16 сентября 2013 г. НОВЫЕ ПОСТУПЛЕНИЯ В НАУЧНУЮ БИБЛИОТЕКУ БАЛТИЙСКОЙ МЕЖДУНАРОДНОЙ АКАДЕМИИ. книги с обложкой и аннотацией. ПРАВОВЕДЕНИЕ. Administratīvā procesa likums / Administratīvā procesa likuma spēkā stāšanās / Rīga: AFS, 2013. - 152 lpp. Civillikums. Likuma teksts ar grozījumiem, kas izsludināti līdz 29.11.2012. / Rīga: AFS, 2013. - 364 lpp. Kriminālprocesa likums / Rīga: AFS, 2013. - 363 lpp. Kriminālprocesa likums / 9. izd. - Rīga: Tiesu namu aģentūra, 2012. - 559 lpp. Latvijas administratīvo pārkāpumu kodekss. Kodeksa teksts ar grozījumiem, kas izsludināti līdz 20.01.2013. / Rīga: AFS, 258 lpp. Latvijas Universitātes žurnāls №3. Juridiskā zinātne / galv. red. Jānis Lazdiņš. Rīga: LU, 2012. - 180 lpp. Par Latvijas valsts konstitucionālajiem pamatiem un neaizskaramo Satversmes kodolu. Konstitucionālu tiesību komisijas viedoklis un materiāli / projekta vadītāja un red. Dina Gailīte. - Rīga: Latvijas Vēstnesis, 2012. - 255 lpp. Zahars, Vitolds Latvijas kriminālpolitika. Retrospekcija un nākotnes vīzija: monogrāfija / Vitolds Zahars. - Daugavpils: Daugavpils Universitātes Akadēmiskais Apgāds "SAULE", 2011. - 136 lpp. 1 Антонян, Ю.М. Криминология: учебник / Ю.М. Антонян. - Москва: Юрайт, 2012. - 523 с. (Бакалавр). Бирюков, М.М. Европейское право. До и после Лиссабонского договора: учебное пособие / М.М. Бирюков. - Москва: Статут, 2013. - 240 с. Бирюков М.М. Европейское право. До и после Лиссабонского договора ISBN 978-5-8354-0887-0 Данное издание представляет собой актуализированную и дополненную версию учебного пособия "Европейское право до и после Лиссабонского договора", вышедшего в свет в 2009 г. Содержит анализ нововведений, которые были предусмотрены Лиссабонским договором о реформах Европейского союза, положения дел с их реализацией на практике. Рассматривается юридическая природа "нового" Европейского союза, особенности и перспективы европейского права (права ЕС) на ближайшие годы. Особое внимание уделяется вопросам соотношения права ЕС с международным правом, в частности проблемам ограничения суверенных полномочий государств - членов Евросоюза. Анализируется развивающееся в европейском праве понятие "пространство свободы, безопасности и правосудия", исследуется новая важная роль национальных парламентов в процессах принятия решений в ЕС. Отображаются реформы институтов и органов Евросоюза, которые были запланированы Лиссабонским договором. Для студентов, аспирантов, преподавателей, научных сотрудников, практикующих юристов, а также для всех интересующихся вопросами европейской интеграции и международных отношений. Гуреев, В.А. Исполнительное производство: учебник для магистров / В.А. Гуреев, В.В. Гущин. - 3-е изд., перераб. и доп. - Москва: Юрайт, 2012. - 559 с. - (Магистр). Гуреев В.А. Исполнительное производство ISBN: 978-5-9916-1963-9 В учебнике освещаются теоретические и законодательные основы исполнительного права. Общая часть учебника излагает сущность механизма принудительного исполнения и логическую соподчиненность процессуальных действий, приводит исполнительные документы, сроки, стадии исполнительного производства. Особенная часть описывает специальный порядок обращения взыскания на имущество и доходы должника, 2 особенности обращения взыскания на отдельные виды имущества, соблюдение исполнительных документов, содержащих требования неимущественного характера и др. Особое значение отводится институту защиты прав в исполнительном производстве. Структура и содержание учебника соответствуют Федеральному государственному образовательному стандарту высшего профессионального образования третьего поколения, методическим требованиям к учебным изданиям. Для студентов, аспирантов и преподавателей юридических вузов и факультетов, а также для всех, кто интересуется вопросами правового регулирования исполнительного производства в Российской Федерации. Гусов, К.