tag (574.5кб)

Tag - questions
Если в первой части предложения
есть глаголы to be (is, am, are, was,
were), to have (has, had), will/ shall,
can/ could, would/must, то во второй
части предложения используется тот
же глагол
• My brother IS a very good doctor,
ISN’T he?
• Helen HAS GOT five kittens,
HASN’T she?
Если в первой части предложения нет
глаголов to be (is, am, are, was, were), to
have (has, had), will/ shall, can/ could,
would/must, то во второй части
предложения используется do/ does или
did в зависимости от времени действия
• You liked the film,
didn’t you?
• The boy runs very fast,
doesn’t he?
Если первая часть вопроса
утвердительная, то вторая –
отрицательная, подлежащее
заменяется на соответствующее
• He is a student, isn’t he?
• Sam is at home, isn’t he?
• ( + ), ( – )?
И НАОБОРОТ: Если первая часть вопроса
отрицательная, то вторая –
утвердительная, а подлежащее
заменяется на соответствующее
• He isn’t at home, is he?
• My friends aren’t students, are they?
• (–),(+)?
Auxiliary verbs
 will – won’t
 do – don’t
 does- doesn’t
 am – aren’t
 are – aren’t
 isn`tmust- musn’t
 should- shouldn’t
 have – haven’t
 can – can’t
Choose the right tag-ending
He can play tennis well, …?
1. …, doesn’t he?
2. …, can he?
3. …, can’t he?
He can play tennis well, can`t he?
• Sam doesn’t work hard, …?
1. …, is he?
2. …, does he?
3. …, isn’t he?
Sam doesn`t work hard, does he?
Choose the right translation:
• You like tea, don’t you?
1.Ты не любишь чай, не так ли?
2.Ты любишь чай, не так ли?
3.Ты любишь чай?
Choose the right translation:
She doesn’t speak Spanish, does she?
1. Она не говорит по-испански, не так
2. Она говорит по-испански, не так ли?
3. Она не говорит по-испански?
The sportsman runs very fast, … ?
It was a wonderful game, … ?
You will come here again, … ?
We could go there together, … ?
You know my family, … ?
Doesn`t he?
wasn`t it?
Won`t you?
Don`t you?
Couldn`t we?
The sportsman runs very fast, doesn`t he?
It was a wonderful game, wasn`t it ?
You will come here again, won`t you?
We could go there together, couldn`t we?
You know my family, don`t you?
You don`t need any help, … ?
Paul isn`t good at Maths, … ?
Your parents aren`t from Britain, … ?
Our match wasn`t interesting today, … ?
Your teacher won`t give you much homework for
the weekend, … ?
will she?
is he?
are they?
do you?
was it?
You don`t need any help, do you ?
Paul isn`t good at Maths, is he?
Your parents aren`t from Britain, are they ?
Our match wasn`t interesting today, was it ?
Your teacher won`t give you much homework for
the weekend, will she?
Tasks for you:
• Add the endings:
Thank you for the lesson.
Good bye!