ADDITIONAL MATERIALS on unit 18 (Vereshchagina, Afanasyeva 5

on unit 18 (Vereshchagina, Afanasyeva 5th grade)
1. Write an essay to your choice about:
a) the geographical position of the UK;
b) the political system of the UK.
2. Write a postcard to your friend from Edinburgh, Scotland. You are
staying in London and want to meet him. Invent his address and put it
down on the postcard.
3. Read the text “Mr. Martin” from unit 18 and answer the questions.
1. What was Mr. Martin interested in?
2. What was his neighbour?
3. Why did he stay at home when it was cold?
4. How often did he visit his doctor?
5. What did Mr. Martin think of his health state?
4. Logically reconstruct the text choosing the right order of its parts:
a) Some of the Roman cities had baths. They were fine and beautiful.
Even one of the former Roman cities is called Bath. The baths are still kept
and used there.
b) J. Caesar landed in Britain in 54 BC. But the Romans settled in
Britain only a hundred years later. The Romans were famous for building
roads and cities. Some of their roads are still used as the main roads in
England of today.
c) The Roman cities were very beautiful. They had central heating.
They also had stone walls and floors. The floors were decorated with
pictures. One of such pictures is the picture of the dancing girl from a villa
in Sussex.
5. Read the text and choose the right answer.
The History of the Olympic Games
The Olympic Games began their history in 776 BC at the Olympia in
Greece. They were meant to find the quickest, the strongest and the smartest
of all. Different kinds of sport were included into the Games: running,
wrestling, fighting, jumping and others. They took place every fourth year
and lasted more than a thousand years.
Only athletes from Greece were allowed to take part in the
competitions. Women and children were not allowed even to watch the
games. The period between each games was known as “Olympiad”.
The Greek Olympic Games stopped in 394 AD. They were restarted in
1894 by Barron Pierre de Coubertin, a Frenchman. He invited people from
15 countries to take part in the competitions. The Games themselves took
place in Athens two years later.
1. The Games have such a name as …
a. they started in Greece
b. they first took part in Olympia
c. they began in 776 BC
The Games were meant for …
a. athletes from Olympia
b. Greek athletes from all over the country
c. Greek women and children
Those who could come and watch were …
a. women and children
b. athletes from Greece
c. men from any country
Olympiad was known as …
a. a number of years between the games
b. a number of different games
c. a number of sport competitions
The modern Games began again in …
a. the 19th century
b. 394 AD
c. 776 BC
The modern Games included athletes from …
a. France and Greece
b. Athens and Coubertin
c. Different countries
The Olympic Games were invented to identify …
a. the best in everything
b. the best in sports
c. the best in Greece
6. Match the articles with their titles:
At table
Political system
A. Sometimes people do not even know the names of their body.
There are those who find it difficult to show their shoulder blade
correctly. But of course everyone knows where his nose is.
B. When you are ill you think only of the bad. The usual things you
do everyday seem so difficult and you feel terrible because of it.
Nothing can change your mood up to the moment you start to
C. I have never thought it is so hard to learn how to use forks and
spoons and knives properly. There are so many of them. You
should remember which is served with what. And glasses! There is
a glass for water, a glass for wine, a glass for campaign. Can you
imagine that?
D. You never know what to say about the duties of the House of
Lords. They are sure to have some. It is very much said about their
right to abolish laws they have their session but what do they really
discuss there, I wonder?
E. They invent new kinds of sports every day. I think we have
enough. Sometimes we cannot even guess that it is an officially
established kind of sports. In fact most people are used to
traditional games known since their childhood and now they call
them sports.
7. Match the articles with their titles.
Keeping fit
Finding the way
A. It is a new drug produced abroad if I am not mistaken in
Japan. Now they are fighting for this part of the market. It is a
pain killer and you can also use it as a remedy for
stomachache. It is produced in the form of pills of the yellow
colour. You can find it only in our drugstore.
B. - Excuse me can you help me?
- Yes, sure. What is the problem?
- Is there a bank near here?
- As far as I know yes. Two blocks from here.
- How can I get there?
- You’d better take a bus. No. 21 runs there. You will get off
at the next stop but one and there you will see a white
building with a green sign “Bank”.
- Thank you.
- Welcome.
C. - Is it hot outside?
- I think yes. I find such weather hot. It is thirty degrees above
- Having a conditioner you never feel it. Is it really so hot?
