времени. Нашу страну когда-то, называли самой читающей

 времени. Нашу страну когда-то, называли самой читающей страной в
мире, а нас – самой читающей нацией. Будем думать, что потребность
к чтению вернётся к нам, если мы желаем сохранить бодрый ум и
ясное воображение.
Библиографический список
1. Бугрименко Б. А., Цукерман Г. А. Чтение без принуждения. – М., 1993.
2. Глава Роспечати: в России необходима пропаганда чтения. URL:
3. Глухова Л. В. Читательские интересы молодёжи России в фокусе проблем экстремизма // Козлов А. А. Терроризм в молодёжном сознании:
угроза и вопросы безопасности : учеб. пособие. – СПб. : С.-Петерб. гос.
ун-т; Акад. гуманит. наук. – 2007. – С. 244–249.
4. Кузьмин Е. И., Орлова Э. А., Урмина И. А. Оценка социальной эффективности деятельности по продвижению чтения // Учреждения культуры. – 2011. – № 2. – С. 34–46.
5. Национальная программа чтения. URL: http://www.mcbs.ru/chtenie/
6. Чудинова В. П. Функциональная неграмотность – проблема развитых
стран // Социологические исследования. – 1994. – № 3.
E. V. Tupitsa
Graduate student,
Kharkov national pedagogical
university n.a. G.S.Skovoroda,
Kharkov, Ukraine
Summary. In the publication it is described pedagogical tools while providing
inclusive active learning process of children with special educational needs; it
is defined the key characteristics of the teacher as mediator; it is determined
the main hints of cooperative learning.
Keywords: inclusive learning process; children with special educational
needs; teacher; mediator; cooperative learning.
In the process of providing inclusive learning of children with special
educational needs, besides ensuring optimal conditions, teachers need tools
which facilitate these. Tools are available on different levels: cognitive,
pedagogical, institutional. Let’s describe pedagogical ones representing by
teachers as mediators and cooperative learning.
Teachers as mediators. The role of the teacher cannot be underestimated
in creating conditions of good inclusive education. A good teacher can realize
inclusion even in the absence of favourable conditions. An attitude of willingness, inquisitiveness, creativity and flexibility is crucial. A good teacher is a
good mediator of thinking processes, self-esteem, feelings of competences,
planning and self-regulations. More than, ever teachers need to become
mediators rather than mere instructtors of knowledge and skills. This is
because nowadays many modern schools are filled with children who have
difficulties with self-regulating behaviour. We have referred to the epidemic
increase of ADHD in Western countries. This may be due to factors in the
physical environment, but more than probable there is a cultural cause.
According to Jackson [1, p. 45–67], teachers have a hard time with this new
generation of children who receive little mediation from their home
environment. The classic teaching is enormously fatiguing. Teachers may
benefit from working with a cognitive activation program, because there they
learn to teach in a more process-oriented and mediating way and they become
more oriented to eliciting each child’s potential.
On the other hand, the modern teacher in an inclusive classroom,
containing several children with special educational needs – one or two with a
disability, a few gifted children and children with different language
backgrounds coming from several ethnic minority – is undergoing many
pressures: it look likes he or she almost needs to be a super-(wo)man. There
has to be enough assistance, guidance and support to make the job feasible, as
well as school work involving parents.
As for cooperative learning, teachers in inclusive settings often complain
they do not have the time to devote to mediating children with special
educational needs. This often has to do with an underlying belief system that
the teacher needs to do all teaching. But that need not necessarily be so.
Cooperative learning is a pedagogical approach which is very useful in a
group with widely different levels of learning speed and conceptual level. The
teacher can give group tasks, while varying contributions according to the
child’s particular needs [2, p. 59–78]. It is very well possible to study, for
example, volcanic eruptions at very different levels, thus satisfying the needs
of gifted as well as retarded children. The teacher then becomes the mediator
of the group, and more instructed peers become mediators of their peers.
Children can learn to become mediators to their peers.
Thus, analysis of teaching style in terms of mediated learning criteria
is the profile of a teacher as mediator while providing inclusive active
learning process.
1. Jackson, G.E. The Cybernetic Child: How Technologies Change and Constrain the Developing Mind/ G.E. Jackson // Making and breaking children’s
lives. – Ross-on-Wye: PCCS books, 2005.
2. Shamir, A., Tzuriel, D. Children’ Mediational Teaching Style as a Function
of Intervention for Cross-age Peer-mediation/ A. Shamir, D. Tzuriel// School
Psychology International. – 2004.
Г. А. Никитина
Т. А. Устьянцева
Н. В. Панова
А. С. Мясникова
Е. В. Тихонова
Ф. Р. Исламова
А. Н. Забирова
Свердловский областной
медицинский колледж,
г. Екатеринбург, Россия
Summary. There are lots of conditions for the development of independent activity skills such as project work, Green Peace actions, labour actions, excursions
and cooperative work in students innovative groups which promote to form a
healthy way of life in modern flexible conditions of society and natural environment. These kinds of work allow to develop their personalities and form their attitude to the surroundings to other people to themselves and then health.
Keywords: Green Peace actions; cooperative work; in students.
В. И. Вернадский отмечает особенность нашей исторической эпохи как переломной, переходной, судьбоносной для мировой цивилизации и жизни на Земле.
Условия экономического развития муниципальных образований в
нашей стране за последние годы значительно изменились, но возник ряд
сложностей, которые коренятся в сознании, ценностных ориентациях и
установках людей. Формирование и функционирование механизма реа110