curriculum vitae - Immanuel Kant Baltic Federal University

Рrofessor of Radiophysical Department
Kupriyanova Galina Sergeevna
Kupriyanova Galina Sergeevna
PLACE OF BIRTH: Bykhov, Mogilev reg., Byelorussia.
Kaliningrad State University, Kaliningrad, 1972-1977 ,
scientific degree - candidate of physical and mathematical
sciences (1994), the dozent, assistant professor (1995).
2001-2003 the professor schoolership of Saint Petersburg
University and dozent Physics Department of KSUl
2010 – Additional education on nanotechnology in MIFI.
1977-1985 -the head of laboratory of High Military School in Kaliningrad
1985-1986 - the staff member of science research division of Kaliningrad State
University (KSU)
1987-1990- the post graduate student
1991-staff principal member of science research division of Kaliningrad State
1991-the lecturer of Physics Department of KSU
1995-the assistant professor (dozent) of Physics Department of KSU
2001-2003 the professor schoolership of Saint Petersburg University and dozent
Physics Department of KSU
2006 – Doctor of physical and mathematical science degree was confer
2008 -2015 Professor of Radiophysical Department of I.Kant Baltic Federal
University, Russia.
Previous periods of scientific works :
1996 (April-May) Max-Planck Institute, Heidelberg University by the
invitation of Prof. Dr. U.Haeberlen, finance support of Daimler-Benz Foundation
1998 (April-May)-Aachen, Institut fuer Physikalische Chemie RWTH Aachen,
by the invitation of Prof. Dr. Manfred Zeidler, finance support of Daimler-Benz
1999 (February-April)-Aachen, Institut fuer Physikalische Chemie RWTH
Aachen, by the invitation of Prof. Dr. Manfred Zeidler, finance support of DaimlerBenz Foundation
2001, 2003 (June-September)-Leipzig, Leipzig University, by the invitation of
Prof. Dr. D. Michel, finance support of DAAD.
2003- 2004 Institute of wave propagation. China. Qingdao.
Scientific adviser of research work on themes “Radiofrequency methods of
research materials”. (2010-2015):
1) 15-32-50369. Название проекта: РФФИ "Исследование наночастиц оксида
железа, полученных с помощью метода лазерного испарения, и феррожидкостей
на их основе".2015
2). Scientific adviser at the project on The Federal Program 2010-2012. Government
Contract N 02.740.11.0550 from March 22 2010. “ The synthesis of ferromagnetic
materials and structures, and the study of their magnetic properties to create spintronic
3). The participant of NATO project” Science for Peace”
CBP.NR.NRCLG 982346, NR.NRSFPP 982836 “Highly sensitive NQR/NMR
techniques for explosives detection” 2010-2013
Scientific adviser of programs for graduate and postgraduate studies.
New programs on physics of condensed matter
“ Methods of micro- and nano – structures research”.
“ Magnetic resonance methods of research materials”
“Problems of physics of condensed matter”
Kupriyanova G. S. Nuclear magnetic relaxation of spin I=1/2 scalar coupled to a
quadrupolar nucleus in the presence of cross-correlation effects. Applied Magnetic Resonance,
26, p.283-305, 2004
Kupriyanova G. S. Relaxation of spin ½ in the scalar coupled spin system AMX with
quadrupolar nuclei in the presence of cross-correlation effects. Zeitschrift fur Naturforschung
59a, p.217-227, 2004
Kupriyanova G. S. Magnetic relaxation quadrupolar nuclei with spin S=1 in anisotropic media.
Russian Physical Journal, 48, N 8, p.857-862. (2005)
G. S. Kupriyanova. Relaxation of quadrupolar nuclear in high magnetic field. Journal of
Applied Spectroscopy, vol.73, No.1, p. (2006)
Mozzhuhin G. V, Kupriyanova G. S, Bodnja A.V., Molchanov S.V., Lukjanov D.A. The
detecting of signals pulse nuclear quadrupolar resonance in the conditions of strong
hindrances. Vestnik of the Russian state university of I.Kanta. A series of physical and
mathematical sciences. 3, p.54-59 (2007)
Mozzhuhin G. V, Kupriyanova G. S, Shibalkin D.V., Fedotov V.V. Optimizatsija of priemotransferring system of NQR-DETECTORS connections. Vestnik of the Russian state
university of I.Kanta. A series of physical and mathematical sciences. Release 3, s.46-54
S.V.Molchanov, O.V.Ruban, I.G.Mershiev, G.V.Mozzhuhin, G.S.Kupriyanova. Application of
an adaptive wavelat-filtration for detecting noise signals of nuclear quadrupolar resonance.
