ГОУ СОШ №306 с углубленным изучением английского языка

ГОУ СОШ №306 с углубленным изучением английского языка
г. Санкт-Петербурга
Наследие Викторианской эпохи
Учитель английского языка Чеснокова Ольга Анатольевна
2010 г.
Единый государственный экзамен по английскому языку стал причиной
волнений, тревог и споров для тысяч учащихся по всей России, их родителей
и учителей. Жаркие дискуссии о целесообразности введения этого экзамена
остались в прошлом — ЕГЭ по английскому языку превратился из
гипотетической возможности в объективную реальность.
В последнее время все чаще стала появляться информация о введении
итоговых испытаний в новом формате для 4-х и 9-х классов. Данные
упражнения помогут учителям и учащимся отработать навыки аудирования,
чтения и письма у учащихся основной школы. Задания составлены на основе
материалов проектной работы «Наследие Викторианской эпохи» и могут
быть использованы при изучении темы «Королевский Лондон» (сфера
общения «Англия», 6 класс, УМК О.В.Верещагина, И.В.Михеева).
Задание 1. Прослушайте текст и заполните таблицу.
English Tea History
If you are cold, tea will warm you.
If you are too heated, it will cool you.
If you are depressed, it will cheer you.
If you are excited, it will calm you.
Sir William Gladstone
Prime Minister of the United Kingdom, 19th century
Many stories end with a marriage, this story is different. It starts with a marriage…
In 1662, Prince Charles II married the Portuguese Princess, Catherine of Braganza.
The princess was very fond of tea and soon this new drink became very popular.
After Charles II became king, a drink of the foreign princess became the Drink of
the Queen. Tea was a real success first among aristocracy, and then among other
English citizens. The popularity was formed slowly but forever.
In 1706, on the Strand, in London, Thomas Twining opened Tom’s Coffee House
— where one could buy not only coffee but also tea. Thomas Twining started a
wide retail trade in tea and provided great masses of English ladies with the access
to the fashionable drink. These masses, actually, formed the phenomenon known
as the English tea tradition.
At that time one of the most popular tea was Earl Grey.The Earl Grey blend is
named after the 2nd Earl Grey, British Prime Minister who received a gift, of tea
flavoured with bergamot oil. According to the legend, a grateful Chinese mandarin
whose son was rescued from drowning by one of Lord Grey's men presented the
blend to the Earl, who gave the recipe of it to Twinings in 1832.
While gentlemen were at war, conquering vast expanses of the sea, and creating
the Great British Empire, ladies created a wonderful means of human
communication — the English tea party. While Charles Darwin was busy creating
his Theory of Evolution in 1839, his wife Emily was busy creating her famous
recipe book with different recipes of cakes and puddings for tea.
In 1840 the most beautiful part of English tea history started. Anna Maria
Stanhope, the 7th Duchess of Bedford, completely formed the English tea tradition,
and invented afternoon tea — tea between lunch and dinner, accompanied with
refined conversation, sweet gossip and fine etiquette.
By the end of the 1840-s, the forming of the Tea Britain was over and tea became
an element of the English and European mass culture.
Historical Facts
Задание 2. Определите, какие из приведенных утверждений являются
верными (True), неверными (False) и какие не содержат достаточной
информации для определения истинности содержания (Don’ know).
Queen Victoria
1. Queen Victoria was born on 24 May 1819 in Windsor Palace.
2. She was the first English monarch to live in Buckingham Palace.
3. She came to the throne in 1837 and was crowned in St. Paul’s cathedral in
4. In 1852 in London there was opened the Great Exhibition which was visited
by 6 million people within 6 months.
5. In 1849 Queen Victoria donated 2000 sterling pounds to starving people in
6. By the end of the 19th century the British Empire was the most powerful
state in the world.
7. Last years of her life Queen Victoria lived in Osborne house on the Isle of
8. Queen Victoria’s contemporaries respected and admired her for all she did
for her country.
Задание 3. Установите соответствие тем A- F с текстами 1-5. Используйте
каждую букву только один раз. В задании есть одна тема лишняя.
. Where Did They Come From
A. Gas Stoves
B. Bicycles
C. Underground Railways
D. Power Station
E. Loudspeakers
F. Telephone
1. For a long time people were thinking about different vehicles. There was one of
them which attracted a lot of their attention. In 1818 a strange device with two
wheels appeared in Europe. It didn't have any pedals and was pushed by feet. Only
21 years later Scottish blacksmith Kirkpatrick Macmillan made the first real kind
of transport which later was called “a boneshaker”. Now there are more than 300
models of these devices in the world.
2. Our world is the world of modern conveniences. It was a small town of
Goldaming which in 1881 opened the era of hydroelectric power stations. Two
English workers Calder and Barrett were first to light the streets of their native
town with lamps which were not gas ones. And now about 5 million kilowatt of
this energy is demanded for our city every year.
