Загрузил Светлана Положенкова

OGE Angliyskiy yazyk Ustnaya chast Trenirovochnye testy Milrud R I

УДК 373.167.1:811.111+811.111(075.3)
ББК 81.432.1я721-1
Мильруд, Радислав Петрович.
ОГЭ. Английский язык : Устная часть. Тренировочные тесты : учебное пособие /
Р. И. Мильруд ; под научной редакцией К. С. Махмурян : 2-е изд., доп. — Обнинск :
Титул, 2017. — 56 с. : ил,
ISBN 978-5-86866-783-1
Учебное пособие содержит тренировочные тесты для подготовки к устной части
ОГЭ по английскому языку в новом формате. По тематике, уровню сложности
и формату тесты соответствуют экзаменационным заданиям. Каждый тест по­
священ отдельной теме, что позволяет учащимся повторить пройденный матери­
ал и отработать необходимый лексический запас. Тексты для чтения (задание 1)
и вопросы телефонного опроса (задание 2) записаны в аудиоприложении.
Во втором издании количество тестов увеличено в два раза и добавлена памятка
для учащихся, позволяющая понять, каким образом ответы будут оцениваться на
экзамене, и определить, как можно получить наивысший балл.
УДК 373.167.1:811.111+811.111(075.3)
ББК 81.432.1я721-1
ISBN 978-5-86866-783-1
© Мильруд Р. ГГ, 2016
© Оформление, воспроизведение, распространение.
ЗАО „Издательство „Титул**, 2017, с изменениями
Введение ........................................................................................... 4
Тренировочные тесты ...................................................................... 5
Тексты аудиозаписей ....................................................................... 35
Памятки для учащихся при подготовке к экзамену ...................50
Памятка для учащихся при подготовке к чтению текста
Памятка для учащихся при подготовке к ответам
на вопросы ....................................................................................51
Памятка для учащихся при подготовке к тематическому
монологическому высказыванию.............................................. 52
Как оцениваются ответы на экзамене ..................................... 53
Заключение....................................................................................... 54
ОГЭ. Английский язык. Устная часть
Уважаемые учителя и учащиеся!
Предлагаемое пособие разработано для подготовки к устной части основного
государственного экзамена (ОГЭ) по английскому языку в рамках государ­
ственной итоговой аттестации. Пособие позволяет формировать у учащихся
умения, необходимые для успешной сдачи устной части экзамена по наиболее
важным темам речевого общения.
Материалы пособия соответствуют требованиям, предъявляемым к уча­
щимся в устной части экзамена. Пособие содержит тренировочные задания
на чтение текста установленного объема вслух, участие в условном диалоге с
автоматическим интервьюером и монологическое высказывание в заданном
Пособие включает тридцать экзаменационных тестов. Каждый тест со­
держит набор из трех заданий, соответствующих утвержденному формату
устной части экзамена. Всего в пособии 90 экзаменационных заданий.
Аудиоприложение к пособию содержит аудиозаписи образцового чтения
всех включенных в пособие текстов вслух. Работая с аудиоприложением, уча­
щиеся имеют возможность сформировать необходимые умения правильного,
осмысленного и выразительного чтения.
В пособии также есть памятки для учащихся при подготовке к экзамену
и объяснения того, как оцениваются ответы на экзамене.
Автор желает учащимся и учителям плодотворной работы с пособием и
высоких результатов на экзамене!
ОГЭ. Английский язык. Устная часть
Тренировочные тесты
Task 1.1
You are going to read the text aloud. You hâve 1.5 minutes to read the text
silently, and then be ready to read it aloud. Remember that you will not hâve
more than 2 minutes for reading aloud.
A British family has recently celebrated the birth of their 18th child. It was a
girl and her brothers and sisters hâve welcomed their new sister. Her eldest brother
is 26 and the parents already hâve two grandchildren. The family announced the
birth of the child on their family website. They described the girl as “beautiful”. The
family owns a bakery and hopes the children will take over the family business. It
looks as if the era when the average British family would hâve only two or three
children is over. In Britain there are more families with four children than anywhere
else in Europe. Social scientists say that this is the resuit of immigration into the
country of families from Asia and Africa.
You are going to take part in a téléphoné survey. You hâve to answer six
questions. Give full answers to the questions.
Remember that you hâve 40 seconds to answer each question.
Task 1.3
You are going to give a talk about relationship with friends. You will hâve to
start in 1.5 minutes and speak for not more than 2 minutes.
Remember to say:
• how people choose friends
• why friends quarrel sometimes
• what makes friendship so necessary to everybody
You hâve to talk continuously.
ОГЭ. Английский язык. Устная часть
Task 2.1
You are going to read the text aloud. You hâve 1.5 minutes to read the text
silently, and then be ready to read it aloud. Remember that you will not hâve
more than 2 minutes for reading aloud.
Everybody knows that our appearance matters in what people think about us.
Appearance is important not only in a romantic relationship but also in politics.
Appearance is not ail about beauty. The moment we see a person our mind starts
evaluating their personality according to their looks. What especially matters is the
persons face. This means that the impression somebody’s face makes on others can
cost the person his or her political career. When we vote for a candidate we think
that we are weighing his or her personal qualities. In fact, we are examining their
face. Research has shown that if a candidates appearance displays compétence,
power and leadership, but not beauty or good looks, it can cause a political victory
or defeat. These findings are really important.
Task 2.2
You are going to take part in a téléphoné survey. You hâve to answer six
questions. Give full answers to the questions.
Remember that you hâve 40 seconds to answer each question.
Task 2.3
You are going to give a talk about the appearance of famous models. You
will hâve to start in 1.5 minutes and speak for not more than 2 minutes.
Remember to say:
• what appearance of models you like
• what makes some models more successful than others
• why models can be a bad example for young peoples lifestyle
You hâve to talk continuously.
ОГЭ. Английский язык. Устная часть
You are going to read the text aloud. You hâve 1.5 minutes to read the text
silently, and then be ready to read it aloud. Remember that you will not hâve
more than 2 minutes for reading aloud.
There are some very rare occupations that may seem strange to somebody while
in reality they are interesting and even tasty. One such profession is a chocolaté
engineer. When you hear the word “engineer” what cornes up in your mind is
perhaps heavy machinery. A chocolaté engineer does not hâve anything to do with
either machinery or the heavy equipment industry. Chocolaté engineers design
chocolatés. This profession is chosen by those who love designing things, hâve a
good imagination and a good sense of taste. The job of a chocolaté engineer is to
create an assortment of delicious chocolaté recipes. They taste their products first.
Another tasty occupation is a tea taster. Such specialists are very important in the
tea industry because tea must be examined for quality.
You are going to take part in a téléphoné survey. You hâve to answer six
questions. Give full answers to the questions.
Remember that you hâve 40 seconds to answer each question.
You are going to give a talk about a hobby of one of your parents, relatives
or a person you know. You will hâve to start in 1.5 minutes and speak for
not more than 2 minutes.
Remember to say:
• what this hobby is
• whether this hobby is popular with people in other countries
• whether you would like to take up this hobby and why
You hâve to talk continuously.
ОГЭ. Английский язык. Устная часть
Test 4
You are going to read the text aloud. You hâve 1.5 minutes to read the text
silently, and then be ready to read it aloud. Remember that you will not hâve
more than 2 minutes for reading aloud.
Small children can understand money. They get the idea that in order to buy
something you hâve to pay for it. Also, they know that in order to hâve money
you hâve to earn it. O f course, kids can t earn their own money yet and that is why
parents start giving pocket money to their children at a certain âge. Apart from
fun, pocket money can be a great tool for teaching children the art of budgeting,
saving money and setting goals. Besides, children can be taught how to donate small
sums to charity. In other words, pocket money can be used to teach small children
decision-making but children should not be paid for obeying their parents or for
helping them about the house.
You are going to take part in a téléphoné survey. You hâve to answer six
questions. Give full answers to the questions.
Remember that you hâve 40 seconds to answer each question.
Task 4.3
You are going to give a talk about managing money. You will hâve to start
in 1.5 minutes and speak for not more than 2 minutes.
Remember to say:
• why managing your money is important
• where your own money cornes from
• what goals of spending your money you set for yourself
You hâve to talk continuously.
ОГЭ. Английский язык. Устная часть
Task 5.1
You are going to read the text aloud. You hâve 1.5 minutes to read the text
silently, and then be ready to read it aloud. Remember that you will not hâve
more than 2 minutes for reading aloud.
Mobile phones hâve become very popular and texting is taking the lead. In many
situations sending text messages called SMS via the téléphoné is more préférable than
emailing somebody. Unlike emails, SMS texts are delivered alerting the téléphoné
owner to the arrivai of a new message. Not many of us check their email on a regular
basis while SMS texts hâve a sense of urgency and we must answer them at once.
Besides, texting is used for personal contacts while emails are often the channel of
business communication. A great advantage of SMS texts is that they can be sent
frorn any location thanks to the mobile device in your pocket. You do not hâve to
sit in front of a computer or carry a heavy laptop with you.
Task 5.2
You are going to take part in a téléphoné survey. You hâve to answer six
questions. Give full answers to the questions.
Remember that you hâve 40 seconds to answer each question.
Task 5.3
You are going to give a talk about your mobile phone. You will hâve to start
in 1.5 minutes and speak for not more than 2 minutes.
Remember to say:
• how you got your mobile phone
• what you find to be very useful in your mobile phone
• what you like and dont like about your mobile phone
You hâve to talk continuously.
ОГЭ. Английский язык. Устная часть
Task 6.1
You are going to read the text aloud. You hâve 1.5 minutes to read the text
silently, and then be ready to read it aloud. Remember that you will not hâve
more than 2 minutes for reading aloud.
