A witch 1

Муниципальное общеобразовательное учреждение
«Средняя общеобразовательная школа с.п.Псычох»
Внеклассное мероприятие
по английскому языку
по теме
«Хэллоуин: обычаи и традиции празднования»
Учитель I квалификационной категории
Дугулубгова Анета Асарбиевна
Сценарий мероприятия
Собираются гости, зал неярко освещен и украшен в оранжево-черных тонах
(шары, ткань), в углу - большая паутина, рядом огромный паук с красными
глазами. Знаменитый фонарик из тыквы -Jack-o-lantern таинственно мерцает
в центре комнаты.
Вступительное слово учителя
Реприза ведущих об истории праздника Хэллоуин
празднование Хэллоуина в разных странах
традиции празднования Хэллоуина
история Джека- фонаря
конкурсы на лучшее вырезание фонарика из тыквы, конкурс « Сделай
Реприза ведущего об истории "Trik or treat" ("Угощай или пожалеешь")
Реприза ведущего о программе ЮНИСЕФ
Реприза ведущего о традиционных блюдах Хэллоуина
Проведение конкурса « Самое страшное блюдо»
флешмоб « Танец темной силы»
Заключительное слово.
ТИП ЗАНЯТИЯ: Закрепление знаний,умений и навыков,полученных во
время учебных занятий и самостоятельной работы учеников.
ЦЕЛИ: Развитие навыков восприятия английской речи на слух,умения выделять главное.Вывести учеников на творческий уровень владения
устной речью на основе подготовительных мероприятий по чтению,
переводу и говорению.Изучение вопросов страноведения,обычаев и
куьтурных традиций.
продолжить формировать и совершенствовать лексические и
грамматические навыки,умения обобщать,выделять проблемы,сокращать
и расширять тексты в устном и письменном изложении, в рамках
изучаемой темы на основе дифференциации,способствовать выработке
умений формировать устные неподготовленные сообщения,опираясь на
источник информации,составлять план устного и письменного сообщения.
Сразвивать умение систематезировать знания,память,креативное
мышление,логику изложения в устной и письменной речи.
Иностранный язык инструмент приобретения знаний с одной стороны, а
с другой-он выполняет воспитательную функцию через дисциплину в
учебное и внеурочное время,направленную на воспитание уважительного
отношения к другим культурам и традициям, межкультурное общение и
расширение кругозора.
Театрализованный практикум по аудированию,чтению и говорению
сценарий,компьютер,экран,декорации,костюмы,музыкальные диски.
История зарубежных стран
История Америки
Русский язык
Английский язык
Английский язык-международный язык – Страны изучаемого языка –
США – Обычаи и традиции США – Хэллоуин – Сценарий проведения
Good day, dear friends and my respected colleagues! I’m glad to meet you here in
our school! I hope you will enjoy our out-of-class activity! Before we begin, I’d
like to tell about our good school tradition to celebrate English Holidays at school.
For today we have prepared an exciting show about Halloween! Please watch and
get pleasure!
A witch 1:
Every year, on the thirty first of October, city streets in the USA and Europe
change into fairy- tale.”Witches” in their pointed hats are strolling everywhere,
“Grim Reaper” is walking down the street, skeletons and other monsters are
jumping and grimacing. Yes, it is rather scary, but Halloween is, first of all, a
merry holiday.
A Fairy:
Halloween's origins dates back to the ancient Celtic festival of Samhain
(pronounced sow-in). The Celts celebrated their new year-Samhain on November
1. This day marked the end of summer and the harvest time and the beginning of
the dark, cold winter, a time of the year that was often associated with human death
and unknowable. Celts believed that on the night of October 31the boundary
between the worlds of the living and the dead became blurred and the ghosts of the
dead returned to earth.
A witch 1:
Halloween is one of the oldest holydays celebrated all around the world on
October 31.Over the years Halloween has found different interesting traditions in
different countries.
Звучит музыка (из фильма «Охотники за привидениями»).
