Внеклассное занятие: “A healthy way of life” Предмет: Английский язык Класс: 7-8 классы Тип занятия: Практикум Цель урока: Обобщение и систематизация знаний учащихся по теме «Здоровый образ жизни». Задачи: Развивать навыки монологической и диалогической речи. Совершенствовать навык письма. Воспитывать внимательное отношение к своему здоровью. Воспитывать культуру общения. Оборудование: доска, аудиозапись песни «Penguin Dance», раздаточный материал: Приложение 1, Приложение 2, Приложение 3, Приложение 4; картинки по теме «ЗОЖ» Ход занятия 1. Организационный момент: Приветствие, представление, определение настроения учащихся Teacher: Good morning, dear children! Pupils: Good morning, dear teacher! Teacher: Take your seats, please. I’m glad to see you today. How are you? Pupils: We are fine, thanks. And you? Teacher: I’m OK, too. Thank you. 2.Мотивационно-целевой этап - T: Look at the blackboard, read the British proverb and guess what it is about. (На классной доске записана британская поговорка о здоровье: Early to bed and early to rise makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise - Кто рано ложится и рано встает, здоровье, богатство и ум наживет) T: What Russian proverbs about health do you know? P1: Здоровье дороже денег. – (Health is better than wealth.) P2: В здоровом теле – здоровый дух. – (A sound mind in a sound body.) P3: Курить- здоровью вредить. – (Smoking is dangerous for your health.) T: Can you guess, what are you going to speak about today? P: At our lesson we are going to speak about our Health. T: As you know "Health is the greatest wealth". Nowadays the problems of our health become very important. If we want to be healthy we must follow special advices. Do you know how to be healthy? I hope you are ready for the work. 3. Практический этап. 1) Фонетическая зарядка: T: Find the Russian equivalents for these English words. Приложение 1 (Работа в парах) Herbal tea Травяной чай to put a plaster on Приклейте пластырь to eat garlic Ешьте Чеснок to eat fruits Ешьте фрукты to check the temperature Измеряйте температуру Keep a diet Соблюдайте диету A broken leg Сломанная нога A broken arm Сломанная рука Don't worry! Не волнуйтесь to call a doctor Позвонить доктору What’s the matter? Что случилось? Follow my advice. Следуйте моему совету 2) Дай совет. T: Read the situation and give a piece of advice. (На карточках даны заболевания и советы. Учащиеся сопоставляют карточки и озвучивают. Работа в парах. Приложение 2) a) What should people do if they have a headache? Student 1: If they have a headache they should go to bed, take some medicine and air the room. c) What should people do if they have a toothache? Student 2: If they have a toothache they should/must take some medicine and go to the doctor. e) What should people do if they have got a cold? Student 3: If they have got a cold, they must go to bed, drink warm milk with honey. 3) Ролевая игра “At the doctor” T: Make a dialogue, using the given phrases. (Работа в парах. Приложение 3) DOCTOR What's the matter with you? What about your appetite? Take the medicine. You should stay in bed. Take the tablets three times a day after meal. Come and see me on Monday. PATIENT I have got a terrible headache. I don't want anything. Goodbye, doctor, and thank you very much. Patient Good morning, doctor! -I’ve got a cut. -Thank you, doctor! Good bye! Doctor -Good morning! What’s the matter? -You must put a plaster on it. -Good bye! T: Let’s listen your dialogues. 4) T: I think you need a break. Let’s have a rest. (Звучит аудиозапись песни «Penguin Dance») 5) T: Are you a healthy kid? Answer my questions and write Yes or No. (Анкетирование) Do you eat apples? Do you eat carrots and cabbage? Do you run and play in the park and in the forest? Do you clean your teeth in the morning? Do you sleep well? 4-5- Yes- You are healthy! 2-3- Yes- Don’t be lazy! 1- Yes - Go to the doctor! 6) Повторение грамматического материала (употребление модального глагола should/shouldn’t Работа в группе Приложение 4). T: Let’s make Health Code. 1. You ... eat vegetables and fruit. 