ENGLISH GRAMMAR REFERENCE & PRACTICE к те н и рн ж ет н ы -м й аг аз и Ó÷åáíîå ïîñîáèå äëÿ ó÷àùèõñÿ êëàññîâ ñ óãëóáëåííûì èçó÷åíèåì àíãëèéñêîãî ÿçûêà è ñòóäåíòîâ íåÿçûêîâûõ âóçîâ н WITH A SEPARATE KEY VOLUME Èçäàíèå îäèííàäöàòîå, èñïðàâëåííîå ин ин те к н и рн ж ет н ы -м й аг аз и н Т. Ю. Дроздова, А. И. Берестова, В. Г. Маилова СанктПетербург те к н и рн ж ет н ы -м й аг аз и н ÁÁÊ 81.2Àíãë-2 Ä75 Ðåöåíçåíò: Äðîçäîâà Ò. Þ., Áåðåñòîâà À. È., Ìàèëîâà Â. Ã. English Grammar. Reference and Practice : Ó÷åáíîå ïîñîáèå. – Èçäàíèå îäèííàäöàòîå, èñïðàâëåííîå. – ÑÏá. : Àíòîëîãèÿ, 2012. – 464 ñ. ин Ä75 Ë. Ï. ×àõîÿí, ïðîôåññîð, äîêòîð ôèëîëîãè÷åñêèõ íàóê ISBN 978-5-94962-163-9 Ó÷åáíèê ïî ãðàììàòèêå àíãëèéñêîãî ÿçûêà äëÿ øêîëüíèêîâ è ñòóäåíòîâ ñ ðàçëè÷íûì óðîâíåì ïîäãîòîâêè. Îðèãèíàëüíàÿ ñîïîñòàâèòåëüíàÿ ìåòîäèêà; îïîðà íà ðîäíîé ÿçûê; ìíîãîîáðàçèå ïðèìåðîâ è òàáëèö; áîëåå 500 óïðàæíåíèé. ÁÁÊ 81.2Àíãë-2 Îãðîìíûé âûáîð ó÷åáíîé è ìåòîäè÷åñêîé ëèòåðàòóðû â èíòåðíåò-ìàãàçèíå www.bookstreet.ru н ÎÎÎ «Àíòîëîãèÿ»: òåë.: (812) 328-14-41 www.anthologybooks.ru e-mail: [email protected] Õóäîæåñòâåííûé ðåäàêòîð À. À. Íåêëþäîâà Òåõíè÷åñêèé ðåäàêòîð À. Á. Òêà÷åíêî Êîððåêòîð Å. Â. Ðîìàíîâà Êîìïüþòåðíàÿ âåðñòêà Ä. Â. Ëåìåø, À. Á. Òêà÷åíêî к те н и рн ж ет н ы -м й аг аз и Ïî âîïðîñàì ïðèîáðåòåíèÿ ïðîäóêöèè èçäàòåëüñòâà îáðàùàéòåñü: Ïîäïèñàíî â ïå÷àòü 24.10.2011. Ôîðìàò 84õ108/16. Ãàðíèòóðà PragmaticaCTT. Ïå÷àòü îôñåòíàÿ. Ïå÷. ë. 29. Äîï. òèðàæ 5000 ýêç. Çàêàç . Èçäàòåëüñòâî «Àíòîëîãèÿ» 199053, Ñàíêò-Ïåòåðáóðã, Â.Î., Ñðåäíèé ïð., ä. 4 òåë.: (812) 328-14-41 www.anthologybooks.ru ин Îòïå÷àòàíî ïî òåõíîëîãèè ÑtP â ÎÀÎ «Ïåðâàÿ Îáðàçöîâàÿ òèïîãðàôèÿ», îáîñîáëåííîå ïîäðàçäåëåíèå «Ïå÷àòíûé äâîð» 197110, Ñàíêò-Ïåòåðáóðã, ×êàëîâñêèé ïð., 15 ISBN 978-5-94962-163-9 © Ò. Þ. Äðîçäîâà, À. È. Áåðåñòîâà, Â. Ã. Ìàèëîâà, 1996–2011 © ÎÎÎ «Àíòîëîãèÿ», 2012 ÎÒ ÀÂÒÎÐΠк те н и рн ж ет н ы -м й аг аз и н ин те к н и рн ж ет н ы -м й аг аз и н Ïðåäëàãàåìîå âàøåìó âíèìàíèþ ïîñîáèå ñîçäàíî íà îñíîâå ôóíäàìåíòàëüíûõ êëàññè÷åñêèõ òðóäîâ ïî ãðàììàòèêå àíãëèéñêîãî ÿçûêà, èçäàííûõ â Ðîññèè, à òàêæå íîâûõ ðàáîò àíãëèéñêèõ è àìåðèêàíñêèõ àâòîðîâ â ðóñëå êîììóíèêàòèâíîé ëèíãâèñòèêè. Ïîñîáèå ñîñòîèò èç 15 òåìàòè÷åñêèõ ðàçäåëîâ, â êîòîðûõ ïðèâîäÿòñÿ îáùèå ñâåäåíèÿ ïî êàæäîé òåìå è îáúÿñíÿþòñÿ îñîáûå ñëó÷àè óïîòðåáëåíèÿ. Öåëü äàííîãî ñáîðíèêà èçëîæèòü è îáúÿñíèòü â äîñòóïíîé ôîðìå ñóùåñòâåííûå ìîðôîëîãè÷åñêèå îñîáåííîñòè ãðàììàòè÷åñêîãî ñòðîÿ àíãëèéñêîãî ÿçûêà, íåîáõîäèìûå äëÿ ïðàêòè÷åñêîãî èñïîëüçîâàíèÿ.  îñíîâå ñòðóêòóðû ó÷åáíèêà ëåæèò ïðèíöèï ñîïîñòàâëåíèÿ ìîäåëåé ðîäíîãî è èçó÷àåìîãî ÿçûêîâ, à òàêæå äèôôåðåíöèàöèÿ ñõîäíûõ (äëÿ íîñèòåëåé ðóññêîãî ÿçûêà), íî ðàçëè÷àþùèõñÿ ïî ñóòè ãðàììàòè÷åñêèõ ñòðóêòóð àíãëèéñêîãî ÿçûêà. Ëó÷øåìó óñâîåíèþ ìàòåðèàëà äîëæíû ñïîñîáñòâîâàòü òàáëèöû, ñõåìû è ìîäåëè, ñèñòåìàòèçèðóþùèå ìàòåðèàë ðàçäåëîâ. Äàííîå ïîñîáèå ïðåäíàçíà÷åíî äëÿ ó÷àùèõñÿ øêîë è ãèìíàçèé, à òàêæå äëÿ ñòóäåíòîâ íåÿçûêîâûõ âóçîâ ñ óãëóáëåííûì èçó÷åíèåì àíãëèéñêîãî ÿçûêà. Îíî ìîæåò áûòü óñïåøíî èñïîëüçîâàíî äëÿ ðàáîòû ñî ñòóäåíòàìè ëþáîé ôîðìû îáó÷åíèÿ è óðîâíÿ ÿçûêîâîé ïîäãîòîâêè, ïîñêîëüêó äîñòàòî÷íî ïîäðîáíûå îáúÿñíåíèÿ ñíàáæåíû áîëüøèì êîëè÷åñòâîì ïðèìåðîâ, òàáëèö è ìîäåëåé, çàêðåïëÿåìûõ â ðàçíîîáðàçíûõ óïðàæíåíèÿõ. Óïðàæíåíèÿ ïîñòðîåíû ïî ïðèíöèïó íàðàñòàíèÿ ÿçûêîâûõ òðóäíîñòåé. Îíè ïðåäíàçíà÷åíû äëÿ ñòóäåíòîâ íà÷èíàþùèõ (À), ïðîäîëæàþùèõ (Â) è ïðîäâèíóòûõ (Ñ) ãðóïï è èíäåêñèðîâàíû ñîîòâåòñòâóþùèìè îáîçíà÷åíèÿìè. Ê áîëüøèíñòâó óïðàæíåíèé ïðåäëàãàþòñÿ îòâåòû-êëþ÷è, èçäàííûå îòäåëüíîé êíèãîé The Keys. Öèôðîâûå îáîçíà÷åíèÿ â óïðàæíåíèÿõ ñîîòâåòñòâóþò îòâåòàì, ïîìåùåííûì â êíèãå The Keys.  òå÷åíèå íåñêîëüêèõ ëåò ìàòåðèàë ïîñîáèÿ óñïåøíî èñïîëüçîâàëñÿ â ðàçëè÷íûõ öåëåâûõ ïðîãðàììàõ ïðè îáó÷åíèè ñòóäåíòîâ ñ ðàçíûì óðîâíåì ÿçûêîâîé ïîäãîòîâêè. ин Ò. Þ. Äðîçäîâà À. È. Áåðåñòîâà Â. Ã. Ìàèëîâà CONTENTS те к н и рн ж ет н ы -м й аг аз и The Verb to be ........................................................................................................................ 9 There + be Construction ..................................................................................................... 12 The Verb to have .................................................................................................................. 14 English Tenses Active ............................................................................................................... 17 The Indefinite (Simple) Forms ................................................................................................. 19 5.1 The Present Indefinite (Simple) Tense ................................................................................... 19 5.2 The Past Indefinite (Simple) Tense ........................................................................................ 21 5.3 The Future Indefinite (Simple) Tense ..................................................................................... 25 6. The Continuous Forms ............................................................................................................. 28 6.1 The Present Continuous Tense .............................................................................................. 28 6.2 The Present Continuous and Present Indefinite (Simple) ....................................................... 32 6.3 The Past Continuous Tense ................................................................................................... 35 6.4 The Past Continuous and Past Indefinite (Simple) ................................................................. 36 6.5 The Future Continuous Tense ............................................................................................... 40 6.6 Revision ................................................................................................................................ 42 7. The Perfect Forms ................................................................................................................... 43 7.1 The Present Perfect Tense .................................................................................................... 43 7.2 The Present Perfect and Past Indefinite (Simple) .................................................................. 48 7.3 The Past Perfect Tense ........................................................................................................ 53 7.4 The Future Perfect Tense ...................................................................................................... 59 8. The Perfect Continuous Forms ............................................................................................... 