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Literary Terms

Seve Barrameda
English Literary Terms
action: psychological, emotion and physical happenings in a story
allusion: a reference to a person place or event
analogy: comparison of ideas and objects with one thing in common
antagonist: the force or opponent that opposes the protagonist
anticlimax: disappointing ending
aside: a remark made by one character but only heard by the audience
atmosphere: the overall feeling given by mood and setting
characterization: development of a character by what he or she says and what others say about him/her
climax: highpoint or turning point of the action
coincidence: the chance of occurrence of two events at the same time
conflict: a struggle between opposing forces, ideas or beliefs.
-inner: struggle between heart and mind of protagonist
-outer: struggle between protagonist and outer force
contrast: bringing images, ideas or characters to show difference
denouement: (AKA falling action or resolution) unraveling of plot in which writer explains how and why things
turned out as it did
dialect: speech of a region class or group of people
dialogue: printed conversation
didactic: designed to teach
dynamic character: one who changes during a story
episode: event or set of events that make up the plot
exposition: background information
falling action: denouement
flashback: when the writer interrupts the main action to show something that came before.
foil: a character that is contrasted to another
foreshadowing: giving hints and clues to show what will come later
idiom: language of region or group of people
image/imagery: mental pictures in the reader’s mind
incident: minor event
irony: unexpected outcome
locale: place
metaphor: comparison of two unlike things without using like or as
monologue: a long speech by one character
mood: state of mind created by writer
moral: lesson
motivation: the cause or reason the character acts the way he/she does
parody: humorous imitation
personification: giving human qualities to a non-human thing
plot: series of related events that make up the action
protagonist: main character who faces a problem and in trying to solve it becomes part of a conflict with the
realism: showing situations and events as they really are
resolution: falling action or denouement
rising action: series of events before climax in which main conflict is developed
romanticism: showing people situations or events as the other imagines them to be
satire: making fun of individuals or institutions
scene: short episode in which time or place change
setting: time and place
simile: comparison of two things using like or as
soliloquy: long speech in which a character is thinking out loud
stage direction: words in italics which tell actors what to do
static character: one that does not change
stereotype: the character that acts as people expect to act
style: choice of words of a writer
suspense: a feeling of excitement of what is to come
symbol: object that stands for something
theme: main idea or message
tone: author’s attitude of his or her subject
tragedy: when the protagonist has a moral struggle and is defeated because of a flaw in his or her personality.