Загрузил Evgeniya Zharikova


1. Explain the behaviour and cognitive approaches to learning. Which is most relevant to
training? Explain you answer.
2. List e nine events of instruction as outlined by Gagne and Briggs, and indicate how you
would use them in a training situation.
3. Explain why different people need different training methods.
4. How does a work group exert control over the performance of a worker? Provide a rationale
for why this “power” is a positive or negative thing .
5. How can training be designed to motivate learning and accommodate trainee difference.
6. What principles of learning are used to make training more effective?
7. How can training be designed o motivate learning and accommodate trainee differences.
8. Explain the concept of learning curve with special reference to training.
9. Define learning. Explain the purpose of learning
10. Describe the five categories of learned capabilities and Blomm’s taxonomy of learning.
11. Define social learning theory. Explain the principles of learning.
12. Explain the difference between pedagogy and andragogy.
Adult Learning
1. Why do people learn? What is the significance of learning in organisational settings.
2. Discuss ten simple rules of learning and give ten major conditions for learning to be
3. What is andragogy? Discuss the contribution of Malcolm Knowles to adult learning theory.
Career planning and development
1. How and why should an individual plan his career? What factors will be taken into
consideration in individuals career planning?
2. What do you understand by Career Management? Discuss in brief the elements of a
successful career management programme.
3. What should be the criteria in development of career planning?
4. Discuss some important methods of career planning?
5. What is the need of career models. Explain the few career models used by the organisation?
6. Explain the practically of four stages of career development discussed in the new model?
7. Distinguish between career planning and manpower planning.
8. Discuss the benefits and limitations of career planning and development. What steps can be
taken o make it more effective.
9. Explain the training planning process.
10. What is career planning? What are challenges today’s managers are facing in career
11. What are career planning and career development? Discuss the various stages involved in a
12. What is Career Planing and Career Development? Explain the various career development
13. What are the benefits and problems of career planning and development? What do you
suggest to minimize career problems.
14. Where are the lift and career stages? How do the organisations plan for the career of
employees based on the career stages?
15. What is succession planning? How do the organisations plan for the succession of the
16. Suggest the measures for effective career planning and development.
17. Why do companies prefer outsourcing rather than development the career of its
18. “Career development is a waste of money for a company. All it does is raise employees’
expectation and then, frustrated they quit”. Do you agree or disagree? Discuss.
19. What type of information would seek from the human resource department to help you
develop your own career plan if you were just starting with a large multinational
Human resource development:
1. Explain the concept and nature of Human Resource Development.
2. State the objectives of HRD? What are the various instruments of HRD.
3. Explain the various instruments of HRD. What are the essentials of effective HRD in an
industrial organisation.
4. What is Total Quality Management? How can human resource managers contribute to TQM.
5. Write explanatory notes on the following:
a. Bench marking
b. Kaizen
c. Learning organisations
d. Just in Time
6. Describe the need and significance of HRD.
7. What are the steps involved in successful implementation of HRD.
8. What do you understand by the term “Human resource development?” what are the
advantages of implementing HRD system.
9. What are the need for Human Resource Development? How has the evaluation of RD taken
10. What are the aims, objectives and philosophy of HRD?
11. Explain the process and outcomes of HRD system
12. Describe the major instruments of HRD.
13. Explain the HRD practices followed in any two Indian organisations.
14. What are the functions of HRD managers?
Job evaluation:
What do you mean by job evaluation system?
Define job evaluation and explain the objectives of this system.
How is job evaluation method useful for an industrial undertaking?
Discuss in detail the methods used for job evaluation system.
What is job evaluation? Discuss its importance and limitations.
What do you mean by job evaluation? What are the principles of job evaluation?
Discuss the importance of job evaluation. Explain briefly various methods of job evaluation.
How can a job evaluation programme be made more effective?
Explain the procedure involved in he evaluation of a job.
Distinguish between Factor Comparison Method and Point Method of job evaluation,
highlighting the relevant merits and demerits of the two methods.
11. Bring out the different between Job evaluation and performance appraisal. What is Job
evaluation not conducted are regularly as performance appraisal?
12. Discuss the steps involved in Job evaluation process.
1. Define the mentoring. Explain mentor functions.
2. How to use mentoring effectively.
3. Assessment of Need for Coaching