- Yes, and the sky is absolutely clear. There is no cloud so
there will be no rain.
- You never know. Let’s hope for the better.
D. There are several mountain chains in Scotland. In fact
Scotland is famous for its mountains. One of the highest
peaks, Ben Nevis, is situated in the Grampians which are in
the north of the country. Only in Scotland there are
mountainous lands called the Highlands.
E. – Have ever been on a diet? – No, this is not my cup of tea. I
usually do exercises twice a week. It is enough for me to be in
good form. Once I tried to starve. I took only water that day
but I don’t feel like repeating that experience again in my life.
8. Give the four forms of the following verbs and translate them.
infinitive past simple
participle II
9. Make the required questions:
participle I
I have been there twice and I liked it very much. (Who…)
There are two books and a pen on the table. (What…)
I am very good at history. (Disjunctive)
Peter used to swim a lot. (General)
It is 30 degrees below zero outside. (Alternative)
10. Make the right choice:
1. The weather … nice all these days.
a. is
b. have
c. has been
d. was
2. My mom likes this book. So …
a. my dad is
b. is my dad
c. likes my dad
d. does my dad
3. Excuse me, … you show me the way to the post office?
a. shall
b. can
c. could
d. will
4. This coast is washed … the Atlantic Ocean.
a. with
b. by
c. over
d. near
5. … Queen Elizabeth is Head of the UK.
a. a
b. the
c. –
d. some
6. What … nice hair you have.
a. a
b. your
c. –
d. the
7. When he … on the phone he saw that the door was open.
a. was talking
b. has been talking
c. talked
d. used to talk
8. She repeated twice that she … already the book they were talking
was reading
had read
would read
9. You … never do it again. It is dangerous for your life.
a. must
b. should
c. ought
d. can
10. He …: “I’ll be back very soon.”
a. told me
b. said to me
c. spoke to me
d. talked to me
11. He said honestly that he couldn’t ride … a horse.
a. on
b. over
c. down
d. –
12. Is it … book you are looking for?
a. –
b. your
c. a
d. the
13. He came home, cooked dinner but was too tired and … to bed.
a. goes
b. went
c. had gone
d. has gone
14. He said he would go to Egypt …
a. in two days
b. two days ago
c. two days later
d. two days before
15. They informed us that your advice … up to the moment.
a. is
b. was
c. were
d. are
11. Open the brackets to complete the story:
It (be)1 dinner time. My sister, Alice, (give) 2 me some soup and meat with
rice for the second course. She also let me (have) 3 a piece of cake with milk.
Then I (have) 4 (do) 5 homework which I (hate) 6 very much. I (be) 7 not a
good student. The only subject I really (like) 8 (be) 9 literature. Nevertheless I
(begin) 10 with math. When I (do) 11 some sums mother (come) 12 back
home. I (be) 13 happy as I (see) 14 not her the whole day.
8. _________________________
9. _________________________
10. _________________________
11. _________________________
12. _________________________
13. _________________________
14. _________________________
12. Express the same in English:
1. – У вас есть какое-нибудь средство от головной боли? Мой
мальчик болен. Он страдает от головной боли уже несколько
дней. – У нас есть прекрасные медикаменты от головной боли.
Вы можете взять таблетки или микстуру. Но лучше
посоветоваться с врачом.
2. Сядьте прямо и ведите себя должным образом. За столом не
кричат и не махают руками. Воду надо наливать в стакан,
который стоит перед вами. Когда едите, держите вилку в левой
руке, а нож в правой. Десерт едят в последнюю очередь. Вы
можете попросить чаю, тогда принесут чайник и чашку для вас.
Когда стол сервируют, их не ставят на стол.
3. Чтобы похудеть, нужно придерживаться диеты
и больше
двигаться. Начните с фруктовой диеты. Она не включает мясо, но
зато вы можете есть много фруктов и овощей. Вы также можете
использовать молочные продукты два раза в неделю. Если у вас
есть время, то бегайте или по утрам или по вечерам. Это очень
полезно для вашего здоровья.
4. Официально главой Соединенного Королевства является
Елизавета вторая, но она не обладает реальной властью. Она не
принадлежит ни к одной партии, хотя она может поддерживать
интересы любой из них. Королева участвует в работе парламента,
в высшей его палате. Она может назначать новых перов, которые
обладают этим титулом в течение своей жизни.
