Презентация "Британская и Татарская кухни"

British and Tatar
Fish & Chips
Sometimes gravy sause is poured on a
plate of beef, roast potatoes and
The words “Roast beef” and “beefsteak” are of
the Anglo-Saxon origin and you can see
these words on the menu in many
restaurants the world over.
The native land of the curry sauce was India. At
the end of the XVIII century recipes of it were
brought from India by the British and from
England it has extended worldwide.
“Curry on rice” is often prepared in
Japanese homes and school
canteens and it has become a
favorite national dish in Japan.
The most popular fast food “curry sausage” was invented
by Herta Heuwer from Western Berlin in 1949 when she
asked the British soldiers to give her ketchup and a curry
powder. She mixed all components and poured it on a
pork sausage. From that time on “curry sausage” has
become the most popular Berlin fast food which is on sale
almost everywhere.
It is interesting to note that the cuisine of
Zimbabwe is a mixture of a soft British and a
heavy African food.
Fried potatoes are served
with a piece of fish and
acetic sauce.
We can’t ignore the fact that the British
cheese is the pride of the inhabitants of
the United Kingdom. The noble “Blue
Stilton”, the gentle young cheese “White
Stilton” and the hard “Cheddar” have
unique flavors and are known all over the
Chocolate from the Cadbury Company is
known everywhere.
Whisky is of the Scottish origin but
now we can find different kinds of it in
many countries and London dry gin is
imported to many countries.
Tea has been great favorites with many of the British
for years but in reality the first lovers of this drink
were actually people from Portugal. Catherine, the
wife of the king Charles II, brought some tea from
Lisbon and very soon it became the national drink in
Britain. In the old days tea was brought mostly from
the former English colonies. But this happens less
now than in the past, nowadays it is more often
brought from China.
The Tatar cuisine is a result of the historical
development of the nation, its geographical
location, long relationship with neighbors
and trade partners. Tatar dishes require
patience and special spirit. Recipes of
many of them have not changed for ages.
If you taste traditional Tatar meals
you will find it abundant and
extremely tasty.
The well-known national pastry “ChakChak” is always an occasion and
adornment of any festive table. Golden
pyramid of small balls is made of fried
wheat dough redolent of honey. It’s very
tasty and ,of course, worth trying .
Компания "Бахетле" была основана в 1991 году в Казани, в 1998
году открыла первый супермаркет. В настоящее время сеть
"Бахетле" объединяет 16 магазинов. Супермаркет домашней
еды "Бахетле" разместился на минус первом этаже
реконструированного "Военторга" на Воздвиженке в Москве.
Здание "Военторга" было построено в 1910-1913 годах
архитектором Сергеем Залесским по заказу Экономического
общества офицеров. В 2008 году основным владельцем здания
стала группа компаний "Нафта Ко" бизнесмена Сулеймана
Thank you!