаточно тяжелые грузовые составы.
III. Ответьте на вопросы
1. What hobbies have you got?
2. What departments ate there in M SURE?
3. What are the characteristics o f the Russian system o f
4. Is Russia an industrial or agricultural country mostly?
5. The majority o f the population o f the RF is urban, isn’t it?
IV. Найдите лишнее слово
1) subway,
underground railway
2) to increase, to enlarge, to lessen, to raise, to expand, to
Вариант 2
I. Переведите предложения с английского языка на
1. The railway network in Japan has been owned and
operated partly by the public sector and partly by the
private sector almost since the first railway line was
opened in 1872.
2. Railways carry 49% o f all passenger traffic in Japan’s
three largest metropolitan areas o f Tokyo, Osaka and
Nagoya, that means that railways and motor vehicles carry
almost the same numbers o f people.
3. Railways ate only competitive with air and road traffic
over distance o f 100 to 600 km.
4. Railway engineers are working to contribute to society by
making railways even more passenger friendly.
5. Safety, speed and ride comfort have always been major
problems for railway companies as well as reducing noise
pollution for people living near tracks.
6. Track is one of the most important technical elements in
railway operations.
7. The trains of the Seattle Center Monorail System can
cover the 1 mile distance at a top speed of 50 miles per
hour, making it the fastest monorail system in the USA.
8. Lines on the Underground can be classified into two types:
sub-surface and deep level, deep level lines mnning about
20 meters below the surface.
9. The oldest metropolitan underground network in the
world, the London Underground is usually referred to as
either simply “the Underground” by Londoners, or (more
familiarly) as the Tube.
10. Surprisingly few accidents are caused by overcrowding on
the platforms o f the Tube, maybe, Londoners are too
polite to push.
11. Переведите предложения с русского языка на
1. Китай все еще иногда производит паровые
локомотивы для использования на железных дорогах
со стандартной колеей.
2. В Британии скоростной рекорд был достигнут поездом
из 14 вагонов во время первого пробега на севере
Кента 30 июля 2003, скорость поезда составила 334
3. Колея в 4 фута 8,5 дюймов была принята в Америке,
так как американские инженеры полагали, что будут
использовать британские локомотивы.
4. Главные
транспортировку грузов и перевозку пассажиров.
5. Российские железные дороги - первые в мире по
длине электрифицированных линий и вторые по
протяженности маршрута.
III. Ответьте на вопросы
1. What is your hometown?
2. Do you go in for sports?
3. Does your University offer military training?
4. When was M SURE established?
5. What are the peculiarities o f the Russian political
6. What is the climate o f the Russian Federation?
IV. Найдите лишнее слово
1) car, carriage, wagon, tie, coach, van
2) to handle the traffic, to carry out transportation, to
effect carriage, to put into service, to transport, to run
the service
Вариант 3
I. Переведите предложения с английского языка на
1. The Tver Car Building Works has just developed a new
passenger car.
2. Electronic computeis have already appeared on the
railroads of many countries.
3. George Stephenson constructed the fiist steam locomotive
and the first public railway in England connecting
Stockton and Darlington.
4. Every year the Moscow Undeiground opens several new
metro stations.
5. Now the woikeis are laying down the track.
6. The radial metro lines of the Moscow Metro are connected
by the circle line.
7. The metro system is also called the “Undeiground” or the
8. In the nearest future the second circle line o f the Moscow
Metro will connect the radial lines in the outskirts of
9. The train is arriving at 3 p.m.
10. We are going to meet him at the railway station tomorrow
II. Переведите предложения с русского языка на
1. План строительства новой железной дороги был
обсужден на конференции.
2. В следующем году на этом пути будут введены в
эксплуатацию экспресс-поезда.
3. В будущем мы будем управлять более мощными
локомотивам и.
4. Город собирается построить новый вокзал.