One of the oldest schools in the world is a school in China. It was organized
in the year 143 BC and it was the first Chinese public school. Soon after that the
building of the school was destroyed in a fire but the school was rebuilt a couple
of years later. This was not the end for the tests of life for this school. The school
was destroyed by wars many times and only ruins remained but each time it was
rebuilt again and again. It survived hurricanes and earthquakes, blizzards and
storms. In the 20 century it was called a model for secondary schools nationwide.
For many Chinese students it is a great honour to study at that school. Would you
like to study in such a school?
Task 6.2
You are going to take part in a téléphoné survey. You hâve to answer six
questions. Give full answers to the questions.
Remember that you hâve 40 seconds to answer each question.
Task 6.3
You are going to give a talk about your school holidays. You will hâve to
start in 1.5 minutes and speak for not more than 2 minutes.
Remember to say:
• why you like your holiday time
• what the holiday of your dream is
• what good holiday expérience you hâve already had
You hâve to talk continuously.
ОГЭ. Английский язык. Устная часть
Task 7.1
You are going to read the text aloud. You hâve 1.5 minutes to read the text
silently, and then be ready to read it aloud. Remember that you will not hâve
more than 2 minutes for reading aloud.
The teaching profession has proved to be one of the most popular careers among
school graduâtes in the UK. The choice was made out of 40 different professions
on the list. About a third of the participants were interested in teaching. Other
professions that generated interest included those of engineer, psychologist and
artist. The medical profession was not as popular as last year and only 10% of those
questioned expressed interest in being a doctor. Instead, journalism, police work
and social service hâve risen in popularity. The girls’ preferences were teaching,
psychology and social work while boys were more inclined to choose a technical
walk of life. The majority of school leavers want to continue their studies in some
way while some 10% will work.
Task 7.2
You are going to take part in a téléphoné survey. You hâve to answer six
questions. Give full answers to the questions.
Remember that you hâve 40 seconds to answer each question.
Task 7.3
You are going to give a talk about the rôle of English in your future career.
You will hâve to start in 1.5 minutes and speak for not more than 2 minutes.
Remember to say:
• what professions require the knowledge of English
• how English can be used in your future professional career
• what you do to achieve a good command of English
You hâve to talk continuously.
ОГЭ. Английский язык. Устная часть
Test 8
Task 8.1
You are going to read the text aloud. You hâve 1.5 minutes to read the text
silently, and then be ready to read it aloud. Remember that you will not hâve
more than 2 minutes for reading aloud.
Traditional Russian souvenirs are popular ail over the globe. The matryoshka is
the best known gift from Russia. It is a set of painted wooden dolls of different sizes
that are hidden one inside the other. In some rare cases there can be 50 dolls and
even more. Traditionally these dolls are painted dressed in a Russian peasant dress
with a headscarf. Khokhloma is another traditional Russian craft which originated
in the 17th century near the city of Nizhny Novgorod. It is a style of painting on
wooden dishes and on furniture. This beautiful and unique style can be recognized
for its red and gold flowers on a dark background. Gzhel is yet another style of
painting dishes and cups, docks and lamps in blue and white.
You are going to take part in a téléphoné survey. You hâve to answer six
questions. Give full answers to the questions.
Remember that you hâve 40 seconds to answer each question.
You are going to give a talk about any tradition that you know in your family,
your school, your country or elsewhere. You will hâve to start in 1.5 minutes
and speak for not more than 2 minutes.
Remember to say:
• what tradition seems to you more interesting than others and why
• whether you know anything about where, when and how this tradition began
• how the tradition of your choice is observed these days
You hâve to talk continuously.
ОГЭ. Английский язык. Устная часть
Test 9
Task 9.1
You are going to read the text aloud. You hâve 1.5 minutes to read the text
silently, and then be ready to read it aloud. Remember that you will not hâve
more than 2 minutes for reading aloud.
People who go sightseeing in the thick Brazilian jungle may arrive at a shocking
place — a small American-style town with streets, houses, a police station and even
a golf course. The différence is that here in the middle of the rainforest there are
no people. Only monkeys jumping on the rooftops. The town was built in the ’20s
and its inhabitants abandoned it in the 1940s. The famous car maker Henry Ford
bought this land and wanted to build a factory there to produce rubber for his cars.
The workers were moved there from Michigan. The rules of life in the town were
very strict and the workers did not like it. Besides, the rubber production was very
slow and the project failed.
Task 9.2
You are going to take part in a téléphoné survey. You hâve to answer six
questions. Give full answers to the questions.
Remember that you hâve 40 seconds to answer each question.
Task 9.3
You are going to give a talk about visiting a foreign country. You will hâve
to start in 1.5 minutes and speak for not more than 2 minutes.
Remember to say:
• what foreign country would you like to visit and why
• what préparations you need to make before you go
• what you should bear in mind to make your stay abroad safe and interesting
You hâve to talk continuously.
ОГЭ. Английский язык. Устная часть
Test 10
Task 10.1
You are going to read the text aloud. You hâve 1.5 minutes to read the text
silently, and then be ready to read it aloud. Remember that you will not
hâve more than 2 minutes for reading aloud.
If you ask an adult about the most famous clown in the world, everyone will
immediately remember their childhood and a circus arena with a comedian on it
who can be both funny and sad. If you make a list of names then, perhaps, in the
USA the entertainer called Bozo will be at the top of the list. One should know
that more than one clown performed under that name. Many actors used to wear
the same popular mask for their performance. There are popular clown names in
different countries and the children admire their bright caps and baggy trousers,
sense of humour, funny jokes, spectacular tricks and friendly personality. Nobody
can imagine the circus without a clown making us laugh.
Task 10.2 You are going to take part in a téléphoné survey. You hâve to answer six
questions. Give full answers to the questions.
Remember that you hâve 40 seconds to answer each question.
Task 10.3 You are going to give a talk about a cuit figure. You will hâve to start in
1.5 minutes and speak for not more than 2 minutes.
Remember to say:
• what a cuit figure is
• why some people become cuit figures or rôle models for others
• what kind of person may become your rôle model in life
You hâve to talk continuously.
ОГЭ. Английский язык. Устная часть
Test 11
Task 11.1
You are going to read the text aloud. You hâve 1.5 minutes to read the text
silently, and then be ready to read it aloud. Remember that you will not
hâve more than 2 minutes for reading aloud.
In the past, travelling was a very risky adventure. There were no roads. The
transport was very primitive and slow. Many people travelled on foot and faced
ail sorts of dangers from wild beasts, bad weather and robbers. Only the bravest
people dared to set out on a long journey. They preferred to travel in groups. Later
travellers learned how to train four-footed animais like the horse or the camel and
travelling became a little more comfortable. These days people travel in comfort and
nearly every country in the world has a network of railways and air connections.
If your business is very urgent you can travel by air and arrive at your destination
in no time.
Task 11.2
You are going to take part in a téléphoné survey. You hâve to answer six
questions. Give full answers to the questions.
Remember that you hâve 40 seconds to answer each question.
Task 11.3 You are going to give a talk about the most mémorable travel of your life.
You will hâve to start in 1.5 minutes and speak for not more than
2 minutes.
Remember to say:
• what your destination was
• what made your trip so mémorable
• who you shared your story with and what his / her reaction was
You hâve to talk continuously.
ОГЭ. Английский язык. Устная часть
Test 12
Task 12.1
You are going to read the text aloud. You hâve 1.5 minutes to read the text
silently, and then be ready to read it aloud. Remember that you will not
hâve more than 2 minutes for reading aloud.
It is true that many teenagers are carried away by taking selfies, listening to
music, messaging or playing games. However, there are talented young people who
create something useful and make life better for everyone. Thanks to the invention
of a school student it is no longer necessary to wait for hours to charge ones cell
phone. This device was considered the best at an international fair of young scientists.
You will agréé with this decision of the sélection board if you know that with this
gadget a téléphoné can be charged in 20 to 30 seconds. It contains a lot of energy
in a very small space. Besides, it can be recharged 10,000 cycles compared with
1,000 cycles for ordinary batteries.
Task 12.2 You are going to take part in a téléphoné survey. You hâve to answer six
questions. Give full answers to the questions.
Remember that you hâve 40 seconds to answer each question.
Task 12.3 You are going to give a talk about the good and bad that you see in modem
technological devices. You will hâve to start in 1.5 minutes and speak for
not more than 2 minutes.
Remember to say:
• what modem technological devices you use
• how often you use your most favourite gadgets
• what good and harm modem technology can do
You hâve to talk continuously.
ОГЭ. Английский язык. Устная часть
Test 13
Task 13.1
You are going to read the text aloud. You hâve 1.5 minutes to read the text
silently, and then be ready to read it aloud. Remember that you will not
hâve more than 2 minutes for reading aloud.
Over the last 50 years the human population has increased nearly three times
and as a resuit we hâve been using a lot more water than before. Besides, industrial
waste has polluted much of the fresh water resources. Agriculture demands its share
of water as well. This means that the water supply is decreasing. Less fresh water on
the planet means not only thirst but also hunger. The reason is that human beings
dépend upon fish and animais for food. If fish and wildlife become extinct, we may
face extinction ourselves. A debate is now going on about what causes the shortage
of water. Global warming is factor number one. People from different cultures hâve
to work together or face mutual destruction.
Task 13.2 You are going to take part in a téléphoné survey. You hâve to answer six
questions. Give full answers to the questions.
Remember that you hâve 40 seconds to answer each question.
Task 13.3
You are going to give a talk about ecologically friendly technologies of
generating electricity. You will hâve to start in 1.5 minutes and speak for
not more than 2 minutes.
Remember to say:
• what ecologically friendly technologies of generating electricity you know
• how important these ecologically friendly technologies are
• whether your family tries to save energy and how
You hâve to talk continuously.
ОГЭ. Английский язык. Устная часть
Test 14
Task 14.1
You are going to read the text aloud. You hâve 1.5 minutes to read the text
silently, and then be ready to read it aloud. Remember that you will not
hâve more than 2 minutes for reading aloud.
The mass media has changed over the last décades. The internet has become
available and today it brings us the information of our choice at a great speed.
