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Английский Unut 3

Министерство науки и высшего образования Российской Федерации
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«Тихоокеанский государственный университет»
Иностранный язык
Unit 3. Задание 3. Работа с текстом "London"
Хабаровск, 2024
Упражнение 2. Найдите словам из рамки их значение.
1. the moral or legal right or ability to control - authority
2. a town, or a division of a large town - borough
3. the group of people elected to govern a particular town, or city - authority
4. a group of these areas of water in a port and the buildings around them - dock
5. a room or building that is used for showing works of art - gallery
6. existing in a particular place or small area - local
7. a large company or group of companies that is controlled together as a
single organization - corporation
8. something that it is your job or duty to deal with - responsibility
9. a real or imagined line that marks the edge or limit of something - boundaries
Упражнение 3. Переведите предложения на русский язык, обращая
внимание на слова, выделенные курсивом.
1. Одной из определяющих черт Великобритании XIX века было расширение
собственности на богатство.
2. В новом правительственном здании не использованы ни китайские, ни
европейские образцы,
Вместо этого оно представляет собой смесь постмодернистской архитектуры.
3. Церемония смены караула проходит у Букингемского дворца
каждый день.
4. Британский парламент традиционно состоит из двух палат - Палаты лордов
и Палаты общин.
5. Королевские парки Лондона - это земли, изначально принадлежавшие
монархии Соединенного Королевства для отдыха королевской семьи.
6. Сити составлял большую часть Лондона с момента его заселения
римлянами в I веке нашей эры до Средневековья,
7. Галерея шепота - пожалуй, самая известная из достопримечательностей
собора Святого Павла Достопримечательности.
Упражнение 4. Найдите словам из колонки А синонимы в колонке В
traditional - old-fashioned
royal - rich
unique - unusual
kings and queens - monarchs
district - area
divide - apart from
goods - products
go back - return
except - separate into parts
grow up - become bigger
Упражнение 5. Перед прочтением текста ответьте на следующие вопросы.
1. What do you know about London? - London is the capital and largest city of
England and the United Kingdom. It administratively forms the Greater London
region of England.
2. What is the origin name of London? - The name London is derived from the
name of the Roman settlement of Londinium.
3. How many parts does London consist of? - London is made up of two parts.
4. What is the Tube? - The subway is an underground mode of transportation.
5. Where does the Queen live? - The Queen lives in Buckingham Palace.
6. What is double-decker? - These are the famous buses of England.
7. What other famous places of London do you know? - I know places like Tower
Bridge, Buckingham Palace, Palace of Westminster.
Упражнение 7.
1. Romans who came to England gave London its name. - It's true.
2. West End has a lot in common with the East End. - It's not true.
3. East End is the most fascinating part of London. - It's not true.
4. West End is “the arms of London”. - It's not true.
5. The City is financial center of London. - It's true.
6. There a lot of famous parks in the West End. - It's true.
7. West End is the most luxurious district. - It's not true.
8. There are a lot of docks and factories in the City. - It's not true.
Упражнение 8.
1. What was the origin name of London? - They called the town Londinium.
2. Where is London situated? - The city is located on both banks of the River
3. How many people live there?- Population over eight million people.
4. How many parts does it have? - Traditionally, London can be divided into 3 main
parts – East end, West End and the City.
5. What famous London sights situated in the City? - It includes Houses of
Parliament, Buckingham Palace, and government offices named Whitehall. In
addition to royal and political building it contains institutions important to
intellectual and cultural life of the country: University of London, British museum,
National and Tate gallery.
6. What is the richest part of London? - The richest part of London is the City.
7. Why is not the East End as attractive as the West End or the City? - East End is
not a very attractive part of London with poor houses of people who work in the
docks and factories.
8. Why do people call the East End “arms of London”? - It is the workers region, is
made up of great industrial arears.
Упражнение 9.
1. The Tower of London, situated on the banks of the mighty River Thames. Where is London situated?
2. The most famous part is the White Tower, in the middle of the complex. It was
built in 1078 by William the Conqueror. - Tell us about the White Tower, where is
it located, when and by whom was it built?
3. Trafalgar Square was built early in the 19th century to commemorate naval
victory won on the 21st of October 1805. - Tell us about Trafalgar Square, when
was it built and in honor of what?
4. The Elizabeth Tower is the name of the famous tower known as Big Ben. - What
is the better known name for Elizabeth Tower?
5. Sir Christopher Wren was the first person to be buried in St Paul’s Cathedral. Who was the first person buried in St. Paul's Cathedral?
6. The West End is the largest central street district in the United Kingdom and one
of the most expensive locations in the world. - What is the West End known for?
7. The 32 capsules on the London Eye are representative of the 32 London
boroughs. - What are the 32 capsules in the London Eye?