Страны третьего мира в условиях кризиса,Forgotten world

of' everyday Jife of people. The арреаrапсе of different innovative e]ements
and lexical units is the result of these changes.
Under the terш 'neologisms' we understand пеw words, new word comЬinations or meanings that appeared in certain period of time in language,
text or act of communication. The main objective of appearance of innovative lexical units is to represent the author's attitude towards some object,
action or event in one or another situation. That's why with the development of the society and technologies new words are used in different
spheres: linguistics, Ьiometrics, medicine, sociology, etc.
Neologosims are more frequent in electronic media (the Internet,
Ыogs), print media and news reportings. Many media resources (ВВС, The
Washington Post, the Guardian, the Independent, Random House PubIishers, etc) have lists of recently appeared neologisms. The latest nonce
words appeared in the mass media in connections with the presidential elections in the USA and the financial crisis (Obamamania, Clinton fatigue,
free fall).
Averagely 800 neologisms appear every year in Modern English. А single appearance (or even several clнstered appearances) of а word in print is
not а guarantee that it will Ье included in а dictionary. А rule of thumb is
that any word сап Ье included which appears five times, in five different
printed sources, over а period of five years. The «five-year~ aspect of the
rule can result in а timelag between the first use of а word and its first appearance in the dictionary; but it also ensures that а great deal of care is
taken in recording the true natнre of the word.
Some words are recognized while some are used, but are not to Ье found
in dictionaries. With the passage of time perhaps all these words will also
find their way to legitimacy giveп the march of society.
В.В. Воробьёва
БГЭУ (Минск)
В последние годы одной из важнейших проблем, стоящих перед ми­
ровым сообществом, была проблема бедности и голода в мире, особенно
в странах третьего мира
странах Азии, Африки и Латинской Амери­
ки. Но в последние месяцы внимание мировой общественности скон ­
центрировано на решении экономических проблем. В развитых странах
выделяются миллиарды долларов на спасение банковских систем и
приостановление темпов развития финансового кризиса. Однако при
этом забывают, что во многих странах мира людям нечего есть. Миро­
вой финансовый кризис и его последствия только усугубили ситуацию.
На современном этапе можно выделить ряд основных проблем бед ­
ности, которые нуждаются в скорейшем решении: продовольственный
кризис, мировой финансовый кризис, демпинг, долговые обязатель ­
In recent years, one of the major concerns facing the world commuпity
was а proЫem of poverty and hunger around the world, cspecially iп Africa
and South Asia. But for the last several months all the world has coп­
tracted on the economic crisis. The developed countries spend ЬiШons of
dollars to rescue banking systems and stop the rate of development of the
financial crisis. However, we forgot that in many countries aroнnd thc
world people still have nothing to eat.
The world financial crisis and consequent effccts j11st added to the
These are the major poverty issues to Ье solved as soon as possiЬ\e:
1 . .Food crisis. There is plenty of food iн the world for everyone. The
proЬ\em is ihat hungry people are trapped in severe poverty.
2. Global financial crisis. World recession means less trade, less aid and
less money for poor countries to help their people react to the food crisis.
3. Dumping crisis. Farmers from rich countries produce too much, the
extra prodнce is sold to developiнg countries at vastly reduced prices. This
then p11shes down the price of local produce, so poor farmers can't compete.
4. DeЬt crisis. Impoverished coнntries are being forced to repay deЬts
far Ьigger than original loans.
5. Corruption crisis. Poor people in developing countries expect the aid
and deЬt relief received Ьу their government to Ье spent in ways which aciually improve their lives. Similarly, taxpayers in rich countries expect finance to poorer countries to Ье spent on fighting poverty. But the proЫem
is that mопеу from the international funds flows directly to the pockets of
poor countries' government.
The extent of the socioeconomic catastrophe is horrendous: 24,000
people die of hunger-related causes every day, including one child every
five seconds. New cstimates for 2009 suggest that lower economic growth
rates will trap 46 million more people on less than $1.25 а day on top of the
1.37 Ьi!Jion before the current crises.
However the world puЬ\ic does not a!low the poverty proЬ\em to pale
into insignificance.
Almost a ll of the deaths from hunger and disease that you see on this
site сап Ье stopped. The cost to do this is about $195 Ьillion а year.
Тwenty-two developed countries have pledged to work towards each giving
О, 7 % of their national income in international aid, which would raise thc
$195 ЬiШоn. Yet just four nations have raised the necessary sum of
All the poverty proЫems are interdependent: one caнses another.
Solving the Food proЬ\em means solving the Trade proЬ\em. There arc effective programs such as «food for work• where the adults are paid with
food to build schools, dig wells, make roads, and so on . This both nourishes
them and builds infrastructure to end the poverty . Most people in Africa
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Белорусский государственный экономический университет. Библиотека.
Belarus State Economic University. Library.