KONTAKTIEN KARTOITUSLOMAKE _________________________________________________________________ Messu- ja kontaktointimatka Pietariin 28.−30.9.2010 Täytäthän lomakkeen kaikki kohdat suomen, englannin tai venäjän kielellä. Palautathan lomakkeen 25.8. mennessä Darja Hizhnjakovalle sähköpostitse osoitteeseen [email protected] tai faksilla numeroon + 7 812 316 1641. Muistathan tallettaa lomakkeen tiedot ennen sen lähettämistä! Yrityksen nimi: Название компании: Yrityksen toimiala, kuvaus toiminnasta, tarjottavat tuotteet ja palvelut: Деятельность компании: предлагаемая продукция, услуги и т.д. Kontaktihenkilöiden nimet, jotka osallistuvat matkaan sekä asema yrityksessä: Контактное лицо и должность контактного лица, участвующего в поездке, в компании Yhteyshenkilön sähköposti ja yrityksen internet-osoite Электронный адрес контактного лица и webстраница компании Anna yrityksenne referenssit Venäjällä. Jos niitä ei vielä ole, niin mainitsethan mistä niitä löytyy (Suomesta ja/tai muista maista) Референции в России. Если нет в России, тогда где (Финляндия/другие страны) 1 Mistä asioista haluaisitte keskustella yritystapaamisissa? Какие вопросы вы хотите обсудить на переговорах? Toiveet liittyen mahdollisiin yhteistyökumppaneihin/Описание возможного партнёра Anna mahdollisimman tarkkaan hakemasi yhteistyökumppanin toimiala(t) ja toiminnan kuvaus Деятельность партнёра, описать как можно подробнее Minkälaista yhteistyömuotoa haette? Maahantuonti ja jakelu, alihankinta, sopimusvalmistus, hankinta, tavaran ja/tai raaka-aineiden toimitus Venäjältä yms. Какую совместную деятельность планируете с компанией/партнёром (импорт,0020распределение, субпоставка и тд.) Muut yhteistyökumppaniin liittämänne kriteerit ja ominaisuudet: Другие критерии и определяющие характеристики: Onko teillä tiedossa yrityksiä/kontakteja, jotka haluaisitte kutsuttavan mukaan neuvotteluihin? Есть ли у вас уже на примете конкретные фирмы, представителей которых вы хотели бы пригласить на переговоры? 2 Alleviivaa 3 messuosastoa, jotka ovat yrityksenne näkökulmasta erityisen mielenkiintoisia ja joilla haluaisitte vierailla ohjatusti pienryhmässä? Пожалуйста, подчеркните те 3 отсека выставки, которые для Вас наиболее интересны и которые Вы хотели бы посетить в группе, вместе с сопровождающим. Lihavoituna Russian Industrialist -teollisuusmessujen osastot: PROMEXPO -The industrial potential of Russian regions and the former republics - Standardization and certification of production of mechanical engineering - The technologies of industrial safety. Protection of labour. Ecotechnics. - Mechanical engineering for food and light industry. Industrial refrigerating equipment - The technologies of manufacture and finishing of industrial glass TECHNOEXPO - Hydraulics (servo-motors, hydraulic actuator, diagnostic equipment, aggregation, apparatus of hydraulic systems) - Pneumatics (gears, valves, the elements of pneumatic automation, pneudraulic and pneumatic gears) - Driving technics (electric drives, reduction gears, bearings, armature, piping, belt drives and chain drives) - Airily-compressor and vacuum technics (compressors, manufacture, vacuum pumps, measuring instruments, cleaning of compressed air) MACHINE BUILDING. LATHES. - Cutting equipment ( heavy and unique, special and particularized lathes, automated machine systems, high tech equipment, electroerosion equipment) - Forming equipment (press-forging, founding, welding equipment and equipment for heat treatment, equipment for covering, laser and plasma equipment and technology, equipment and technologies for sheet treatment) - Systems of computer-aided design and automation of manufacturing processes INSTRUMENT. Advanced technologies - Instrument (cutting, corundum, abrasive and carbide instrument, metalworking and assembly instrument, hand electrified, hydraulic, pneumatic instrument, sensitive instrument) - Production tools - Forming equipment and molds - Controlling and measuring apparatus, test devices and measuring tools - Materials and equipment for production and reconstruction of instruments - Certification and standardization of instruments - Equipment for keeping of instruments RADIO ELECTRONICS. Instrument-making industry - Innovation techniques of radio-electronic enterprises - Production of radio-electronic and instrument-making enterprises NANOTECHNOLOGY - Nanotechnologies - Nanomaterials - Nanosistems on the basis of nanomaterials - Equipment and devices for nanoindustry MECHATRONICS AND ROBOTICS -Industrial robotics and industrial automation -Robots for extreme conditions -Transport mechatronic and robotic systems -Robots in social environment (service robots) -Control systems and software -Components of robotics and mechatronic modules -Computer aided design technologies SUBCONTRACTING - Services in production of units and components - Services connected with realization of manufacturing operations and processes - Servicing of enterprises - Services in the sphere of consulting and engineering 3 - Infrastructures of industrial cooperation - The exchange of business contacts - The day of industrial subcontracting AUTOMACH - Producers of auto components - Lifting-transport mechanisms - Facilities of mechanization and automation of cargo-handling and warehouse work INDUSTRY STOCK EXPO - Equipment for metal processing, timber processing, plastic and rubber processing, packaging, printing, textile and food industries, telecommunications, waste recycling, and other manufacturing and service industries; - Equipment for warehouses, farming, civil engineering, industrial construction, road-building, public works and timber harvesting; - Used trucks and commercial vehicles; - Equipment repair and retooling services; - Maintenance under and post-warranty; - Shipping, customs clearance and bonded warehousing services; - Appraisal, survey, financial, leasing, insurance, consulting, legal services. 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