61 8.1 The Present Perfect Continuous ........................................................................................... 61 8.2 The Present Continuous and Present Perfect Continuous ................................................... 62 8.3 The Present Perfect and Present Perfect Continuous ............................................................ 63 8.4 Revision ................................................................................................................................ 66 8.5 The Past Perfect Continuous ................................................................................................. 68 8.6 The Past Continuous and Past Perfect Continuous ................................................................ 70 8.7 The Future Perfect Continuous ............................................................................................. 72 9. Revision on Tenses .................................................................................................................. 73 10. Tests ........................................................................................................................................ 81 11. Talking about the Future ....................................................................................................... 83 11.1 Present Tenses with a Future Meaning .............................................................................. 83 11.2 to be going to ... ........................................................................................................ 85 11.3 The Future Indefinite (Simple) ........................................................................................... 86 11.4 be to, be about to, be due to ................................................................................. 89 11.5 Revision ............................................................................................................................ 89 к те н и рн ж ет н ы -м й аг аз и н ин 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. н THE VERB THE SEQUENCE OF TENSES ин 1. General Rules ........................................................................................................................... 92 2. Revision ..................................................................................................................................... 97 3. Tests .......................................................................................................................................... 98 DIRECT AND INDIRECT SPEECH 1. Indirect Statement ................................................................................................................... 99 2. Indirect Command and Request ............................................................................................ 101 4 102 102 103 104 те к н и рн ж ет н ы -м й аг аз и н 3. Indirect Questions .................................................................................................................. 3.1 Indirect General Questions .................................................................................................. 3.2 Indirect Special Questions .................................................................................................. 4. Revision ................................................................................................................................... THE PASSIVE VOICE 1. 2. 3. 4. The Formation of the Passive Voice .................................................................................... Uses of the Passive Voice Peculiar to the English Language ............................................ Revision ................................................................................................................................... Tests ........................................................................................................................................ 108 109 119 121 THE USE OF THE SUBJUNCTIVE MOOD ин 1. Conditional Sentences ........................................................................................................... 1.1 Revision .............................................................................................................................. 1.2 Test .................................................................................................................................... 2. Making a Wish ........................................................................................................................ 3. Revision ................................................................................................................................... 4. Tests ........................................................................................................................................ 123 131 132 133 136 137 MODAL VERBS к те н и рн ж ет н ы -м й аг аз и н 1. Definition ............................................................................................................................... 2. Can ......................................................................................................................................... 2.1 Revision .............................................................................................................................. 3. May .......................................................................................................................................... 4. Must ......................................................................................................................................... 4.1 Revision ............................................................................................................................. 5. Should and Ought .................................................................................................................. 6. Need ....................................................................................................................................... 7. Revision .................................................................................................................................. 8. Tests ....................................................................................................................................... 