Н. Международное трудовое право: учебник / К.Н. Гусов, Н.Л. Лютов. - Москва: Проспект, 2012. - 592 с. Европейское право. Право Европейского Союза и правовое обеспечение защиты прав человека: учебник / рук. авт. кол. и отв. ред. Л. Энтин. - 3-е изд., пересмотренное и доп. - Москва: Норма, 2013. - 960 с. Егорова, О.А. Европейская конвенция о защите прав человека и основных свобод в судебной практике / О.А. Егорова, Ю.Ф. Беспалов. - Москва: Проспект, 2012. 144 с. Иншаков, С.М. Исследование преступности. Проблемы методики и методологии: монография / С.М. Иншаков; гл. ред. Н.Д. Эриашвили. - Москва: ЮНИТИДАНА, 2012. - 335 с. Кашкин, С.Ю. Право Европейского Союза: учебник для бакалавров. Т. 1. Общая часть. / С.Ю. Кашкин, А.О. Четвериков; под ред. С.Ю. Кашкина - 4-е изд., перераб. и доп. - Москва: Юрайт, 2013. - 647 с. - (Бакалавр. Углубленный курс). Кашкин С.Ю. Право Европейского Союза ISBN: 978-5-9916-1896-0 Данный учебник является частью первого наиболее полного двухтомного издания, полностью отвечающего требованиям новейших российских и европейских учебных программ. В новом издании учтены изменения, внесенные в правовую систему Европейского Союза (ЕС) после выхода в свет третьего издания, включая законодательство, направленное на претворение в жизнь Лиссабонского договора о реформе ЕС, новации в судебной 3 практике и проекты ЕС по наиболее актуальным вопросам. После каждой главы приведены контрольные вопросы, которые помогут лучше усвоить материал. Предыдущее издание учебника, которое переросло в двухтомник, в 2011 г. стало лауреатом Всероссийского конкурса на лучшую книгу 2010 г. в номинации «Юриспруденция». Криминология: учебное пособие / под ред. В.Н. Бурлакова, Н.М. Кропачева. - Санкт-Петербург: Питер, 2013. - 304 с. - (Стандарт третьего поколения). Конституционное право зарубежных стран: учебник / отв. ред. Ю.И. Лейбо. Москва: СТАТУТ, 2012. - 261 с. Лазарева, В.А. Доказывание в уголовном процессе: учебно-практическое пособие / В.А. Лазарева. - 4-е изд., перераб. и доп. - Москва: Юрайт, 2013. - 359 с. - (Магистр). Лунеев, В.В. Курс мировой и российской криминологии: учебник для магистров. Т. 1. Общая часть / В.В. Лунеев. - Москва: Юрайт, 2012. - 1003 с. - (Магистр). Лунеев, В.В. Курс мировой и российской криминологии: учебник для магистров. Т. 2. Особенная часть / В.В. Лунеев. - Москва: Юрайт, 2013. - 872 с. - (Магистр). Лунеев В.В. Курс мировой и российской криминологии: учебник для магистров. Комплект в 2-х томах. Т.1. Общая часть. Т.2. Особенная часть / В.В. Лунеев. Москва: Юрайт, 2012. - (Магистр) Лунеев В.В. Курс мировой и российской криминологии ISBN: 978-5-9916-2306-3 В данный комплект входят два тома, которые охватывают практически все аспекты проблематики как отечественной, так и зарубежной криминологии и потому является уникальным. Он преследует цель познакомить читателя с криминологическими достижениями и наиболее распространенными заблуждениями в этой области. Критический анализ основных достижений данной науки поможет криминологам, работникам системы уголовной юстиции и руководству страны выработать более эффективные криминологические стратегии противодействия, предупреждения и минимизации преступности. В первом томе курса рассматриваются общие фундаментальные 4 проблемы криминологии: научная база, история криминологических знаний, становление и развитие отечественной криминологии, современные методы криминологических исследований, преступность и иные правонарушения и девиации, причины преступности, личность