5. Москва недавно построила первый монорельс в
III. Ответьте на вопросы
1. How long do you have to study at the University to
become a bachelor o f science, a specialist or a master o f
2. What kind o f disciplines do you study?
3. What education do you have?
4. What job are you interested in?
5. What are the national symbol, emblem and hymn o f
6. What is the form o f government in Russia?
IV. Найдите лишнее слово
1. track, tie, country, load, loco, coach
2. automobile, party, subway, railroad, train, ship
Вариант 4
I. Переведите предложения с английского языка на
1. The experimental tracks are laid without ballast.
2. The radial metro lines in Moscow will be connected by the
second circle line.
The Americans call their undeiground the “Subway”.
Now the workers are examining the metro trains.
Maiy is going to buy railway tickets to the airport.
We are leaving Moscow for Berlin by railroad.
In future the Moscow metro builders will construct more
and more new metro stations.
8. The first steam locomotives developed low speeds.
9. Russian railways have recently introduced new types of
10. The inspector hasn’t examined the railway track yet.
11. Переведите предложения с русского языка на
1. В 2004г. в Москве был построен первый в России
2. Расстояние между рельсами называется колеей.
3. В
усовершенствований в структуре железнодорожного
4. В следующем году завод будет производить больше
локомотивов, чем в прошлом.
5. Мы собираемся заказать билеты на поезд до
III. Ответьте на вопросы
1. When was the first Moscow Engineering school founded?
Who founded it?
2. What univets ity do you study at? What is your speciality?
3. Have you got any work experience?
4. Why did you choose this very speciality?
5. How many countries does Russia border on?
6. What branches does the Government consist of?
IV. Найдите лишнее слово
1. train, automobile, boat, vehicle, car, freight
2. monorail, underground, railway, locomotive, architecture,
Контрольное задание № 1
Вариант I
I. Выберите правильный вариант
1. Mr. Jones ... terrorize the neighbours.
a) can
b)m ay
c) must
2. A child who hit his lather... expect to lose the hand that
struck the blow.
a) can
b) could
c)m ust
3. The president's speech was much ... than I thought it
would be.
b)the longest
4. A: The driving test was very easy.
В : I know. It was a b it... I thought it would be.
b)the easiest
5. A: That was ... train I've ever travelled on!
В : Well, at least it was ... than traveling by bus.
a) bad
a) comfortable
b) worse
b) the most comfortable
c ) the worst
c)more comfortable
6. He ... in the centre o f Chicago.
a) to work
b) works
c) working
7. A King of the Mesopotamia ... one of the earliest legal
text o f laws.
a) write
b) is writing
c) wrote
8. Where ... the first laws ... ?
a)did ... appear
b)did ... appeared
9. ... he ... letters now?
a) to ... deliver
b) is ...delivering
10. He ... his chiefevery day.
a) not to help
b) isn't helping
II. Найдите антонимы
1. marriage
2. to ask
3. to leave
4. lawful
c)do ... appeal?
c) are ...delivering
c) doesn't help
a. unlawful
b. to return
c. to answer
d. divorce
III. Найдите лишнее слово
1. legal, lawful, legitimate, faulty.
2. selective, culpable, guilty, faulty.
3. erroneous, polite, faulty, wrong.
IV. К словам
3. government
4. inflation
из первого столбика подберите
из второго столбика._______________
a) a way in which someone is punished;
b )a type of music developed in the 1970s;
c) change, growth, or improvement over a
period o f time;
d)an official reduction in the value of a
country's money;
e)the people who control a country, region,
or town and make decisions
Вариант 2
I. Выберите правильный вариант
1. The code banned the tradition by which a man ... kidnap
and keep a woman.
a) could
b) can
c)m ust
2. After they had finished reading a legal text, the grantees ...
have a brake.
a) can
b) could
c) have to
3. Their house is ... in the town.
a) old
b) the oldest
4. Can you paik the c a r ... to the pavement, please?
a) close
b) the closest
5. If you need any ... information, call on the office from 10
a.m. to 2 p.m.
