Document 4358910

Основной язык, начинающий поток, 2 курс
3 семестр
время выполнения – 90 мин
Name _______________________
Group # _____________________
Total: 178
I. Insert prepositions or adverbs where necessary:
1. It seems …………….. me you didn't attend ……………..yesterday's lecture.
2. I reached …………….. a pen and looked ……………... the form ……………..addition
…………….. the usual facts …………….. myself I had to give my income ……………..
the previous few years. I didn't care ............... the questions much, though. I was used
…………….. filling …………….. forms.
3. Paul Mathry's father was tried…………….. murder and found guilty ……………..killing
Mona Spurling. As …………….. his pleading not guilty, no one paid any attention
…………….. that. The police had searched his house …………….. the possible weapon
and found what they were …………….. -a man's razor. Mr. Mathry was disappointed
…………….. justice. Mrs.Mathry expected her son to be ashamed …………….. his
father, but Paul was fully determined to set his father free.
4. He wondered if he could approach …………….. the Dean……………..that request.
5. The average incomes have gone …………….. ……………..7% ……………..January.
6. I am interested …………….. history and I am looking…………….. …………….. going
on this trip.
__________out of 27
II. Fill in the gaps with modal verbs or their equivalents:
1. Do you think people …………….. travel to the stars someday?
2. (Notice): Candidates (not) …………….. be late for examinations.
3. I loved staying with my grandparents. They used to let me read all the books in the house
and told me I …………….. go to bed any time wanted.
4. We .............................. catch the train as we had been given a lift to the railway-station by
our friends.
5. He (not) …………….. eat the soup if he doesn't like it.
6. There were no patients in the dentist's waiting-room, so I (not) …………….. to wait.
7. You ……………..take my car if you need it.
_________ out of 14 (7x2)
III. Express the same idea using MUST, CAN'T, MAY/CAN (MIGHT/COULD), SHOULD
(NOT) or NEEDN'T with the proper form of the Infinitive:
1. Why did you rise so early? It wasn't necessary.
2. I think it is better for your health to stop eating too much sugar.
Основной язык, начинающий поток, 2 курс
3. Perhaps he has already returned from the trip.
4. Why didn't you buy the camera? The price was very reasonable.
5. No doubt he is still sleeping. He never gets up before 8 o'clock.
6. I don't believe they have signed a new contract with M&X! They are so unreliable!
7. It isn't necessary to make any more copies, we have enough.
8. Why didn't you help your sister? What a shame!
9. I'm sure he has been offered the job. He looks so happy!
_________out of 27 (9 x 3)
IV. Use the INFINITIVE in brackets in the correct form:
1. He expected .............................. (tell) about the accident.
2. I was proud .............................. (be) President's close friend all those years.
3. The policeman made the driver.............................. (get) out of the car and
.............................. (show) him his identification. He said that the car was
.............................. (search).
4. He was upset.............................. (not invite) to the party.
5. I'd like my salary .............................. (raise) by half. I'd like my boss ..............................
(promote) me to assistant-manager. Why not.............................. (make) me marketing
manager?! When am I going .............................. (give) a chance?
6. The conference.............................. (hold) next month will be presided over by our Dean.
7. He was the last applicant.............................. (interview) by the Personnel Manager.
8. I want these documents .............................. (print) by tomorrow morning.
_________ out of 26 (13 x 2)
V. Open the brackets using the proper form of the verb in "IF"- and "WISH"- clauses:
1. I wish you............................. (not speak) so quickly. I can't understand a word you are
2. If I still.............................. (feel) sick, I ............................. (not go ) on holiday next
3. If Alice ............................. (go) to Exeter University, she ............................. (not meet) her
husband, Andrew.
4. Anna is allergic to cheese. If she ............................. (eat) cheese, she .............................
(get) an awful rash. (сыпь)
5. I'm not happy with my result. I wish I .................................. (be) more attentive. If I
.......................................... (check) the test more carefully, I ......................................... (get)
a better mark.
________ out of 20 (10 x 2)
VI. Choose the right word and use it in the correct form:
1. He wanted to say..........................much but he was..........................embarassed that he
couldn't say a word. It was .......................... an embarassing situation.( SO - SUCH)
2. -I've been.......................... quite a bit of gardening lately and I must say it has
.......................... me a lot of good.