138 139 144 145 148 155 156 159 161 165 THE NOUN Formation of Nouns ............................................................................................................... Classification of Nouns ......................................................................................................... The Category of Number ...................................................................................................... The Category of Case ............................................................................................................ Tests ........................................................................................................................................ ин 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 167 170 173 178 182 THE ARTICLE 1. The Use of Articles with Common Nouns ............................................................................. 1.1 The Use of the Indefinite Article (a/an) ................................................................................ 1.2 The Use of the Definite Article (the) ..................................................................................... 1.3 The Zero Article .................................................................................................................. 1.4 Revision .............................................................................................................................. 183 183 185 187 192 5 те к н и рн ж ет н ы -м й аг аз и н 2. The Use of Articles with Nouns of Material and Abstract Nouns ....................................... 3. The Use of Articles with Proper Nouns ............................................................................... 3.1 Geographical Names .......................................................................................................... 3.2 Names of Persons ............................................................................................................... 3.3 The Use of Articles in the Names of Places, Some Buildings, Public Organizations, etc .................................................................................................... 3.4 Revision .............................................................................................................................. 4. Special Difficulties in the Use of Articles ............................................................................ 5. The Use of Articles with Nouns in Some Set Expressions .................................................. 6. Tests ........................................................................................................................................ 194 197 197 198 199 201 202 206 208 THE PRONOUN ин 1. Classification of Pronouns ..................................................................................................... 210 1.1 Personal and Possessive Pronouns ..................................................................................... 210 1.2 Reflexive Pronouns ............................................................................................................ 213 1.3 Demostrative Pronouns ...................................................................................................... 216 1.4 Interrogative Pronouns ........................................................................................................ 217 1.5 Defining Pronouns ............................................................................................................. 218 1.6 Indefinite and Negative Pronouns ...................................................................................... 225 1.7 Much/many, little/few, a little/a few .................................................................. 232 2. Tests ........................................................................................................................................ 235 THE ADJECTIVE THE ADVERB 236 239 242 250 н Formation of Adjectives ......................................................................................................... Word Order: adjective + noun .............................................................................................. The Comparison of Adjectives .............................................................................................. Tests ........................................................................................................................................ к те н и рн ж ет н ы -м й аг аз и 1. 2. 3. 4. 1. Definition and Forms .............................................................................................................. 251 2. Classification of Adverbs ....................................................................................................... 255 2.1 Adverbs of Manner ............................................................................................................. 255 2.2 Adverbs of Time ................................................................................................................... 257 2.3 Adverbs of Frequency ......................................................................................................... 259 2.4 Adverbs of Place and Direction ........................................................................................... 260 2.5 Adverbs of Degree, Measure and Quantity .......................................................................... 261 2.6 Viewpoint Adverbs ............................................................................................................... 267 3. Revision ................................................................................................................................... 269 4. Tests ......................................................................................................................................... 271 ин THE VERBALS (the Non-Finite Forms of the Verb) 1. The Gerund .............................................................................................................................. 273 1.1 Forms. Tense/Voice Distinctions ........................................................................................... 273 1.2 The Use of the Gerund ........................................................................................................ 274 1.3 Verbs Used with the Gerund and the Infinitive ..................................................................... 282 1.4 The Gerundial Construction ................................................................................................ 286 1.5 The Gerund and the Verbal Noun ....................................................................................... 