План открытого урока по английскому языку в 8 классе в МОУ

План открытого урока по английскому языку
в 8 классе в МОУ «Ибресинская СОШ № 1».
Тема урока: «Environmental Problems»
1. Образовательная - совершенствование навыков монологической и
диалогической речи.
2. Развивающая – развитие активности, способности к анализу,
обобщению и формулированию собственных выводов
3. Воспитательная – формирование ответственного отношения к
окружающей среде, воспитание правильного экологического поведения.
- активизировать лексический материал по теме;
- практиковать учащихся в аудировании;
- развивать навыки устной речи.
Методы: коммуникативный, проектный.
Тип урока: обобщающий
Формы работы:
- фронтальная работа (ответы на вопросы, чтение слов);
- групповая работа (обсуждение мнений, дискуссия, ответы на
- парная работа;
- индивидуальная работа.
Оснащение урока: компьютер, мультимедиапроектор, экран, слайды,
доска, магнитофон, плакаты учащихся, раздаточный материал, компьютерная
презентация проектов учащихся.
Ход урока:
1. Организационный момент и речевая зарядка.
Вступительное слово учителя (приветствие, сообщение темы и цели
Teacher: Good morning, boys and girls! I am glad to see you. Sit down,
please. I hope you are okay today and ready to work hard and enthusiastically.
Today we have our lesson on the topic “Environmental Problems”.
It’s a wonderful world we live in. It is our Earth. For thousands of years the
Earth has given support to all forms of life – human beings, animals, birds, fishes,
insects and plants. But now people all over the world think about our planet. They
think about air, water, plants and animals on the Earth. They say our planet is in
danger. We have very serious environmental problems on our Earth. Who can say
what these problems are?
P1: One of the problems is air pollution.
P2: I think the next global problem is water pollution.
P3: A lot of animals, birds and plants are disappearing now. To my mind it’s
a very serious problem.
P4: Another problem is overpopulation. Nowadays there are too many
people on the Earth, so the pollution of it becomes higher and higher.
P5: And we have also such a problem as destruction of natural recourses.
For example, every year more and more trees are cut down.
T: You are quite right. At this lesson we are going to discuss these global
environmental problems as air and water pollution, endangered animals and plants,
and secondly we will try to answer the question: “What can we do to protect our
environment and to save our planet?”.
2. Фонетическая зарядка (на слайде написана активная лексика).
T: First of all we will review some words and word combinations on this
environmental problems
to protect the environment
to be polluted by
air pollution
water pollution
to prohibit
to be strictly prohibited
to drop litter
to clear litter away
to throw away
to be in (out of) danger
to avoid doing smth.
acid rain
ozone layer
greenhouse effect
carbon dioxide
ultraviolet radiation
(Работа проводится в режиме T – class; P1 – P2 – P3 – P4 (в группах); T
– P1, P2, P3, P4).
3. Проверка знания слов.
T: I am sure that everybody knows the meanings of these words. So you can
easily do the next task. Match the words with their definitions. We shall do this
work in groups.
1. Ecology
a) A gas in the atmosphere. The gas that we breathe out.
2. Environment
b) The Earth is becoming warmer because there is too
much carbon dioxide in the atmosphere.
3. Flora
c) The study of living creatures and plants in their
4. Fauna
d) This is the atmosphere between 10 km and 60 km
above the Earth. The ozone stops a lot of the ultraviolet
radiation from the sun.
5. Habitat
е) When the land, sea or air becomes dirty or poisonous.
6. Pollution
f) Part of sunlight.
7. Carbon
g) The natural living place of an animal or plant.
8. Greenhouse
h) Rain containing acid.
9. Ozone layer
i) It means simply what is around us.
10. Ultraviolet
j) All the plants that grow in a region.
11. Acid rain
k) The animals of a region.
T: Ready? Let’s check.
4. Выступление учащихся со своими проектами. Обсуждение
экологической ситуации.
T: As you remember your homework was to make projects on the problems
of our environment.
So we have four groups. Each group has prepared a project.
These are the themes of the project:
1. Air pollution.
2. Water pollution.
3. Animals are in danger.
4. Plants are in danger.
After listening to other groups, you can ask questions, add some information
or express your opinion.
Okay, let’s start with air pollution.
P1: Air pollution is a very serious problem. Factories emit tons of harmful
chemicals. These emissions have disastrous consequences for our planet. They are
the main reason for the green house effect and acid rains.
P2: When the Americans decided to clean up the Statue of Liberty in 1986,
the first thing they had to do was to make a hole in her nose and take away the acid
rain that had collected inside. The polluted air of New York had mixed with the
rain and damaged the Statue badly. And you certainly know that most of the
pollution in big cities comes from cars and buses.
P3: An even greater threat are nuclear power stations. We all know how
tragic the consequences of the Chernobyl disaster are. Nuclear pollution can not be
seen but its effects can be terrible.