The internet is now a platform for news, music, films, talk shows, sports events,
advertising, trading, playing games and even doing business. The internet has made
the rhythm of our life much faster than before. We now spend much less time sitting
down and give more energy to switching over, telephoning, messaging, emailing,
contacting, booking, registering, checking in and out. Thanks to the new mass
media we keep up to date with news of ail kind twenty-four hours a day. When
the long-awaited moment to relax cornes, we make the most of it in front of the
computer again. This is especially true for the younger génération.
You are going to take part in a téléphoné survey. You hâve to answer six
questions. Give full answers to the questions.
Remember that you hâve 40 seconds to answer each question.
Task 14.3 You are going to give a talk about personal websites. You will hâve to start
in 1.5 minutes and speak for not more than 2 minutes.
Remember to say:
• what you think about your or somebody else’s personal website
• what makes you or somebody else create your own website
• what rules it is important to hâve in mind for those who hâve their own
You hâve to talk continuously.
ОГЭ. Английский язык. Устная часть
Test 15
Task 15.1
You are going to read the text aloud. You hâve 1.5 minutes to read the text
silently, and then be ready to read it aloud. Remember that you will not
hâve more than 2 minutes for reading aloud.
Robots start to play an active rôle in the medical check-ups of patients. They
can even do it at a distance if a patient is very far away from the hospital. Robotic
technology is very important in telemedicine, but these days robots go one step
further. They can now patrol hospital corridors and call on the rooms to check on
patients’ health. After the examination of the patient, the robot can put ail the results
on record for the doctor to see and make further instructions to the medical staff.
Medical robots look like a mobile cart with a video screen and medical monitoring
equipment. The cart “knows” which way to go and which patients to monitor at a
given time. This device frees the doctors’ time.
Task 15.2 You are going to take part in a téléphoné survey. You hâve to answer six
questions. Give full answers to the questions.
Remember that you hâve 40 seconds to answer each question.
Task 15.3 You are going to give a talk about fitness training. You will hâve to start in
1.5 minutes and speak for not more than 2 minutes.
Remember to say:
• what fitness groups you or your friends attend
• what purposes of attending a fitness group you or your friends hâve in mind
• the results of attending a fitness group by you or your friends
You hâve to talk continuously.
ОГЭ. Английский язык. Устная часть
Test 16
Task 16.1
You are going to read the text aloud. You hâve 1.5 minutes to read the text
silently, and then be ready to read it aloud. Remember that you will not
hâve more than 2 minutes for reading aloud.
The brothers Grimm were German authors who wanted to save their national
literary traditions for future générations. They travelled ail across Germany recording
traditional taies from storytellers. These stories were not the ones we typically
find in Disney s classical films. These original stories were often sad with unhappy
ending for both the good and the bad characters, because life was hard. Over time
these stories were made “milder” for children and the dark épisodes were taken
out from the texts. Today Grimm taies are read in over 140 languages. Some fairy
taies were rewritten and became part of other cultures. The original texts belong
to German folklore.
Task 16.2 You are going to take part in a téléphoné survey. You hâve to answer six
questions. Give full answers to the questions.
Remember that you hâve 40 seconds to answer each question.
Task 16.3 You are going to give a talk about your attitude to cartoon films in your
early childhood and now. You will hâve to start in 1.5 minutes and speak
for not more than 2 minutes.
Remember to say:
• how you felt about cartoon films in your childhood
• what you think about cartoon films now
• why some cartoon films are popular among people of ail âges
You hâve to talk continuously.
ОГЭ. Английский язык. Устная часть
Test 17
Task 17.1
You are going to read the text aloud. You hâve 1.5 minutes to read the text
silently, and then be ready to read it aloud. Remember that you will not
hâve more than 2 minutes for reading aloud.
Many traditional study skills are not as hot these days as they were yesterday.
Yet, they are not forgotten either. One of the important study skills in the past was
neat handwriting. Learners would spend hours tracing the letters and writing clearly.
These days we type and text more often than write. The computer is a skillful writer.
The printouts are clean, clear and easy to read. So, is there still the need of writing
neatly? Filling in a blank form is a vivid example. If you do not master the art of
writing, your text will not be clear enough and nobody will be able to understand
it. Doing oral sums is another important skill. How will you calculate percentages
if there is no calculator at hand?
Task 17.2
You are going to take part in a téléphoné survey. You hâve to answer six
questions. Give full answers to the questions.
Remember that you hâve 40 seconds to answer each question.
Remember to say:
• in what school subjects you use electronic coursebooks
• how different electronic coursebooks differ from traditional books on paper
• why you think electronic coursebooks are offered to school students
You hâve to talk continuously.
ОГЭ. Английский язык. Устная часть
Test 18
Task 18.1
You are going to read the text aloud. You hâve 1.5 minutes to read the text
silently, and then be ready to read it aloud. Remember that you will not
hâve more than 2 minutes for reading aloud.
This Australian child is often called young Picasso. She is only five, but her
finger painting is not just child’s play. This little girl is described as the world’s
youngest professional artist making money from her paintings. She has already
shown her pictures in two exhibitions and will soon display her pièces at a gallery
in New York. The young talent has already earned more from her paintings than
many professionals during their lifetime. She has been painting since the âge of
two. The money she has earned has been put into her own bank account by her
parents, the Russian-born mother and Australian father. Her success is explained
by the style that she uses unlike other children of her âge painting with fingers.
Task 18.2 You are going to take part in a téléphoné survey. You hâve to answer six
questions. Give full answers to the questions.
Remember that you hâve 40 seconds to answer each question.
You are going to give a talk about talent and hard work. You will hâve to
start in 1.5 minutes and speak for not more than 2 minutes.
Remember to say:
• what different talents in people you know
• how talented people are different from others
• why hard work is necessary to use one’s talent
You hâve to talk continuously.
ОГЭ. Английский язык. Устная часть
Test 19
Task 19.1
You are going to read the text aloud. You hâve 1.5 minutes to read the text
silently, and then be ready to read it aloud. Remember that you will not
hâve more than 2 minutes for reading aloud.
Extinction of animais occurs when a particular species completely disappears
from the face of our planet. Disappearance of animais has been going on since life
began on Earth, but today, the processes are faster than ever before. Species disappear
because of changes caused either by nature or by people. Sometimes a terrible natural
event, like a gigantic meteorite, can kill wildlife. Other times, extinction takes place
because the climate changes. After the Ice Age, the climate became warmer and the
glaciers melted. Many species died out. They were used to cold and could not live
in warmer conditions. Currently, the animal world is being destroyed by pollution,
illégal hunting, agricultural and industrial projects.
Task 19.2
You are going to take part in a téléphoné survey. You hâve to answer six
questions. Give full answers to the questions.
Remember that you hâve 40 seconds to answer each question.
Task 19.3
You are going to give a talk about extinction of animais. You will hâve to
start in 1.5 minutes and speak for not more than 2 minutes.
Remember to say:
• why the problem of animal extinction is serious
• what causes the disappearance of species
• how people can save animais from extinction
You hâve to talk continuously.
ОГЭ. Английский язык. Устная часть
Test 20
You are going to read the text aloud. You hâve 1.5 minutes to read the text
silently, and then be ready to read it aloud. Remember that you will not
hâve more than 2 minutes for reading aloud.
Blindfold chess is a chess play, in which participants hâve a bandage to cover
their eyes. They do not see the chessboard or the pièces on it, keeping the whole
picture in their mind. This is how they take decisions and make the moves. This
kind of chess was considered a miracle for centuries. It is even more surprising
how blindfolded players manage to run games against a number of people. The
participants say how the pièces are to be moved and the moderator fulfills the
commands. The first blindfold game in history was, perhaps, played at the beginning
of the 8th century in the Middle East. In Europe this practice became popular when
a recognized master would play chess blindfolded against a weaker opponent.
You are going to take part in a téléphoné survey. You hâve to answer six
questions. Give full answers to the questions.
Remember that you hâve 40 seconds to answer each question.
You are going to give a talk about sports games. You will hâve to start in
1.5 minutes and speak for not more than 2 minutes.
Remember to say:
• why sports games attract people of any âge
• what sports games are the most popular among young people
• why sports games should be made safer
You hâve to talk continuously.
ОГЭ. Английский язык. Устная часть
Test 21
Task 21.1
You are going to read the text aloud. You hâve 1.5 minutes to read the text
silently, and then be ready to read it aloud. Remember that you will not
hâve more than 2 minutes for reading aloud.
Exercising for muscles, strength or health is getting more and more popular
with ail âges. Half an hour s exercise can burn 550 calories. An important rule to
remember is this: exercise to live, but dont live to exercise. Do not exhaust yourself.
Those who exercise are supposed to eat healthy food, to exercise 2 -3 times a week,
not to stress out oneself. It is good to exercise in a friendly company with people
supporting each other. Do not compare yourself with others. Identify your goal,
such as feeling better, losing weight, looking fitter or winning a compétition. Plan
the achievement of your goal, say, in six months from now and hâve a checkpoint.
Stick your exercise plan to your fridge to see and remember it.
You are going to take part in a téléphoné survey. You hâve to answer six
questions. Give full answers to the questions.
Remember that you hâve 40 seconds to answer each question.
You are going to give a talk about the rôle of sports and exercising in
everyday life. You will hâve to start in 1.5 minutes and speak for not more
than 2 minutes.
Remember to say:
• why exercising is important for health
• how important sports activities are to соре with stress
• what sports exercises are especially popular among young people
You hâve to talk continuously.
ОГЭ. Английский язык. Устная часть
Test 22
Task 22.1
You are going to read the text aloud. You hâve 1.5 minutes to read the text
silently, and then be ready to read it aloud. Remember that you will not
hâve more than 2 minutes for reading aloud.
The oldest travelling circus in the world began in 1690. It was founded by an
Irish family. They were very successful on the British Isles and in continental Europe
as jugglers. Later they took a ship to the USA. The family moved from one place
to another in their horse-drawn wagons. They enjoyed great popularity and soon
became world-famous. The actors were especially recognized for their horse-riding.