Vestnik of the Russian state university of I.Kanta. A series of physical and mathematical
sciences, Kaliningrad. 4. P.71-80 (2009)
G.V.Mozzhukhin, S.V.Molchanov, G.S.Kupriyanova, A.V.Bodnya, V.V.Fedotov, Hao
Guoxin, Jin Yanbo, Ren Tianliang, Zhang Guojin.- The Detection of Industrial Explosives by
the Quadrupole Resonance Method: Some Aspects of the Detection of Ammonium Nitrate and
Trinitrotoluene; In:Explosives Detection using Magnetic and Nuclear Resonance Techniques.
Series:NATO Science for Peace and Security Series B: Physics and Biophysics. Fraissard,
Jacques; Lapina, Olga (Eds.) 2009, 295 p., Hardcover, ISBN: 978-90-481-3060-3. 14 pages
G.S.Kupriyanova., M.V Bagmet. Method of cross-correlation spectroscopy as a method of
guest atom environment study. Vestnik of the Russian state university of I.Kanta. A series of
physical and mathematical sciences, Kaliningrad, N 4, с.89-96 (2010)
10. A.J.Gojkhman, G.S.Kupriyanova, E.E.Prohorenko, A.O.Chernenkov. Magnito-resonant
properties of thin-film structures with Fe3O4. Vestnik of the Russian state university of
I.Kanta. A series of physical and mathematical sciences. N 4, s.81-89 (2010)
11. A.V.Astashenok, G.S.Kuprijanova, A.J.Gojkhman, A.J.Zjubin, A.N.Orlova. Magnito-resonant
properties of thin-film structures with Fe3Si/MgO. Vesnik of the Russian state university of
I.Kanta. A series of physical and mathematical sciences. N 5, s.60-68 (2011)
12. C.В. Molchanov, G.V.Mozzhuhin, I.G.Mershiev, G.S.Kupriyanova. Increase of efficiency of
wavelet-processing of NQR signals by the modified basic functions of Morle. Vesnik of the
I.Kanta Baltic Federal University I.Kanta. A series of physical and mathematical sciences.
Release 5, p.69-76 (2011)
13. G Kupriyanova, A Zyubin, A Astashonok, A Orlova and E Prokhorenko “The magneticresonance properties study of nanostructures for spintronics by FMR”, в Journal of Physics:
Conference Series 324 (2011) 012012
14. A Zyubin, A Orlova, A Astashonok, G Kupriyanova and V Nevolin Fe/Ni thin films
temperature investigation with MgO and SiO2 interfaces by ferromagnetic resonance. Journal
of Physics: Conference Series 324 (2011) 012013
15. A. V. Anisimov, A. Yu. Goikhman, G. S. Kupriyanova, V. N. Nevolin, A. P. Popov and V. V.
Rodionova. Change in the magnetic properties of polycrystalline thin-film magnetite upon
introduction of an iron sublayer . Physics of the Solid State. V. 54, N 6 (2012), 1153-1159,
DOI: 10.1134/S1063783412060030
16. Куприянова Г.С., Мозжухин Г.В., Молчанов В.В., Северин Е.А., Шмелев А.А. Метод
многоимпульсной регистрации сигналов неоднородном магнитном поле. Вестник БФУ
им.И.Канта 2012, 4, стр 118-125
G.S.Kupriyanova, V.V.Molchanov, E.A.Severin, I.G.Mershiev. Composes pulses on
inhomogeneous field NMR. In Magnetic Resonance Detection of Explosives and illicit Materials.