288 1.6 Revision .............................................................................................................................. 290 1.7 Tests .................................................................................................................................. 292 6 ин те к н и рн ж ет н ы -м й аг аз и н 2. The Infinitive ........................................................................................................................... 2.1 Forms. Tense/Voice Distinctions .......................................................................................... 2.2 The Use of the Infinitive without the Particle to .................................................................. 2.3 The Functions of the Infinitive in the Sentence .................................................................... 2.3.1 Revision ..................................................................................................................... 2.4 The Infinitive Constructions ................................................................................................. 2.4.1 The Complex Object ................................................................................................... 2.4.2 The Complex Subject ................................................................................................. 2.4.3 The For-to-Infinitive Construction ................................................................................ 2.5 Revision .............................................................................................................................. 2.6 Tests .................................................................................................................................. 3. The Participle ........................................................................................................................ 3.1 Forms and Functions ........................................................................................................... 3.2 The Functions of the Participle in a Sentence ..................................................................... 3.3 Russian Equivalents of Participles Used as Attributes ............................................................ 3.4 Russian Equivalents of Participles Used as Adverbial Modifiers ............................................. 3.5 Have Something Done ....................................................................................................... 3.6 The Absolute Participial Construction ................................................................................... 3.7 Revision .............................................................................................................................. 3.8 Tests .................................................................................................................................. 294 294 295 296 304 307 307 313 320 324 326 328 328 329 330 331 340 341 342 344 PREPOSITION 346 347 350 352 353 357 360 360 362 364 364 365 370 370 370 371 372 373 374 376 ин к те н и рн ж ет н ы -м й аг аз и н 1. Definition ................................................................................................................................. 2. Prepositions of Place ............................................................................................................. 2.1 Preposition of Place At, In, On ............................................................................................. 3. Prepositions of Direction ...................................................................................................... 3.1 Moving in Space ................................................................................................................ 4. Some Prepositions Confused ................................................................................................. 5. Revision ................................................................................................................................... 6. Prepositions with Forms of Transport ................................................................................... 7. The Prepositions of Time ....................................................................................................... 7.1 Prepositions For, During, While ............................................................................................ 7.2 Prepositions Before, Till/Until, By ......................................................................................... 7.3 Prepositions Since, From, In time/On time ........................................................................... 8. Prepositions Expressing Abstract Relations ........................................................................ 8.1 Prepositions By, With ........................................................................................................... 8.2 As and Like ......................................................................................................................... 8.3 About, On ........................................................................................................................... 9. Composite Prepositions ......................................................................................................... 10. Revision ................................................................................................................................. 11. The Use of Prepositions in Set Expressions ...................................................................... 12. Tests ...................................................................................................................................... THE COMPOUND SENTENCE AND THE COMPLEX SENTENCE The Compound Sentence ............................................................................................................ The Complex Sentence ............................................................................................................... 1. Subject Clauses ...................................................................................................................... 2. Predicative Clauses ................................................................................................................ 3. Object Clauses ........................................................................................................................ 