Использование метода проектов для формирования умений устной речи на иностранном языке (средний этап) Методическая разработка Учителя английского языка МОУ СОШ № 28 г. Рыбинска Цапиной Светланы Алексеевны Рыбинск 2022 Достоинства метода проектов Учащиеся обмениваются мнениями, выражают собственные мысли, своё отношение к фактам. Учащиеся овладевают определёнными интеллектуальными, творческими и коммуникативными умениями. Важный фактор- сотрудничество с учениками, смещение акцента активной деятельности учителя на активную деятельность учащихся, что является основным принципом повышения эффективности обучения школьников. Учебный творческий проект — это самостоятельно разработанный и изготовленный продукт (материальный или интеллектуальный) от идеи до ее воплощения, обладающий субъективной или объективной новизной, выполненный под контролем и при консультации учителя. Типология проектов Е.С. Полат в соответствии с их признаками: № 1. Критерии По содержанию проекта 2. По методу, доминирующему в проекте 3 4. По характеру координирования проекта По включенности проектов в учебные планы Виды проектов Монопредметные (выполняются на материале конкретного предмета); Межпредметные (интегрируется смежная тематика нескольких предметов); Надпредметные (выполняются на основе изучения сведений, не входящих в школьную программу) творческие, исследовательские (характеризующиеся наличием четко поставленных целей и обоснованной структуры), приключенческие, игровые (основным компонентом содержания становится ролевая игра), информационные, практико-ориентированные (особенность которых состоит в выработке результата, имеющего практическое значение (подготовка номера журнала или видеофильма)). с явной координацией, со скрытой координацией Текущие (на самообразование и проектную деятельность выносится из учебного курса часть содержания обучения) 5 По характеру контактов 6. По продолжительности выполнения проекта 7. По количеству участников проекта Итоговые (по результатам выполнения проекта оценивается освоение учащимися определенного учебного материала) внутренние (региональные), международные Мини-проекты, (несколько недель); Средней продолжительности (несколько месяцев); Долгосрочные (в течение года) Коллективные, Индивидуальные, Групповые Этапы работы над проектом: Этапы Содержание № Деятельност Деятельность работы над работы на ь учащихся учителя проектом данном этапе 1 Подготовка Определение темы и целей проекта, рабочей группы Обсуждают Помогает в предмет постановке проекта, цели проекта. устанавлива ют цели. 2 Планирован Определение ие источников информации, способов сбора и анализа информации. Формируют задачи. Вырабатыва ют план действий. Предлагает идеи, высказывает предположен ия. 3 Исследован Сбор и Выполняют Наблюдает, ие решение промежуточн ых задач. исследовани советует, е косвенно руководит 4 ФормулироОформляют Консультиру вание Формулирован проект. ет учащихся. результатов ие выводов или выводов Подготовка доклада. Участвуют в Слушает, коллективно задает м целесообразн самоанализе ые вопросы в проекта и роли самооценке рядового деятельност участника. и 6 Оценка Анализ результатов выполнения и процесса проекта, проектной достигнутых деятельност результатов. и Участвуют в Оценивает оценке усилия путем учащихся, их коллективно креативность, го качество обсуждения использовани и я источников. самооценок деятельност и. 5 Защита проекта 1. Проект по теме «Природа и проблемы экологии» Задачи: 1. развитие умений устной (диалогической и монологической) и письменной речи по теме «Природа и проблемы экологии»; 2. развитие умений чтения и аудирования в рамках темы «Природа и проблемы экологии». № Критерии № 1 По содержанию проекта По методу, 2 доминирующему в проекте 3 4 5 6 7 По характеру координирования проекта По включенности проектов в учебные планы По характеру контактов По продолжительности выполнения проекта По количеству участников проекта Виды проектов Монопредметный Творческий- выступление на конференции ЮНЕСКО (презентация с комментариями или лекция) С явной координацией Итоговый Внутришкольный Краткосрочный (7 уроков) Индивидуальный Алгоритм работы над проектом. 1. Brainstorm (выбор тем проектов) 2. Describing the photo (predicting and describing the photo, answering the questions). 3. Materials and everyday objects people use in their lives.