Основной язык, начинающий поток, 2 курс
You've .......................... a remarkable discovery! ( DO - MAKE)
3. -How did you..........................that she is arriving tomorrow? - Peter told me. - Did he tell
you the time of her arrival? - No, I'll have to .......................... it - And could you, please,
.......................... how long she is going to stay here? (LEARN - FIND OUT)
4. The wounded man .......................... understood anything. He was breathing
.......................... He was .......................... alive.
5. -........................... I wanted to be a lawyer, then I decided to try political studies, now I
don't know what I want.
- .......................... you'll tell me what you're interested in and why, and then we'll see.
When I was .................... making my choice, I was also confused. ( FIRST - AT FIRST)
_________ out of 15
VII. Use the verb in brackets in the proper TENSE and VOICE form:
We................................ (get) out of the car and............................... (walk) through a small
garden to the front door. Fabian ................................ (push) the bell. I heard nothing from within.
I had a feeling that we ................................ (watch) from somewhere. We ..................................
(wait) for quite a time, when finally the door............................... (open). An old lady
.................................. (say), "Buona sera".
The old lady ............................... (show) us into a dining room lit by a heavy chandelier
over the table. A huge bald man ................................ (stand) near it. Behind him
............................... (hang) a dark painting of a madonna and child. It was the painting we
................................ (come) to look at.
The man greeted us in German, as the old lady went out, closing the door behind her.
"Unfortunately, Herr Steubel, " Fabian said, "Professor Grimes ................................ (not
understand) German."
"In that case, we ........................ (speak) English, of course," Herr Steubel said.
"................................ (can) I offer you gentlemen some refreshment?"
"It's good of you, Herr Steubel," Fabian said, "but I'm afraid we............................... (not
have) the time. Professor Grimes ................................. (have) to make a call to Italy at seven
o'clock and after that he .................................. (leave) for America."
_________ out of 34 (17x2)
VIII. Translate into English:
1. «Как ты думаешь, к какому врачу ему лучше обратиться?»
«Если он обратится к доктору Смиту, то этот доктор обязательно его вылечит, но к
нему на приём нужно записываться.»
2. «Интересно, сколько времени длится этот судебный процесс?»
«Три дня. Все свидетели уже дали показания, и завтра присяжные вынесут
3. «Жаль, что его нет сейчас. Он помог бы мне перевести этот текст с русского на
«Он не посещает занятия уже три недели, и его придётся догонять группу.»
4. «Наверняка эта партия победит на выборах.»
«Я тоже так думаю, тогда премьер-министру не придётся уходить в отставку. Я
думаю, что политика правительства изменится.»
5. Эта ужасная погода меня угнетает. Если бы я мог оказаться сейчас на берегу
тёплого моря, я бы позагорал и покупался.
Основной язык, начинающий поток, 2 курс
__________ out of 15 (5x3)
TOTAL___________out of 178
Write a paragraph of about 100-150 words
1. Should advertising be aimed at children?
2. Would you like to live to 100?
3. Travel broadens the mind.
4. Academic achievement depends mainly on your teacher
время выполнения – 90 мин.
Name _______________________
Group # _____________________
Total: 100
I. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct tense – active or passive.
‘Good evening, ladies and gentlemen! It’s 8 o’clock news and I am Charles Trump. I
(1)_______________ (report) from BBC news headquarters. Earlier this evening, at 6.30 pm, an
earthquake (2)_____________ (hit) Cairo, Egypt. Many people (3)______________ (kill); many
more (4)________________ (injure) and much of the city (5)________________ (destroy).
Emergency teams (6)_______________________ (already/set up) all over the city. They (7)
________________ (help) the injured. At the moment firemen and local people
(8)_______________ (dig) in the wreckage as many people (9)________________ (still/trap). A
BBC special news team (10)_______________ (leave) for Cairo immediately after we
(11)______________ (receive) the news of the earthquake. We (12)______________ (expect) a
special, in-depth report from them at any moment. As soon as we (13)________________ (hear)
from them we will release another news bulletin. Anyone who (14)____________ (wish) to
enquire about family or friends should ring the following emergency numbers – 010 367 –
38291/2/3/4 for information. We’ll be back with a special bulletin.’
________ out of 14
II. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct form. Mind the conditionals.