3.Every morning we go to the kitchen, turn on the gas and in a few minutes our
breakfast is ready. Since 1826 these kitchen appliances have helped us to prepare
food though they have changed their design a lot. It took 54 years to make this
technology a commercial success. Nowadays about 12 world famous plants
produce these Victorian gadgets.
4. Bicycles were not only one kind of transport in the 19th century. In 1863 the first
line of this railway came into being and now it is the fastest way of traveling in any
5. In 1898 another essential device was made. It was a gadget which nowadays is
necessary in our music centers, players and also TVs. It was worked out by British
scientist Oliver Lodge. A model of his invention is on display in the British
Science Museum in South Kensington.
Задание 4 Прочитайте предложения и заполните пропуски.
Victorian Petersburg
1. Matthew Clark (1776 – 1846) was the supervis__ of the plant and the first
direct___ of the Alexander steel factory from 1826 to 1842.
2. The locomotives of G.Stephenson‘s system were import__ in 1837 for the
first Russian railway. The English locomotives prove__ to be the most
suitable for Russia: they work__ in bitter frost, snowstorms and rain.
3. James Thornton founded ___ factory in 1841 and it was ___ most
“English” enterprise in ___ Russian capital with workshops, residential
houses, food-store and a church.
4. J. Essen-Steinbock-Fermor, a descend__ of the Scot____ family, was the
founder of the Russian Passage. “Passage”, including a restaurant, a hotel
and a concert hall with perman__ orchestra and gypsy choir, was opened
in 1848.
5. Mark McPherson (1804 – 1879) was the founder ___ the plant, known
___ “The Baltic mechanical and construction plant of Carr and
McPherson”. It was opened ___ 1857.
6. A special exposition, devoted __ the 200th anniversary ___ Charles
Darwin (12 February 1809 – 19 April 1882) – the creator of the Evolution
Theory, was ___ display in Darwin center in Zoological museum.
7. The palace ___ owned by a grandson of Alexander II, the great prince
Boris. It ___ a present from his godmother - Queen Victoria and ___ built
by English workers and with English materials in 1896-1897
Правильные ответы.
Задание 1. Прослушайте текст и заполните таблицу.
English Tea History
Historical Facts
Prince Charles II married the Portuguese Princess, Catherine of
Braganza. The princess was very fond of tea and accustomed her
royal spouse to this new drink. At that time tea was mostly known
as a medicinal drink, and was much less popular than coffee.
After Charles II became king, a whim of the foreign princess
became the Drink of the Queen. This fact secured the success of tea
first among aristocracy, and then among other English citizens.
In 1706, on the Strand, in London, Thomas Twining opened Tom’s
Coffee House — where one could buy not only coffee but also tea.
Having started a wide retail trade in tea, Thomas Twining provided
great masses of English ladies with the access to the fashionable
drink. These masses, actually, formed the phenomenon known as
the English tea tradition.
The British Prime minister-the second Earl Grey-sent a British
diplomat to China. Being there he saved the life of a mandarin‘s
son who was drowning. The grateful mandarin gave the diplomat a
recipe for a blend of tea as a present to the Earl.
Emma Darwin, Charles Darwin's wife, composed her famous hand1839
written recipe book. Besides various recipes for such things as Irish
Chocolate ("bake for six hours"), Veal Pie and Creme a la Victoire,
it included instructions for boiling rice in Charles's own
Anna Maria Stanhope, the 7th Duchess of Bedford, completely
formed the English tea tradition, and invented afternoon tea — tea
between lunch and dinner.
Tea tradition became popular throughout Europe.
Задание 2. Определите, какие из приведенных утверждений являются
верными (True), неверными (False) и какие не содержат достаточной
информации для определения истинности содержания (Don’ know).
Queen Victoria
1. False. She was born in Kensington Palace.
2. True.
3. False. She was crowned in Westminster Palace.
4. False. The Great Exhibition was opened in 1851.
We don’t know exactly the number of visitors of the Exhibition.
5. False. The money was donated to Ireland.
6. True.
7. True.
8. True.
Задание 3. Установите соответствие тем A- F с текстами 1-5. Используйте
каждую букву только один раз. В задании есть одна тема лишняя.
Where Did They Come From
1. B
2. D
3. A
4. C
5. E
Задание 4 Прочитайте предложения и заполните пропуски.
Victorian Petersburg
1. the supervisor , the first director
2. were imported, proved, worked
3. the factory, the most “English” enterprise, in the Russian capital
4. a descendant, the Scottish family, permanent orchestra
5. the founder of the plant, known as, was opened in
6. devoted to, the 200th anniversary of Charles Darwin, was on display
7. was owned, was a present, was built