378 378 379 380 381 7 The Emphatic Do .................................................................................................................... Double Negation .................................................................................................................... The Emphatic Construction It is ... that/which/who/whom ............................................ The Emphatic Construction It is not until ... that ............................................................ The Emphatic Not ... till/until ........................................................................................... Translate these Complex Sentences into Russian ....................................................................... Tests ......................................................................................................................................... Appendix Appendix Appendix Appendix 11. 12. 13. 14. 412 413 413 414 415 416 418 List of Irregular Verbs .................................................................................... 419 Irregular and Regular Verbs: Difficult Cases ............................................... 423 Regular Verbs: Spelling Rules ...................................................................... 424 List of Adverbs and Adverbial Phrases ......................................................... 425 Place of Adverbs ........................................................................................... 431 Verbs Followed by the Infinitive ................................................................... 432 American English ............................................................................................ 438 List of Grammar Terms and Key Words ........................................................ 439 Punctuation .................................................................................................... 443 Prepositions and Homonymous Adverbs. The Meaning and Use .................................................................................... 447 Some Verbs Used with Prepositions ............................................................ 450 The List of Verbs Used with Prepositions .................................................... 457 The Compound Sentence. Conjunctions and Connectives ......................... 461 The Complex Sentence. Conjunctions and Connectives ............................ 462 н 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. к те н и рн ж ет н ы -м й аг аз и Appendix Appendix Appendix Appendix Appendix Appendix Appendix Appendix Appendix Appendix 383 384 384 389 390 392 394 394 397 397 399 401 402 403 405 409 EMPHASIS Literature ................................................................................................................................ 464 ин 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. ин те к н и рн ж ет н ы -м й аг аз и н 4. Attributive Clauses ................................................................................................................. 4.1 Defining and Non-Defining Relative Clauses ...................................................................... 4.2 Subject and Object Relative Clauses ................................................................................... 4.3 Which Referring to the Whole Sentence .............................................................................. 4.4 Clauses Introduced by What, That, Which ............................................................................. Revision .............................................................................................................................. 5. Adverbial Clauses ................................................................................................................... 5.1 Time Clauses ...................................................................................................................... 5.2 Adverbial Clauses of Place .................................................................................................. 5.3 Adverbial Clauses of Manner .............................................................................................. 5.4 Purpose and Reason Clauses ............................................................................................. 5.5 As and Since in the Clauses of Time and Cause (Reason) .................................................... Revision .............................................................................................................................. 5.6 Contrast Clauses ................................................................................................................. Revision .............................................................................................................................. Tests ................................................................................................................................... THE VERB те к н и рн ж ет н ы -м й аг аз и н 1. THE VERB TO BE THE VERB TO BE IN THE PRESENT INDEFINITE TENSE POSITIVE FORM I You NEGATIVE FORM QUESTIONS am (Im) I am not (Im not) Am I? are (youre) You are not (youre not or you arent) Are you? He She It is is is (hes) (shes) (its) ин He is She is It is We are (were) You are (youre) They are (theyre) not (hes not or he isnt) not (shes not or she isnt) not (its not or it isnt) We are not (were not or we arent) You are not (youre not or you arent) They are not (theyre not or they arent) Is Is Is he? she? it? Are we? Are you? Are they? q Im small but Im not helpless. q Where are you from? q How much are these stamps? EXERCISES (A) Ex. 1 5. I am not ______________ 6. you are not ___________ II. Write the full forms (she is/we are, etc.). 9. youre __________________ 7. we arent we are not 8. Im _________________ 10. they arent _____________ 11. it isnt _______________ 12. shes _______________ к те н и рн ж ет н ы -м й аг аз и Ex. 2. Put in am, is or are. н I. Write short forms (shes/were, etc.). hes 3. she is not _______________ 1. he is 2. they are _____________ 4. it is not _________________ ин 1. The sky is very blue today. 2. I ________ not tired. 3. This shelf __________ very heavy. 4. These shelves _______ very heavy. 5. The child ________ asleep. 6. Look ! This ________ Mabel. 7. I _____ cold. Can you shut the window, please? 8. The castle _____ one thousand years old. 9. My brother and I _____ good tennis players. 10. Amy _____ at home but her parents _____in church. 11. I _____ a student. 