преступника и мотивация преступного поведения, «совокупная» цена преступности, социально-правовой контроль и противодействие преступности. Второй том посвящен тем же проблемам, но применительно к отдельным видам и группам преступности. Для юристов, занимающихся криминологией, студентов, преподавателей криминологии, аспирантов и практических работников системы уголовной юстиции, а также социологов, политологов и других специалистов, интересующихся мировыми и отечественными проблемами противодействия, минимизации и предупреждения преступности. Международное уголовное право: учебник для вузов / А.В. Наумов, А.Г. Кибальник, В.Н. Орлов, П.В. Волосюк. - Москва: Юрайт, 2013. - 463 с. (Магистр). Международное уголовное право под ред. А.В. Наумова, А.Г. Кибальника, В.Н. Орлова, П.В. Волосюка ISBN: 978-5-9916-2362-9 Авторы учебника раскрывают существующие в отечественной и зарубежной доктринах подходы в определении самого международного уголовного права, его основных институтов, проблем взаимодействия с национальными уголовно-правовыми системами. После каждой главы приведены вопросы и задания для самоконтроля, которые помогут студентам проверить свои знания, а также обширный список рекомендуемой литературы. Международное частное право: учебник / под ред. В.А. Хохлова, Ю.А. Дорофеевой. - Москва: РИОР, 2012. - 528 с. - (Высшее образование: Бакалавриат). Осавелюк, А.М. Конституционное право зарубежных стран: учебник / А.М. Осавелюк. - 2-е изд., перераб. и доп. - Москва: ЮНИТИ - ДАНА, 2012. - 575 с. 5 Погосян, Е.В. Формы разрешения спортивных споров: монография / Е.В. Погосян. Москва: Волтерс Клувер, 2011. - 160 с. - (Гражданский и арбитражный процесс: современный взгляд). Правоохранительные органы зарубежных стран: учебник / под ред. А.В. Ендольцевой, О.В. Химичевой, Г.Б. Мирзоева. - Москва: ЮНИТИ-ДАНА, 2013. - 143 с. - (Юриспруденция для бакалавров). Правоохранительные органы зарубежных стран под ред. А.В. Ендольцевой, О.В. Химичевой, Г.Б. Мирзоева ISBN: 978-5-238-02400-4 В учебнике представлены методологические основы организации деятельности правоохранительных органов зарубежных стран. Большое внимание уделено органам правопорядка США, Великобритании, Франции, ФРГ, Испании, Италии, а также стран, входящих в СНГ. Кроме того, рассмотрены правоохранительные органы прибалтийских государств (Латвии, Литвы, Эстонии) и Грузии. Право Европейского Союза: учебник для бакалавров. Т. 2. Особенная часть. / под ред. С.Ю. Кашкина. - 4-е изд., перераб. и доп. - Москва: Юрайт, 2013. 1023 с. - (Бакалавр. Углубленный курс) + CD Право Европейского Союза под ред. С.Ю. Кашкина ISBN: 978-5-9916-2165-6 Данный учебник является частью первого наиболее полного двухтомного издания, полностью отвечающего требованиям новейших российских и европейских учебных программ. В Особенной части рассматриваются вопросы, связанные с правовым регулированием внутреннего рынка, таможенным союзом, антимонопольным и корпоративным правом ЕС, Шенгенским пространством, и многие другие. В новом издании учтены изменения, внесенные в правовую систему Европейского Союза (ЕС) после выхода в свет третьего издания, включая законодательство, направленное на претворение в жизнь Лиссабонского договора о реформе ЕС, новации в судебной практике и проекты ЕС по наиболее актуальным вопросам. Предыдущее издание учебника, которое переросло в двухтомник, в 2011 г. стало 6 лауреатом Всероссийского конкурса на лучшую книгу 2010 г. в номинации «Юриспруденция». Право Европейского Союза: учебное пособие / С.Ю.Кашкин, А.О. Четвериков, П.А. Калиниченко [и др.]; отв. ред. С.Ю. Кашкин. - 3-е изд., перераб. и доп. - Москва: Проспект, 2012. - 320 с. Право европейского Союза: учебное пособие под ред. С.