Внеклассное мероприятие по английскому языку “ AMERICAN HOLIDAYS” Назарова Галина Ивановна учитель английского языка МОУ СОШ №13 с углубленным изучением отдельных предметов г. Тамбов Цели и задачи. Практические: формирование и развитие ключевых компетентностей учащихся в различных видах речевой деятельности. Воспитательные: воспитание толерантности, уважительного отношения к культуре народов стран изучаемого языка. Повышение мотивации учащихся к изучению иностранных языков. Развивающие: развитие творческих способностей учащихся, расширение их кругозора. Оснащение: УМК New Millennium English, компьютер, медиапроектор, интерактивная доска. Teams: “ Clever Boys” “ Clever Girls” Captains Jury Ведущий: Attention please! All those who are fond of English and Americans traditions are invited to take part our game “ Brain Ring”. We have 2 teams taking part in the game. The name of the first team is “ Clever Girls”. Its captain is N. The name of the second one is “ Clever Boys”. Its captain is X. Let’s welcome them! We will speak about American holidays today. I hope that all the participants will do their best and we will enjoy ourselves a great deal. Each round is valued by the jury. Let’s begin now! ROUND I Ведущий: Look at these slides and say what holidays they are related to. ( На экране – первый слайды с эмблемами американских и британских праздников) Ведущий: What holiday is it? ( Участники команд по очереди отвечают. Члены жюри подсчитывают очки). ROUND II Ведущий: And now you are to ask each other questions about Americans holidays. ( участники обеих команд по очереди задают друг другу вопросы) 1. What religious holidays are celebrated in America? 2. When do people get anonymous greeting cards? 3. What may happen when people don’t give children a treat? 4. What is the name of “Дед Мороз” in America? 5. When and who brings children colourful eggs? 6. Give the name of the holiday which is celebrated in honour of the man who discovered America. 7. What is jack-o-lantern and how should it be made? 8. When do American children honour their mothers? 9. What do you know about pilgrims? What holiday do Americans celebrate to honour them? 10. What is the name of the first American president? Give the name of the holiday in honour of American presidents. 11. Why do people call the holiday celebrated in July,4 “ Independence Day”? 12. When do children go to their parents’work? 13. What is a surprise birthday party? 14. When can people see ghosts and witches in the streets and why? 15. What is the most scary day of the year? 16.When do people wear something green? 17. What are traditional colours on Halloween? 18. When are children allowed to stay up until midnight? 19. When do children bring their fathers breakfast to bed? 20. What is the name of the pilgrims’ ship and the place they landed? ROUND III Ведущий: Look at the blackboard. These are two puzzles for you to solve them. You are to find 5 words somehow connected with holidays. a b e r h f l p r z o s t h a n k s g i v i n g c d s k p o m x c u j p o i e y n e w y e a r s f a t h e r s d a y s t c h r i s t m a s a d u e w h a l l o w e e n m a s k e l e t o n z b v b x f g h g f s j g e w g t r i c k v c m g n e t r e a t k j g h o s t f s a a u u d s a d s b j f j d d e g g j g f s r p u m p k i n v x s m ROUND IV Ведущий: And now I will name a dish and you are to guess the holiday. 1. a big turkey 2. special food and cookies 3. candies and fruit 5. colourful eggs 6. corn, beans, and pumpkin 7. Irish national dishes 8. a birthday cake 9. chocolate Round V Ведущий: And now the task is to fill in the missing words in the crossword. I will give you the clues. 2 m o t 3 j u 7 h a l l o w e e n 8 e r y 4 d i s c r i m i n a t i o n a c s h l d i u a 5 s a n t a c l a u s m y g b 1. A special day for mum. 2. The most scary day of the year. t u o 9 i r i s h 6 g r e e n 3. Americans celebrate Independence Day in this month. 4. Martin Luther King fought against racial __________. 5. He visits on Christmas Eve. 6. Americans wear this colour on St. Patrick’s Day. 7. The first president of the USA. 8. He discovered America. 9. Everyone is _____on St. Patrick’s Day. ROUND VI Ведущий: What holiday do children like best of all? Yes, that’s right. It’s Halloween. Now students from both teams will tell us about this holiday. Ss.:1. Halloween was first celebrated many centuries ago in Ireland and Scotland by Celtic priests called Druids. The Druids thought that Halloween was the night when the witches came out. As they were afraid of the witches they put on different clothes and painted their faces to deceive the evil spirits. They also placed food and small gifts near the doors of their houses for the witches. This was, as they say now, the beginning of the expression “ trick or treat”. 2. It is considered that Halloween was brought to America by the immigrants from Ireland and Scotland. In the 19th century they celebrated Halloween according to their old traditions. As the time went by, grown-up people lost interest in Halloween and it was celebrated almost entirely by children. Dressed very strangely, children held festivals. Ведущий: How do children dress? ( students’ answers) 3. In recent years grown-up people have begun taking part in Halloween. In New York, for example, young and old people take part in parades together. A great number of people get together in one of the streets. They are dressed as witches, demons and other evil spirits. 4. There are hundreds of large orange “ pumpkins” in their hands. After the parade the festival lasts almost till early morning. Ведущий обращается к аудитории: What is your favourite holiday? Why? ROUND VII Ведущий: And now Student X will recite a poem “ Halloween” by John Updike. The month is amber Gold and brown Blue ghosts of smoke Float through the town Great V’s of geese Honk overhead And maples turn A fairy red. At last, small witches Goblins, hags And pirates armed With paper bags. Their costumes hinged On safety pins Go haunt a night Of pumpkin grins Ведущий: And now let us listen to the Russian variant of this poem. ( ученика было дано домашнее задание: перевести стихотворение на русский язык, сохранив ритм, рифму, контекст и настроение произведения.) Один из вариантов перевода: Янтарный месяц Золотой, багряный И пелена тумана Над городом хрустальным. Гусей крикливых Караван печальный И клёнов кроны Шелест величавый Морозец лёгкий Трогает листву И звёзды – Узкие глаза кошачьи. И, наконец, выходят ведьмы, Колдуны и духи Верша обход своих владений С тыквами в руках. Each round is valued by the jury. Ведущий: You have heard about witches’ tricks. I am sure everybody is fond of playing tricks. Now the teammates will play tricks on their opponents. Участники игры предлагают друг другу различные забавные задания, конкурсы, розыгрыши. Например: S. Please come here and look at this donkey. I am sure that you have recognized the old friend of yours. That is Eeyore. He has lost his tail. But I have found it. Here it is. If you manage to fix it in its proper place with your eyes closed you will be given a point. Ведущий: And now the floor is given to the jury. ( подведение итогов, определение победителей, вручение призов). Используемые источники: Н.Н. Деревянко. New Millennium English.