12. My sister ______ an archeologist. Ex. 3. Write full sentences. Use am/is/are each time. 1. (my grandparents very old) My grandparents are very old. 2. (my desk very comfortable) ____________________________________________________ 9 н (your spectacles in your bag) __________________________________________________ (I not very clever today) _______________________________________________________ (this house very expensive) ____________________________________________________ (the shops not open today) ____________________________________________________ (Mr Wren's grandson six years old) _____________________________________________ (the houses in this street very big) _____________________________________________ (the examination not difficult) ___________________________________________________ (those flowers very beautiful) __________________________________________________ те к н и рн ж ет н ы -м й аг аз и 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Ex. 4. Write positive or negative sentences. Use am/am not/is/isnt/are/arent. (Brussels...the capital of Belgium) Brussels is the capital of Belgium. (I...interested in hockey) I am not interested in hockey. (I...angry) ____________________________________________________________________ (It...cold today) _______________________________________________________________ (The Hague...in Switzerland) ____________________________________________________ (I...afraid of dogs) ____________________________________________________________ (My hands...dirty) _____________________________________________________________ (Russia...a very big country) ___________________________________________________ (The Amur...in Europe) ________________________________________________________ (Diamonds...cheap) ___________________________________________________________ (Motor-racing...a dangerous sport) _____________________________________________ (Squirrels...big animals) ________________________________________________________ ин 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. Ex. 5. Write questions with What/Who/How/Where/Why...? Use am/is/are. н (What colour your house?) What colour is your house? (Where my key?) ___________________________________________________________ (Where my trousers?) _______________________________________________________ (How old your grandmother?) ________________________________________________ (What colour his hair?) ______________________________________________________ (How much these shoes?) ___________________________________________________ (Who your favourite actor?) __________________________________________________ (Why you always late?) ______________________________________________________ к те н и рн ж ет н ы -м й аг аз и 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. ? ? ? ? ? ? ? 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 10 (his name?) Whats his name? (single or married?) Are you single or married? (British?) (where / from?) (how old?) (a student?) (your mother a teacher?) (where / from?) (her name?) (how old?) ин Ex. 6. Ask questions. (Read the answers to the questions first.) Robert. Im single. No, Im not. From Australia. Im 18. No, Im a secretary. No, shes a lawyer. Shes Italian. Rachel. Shes 40. Ex. 7. Write positive and negative short answers (Yes, I am./No, he isnt, etc.) н Are you married? No, Im not. Is she tall? Yes, she is. Is it cold today? _____________________ Are you an engineer? ________________ Are you hungry? _____________________ те к н и рн ж ет н ы -м й аг аз и 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Is it light now?_____________________ Are your hands warm? _____________ Are you thirsty? ___________________ Is your father tall? _________________ Is it sunny? _______________________ Ex. 8. Translate into English. THE VERB TO BE IN THE PAST INDEFINITE TENSE POSITIVE FORM NEGATIVE FORM I You He She It was were was was was I You He She It We You They were were were were not We You were not They were not not not not not not Was Were Was Was Was I? you? he? she? it? Were we? Were you? Were they? к те н и рн ж ет н ы -м й аг аз и was were was was was QUESTIONS н ин 1. Òâîé áðàò äîìà? 2. Ñêîëüêî ñòîÿò ýòè îòêðûòêè? 3. Ýòà ãîñòèíèöà î÷åíü äîðîãàÿ. 4. ß èíòåðåñóþñü èñêóññòâîì. 5. Âñå ìàãàçèíû ñåãîäíÿ îòêðûòû. 6. Ìóçåé ñåãîäíÿ îòêðûò? 7. Ìíå æàðêî. 8. Ìîÿ ñåñòðà àðõèòåêòîð. 9. ß íå óñòàëà. 10. Îòêóäà ðîäîì åå ìóæ? 11. Îíè íå ñòóäåíòû, îíè âðà÷è. 12. Òåáå èíòåðåñíû èíîñòðàííûå ÿçûêè? was not = wasnt were not = werent q I was tired last night. q The weather was good when we were on holiday. q The hotel wasnt very expensive. q Where were you at 5 o'clock yesterday? ин EXERCISES (A) Ex. 9. Put in am/is/are/was/were. Some sentences are present and some are past. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Last year their son was 26, so he is 27 now. Today the weather_________ nice, but yesterday it _________ cold. I ______ cold. Can I have something hot to drink? I ______ hungry last night, so I had something to eat. Where _______ you at 10 oclock last Sunday morning? Don't buy those shoes. They ________ too expensive. 11 н Why ________ you so tired yesterday? We must go now. It _______ very late. This time last year I _______ in England. We _______ tired when we arrived home, so we went to bed. Anton Chekhov died in 1904. He _______ a famous Russian writer. Where _______ the dogs? I don't know. They _______ in the garden ten minutes ago. те к н и рн ж ет н ы -м й аг аз и 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. Ex. 10. Put in was/wasnt/were/werent . 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. We didnt like that house. It was very old and it wasnt large enough. Helen got married when she ________ 21 years old. I called you yesterday evening but you ________ at home. Where __________ you? My son ________ at work last week because he ________ ill. Hes better now. The shops ________ open yesterday because it _________ a public holiday. __________ you at home at 9.30? No, I ________. I _________ at work. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. ин Ex. 11. Translate into English. Ãäå îíè áûëè â÷åðà âå÷åðîì? Ïî÷åìó òû â÷åðà îïîçäàë? Åãî â÷åðà íå áûëî â èíñòèòóòå. Ìåíÿ òàì íå áûëî. Åå íå áûëî äîìà â 5 ÷àñîâ. н 2. THERE + BE CONSTRUCTION к те н и рн ж ет н ы -м й аг аз и We use there + be constructions talking about the existence of people, things, etc. These constructions have the meaning åñòü, èìååòñÿ, íàõîäèòñÿ, ñóùåñòâóåò. The verb to be in such constructions can be used in different tense forms: there is/are there was/were there will be there has/have been there had been ин q There are manó French books in this library. q There was a meeting at the club yesterday. q There will be a good crop in this region this year. q There hasnt been any rain for some days. WORD ORDER there + be + subject + adverbial modifier of place adverbial modifier of time The corresponding Russian sentences begin with adverbial modifiers. 