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Maqola tayyor

Khudaykulova Fazilat Boriyevna
Chirchik State Pedagogical University
Faculty of "Primary Education".
"Theory of primary education" department teacher
Tel: 917798205
Худaйкулова Фазилат Буриевна
Чирчикский государственный педагогический университет
Факультет «Начальное образование».
Кафедра "Теория начального образования" учитель
Тел: 91 779 82 05
Xudayqulova Fazilat Bo‘riyevna
Chirchiq davlat pedagogika universiteti
“Boshlang‘ich ta‘lim” fakulteti
“Boshlang‘ich ta`lim nazariyasi”kafedrasi o‘qituvchisi
Tel: 91 779 82 05
Abstract: in this article, the formation of logical and critical thinking skills of
students based on international assessment programs, the relevance of PIRLS and
TIMSS programs today, factors affecting the level of logical thinking of students,
issues of improving school textbooks, future personality formation today it is
mentioned that it is an urgent task of the day.
Key words: development of the student's abilities, preparation for the
national education system, PIRLS, TIMSS program.
Аннотация: в данной статье формирование навыков логического и
критического мышления учащихся на основе международных оценочных
программ, актуальность программ PIRLS и TIMSS на сегодняшний день,
факторы, влияющие на уровень логического мышления учащихся, вопросы
совершенствования школьных учебников, формирование будущей личности
сегодня упоминается, что это неотложная задача дня.
Ключевые слова: развитие способностей школьника, подготовка к
национальной системе образования, программа PIRLS, TIMSS
Annotatsiya: ushbu maqolada Xalqaro baholash dasturlari asosida o`quvchini
mantiqiy va tanqidiy fikrlash ko‘nikmasini shakllantirish, PIRLS VA TIMSS
dasturlarining buhungi kunda dolzarb ekanligi, o‘quvchining mantiqiy fikrlash
darajasiga ta`sir etish omillari, maktablar darsliklarini takomillashtirish masalalari,
kelajakda shaxsni shakllantirsh bugungi kunning dolzarb vazifasi ekanligi haqida
so‘z boradi.
Kalit so‘zlar: o‘quvchini qobiliyatlarini rivojlantirish, milliy ta’lim tizim,
PIRLS, TIMSS dasturiga tayyorlash
Nowadays, we can clearly see that our society is rapidly developing, not only
in the economic sphere, but also in the sphere of education. Educating the future
generation as a mature and well-rounded person is an urgent problem of today.
At the meeting of the President of January 18, 2023 No. 02-PA 1-740, they
assigned tasks related to teaching two foreign languages and modern professions to
schoolchildren. Therefore, it is appropriate to start educating the future generation
to become bilingual and modern profession holders in the elementary grades.
Improving the quality of education in schools, expanding the level of logical
and critical thinking of students, as well as preparing students for a certain
direction and choosing a profession in the future requires great responsibility and
work from future pedagogues. Especially the implementation of PIRLS and
TIMSS international assessment programs today is a clear honor of our opinion.
The main part
PIRLS (Progress in International Reading Literacy Study) is an example of an
international assessment system that assesses the quality of reading and
comprehension levels of primary school students in different countries of the
world. It is appropriate for us to buy.
The introduction of the PIRLS international assessment program in schools,
the organization of basic tests among regional and city public education workers
based on this program, and the creation of STESTING.UZ tests have been a great
convenience for students and school teachers.
PIRLS focuses on two overarching goals for young students' learning in and
out of the classroom. These are reading for artistic experience and for the
acquisition and use of information. In addition, PIRLS integrates four broad
comprehension processes within each of the learning objectives. These are:
focus and find specific information, draw direct conclusions, interpret and
synthesize ideas and information, and evaluate and critique elements of content
and text.
In addition to the above program, we should mention the TIMSS international
assessment program as an effective program for primary grades.
TIMSS – (Trends in International Mathematics and Science Study) at school
is an international monitoring of the quality of mathematics and science
teaching, organized by the International Association for the Evaluation of
Educational Achievement (IEA).
TIMSS - for students of the 4th and 8th grades in natural-scientific subjects
literacy assessment
The uniqueness of this program is that it is the content of education in
mathematics and natural sciences of schools in the world, the educational process,
the opportunity of the educational institution, the level of knowledge of teachers,
education examines factors related to the family environment of the recipients. The
indicated factors serve as a basis for showing the state of mastery of mathematics.
The main difference between TIMSS programs is that they are held in different age
groups and classes.
PIRLS is a program held every five years.
Each country showed different levels of understanding of the text, ranging
from basic comprehension to perfect comprehension. On average, 4th graders from
the Russian Federation and Singapore showed the highest reading performance.
Also, a quarter of the students from these two countries demonstrated the ability to
understand the text at a perfect level. Students who understand the text at this level
have the ability to interpret, integrate, and evaluate information presented in
narrative plots and relatively complex texts.
It should also be noted that this program keeps pace with the times and
improves its evaluation criteria in accordance with modern requirements. As an
example of this, in a study conducted in 2021, students for the first time completed
S.TESTING.uz test assignments in digital format. As schools transition to a digital
format, ePIRLS, which is administered in a web-based environment, explores
changes such as computer-based assessment of online learning. These S.TESTING
test programs, organized by the initiative of the Education Inspectorate, are based
on PIRLS and TIMSS international assessment programs, and are new for
students. This news was received very well by schoolchildren. The tests were very
interesting and served to improve logical literacy.
In the decision of the Republic of Uzbekistan No. PF-5712 dated 29.04.2019,
"By 2030, achieving inclusion in the ranks of the first 30 advanced countries of the
world according to the PISA (The Program for International Student Assessment)
rating of the international student assessment program ” is an urgent task to
fundamentally improve education based on its applications.
Today, it is necessary to strengthen the importance of forming and developing
the skills of logical and critical, creative thinking, independent search for
information, and the ability to analyze the works of primary school students. we
need to equip classrooms with modern information technologies, to train future
pedagogues who can work with these programs and prepare students.
A student prepared on the basis of international studies has his own opinion,
is rich in ideas about the future, and at the same time has the ability to easily
express his thoughts, logical and critical thoughts in writing.
Such changes in education prompted changes in the content of the
curriculum and educational literature. It can be seen that the development of new
modern forms of education based on international evaluation programs and their
application to the educational system are very effective.
To date, a national database of questions from the mother tongue,
mathematics and natural sciences in the direction of the PISA assessment program
has been created and included in the educational programs. These educational
programs not only form knowledge and skills, but also create an opportunity to
study subjects in different languages. .
As we know, a primary school student should have the ability to describe the
pictures he has read orally and in writing. Therefore, the stories and information
provided in PIRLS programs encourage each student to think independently and to
express their opinion in a way that is different from others.
Conclusions and recommendations:
In conclusion, we can say that on the basis of today's international
evaluation programs, the logical and critical thinking of elementary school students
requires a system of research and cooperation from skilled pedagogues.
does. The main goal of our country is to educate our future youth who can
compete with prestigious countries, to meet the world's requirements, mature and
perfect young generation in all respects, and to expand the ranks of qualified
Therefore, in the information age, it is necessary and necessary to equip the
classrooms with modern information and communication tools in order to prepare
primary school students for world international assessment programs. In rooms
equipped with modern tools, on the basis of electronic textbooks and programs, the
formation of the student's ability to search for information and exchange
information through various sites creates the basis for an interesting and
meaningful organization of the educational process.
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