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So you know all necessary information to stay there and also you should know the places which you can
visit. I will tell you about the most interesting events and beautiful places in this country.
The Almaty region is the most visited region of the country. despite the fact that Astana is the capital of
Kz, in my opinion Almaty is more beautiful and cool city. I think it is the best city in the country.
The natural diversity of the Almaty region is amazing. The name Almaty means comes from the Kazakh
name ‘Alma-Ata’, which means ‘father of apples’. According to a legend the Almaty region is the
birthplace of the first apple on earth.
Big Almaty Lake is the most famous and recognizable lake in Kazakhstan. The reason for the formation
of the lake was a major earthquake.
The Ile-Alatau National Park is a beautiful national park located in the Trans-Ile Alatau mountains south
of Almaty.