a) far
b) the furthest
c) further
6. Hammurabi ... a king o f Babylonia.
a) is
b)w as
c )to b e
7. The laws o f that time ... crime, divorce and marriage,
a) to cover
b) covered
c) cover
8. Punishments under the code ... often haish.
a) were
9. W h at... the victim ... now?
a) is doing
b) are doing
c) does do
10. When ... you ... to the news on the radio?
a) to listen
b) do listen
c)are listening
II. Найдите антонимы
1.to pass an exam
2.to graduate
4.to begin
a. false
b. to complete
c. to enter
d. to fail an exam
III. Найдите лишнее слово
crime, offence, guilt, tradition
thief, state, robber, burglar
to sentence, to find guilty, to improve, to convict
IV. К словам из первого столбика подберите
определения из второго столбика________________
a) a strong feeling that something is true
or real;
b) just starting to team a particular
activity, skill etc;
c) a choice that you make after thinking
d) an amount o f money that you owe;
e) a system provided by a government or
an official organization for needs o f the
f) to exchange something for money
g) a set of rates about how something
should be done or how people should
h) to add colour to something or make it a
different colour
Контрольное задание № 2
Вариант 1
I. Переведите предложения с английского языка на
1. At the heart of the English system there are two principles
o f government,
2. They are known as limited government and representative
3. The idea that government should not be all-powerful fust
appeared in the Magna Carta.
4. The Magna Carta established the principle o f limited
5. Magna Carta limited the power o f monarch or government.
6. The King John signed this document in 1215 under the
threat o f civil war.
7. Earlierkings o f England had issued charters.
8. Later the tension between the Kings and the nobility
9. The Articles o f the Barons became a final version o f the
10. John sealed this document on June 15, 1215.
11. Ответьте на вопросы
1. Why do you think Hammurabi decided to have his laws
carved into a pillar?
2. W hy was the pillar set up in a temple?
3. How do you understand the principle “an eye for an eye
and a tooth for a tooth”?
4. In your opinion, were punishments always fair?
5. Why do you think people o f different tanks were treated
differently by Hammurabi’s code?
III.C помощью суффиксов
образуйте новые слова
to forge, useful, to arrest
controversy, tradition, fault
Вариант 2
I. Переведите предложения с английского языка на
1. The Magna Carta established the principle o f limited
2. Magna Carta limited the power o f monarch or government.
3. This document provided protection against unjust
punishment and the loss o f life, liberty, and property.
4. It established that no citizen could be punished or kept in
prison without a fair trial.
5. Under the Magna Carta, the king agreed that certain taxes
could not be levied without popular consent.
6. It was very important for society.
7. However the Magna Carta was originally intended to
protect aristocracy and not the ordinary citizens.
8. It came in time to be regarded as a cornerstone o f British
9. It is one o f the oldest written constitutional papers.
10. Its two principles are the heart o f the English system of
11. Ответьте на вопросы
What ancient legal code do you know?
Who drew the laws ofBabilon up?
How many paragraphs did it consist?
Were the punishments under the code harsh?
What spheres o f human life were coveted
Hammurabi’s code?
III. С помощью суФФиксов-</ои. -ness, -orv. -ful, -v
образуйте новые слова
polite, dispute, challenge
fault, statute. Law
Контрольное задание № 3
Вариант 1
I. Переведите предложения с английского языка на
1. During the 20th century the monarchy became still more
2. It wasn't so popular in the times of Queen Victoria in the
19th century.
3. George V, the grandson of Victoria, started a tradition o f
attending the annual football Cup Final match at Wembley
4. On Christmas Day, 1932, he spoke to the people o f Britain
and the Commonwealth on the radio.
5. Since then the Christmas speech of the monarch has also
become a tradition.
6. During the Second World W ar George VI and his wife won
great admiration o f the British people for refusing to leave
Buckingham Palace
7. They stayed there even after it had been bombed.
8. Elizabeth II became a queen in 1952.
9. The popularity o f the monarchy has been steadily growing
since that year.