Neil Smith isn’t happy with his life. Now he has to work as a road sweeper as he was expelled
from university and never got a higher education. But it happens to be his fault – there is no one
else to blame but himself. If he (1)_________________ (listen) to his mother and if he
(2)_______________ (study) hard, he wouldn’t have got behind other students and he
(3)___________________ (not/expel). If he (4)______________ (not/expel) from university, he
(5)________________ (not/have to work) as a road sweeper now. If he had a university degree,
Основной язык, начинающий поток, 2 курс
he (6)_________________ (already/find) a better job. Neil hates the job he is doing now. He
thinks he (7)______________ (go) crazy if he (8)______________ (stay) there much longer. If
he (9)_______________ (offer) a better job now, he would take it immediately. In fact he
(10)_____________ (leave) if he could afford it, but he can’t. Life (11)_________________ (be)
easier if he (12)________________ (not/have) two children to support.
_________ out of 6 (1x0.5)
III. Put the verbs in brackets in the correct form.
1. I didn’t manage __________________ (find) a jacket to match my new pair of trousers.
2. They stopped ____________________ (laugh) when Malcolm walked into the room.
3. I tried _____________________ (persuade) him ____________________ (agree) to your
4. I wouldn’t recommend ___________________ (stay) at that hotel.
5. Although it was hard at first, she came to enjoy ___________________ (work) for the
6. He remembered _____________________ (arrive) at the party, but not
___________________ (leave)
7. I suggest ____________________ (hold) another meeting next week.
8. If you can’t turn the key try ___________________ (put) some oil in the lock.
9. Can you remind me __________________ (phone) Ann tomorrow?
10. I don’t feel like _____________________ (work).
11. Don’t forget _____________________ (lock) the door before ________________ (go) to
12. Has he given up ____________________ (smoke)?
13. He decided ____________________ (disguise) himself by ____________________
(dress) as a woman.
14. She doesn’t allow us ___________________ (smoke) in the house.
15. I have to go out. I forgot __________________ (buy) a newspaper.
16. She says she hates ____________________ (get up) early.
_______ out of 20
Paraphrase the sentences using your active grammar.
1. Jane’s car is being repaired. Jane …
2. Bob’s car has been stolen. Bob…
3. Her paintings impressed me. I …
4. When he was young he was in the habit of running 3 miles every morning. When he was
young he…
5. I’m certain you’re joking! You …
6. It is Sunday. I’m sure that he is at home. He…
7. I’m certain he doesn’t know the secret. He…
8. Perhaps they are asleep already but I’m not sure. They …
9. She was ill, so she didn’t to come to the party. If…
10. She didn’t study hard, she won’t pass the exams. If…
11. She isn’t well qualified. She didn’t get the job. If…
12. Although the teacher has already explained the rule to us several times we don’t
understand it. Although…
13. She said they had cancelled the flight because of the fog. She said…
14. We couldn’t go in because the workers were redecorating the rooms. We…
15. She called the hospital and found out that the doctors had been operating on him for three
hours. She called the hospital and found out that …
Основной язык, начинающий поток, 2 курс
______ out of 15
Report the sentences.
1. He said, ‘Shall I help you, miss?’
2. She said, ‘Patrick, I think you really should apply for the job’.
3. ‘I got my exam results last week,’ he told them.
4. ‘I’m moving to a new flat next week’, she said.
5. ‘Pandas live in China,’ the teacher said.
6. ‘Where is the post office?’ David asked Janet.
7. The boss asked me, ‘Have you finished this report?’
8. She said, ‘Moscow is beautiful.’
______ out of 8
Complete the text with the suitable active vocabulary:
A. Mary emigrated to Australia 5 years ago. At first she experienced
(1)_____________________ and found really hard (2)____________________ to an
unfamiliar culture. Mary (3)___________________ a lot of problems. She used to
live in a colder area so it was hard to adjust to the new (4) ___________________.