Springer 2014, p.137-147
I.A. Shikhman, M.G. Shelyapina, G.S. Kupriyanova. A Density Functional Theory Study of the
Fe(001)/Fe3O4 (001) Interface. Solid State Phenomena 194 (2013) 288-291.
Веремейчик Я.В., Шурпик Д.В., Куприянова Г.С., Племенков В.В. Структурная
идентификация сульфанамидов методами ИК и ЯМР спектроскопии. Вестник БФУ
им.И.Канта 4, 2013 с.52.
А.Ю.Зюбин, А.В. Асташенок, Г.С.Куприянова. применение радиофизических методов для
диагностики функциональных свойств магнитных туннельных переходов.
Российского государственного университета им. И.Канта. Серия физико-математических
наук. Выпуск 4, с.43-51 (2013)
G.V.Mozzhukhin, V.Z.Rameev, G.S. Kupriyanova, P.Aksu, B.Aktas. Сross - relaxation enhances
NQR Ammonium Nitrite in low magnetic field. In Magnetic Resonance Detection of Explosives
and illicit Materials. Springer 2014, p 45-59
N.Sinyavsky, P.Dolinenkov, G.Kupriyanova. T1 and T2 relaxation times distridution for 35 CL
and 14N NQR in micro-composites and in porous materials. Appl. Magn. Reson. 2014, V.45 N5
N.Ya. Sinyavsky, I.G. Mershiev and G.S. Kupriyanova. Влияние диффузии ядерной
намагниченности на распределение времен релаксации в микрокристаллах. Изв. вузов.
Физика, № 12, т. 57, с. 129-130, 2015.
G.V.Mozzhukhin, J.Barras, G.S. Kupriyanova, V.Z.Rameev Two-Frequency Nuclear Resonance
for Line Identification. Applied Magnetic Resonance. V.45, N12 2015, p. 261-165
N.Ya. Sinyavsky, I.G. Mershiev and G.S. Kupriyanova. Application of nuclear quadrupole
resonance relaxometry to study the influence of the environment on the surface of the crystallites of
powder. Zeitschrift für Naturforschung 70(6) A, (2015) 451-457
26. Синявский Н.Я., И.Г. Мершиев, Г.С. Куприянова. Особенности применения метода
инверсия-восстановление для широких линий ЯКР. Изв. вузов. Физика, 2015 № 12
(в печати)
N.Ya. Sinyavsky, I.G. Mershiev and G.S. Kupriyanova. A feature of application of the
inversion recurve method for NQR wide line. Izvestiya Vuzov (Rus) Fizika. 2015 № 12
44 Синявский Н.Я., Куприянова Г.С., Долиненков Ф.Н. Распределение времен
релаксации ЯКР во вращающейся системе координат в микроразмерных кристаллах,
Вестник БФУ им. И. Канта. 2015, №4, 18-24
N.Ya. Sinyavsky, G.S. Kupriyanova, P. Dolinenkov. Distribution of times of relaxation ЯКР in rotating
system of co-ordinates in microdimensional crystals. Vestnik BFU im. I. Kanta 2015, №4, 18-24
1. G.V.Mozzhukhin., I.G Mershiev, S.V.Molchanov. G.S. KupriyanovaThe method of
NMR/NQR signal detection. G01N24/08 (2006.01) № 2490618, from 20 августа 2013
2. Mershiev I.G., Kupriyanova G. S. Pоrtable nuclear magnetic resonance relaxometer. The
patent for useful model. 2015100995/28, 12.01.2015
1. Kupriyanova G. S, Sinjavsky N.JA. The problem on radio spectroscopy. Kaliningrad. 1998
2. Kupriyanova G. S. The practical quantum radio physics. BFU, Kaliningrad 2015, p.127
Publications in academic publications and in materials of conferences.
Kupriyanova G.S., Molchanov S.V. The method for the visualization of matter nanostructure
on the base of cross-correlation relaxation NMR spectroscopy. In Nuclear magnetic resonance
in condensed matter. 2 meeting “NMR in life sciences” Saint Petersburg. Russia. 11-15 July
NMRCM 2005, p. 43Kupriyanova G. S. Cross-country-correlation релаксационная a nuclear
magnetic resonance spectroscopy as a method of research of molecular structure. «New
achievements of a nuclear magnetic resonance in structural researches. On April, 4-7th 2005.