10. The monarchy is still very popular in Britain.
11. Переведите предложения с русского языка на
1. В 1901 году французские археологи обнаружили
каменный столб среди руин персидского города Сузы.
2. Текст, высеченный на столбе, был древнейшим сводом
3. Он был составлен Хаммурапи, царем Вавилона.
4. Великая Хартия Вольностей это грамота,
подписанная в 1215 г. Английским королем Иоаном I.
5. Она составлена на китайском языке и содержит 63
III. Ответьте на вопросы
1. Where and why did the first laws appear?
2. Why were the first laws mainly attributed to divine powers?
3. What provisions did the Magna Carta contain?
4. When was the first Moscow Engineering School founded?
5. What does the phrase "the right to education" mean?
6. What political parties are there in Britain today?
Вариант 2
I. Переведите предложения с английского языка на
1. At the end o f the war the victorious Allies created the
United Nations Organization.
2. This organization must protect peace and democracy in the
world and prevent new wars.
3. The idea was to settle local and global problems by
discussion within the Organization and not by fighting in
4. But from the very start this new world organization faced
great difficulties.
5. The idea o f the four Allies (the Soviet Union, the United
States, France and Britain) to collaborate for the recovery
o f central Europe did not work.
6. Europe was divided into two parts, the eastern one under
the communist Soviet control and the western one under
the control ofBritain, France and the United States.
7. In 1948-49 the Soviet Union tried to capture W est Berlin.
8. Then it blocked all road and rail traffic.
9. As a result o f the struggle for West Berlin, two opposite
alliances were formed.
10. They were: the North Atlantic Treaty Organization o f the
western nations and Warsaw Pact ofthe eastern block.
И. Переведите предложения с русского языка на
1. Кодекс
282 статей.
Выставленный в храме вавилонского бога Мардука,
"столб законов" должен был служить правосудию.
2. Кодекс охватывал все сферы жизни.
3. Драконг - афинский законодатель, чьи крайне суровые
законы предусматривали только одно наказание смерть.
4. Его имя связывают со всем жестоким и безжалостным
- "драконовские
меры", "драконовские законы",
"драконовский кодекс".
III. Ответьте на вопросы
1. What issues did the early laws emphasize? Why?
2. Who enjoyed the rights granted by the Magna Carta?
3. What does the ancient Greek concept o f law comprise?
4. How long does a student have to study to become a
5. What is the form o f government in Russia?
6. What Houses does the British Parliament consist of?
Тест по англоязычным странам
Вариант 1
I. Найдите словам на английском языке эквиваленты
на русском языке
Right Honourable
necessary -and-proper
exceed powers
universal suffrage
to be responsible to
ликвидация, роспуск
превысить полномочия
отвечать перед кем - либо
сохранять в силе
многоотраслевая экономика
предъявлять обвинение , в
правонару ше нии
госу дарстве иному
официальному лицу
поддержание; сохранение
обложение (налогом)
статья конституции США,
издавать все необходимые
второй тур выборов
достопочте нный
II. Выберите правильный вариант
1. The state isn’t a constitutional monarchy with the Queen at
the head.
a) Great Britain
b) The USA c) Canada
d) Australia
e) New Zealand
2. The Declaration of Independence establishes-------------- as
an independent political entity, while the Constitution creates
the basic structure of the federal government.
a) Great Britain
b) The USA c) Canada
d) Australia
e) New Zealand
3. The House of Representatives consists of 435 members,
each of whom represents a congressional district and serves
for a two-year term.
a) Great Britain
b) The USA
c) Canada d) Australia
e) New Zealand
4. There are a total of 100 senators (as there are currently 50
states), who serve six-year terms.
a) Great Britain
b) The USA
c) Canada d) Australia
e) New Zealand
5. A federation is now comprising ten provinces and three
a) Great Britain
b) The USA c) Canada
d) Australia
e) New Zealand
6. The bicameral Parliament consists of the Senate and the House
of Commons; by definition, Parliament also includes the
a) Great Britain
b) The USA
c) Canada d) Australia
e) New Zealand
7. The House of Commons currently has 308 members elected by a
plurality of popular votes in separate constituencies (ridings) for
mandates that cannot exceed a maximum of five years.
