ЕГЭ: требования к сочинениям

ЕГЭ: требования к письменным
высказываниям с элементами
Махмурян Каринэ Степановна,
Зав.каф. ИЯ МИОО, д.п.н,,профессор
Проверяемые умения в
задании С2
Сформулировать проблему;
Высказать свое и чужое мнение и привести аргументы и
контраргументы, доказательства, примеры;
Сделать вывод;
Продуктивность речи;
Последовательно и логически правильно строить
Использовать соответствующие средства логической связи
Правильно оформить стилистически в соответствии с
поставленной задачей
Употреблять языковые средства оформления письменного
высказывания точно и правильно
Типы сочинений в ЕГЭ:
• Сочинение «выражение своего
мнения» (60 min).
Общие Стратегии ПВ
• строить высказывание в соответствии с
предложенным планом;
• начинать введение следует с общего
представления темы и предложения,
отображающего ее проблемный характер;
• во введение перефразировать тему/проблему,
данную в задании, не повторяя ее дословно;
• при планировании письменного высказывания
сначала продумать ключевые фразы каждого
• делить текст на абзацы, которые отражают
логическую и содержательную структуру
Общие стратегии для
• каждый абзац должен быть написан
соответствующим образом (рекомендуется в
первом предложении абзаца выразить его
основную мысль и далее ее развивать,
подкреплять примерами и аргументами и т.д.);
• введение и заключение должны быть
приблизительно одинаковы по объему;
• в основной части должно быть три абзаца;
Общие Стратегии ПВ
• общий объем основной части не
должен быть меньше общего
объема введения и заключения;
• особое внимание уделять
средствам логической связи текста,
как внутри предложений, так и
между предложениями.
Что представляет сложность?
Формулировка проблемы
• Some people think that shopping is fun.
• Some people enjoy shopping while others
are sure it is a big problem.
• Many people think that being famous is
• Many people believe that a celebrity
status can be attractive. Others disagree
with this point of view.
Что представляет сложность?
• In my view, mobile phones are very
useful for people. –
• Firstly, they can easily be contacted
no matter where they are and so
they always know the news.
• In my opinion, it is better to travel
with friends than alone.
• Firstly, you don’t feel lonely in a
foreign country. Secondly, travelling
is cheaper when you are with friends.
• I think, motorcycles are very
• To start with, you don’t need to rely
on public transport, and you can park
them easily.
• However, many people believe that using
mobile phones can be dangerous. – They
think that talking on a mobile phone while
driving reduces concentration and so
greatly increases the chances of causing
an accident.
• I don’t agree with this argument. It’s
prohibited to use mobile phones while
driving. Thus, you will avoid getting into
• However, some people believe that it
is better to travel alone. They think
so because you are less flexible when
travelling with your friend.
• I disagree with this opinion. If you
have a true friend, you will always
find the way to reach an agreement.
• However, some people think that
motorcycles are very convenient.-To
start with, you don’t need to rely on
public transport.
• But they are not as speedy as public
transport, so it will take a lot of time
to get to your place of destination.
Как выделять абзацы?
• Пропуском строчки;
• Незаконченностью заполнения
предыдущей строчки;
• Возможна красная строка
Сочинение «выражение
своего мнения»: план
• Use the following plan:
P1. make an introduction (state the problem)
P.2. express your personal opinion and give 2-3
reasons for your opinion
P.3. express an opposing opinion and give 1-2 reasons
for this opposing opinion
P.4. explain why you don’t agree with the opposing
P.5. make a conclusion restating your position .
Пример задания
Comment on the following statement.
• It’s reported that billions of dollars are
spent on space exploration projects every
year. Some people believe that this money
should be used to solve problems on Earth.
• What is your opinion? What problems
should humanity solve first of all?
• Write 200 – 250 words.
Пример задания:
Comment on the following statement.
• Some people think that extreme sports help to build character.
• What is your opinion? Do you agree with the statement?
• Write 200 – 250 words.
Use the following plan:
- make an introduction (state the problem)
- express your personal opinion and give 2-3 reasons for your opinion
- express an opposing opinion and give 1-2 reasons for this opposing
- explain why you don’t agree with the opposing opinion
- make a conclusion restating your position
Introduction (p.1)
We make general remarks about the
• Nowadays many people believe
that...but some people disagree with
this point of view.