They were the first to do multiple jumps from one running horse to another. Their
record was to run and jump on and off the horse 26 times. One of them was a
clown and held the title of the “funniest man on horseback”. In the 20 century they
appeared on télévision, besides starring in regular circus shows.
Task 22.2 You are going to take part in a téléphoné survey. You hâve to answer six
questions. Give full answers to the questions.
Remember that you hâve 40 seconds to answer each question.
You are going to give a talk about your favourite show art. You will hâve to
start in 1.5 minutes and speak for not more than 2 minutes.
Remember to say:
• what kind of show art is your favourite one
• why you prefer your favourite show art to others
• what makes show art attractive to young people
You hâve to talk continuously.
ОГЭ. Английский язык. Устная часть
Test 23
Task 23.1
You are going to read the text aloud. You hâve 1.5 minutes to read the text
silently, and then be ready to read it aloud. Remember that you will not
hâve more than 2 minutes for reading aloud.
Pets are animais that are kept for ones company or protection. They are different
to working, sport, hunting, farming or laboratory animais. Pets are usually known
for their attractive appearances, their loyalty to masters and playful character. These
animais give emotional joy to people. Besides, activities with pets, such as walking a
dog, provide people with exercise and fresh air. Pets make the life of lonely people
more colourful and help them in many ways, such as, for example, guiding the blind.
Trained cats and dogs can be used to achieve some medical goals with patients by
giving them emotional comfort. People also keep at home rabbits, hamsters, guinea
pigs, Canaries, parrots, turtles and even lizards.
Task 23.2
You are going to take part in a téléphoné survey. You hâve to answer six
questions. Give full answers to the questions.
Remember that you hâve 40 seconds to answer each question.
Task 23.3
You are going to give a talk about animais that help people. You will hâve
to start in 1.5 minutes and speak for not more than 2 minutes.
Remember to say:
• in what way animais can help people
• what skills animais need to hâve in order to help people
• what people feel towards animais that help them
You hâve to talk continuously.
ОГЭ. Английский язык. Устная часть
Test 24
You are going to read the text aloud. You hâve 1.5 minutes to read the text
silently, and then be ready to read it aloud. Remember that you will not
hâve more than 2 minutes for reading aloud.
Politeness is a set of rules to make people feel respected, comfortable with each
other and relaxed. Polite attitude means that you are liked, understood and accepted
by the other party. Every social class or culture has its own rules of politeness called
étiquette. Some cultures think it polite to look in the eyes, while others consider it
impolite. Some value talk while others prefer silence. Some like jokes while others
enjoy a serious conversation and philosophical thoughts. By being polite we want
others to think well of us. The language most widely known for its politeness is
Japanese. There are spécial forms of being polite to family and friends, colleagues
and people of different gender and âge.
Task 24.2 You are going to take part in a téléphoné survey. You hâve to answer six
questions. Give full answers to the questions.
Remember that you hâve 40 seconds to answer each question.
You are going to give a talk about the dress code among your friends. You
will hâve to start in 1.5 minutes and speak for not more than 2 minutes.
Remember to say:
• whether a dress code is important among your friends and why
• what clothes are required to be worn on formai occasions
• what clothes are good for informai gatherings among young people
You hâve to talk continuously.
ОГЭ. Английский язык. Устная часть
Test 25
Task 25.1
You are going to read the text aloud. You hâve 1.5 minutes to read the text
silently, and then be ready to read it aloud. Remember that you will not
hâve more than 2 minutes for reading aloud.
A famous writer once said that if you want to eat well in England, you should
eat full fried breakfast three times a day. English breakfast is delicious indeed, but
it is high-calorie food full of cholestérol. It can certainly fill you up from morning
till dinner time, but, at the same time, it will give you extra weight if you hâve too
much of it. You can judge for yourself. Isn t it a bit too much for one meal to take
two eggs, sausage, bacon, baked beans, fried tomato, mushrooms, a piece of toast
with marmalade, and a cup of tea? Baked beans alone hâve 191-238 calories. In
addition, you can order pudding and potato cake. Everything fried in oil tastes
delicious if one does not overeat. But can you resist the temptation?
Task 25.2
You are going to take part in a téléphoné survey. You hâve to answer six
questions. Give full answers to the questions.
Remember that you hâve 40 seconds to answer each question.
Task 25.3 You are going to give a talk about healthy food. You will hâve to start in
1.5 minutes and speak for not more than 2 minutes.
Remember to say:
• what healthy food is
• why people need vitamins
• what makes a balanced diet important
You hâve to talk continuously.
ОГЭ. Английский язык. Устная часть
Test 26
Task 26.1
You are going to read the text aloud. You hâve 1.5 minutes to read the text
silently, and then be ready to read it aloud. Remember that you will not
hâve more than 2 minutes for reading aloud.
Fashion is a popular style in clothing, accessories, make-up, footwear and
body piercing. In ancient Turkey, India, China and Japan, fashion did not change in
over a thousand years. The situation became different with political and économie
developments and with the help of cultural exchange between nations. Fashion from
Iraq came to Spain and, similarly, fashion from Turkey spread to the Middle East.
European fashion took shape in the 14th century. At that time mens shirts shortened
from knee length to the waist-long size. Those were worn over leggings or trousers.
Spanish and French styles were competing between themselves. Aristocracy, middle
class, cities and villages dressed differently.
Task 26.2 You are going to take part in a téléphoné survey. You hâve to answer six
questions. Give full answers to the questions.
Remember that you hâve 40 seconds to answer each question.
Task 26.3
You are going to give a talk about school uniform. You will hâve to start in
1.5 minutes and speak for not more than 2 minutes.
Remember to say:
• what you think about wearing school uniform
• what your school uniform looks like
• how school uniform can be improved
You hâve to talk continuously.
ОГЭ. Английский язык. Устная часть
Test 27
Task 27.1
You are going to read the text aloud. You hâve 1.5 minutes to read the text
silently, and then be ready to read it aloud. Remember that you will not
hâve more than 2 minutes for reading aloud.
Hygiene is a set of practical rules for staying healthy and preventing the spread
of diseases. Hygiene rules help to keep a healthy lifestyle, create clean environment
and stop infection. Such behaviour is sometimes described as “good habits”. Hygiene
is often connected to “cleanliness” through washing hands, fruits and vegetables,
using safe water, taking a shower, airing ones room, washing the floor and removing
dust from furniture. Wearing a mask during flu épidémies is another recommended
practice. The notion of “hygiene” may include various types of behaviour. That is why
we often speak about sleep hygiene, mental hygiene, dental hygiene, occupational
hygiene and others.
Task 27.2
You are going to take part in a téléphoné survey. You hâve to answer six
questions. Give full answers to the questions.
Remember that you hâve 40 seconds to answer each question.
Task 27.3
You are going to give a talk about raising the résistance of your body to
infection and diseases. You will hâve to start in 1.5 minutes and speak for
not more than 2 minutes.
Remember to say:
• why it is important for people to resist diseases
• what food can help people resist diseases
• what people can do to raise their résistance to diseases
You hâve to talk continuously.
ОГЭ. Английский язык. Устная часть
Test 28
Task 28.1
You are going to read the text aloud. You hâve 1.5 minutes to read the text
silently, and then be ready to read it aloud. Remember that you will not
hâve more than 2 minutes for reading aloud.
School discipline is a way to keep order during lessons and out-of-class activities.
Its purpose is to create better learning conditions and safety for students and teachers.
Discipline also means that there is a System of punishment for those who break the
rules of behaviour. There are at least two ways to deal with poor discipline in schools.
One way is to understand the reasons that make a student behave badly. The other
way is to punish those who would not obey the disciplinary rules. The results are
unconvincing. Some say that hooliganism and vandalism are going down. Others
report that there are no significant changes. Détention, suspension and expulsion
do not solve the problem completely.
Task 28.2 You are going to take part in a téléphoné survey. You hâve to answer six
questions. Give full answers to the questions.
Remember that you hâve 40 seconds to answer each question.
You are going to give a talk about the rules of good discipline at school.
You will hâve to start in 1.5 minutes and speak for not more than
2 minutes.
Remember to say:
• what rules of behaviour apply during school lessons
• what rules of behaviour apply on the school playground
• what rules of politeness should be observed by school students
You hâve to talk continuously.
ОГЭ. Английский язык. Устная часть
Test 29
Task 29.1
You are going to read the text aloud. You hâve 1.5 minutes to read the text
silently, and then be ready to read it aloud. Remember that you will not
hâve more than 2 minutes for reading aloud.
Teenagers are gradually growing into adults. Some décidé to get a part-time job
during school holidays. By the âge of seventeen quite a few teenagers hâve already
had some employment, usually for a short time. Teens explain their choice by the
desire to buy things and to feel independent. Some of them acquire the gadget of
their dream. Others get clothes. Still others préparé a présent for a family member
or save money for a bigger purchase. The positive side of working is that young
people get work expérience. They learn to manage their finances. Besides, they feel
more confident. The négative side is that they may décidé to use their money in
the wrong way. This needs the attention of schools and families.
You are going to take part in a téléphoné survey. You hâve to answer six
questions. Give full answers to the questions.
Remember that you hâve 40 seconds to answer each question.
You are going to give a talk about going to professional college after
school. You will hâve to start in 1.5 minutes and speak for not more than
2 minutes.
Remember to say:
• what professions students can get at professional colleges
• what professional colleges you know near where you live
• whether you are going to enter a professional college or not and why
You hâve to talk continuously.
ОГЭ. Английский язык. Устная часть
Test 30
Task 30.1 You are going to read the text aloud. You hâve 1.5 minutes to read the text
silently, and then be ready to read it aloud. Remember that you will not
hâve more than 2 minutes for reading aloud.