a) Great Britain
b) The USA
c) Canada d) Australia
e) New Zealand
8. ____________ is a federation composed of ten provinces and
three territories.
a) Great Britain
b) The USA
c) Canada d) Australia
e) New Zealand
9 . _________ consists of six states, two major mainland
territories, and other minor territories
a) Great Britain b) The USA c) Canada
d) Australia
e) New Zealand
10. The bicameral Commonwealth Parliament consists of the
Queen, the Senate (the upper house) of 76 senators, and a
House of Representatives of 150 members.
a) Great Britain b) The USA c) Canada
d) Australia
e) New Zealand
11. Rather than being modelled after the House of Lords, as
the ------------------ Senate was, the ------------------- Senate
was in part modelled after the United States Senate, by giving
equal representation to each state.
a) British
b) American
c) Canadian
d) Australian
e) New Zealand
12. The Constitution o f ................. does not recognize the
Cabinet as a legal entity, and its decisions have no legal force.
All members of the ministry are also members of the
Executive Council, a body which gives legal force to
decisions already made by the Cabinet.
a) Great Britain
b) The USA c) Canada
d) Australia
e) New Zealand
13. Members of the Executive Council are entitled to be styled
"The Honourable", a title which they retain for life.
a) Great Britain
b) The USA c) Canada
d) Australia
e) New Zealand
14. ................. has no formal, written constitution; the
constitutional framework consists of a mixture of various
a) Great Britain
b) The USA c) Canada
d) Australia
e) New Zealand
III. Переведите с английского язы ка на русский
New Zealand's judiciary is a hierarchy consisting of the
Supreme Court o f New Zealand, the Court o f Appeal o f New
Zealand, the High Court o f New Zealand, and the District
Courts. These courts are all of general jurisdiction. There are
several other courts of specialist jurisdiction, including the
Family Court, the Youth Court, the Employment Court, the
Environment Court and the Maori Land Court.
The Executive branch consists of the President and his
delegates. The President is both the head of state and
government, as well as the military commander-in-chief and
chief diplomat. The President, according to the Constitution,
must "take care that the laws be faithfully executed
Canada's parliamentary system empowers political parties
and their party leaders. Where one party gets a majority o f the
seats in the House of Commons, that party is said to have a
"majority government". Through party discipline, the party
leader, who is only elected in one riding, exercises a great deal
o f control over the cabinet and the parliament
Canadians vote for their local Member of Parliament (MP)
only. The party leaders are elected prior to the general
elections by party memberships. Parties elect their leaders in
run-off elections to ensure that the winner receives more than
50% of the votes. Normally the party leader stands as a
candidate to be an MP during an election.
Вариант 2
I. Найдите
эквиваленты на русском языке
caretater prime minister
(об избирательной системе)
отдающий победу кандидату,
большинство голосов: как
минимум на один голос
electoral college
swear in
governor general
ultimate court o f appeal
residual powers
to take the census
коллегия выборщиков
избирательный округ
приводить к присяге при
вступлении в должность
остаточные правомочия
суд последней инстанции
выборный округ в Канаде
провести перепись (населения
и т.п.)
