Подготовка к сдаче ЕГЭ по английскому языку. Раздел

Подготовка к сдаче ЕГЭ по
английскому языку.
Раздел Говорение.
Задание 44.
Учитель английского языка
ГБОУ гимназия № 24 им.И.А.Крылова
Винцаревич Ольга Алексеевна
Task 4. Study the two photographs. In 1.5 minutes be ready to compare and contrast
the photographs:
-- give a brief description (action, location)
-- say what the pictures have in common
-- say in what way the pictures are different
-- say which kind of a birthday party you’d prefer
-- explain why
You will speak for not more than 2 minutes. You have to talk continuously.
• Вводная фраза. • I’d like to compare and contrast
these two photos.
• Both photos show us birthday
• Краткое
parties. In the first picture we can
фотографий (что see a group of children and two
clowns. In the foreground there is
происходит на
a girl who is having a party with
фото и где)
her friends in a café. In the second
photo we can see an elderly man.
He is sitting at the table alone
looking sadly at his birthday cake.
• Ответ на
вопрос о
Both photos show us people who are having their
birthday parties in cafes. In the foreground of each
picture we can see a beautiful big birthday cake
with burning candles. People are wearing special
birthday hats and the walls are decorated with
special birthday ornaments.
• Ответ на
вопрос о
The biggest difference between the photos is that
in the first picture we can see a group of happy
children, whereas in the other one is only an old
man. The children are having a lot of fun, being
entertained by clowns, while the old man is sitting
lonely at the table. In the first picture the girl is
blowing the candles on her birthday cake while an
old man is looking miserably at his one. In the first
photo there are some small candles on the cake,
whereas in the second photo the cake is burning
with a flame.
• Ответ о своих
• Обоснование
• As for me, I’d prefer to celebrate my
birthday with my friends.
• I’ve got plenty of friends and we also
congratulate and wish “Happy
Birthday” to each other. Of course,
we gather together, I’m given lots of
gifts and we have fun. Besides, on
this day I feel myself happy, that’s
why I want to share my emotions
with my friends.
• That’s all I wanted to say about these
two pictures.