The brain of the bee is very small but it can do great things. This insect can
see the big picture as well as the details around. In other words, bees can see both
the wood and the trees. Monkeys carit boast this. Bees can recognize faces. They
can even learn tasks if you reward them with sugar or honey. These insects easily
memorize the location of flowers and can judge which ones are more useful during
the day. They gather nectar not just for themselves but for their colony. When they
corne back to the hive fully loaded, they communicate to other bees where the best
food source is. The distance ranges from 750 to over 7,000 métrés. After coming
back, the bees do housework, such as building, tidying and defending their home.
Task 30.2 You are going to take part in a téléphoné survey. You hâve to answer six
questions. Give full answers to the questions.
Remember that you hâve 40 seconds to answer each question.
Task 30.3 You are going to give a talk about your using the internet. You will hâve to
start in 1.5 minutes and speak for not more than 2 minutes.
Remember to say:
• how much time on average you spend browsing the internet
• what internet sites are most popular with you and why
• what goals you hâve in mind when you surf the web
You hâve to talk continuously.
Тексты аудиозаписей
Тексты аудиозаписей
Audioscript for Task 1.2
Electronic assistant: Hello! It’s the electronic assistant of the Survey Centre. We
kindly ask you to take part in our survey. We need to find out how people
feel about doing household chores. Please answer six questions. The survey is
anonymous — you dont hâve to give your name. So, lets get started.
Electronic assistant: How old are you?
Electronic assistant: What family member are you?
Electronic assistant: What household chores do you do regularly?
Electronic assistant: What technological devices do you use to help you with the
household chores?
Electronic assistant: Why do you think it is important to share household chores
among family members?
Electronic assistant: How would you advise to divide household chores among
family members?
Electronic assistant: This is the end of the survey. Thank you very much for your
Audioscript for Task 2.2
Electronic assistant: Hello! It’s the electronic assistant of the Survey Centre. We
kindly ask you to take part in our survey. We need to find out what kind
of appearance is popular among young people nowadays. Please answer six
questions. The survey is anonymous — you dont hâve to give your name. So,
let’s get started.
Electronic assistant: How old are you?
Electronic assistant: Are you male or female?
Electronic assistant: What is your favourite item of clothing?
Electronic assistant: What kind of shoes do you prefer?
Electronic assistant: What do you think about using perfume every day?
Electronic assistant: How do you feel about the choice of jewellery among young
Electronic assistant: This is the end of the survey. Thank you very much for your
Тексты аудиозаписей
Audioscript for Task 3.2
Electronic assistant: Hello! It’s the electronic assistant of the Survey Centre. We
kindly ask you to take part in our survey. We need to find out popular hobbies
among young people. Please answer six questions. The survey is anonymous —
you dont hâve to give your name. So, lets get started.
Electronic assistant: What professions do you find interesting?
Electronic assistant: What school subjects meet your own life interests?
Electronic assistant: What hobbies do your friends hâve?
Electronic assistant: What hobbies appeal to you most of ail?
Electronic assistant: What is your own favourite hobby?
Electronic assistant: Why do you enjoy the hobby of your choice?
Electronic assistant: This is the end of the survey. Thank you very much for your
Audioscript for Task 4.2
Electronic assistant: Hello! It’s the electronic assistant of the Survey Centre. We
kindly ask you to take part in our survey. We need to find out how internet
shops are being used. Please answer six questions. The survey is anonymous —
you dont hâve to give your name. So, let’s get started.
Electronic assistant: Are you male or female?
Electronic assistant: What do you know about buying things on the internet?
Electronic assistant: Why do you think people use internet shops for purchasing
food and goods?
Electronic assistant: What do you think are the drawbacks of buying on the internet?
Electronic assistant: What do people you know buy on the internet?
Electronic assistant: If you had the chance to buy something on the internet, what
would it be?
Electronic assistant: This is the end of the survey. Thank you very much for your
Audioscript for Task 5.2
Electronic assistant: Hello! It’s the electronic assistant of the Survey Centre. We
kindly ask you to take part in our survey. We need to find out how you
use internet social networks. Please answer six questions. The survey is
anonymous — you dont hâve to give your name. So, let s get started.
Тексты аудиозаписей
Electronic assistant: How much time on average do you spend online?
Electronic assistant: What social networks are your favourite?
Electronic assistant: What makes the social network of your choice attractive to you?
Electronic assistant: How does your social network fit in with your daily routine?
Electronic assistant: How do you find friends in your social network?
Electronic assistant: What fonctions of your social network do you use more than
Electronic assistant: This is the end of the survey. Thank you very much for your
Audioscript for Task 6.2
Electronic assistant: Hello! It’s the electronic assistant of the Survey Centre. We
kindly ask you to take part in our survey. We need to find out how to make
your school life more interesting for you. Please answer six questions. The
survey is anonymous — you dont hâve to give your name. So, lets get started.
Electronic assistant: What grade are you in?
Electronic assistant: How often do you corne to school for extra-curricular activities?
Electronic assistant: What kind of activities are available for students at school
after the lessons?
Electronic assistant: What activities offered by your school after the lessons do you
find most interesting and usefol?
Electronic assistant: What activities offered by your school after the lessons are
not to your liking?
Electronic assistant: What can be done to make your school life after the lessons
even better?
Electronic assistant: This is the end of the survey. Thank you very much for your
Audioscript for Task 7.2
Electronic assistant: Hello! It’s the electronic assistant of the Survey Centre. We
kindly ask you to take part in our survey. We need to find out what professions
are most popular among school students. Please answer six questions. The
survey is anonymous — you dont hâve to give your name. So, let s get started.
Electronic assistant: How do you assess your school performance in different
Тексты аудиозаписей
Electronic assistant: What are your favourite school subjects?
Electronic assistant: What are the professions of your parents?
Electronic assistant: What professions are popular among your friends?
Electronic assistant: Why do you think it is worthwhile to choose the profession
of your dream?
Electronic assistant: What do you need to do to be successful in the profession of
your choice?
Electronic assistant: This is the end of the survey. Thank you very much for your
Audioscript for Task 8.2
Electronic assistant: Hello! It’s the electronic assistant of the Survey Centre. We
kindly ask you to take part in our survey. We need to find out what traditions
are known to young people. Please answer six questions. The survey is
anonymous — you dont hâve to give your name. So, let’s get started.
Electronic assistant: What do you think “a tradition” is?
Electronic assistant: What traditions does your family hâve?
Electronic assistant: What traditions of your parents and grandparents do you
know about?
Electronic assistant: What traditions are observed at your school?
Electronic assistant: Which traditional event is your favourite?
Electronic assistant: What traditions do you help to keep?
Electronic assistant: This is the end of the survey. Thank you very much for your
Audioscript for Task 9.2
Electronic assistant: Hello! It’s the electronic assistant of the Survey Centre. We
kindly ask you to take part in our survey. We need to find out what the most
popular travel routes for a holiday these days are. Please answer six questions.
The survey is anonymous — you dont hâve to give your name. So, lets get
Electronic assistant: Where hâve you already travelled?
Electronic assistant: How long do your trips usually last?
Тексты аудиозаписей
Electronic assistant: What trip do you remember as the best one and why?
Electronic assistant: What trips are described as very good by your friends?
Electronic assistant: What place are you going to visit next time and why?
Electronic assistant: What means of travel will you be using?
Electronic assistant: This is the end of the survey. Thank you very much for your
Audioscript for Task 10.2
Electronic assistant: Hello! It’s the electronic assistant of the Survey Centre. We
kindly ask you to take part in our survey. We need to find out what famous
names are most known to young people. Please answer six questions. The
survey is anonymous — you dont hâve to give your name. So, let’s get started.
Electronic assistant: How important do you think it is to become famous?
Electronic assistant: Which people achieve popularity among us?
Electronic assistant: Why do some actors or actresses become famous while others
do not?
Electronic assistant: What makes a scientist famous?
Electronic assistant: What brings famé to sportsmen?
Electronic assistant: How can an ordinary person become famous?
Electronic assistant: This is the end of the survey. Thank you very much for your
Audioscript for Task 11.2
Electronic assistant: Hello! It’s the electronic assistant of the Survey Centre. We
kindly ask you to take part in our survey. We need to find out what means
of transport are préférable for you. Please answer six questions. The survey is
anonymous — you dont hâve to give your name. So, let’s get started.
Electronic assistant: How many times a year do your relatives or friends travel to
some distant places?
Electronic assistant: What transport do they usually choose?
Electronic assistant: What makes people prefer some kinds of transport to others?
Electronic assistant: How much does the speed of travel matter for you?
Тексты аудиозаписей
Electronic assistant: What does “a comfortable journey” mean for you?
Electronic assistant: How do people entertain themselves on trains or planes?
Electronic assistant: This is the end of the survey. Thank you very much for your
Audioscript for Task 12.2
Electronic assistant: Hello! It’s the electronic assistant of the Survey Centre. We
kindly askyou to take part in our survey. We need to find out what technological
progress means for you personally. Please answer six questions. The survey is
anonymous — you dont hâve to give your name. So, lets get started.
Electronic assistant: What modem gadgets do you know?
Electronic assistant: What advanced technological devices hâve you been using
Electronic assistant: How does technological progress help you in your life?
Electronic assistant: What piece of modem technology would you like to get as a
présent and why?
Electronic assistant: What makes an electronic gadget useful for you?
Electronic assistant: What should young people be mindful of when using electronic
Electronic assistant: This is the end of the survey. Thank you very much for your
Audioscript for Task 13.2
Electronic assistant: Hello! It’s the electronic assistant of the Survey Centre. We
kindly ask you to take part in our survey. We need to find out what you think
about pollution. Please answer six questions. The survey is anonymous — you
dont hâve to give your name. So, let’s get started.
Electronic assistant: How do you understand the phrase “environmental pollution”?
Electronic assistant: What do you think causes environmental pollution?
Electronic assistant: How do you think environmental pollution can be stopped?
Electronic assistant: What can teenagers do to stop environmental pollution?