She also suffered from (5)_____________________ from her relatives and friends,
people who (6)___________________ and guidance. The new environment seemed
(7) ___________________ to her. When familiar sights, sounds, smells or tastes are
no longer there you can (8)_________________ them very much and feel
B. Criminal (10)__________________ is a behavioral and investigative tool which involves
investigating a(n) (11)______________’s behaviour, motives and background in order
(12)__________________ specific information about the type of person who commits a
certain crime. It (13)__________________ with the methods used to detect criminals
such as serial killers, and to prevent crimes such as aeroplane
________ out of 14
VII. Translate the following into English. Make use of your active vocabulary and
1. Анна беспокоилась, что получит низкую оценку и спросила Виктора, не знает ли он,
когда им объявят результаты экзамена. (4)
2. Если бы он был более добросовестным студентом, то его успехи в учёбе в прошлом
семестре были бы более впечатляющими. Если он будет больше работать в следующем
семестре, он сможет улучшить свои результаты. (5)
3. Если бы их обеспечили необходимыми инструкциями в следующем месяце, они
приобрели бы новое оборудование. (5)
Основной язык, начинающий поток, 2 курс
4. Парад Победы сейчас транслируют в прямом эфире. Я советую тебе его посмотреть.
5. Вчера нам рассказывали об эргономике. Мы узнали, что если конструкцию мебели
приспособить к потребностям работника, то можно повысить производительность
труда. (5)
______ out of 23
Total: ______ out of 100
Write a “for-and-against” or opinion essay (200 – 250 words) on one of the following
1. The most important thing in communication is to hear what isn’t being said.
2. Men and women in sport should compete equally.
3. Solving the problem of traffic jams: advantages and disadvantages of a ‘congestion
Билет №
1. Read the text and be ready to discuss it with your partner.
2. Comment on the proverb.
3. Translate the article from English into Russian.
1. Read the text and be ready to discuss it with your partner.
Going to School Far From Home
Flight 830. Departure 10.45 p.m. At first glance, just another routine flight to Los
Angeles, California. Yet for 38 young passengers between 15 and 18 years of age, it is the start
of a new experience: they will spend 10 months of their lives studying abroad, far from their
families. Every year the United States is host to an average 78,000 foreign high school-level
students, of which 3,000 are Brazilian. They go for the same reason – to become fluent in
English, complete high school, and understand everything they can about the American way of
“For me”, says 17-year-old Gloria Marcato, “it’s more important to learn to speak
English and live through this experience than it is to receive a diploma from the American
government”. Others, more ambitious, dream of continuing on to college. “I want to be a
Основной язык, начинающий поток, 2 курс
conductor, and I’ve already chosen the best American music school,” says Sandro Rofrigo de
Things, as they say, are not always so easy. Very few arrive in the country with all the
details worked out. Gloria Marcato is one of the lucky ones. Before leaving, she had received
two letters and some photos of her new “parents”. “I think it all depends”, says Gloria, “on how
you answer the questionnaire sent by the overseas study company here in Brazil. For example, I
didn’t economize on words. I even wrote about my four dogs, and said I went to church every
Sunday”. She hit the target. Americans are quite religious (the majority being Protestant) and
have a special place in their hearts for pets.
One important regulation of the foreign study program has to do with the curfew1 set by
the host “parents” to be at home on weekend nights. “They’re really tough”, says Julianna
Martini, who just finished her first semester - “You have to be in by 10.30 p.m., and if you
disobey, you get punished”.
After a few days, the general complaint is about the food. “Even though I adapted easily,
I really miss rice and beans. The food here doesn’t look too nourishing”, says Fernando Andrade.
However, the biggest problem most youngsters face is homesickness.
Объём текста - 630 п.з.
Время подготовки – 2 мин.
Translate the text into Russian (you can use a dictionary):
Объём текста - 960п.з.
That representatives of Serbia and Kosovo were sitting at the same table for talks was an
achievement in itself. But whether the two sides could reach an agreement to overcome ethnic
enmities in the former Serbian province – and clear the way for their eventual membership in the
European Union – remained uncertain Tuesday.
Talks were being mediated in Brussels by the European Union, which both Serbia and Kosovo
are eager to join. But the Union is extremely wary of importing the frozen conflict into the
bloc, and Brussels has made clear that the former enemies must normalize relations.
If the talks are successful, they would mark a seminal moment for Serbia and Kosovo, which
declared independence from Serbia on February 17, 2008, almost a decade after NATO bombs
helped push the Serb former strongman Slobodan Milosevec out of Kosovo and end a brutal
civil war against majority ethnic Albanians.
In mid-April the Union’s foreign policy chief, Catherine Ashton, is scheduled to produce a report
that will determine whether to open membership talks with Serbia.( Such a step would be a
landmark for the country and could help rejuvenate its struggling economy and cement its links
with the West.)
IHT, April 2013
Curfew – здесь: время, после которого ребёнку не разрешается быть вне дома