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Деловой иностранный язык 2

Автономная некоммерческая организация высшего образования
«Университет при Межпарламентской Ассамблее ЕврАзЭС»
Деловой иностранный язык
(наименование дисциплины)
Направление подготовки/Специальность___________________________
Квалификация выпускника_______________Бакалавр_________________________________
Направленность (профиль)_______________________
Форма обучения_________________________Очная, заочная_____________________________
(очная, очно-заочная, заочная)
2020 г.
1. Перечень основной и дополнительной учебной литературы, необходимой для
освоения дисциплины
Гришаева, Е.Б. Деловой иностранный язык : учебное пособие / Е.Б. Гришаева,
И.А. Машукова ; Министерство образования и науки Российской Федерации, Сибирский
Федеральный университет. - Красноярск : Сибирский федеральный университет, 2015. 192 с. : табл. - Библиогр. в кн. - ISBN 978-5-7638-3296-9 ; То же [Электронный ресурс]. - URL:
1. Миловидов, В.А. Новый английский для экономистов : учебное пособие / В.А.
Миловидов. - Москва ; Берлин : Директ-Медиа, 2015. - 617 с. : ил. - ISBN 978-5-44754818-6 ; [Электронный ресурс]. - URL: http://biblioclub.ru/index.php?page=book&id=426553
2. Шляхова, В.А. Английский язык для экономистов : учебник / В.А. Шляхова, О.Н.
Герасина, Ю.А. Герасина. - Москва : Издательско-торговая корпорация «Дашков и
К°», 2016. - 296 с. : табл. - (Учебные издания для бакалавров). - Библиогр. в кн. - ISBN
978-5-394-02222-7; [Электронный
7. Перечень ресурсов информационно-телекоммуникационной сети "Интернет",
справочных систем и профессиональных баз данных, необходимых для освоения
www. Oup. Com/elt
www. Cengage.com
СПС Консультант Плюс
ЭБС «Университетская библиотека Онлайн» http://biblioclub.ru/
ЭБС IPR BOOKS - www.iprbookshop.ru
2.Задания для самостоятельной работы
Вариант 1.
Продумайте резюме, учитывая следующие обязательные пункты:
Objective summary;
Education (Background); Personal;
Напишите собственную биографию (cv), пользуясь образцами.
Вариант 2.
Составьте факс-сообщение своей коллеге из Австралии с просьбой помочь вам в
планировании вашего визита, используя следующую информацию:
You are going on a business trip to Australia. Send a fax to your Australian colleague, Sally
Jones, to tell her about the arrangements. Ask her to make hotel bookings, hire a car for you and do all
the necessary preparations. Use the note below: Trip to Melbourne – November 7th 2006
*flight – BA 135T heathrow, London 1300; arrive Melbourne 0800 November 8th
*Hotel Ramada Inn – November 8th – 11th
*Visit regional offices – November 9th
*Visit Head office in Victoria – November 12th
*Flight BA 136F Victoria – November 13th To
*Transport from airport – Ramada Inn
*Hire car to go to regional offices – November 9th
*Hotel for night of November 12th – Victoria
Вариант 3.
Представьте, что Вы в Нью-Йорке хотите остановиться в отеле. Сформулируйте свои
ответы на реплики служащего (помните о американо-британских соответствиях): Clerk: Good
morning, sir. Can I help you?
You: Good morning. I would like to check into a single room.
Clerk: I’m sorry, sir. I’m afraid we have no single rooms available at the moment.
You: Ok....Maybe you have any available double rooms?
Clerk: Let me see… Yes, there are some double rooms.
You: How much does it cost?
Clerk: 20 dollars a night.
You: Is there anything cheaper?
Clerk: I’m afraid not. It’s the cheapest available.
You: Ok, thank you. I think it`s too expensive for me.
Clerk: You may try Europe Hotel. It’s two blocks down this street.
You: Thank you or advice. Goodbye.
Вариант 4.
Составьте следующие письма-запросы:
A letter to Professor K.J. Hackett, a lecturer of Columbia University and a well-known specialist
on American economy asking him to speak before a group of students. Describe the kind of group you
have, how many students are in it and how long you wish him to speak. Be sure to give the exact time
and place.
A short letter to Information Service, Post Office Department, Washington D.C. for one of these
pamphlets: “Natural Economy in the United States stamps” or “Postal Service for Businessmen”.
Выбираем один из вариантов и выполняем письменно по методичке
Выполняем тест
John … in North London right now
a) lives
b) has lived
c) is living
d) lived
… first name is Barbara.
a) She
b) Him
c) Her
d) He
How are you?
a) I’m 20
b) Fine, thanks!
c) How about you?
d) I’m Peter.