(describing the objects, guessing game) 4. Make up the plan of your project discuss it with your teacher. Look through the sources (books, newspapers, magazines, Internet) and find the information about ways of saving nature. (students were advised to do some exercises with the help of such a sitehttp://learnenglishteens.britishcouncil.org/search/site/sav e%20our%20planet http://www.nationalgeographic.com/) 5. Group discussion – “What you recycle and throw away” 6. Reading the text and answering the questions. 7. Talking on a radio phone-in programme. 8. Reading and speaking “The Greendex”. 9. Group work – a “Greendex” report. 10. Watch and discuss “Coastal clean up” 11. Roleplay a conversation between a coastal clean-up volunteer and a member of the public. 12. Pair work- discuss the questions. 13. Review your project, discuss it with the teacher. 14. Make up a computer presentation or print a report about ways of saving our planet. 15. Present your project to the classmates- take part in the conference. 16. Answer the questions about your project. 17. Mark your project and compare it with the mark given by your teacher and the classmates. Этапы работы над проектом. I. Организационный. 1. “Brain-storm” (выбор тем проекта) “Nature in danger” “Save our planet” “The future of our planet “ “Let’s save the planet” “Green or black?” “SOS-says the Earth” Our planet in danger… “How to help our planet” 2. Look at the photo and predict who it is, what he’s doing. (students’ predictions) Then the teacher names the person and asks the students to answer some of the questions. “George Sabra is an artist and a sculptor. What do you think of his sculpture in the photo? Which of these materials did he use?” cardboard glass leather metal paper plastic wood 3. Materials and everyday objects people use in their lives.(describing the objects, guessing game) Work in pairs. Think of everyday objects (dictionary, pen, mobile phone, etc.). Don’t tell your partner the objects but describe what it’s made of and what it is for. Your partner has to guess the object. 4. Make up the plan of your project. При работе на данном этапе обучающиеся вместе с учителем составили примерный план работы над проектом: 1. Выбрать тему проекта 2. Поработать с разнообразными источниками информации (книги, газеты, журналы, сайты в сети Интернет- учитель предложил обучающимся посетить некоторые сайты по теме «Природа и проблемы экологии ») 3. Отобрать материал по теме проекта 4. Обсудить с учителем проект 5. Разработать черновой вариант проекта и обсудить его с учителем 6. Доработать проект 7.Подготовиться к защите проекта 8. Защита проекта Учитель предлагает разнообразные способы сбора информации - Look through the sources (books, newspapers, magazines, Internet) and find the information about ways of saving nature. (students were advised to do some exercises with the help of such a sitehttp://learnenglishteens.britishcouncil.org/search/site/save%20o ur%20planethttp://www.nationalgeographic.com/ II. Основной. 5. Group discussion – “What you recycle and throw away”. How much do you recycle or reuse items in the house? How easy is it to recycle where you live? You can recycle all these objects. Match each object with the correct recycling bin. Work in groups and discuss these questions. 6. Read the text “E-RUBBISH “and answer the questions. 1. How many of us know where our e-rubbish goes? 2. Did Peter Essick follow the rubbish to lots of countries? 3. How many of the computers do sellers resell? 4. How much metal do the parts of the computers contain? 5. Why is the process of recycling these parts so dangerous? 6. How much e-rubbish does Peter Essick think we should export? Why? 7. Complete these sentences about the article. Then compare your sentences with the class. I knew a little/a lot about this topic before reading this. This article is / isn’t surprising for me because…I agree/ partly agree/ don’t agree with Peter Essick because… 7. Talking on a radio phone-in programme. Work in pairs. Imagine you are talking on a radio phone-in programme. Student A: You are the radio presenter. Ask the caller about his/her views on recycling and what we need to do about the problem. It’s your job to ask extra questions and argue with the caller about his/her views. Before you begin, prepare some of your questions for the caller. Student B : You are a caller. Speak to the radio presenter. Explain your views about recycling and what we need to do about the problem in future. Before you begin, prepare some of your comments and opinions. 8. .