Electronic assistant: What school projects do you know to make the environment
Тексты аудиозаписей
Electronic assistant: What did you do in the project to make the environment
Electronic assistant: This is the end of the survey. Thank you very much for your
Audioscript for Task 14.2
Electronic assistant: Hello! It’s the electronic assistant of the Survey Centre. We
kindly ask you to take part in our survey. We need to find out how young
people use the internet these days. Please answer six questions. The survey is
anonymous — you dont hâve to give your name. So, lets get started.
Electronic assistant: How much time a day do you use the internet on average?
Electronic assistant: What are the purposes that you use the internet for?
Electronic assistant: What kind of information do you get from the internet?
Electronic assistant: How do you use the internet for your studies?
Electronic assistant: How do you use the internet for entertainment?
Electronic assistant: What rôle do internet social networks play in your life?
Electronic assistant: This is the end of the survey. Thank you very much for your
Audioscript for Task 15.2
Electronic assistant: Hello! It’s the electronic assistant of the Survey Centre. We
kindly ask you to take part in our survey. We need to find out how health aware
young people are. Please answer six questions. The survey is anonymous —
you dont hâve to give your name. So, let’s get started.
Electronic assistant: How can you assess your own health?
Electronic assistant: What do you do to keep fit?
Electronic assistant: How much time a day do you spend outside?
Electronic assistant: Can you describe your diet as healthy and why?
Electronic assistant: How much time do you give a day to physical exercises?
Electronic assistant: How do you deal with stress caused by studies?
Electronic assistant: This is the end of the survey. Thank you very much for your
Тексты аудиозаписей
Audioscript for Task 16.2
Electronic assistant: Hello! It’s the electronic assistant of the Survey Centre. We
kindly ask you to take part in our survey. We need to find out what young
people think about fairy taies. Please answer six questions. The survey is
anonymous — you dont hâve to give your name. So, lets get started.
Electronic assistant: At what âge did you first hear a fairy taie?
Electronic assistant: When you were a child, did you prefer fairy taies in books or
cartoon films? Why?
Electronic assistant: What made some fairy taies more interesting to you?
Electronic assistant: What do you think about fairy-tale characters in modem
computer games?
Electronic assistant: What makes a fairy taie popular among small children?
Electronic assistant: What makes some modem fantasy books attractive to young
people of your âge?
Electronic assistant: This is the end of the survey. Thank you very much for your
Audioscript for Task 17.2
Electronic assistant: Hello! It’s the electronic assistant of the Survey Centre. We
kindly ask you to take part in our survey. We need to find out what you think
about the importance of traditional study skills in the computer âge. Please
answer six questions. The survey is anonymous — you dont hâve to give your
name. So, lets get started.
Electronic assistant: How important is the computer for your studies?
Electronic assistant: What are the typical learning tasks that you do on your
computer at home?
Electronic assistant: How does the computer help you in your studies?
Electronic assistant: What are the typical study tasks that you do on paper?
Electronic assistant: Why are some people against using the computer for studies?
Electronic assistant: What computer skills would you recommend your friends to
Electronic assistant: This is the end of the survey. Thank you very much for your
Тексты аудиозаписей
Audioscript for Task 18.2
Electronic assistant: Hello! It’s the electronic assistant of the Survey Centre. We
kindly ask you to take part in our survey. We need to find out what spécial
talents young people may hâve. Please answer six questions. The survey is
anonymous — you dont hâve to give your name. So, lets get started.
Electronic assistant: In what areas can young people show their spécial talents?
Electronic assistant: What spécial talents can young people show in their school
Electronic assistant: What spécial talents can you find in young people doing sports?
Electronic assistant: What spécial talents can young people demonstrate in art?
Electronic assistant: What spécial talents can you discover in yourself?
Electronic assistant: What would you recommend your friends to do to discover
some spécial talents in themselves?
Electronic assistant: This is the end of the survey. Thank you very much for your
Audioscript for Task 19.2
Electronic assistant: Hello! It’s the electronic assistant of the Survey Centre. We
kindly ask you to take part in our survey. We need to find out what young
people know about environmental problems. Please answer six questions. The
survey is anonymous — you dont hâve to give your name. So, let’s get started.
Electronic assistant: What ecological problems of the modem world do you know?
Electronic assistant: Why do you think it is important to keep the environment
Electronic assistant: How do people suffer from environmental pollution?
Electronic assistant: What happens to animais if the environment is unfriendly to
Electronic assistant: Why is it important for people to take care of animais?
Electronic assistant: What can schoolchildren do to protect nature around them?
Electronic assistant: This is the end of the survey. Thank you very much for your
Тексты аудиозаписей
Audioscript for Task 20.2
Electronic assistant: Hello! It’s the electronic assistant of the Survey Centre. We
kindly ask you to take part in our survey. We need to find out what games
are popular among young people. Please answer six questions. The survey is
anonymous — you dont hâve to give your name. So, lets get started.
Electronic assistant: How often do you play some sort of a game?
Electronic assistant: What kinds of game do you prefer to play? Why?
Electronic assistant: What makes sports games popular?
Electronic assistant: Why do many people turn to computer games?
Electronic assistant: How do you feel about intellectual games, like chess?
Electronic assistant: What games would you recommend your friends to play? Why?
Electronic assistant: This is the end of the survey. Thank you very much for your
Audioscript for Task 21.2
Electronic assistant: Hello! It’s the electronic assistant of the Survey Centre.
We kindly ask you to take part in our survey. We need to find out what
schoolchildren think about sports activities. Please answer six questions. The
survey is anonymous — you dont hâve to give your name. So, let’s get started.
Electronic assistant: What sports are known to you?
Electronic assistant: What sports activities are the most popular among your friends?
Electronic assistant: How regularly do you and your friends do some sports
Electronic assistant: Do you prefer out-of-doors activities or exercises in the gym?
Electronic assistant: What sports activities are especially popular among young
Electronic assistant: Why do school students need to take up some sports activity?
Electronic assistant: This is the end of the survey. Thank you very much for your
Тексты аудиозаписей
Audioscript for Task 22.2
Electronic assistant: Hello! It’s the electronic assistant of the Survey Centre.
We kindly ask you to take part in our survey. We need to find out what
schoolchildren feel about the circus art. Please answer six questions. The
survey is anonymous — you dont hâve to give your name. So, let’s get started.
Electronic assistant: When and how did you first learn about the circus?
Electronic assistant: What circus acts do you prefer to watch? Why?
Student:________________________ ■
Electronic assistant: What makes the performance of circus clowns attractive?
Electronic assistant: What do you think about when you watch circus illusionists
Electronic assistant: How do people acquire the skills of circus jugglers and acrobats?
Electronic assistant: What good example do circus actors set for you?
Electronic assistant: This is the end of the survey. Thank you very much for your
Audioscript for Task 23.2
Electronic assistant: Hello! It’s the electronic assistant of the Survey Centre.
We kindly ask you to take part in our survey. We need to find out what
young people think about pets. Please answer six questions. The survey is
anonymous — you dont hâve to give your name. So, let’s get started.
Electronic assistant: What pets do people usually keep in their homes?
Electronic assistant: Why do people choose to hâve a pet?
Electronic assistant: Which pet do you hâve or would like to hâve? Why?
Electronic assistant: What enjoyable activities are possible with one’s pet?
Electronic assistant: What are the duties of the pet owner?
Electronic assistant: What should pet owners be aware of?
Electronic assistant: This is the end of the survey. Thank you very much for your
Audioscript for Task 24.2
Electronic assistant: Hello! It’s the electronic assistant of the Survey Centre. We
kindly ask you to take part in our survey. We need to find out what you
know about the rules of politeness. Please answer six questions. The survey
is anonymous — you dont hâve to give your name. So, let’s get started.
Тексты аудиозаписей
Electronic assistant: How important do you think the rules of politeness are in
everyday life?
Electronic assistant: What is a polite way in Russia of greeting the teacher when
he or she enters the classroom?
Electronic assistant: What are the rules of politeness when you introduce your
friend to an adult?
Electronic assistant: What is polite in Russia when people receive guests?
Electronic assistant: What kind of clothes is it polite to wear for an evening show?
Electronic assistant: What rules of politeness would you recommend your friends
to observe when they visit other peoples homes?
Electronic assistant: This is the end of the survey. Thank you very much for your
Audioscript for Task 25.2
Electronic assistant: Hello! It’s the electronic assistant of the Survey Centre. We
kindly ask you to take part in our survey. We need to find out how well you
eat during the day. Please answer six questions. The survey is anonymous —
you dont hâve to give your name. So, let’s get started.
Electronic assistant: How many meals a day do you usually hâve including snacks?
Electronic assistant: How many warm meals a day do you usually hâve?
Electronic assistant: At what time do you take your last meal during the day?
Electronic assistant: What food rich in vitamins do you regularly eat?
Electronic assistant: What food is your favourite to eat?
Electronic assistant: What diet would you recommend your friends to follow?
Electronic assistant: This is the end of the survey. Thank you very much for your
Audioscript for Task 26.2
Electronic assistant: Hello! It’s the electronic assistant of the Survey Centre. We kindly
ask you to take part in our survey. We need to find out how well you are aware
of fashion trends. Please answer six questions. The survey is anonymous —
you dont hâve to give your name. So, let’s get started.
Тексты аудиозаписей
Electronic assistant: How important are trends in clothes fashion for you?
Electronic assistant: Why do you think it is important to follow fashion trends in
Electronic assistant: What latest trends in fashion for young people do you like
most of ail?
Electronic assistant: What is your attitude to unisex dressing with young men and
women wearing the same clothes?
Electronic assistant: On what occasions do you put on informai clothes?
Electronic assistant: What would you advise young people to put on for a spécial
Electronic assistant: This is the end of the survey. Thank you very much for your
Audioscript for Task 27.2
Electronic assistant: Hello! It’s the electronic assistant of the Survey Centre. We
kindly ask you to take part in our survey. We need to find out how well young
people are aware of hygiene rules. Please answer six questions. The survey is
anonymous — you dont hâve to give your name. So, let’s get started.