12 Russian English н  ìîåé êîìíàòå åñòü (èìååòñÿ) òåëåôîí. There is à telephone in my room. There are many apple-trees in the garden. B÷åpa â èíñòèòóòå áûëî ñîáðàíèå. There was a meeting at the Institute yesterday. те к н и рн ж ет н ы -м й аг аз и  ñàäó (èìååòñÿ) ìíîãî ÿáëîíü. ин The verb to be in such constructions can be used with modal verbs (can, may, must, ought to): q There must be a dictionary on the shelf. q There can be no doubt about it. q There ought to be more books on the subject in our library. We can also use some other verbs after there to live, to exist, to stand, to lie, etc.: q There lived an old doctor in the village. q There exist different opinions on this problem. If the subjects are of different number the predicate agrees with the subject that stands first: q There is a table and six chairs in the room. q There were some books and a dictionary on the table. INTERROGATIVE AND NEGATIVE FORMS No, there isnt. No, there is no telephone in my room. q Was there a meeting at the lnstitute? No, there wasnt. q Will there be many people there? No, there wont. No, there wont be any people there. н q Is there a telephone in your room? EXERCISES к те н и рн ж ет н ы -м й аг аз и Mind that the sentences: There is a book on the table and The book is on the table have different meaning. The first one shows that there is something (a book) in that place, the second one shows that the object (the book) we now are speaking about or looking for is in that place (on the table). Ex. 1. (A, Â) Use there + be construction in the necessary tense form. ин 1. Look! __________ their telephone number in the letter. 2. Chichester is a very old town. __________ many old buildings there. 3. Excuse me, __________ a restaurant near here? 4. How many students __________ in your group? 5. I was hungry but __________ anything to eat. 6. _________ a football match on TV last night. 7. ____________ manó people at the meeting? 8. Look! ___________ an accident. Call the ambulance! 9. ___________ 24 hours in a day. 10. This box is empty. ____________ nothing in it. 11. __________ somebody at the airport to meet you when you arrive tomorrow. 12. When we arrived at the cinema __________ a long queue outside. Ex. 2. (A, Â) Ask questions to the following statements, then answer them according to the pattern. 13 те к н и рн ж ет н ы -м й аг аз и н Pattern: There is a good programme on TV tonight. Is there a good programme on TV tonight? Yes, there is. There arent any theatres in my town. Are there any theatres in your town? No, there are not/there arent. 1. There is a cat in the window. 2. There are a few changes in the text. 3. There are plenty of glasses in the cupboard. 4. There were a lot of people at the stadium. 5. There isnt anything on the plate. 6. There wasnt anybody in the room. 7. There are difficult exercises in this book. 8. There is something on the shelf. 9. There will be some interesting programmes on TV tomorrow. 10. There are several empty seats in the room. 11. There werent any pears on the plate. Ex. 3. (A, Â) Translate into English. ин A 1.  ýòîì æóðíàëå ìíîãî èíòåðåñíûõ ñòàòåé. 2.  íàøåì ãîðîäå ìíîãî ìóçååâ è òåàòðîâ. 3.  ýòîé êîìíàòå åñòü òåëåôîí? 4.  ýòîé êîìíàòå äâà îêíà. 5.  ÷àøêå íå áûëî ÷àÿ. 6. Ñêîëüêî ñòàòåé áûëî â ýòîì æóðíàëå? Òàì áûëî íåñêîëüêî ñòàòåé. 7. Ñêîëüêî ñòóäåíòîâ â àóäèòîðèè? Äâàäöàòü. 8. Ðÿäîì ñ íàøèì äîìîì áóäåò ïàðê. 9. Íà ýòîé óëèöå áûëà øêîëà? 10. Íà ñòîëå ëåæèò íåñêîëüêî êíèã. к те н и рн ж ет н ы -м й аг аз и н  1. Ðÿäîì ñ íàøèì äîìîì åñòü øêîëà. Øêîëà íàõîäèòñÿ ðÿäîì ñ íàøèì äîìîì. 2.  ãîðîäå íåñêîëüêî òåàòðîâ. Òåàòðû íàõîäÿòñÿ â öåíòðå ãîðîäà. 3.  âàçå ñòîÿëè öâåòû. Öâåòû ñòîÿëè â êðàñèâîé âàçå. 4.  òåàòðå ìíîãî äåòåé. Äåòè ñåé÷àñ â òåàòðå. 5. Ñóùåñòâóåò íåñêîëüêî ñïîñîáîâ ðåøåíèÿ ýòîé çàäà÷è. Ñïîñîáû ðåøåíèÿ ýòîé çàäà÷è ïðèâåäåíû íà ñòðàíèöå 5. 3. THE VERB TO HAVE THE VERB TO HAVE IN THE PRESENT INDEFINITE TENSE POSITIVE FORM have (got) (Ive got) QUESTIONS I have not got Have I got? You have (got) (youve got) You have not got Have you got? He has She has It has He She It has has has Has Has Has he she it got? got? got? Have Have Have we got? you got? they got? (got) (hes got) (got) (shes got) (got) (its got) We have (got) (weve got) You have (got) (youve got) They have (got) (theyve got) not got not got not got ин I NEGATIVE FORM We have not got You have not got They have not got have not got = havent got has not got = hasnt got 14 q Ive got a cat but I havent got a dog. q What have you got in your bag? ин те к н и рн ж ет н ы -м й аг аз и н In negatives and questions you can also use do/does + have (see the chart on p. 19): q They dont have any children. (= They havent got any children.) q Its a nice house but it doesnt have a garden. (= it hasnt got a garden.) q Does Ann have a car? (= Has Ann got a car?) q How much money do you have? (= How much money have you got?) When the verb to have is used in the following expressions: to have dinner /breakfast îáåäàòü, çàâòðàêàòü to have tea/coffee, etc. ïèòü ÷àé, êîôå è ò.ä. to have a bath/a shower ïðèíÿòü âàííó, äóø to have a shave/a wash ïîáðèòüñÿ, ïîìûòüñÿ to have a rest/a sleep/a dream, etc. îòäîõíóòü, ïîñïàòü, ïîìå÷òàòü è ò.ä. to have a holiday/a good time, etc. îòäîõíóòü, õîðîøî ïðîâåñòè âðåìÿ è ò.ä. in negative and interrogative forms it takes the auxiliary verb to do: q Do you have tea or coffee for breakfast? q Where does he have dinner? Note that have stresses the idea of regularity, have got is linked with now and means a particular thing. In spoken English the form Ive got is used almost universally for I have in the sense of I own (possess). q I have a cup of tea for breakfast in the morning (usually). q I havent got tea for breakfast this morning. The past of have is had. In negatives and questions we use did + have. EXERCISES Did I have? н I did not have I didnt have к те н и рн ж ет н ы -м й аг аз и I had Ex. 1. (A) Write the short form (weve got/he hasnt got, etc.). 1. we have got weve got 2. he has got ____________ Ex. 2. (A) Write questions. 