предоставлять право
суд в полном составе
II. Найдите правильный вариант
1. It is a bilingual and multicultural country, with both
English and French as official languages at the federal level,
a) Great Britain b) The USA
c) Canada
d) Australia
e)N ew Zealand
2. Elections for both chambers are held every three years;
Senators have overlapping six-year terms, and only halfofthe
seats are put to each election unless the cycle is interrupted by
a double dissolution.
a) Great Britain b) The USA
c) Canada
d) Australia
e)N ew Zealand
3. -------------- main legislative body is a unicameral
Parliament known as the House of Representatives
a) Great Britain’s
b) The USA
c) Canadian
e) New Zealand’s
4. Currently, the Senate has 105 members, who are appointed
by the governor general on the advice o f the prime minister,
a) Great Britain
b) The USA c) Canada
d) Australia
e)N ew Zealand
5. The normal number o f senators can be exceeded by the
Governor-General at the wish of the Prime Minister.
a) GreatBritain
b) The USA c)Canada
d) Australia
e)N ew Zealand
6. If the Senate repeatedly refuses to pass legislation initiated
in the lower house, the Government may either abandon the
bill, continue to revise it, or call a double dissolution and
attempt to pass the bill at a subsequent joint sitting o f the two
a) GreatBritain
b) The USA c)Canada
d) Australia
e)N ew Zealand
7. In order to ensure that social programs such as health care
and education are funded consistently throughout ------------ ,
the "have-not" (poorer) provinces receive a proportionately
greater share o f federal "transfer (equalization) payments"
than the richer, or "have", provinces do.
a) GreatBritain
b) The USA c)Canada
d) Australia
e)N ew Zealand
8. The Senate and House o f Representatives have almost
equal legislative power.
a) GreatBritain
b) The USA c)Canada
d) Australia
e)N ew Zealand
9. Members o f the House o f Representatives and the Senate
are elected by first-past-the-post voting in every state except
two states, which have runoffs.
a) GreatBritain
b) The USA c)Canada
d) Australia
e)N ew Zealand
10. Each member in the House of Commons is elected by
simple plurality in a "riding" or electoral district; general
elections аш called by the Governor General when the Prime
Minis terso advises.
a) GreatBritain
b) The USA c) Canada
d) Australia
e) New Zealand
11. The Parliament comprises the Queen, the Senate, and the
House of Representatives; the Queen is represented by the
Governor-General, whose powers are limited.
a) GreatBritain
b) The USA c) Canada
d) Australia
e) New Zealand
12. The basic system is closely patterned on that o f the
Westminster System, although a number of significant
modifications have been made.
a) GreatBritain
b) The USA c ) Canada
d) Australia
e) New Zealand
13. The politics o f -----------takes place in a framework o f a
parliamentary representative democratic monarchy.
a) GreatBritain
b) The USA c ) Canada
d) Australia
e) New Zealand
1 4 . ----------- has no formal, written constitution; the
constitutional framework consists o f a mixture o f various
a) GreatBritain
b) The USA c) Canada
d) Australia
e) New Zealand
III. Переведите с английского языка на русский
The Constitution grants numerous powers to Congress.
These include the powers: to levy and collect taxes in order to
pay debts, provide for common defense and general welfare o f
the U.S.; to borrow money on the credit o f the U.S.; to
regulate commerce with other nations and between the states;
to coin money and regulate its value; promote progress of
science, create courts inferior to the Supreme Court, define
and punish piracies and felonies, declare war, raise and
support armies, provide and maintain a navy, exercise
exclusive legislation in Washington D.C, and make laws
necessary to execute the powers.
In a minority government, a party leader is selected to lead
the government, however he or she can only do so with the
support o f other parties.
The highest court in Canada is the Supreme Court o f
Canada and is the final court o f appeal in the Canadian justice
system. The court is composed o f nine judges: eight Puisne
Justices and the C hief Justice o f Canada. Justices o f the
Supreme Court o f Canada are appointed by the Govemor-inCouncil. The Supreme Court Act limits eligibility for
appointment to persons who have been judges of a superior
court, or members o f the bar for ten or more years. Members
o f the bar or superior judiciary o f Quebec, by law, must hold
three o f the nine positions on the Supreme Court o f Canada J4]