- Reading and speaking “The Greendex” 9. Group work – a “Greendex” report. Work in groups. You are going to prepare a “Greendex” report about the class. Follow these steps: 1. Write 5 to 8 questions to find out how green everybody is. 2. Each group member meets students from the other groups and interviews them using the questions. 3. Work with your first group again. Collect the information from your questions and summarise the results. 4. Present your conclusions to the class, using pie charts to help your presentations. 10. Watch and discuss “Coastal clean up” 11. Roleplay a conversation between a coastal clean-up volunteer and a member of the public. Work in pairs. Student A: You are a coastal clean-up volunteer. You want to get more volunteers. Make a list of reasons for helping with the coastal clean-up. Student B: You live near the coast but you enjoy your free time and don't want to help with the coastal clean-up. Make a list of reasons why you are busy and can't volunteer. Act out the interview. Student A must convince Student B to volunteer. Then change roles and repeat the conversation. 12. Work in pairs. Discuss these questions. 1 Are there places in your country where there is a lot of rubbish? 2 Would you do voluntary work like this? 3 How can you stop people littering? 13. - 14. После выполнения упражнений учащиеся корректируют свой проект, обсуждают с учителем и дома готовят его компьютерную презентацию или устное монологическое высказывание. III. Этап презентации проектов. 1. Present your project to the classmates- take part in the conference. 2. Answer the questions about your project. 3. Mark your project and compare it with the mark given by your teacher and the classmates. Отталкиваясь от основных параметров внешней оценки проектов, разработанной Е.С. Полат, разработаны следующие критерии оценивания проекта: Критерий 1. Соответствие заданной теме 2. Оригинальность проекта 3. Умение выстроить свой ответ в логической последовательности. 4. Умение аргументировать свои заключения, делать выводы. 5. Умение отвечать на вопросы. 6. Умение задавать встречные вопросы. 7. Аккуратность выполненного проекта. 8. Использование иллюстративного материала. 9. Грамматическое оформление речи. 10. Использование разнообразных лексических единиц. Количество баллов (максимальный балл - 5 баллов) 2. Проект по теме: “Здоровый образ жизни” Задачи: 1. развитие умений устной (диалогической и монологической) и письменной речи по теме «Здоровый образ жизни»; 2. развитие умений чтения и аудирования в рамках темы «Здоровый образ жизни». № № 1 2 Критерии Виды проектов По содержанию проекта По методу, доминирующему в проекте 3 По характеру координирования проекта По включенности проектов в учебные планы По характеру контактов По продолжительности выполнения проекта По количеству участников проекта Монопредметный Творческий (оформить журнал о способах сохранения здоровья) С явной координацией. 4 5 6 7 Итоговый. Внутришкольный Краткосрочный (6 уроков) Групповой Этапы работы над проектом. I. Организационный. 1. The spidergram (выбор тем проекта) Look at the two people in the photo. Why do you think they’re happy. (students are discussing the photo). Listen to the text and answer the questions : 1. Who are they? 2. How often do they practice dancing? 3. Why do you think dancing is good for their mental and physical health? Текст аудирования: People sometimes think Mary and Gerald are married but in fact they're just good friends. They have known each other for forty years because they regularly go ballroom dancing. Every week they meet and practise dancing. Mary Hall is eighty-five years old and Gerald Kavanagh is eighty. So, after all these years, why do they dance? Probably because it's good for their health for two reasons. It's gooc physical exercise, but dancing is also about learning new movements so it's good for your mental health as well. Dancing is one good reason for their long and happy life. 2. Pair work- tell your partner which activities you often do (see the table) and activities you do in your free time that are good for your physical or mental health. cycle through the countryside do crosswords go for a long walk work long hours watch TV read a book play computer games run marathons 3. Make up the plan of your project. II. Основной. 