CADETS Temirova I.V., №31 English teacher school

Temirova I.V.,
English teacher school №31
My slogan is
«Honour and glory!»
A Cadet’s Code of Honour
Цели и задачи:
Познавательный аспект – знакомство с
историей, традициями, культурой и образом
жизни донских казаков в прошлом и
Развивающий аспект – развитие
познавательного интереса, способности
сравнивать и сопоставлять;
- развитие воображения, способности
осуществлять продуктивность речевых
действий, к выбору выражений, адекватных
ситуаций общения;
Воспитательный аспект – воспитание более
глубокого осознания своей культуры,
воспитание потребности и способности
понимать образ жизни донских казаков;
- формирование потребности, способности к
сотрудничеству и взаимопомощи при работе
в паре и группе;
- воспитание чувства гордости за свою страну.
Учебный аспект – совершенствование
речевых навыков диалога и монолога на
базе усвоенных лексических и
грамматических единиц.
Novocherkassk – the capital
of Don’s Cossacks
Novocherkassk Cadets’ corps
Buildings of Cadets’ corps
Officers and cadets
Holidays and weekdays
Don’s Cadets
The origin of the word "Cossack" remains unclear to this
day.The word В was first mentioned in 1471 in the
Grebenskaya Chronicles. It used to refer to the Christians of the
upper reaches of the Don. These people are known to have
welcomed Grand Duke Dmitry Donskoy with icons, banners
and gonfalons.
Tatistchev, the celebrated historian, writes that the Don
Cossacks are descendants of the Dnieper and Mestchera
Cossacks who were permitted to settle along the Don by the
decree of Ivan the Terrible. Tatistchev's contemporary
A.I.Riegelman notes that, according to Byzantine emperor
Constantine Bagry- anorodny, the Cossacks as a community
came into being around 948 A.D. and may have been named
after Kazak, the conqueror of the Tatars. Kazak's own warriors
were called "Cossacks". Historian Bykadorov, the author of
"The History of the Cossacks" is of the opinion that the Don
Cossacks come from the Tmutarakan principality of Kazakiya.
According to some scholars, the word "Cossack" is
of Turkic origin and means "lonely", "without home or
family". These people used to make up the vanguard
of the Tatar hordes. Others insist that it is made up of
the Mongol word "со" (meaning "armour, defence")
and "zakh" (boundary, frontier). It thus appears that
the word "Cossack" means "a defender of frontiers".
Another group of historians believe that the Cossacks
were named after the Khazars, the population of
Scythia. However, none of these interpretations can
be taken as the only correct one.
Tales were passed from one generation to another
of the valour of the Cossack warriors, of the glorious
campaigns under the command of no less a person
than A.V. Suvorov, of Cossack Obukhov, Suvorov's
special favourite, and of Matvey Platov, the
outstanding politician, commander, hero of the war of
The main goal of this institution is the raising of a
generation of young men capable of defending their
Motherland and of efficiently serving their people.
How can one acquire such qualities of worthy citizen
and warrior as unfailing loyalty and the striving to give
ones all in the service of one’s country, the qualities
that constitute the honour and the dignity of a cadet?
It would seem that nothing is easier - you don your
uniform and that's all there is to do. However, tee is so
much more involved than that. A young officer should
be a thoroughly educated person. Optional help to
provide just this kind of education. Much earlier than
their coevals elsewhere the cadets develop a sense of
self-confidence and prove capable of taking
reasonable and firm decisions. A military school is a
school of life. It raises a generation of statesmen that
Russia needs now ever. It would be no exaggeration
to say that only the revival of tradition and of military
ensure the revival of the flourishing of Russia.
A military school is an educational establishment
constituting an elementary stage in the training of boy
for service as officers. The word "cadet" means
"young". Originally, in the family of Russian nobles, it
applied to the masters who were trained for service in
an upper military rank.
What sets a military the central figure is not a
teacher but a tutor-officer. The two other distinctive
features are the more or less pronounced focus on the
military aspect of a cadet's life and the specific
structure of everyday activity in all the subdivisions of
the military school. Ever new military schools emerge
across the country every year. They not only train
cadets for military service, but provide to them
education and an upbringing worthy of an officers
• It is an honour to be a student of the Novocherkassk cadets’
• My mentality is different from that of other people.
• I respect all nations and religions.
• I shall never stoop to idleness.
• The most honourable victory of all is victory over the self.
• I shall learn to overcome fear and pain.
• Life is short. I shall lose no time in training to become a
• I must live honestly. I must be able to look people in the face.
• I want to become strong so as to defend the weak.
• I shall never betray my fellow-cadet.
• My slogan is “Honour and glory!"
• I fully understand that I tread the Path of Warrior.
• We are the future of our great Mother Russia!
a vantage point удобное место
a sentry - часовой
to post – расставлять
urgently - срочно
confluence слияние рек
presumably предположительно
toinaugrurate –
открывать памятник
permission разрешение
to settle - селиться
a lane - переулок
eagerly - с
valour - доблесть
a warrior – воин
to glorify прославлять
tutor-officer - офицервоспитатель
to acquire - приобретать
unfailing loyalty - преданность
to strive - стремиться
dignity - достоинство
to don - надевать (устар.)
coeval - сверстник
exaggeration - преувеличение
Flourishing - расцвет
to stoop - опускаться
to tread - ступать
to betray - предавать
idleness - безделье
I. Find the English equivalents in the text.
захватывающая панорама; обозревать огромное
пространство; бить тревогу; можно увидеть;
скорее всего; по мнению; храбрость и стойкость;
исконно русская земля; датируется (восходит к...);
получили разрешение; поблизости (у); необычайно
удобное расположение; почти два столетия;
изнурительные походы; прощались; благородный
долг казаков; дальние края; из поколения в
поколение передавались предания о; никто иной,
как сам; самоотверженная служба; ценные
II. Complete the following sentences:
1) The Cossacks sent sentries to Karaul Gora
to ...
2) They took up their arms after ...
3) From the top of the hill one can see...
4) A monument celebrating the courage and
fortitude of the army led by Prince Igor was...
5) ... was the seat of the local administration.
6) The city had an uncommonly convenient layout...
III. Answer the following questions.
1) What place is called Karaul Gora or Watch Hill?
2) What was it used for?
3) When was the monument on Watch Hill inaugurated?
4) Did the historic battle with the Polovtsy take place on
the Kalitva?
5) Do you remember the lay-out of the stanitsa?
Describe it, please.
6) Was it a typical Cossack stanitsa?
7) What tales were passed from one generation to
IV. Express your opinion.
The opening of Novocherkassk Cadets’ corps
is quite natural, isn't it? Connect it with the
revival of die Cossacks.
• Алмазов Б.А. Казаки. Иллюстрированная история
Отечества. Санкт-Петербург, Золотой век, 1999г.
• Волков Ю.Г. Донские казаки в прошлом и настоящем. Гинго,
Ростов-на-Дону, 1998.
• Казачьи столицы Тихого Дона. Туристический
путеводитель. Под редакцией Исаева И.М. 2003
• Мининков И.Д. Донское казачество на заре своей истории.
Ростов-на-Дону, 1992.
• Патракова В.Ф., Черноус В.В. Кавказ и Дон в произведениях
античных авторов. «Русская энциклопедия» Ростов-наДону Филиал. Ростов-на-Дону, 1990.
• Румянцева И.В. My native land, I love you! Ростов-на-Дону.
• Скорик А.П. Казачий Дон, очерки истории, часть II.
• Щеглов И.Л. Английский язык. Грамматика. М.: Сфера, 2000.
Thank you
for attention!