The Supreme Court o f Canada is the highest court and
final arbiter and is led by the Right Honourable Madam Chief
Justice Beverley McLachlin, P.C. Its nine members are
appointed by the Governor General on the advice o f the Prime
Minister. All judges at the superior and appellate levels are
appointed by the Governor General on the advice o f the prime
minister and minister o f justice
Вечернее отделение
Контрольное задание № 1
Вариант 1
Выберите правильный вариант
1. His name ... Nick.
a) are
c) is
2. Where ... you live?
a) do
b) is
3. What’s ...?
a) down;
b) at
4. John ... a new bike yesterday,
5. M other... in the kitchen at the moment,
6. We ... to the cinema yesterday,
a) are going
b) went
7. Tomorrow he ... his grandmother,
a) vis it
b) visited
8. She ... a new dress next week.
a) buys
b) is going to buy
9. Yesterday I saw ... new film,
a) a
10.... can answerthis question,
a) s ome body
b) anybody
c) is cooking
c) is going to visit
c) nobody
II. К словам из первого столбика подберите
определения из второго столбика__________
1 .hobby
a) a talk to a group o f people about a
particular subject, especially at
2. study
b) an important test o f your knowledge
3. lecture
c)the process o f learning
4. exam
d) something that you enjoy doing when
you are not working
Вариант 2
Выберите правильный вариант
1. ... is your name?
a) where
b)w hat
c) when
2. She ... seventeen.
a) am
b) were
3 . 1.. . my favorite cartoon yesterday.
a) saw
b) am going to see c) see
4. He ... football in the park yesterday.
a) plays
b) is playing
c) played
5 . 1.. . my homework now.
a) am doing
6. M other... the windows now.
a) is going to clean b) c leaned
c ) is c leaning
7. Ben ... a new record tomorrow.
a) is going to buy b) buy
c) bought
8. They ... dinneratthe moment.
b) are having
9. There is ... in the next room.
a) somebody
b) anybody
c) everybody
10) Philosophy is ... very difficult discipline,
a) an
c )a
II. К словам из первого столбика
определения из второго столбика
1. man
2. student
3. pupil
4. professor
a)someone who goes to a university
b) someone who goes to school
c) an adult male human
d) a senior teacher in a college or
Контрольное задание № 2
Вариант 1
I. Переведите предложения с английского языка на
1. It is a rule that every student must spend his or her
freshman year on campus.
2. We come home at about 7 o'clock in the evening.
3. His child studies very well.
4. My parents are very educated people but simple and easy
to be with.
5. My boss Suzie is a very strict lady but very nice when you
do your job properly.
6. Students should learn English as a foreign language
because today English is the language o f the world.
7. Moscow is the economic, political and cultural center o f
8. On the Russian territory there are 11 time zones.
9. Our country is one o f the richest in natural resources
countries in the world.
10. The President controls only the executive branch - the
government, but not the Supreme Court and Federal
11. Ответьте на вопросы
1. Why do we need to learn foreign languages?
2. What are the most well known universities in Russia?
3. Is Russia the largest country in the world?
III. Образуйте новые слова от слова expect, используя
суффиксы и префиксы ип-; -able; dis-; -ins; im-; -ed; -lv.
Вариант 2
1. She is tall and slim and has fair hair and blue eyes.
2. Our family is veiy friendly, we have many friends and
3. As you see, his biography isn't very long yet.
4. There was a woman, a man, a boy and a girl in the room.
5. I put my textbook on the shelf.
6. Г т afraid he’s out at the moment.
7. Usually I don't miss my classes because I want to pass my
exams successfully.
8. I like to read something before going to bed and Helen
likes to listen to some music.
9. Now let me tell you about my usual working day.
10. After 9 years o f schooling children can study for three
years more and receive a secondary school education or
enter vocational-technical schools.
11. Ответьте на вопросы
1) What is the national symbol o f Russia?
2) Is Moscow a port city?
3) Are Russian flora and fauna various?
III. Образуйте новые слова от слова love, используя
суффиксы и префиксы: dis-; -able: и п -less: im-: ins: -ed; -Iv
Контрольное задание № 3
Вариант 1
1. The climate o f the United Kingdom is mild.
2. London is situated on the river Thames.
3. There are many tourists there from different countries of
the world.