Влетают 2 привидения, делают один круг и говорят:
We are spooky ghosts
Being scary's what we do.
we like to sneak behind people
And whisper softly "Wooooo!"
Fairy: (подходит и спрашивает):
We are glad to see you here. Welcome, spooky ghosts! Please, tell us about where
you have been and what you have seen about Halloween.
We have been to Scotland and Ireland. We have seen children dressing up in
costumes and going to parties, they also light bonfires.
Children disguised in costumes go from door to door asking for food or coins.
A witch:
O.K. Ghosts, don’t fly away, stay with us today!
Ghosts: Well, with pleasure!
Занимают свои места. Звучит звук « скрежет костей». Выходит на сцену
Skeleton :
The skeletons are out tonight,
We march about the street,
With bony bodies, bony heads
and bony hands and feet.
Bony bony bony bones
with nothing in between,
Up and down and all around
we march on Halloween.
Ведьма подходит и говорит:
We are glad to see you here, dear skeleton. Welcome! Please, tell us Where you
have been and what you have seen about Halloween.
I was in Mexico, Latin America and Spain. On Halloween many families construct
an altar to the dead to honor deceased relatives. They decorate it with candy,
flowers, photographs, deceased's favorite foods and drinks, and fresh water.
A fairy:
How interesting!
2 привидения подходят к скелету, и начинается танец скелета.
После танца занимает свое место и скелет.
But I don’t see my friend. Hasn’t he come yet?
Издали раздается голос вампира.
I’ m coming! I’ m coming! Oh, how hungry I am!
I am a vampire
I have pale white skin
I just come out at night.
Give one half a chance and I
Will give your neck a bite.
Фея подходит и гововрит:
We are glad to see you here. Welcome! Please, tell us Where you have been and
what you have seen about Halloween.
I was in Germany. Halloween celebration is colorful there.Thousands of people
dressed in costumes of monsters stand at Frankenstein Castle in Darmstadt on the
night of November 1.They believe in the owner’s appearance on the roof of the
A witch:
Vampire, come here! I think I can find something to eat for you today!
(говоря это, ведьма показывает на зрителей).
But where is my sister? Why is she late? Звучит музыка, влетает ведьма
You’d better watch out on a Halloween night,
Because the witches are out tonight,
I am a terrible sight,
Hide under a chair and lock your door tight,
Because the witches are out tonight.
Подходит колдунья и они приветствуют друг друга. Ведущая-колдунья
Oh, my dear, dear sister! Why are you late? We have a lot of work tonight!!!
A witch:
I took part in great processions held in France at Disneyland.I saw the most
memorable parade of goblins,vampires and ghosts, covering their way with
pumpkin lanterns. On this night, bars and cafes of French cities offer a
‘witch’dishes to the visitors.I can’t miss that.
Ведущая колдунья:
My dear sister, let’s make our witch’s magic drink!
Начинается песня и вместе ее исполняют:
Take three snake's teeth and
Four frog’s legs
A tortoise’s tail and
Eight ants’ eggs
Say abracadabra jim jem jell and
Now you’ve got a magic spell.
Take a black bat’s ear and a monkey’s toe
A butterfly eye and a rabbit’s nose
Say abracadabra jim jem jell and
Now you’ve got a magic spell.
Далее включают музыку и появляется смерть с косой.
I’m a grim reaper
I look very scary,
Look at my scythe
Look at my hood,
And now think
Whose turn to go with me tonight?
Включают музыку (demon music) заходит демон, делает круг:
Hell, hell, what is hell?
You don’t know it
But I know.
Do you want to be my guest?
Опять играет адская музыка, фея подходит и начинается танец, постепенно
все собираются в круг и крутятся в танце.
Scary dear friends! Not every day you meet together! It’s not a secret that we have
seen a lot of things for many centuries. Let’s talk about the traditions of celebtating
Ghost 1:
People decorate the outside and inside of their homes with the traditional
Halloween symbols.