P4: More and more often people are told not to be in direct sunlight because
ultraviolet radiation from the sun can cause skin cancer. Normally the ozone layer
in the atmosphere protects us from such radiation, but if there are holes in the
ozone layer ultraviolet radiation can get to the earth. Many scientists think that
these holes are the result of air pollution.
T: Have you got any questions? What is your opinion on this problem?
(ученики высказывают свое мнение, задают вопросы).
T: Let’s continue speaking. The next theme is water pollution.
P5:Water is very important for life on the Earth. It is in oceans, seas, rivers
and lakes. There is much water on our planet and at the same time there is little
water on it. It is so because very little water on the Earth is good for drinking. In
many rivers and lakes water is very dirty. Sometimes people cannot swim even in
the sea because the sea and the seaside are not clean. In many places water is not
drinkable. It is dangerous to use it when you cook. Even fish die in such water.
P6: For example Lake Baikal is the deepest fresh water lake on the Earth. It
is 1741 metres deep. The lake is very beautiful but now it is in great danger,
because of the factories which are near it. At some places the water in the lake is so
dirty that it can kill animals and plants in the Baikal and near it.
P7: There is no ocean or sea which is not used as a dump. The Pacific
Ocean, especially, has suffered from nuclear pollution because the French
Government tests nuclear weapons there. Many seas are used for dumping
industrial and nuclear waste. Britain alone dumps 250,000 tons of industrial waste
straight into the North Sea. This poisons and kills fish and sea animals. ‘Nuclearpoisoned’ fish can be eaten by people.
P8: Many rivers and lakes are poisoned too. Fish and reptiles can’t live in
them. There is not enough oxygen in the water. In such places all the birds leave
their habitats and many plants die. If people drink this water they can die too. It
happens so because factories and plants produce a lot of waste and pour it into
rivers. So they poison the water.
T: So we’ve understood that air and water pollution are the most important
problems on our planet. And what do you think what we can do to save our planet
from air and water pollution?
P1: I think to make air clean we need good filters at nuclear power stations,
at factories and plants and also in cars and buses.
P2: To my mind we can walk or use a bicycle instead of going by car. We
should clear rubbish from lakes and rivers.
P3: Factories and plants must be forbidden to pour their waste into rivers,
lakes and oceans.
T: The next problem is connected with the animals which need our
protection. Now we will listen to the next group about some endangered animals.
As for the other groups, be ready to add some more facts on this problem.
P9: Many animals and birds are disappearing nowadays. Many of them are
in danger. Have you ever seen dodo? No, you haven’t. The last of these large birds
that couldn’t fly died many years ago. Now it is extinct. We even say “as dead as a
dodo”, which means “finished”. Your great-grandparents may just have seen a
passenger pigeon: the last one died in 1914. A lot more endangered species – fish,
reptiles, insects, birds, mammals – may disappear too. The reason is Man that kills
animals and destroys their habitats.
P10: Indian tigers are among the endangered animals. Tigers are the biggest
cats in the world. They are skillful hunters. Often they are dangerous. Some people
are afraid of tigers and kill them to save their livestock and their lives. But some
people have hunted tigers for fun and for their beautiful skin. They sell the skin
and get a lot of money. There are few Indian tigers on the Earth now. Many of
them are usually old and sick animals. Most tigers hide from people in deep, dark
forests. The question is “Have those animals got a future?”
P11: We can ask the same question about African elephants. They are
wonderful animals. They can help men. Today many elephants in Africa are dying
because they do not have enough to eat or to drink and because they do not have
enough space to live in. Hunters kill thousands of elephants every year. Some kill
them for meat. But most kill elephants for their tasks. Specialists think that only
two million elephants live on the planet today.
P12: I want to say a few words about Blue whales. They are the largest
animals ever to have lived on the Earth. More than 200,000 blue whales used to
live in the Atlantic and Pacific oceans. Today there are only about 600 to 3,000.
Why? Since the 17th century they have been killed by hunters for their oil and
meat. They have been protected by international law since 1967.
T: Well, we have learned about several animals which are almost instinct.
Can you add anything?
P1: I want to add that as for the other animals the situation is the same: 8 big
cats are killed to make one fur coat.
P2: Only several hundred of rhinos are left in Asia and about 3 million
kangaroos are hunted every year.
P3: Over 400 000 monkeys are caught every year and about 300 dolphins
and 30 sea turtles are poisoned by water pollution everyday.
T: Not only people can speak about the problems of environment. Books can
speak, too. There is a kind of book which screams. It’s the Red Data Book. It’s a
reference book on rare and disappearing animals and plants. Why is it “Red”? The
color red is a danger signal, understandable to all people in the world.
Not only animals are in danger. It also concerns plants. We will learn about it
from the last group.
