gas analyzer

Presentation of practical training on
environmental sanitation for 4th year
8 - semester
Hygienic evaluation of the organization of sanitary
protection zones (SPZ) (SanPiN 0006-96)
Hygienic assessment of air quality according to a stationary
point of control. Method of "Rose gassed" and "dusty rose".
Method of collecting materials for hygienic assessment of
air quality. Evaluation of laboratory studies on the basis of
selected samples of air (determination of NO2, SO2)
• Hygienic assessment of the organization SPZ
• Hygienic assessment of air quality according to a stationary point of
• Method of "Rose gassed" and "dusty rose".
• Method of collecting materials for hygienic assessment of air quality
• Evaluation of laboratory studies on the basis of selected samples of air
(determination of NO2, SO2)
The purpose of
with the
for the
tion of
the SPZ
s on the
tion of
the SPZ
with the
on the
of the
a system
s for
on of
eric air
how to
make a
ons to
health of
ed with
y tests of
s the
ic air
The student should know
-Know the sources of air pollution, their
comparative hygienic assessment
to know the role and importance
undertorch route studies and fixed positions
to assess the state of air and development
activities in San. Air Protection.
Technique know the correct size of the SPZ
Be able to make an opinion on the health
organization SPZ
- How to assess the extent of air pollution
Know the aspiration method of sampling, air
sampling vessels, determine the end-wee
sulfur dioxide
1 to exercise the current sanitary inspection
on under control municipal objects
2 to carry out visual, laboratory and tool,
calculation methods of definition for a
hygienic assessment of factors of
3.the account to conduct sanitary and
hygienic examinations of objects of
supervision and to make the
corresponding registration and
reporting documentation;
The student has to be
4. to conduct laboratory researches
on the corresponding subject
5To exercise the current sanitary
inspection on under control municipal
7 to carry out visual, laboratory and tool,
calculation methods of definition for a
hygienic assessment of factors of
6 to carry out visual, laboratory and
tool, calculation methods of definition
for a hygienic assessment of factors of
SPZ to the border of residential development should be established.
For companies with technological processes, which are sources of air pollution harmful and
unpleasant smelling substances directly from the sources of air pollution emissions focused
(through pipes, mines) or diffuse emissions (through the lights of buildings), as well as from the
unloading of raw materials or open storage.
For companies with technological processes, which are sources of noise, vibration,
electromagnetic waves, radio and other harmful factors entering into the environment of
buildings, structures and sites where installed production equipment create these hazards.
Atmospheric pollution from the hygienic point of view are characterized by two main indicators:
quality caused by chemical and physico-chemical nature of the contamination;
quantifies the strength or intensity destyviya this pollutant.
The impact of emissions on the
environment, the following SPZ
in accordance with the hazard
class companies:
1000 m
500 m
300 m
100 m
50 m
The enterprise alleged industrial
construction, where the average value of
the repeatability of the wind at rumbovoy reference system exceeds
12.5%, ie differs from the circular "wind
rose" must adjust the size and
configuration of the SPZ for consistency
with HF in 363-74. This correction is
performed according to the formula:
Lo x P
L = -----------;
Where L - SPZ boundaries defined by the
value of (m)
Lo - the value zone in accordance with
the sanitary classification of production
CH 245-71 (m)
Po - average frequency of winds in the
circular "wind rose";
P - repeatability of wind in a particular
naprvlenii (in%) according to the average
"wind rose"
SPZ for thermal power
plants and boiler on the
calculation determines
the dispersion in the
atmosphere contained in
the emissions of harmful
substances in accordance
with the "Guidelines on
the calculation of
atmospheric dispersion of
emissions enterprises CH 369-74.
These guidelines are
based on data on the
spread of contamination
in the air, depending on
the height of the
ejection, the temperature
of physico-chemical
properties and
meteorological conditions.
If you see more than MPC - air pollution occurs; See if
. released into the atmosphere substances equal to or
less MPC, it is allowed in residential areas and can not
be considered as pollution.