4. Do the quiz about sleep and compare your answers with your partner 5. Work in pairs. Ask and answer questions about these things. Use the examples: How often do you do exercises? – Two or three times a week. do exercise take public transport eat out in restaurants do gardening play board games check your emails be in bad mood go on holiday be busy at weekends go for a walk 6. Group work- discuss and prepare a « How healthy are you?» quiz for another group (it can be one of the pages in the magazine). Start each question with How often…? Are you often…? or Do you ever…?and offer three choices of answer (A, B or C). 7. Reading the text and answering the questions. Answer the questions: Who is the oldest person you know? How old are they? How healthy is their lifestyle? Read the article below and answer the questions. 1. Why are the people of Okinawa famous? 2. What are the reasons for their good health? 3. Which are the reasons for good health in the article are true for your life? The Secrets of Long Life The island of Okinawa in Japan has some of the oldest people in the world. It's famous for its high number of centenarians - men and women who live beyond 100 years of age. There have been many scientific studies of their lifestyle and you can even buy cookery books based on their diets. Some of the reasons for their good health are that they … - go fishing and eat what they catch. - regularly do gardening and grow their own fruit and vegetables. - go cycling and never drive when they can walk. - often spend time with friends. They meet at people's houses and play games. - rarely buy food from a supermarket. - do regular exercise, go swimming and lead active lives. 8. Make up the dialogue “At the doctor’s” Work in pairs. Practice this conversation. Then change the roles and repeat the conversation. Student A: You have a medical problem. (choose the problem below). Student B: You are a pharmacist. Ask how student A feels and give advice. I’ve got a headache/runny nose/ stomach ache/ earache/ temperature/ sore throat/ bad cough 9. Watch and discuss “Slow Food”(group work). Work in groups. Look at the title of the video and the photo. Discuss the questions. 1. What do you think “slow food” is? 2. How do you think the people in the photo feel? 3. What do you think the video is about? Watch the video and check your ideas. Are these sentences true (T) or false (F)? 1 Chianti is a region in Spain. 2 Four thousand people live in Greve. 3 Greve is part of the Slow Cities League. 4 Salvatore Toscano runs an American-style restaurant. 5 His restaurant is in Greve. 6 Farmers make pecorino cheese from cows' milk. 7 Pecorino cheese is not very popular nowadays. 8 Greve wants to escape from the modern world. 10. Act out the conversation based on the video. Roleplay a conversation with Salvatore Toscano Work in pairs. Student A: You are Salvatore Toscano. Read the questions below and make notes about yourself. Then ask your customer about his life. • Why do you like Greve? • What is it like living in Greve? • Do you enjoy your job? Student B: You are a customer in Salvatore Toscano's restaurant. You come from a large busy city. Read the questions below and make notes about yourself. Then ask Salvatore about his life in Greve. • What's your name? • What's your job? • Do you like visiting Greve? Why? • Do you want to live somewhere like Greve? Act out the conversation. Compare your lives. Then change roles and repeat the conversation. 11. Pair work - discuss the idea of the man from the video. Read what the man says at the end of the video. Answer the questions. From Singapore to Macao, in New York, in Rome, you always find the same pizza, the same hamburgers. Slow food doesn't want this. Work in pairs. Discuss these questions. 1 Do you agree? 2 Do you think slow food is a good idea? 3 Would you like to live in Greve? Why? /Why not? 4 Do you live a quiet life or do you live in the fast lane? In what ways? 14-15 Review your project, discuss it with the teacher. III Этап презентации проектов. 3. Проект по теме: “Удивительный мир природы”. Задачи: 1. развитие умений устной (диалогической и монологической) и письменной речи по теме «Удивительный мир природы»; 2. развитие умений чтения и аудирования в рамках темы «Удивительный мир природы». № Критерии Виды проектов 1 По содержанию проекта Монопредметный 2 По методу, доминирующему в проекте 3 По характеру координирования проекта По включенности проектов в учебные планы По характеру контактов По продолжительности выполнения проекта 4 5 6 7 По количеству участников проекта Творческий (создать рекламу каталога о природе на выставку NationalGeographic-печатный вариант или презентация) С явной координацией. Итоговый. Внутришкольный Краткосрочный (5 уроков) Индивидуальный Этапы работы над проектом. I. Организационный. . 