5. Соединенное Королевство, которое включает Шотландию,
Англию, Уэльс и Северную Ирландию, расположено на
Британских островах, поэтому его считают островным
государством. Когда-то Британские острова были частью
континента, а теперь они омываются Английским проливом,
самая узкая часть которого называется Дувровским проливом как
и сам город. Северная Ирландия отделена от Великобритании
Ирландским морем, которое омывает и Ирландскую республику.
13. Fill in the prepositions where necessary:
1. Are you really … a diet? You should keep … it then. You have just
eaten a cake which is made … flour and sugar.
2. I cannot get … a bicycle. It is too high … me. Can you help me … it?
3. I’d like to compliment you … your new costume. It suits … you
perfectly. I really mean … it.
4. It is … my power to fulfill your task. It is not included … my duties.
You should offer this job … somebody else.
5. Will you come … the room? Sit …, please. Could you take … your
shirt I will examine … your lungs and listen … your heart.
14. Correct mistakes in the given transcription:
bicycle ['baiskl]
dairy ['deiri]
cream ['krim]
parliament ['pɑliəmənt]
permanent ['pεmənənt]
lawyer ['lɔjə]
royal ['rɔjəl]
power ['paυer]
aristocrat [ə'ristɔkrət]
politician [pɔli'tiʃn]
isles ['als]
language ['ləngwidg]
country ['kuntri]
shoulder ['ʃouldə]
earache ['iəreik]
immediately [i'midiətli]
cough ['kɔf]
tongue ['tang]
excite [ik'sait]
seriously ['siriəsli]
15. Group the words according to the sounds.
World, quarter, while, type, try, photo, friend, neck, her, nurse, kind, sense,
storm, weather, whole, island, skirt, turn, water, straw, throat, though,
wealth, sauce, toe.
16. Make new words suitable to the context:
Many people still write to their 1__________________
characters. They may like the book so much that they believe that its
characters are real. They are mostly 2___________________ _______ child
especially from abroad. They send letters to Robin Hood, Sherlock Holmes
and some 3 ______________________________________________ other.
Children trust them and believe that they are strong and marked by
4 _______________________________________________________ kind
and 5 __________________________________________________ ready
to help. They are able to leave somewhat 6 _____________________ forget
impression on 7____________________________________________ read
which consider them capable of everything. It is a very 8 _____ understand
situation when people try to find help in every way.
17. Group the words according to their part of speech:
Industry, saint, throat, serious, silly, consist, especially, royal, examine, very,
delay, pain, hardly, hurt, dull, law, show, ever, regularly, lie.
18. Spell the given Russian words in English:
1. велосипед____________________________________
2. температура____________________________________
3. кашель____________________________________
4. аристократ____________________________________
5. определенный____________________________________
6. творог____________________________________
7. зубная паста____________________________________
8. аптекарь____________________________________
9. глотать____________________________________
10. серьезно____________________________________
11. язык____________________________________
12. давление____________________________________
13. медицина____________________________________
14. власть____________________________________
15. адвокат____________________________________
16. неосторожно____________________________________
17. особенно____________________________________
18. промышленный____________________________________
19. святой____________________________________
20. королевство____________________________________
19. Spell the words according to the given transcription:
[simbl] _____________________
[ətlntik] ___________________
] ________________________
[skɒtiʃ] _____________________
[ilekt] ______________________
[ləυnli] _____________________
n] _____________________
[prins] ______________________
[tɒpik] _____________________
[hed] _______________________
[pɒlisi] _____________________
20. Read the story and give the main idea of it:
One day Mr. Bell went to see his doctor and ask for advice. Mr. Bell
had been sick and suffered from regular pains in his stomach. He had to keep
to a diet without sugar and meat.
The doctor wasn’t in his office at the moment and Mr. Bell decided to
go to the chemist’s as the doctor often spent his time there. He bought
different medicines for his patients who were seriously ill. When Mr. Bell
entered the chemist’s shop he saw the doctor. He was choosing some pills
either for a headache or for some other disease.
The doctor noticed Mr. Bell immediately and they greeted each other.
They started to talk about the weather. Mr. Bell thought that it was going to
rain as a cold wind was blowing and it was getting bitterly cold. The doctor
said it was rather warm for that season though he agreed that it might rain at
any time.
They talked about their neighbours, about fishing and the political
situation in the country and then went home. When Mr. Bell was lying in his
bed, half asleep, he remembered that he had wanted to ask the doctor for