For hot emissions from a single source with a round
mouth of the maximum surface concentration (L) is
given by:
Cm = ------------------------H N M1x
where A - factor determining the conditions of
horizontal and vertical dispersion of pollutants;
M - amount of substance emitted to the atmosphere;
F - dimensionless coefficient that takes into account the
rate of sedimentation of harmful substances into the
H - height of the emission source
V1- discharged volume of the mixture;
T - the temperature difference, the exhaust gases and
the air in 13 hours for the hottest month of the year;
The value of m is determined according to the
schedule, depending on the value of f / f = 103 W0h D
------------- Where
H2 x T
D - diameter of the mouth istoyanika release in meters
W0 - exit velocity of the gas mixture in the mouth of m
/ s. The coefficient is determined by the special plan,
depending on the value of V m.
V1h T
(V m = 0.65 x ------------), which in turn determines the
depending on the height of the pipe (H) and the
product of V1 x T.
To simplify the calculation of the maximum surface
concentration (see) you can use the formula:
Cm = M x A x F x m x n x Q where
Q = ---------------H2 x V1 x T
The quantity Q is determined by the nomogram
depending on the height of the pipe (H) and the
product V1 × T (m3 / deg / s).
Class 1 (SPZ - 1000 m)
* 1. Production of nitrogen
* production of cellophane
* the production of acid
* production of alcohol
* Production of chemical drugs
Chemical plants Class 2 (SPZ 500 m)
Production of soda ash
production of alcohol
Production of esters
Venture for the production of asbestos
Production of acetic acid
Polyethylene production of nicotine
Class 3 (300 m)
1 Mineral salts
2. Production of plasticizers
3. Production of varnishes
4. Production of varnishes
5. Production of polyester
6. Production of methionine
Production of antibiotics by biological
Class 4 (100 m)
production of glycerol
Manufacture of soap
Production of sugar vanilla
production of perfumes
Production of artificial skin
Production of synthetic detergents
Class 5 (50)
Production of artificial pearls
Manufacture of printing inks
Manufacture of finished medicines
Production of various kinds of paper
production of carbon dioxide
Photochemical production of paper
7. Paragraphs tank cleaning
According to state standard
specification of
supervision over pollution of
atmospheric air are made on
stationary, route and mobile
(subtorch) posts. Stationary posts
are intended for ensuring
continuous registration of the
content of the polluting
substances or regular sampling of
air for the subsequent analysis.
Stationary posts represents the
special pavilions equipped with
the necessary equipment.
Route posts are
intended for
regular sampling of
air in the fixed
district point at
the observations
made on the
mobile equipment.
The number of fixed positions and route determined by population,
area and topography, industrial development, and deployment of
recreation and resort areas
The maximum number of
stations is determined by the
1 post - up to 50
000 inhabitants
2-3 posts 100,200,000
3-5 posts 200,500,000
5-10 positions more than 500
000 inhabitants
10-20 posts more than 1
Observations on the block positions is
carried out with a special machine on
which you install the necessary
equipment and devices. Sampling
block positions arranged based on a
motor vehicle can be made sampling
8-10. One car can drive around 4-5
posts sampling at each post must be
carried out 2 times a day. The order of
the detour route posts monthly
change to sampling on each of them
was carried out at different times of
day. Organization monitoring the state
of the atmosphere in the settlements,
stationary and block positions assigned
to the State Committee on
Hydrometeorology. The doctor
hygienist uses these results in these
positions to assess the extent of air
pollution in the village and the study
of public health in relation to
environmental pollution.
Sampling is desirable to
produce a selected distance
not less than three points
simultaneously. To this end,
a motor vehicle equipped
with offset points with
independent power
supplies, which are located
on both sides of the plume
at distances equal to 1/25
of a circle of radius R. In
addition some post set in
upwind emission source at
a distance, excluding the
impact of the subject
source of the value of the
concentration of the
In the process of air
sampling are monitoring
the state of the plume
Observation lead the typical ingredients of the
enterprise, taking into account the quantity and
characteristics of toxic emissions. In the area
of maximum possible contamination should be
selected at least 50-60 air samples for each
ingredient in different seasons. In other areas, at
least 25 samples are taken.
