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International Academic Collaborations

1. Introduction
2. Main body (findings)
3. Results
4. Discussion
Aim: Identifying the availabilities for russian university students in the sphere of the international academic
1. To recognize the remaining academic availabilities for russian university students at the international
2. To explore the appeared academic availabilities for russian university students at the international level
3. To examine the availabilities for russian university students that may arise in the nearest future
4. To assess modern academic molitity opportunities for PetrSU students
Education is one of the most significant spheres for many russian people. It gravely influences people’s
future, especially, regarding higher education. The higher education offers students to broaden their horizons
and improve the prospects in their future career. Unfortunately, in the modern world the students’
possibilities of participating in any educational programs intensely depend on the geopolitical situation.
Before the begginning of the Russian-Ukrainian сonflict russian students сould afford to join a great
variety of foreign educational courses and programs. Since 2022 the situation has changed in the negative
direction for russians due to the commencement of a special military operation by the russian government.
The imposition of penalties by the majority of states in a response to the russian actions caused the blocage
of the international academic collobarations between russian and foreign students, including those who took
part in academic exchange programmes on behalf of PetrSU.
However, despite the fact that our country lost many partners in the academic sphere, there are many
availabilities kept. Moreover, Russia is aimed at growth of persisitent existing programs and actively tries to
expand the range of the educational directions.
1. Qualitative content analysis of documents
2. Comparative analysis
3. Logical approahces
Основная часть - Россия - мир
Китай и Индия - образовательные программы
НО также есть возможность самому мобилизовываться (эразмус, сша, стипендии от европы и других
«недружественных стран») стипендии частных фондов
Кейс ПетрГУ (сколько было до договоров и сколько после - они заморожены)
CIS: (количество)
Европа (количество вузов)
СНГ (количество)
Азия (количество)
Вывод ...
Main Body:
Many russian students lost the availability to get the education in a great amount of countries. A number of
europian universities reported the termination of the student internship programmes and student exchange
programmes, and some universities suspended scholarship programmes. Lots of foreign students are also
aimed to return home. Exchange programmes with Austrian, Belgian, German, Italian, Latvian, Spanish and
europian universities suspended.
Nevertheless, Russian universities have not stopped cooperating with foreign partners, but have
"emphasized new directions and countries." First of all, this applies to the CIS, post-Soviet and Aisian
Сollaborations with CIS universities intensify. Lobachevsky State University of Nizhni Novgorod and SaintPetersburg State Polytechnical University are aimed to the new projects’ realization with Kazakhstan,
Belarus and Uzbekistan. The Ministers of Education of Russia and Kazakhstan are discussing the
establishment of a branch of the Al-Farabi Kazakh National University in Moscow. Kazakhstan is also ready
to open new branches of the Russian universities of the National Research Nuclear University, Gubkin
University of Oil and Gas and Bauman Technical University.
Relations with China actively progress. Russian universities are eager to cooperate with their Chinese
counterparts as the Ukrainian conflict turns to freeze their academic ties with the United States and Europe.
The partner countries conduct academic and students exchanges, double degree programmes. By now about
12000 russian students have come to study there.
Nowadays India becomes the russian partner in many spheres, education obviously is one of them. The
Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation carries out large-scale work to promote the Russian
language in foreign countries with the participation of Russian pedagogical universities. A delegation of the
Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation headed by Denis Gribov, Deputy Minister of Education of
the Russian Federation, had a working visit to the Republic of India. During the meeting the issues of
bilateral cooperation in the field of education and culture were considered. Also the discussion regarding the
proposal to create a Center for Open Education in Russian on the basis of Jawaharlal Nehru University and
cooperation with Kozma Minin National State Pedagogical University to train Indian teachers at advanced
training courses had a significant role at the meeting.
Despite the fact university collaborations are declining, students still have a chance to expirience the
education in foreign countries submitting their candidates on the complection of the educational
programmes individually.
Erasmus + is one of the EU’s programmes that allows students from different corners of the world to have
an opportunity to receive the education in the high-class unuversities notwithstanding their place of living.
The 2021-2027 programme places a strong focus on social inclusion, the green and digital transitions, and
promoting young people’s participation in democratic life. It supports priorities and activities set out in the
European Education Area, Digital Education Action Plan and the European Skills Agenda.
Tense relations with the USA do not become obstacles on the way of academic development. SUSI
scholarship is an outstanding availability for russian ambitious students to visit United States and see the
speciality of that education. Applicants may enter, for instance, the institute of the environmental affairs or
the institute of civic engagements.The main aim of the programm is to Promote in-depth study of the United
States as well as leadership development.
In addition students can use the private foundations scholarship or scholarships for students with a high
academic mobility.
Talking about the changes in the international academic collaborations it is impossible not to mention the
programmes that are still available for the students of PetrSU. Вefore the start of the mass blocade for
russian students to study abroad PetrSu had 108 contracts signed. But, unfortunately, by now only 45
contracts are relevant.
CIS area:
A.A. Kuleshov Mogilev State University. A.A. Kuleshov
Belarusian State Agricultural Academy
Belarusian State Academy of Arts
Kazakh Agrotechnical University named after Saken Seifullin. Saken Seifullin
Kostanai State University named after A. Baitursynov
Kazakh National Pedagogical University named after Abai
Osh State University
International Central University in Central Asia (IUCA)
Сyprus is one of the few europian countries that still actively maintain relationships with Russia in
educational sphere. It suggests russian students to join The BAU Global Education Network which is
comprised of higher education institutions spread around the world. Students and graduates of the BAU
Global form an academic community that spans many countries on four continents. architecture, art,
business administration, communication, design, economics, education, engineering, health sciences,
information technologies, law, medicine, and social sciences.
Hungary is another member of the EU that continues to cooperate with Russia. Stipendium Hungaricum
scholarship let students pay the whole cost of the tuition and accomodation.
Sophia University Collaborates with over 300 universities all over the world and PetrSU is one of them.
Among the accessible directions to enter are Faculty of Liberal Art, Faculty of Science and Technology and
English Taught Graduate Programmes, which include Global Studies, Global Environmental Studies, Green
Science and Engineering, Program in Linguistics (TESOL)
INTI International University
INTI’s Professional Development Programme are short courses that are focused, flexible, and highly
accessible to provide learners with additional knowledge and skills aligned with industry needs. These short
courses are designed to add value to your existing qualifications or profession, supporting your professional
and personal development.
South Korea:
Myongji University and Suwon University provide foreign students with high-level education in different
faculties of the humanities and technical professions.
has been the russian reliable partner for a long time and up to now stays to сooperate with Russia. PetrSU
students can apply for different programmes in XAIU. It provides education for english-speaking and
chinese-speaking students. Students of bachelor and master’s degree have a title to participate the courses of
this university.
Taking everything into consideration, sanctions turned out to be a great obstacle on the way of perspective
Russian students to appear on the global academic level. The availability of getting education abroad has
gravely decreased. Neverthess a huge amount of programmes are obtainable for russians yet. Our Asian
partners and CIS partners are ready to assume our students for the exchange programmes and academical
courses, suggesting studing in many fields of science. In addition some europian and american educational
programmes may be allowed to join for our students despite many possible difficulties.
I am strongly sure that in the nearest future we continue to improve our connections friendly countries and
renew the lost or suspended collaborations with another states in order not to stop the cycle of education