P13: It is not just animals that are in danger. So are plants. The world had
over nine million square km. of forests. This is a lot of trees, and also a lot of
different species of trees. But they are disappearing fast. People cut the trees down
because they need wood and paper or new places for farms and houses. Forests the
size of Belgium are destroyed every year. It’s an international disaster. Even if new
trees are planted, it takes many years for them to grow.
P14: You are quite right. Every year over 100 000 sq. km. of forests are
cleared for different uses, and a lot of forests are so badly damaged that they will
hardly be able to recover. If we go on like this, before long all the forests on this
planet may be destroyed. This includes rainforests in South America, Africa and
Asia. The huge forests help to control the world’s weather, and to produce much of
the oxygen in the air.
P15: By the way, some medicines come from trees and from plants and
flowers, which grow in the forest. There are many illnesses, which we still cannot
cure. There are old ones like cancer and new ones like AIDS. It may be that the
medicines we need will be discovered in wild plants in savannas, deserts or
rainforests. If we destroy these places, we never find the cure. Every one of us
must know how important in is to care for our great forests and save them from
P16: Besides the huge forests help to control the world’s weather, and to
produce much of the oxygen in the air. People and animals breathe in oxygen, and
breathe out carbon dioxide. We produce carbon dioxide when we burn things.
Trees take this gas from the air, and produce oxygen. But in the last few years
people have cut down and burnt big areas of rainforest. This means there are fewer
trees, and of course, more carbon dioxide.
5. Музыкальная пауза.
T: It was very interesting to listen to all of you. You have done very
informative projects. Thank you very much. You are tired a bit, aren’t you? Why
not relax a little? I hope you’ll enjoy listening to wonderful music from the TV
program “In the world of animals”. (ученики смотрят и слушают видеоклип из
ТВ-программы «В мире животных»).
6. Обсуждение экологических проблем в своем поселке.
T: Let’s pass to the problems closer to us. Problems devoted to the ecology
of our settlement Ibresi. Our settlement is situated in a beautiful place. It is
surrounded by forests and rivers. People like to spend their free time fishing,
gathering mushrooms and berries, having picnics and lighting barbecues. You’ll
see some pictures of well-known places. (Просмотр слайдов с видами поселка).
T: Do you like our settlement? Why?
T: But there are some ecological problems in our area. What are they? What
can you say about it?
P1: We see different kinds of trees and flowers in the meadows near our
settlement. But today they are disappearing. We shouldn’t pick wild flowers in the
meadows and forests.
P2: People cut down trees. Fires are started. If trees are destroyed and people
pick flowers and grass birds and animals may become extinct. We mustn’t harm
P3: We throw away too much and in the wrong place. We leave litter near
the river. The water is polluted and the fish in the river die. Our river Chernorechka
is polluted too.
P4: We have a beautiful pond in the forest. We call it Pitsunda. A lot of
people swim in this pond in summer. But the water is not clean there. As for our
settlement there isn’t clean water to swim. I am worried about it.
P5: A lot of cars have appeared in our settlement recently. The air becomes
dirty in the streets.
P6: Every spring I see a lot of rubbish in our settlement. We, school
children, try to do our best to clean the streets. Every class organizes a clean-up
day once a month.
T: So we see, there are a lot of ecological problems in our area. Of course,
we can’t solve all of them ourselves, but we can do our share to keep the Earth
clean. And what do you personally do to keep the Earth clean?
P1: I don’t throw litter in public places.
P2: I plant a tree every year in the garden.
P3: I never break glass bottles.
P4: I don’t cut wild flowers.
P5: I take part in a clean-up day once a month.
P6: I plant flowers in the garden.
P7: I save water.
T: I see you understand the ecological problems of our area. It is also seen
from your pictures. All of you have done well.
8. Домашнее задание: Рассказать об экологических проблемах нашего
поселка и что мы можем делать чтобы решить их.
9. Подведение итогов.
1. Выставление оценок.
2. T: Today we tried to summarize our knowledge on the topic
“Environmental Problems” and to find out some ways how to save our planet
Earth. I believe you’ll never pollute the environment, the place where you live.
A famous Russian writer Mihail Prishvin said: “To protect nature means to
protect our motherland”. I hope you will keep these words in your heart. And at
the end we shall sing the song “Save Our Planet”.
Save Our Planet
There’s so much pollution
Poisoning the air
There is so much litter
We can see it everywhere
Wildlife is
While everyone stands by
The world we love is dying
And we’re the
reason why
Why are we killing the world
Why aren’t we doing our share
We can save our planet
We can help it survive
Al it needs is a little care
If we all work together
Something can be done
We need a clean-up campaign
Which involves everyone
We can slow down global warming
We can stop the acid rain
We can heal our planet
We can help it live again
Why are we killing the world…….
If we don’t act quickly
Our world will soon be dead
We must leave our cars at home
And use bicycles instead
We must stop using chemicals
And burning fossil fuels
We must recycle all our mess
It’s easy to do
We must stop killing the world
We must start doing our share
We can save our planet
We can help it survive
Al it needs is a little care