5. it has got ____________ 6. I have not got ________ (you/a bicycle?) Have you got a bicycle? (you/a VCR?) ______________________________________________________________ (your father/a car?) _________________________________________________________ (Carol/many friends?) _______________________________________________________ (Mr and Mrs Lewis/any children?) ____________________________________________ (how much money/you?) ____________________________________________________ (what kind of car/John?) _____________________________________________________ ин 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 3. they have got _______________ 4. she has not got _____________ ? ? ? ? ? ? 15 Ex. 3. (A) What have Alice and Keith got? What have you got? Look at the information and write sentences about Alice, Keith and yourself. no yes no two brothers те к н и рн ж ет н ы -м й аг аз и a camera a car black hair brothers/sisters н Alice (she) Keith (he) you yes no no one sister ? ? ? ? ин 1. (Keith/a camera) Keith has got a camera. 7. (Alice/black hair) _____________________ 2. (I/black hair) lve got black hair. 8. (Alice/two brothers) __________________ (or: I havent got black hair.) 9. (Keith/black hair) ____________________ 3. (Alice/a camera) Alice ________________ 10.(Alice/a car) ________________________ 4. (I/a camera) I ________________________ 11.(Keith/a sister) ______________________ 5. (I/a car) _____________________________ 12.(I/brothers/sisters) __________________ 6. (Keith/a car) _________________________ ___________________________________ They like flowers. Theyve got a lot of roses in their garden. Jane hasnt got a car. She goes everywhere by bicycle. Everybody likes Tom. He ________________ a lot of friends. Mr and Mrs Eastwood _______________ two children, a boy and a girl. This insect ________________ six legs. I cant open the door. I ________________ a key. Quick! Hurry! We ___________________ much time. Whats wrong? I _________________ something in my eye. Ben doesnt read much. He __________________ many books. lts a nice town. It ________________ a very nice shopping centre. Mother is going to the dentist. She _________________ a toothache. Wheres my newspaper? I dont know. I _____________________ it. Julia wants to go on holiday but she ___________________ any money. Im not going to work today. I _____________________ a bad cold. к те н и рн ж ет н ы -м й аг аз и 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. Ex. 5. (B, C) Extend the sentences according to the pattern. ин Pattern: I always have sandals in the summer. (this summer) I havent got any sandals this summer. 1. They have seminars every month. (this month) 2. They have a lot of flowers in their garden every summer. (this summer) 3. We have a letter from home every week. (this week) 4. He often has a sore throat. (today) 5. I usually have warm shoes in the winter. (this winter) 6. She has a new dress every summer. (this summer) 7. They always have a light supper. (tonight) 8. I often have a headache in the evening. (tonight) 9. I often have fish for dinner. (today) 16 н Ex. 4. (A, B) Put in have got (ve got), has got (s got), havent got or hasnt got. Ex. 6. (B, C) Translate into English. те к н и рн ж ет н ы -м й аг аз и н Ó íèõ åñòü òðè ñîáàêè è òðè êîøêè. Ó íåå áîëüøèå çåëåíûå ãëàçà. Ó ìîåãî áðàòà ãîëóáàÿ ìàøèíà. Ñêîëüêî ó âàñ çåìëè? Ó íàñ íå áûëî ìàøèíû â ïðîøëîì ãîäó. Ó ìåíÿ â÷åðà áîëåëà ãîëîâà. Êîãäà âû ïüåòå ÷àé? Ìû õîðîøî ïðîâåëè âðåìÿ â÷åðà. Îíà õîðîøî ïðîâåëà îòïóñê íà þãå. Ó âàñ åñòü êíèãè ïî èñòîðèè Àíãëèè? ин 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 4. ENGLISH TENSES ACTIVE The category of tense denotes the relation of the action either to the moment of speaking or to some definite moment in the past or future. The category of tense and the category of aspect are intermingled. The category of aspect shows the way in which the action develops, whether it is in progress or completed, etc. There are four groups of tenses: Indefinite, Continuous, Perfect, Perfect Continuous. The Indefinite form has no aspect characteristics whatever, the Continuous, Perfect and Perfect Continuous forms denote both time and aspect relations. PRESENT CONTINUOUS shows an action as a process PRESENT PAST FUTURE PERFECT shows an action completed before a definite moment, connected with it PRESENT PERFECT CONTINUOUS shows an action in progress, whose duration before a definite moment is expressed PAST к те н и рн ж ет н ы -м й аг аз и FUTURE verb н INDEFINITE shows an action as a fact (customary, repeated) PAST to be + -ing to have + Participle II ин FUTURE PRESENT PAST to have been + -ing FUTURE 17 ENGLISH TENSES (ACTIVE) н asking *Action (process) going on at the present moment. usually/generally always/never often/seldom sometimes/every day *Fact. *Future action (to a timetable, schedule). now, at present, at the moment Look! Listen! *Future action planned before. asked took was were asking PERFECT CONTINUOUS have + Past Participle have been + -ing have has asked *Action (process) which began in the past and is still going on now. for a month/a long time since 5 o'clock how long/since when had asked had been asking *Action (process) which began before a definite moment in the past and was still going at that moment. He had been working for 2 hours, when my brother came. *Action completed before a certain moment in the past. yesterday last week 3 days ago in 2005 at 5 yesterday from 5 to 6 yesterday all day long/the whole day when we came by 5 oclock yesterday before he came by the end of last year *At sequence of tenses. к те н и рн ж ет н ы -м й аг аз и *Action (process) taking place at a given moment/ period of time in the past. PAST have been asking has *Completed action whose result is visible in the present. ever/never just/already/yet lately/recently this week/today by now for since *Action (succession of actions) in the past. will be asking will have asked will have been asking *Future action. *Action (process) taking place at a given moment/ period of time in the future. *Action completed before a definite moment in the future. tomorrow next week in 3 days in 2025 at 5 tomorrow from 5 to 6 tomorrow all day long tomorrow when he comes by 5 o'clock tomorrow when he comes by next summer *Action (process) which will begin before a definite moment in the future and will be going on at that moment. When you come, I'll have been working for 2 hours. ин will ask FUTURE am is are *Repeated, customary action. ин PRESENT ask(s) be + -ing PERFECT н verb 18 CONTINUOUS те к н и рн ж ет н ы -м й аг аз и INDEFINITE