The results of research and observation is made in
the "Protocol for Air Research populated areas"
(accounting form 329 / y)
When conducting undertorch supervision in the city
with a lot of industrial enterprises need to select a
few basic (3-5), the most powerful sources of air
pollution and sampling produce alternately
depending on the wind direction and the torch of
these sources.
Data processing method of stationary
To construct rose dust and gas content
primarily computes the average
concentrations of dust and sulfur dioxide,
or the needs of other industrial pollution
for each month of the year. To this end,
on a separate sheet of paper write out the
concentration of sulfur dioxide and dust
for morning and evening samples within
one month to 16 below listed rumba and
during the calm.
C - 9-10
CER - 103 10-10
SV - 11-103
UTC -12 -3103
B - 13 - 3
V10V-14 3C3
10B -15 - C 3
1010V -16 -SS3
The arithmetic average calculated by the formula
X is a front arithmetic value of dust and sulfur
dioxide for each determination
х= Е х y/n
E is the sign of summation
N- is the number of terms of the series
Scale approximately:
Dust 0.1 mg / m 2 cm
Gas 0.1 mg \ ml of 1 cm
Interactive teaching methods.
Divide the group into small groups of 2-3. All students offer
one job as specific issues related to the topic. List the
questions to be answered by each MG, specify the value in
points. Each MG discusses and writes to mark their answers.
To this value is 10 minutes. The teacher then takes each MG
and conduct analysis aloud the correct answers to each
For each correct answer inserted corresponding points are
then calculated the amount of points scored by each MG.
T.E.Otsenka knowledge students each MG.
• The method of sampling the air:
• vacuum method
• Method of filling containers
• aspiration method
Instruments used for air sampling:
• Absorption glass vessels
• Gas pipette, gas analyzer, electric aspirator
• AFA filters.
Rules of air sampling
Atmospheric air is taken for analysis
either by aspiration clock or
intermittent way at least 10 samples
within a day with proper intervals and
then calculating the arithmetic mean,
which is the first method determines the
average concentration.
Determination of average concentration is the aim of
the study. Therefore, the sampling is carried out
systematically, over a long period of time up to a
year. Zonal distribution around the source of air
pollution produced by different rumba, at different
distances, in different seasons, at each point on the
3 samples of which takes into account only the
maximum. Systematic monitoring of air cleanliness in
the village is held in several places; the duration of
observation may be limited to 10 consecutive days in
each season of the yea
The maximum single concentration is determined
by short-term (15-20) selecting at least 25
samples in the flame of the main source of
pollution, ie downwind, at the time the largest
air pollution.
Atmospheric air is not considered responsible
hygienic standards, if the average daily samples
of 10 or 25 one-time maximum of two or more
samples found concentrations exceeding limits.
*New educational technology
used in the lesson
What equipment is used
for air intake
AFA filters
gas pipette
. gas
test questions
-1. The composition of GOST 17. 2. 3. 01 - 86
-2. Types of surveillance
-3. Fixed monitoring stations
-4. Routing observation posts
-5. Undertorch observation posts
-6. Selecting a location for the post
-7 What determines the size of the SPZ
-8 Requirements planting area SPZ.
-9 Requirements landscaping SPZ
-10 Methods of air sampling.
-11 Device "mole" when applied
* References:
1. "Health" under the guidance of prof. Demidenko NM T. 2003
2. Guide to laboratory work on communal hygiene Goncharuk EI
Moscow 1990
3. Sh.T.Otaboev, T.I.Iskandarov, G.T.Iskandarova "Kommunal
hygiene" Tashkent 2010 th.
4 "Kommunal gigienadan Amal mashgulotlar Uchun ukuv
kullanma. "Edited by Academician Iskandarova TI T. 2006y
5. "Communal Hygiene" E.I.Goncharuk Kiev in 2007 I, II part
*Internet sites
O'z.Res.SSV veb-sayt
TTA sayti – htt://web.tma
TMA Wi-Fizone ZiyONet