Electronic assistant: What do you think the main sources of infection around
you are?
Electronic assistant: How does infection get to humans?
Electronic assistant: Which are the most common hygiene rules to protect yourself
from infection?
Electronic assistant: What are the rules of behaviour during flu épidémies?
Electronic assistant: What are the ways to increase the résistance of your body to
infection and diseases?
Electronic assistant: What hygiene rules would you recommend your friends to
observe concerning water and food?
Electronic assistant: This is the end of the survey Thank you very much for your
Тексты аудиозаписей
Audioscript for Task 28.2
Electronic assistant: Hello! It’s the electronic assistant of the Survey Centre. We
kindly ask you to take part in our survey. We need to find out why some
school students misbehave during the lessons. Please answer six questions. The
survey is anonymous — you dont hâve to give your name. So, let’s get started.
Electronic assistant: What are the most common cases of students’ misbehaviour
at school?
Electronic assistant: How do students’ behaviour and study results connect to each
Electronic assistant: Why do some students behave differently during lessons in
different school subjects?
Electronic assistant: Why do school students behave differently with different
teachers during their lessons?
Electronic assistant: How does students’ behaviour change when they pass from
one school grade to another?
Electronic assistant: What can be done to improve students’ discipline during the
Electronic assistant: This is the end of the survey. Thank you very much for your
Audioscript for Task 29.2
Electronic assistant: Hello! It’s the electronic assistant of the Survey Centre. We
kindly ask you to take part in our survey. We need to find out what young
people think about choosing to work. Please answer six questions. The survey
is anonymous — you dont hâve to give your name. So, let’s get started.
Electronic assistant: What part-time jobs can teenagers get during their summer
Electronic assistant: If you had a desire to do so, what part-time job would you
like to hâve during your summer holidays?
Electronic assistant: How would you use your own money if you earned it in your
part-time job?
Electronic assistant: What job would you take after school if you could choose any
job in the world?
Electronic assistant: What do you think about going to professional college instead
of continuing your secondary school course?
Тексты аудиозаписей
Electronic assistant: Why do some students choose to go to professional college
after school?
Electronic assistant: This is the end of the survey. Thank you very much for your
Audioscript for Task 30.2
Electronic assistant: Hello! It’s the electronic assistant of the Survey Centre. We
kindly ask you to take part in our survey. We need to find out how broad your
interests are. Please answer six questions. The survey is anonymous — you
dont hâve to give your name. So, lets get started.
Electronic assistant: What are your favourite school subjects?
Electronic assistant: What interests do you hâve outside school?
Electronic assistant: What rôle does classical literature play in your life?
Electronic assistant: How do you feel about classical music?
Electronic assistant: What is your most usual way to entertain yourself? Why?
Electronic assistant: What would you recommend others to do to broaden their
Electronic assistant: This is the end of the survey Thank you very much for your
Памятки для учащихся при подготовке к экзамену
Памятки для учащихся при подготовке к экзамену
Памятка для учащ ихся при подготовке к чтению текста вслух
1. Каждое предложение состоит из одной или нескольких смысловых
групп (словосочетаний или фраз, передающих относительно закончен­
ный смысл). Внимательно прочитай текст про себя и отдели смысловые
группы внутри предложения вертикальной чертой |, а на границе пред­
ложений обозначь паузы двойной вертикальной чертой ||.
2. Стрелками покажи интонацию на границах смысловых групп и пред­
ложений. Помни, что при чтении текста вслух конец смысловой группы
внутри предложения, включая перечисление, обычно обозначается вос­
ходящим тоном Л Конец предложения, если это утверждение, обозна­
чается нисходящим тоном V
3. Помни, что в вопросах, начинающихся с вспомогательных глаголов Ве /
Do / Hâve, а также с модальных глаголов в функции служебных глаголов,
главное смысловое слово обычно произносится с восходящим тоном.
idea?Do you need a^hand
Например, Hâve you got an f
4. Не забудь, что в вопросах, начинающихся с вопросительных местоимений
What, When, Why, Who, How, Where, главное смысловое слово обычно
произносится с нисходящим тоном. Например, What сап I \ do fo r у ou?
5. Прежде чем читать текст вслух, пробеги его глазами, попытайся по­
нять содержание текста и его основную мысль. Мысленно представь
интонационный рисунок предложений. Твое чтение вслух должно быть
осмысленным, и в этом помогут правильная интонация и логическое
6. Обрати внимание на знаки препинания, они помогут разделить текст на
смысловые группы. Выделение смысловых групп с помощью интонации
показывает, что ты понимаешь, что читаешь. Помни, что даже в про­
стом предложении, где нет знаков препинания, могут быть несколько
смысловых групп.
7. Выдели в тексте слова, которые тебе незнакомы и / или вызывают со­
мнения в правильности произношения. Попробуй прочитать их по
правилам чтения или по аналогии с другими словами, в которых есть
такие же сочетания букв, проверь их транскрипцию по словарю.
8. Прежде чем читать текст вслух, прочитай его шепотом, чтобы услышать
себя, проверить, дочит ываеш ь ли ты окончания слов, не вст авляеш ь
ли слова, кот орых нет в тексте (артикли, предлоги). Небрежное чте­
ние оценивается в 0 баллов.
9. Помни, что текст нужно успеть прочитать до конца в положенный лимит
времени, иначе ты получишь 0 баллов. Следует тренироваться, чтобы
текст до 600 знаков без пробелов ты сумел прочитать за 1,5 минуты.
10. Не следует допускать фонетические ошибки при чтении. К фонетиче­
ским ошибкам относятся ошибки в произношении звуков, ударений,
интонации. Особенно грубыми являются фонетические ошибки, которые
ведут к изменению значения слова, например,
— food, ship — sheep,
sin — sing, think — thing. Четко произноси то, что читаешь.
11. Типичной ошибкой при интонационном оформлении слов являются не­
верные сдвиги логического (фразового) ударения в предложении, когда
Памятки для учащихся при подготовке к экзамену
с помощью ударения и интонации выделяется не главное, а второсте­
пенное по смыслу слово.
12. Потренируйся в чтении числительных. Если числительные включают
тысячи, сотни, десятки и единицы, то перед десятками / единицами
можно ставить союз “and”. Напомним, что в американском варианте
английского языка числительные читаются без союза “and”. Например,
125 — one hundred (and) twenty-five; 1034 — one thousand лучше придер­
живаться британского варианта (and) thirty-four; 3,567 — three thousand
five hundred (and) sixty-seven.
Памятка для учащ ихся при подготовке к ответам на вопросы
1. Сосредоточься и настройся на восприятие вопросов на английском языке
не видя собеседника.
2. Внимательно слушай вопрос и постарайся понять содержание и смысл
вопроса в целом.
3. Если часть вопроса осталась непонятой, постарайся догадаться, о чем
может быть вопрос, и начинай отвечать, не тратя время на попытки
полностью восстановить вопрос интервьюера. Лучше ответить на вопрос
так, как он тобою понят, чем не ответить вообще.
4. Развивай у себя умение быстро реагировать на вопрос, при этом планируя
свой ответ, формулируя мысль и отслеживая правильность своей речи.
Это получится с помощью регулярной тренировки.
5. Во время ответа на вопрос внимательно следи за оставшимся лимитом
времени, чтобы не заглушить своим голосом следующий вопрос. Всегда
оставляй несколько секунд перед следующим вопросом. При регулярной
тренировке у тебя сформируется чувство лимита времени.
6. Старайся максимально конкретно отвечать на поставленный вопрос, не
пытаясь приспособить для ответа ранее выученные фрагменты темати­
ческих текстов, близких к содержанию вопроса. Такой ответ может быть
не засчитан.
7. Помни, что даже если на экзамене ты не очень хорошо знаешь то, о чем
идет речь в вопросе, это меньше повлияет на результат, чем превышение
лимита времени 40 секунд.
8. Учись говорить полными предложениями, так как сокращенные (эллип­
тические) конструкции, хотя и встречаются в естественной устной речи,
не приветствуются на экзамене.
9. Старайся говорить четко. Не стремись говорить слишком быстро, так
как твой ответ будет проверяться в записи и может быть не понят
10. Расширяй свой кругозор, наблюдай, читай, слушай и больше общайся —
это позволит тебе легче отвечать на вопросы интервьюера.
11. Постоянно расширяй словарный запас, который поможет тебе более
свободно и точно выражать свои мысли.
12. Регулярно работай над грамматическими навыками, необходимыми для
того, чтобы правильно строить английские предложения в соответствии
с требованиями устной части экзамена. В случае ошибки можно повторно
сформулировать высказывание, соблюдая лимит времени для ответа.
В этом случае оценивается последний прозвучавший ответ.
Памятки для учащихся при подготовке к экзамену
Памятка для учащ ихся при подготовке к тематическому
монологическому высказыванию
1. Внимательно прочитай задание и все три опоры (опора — пункт плана,
который дан в задании в виде маркированного списка), по которым тебе
нужно будет строить монологическое высказывание по предлагаемой
2. Прочитай первую опору и пойми, о чем тебе предстоит высказаться.
3. Сформулируй вводную фразу, обобщенно выражая в ней мысль всего
4. Разъясни слушателю свою мысль, используя практические и теоретиче­
ские знания.
5. Обязательно сформулируй заключительную фразу по данной части вы ­
сказывания, в которой обобщи высказанные тобою мысли.
6. Помни, что следующую часть высказывания также следует начинать
с вводной фразы, далее формулировать и логически строить свои мысли,
обобщать сказанное.
7. При подготовке к тематическому монологическому высказыванию всегда
обращай внимание на лимит времени и управляй скоростью формули­
рования мысли (лимит времени 1,5-2 минуты на высказывание по всем
опциям вместе). Выполняй задание с секундомером.