1. “Brain-storm” (выбор тем проекта) “Incredible nature” “Home” “Amazing animals” “Amazing plants” “The power of nature” “Nature” “Amazing world” 2. Describe the photo (the monologue and answering the questions). Look at the photo, describe what you can see. Listen to a nature expert talking about the photo. Answer the questions: 1. Which animals does she talk about? 2. Where is each animal hiding or hunting? 3. Describe the view from a window in your house (pair work) This task is based on listening. Work in pairs, discuss the questions: 1. Do you like taking photos? 2. Do you ever take photos of nature? Why?/Why not? Match the photos (A-D) with the locations (1-4) 1. Forest 2. Mountain. 3. Ocean. 4. River. Listen to a documentary about David Liittschwager, the photographer. Why does he take photos of the green metal frame? Work in pairs. Describe the view from a window in your house. Use these questions to help you: Can you see any natural locations such as mountains and rivers? Do you look at buildings and roads? How important is it for you to look at nature? 4. The best slogan to attract more visitors to your region. (group work) Look at these slogans from different advertisements. What are they advertising? Everywhere you look, you’ll find nature’s beauty. Enjoy the peace and quiet but sshh!!! Don’t tell anyone!!! Everybody is looking for natural paradise ...We know where it is. Work in groups. Imagine you work for a local tourist company which wants to attract more visitors to the region. In groups discuss the slogans and write four of them to use on your advertisements. When you are ready, choose your best idea and tell the class. Which is the best slogan. 6. Discussion of the text The Power of Nature. (pair work) Discuss the questions in pairs: 1. Which parts of the world often have the extreme weather (flood, hurricane, lightning, snow storm, thunderstorm, tornado)? 2. Which types of extreme weather is it about? 3. What time of year is typical for this kind of weather? Read the article – What type of extreme weather is it about? It's early evening and RexGeyerand his family are eating dinner. On the TV, the weatherman is telling everyone to look out for tornadoes. If a tornado hit Rex's house, it would destroy it. Suddenly, Rex's brother rushes through the front door.'Tornado! We have to go now!' he shouts.The whole family run to the car. As they drive away to safety, two cars go past in the opposite direction - straight towards the tornado. If anyone else drove in that direction, they'd be mad. But the people in the cars are Tim Samaras and Pat Porter who follow and study tornadoes. This year they are trying to put a 'probe' into the middle of a tornado. So far they haven't been successful. If the tornado passed over the probe, it would record a lot of useful scientific data so they are keen to try. As Tim and Pat drive closer, the tornado gets bigger. They put a probe on the ground and, at the last moment, they drive away. The tornado passes right over the probe and gives Tim and Pat new and exciting scientific data. Unfortunately, for Rex and his family, the news is not so good. The following day they return to their house but it's gone. Rex says/There was nothing left, no trees, no house, nothing.' Complete the comments about the people in the article with your own words. 1. I feel sorry for Rex because… 2. I think people like Tim and Pat have to be a bit crazy because… 3. Rex and his family were unlucky but they were also lucky because… 7. Group discussion- Future possibility. Work in groups. Imagine you work for a special department in the government and you must plan for any future possibility. Discuss what actions you would take for each of the following situations. Afterwards present your ideas to the class. E.g. If the weather became much colder, we’d need more heating. What would happen if: the weather became much colder? the level of the sea and rivers rose? there wasn’t enough oil? 8. The monologue- What do you think will or might change in your country in the next ten years? Make predictions for these areas about your own country: population and cities the economic situation and taxes social problems and difficulties technological developments and traditional industries any other issues affecting your