Kazan. С.38Kupriyanova G.S, Mozzhukhin G.V. The Study Of The Guest Atom Environment
By The Correlation NMR Spectroscopy. International Conference on Nanoscale Magnetism.
June 25-29, 2007. Istanbul, Turkey, p.190Куприянова Г.С., Мозжухин Г.В., Молчанов С.В.
Методы обработки сигналов магнитного резонанса в системах диагностики в условиях
технологических помех. «Магнитный резонанс и его приложения» 5-ая зимняя
молодежная школа –конференция. 1-5 декабря 2008.А-183Гойхмаг А.Ю., Куприянова
Г.С., Зенкевич А.В. Исследование многослойных структур методом ферромагнитного
резонанса. «Магнитный резонанс и его приложения» 5-ая зимняя молодежная школа –
конференция. 1-5 декабря 2008. А-184Kupriyanova G.S., Goikman A.U. FMR study of
sandwiched magnetic structures. International conference on Magnetism and
Superconductivity, ICMS2008, 26-29 August 31, 2008, Antalya, Turkey.Goikman A.,
B.Rameev, P.Chernykh, G. Kupriyanova. FMR study of sandwiched magnetic structures.
Moscow International symposium on magnetism, MISM -2008, Moscow, June 20-25 2008,
p.501-502.Kupriyanova G.S, Mozzhukhin G.V. The cross relaxation in nuclear quadrupole
resonance of N-14 nuclei in low field double resonance. International congress EUROMAR
2008, St.Petersburg, Russia 6-11 July, p.20.A. Goikhman, G. Kupriyanova, A. Zenkevich
“Magnetic properties of Fe/Fe3O4 bilayers studied by ferromagnetic resonance”,
International Conference on Magnetism, Karlsrhue, Germany, August 2009G.Kupriyanova,
G.V.Mozzhukhin, N. Doğan, B.Rameev, B. Aktaş The NMR detection in low magnetic field/
Book of abstracts: Nuclear Magnetic Resonance in condensed matter. International
Symposium. 2009, St.Petersburg, Russia, June 29-Jule 2 2009Kupryanova,, A. Goikhman, A.
Chernenkov, E. Prohorenko, A. Zenkevich and R. Mantovan. Magneto-resonance study of
Fe/Fe3O4 bylayers. Book of abstracts: Nuclear Magnetic Resonance in condensed matter.
International Symposium. 2010, St.Petersburg, Russia, June 28-Jule 2 2010A. Goikhman, G.
Kupriyanova, A. Zenkevich “Magnetic properties of Fe/Fe3O4 bilayers” International
Conference on Superconductivity and Magnetism 25-30 April 2010A. Goikhman, G.
Kupriyanova, A. Zenkevich «Magnetic properties of Fe/Fe3O4 bilayers studied by
ferromagnetic resonance», International Conference on Nanoscale Magnetism, Istanbul,
Turkey, October 2010A. Goikhman, G. Kupriyanova, R. Mantovan A. Zenkevich “Magnetic
properties of Fe/Fe3O4 bilayers”, 3rd Joint International Conference on Hyperfine
Interactions and International Symposium on Nuclear Quadrupole Interactions, Zurich,
Swaziland September 2010A.Goikhman, G. Kupriyanova, A. Zyubin, V. Nevolin
“Nanostructures formation and diagnostics for spintronics applications” Rusnanoforum,
Moscow, November 2010A. Zubin, A. Orlova, A.Goikhman, G.Kupriyanova and V. Nevolin
“The magnetic properties study of nanostructures with Fe3O4 by ferromagnetic
resonance”, XIII International youth school «Actual problems of a magnetic resonance,
Kazan, October 2010Orlova A.N., Kuprijanova G. S. Research of anisotropic properties of
thin-film structures by method FMR. A magnetic resonance and its appendices. 7th winter
youth school – conference. 29th November-4 December 2010. The river 174, 100
copiesSheludjakov S.A., Kupriyanova G. S, Ahokas Я, Vajnio О, Vasilev S.A.research of
quantum gas of backs-polarized of atomic hydrogen a method of an elektronno-paramagnetic
resonance. A magnetic resonance and its appendices. 7th winter youth school – conference.
