Trusting in God`s Enabling Strength Phil. 4:1

Trusting in God’s Enabling Strength
Phil. 4:1-13
Все могу через Христа, который укрепляет меня.
ILL. I know what I’m supposed to do but I don’t have the strength to do it”
Выполнять is a struggle in and of itself.
ILL. Paul Rom. 7:15 The Gospel is much more than just knowledge.
ибо чего хочу, того не делаю; но что ненавижу, то делаю.
As we grow in Christ the more we know what is holy and true, we still have a body that is weak.
But there is available power.
ILL. Cf. ‘Plan’ to do things. Commandments, etc.
Plans are not enough. We need enabling power, grace to do.
2 Tim. 3:5 Имеющие вид благочестия, но силы его отрекающиеся:
Lack the power thereof
i. Victorious Christian life is not following a plan but a PERSON.
What good is a plan without power?
ii. The Gospel is not self-help, (решение собственных проблем своими силами) but a Christhelp
Rom. 5:6 Ибо когда мы были еще без­сильны, в должное время Христос умер за
iii. Biblical Christianity is living in the power of the life of Christ.
Phil. 4:13
Trusting in God’s Enabling grace,
“I can do all things… Все могу
The Lord constantly gives you the strength.
1. The enduring of All trials, persecution, etc.
i. By God’s enabling grace Paul could bear it.
2 Cor. 11:23-30 a history of perils, long journeyings, false brethren,
Wicked Nero was the king.
You do not have the strength to bear up under the trials that you are going through.
“I just can’t do it.”
You’re fearful of the future. You’re thinking negatively and sinking under despondency. (отчаяние,
уныние, упадок духа, подавленное настроение)
Our text says, “I can do all things…” Все могу
APPLICATION: Meaning, in all matters of that I’m confronted with, Christ’s virtue, character,
power enables me to get through any and all situations. The Lord can get you through it.
David said, “Though I walk through…” Хотя я прохожу через долину тени смерти
You say, “I can’t…” Paul said, “I can…”
ILL. Anotoly Ivanovich just left a large church (300) standing on the King James Bible.
ILL. Sister Angela left a church where there is a woman pastor. Told her that she was a heretic
because she believed in Eternal Security.
ILL. A lady is battling cancer right now. She just lost her husband. I wouldn’t have know she
was going through that.
2. The performing of all duties. (2 Cor. 11:23-30)
2 Cor. 11:28 Помимо тех дел, которые вне, то, что припадает на меня ежедневно, забота обо
всех церквях.
Paul expressed his condition (2 Cor. 1:8).
APPLICATION: What comes upon you daily?
- A God fearing father to lead in the home.
- A mother having to raise children. Depravity becomes more evident.
- Looking after elderly parents, the sick. Etc.
- New circumstances. New ministry.
“Lord I don’t have the strength.” “My duties seem to be more than I can handle”
Spurgeon – “There is no work to which a Christian is called that the Lord will not enable that
You CAN do what God has called you to THROUGH CHRIST, which strengthens you.
3. I can do all things concerning the inward battle against sin.
ILL. David Brainerd, missionary to the Indians
ILL. Paul was a man that had experienced many blessings in the ministry yet he had a fierce
battle with sin in his members. “O wretched man…” О несчастный я человек! кто избавит
меня от тела этой смерти?
-He knew well about indwelling sin. He struggled with the corruption of his own sin nature.
-He not only grieved over the sins of others but over his own sins. But he did not end with
hopelessness as if he could not wrestle with his own sin nature.
Paul answers
Rom. 7:25 Благодарю Бога через Иисуса Христа, Господа нашего. Так что умом я сам
служу закону Божьему; но плотью закону греха.
Some believe some sins are just too big. Paul said, “I CAN do ALL things through CHRIST…”
Others believe that there are certain sins that you cannot get victory over;
-Temper, that has discouraged you and you think, “I will never get the victory over that!”
-Despondency отчаяние, pessimism,
-Immoral thinking
The fact – there is no sin that you cannot overcome through Christ.
There is no temptation that you cannot overcome through Christ.
There is no need then to be hopelessly vexed, tortured with improper thoughts.
ILL. The Lord had driven out great nations stronger than Israel.
ILL. They stronger than I….” Psa. 18:17
Он избавил меня от сильного врага моего, и от тех, кто ненавидит меня: ибо они были
слишком сильны для меня.
-I can endure all trials.
-I can perform all of my duties.
-I can overcome any and all issues of sin in my life.
4. I can be content in every state.
Phil. 4:11 learned to be content
-Perhaps you think that you can never be content in your present circumstance.
1. Marriage, “I can never be content on this side of glorying concerning your relationship.
Even if it is less than ideal set of circumstances.
A single man or woman.
2. Career, job. Not everybody is happy with their job.
ILL. 20-30 years on this job.
3. Home
4. Education
5. Work
6. Place of living, conditions, etc.
7. Social problems, adverse situations.
Have you lost sight of God’s enabling grace?
The Gospel works.
1. Power that gives us the ability.
-The Christian can live in the supernatural power of the Gospel.
Some mistake Biblical Christianity –
i. Philosophy, (1 Cor. 2:5)
ii. Code of conduct, кодекс поведения (набор правил поведения)
iii. Rules правила to live by
iii. стоицизм – stiff upper lip.