Ю. Кашкина, А.О. Четверикова, П.А. Калиниченко ISBN: 978-5-392-03034-7 В пособии раскрыты основные темы программы курса "Право Европейского Союза" ("Европейское право"), учтены поправки, внесенные Ниццким договором 2001 г., Договором о присоединении 2005 г., и основные положения Лиссабонского договора. Предназначено для изучения учебного курса "Право Европейского Союза" ("Европейское право"), "Международное публичное право", "Конституционное право". Предназначено для изучения учебного курса "Право Европейского Союза" ("Европейское право"), "Международное публичное право", "Конституционное право".Для студентов юридических вузов и факультетов, аспирантов, преподавателей, научных работников и юристов-практиков, а также всех заинтересованных читателей. Сумбарова, М.В. Уголовный процесс Латвии. Краткий курс. Общие положения: учебное пособие / М.С. Сумбарова. - 2-ое изд., перераб. - Рига: JUMI, 2012. - 89 c. Уголовное право зарубежных стран. Общая и особенная части: учебник для магистров / под ред. Н.Е. Крыловой. - 4-е изд., перераб. и доп. - Москва: Юрайт, 2013. - 1054 с. - (Магистр). Уголовное право зарубежных стран. Общая и особенная части под ред. Н.Е. Крыловой ISBN: 978-5-9916-2118-2 Авторы учебника, известные своими научными и учебнометодическими работами в области уголовного права зарубежных стран и сравнительного права, подготовили работу на основе действующего уголовного законодательства шести наиболее развитых зарубежных стран (Англия, США, Франция, Германия, Италия, Япония) с использованием материалов судебной практики и уголовно-правовой доктрины этих стран. По сравнению с прежним изданием учебник был существенно обновлен. Структура учебника определена его делением на две крупные части Общую и Особенную, 7 которые соответствуют традиционному выделению этих частей в уголовном праве практически всех рассматриваемых правовых систем и Российской Федерации. Уголовно-процессуальное право. Актуальные проблемы теории и практики: учебник для магистров / под ред. В.А. Лазаревой, А.А. Тарасова. - 2-е изд., перераб. и доп. - Москва: Юрайт, 2013. - 476 с. - (Магистр). Уголовно-процессуальное право. Актуальные проблемы теории и практики. под ред. В.А. Лазаревой, А.А. Тарасова ISBN: 978-5-9916-2911-9 Ценность книги определяется не только глубиной теоретического исследования, но и практической значимостью для юриста, имеющего дело с уголовным процессом. В учебнике рассматриваются наиболее актуальные проблемы современного уголовного судопроизводства России, связанные с трудностями правоприменения, с противоречивостью тенденций и перспектив развития отечественного законодательства и порождающие острые научные дискуссии. Представлен детальный анализ российского законодательства на разных этапах его развития, данные эмпирических и социологических исследований, обширный исторический и сравнительно-правовой материал. В конце каждой главы помещен перечень вопросов и заданий для самоконтроля, списки рекомендуемых литературных источников. Честнов, И.Л. Постклассическая теория права: монография / И.Л. Честнов. - СанктПетербург: Алеф-Пресс, 2012. - 650 с. Честнов И.Л. Постклассическая теория права ISBN: 978-5-90596-602-6 В работе излагаются дискуссионные вопросы современной теории права с позиций постклассической онтологии и методологии. Анализируются те изменения, которые вносит в теорию права эпоха постмодерна. Предлагается антропологическая программа правопонимания, способная ответить на вызовы постмодерна. Работа рассчитана на преподавателей, аспирантов, магистрантов, студентов старших курсов всех интересующихся современными проблемами теории права. 