4. The tall Nelson's Column stands in the middle o f the
5. The East End is an industrial district o f London.
6. There are many factories there.
7. Americans are made up from nearly all races and nations.
8. John knows Russian as well as English.
9. Westminster is the aristocratic official part o f London.
10. The clock tower o f the houses o f Parliament is famous for
its big hour bell known as "Big Ben".
11. Переведите предложения с русского языка на
1. Официальное
Северной Ирландии.
2. Ла-Манш отделяет Соединенное Королевство от
континентальной Европы.
3. США имеет морскую границу с Российской
4. Делегацию нужно встретить завтра в 9 часов утра в
5. В городе сейчас строиться много новых зданий.
III. Ответьте на вопросы
1. How many lectures do you usually have every day?
2. Whatare the most well know universities in Russia?
3. What is Moscow Undeiground famous foi?
4. What is the West End o f London famous fbi?
Вариант 2
Переведите предложения с английского
языка на русский
1. Christopher Columbus was a sailor by trade.
2. GreatBritain comprises England, Scotland and Wales.
3. The West End is the richest and most beautiful part o f
4. The best hotels, restaurants, shops, clubs, paries and houses
are situated there.
5. The City is the oldest part o f London, its financial and
business centre.
6. The United States o f America is a federal state, headed by
the President.
7. The capital and the largest city o f the UK is London.
8. Great Britain is one o f the most densely populated
countries in Europe.
9. The UK is an island nation and constitutional monarchy in
north-western Europe.
10. The East End is densely populated by working class
11. Переведите предложения с русского языка на
1. Соединенное
конституционной монархией.
2. Северная Ирландия занимает северо-восточную часть
острова Ирландия.
3. США - четвертая по площади страна в мире после
России, Канады и Китая.
4. У каждого штата своя столица.
5. В 60-е годы в Соединенном Королевстве наметился
значительный рост числа университетов.
III. Ответьте на вопросы.
1. How long does it take you to get to your univers ity?
2. When was your university founded?
3. What does the Federal assembly o f the Russian Federation
consist of?
4. Who is the president o f the USA now?
ГСТ...,.......................................................................................... 3
Контрольное задание № 1 ................................................... 3
Контрольное задание № 2 ................................................... 7
Контрольное задание № 3 ....................................................9
ГГУ .............................................................................................13
Контрольное задание № 1 ................................................. 13
Контрольное задание № 2 ................................................. 16
Контрольное задание № 3 ................................................. 19
ГСЛ............................................................................................ 22
Контрольное задание № 1 .................................................22
Контрольное задание № 2 ....................................
Контрольное задание № 3 ................................................. 26
ГМН, ГСО, ГРК, ГПС.............................................................29
Контрольное задание № 1 ................................................. 29
Контрольное задание № 2 ................................................. 32
Контрольное задание № 3 ................................................. 34
И Т .........................
Контрольное задание № 1 ................................................. 36
Контрольное задание № 2 ................................................. 43
Контрольное задание № 3 ................................................. 45
У П П ........................................................................................... 48
Контрольное задание № 1 ................................................. 48
Контрольное задание № 2 ................................................. 55
Контрольное задание № 3 ................................................. 60
Ю ИД.......................................................................................... 67
Контрольное задание № 1 ................................................. 67
Контрольное задание № 2 ................................................. 70
Контрольное задание № 3 ................................................. 73
Тест по англоязычным странам.......................................75
Вечернее отделение............................................................83
Контрольное задание № 1 ................................................. 83
Контрольное задание № 2 ................................................. 85
Контрольное задание № 3 ................................................. 87
Учебно-методическое издание
Английский язык
Сборник тестовых заданий
под редакцией Федоткиной КВ.
Подписано в печатьС&0£< Формат 60ч84/16
Усл.-печ. л. - 5,75
Тираж 200 экз.
Изд. № 316-08
127994, Москва, ул. Образцова, 15
Типография МИИТа