Ghost 2:
All sorts of mystical creatures and characters adorn
the homes of many
Some communities build a bonfire, just as Celts did. Children may sit around the
bonfire telling scary stories while roasting hot dogs.
People have been carving pumpkins at Halloween for centuries. The history of the
famous pumpkin with a carved face on it and a candle inside,refers us back to
legend about Stingy Jack. Jack, where are you? Come at last!
Заходит Джек-фонарь и рассказывает свою историю:
Hi, my name is Stingy Jack. Once I invited the Devil to have a drink with me but I
didn't want to pay for it, so I convinced the Devil to turn himself into a coin to buy
our drinks. Once the Devil did so and I decided to keep the money and put it into
my pocket next to a silver cross, which prevented the Devil from changing back
into his original form. I eventually freed the Devil, under the condition that he
would not bother me for one year. The next year, I again tricked the Devil into
climbing into a tree to pick a piece of fruit. I carved a sign of the cross into the
tree's bark so that the Devil could not come down until the Devil promised me not
to bother for ten more years.Soon after,I died. God did not allow me into heaven.
The Devil, keeping his word, would not allow me into hell. He sent me off into the
dark night with only a burning coal to light my way. Ever since I am wandering
between Heaven and Hell with my lantern.
Please, allow me to stay here for some time.
Witch 1:
Of course, you can stay with us, Jack! Come in.
All we know that there are several games traditionally associated with Halloween
parties. Among them there are apple bobbing, divination, and others. Now let’s
have a fun!
The game is called “carve the most funny pumpkin”. So who wants to take part,
please, come here.
Выходят двое желающих и начинается конкурс.
A witch 1:
The next game is “the most beautiful mummy”. Please come two of you.
Выходят двое желающих и соревнуются в том, кто быстрее сделает мумию
из учеников.
A witch1:
Well done, dear guests! Dear committee say what team has wun.
Жюри объявляет победителей, вручает призы и участники садятся на свои
места. Затем объявляются победители конкурса на вырезание тыквы и тоже
им вручаются призы.
And now, dear guests, let’s talk about one interesting tradition on Halloween.
A witch 1:
Trick-or-treating is a customary celebration for children on Halloween. Kids
dressed in different" scary "costumes and knocking on the door to the neighbors
just want to get some sweet treats, a small gift or, sometimes, money with the
question”Trick or treat?”Of course, no one is seriously frightened by the words,
“Trick or Treat”. Even the President can hear this phrase.
Представители UNICEF:
United Nations International Children’s Fund was adopted in 1946 by the United
Nations. The main goal is defence and healthy development of children. In Ame-
rica "Trick-or-Treat” for UNICEF" has become a common sight during Halloween.
The trick-or-treaters are distributed small boxes by schools, in which they can
solicit small-change donations from the houses they visit. It is estimated that
children have collected more than $118 million for UNICEF since its inception.
Заходят маленькие дети с сумками в виде тыкв и напевая "Trick-or-Treat”
собирают угощения.
A witch 1:
Annual Halloween activities include cooking of foods associated with the
Halloween. Almost all the housewives cook many tasteful dishes.
Please, respected committee, come and look at our food. And then choose the 3
scariest dishes.
Жюри подходит к столику с блюдами, дегустирует, и выбирает наиболее
страшных 3 блюда. Вручаются призы тем, кто их приготовил.
And now please come here the cleverest of you!
The bravest of you!
The strongest of you!
And the most beautiful!
Гостям надевают маски, герои занимают свои места, начинается флешмоб
под песню «Thriller». После этого участникам вручаются призы за
Заключительное слово Fairy:
Jack-o’-Lantern,Treak or treat, playing scary games- are all part of the fun. Today
millions of people celebrate this ancient festival, believe in the history of the dead,
spirits and ghosts. .
A witch:
Do not approach the matter too seriously, it's just a holiday, and, good triumph
over evil after all, so celebrate the holiday and have a fun till you drop.