29th November-4 December 2010. The river 174, 100 copiesG.Kupriyanova, A.Zubin,
A.Astashonik, A.Orlova, E.Prokhorenko. Magnetic resonance strudies of nanostructures for
spintrinucs by FMR. Resonance in condensed matter. Book of abstract. Kazan, 21-25 June
2011, (We07), p.20G.S.Kupriyanova, A.Y.Zubin, A.Y.Goikhman, V.N.Nevolin. The
temperature study of Fe/Ni thin film systems with MgO and SiO2 interfaces by ferromagnetic
resonance. Book of abstracts. Kazan, 21-25 June 2011, (P46), p.109G.V.Mozzhukhin,
B.Rameev,G.S.Kupriyanova. Application of double resonance methods for NQR detection.
Book of abstract. Kazan, 21-25 June 2011, (P48), p.111G.S.Kupriyanova,
S.V.Molchanov,I.G.Mershiev, G.V. Mozzhukhin. The detection of NQR on the base of pattern
signal. Nuclesr Magnetic Resonance in Condensed Matter. 8-th meeting “NMR in Life Scinces
“ Book of abstracts. Saint Petersburg, June 27- July 1 2011, P.26I.G.Mershiev,
G.S.Kupriyanova. Multifractal formalism applied to stochastic NQR. Nuclesr Magnetic
Resonance in Condensed Matter. 8-th meeting “NMR in Life Scinces “ Book of abstract. Saint
Petersburg, June 27- July 1 2011, p.81G.Kupriyanova, A. Zubin, A. Astashonok, A.Orlova.
The magnetic-resonance properties study of nanostructures for spintronics by FMR. MISM
Москва 2011Kupriyanova G., Zubin A., Goikhman A., Nevolin N.,The temperature
dependence of the FMR linewidth and line-shift in FM/NM/FM systems with MgO and SiO2
spacer layer. MISM Москва 2011август G.S.Kupriyanova, Cross relaxation effects in spin
system with quadrupole nuclei, In: Workshop on Magnetic resonance detection of
explosives and illicit materials.Yalova, Turkey, 18-23 September 2011. Book of abstacts,
p.46.S.V.Molchanov, G.S.Kupriyanova, I.G.Mershiev, , G.V.Mozzhukhin, The detection of
NQR on the base of pattern signal, In: Workshop on Magnetic resonance detection of
explosives and illicit materials.Yalova, Turkey, 18-23 September 2011. Book of abstacts,
p.48.G.S.Kupriyanova, A.P.Popov, A.Y.Zubin, A.Orlova, E.Prokhorenko, A.Goykhman,
P.Ershov.The problem of the nano-structures diagnostic for the need of spintronics by
magnetic resonance methods. Spin Physics, Spin Chemistru and Spin Technology. Book of
abstracts. Kazan 1-5 November 2011.G. Kupriyanova1, A. Popov, A. Goyhkman, A.
Astashonok, A. Zubin, A. Orlova and P.A. Ershov. FMR Investigation of Interlayer Exchange
Coupling in Trilayer Thin Film Structures. International conference on superconductivity and
magnetism. ICSM2012 29 April – 4 May 2012, İstanbul-TURKEY, p. 913Figen Ay, Bulat Z.
Rameev, Galina S. Kupriyanova, Nurcan Doğan, Alexander Yu. Goikhman, Bekir Aktas. FMR
studies of bilayer Fe/Ni and Fe/Co thin film structures. International conference on
superconductivity and magnetism. ICSM2012 29 April – 4 May 2012, İstanbul-TURKEY,
p45G. S. Kupriyanova, A.P.Popov†, A. Y. Zyubin*, A.Orlova*, E.Prokhorenko*,
A.Goykhman* and P.Ershov.* The diagnostics of three layer structures for the magnetic tunnel
junctions by magnetic resonance methods. Nuclear Magnetic Resonance in Condensed Matter.