“… do you get to work?” “By bus.”
a) Where
b) Who
c) How
d) When
She … good recommendations.
a) ‘s
b) have
c) is
d) ‘s got
What company … for?
a) he works
b) does he work
c) he work
d) do he work
He … a representative of this company, but we ….
a) is/isn’t
b) isn’t/are
c) is/are
d) are/aren’t
They … here yesterday.
a) were
b) be
c) are
d) was
We had a meeting … Wednesday.
a) next
b) the
c) at
d) on
… you like some more coffee?
a) Are
b) Would
c) Do
d) Will
There’s only … paper in the printing machine.
a) a little
b) a lot
c) a few
d) a bit
He lives in … small town in … West of England.
a) one/b) the/the
c) a/the
d) -/the
“What … you …?” “I’m a businessman.”
a) are/doing
b) work/do
c) do/do
d) is/job
… people came to the fund raising party?
a) How many
b) There are
c) How much
d) Did
Excuse me, … a bank near here?
a) there is
b) is it
c) itis
d) is there
France is …. England
a) bigger that
b) more big than
c) bigger than (тут изначально не было буквы r в конце слова bigger, я дописала,
иначе не было бы вообще правильного ответа)
d) bigger as
“… your report yet?” “No, but I’ll do it next week.”
a) Finished you
b) Did you finish
c) Have you finished
d) Did you finished
Wine … from grapes.
a) make
b) is made
c) makes
d) is making
Can I have … water, please?
a) some
b) small
c) one
d) are you
How old … when you graduated from the university.
a) were you
b) will you be
c) have you been
d) are you
Karen … a newspaper every day.
a) is buying
b) buys
c) don’t buy
d) buys not
Mark … here since last Friday.
a) was
b) has been
c) is
d) will be
…. anything on Saturday evening?
a) will you do
b) are you doing
c) what are you doing
d) do you make
… four cups of coffee this morning, and it’s only 9 o’clock.
a) I’ve had
b) I had
c) I have
d) I drink
I … a presentation so I didn’t hear the phone.
a) have made
b) made
c) was making
d) had made
Tomorrow is Sunday so I … get up early.
a) mustn’t
b) haven’t
c) don’t need
d) don’t have to
She asked me …
a) not to smoke
b) don’t smoke
c) not smoke
d) to not smoke
“Oh, no! My car’s been stolen.” “Don’t panic … the police.”
a) I call
b) I called
c) I’ll call
d) I go to call
When … her?
a) have you seen
b) did you last see
c) last you saw
d) you saw
I've looked through the reports. They bet, prices … soon.
a) falls
b) fall
c) goes to fall
d) ‘re going to fall.
If we lose this client, we … to declare bankruptcy.
a) would have
b) must
c) had
d) will have
“Why are you red in the face?” “I …”
a) was running
b) have been running
c) ran
d) have run
I … here for over half an hour and not a bus in sight.
a) would have
b) have been waiting
c) wait
d) was waiting
Everybody has his or her umbrella up – it … raining.
a) will probably
b) can be
c) must be
d) shall be
This office looks terrible. It … decorated for years.
a) hasn’t been
b) can’t be
c) needs to be
d) is being
He never participates in tenders and …
a) so do I
b) neither his partner
c) me too
d) neither does his partner
Unless you … harder, you won’t fulfill the contract.
a) work
b) will work
c) don’t work
d) won’t work
If you’re feeling tired, you … home.
a) had better go
b) should
c) would better go
d) won’t work
They wouldn’t have been so angry if you … them the truth.
a) would tell
b) had told
c) would have told
d) were telling
When I worked for that company, the director … me have a part-time job.
a) never let
b) wouldn’t allow
c) didn’t allow
d) never agreed
If you start a business in this sphere, you may have to … with the competitors’ threats.
a) used to cope
b) get used to cope
c) be used to cope
d) get used to coping
At no time … to help us.
a) didn’t he offer
b) he has offered
c) he offered
d) did he offer
I wish I … leave this city.
a) wouldn’t
b) hadn’t to
c) didn’t have to
d) don’t have to
You will have to … some complaints here.
a) deal to
b) deal off
c) deal with
d) deal in
The company wanted to … shop in London and New York.
a) make up
b) set up
c) cu tup
d) raise up
Although they don’t have much money they manage to …
a) get over
b) get through
c) get by
d) get down
They’re planning a new road and our present headquarters are to be …
a) knocked off
b) knocked over
c) knocked up
d) knocked down
Let’s wait … the prices stop falling.
a) unless
b) if
c) until
d) before
The train … the station when we came.
a) had already leave
b) already eft
c) had already left
d) has already left
These clothes … in France.
a) make
b) have been made
c) made
d) has made