• In today’s world it is important…,
many people believe… but to my mind
Скажите, правильно ли
учащийся написал введение.
• It’s reported that billions of dollars are spent on
space exploration projects every year. Some
people belive that this money should be used to
solve problems on Earth. And I think so.
• Problems of space exploration and problems of
Earth are very important, I think. But which
problem is more important for humanity?
Скажите, правильно ли
учащийся написал
вступление. Почему?
• Some people think that extreme
sports help to build character.
• Some people believe that extreme
sports are really useful for forming
one’s character. Others disagree
with this point of view
Main Part (P.2)
• P.2. we present our viewpoints and
justify them with reasons/examples.
• We list points with Firstly, to begin
with, furthermore, moreover, also,
1 абзац основной части
(2 абзац)
• - express your personal opinion and give 23 reasons for your opinion
In my opinion, extreme sports really help to
form character. First of all, they develop will
power, make people strong and energetic.
Secondly, extreme sports give one a wonderful
opportunity to release stress and to escape
everyday monotony. Thirdly, people who do such
sports are always open for new opportunities. So,
they can cope with many problems.
Скажите, высказал ли свое мнение
учащийся и подкрепил его 2
развернутыми аргументами?
• In my opinion, we must spend that money in this
two ways. In one hand, we must know what
happaning in space, and we should be ready to
protect our planet in space. I think aliens can
flying somewhere in space and we must be ready.
In other hand, we must solve our Earth problems
like terror, transport problems and etc. This
problems are very important for our live. All our
money must spend in good way and make our live
Main Part: P3
• P.3. - express an opposing opinion
and give 1-2 reasons for this
opposing opinion
• Start with: However, though, etc.
Main Part: P3
• - express an opposing opinion and give
1-2 reasons for this opposing opinion
• However, some people think that extreme
sports cannot anyhow help to build one’s
character and believe that taking up this
kind of lifestyle is crazy as it often
involves a high level of danger and people
can be injured.
3 абзац основной части
explain why you don’t agree with the
opposing opinion
I disagree with this opinion. It is
dangerous only when people are not trained
enough or ready enough to take it. When
they have a good trainer who is to
supervise their training, and they are
careful, it won’t be dangerous.
Скажите, привел ли учащийся мнение
других людей и правильно ли дал
аргументы в третьем абзаце основной части?
• However, there are some arguments for
spending a lot of money on space
exploration projects. It is opinion that the
deeper we explore space the sooner we will
get answers on different questions.
Researchers will be always looking for a
different forms of life. Human being was
always interested in founding UFO.
Скажите, привел ли учащийся дал
контраргументы в третьем абзаце
основной части?
• I disagree that extreme sports
always may cause traumas and change
you on the inside. I think that if you
do everything correct, you won't be
damaged. The risk is very low
because of today's accident
Conclusion (P5):
• We state our opinion again briefly in
different words.
• We use: in conclusion, all in all, to sum up,
All things considered, I believe…
In conclusion. it is important to
remind/add/point out that…the issue is
far from solving/resolving yet but I think…
• make a conclusion restating your
• All things considered, I can say that
extreme sports help build character,
because they help people solve difficult
life problems easily while people without
this experience are likely to have big
troubles in dangerous situations.
Скажите, правильно ли
учащийся написал
• To sum up, such spending money on space
exploration is not only waste of time, but a
part of every human’s life too.
• In conchesion, I would like to say that all
money which have all gaverments must be
spend for people.
По каким критериям
оценивается С2?
• Решение коммуникативной задачи
• Организация текста (3 балла);
• Лексика (3 балла);
• Грамматика (3 балла);
• Орфография и пунктуация (2
оценивания заданий С2
• При получении экзаменуемым 0
баллов по критерию «содержание»
все задание оценивается в 0
• Допустимое отклонение от
заданного объема в задании С2
составляет 10%.
Нарушения в объеме:
• Если в задании С2 менее 180 слов, то
задание проверке не подлежит и
оценивается в 0 баллов.
• При превышении объема более чем на
10%, т.е. если в задании С2 более 275,
проверке подлежит только та часть
работы, которая соответствует
требуемому объему, т.е.проверяется 250
• Спасибо за внимание!
• Есть ли вопросы?