Book of abstract. International symposium and Summer School. Saint Petersburg. 2012,
p.44I.Shikhman, M.Shelyapina, G.S.Kupriyanova. Theoretical studies of structuraland
magnetic properties of magnetite thin films. . Nuclear Magnetic Resonance in Condensed
Matter. Book of abstract. International symposium and Summer School. Saint Petersburg.
2012, p.56G. S. Kupriyanova*, A.P.Popov†, A. Y. Zyubin*, A.Orlova*, E.Prokhorenko*,
A.Goykhman* and P.Ershov. Diagnostics of thin layer structures for spintronics by magnetic
resonance methods. International conference AIS Kaliningrad.2012,p. 52Alexander
Goikhman, Galina Kupriyanova1, Roberto Mantovan, Andrei Zenkevich and Ksenia
Maksimova1. Synthesis and functional properties of polycrystalline Fe3Si-based magnetic
tunnel junctions. ICM 2012 E-MRS 2012 SPRING MEETING, Congress Center - Strasbourg,
FranceG.V.Mozzhukhin, B.Rameev, N. Doğan, Ö. Öneren, B.Aktaş, G.Kupriyanova, Nuclear
Quadrupole resonance of 14N nuclei in low magnetic field. International Symposium and
Summer School "Nuclear Magnetic Resonance in Condensed Matter", 6th Meeting "NMR in
Heterogeneous Systems", St. Petersburg, Petrodvorets, Russia, June 29 - July 3,
2009.G.V.Mozzhukhin, N. Doğan, Ö. Öneren, B.Rameev, R.Khusnutdinov, G.Kupriyanova,
S.V.Moltchanov, Nuclear quadrupole resonance experiment of 14N nuclei for remote detection
with use of the planar coil without shielding. . International Symposium and Summer School
"Nuclear Magnetic Resonance in Condensed Matter", 6th Meeting "NMR in Heterogeneous
Systems", St. Petersburg, Petrodvorets, Russia, June 29 - July 3, 2009.G.Kupriyanova,
G.V.Mozzhukhin, N. Doğan, B.Rameev, B. Aktaş. The NMR detection in low magnetic field.
International Symposium and Summer School "Nuclear Magnetic Resonance in Condensed
Matter", 6th Meeting "NMR in Heterogeneous Systems", St. Petersburg, Petrodvorets, Russia,
June 29 - July 3, 2009.N. Dogan, G.V. Mozzhukkin, B.Z. Rameev, G.S. Kupriyanova and B.
Aktas, Cross Relaxation Effects on NQR of TNT at Low Magnetic Fields, 3 rd International
Conference on Superconductivity and Magnetism (ICSM-2012) 29 April - 4 May 2012,
Kumburgaz, Istanbul-Turkey, Abstract Book, p.858.I. Özçelik, P. Aksu, G. Kupriyanova, G.
Mozzhukhin, B. Rameev. Time Domain NMR Studies of Oils and Petroleum Products.
International Conference on Nanoscale Magnetism (ICNM-2013), September 2-6, 2013,
Istanbul, Turkey.G.S. Kupriyanova, V. Rodionova, N. Chechenin, I. Dzhun, F. Ay, B.Z.