Christianity is Biblical power. The Gospel is the heart of that power.
ILL. Form of godliness denying the power thereof
Power of God unto salvation
Renewing our wills.
Christ’s glory, in you.
2 Tim. 1:7 Ибо Бог дал нам не духа боязни; но силы, и любви, и здравого ума.
-Regeneration now makes available POWER.
-He makes us willing and able.
Biblical Christianity is a –
2. Power to overcome suffering.
3. Power that cleanses.
4. Power that conquers.
Cf. you become weary in well doing.
5. Power that controls.
6. Power to rejoice.
Gal. 2:2 Я распят с Христом: тем не менее я живу; однако не я, но Христос живет во мне:
и жизнь, которой я теперь живу во плоти, я живу верой Сына Божьего, который
возлюбил меня, и отдал себя за меня.
The Gospel is about DIVINE STRENGTH. It is the Lord Jesus Christ that gives us strength, by the
Holy Spirit in the word of God.
I am made strong for all things in the ONE Who constantly gives me strength despite my
He strengthens –
1. The Faith of His people. Он укрепляет веру своих людей.
i. He gives strength equal to the occasion.
ii. Faith to claim His promises.
ILL. The apostles were called. They had no special education.
ILL. God give them faith the fight until the end.
2. The Resolve, Firmness His people. You’ve got to make up your mind. (Phi. 3:13, 14).
Он укрепляет Решимость, твердость Своeго народа
3. The Heart of His people. Он укрепляет сердце Своего народа
The heart of a man is a tender thing. (Prov.18:14).
Дух человека переносит немощь его; а раненый дух кто может выдержать?
When you’ve been wounded inside it is a very difficult thing to face.
Psa. 27:14 Уповай на ГОСПОДА: мужайся, и он укрепит сердце твое: уповай, говорю я, на
Isa. 40:29-31
29 Он дает утомленным силу; и немощным увеличивает крепость
30 Даже юноши ослабеют и устанут, и молодые мужи полностью упадут:
31 А надеющиеся на Господа обновят силу свою; они поднимутся на крыльях, как орлы; они
побегут, и не устанут; и пойдут они, и не ослабеют.
4. The mind of His people. Он укрепляет ум Своего народа
Renewing of the mind (Eph. 4:23). Sound mind, Sound judgment, Sober thinking
I am made strong in all things in the One Who constantly gives strength.
You have to get to the source of that power.
1. You have to abide in His word. Вы должны пребывать в Его слове
ILL. Dan. “I was strengthened…”
Dan. 10:18
16 И вот, некто, как подобие сынов человеческих, коснулся уст моих: тогда я открыл уста
мои, и стал говорить, и сказал стоящему передо мной: О, господин мой, от этого видения
печали мои обратились на меня, и никакой силы не сохранил я.
17 Ибо как может говорить слуга такого господина моего с таким господином моим? Ибо что
до меня, тотчас не осталось никакой силы во мне, ни дыхания не осталось во мне.
18 Тогда снова подошел и прикоснулся ко мне некто, как вид человека, и укрепил меня
19 И сказал: О, муж, сильно возлюбленный, не бойся, – мир тебе, будь силен, будь силен. И
когда он поговорил со мной, я укрепился и сказал: Пусть говорит господин мой, ибо ты
укрепил меня.
ii. He gives you strength to get through another day; those morning hours.
ILL. After you’ve eaten something you still have that taste in your mouth.
2. You must learn to abide in His presence in communion.
Вы должны пребывать в Его присутствии в общении.
Psa. 138 В день, когда я воззвал, ты ответил мне и укрепил меня крепостью в душе моей.
ILL. He brings predicaments in our lives to be in communion with Him.
Psa. 16:11 Ты покажешь мне стезю жизни: в присутствии твоем есть полнота радости;
по правую руку твою – удовольствия вовеки.
ILL. Finding little time blocks to set aside for him. Acknowledging the presence of God.
Turning those times into communion with the Lord.
ILL. Paul’s prayer to the Ephesians (Eph.3:16-20).
3. Abide in His love. Вы должны пребывать в Его любви.
i. It is unconditional love.
ii. It is personal.
iii. It is eternal from an all-sufficient Lord (Rom. 8:32).
Тот, который Сына своего не пощадил, но отдал его за всех нас, как с ним не дарует нам
и всего?
-There IS enabling power in Christ to do what he calls us to do.
-But are you trusting in His strengthening power?
-Are you trusting Him in the hour of need?
God will be for you a very present help
Psa. 46:1 Бог есть наше убежище и сила, очень скорая помощь в беде.
Isa. 41:10
¶ Не бойся; ибо я с тобой: не ужасайся, ибо я есть Бог твой: я укреплю тебя; и помогу тебе; и
поддержу тебя правой рукой праведности моей.
Phil. 4:13 Все могу через Христа, который укрепляет меня.
-May God help us to abide in His word,
-May God help us to abide in His presence,
-May God help us to abide in His love,
And as we go on we’ll be able to sing of the reality of His strengthening power.
Psa. 27:14 Уповай на ГОСПОДА: мужайся, и он укрепит сердце твое: уповай, говорю я,