country 9. Group work- compare your predictions. In groups compare your predictions. How similar or different are your predictions? E.g. There might be less countryside because… More people will move to the cities because… If more people have modern technology, there will I might… 10. Roleplay a conversation about zoos. Work in groups of four. Imagine you all work for and want to save it. Roleplay a conversation and discuss your suggestions. Use these sentences in the box. FINDING A SOLUTION Stating and explaining the problem Responding positively The problem is that… That’s a good idea… Making suggestions Responding negatively We could also… Yes, but… No, that won’t work. Student A: You are the zoo manager and will lead meeting. At the end of the discussion, choose the best three suggestions. Here are two possible suggestions. Ask companies to sponsor different animals and they put their names near the animal. Hold an open day where everyone in the city can visit the zoo for free to learn more about their zoo. When you’re ready to begin the meeting, state and explain the problem and then discuss each suggestion. Start your meeting by saying : Hello, everyone and thank you for coming. Today we are going to discuss the zoo. The problem is that… Student B: Here are two possible suggestions. You can also make more suggestions. Offer special tickets with discount such as “family ticket” or cheaper prices for children. Ask people to buy an animal but it lives at the zoo. Student C: Here are two possible suggestions. You can also make more suggestions. Start a zoo shop which sells T-shirts, posters, hats, etc. Invite newspaper and TV journalists to a special day where you explain the importance of the zoo and its conservation work. Student D: Here are two possible suggestions. You can also make more suggestions. Contact other zoos and exchange animals so people will come back to look at different animals. Have a parade with costumes and food through the city centre with some of the animals. 11. Watch and discuss Cambodia Animal Rescue. You are going to watch a video about an animal rescue centre in Cambodia. Look at the photos and answer the questions. 1 What kinds of animals can you see in the photo? 2 What do they 'have in common'? 3 How do you think the rescue centre helps them? Watch the video and answer the questions. 1 What do the letters MU stand for? 2 What does the MU do? 3 Does the government of Cambodia support the work of the MU? 4 What does the American group Wild Aid do? 5 Where did the little gibbon live before the rescue centre? 6 Which organisation sponsors Mimi? 7 Why did the family take Mimi to the rescue centre? 12. Roleplay talking about your plan. Work in pairs. Student A: You want to go and work at the Animal Rescue Centre in Cambodia. Look at the information below and make notes. • You plan to go for a year. • You want to find out more about poaching in Cambodia. • You want to help the animals at the rescue centre because you love animals. • You have a particular interest in tigers and know they help a lot of these animals. Student B: A friend of yours wants to go and work at the Animal Rescue Centre in Cambodia. Ask questions to find out why he/she wants to go and what he/she plans to do there. Act out the conversation. Then change roles and repeat the conversation. For the second conversation, Student B should choose a different animal and reasons. 13. Answering the questions (individually) 1. How do you feel when you see the animals in the video? 2. Does animal poaching exist in your country? What animals do poachers catch? Why? 3. What can we do to protect animals from poaching? 14-16. Review your project, discuss it with the teacher. III Этап презентации проектов. При работе над составлением брошюры были использованы следующие источники: 1. 1. Полат, Е.С. Метод проектов на уроках иностранного языка [Текст] Полат Е.С.// Иностранные языки в школе. 2000. №2. с.3-10. 2. Полат, Е.С. Метод проектов на уроках иностранного языка [Текст] Полат Е.С. // Иностранные языки в школе . - 2000. №3. с.3-9. 3. Полат Е.С. Обучение в сотрудничестве.//Иностранные языки в школе.-2000.-№1-С.4-11. 4. Dummet_Paul_Hughes_John_Life_Preintermediate_B1_Studen t_s_Book 5. http://learnenglishteens.britishcouncil.org/search/site/save%20o ur%20planethttp://www.nationalgeographic.com/ 6. http://learnenglishteens.britishcouncil.org/search/site/save%20o ur%20planet 7. http://www.nationalgeographic.com/