Rameev. Temperature dependent magnetic properties of NiFe/IrMn and NiFe/Cu/NiFe/IrMn
thin films structures. International Conference on Nanoscale Magnetism (ICNM-2013),
September 2-6, 2013, Istanbul, TurkeyI. Mershiev, G.Kupriyanova, Broudband composed
pulses for spin 1 NQR in powder/ International Symposium and Summer School "Nuclear
Magnetic Resonance in Condensed Matter", 10th Meeting "NMR in Heterogeneous Systems",
St. Petersburg, Petrodvorets, Russia, Jule 8 - July 12, 2013, p.98G.Kupriyanova ,
V.V.Molchanov, E. Severin, I. Mershiev, G.Kupriyanova, Method of signal detection of
nuclear magnetic resonanve inhomogeneous magnetic fieldby using of composed pulses
International Symposium and Summer School "Nuclear Magnetic Resonance in Condensed
Matter", 10th Meeting "NMR in Heterogeneous Systems", St. Petersburg, Petrodvorets,
Russia, Jule 8 - July 12, 2013, p.98N.Ya. Sinyavsky, G.S. Kupriyanova, F.N.Dolinenko.The
T1 and T2 Relaxation times distribution for the 35Cl and 14N in microcomposites and in
porous materials. Modern Development of magnetic resonance. Kazan. 2013, p.65
44. G.V.Mozzhukhin, V.Z.Rameev, G.S. Kupriyanova, P.Aksu,B.Aktas. NQR cross- relaxation of
14 N nuclei in low magnetic field. Modern Development of magnetic resonance. Kazan. 2013,
p.64 A.Orlova, A.Sinyukhin, G.Kupriyanova. Applying og Nejder-Mead’s algoritm for
simulation of the hysteresis curves Fe/SiO2/Co structure. Book of Abstracts. MISM Moscow
29 June – 2 July, 2014, p.147A.Zubin, G.Kupriyanova. The Magnetic resonance properties
temperature study of Fe/Ni multilayer thin film by FMR. Book of Abstracts. MISM Moscow
29 June – 2 July, 2014, p.239
47. G.Kupriyanova, Rodionova V., Chechenin N. Dzhun I., Ay F., B. Rameev. Temperature
dependence of magnetic properties of NiFe/Cu/ NiFe/IrMn thin films structure. Book of
Abstracts. MISM Moscow 29 June – 2 July, 2014, p.612
48. G.V.Mozzhukhin, J.Barras, B.Rameev, G.Kupriyanova. Two frequency nuclear quadrupole
resonance for lines identifications. International Symposium and Summer School in saint
Petersburg "Nuclear Magnetic Resonance in Condensed Matter", 11th Meeting
"Biomolecular NMR and related phenomena", St. Petersburg, Russia, 7 – 11 July, 2014, p. 28
49. Ilknur Gunduz, I. Mershiev, Erden Balci, G.Kupriyanova, G.V.Mozzhukhin, B.Rameev.
Signal denoising in Earth’s field magnetic resonance. International Symposium and Summer
School in saint Petersburg "Nuclear Magnetic Resonance in Condensed Matter", 11th
Meeting "Biomolecular NMR and related phenomena", St. Petersburg, Russia, 7 – 11 July,
2014, p. 48
50. G.Kupriyanova, A. Bogaychuk, S.Ruzshyeva, E.Makhno.13C NMR relaxation in adipose
tissue samples. International Symposium and Summer School in saint Petersburg "Nuclear
Magnetic Resonance in Condensed Matter", 11th Meeting "Biomolecular NMR and related
phenomena", St. Petersburg, Russia, 7 – 11 July, 2014, p. 54
51. G.Kupriyanova, I. Mershiev, F.Dolinenkov, V.Sabirekian. Increasing signal/ noise in the NQR
measurements using composite pulse. International Symposium and Summer School in saint
Petersburg "Nuclear Magnetic Resonance in Condensed Matter", 11th Meeting
"Biomolecular NMR and related phenomena", St. Petersburg, Russia, 7 – 11 July, 2014, p. 55
52. G.V.Mozzhukhin, G.Kupriyanova, B.Rameev, B.Aktas. Non resonance signal suppression in
pulse NQR. International Symposium and Summer School in saint Petersburg "Nuclear
Magnetic Resonance in Condensed Matter", 11th Meeting "Biomolecular NMR and related
phenomena", St. Petersburg, Russia, 7 – 11 July, 2014, p. 59
53. I. Mershiev, G.Kupriyanova. Composite pulse for 14N NQR with minimal phase distortion.
International Symposium and Summer School in saint Petersburg "Nuclear Magnetic
Resonance in Condensed Matter", 11th Meeting "Biomolecular NMR and related
phenomena", St. Petersburg, Russia, 7 – 11 July, 2014, p. 58
54. Мамадазизов С.Ш., Куприянова Г.С. ЯКР в 5- аминотетразоле. VI- Всероссийская
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61. G.Kupriyanova, V.V.Molchanov, E.A. Severin, G.V.Mozzhukhin. Investigation of the T1, T2
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