2. You ... drink hot milk and honey. 3. You ... eat unfresh food. 4. You ... sleep 8 hours a day. 5. You ... get wet in rainy weather. 6. You ... do morning exercises. 7. You ... walk too much in cold weather. 8. You ... drink cold water. 9. You ... air the room. 10.You ... consult a doctor every 3 months. 11.You ... drink much coffee. 12.You ... eat a lot of sweets (salt). 13.You ... watch TV too much. 7) Активизация письменных навыков учащихся (индивидуально) T: Compose cinquain “A healthy way of life”. Do you remember how write cinquain? (Приложение 5) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. “A healthy way of life”. 2 adjectives 3 verbs Phrase Synonym 8) T: Are you tired? Put your hands on the desk, sit straight, close your eyes, breathe quietly, relax, please! Imagine: you are healthy and wealthy. Your eyes are shining. Your skin is healthy. You have a good figure and a good gait. You have a trained body and good biceps. Open your eyes! How are you? What else can you say about yourself? 9) T: Listen the statements and say true or false. (работа в группе) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. All foods are good for you. Vitamins and minerals help you to keep healthy. Fruit and vegetables are full of sugar and fat. Sweets, chips and coke keep you healthy. You should eat a variety of foods to stay healthy and grow big and strong. 4. Рефлексивный этап. T: So, today we’ve spoken about our health. What should we do to be healthy? I’m pleased with your work today. Thank you very much. Good-bye. Don’t worry! Be healthy! Литература: 1. Дзюина Е.В. Игровые уроки и внеклассные мероприятия на английском языке. 5-9 классы. М.: ВАКО, 2013 2. Смирнов Н.К. Здоровьесберегающие образовательные технологии в современной школе. - М.: АПК и ПРО , 2002. – 121 стр. 3. Материалы Интернет-сайтов: http://udmteach.ru; http://nsportal.ru; http://festival.1september.ru Приложение 1 Herbal tea Травяной чай to put a plaster on Приклейте пластырь to eat garlic Ешьте Чеснок to eat fruits Ешьте фрукты to check the Измеряйте temperature температуру Keep a diet Соблюдайте диету A broken leg Сломанная нога A broken arm Сломанная рука Don't worry! Не волнуйтесь to call a doctor Позвонить доктору What’s the Что случилось? matter? Follow my advice. Следуйте моему совету Приложение 2 a headache a toothache a cold should go to bed, take some medicine; air the room should take some medicine go to the dentist; must go to bed drink warm milk with honey;to call a doctor Приложение 3 DOCTOR What's the matter with you? What about your appetite? Take the medicine. You should stay in bed. Take the tablets three times a day after meal. Come and see me on Monday. PATIENT I have got a terrible headache. I don't want anything. Goodbye, doctor, and thank you very much. PATIENT Good morning, doctor! -I’ve got a cut. -Thank you, doctor! Good bye! DOCTOR -Good morning! What’s the matter? -You must put a plaster on it. -Good bye! Приложение 4 "Should /shouldn’t". 1. You ... eat vegetables and fruit. 2. You ... drink hot milk and honey. 3. You ... eat unfresh food. 4. You ... sleep 8 hours a day. 5. You ... get wet in rainy weather. 6. You ... do morning exercises. 7. You ... walk too much in cold weather. 8. You ... drink cold water. 9. You ... air the room. 10.You ... consult a doctor every 3 months. 11.You ... drink much coffee. 12.You ... eat a lot of sweets (salt). 13.You ... watch TV too much. Приложение 5 (синквейны учащихся) 1. A healthy way of life Merry, nice Rest, eat, help You should eat vegetables and fruit Healthy people 2. A healthy way of life Strong, happy Run, jump, swim Health is the greatest wealth A life 3. A healthy way of life Strong, Siberian, Run, do, use I run everyday A life! 4. A healthy way of life Active, healthy. Formed achieved supported. A sound mind in a sound body Healthy children 5. A healthy way of life Strong, priceless Helps, develops, adds Health is the greatest wealth Wealth! https://magic.piktochart.com/output/17231286-newpiktochart?presentation=true https://magic.piktochart.com/output/17231286-newpiktochart?presentation=true ссылка