8. Научись следить за грамотностью своей речи в процессе устного тема­
тического высказывания. В процессе подготовки к экзамену полезно
записывать свою речь на диктофон для прослушивания и исправления
9. Чтобы высказывание было грамматически правильным, повтори пра­
вила употребления английских грамматических времен, и прежде всего
настоящего времени (Présent Simple); правила использования третьего
лица единственного числа при согласовании существительного и глагола;
страдательного залога; модальных глаголов для выражения обязатель­
ности и предположений; степеней сравнения прилагательных; условных
предложений реального и нереального типа; предлогов и союзов.
10. Устное высказывание требует правильного произношения слов и пра­
вильной интонации. Обращай внимание на интонацию перечислений,
сложных предложений, а также на логическое ударение.
11. Оценка устного высказывания зависит от твоего словарного запаса.
При подготовке к экзамену обязательно запоминай не только отдельные
слова, но и словосочетания, и аутентичные (естественные) выражения
в английском языке.
12. Работай над темпом речи. Имей в виду, что на все монологическое те­
матическое высказывание дается 2 минуты, или 120 секунд. Поскольку
общее количество предложений в высказывании должно быть прибли­
зительно 12, на формулирование каждого из предложений тебе потре­
буется не более 10 секунд. Ошибочное высказывание можно исправить,
сформулировав его заново в установленный для ответа лимит времени.
Памятки для учащихся при подготовке к экзамену
Как оцениваются ответы на экзамене
Задание 1 - чтение текста вслух
Максимальная оценка за чтение текста вслух составляет 2 балла.
Чтение вслух в соответствии с критериями Федерального института пе­
дагогических измерений (ФИПИ) оценивается следующим образом:
Ты получишь 2 балла, если твоя речь воспринимается легко, в ней нет
ненужных пауз, ты используешь правильную интонацию и сделаешь не более
пяти фонетических ошибок.
Ты получишь 1 балл, если в твоей речи будут необоснованные паузы, ты
используешь правильную интонацию, но при этом сделаешь не более семи
фонетических ошибок.
Если ошибок будет больше, в речи будет много неестественных пауз и
ее трудно будет понять, то за задание 1 устной части ты получишь 0 баллов.
Задание 2 - участие в условном диалоге-расспросе
Максимальная оценка за участие в условном диалоге-расспросе состав­
ляет 6 баллов.
За каждый полный ответ на вопрос ты можешь получить 1 балл. За ответ
на вопрос тебе могут поставить 0 баллов, если ты не ответишь на вопрос, или
твой ответ не соответствует заданному вопросу, или ты ответишь на вопрос
одним словом или словосочетанием, а не предложением. Также 0 баллов ты
получишь, если твой ответ невозможно понять из-за ошибок.
Задание 3 - тематическое монологическое высказывание
Максимальная оценка за тематическое монологическое высказывание
составляет 7 баллов. Из них максимум 3 балла ты можешь получить за ре­
шение коммуникативной задачи и по 2 балла за организацию и языковое
оформление высказывания.
Устное тематическое высказывание в соответствии с критериями ФИПИ
оценивается следующим образом:
М аксимальный балл ты получишь, если раскроешь тему в полном
объеме. Это значит, что тебе надо высказаться по каждой опоре полными
предложениями, а не одним словом или словосочетанием. Всего твой ответ
должен состоять из 10-12 фраз, минимум по одной фразе на вступление и
на заключение и по две-три фразы на каждую опору в задании. Если весь
ответ будет состоять меньше чем из пяти фраз, то такой ответ будет оценен в
0 баллов. Если в вопросе есть слово why, не забудь привести аргументы! Также
не забывай обозначить переход от одной идеи к другой, используй средства
логической связи, например also, as well, because, but, so, then, though, although,
it и другие.
Полученные на экзамене баллы переводятся в пятибалльную шкалу сле­
дующим образом:
Баллы ОГЭ
46 -5 8
29 -4 5
0 -2 8
При подготовке к устной части экзамена по английскому языку ГИА (ОГЭ)
полезно обобщить следующий положительный опыт.
При подготовке к чтению т екста вслух успешные учащиеся обращают
внимание на лексическую, логическую и содержательную сторону текстового
Лексический состав, то есть слова текста, может представлять определен­
ную произносительную трудность. Поэтому желательно во время молчаливого
просмотра текста заранее получить представление о том, какие слова окажутся
трудными для произношения во время чтения вслух.
С точки зрения интонации понимание текста при чтении вслух более
всего заметно в интонационной структуре предложения. Во время подготовки
к чтению текста вслух полезно заранее правильно разделить предложения на
смысловые группы.
Содержательная сторона текста важна, поскольку даже небольшой текст
в 125 слов может содержать в себе несколько разных мыслей, и их целесо­
образно отделить друг от друга более продолжительными паузами.
Во время подготовки и выполнения задания на чтение текста вслух важно
постоянно соблюдать лимит времени даже на тренировочных занятиях. Для
подготовки к чтению дается 1,5 минуты, а вслух текст нужно успеть четко и
осмысленно прочитать за 2 минуты.
Подготовка во время устного экзамена к условному диалогу-расспросу
процедурой не предусмотрена, так как с помощью этого задания проверяется
умение учащихся спонтанно и осмысленно реагировать на реплики партнера.
Поэтому подготовительная работа проводится в течение всего школьного
образовательного курса английского языка, а также в период целенаправ­
ленной подготовки к экзамену и формирования нужных тестовых умений.
Особенно следует тренировать речевую реакцию и „чувство времени'', так
как для спонтанного ответа на каждый вопрос дается не более 40 секунд. Эти
умения приходят с опытом.
Для подготовки к тематическому монологическому высказыванию вы ­
деляется 1,5 минуты, и этот лимит времени необходимо соблюдать во время
подготовительных занятий. За это время нужно успеть познакомиться с за­
данием, внимательно изучить и понять каждый из трех аспектов проблемы,
которые предстоит раскрыть в устном монологическом высказывании, и
наметить направления своих рассуждений. Полезно быстро подобрать не­
которые ключевые слова и выражения в соответствии с заданной темой. Во
время подготовительных занятий крайне важно развивать умение импрови­
зировать и говорить спонтанно. Ни в коем случае не следует тратить время
на заучивание готовых текстов. Задание по тематическому монологическому
высказыванию проверяет умение учащихся мыслить вслух, а не воспроизво­
дить тексты по памяти. Воспроизведение текстов наизусть чаще всего уводит
ученика от заданной темы, и коммуникативная задача остается нерешенной.
Следует систематически тренировать у учащихся умение успевать решать
коммуникативную задачу в течение 2 минут.
После того как процедура устной части экзамена будет закончена, полезно
вспомнить о тех трудностях, которые встретились. Разумеется, „слово не воробей“, и то, что сказано учеником на экзамене, изменить уже нельзя. Однако
следует помнить, что любое интеллектуальное испытание представляет собой
ценный жизненный опыт, и он может пригодиться в дальнейшем.
Автор будет благодарен учителям и учащимся за отзывы и пожелания об
этом учебном пособии и надеется выдержать свой экзамен перед учителями
и учащимися.
В соответствии с частью IV Гражданского кодекса РФ в данном издании использованы
© PhotoXPress.ru стр. 27, 33
© Фотобанк Лори стр. 3-11, 13-15, 17, 23-31
Учебное издание
Мильруд Радислав Петрович
ОГЭ. Английский язык
Устная часть. Тренировочные тесты
2-е издание, дополненное
Научный редактор К. С. Махмурян
Редактор О. А. Герасименко.
Корректоры Г. А. Киселева, Г. П. Мартыненко
Дизайн макета, верстка В. КиН, H. С. Вишенковой
Художественный редактор Е. А. Валяева
Подписано в печать 12.10.2016. Формат 60x84/8. Гарнитура “Minion Рго”.
Уел. печ. л. 6,53. Тир. 4 000 экз. Зак. № 1908
ЗАО „Издательство „Титул“ 249035, Калужская обл., г. Обнинск, а/я 5055.
Тел. (484) 399-10-09. E-mail: pochta@titul.ru (книга почтой), umk@titul.ru (оптовые покупатели).
Отпечатано в ОАО „Калужская типография стандартова.
248021, г. Калуга, ул. Московская, 256
чебное пособие содержиттренировочные тесты для подготовки к устной
части ОГЭ по английскому языку в новом формате. По тематике, уровню
сложности и формату тесты соответствуют экзаменационным заданиям.
Каждый тест посвящен отдельной теме, что позволяет учащимся повто­
рить пройденный материал и отработать необходимый лексический запас.
Тексты для чтения (задание 1) и вопросы телефонного опроса (зада­
ние 2) записаны в аудиоприложении. Для скачивания аудиоприложения
сканируйте OR-код вашим мобильным устройством или пройдите по ссылке
Рекомендуем при выполнении заданий ориентироваться на реальное
время подготовки (по 1,5 минуты для каждого задания). На выполнение
всех заданий на экзамене отводится 15 минут.
Пособие может использоваться как для занятий в группе, так и для ин­
дивидуальных занятий и самоподготовки. Дополнительная информация
и советы преподавателей - на портале www.englishteachers.ru
Учебное пособие „ОГЭ. Английский язык. Устная часть.
Тренировочные тесты“:
• рекомендуется в качестве дополнительного к любому учебнику
английского языка;
• расширяет содержание обучения английскому языку;
• помогает учащимся подготовиться к итоговой аттестации в 9 классе
и к олимпиадам по английскому языку;
• развивает универсальное умение школьников учиться самостоятельно.
Заказать продукцию издательства „Титул" можно любым
удобным для вас способом:
• по телефону: (484) 399-10-09,
• по e-mail: umk@titul.ru,
• по почте: 249035, Калужская обл., г. Обнинск, а/я 5055,
• в интернет-магазине:
https://www.englishteachers.ru/shop , www.titul.ru
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размещены на сайтах: www.titul.ru,www.englishteachers.ru