8 ЭКОНОМИКА. Apsalons, Raitis Loģistikas centru pārvaldība / Raitis Apsalons. - Rīga: Burtene, 2012. - 171 lpp.: sh. Акулич, И.Л. Практический маркетинг / И.Л. Акулич, И.З. Герчиков. - Минск: Паблишинг Хауз, 2011. - 424 с. Брег, Стивен Настольная книга финансового директора / Стивен Брег; пер. с англ. - 8-е изд. - Москва: Альпина Паблишер, 2012. - 608 с. Глухов, В.В. Экономика и менеджмент в инфокоммуникациях: учебное пособие. Стандарт третьего поколения / В.В. Глухов. - Санкт-Петербург: Питер, 2012. - 272 с.: ил. (Учебное пособие). Карминский, А.М. Контроллинг: учебник / А.М. Карминский, С.Г.Фалько, А.А. Жевага, Н.Ю. Иванова; под ред. А.М. Карминского, С.Г. Фалько. - 3-е изд., дораб. - Москва: Форум, 2013. - 336 с. - (Высшее образование). Константинова, Е.П. Международные стандарты финансовой отчетности: учебное пособие / Е.П. Константинова. - Москва: Дашков и Кº, 2011. - 288 с. Курс социально-экономической статистики: учебник / под ред. М.Г. Назарова. - 9-е изд., стереотипное. - Москва: Омега-Л, 2011. - 1013 с.: ил., табл. - (Высшее экономическое образование). Курс социально-экономической статистики под ред. М.Г. Назарова ISBN: 978-5-370-01396-6 В учебнике излагаются вопросы сущности социально-экономической статистики в условиях рыночной экономики, системы стандартных классификаций и регистров. Рассматриваются важнейшие показатели системы национальных счетов; статистики населения и рынка труда, занятости, безработицы, стоимости рабочей силы; баланса активов и пассивов и статистики национального богатства; 9 науки и инноваций; предпринимательства, предприятий и инвестиций; доходов, расходов, потребления и социальной защиты населения; отраслей социальной сферы и условий жизни населения: правовой статистики; цен и тарифов, инфляции; государственных финансов, налогов, рынка ценных бумаг и фондовых бирж; банков и небанковских финансовых учреждений; денежного обращения и кредитов, страхования и страхового рынка; внешнеэкономических связей, таможенной статистики, валютного регулирования и контроля, платежного баланса; моделирования и прогнозирования социально-экономических явлений. Макашев, М.О. Бренд-менеджмент: учебное пособие / М.О. Макашев. - Санкт-Петербург: Питер, 2013. - 224 с.: ил. - (Учебное пособие). Маккей, Харви Курс МВА по продажам в реальном мире / Харви Маккей; пер. с англ. С.Э. Борич. - Минск: Попурри, 2012. - 368 с.: ил. Перминов, С.М. Дистрибьюция. Стратегия и тактика управления компанией / С.М. Перминов. - Санкт-Петербург: Питер, 2013. - 784 с.: ил. Управление проектами: учебное пособие / И.И. Мазур [и др.]; под общей ред. И.И. Мазура и В.Д. Шапиро. - 9-е изд., стереотипное. - Москва: Омега-Л, 2013. - 960 с.: ил., табл. - (Современное бизнес-образование). Черкасов, Т.И. Общая теория собственности / Т.И. Черкасов. - 4-е изд., дораб. - Москва: Кириллица, 2012. - 400 с. Этрилл, Питер Финансовый менеджмент и управленческий учет для руководителей и бизнесменов / Питер Этрилл, Эдди Маклейни; пер. с англ. В. Ионов. - Москва: Альпина Паблишер, 2012. - 648 с. 10 УПРАВЛЕНИЕ ТУРИСТИЧЕСКИМ И ГОСТИНИЧНЫМ БИЗНЕСОМ. Krastiņš, Jānis Rīgas Jūgendstila ēkas. Art Nouveau Buildings in Riga: Ceļvedis pa Jūgendstila metropoli. A Guide to Art Nouveau Metropolis; otrais izd. 2nd ed.; tulkoja, transl. M. Gailītis, V. Kostoff / J. Krastiņš - Rīga: ADD Projekts, 2012 - 407lpp.: ch, kartes. Best Practice in Accessible Tourism. Inclusion, Disability, Ageing Population and Tourism / ed. by Dimitrios Buhalis, Simon Darcy, Ivor Ambrose. - Channel View Publications, 2012. - 379, [26] p. - (Aspects of Tourism). Best Practice in Accessible Tourism. Inclusion, Disability, Ageing Population and Tourism Edited by Dimitrios Buhalis, Simon Darcy, Ivor Ambrose ISBN-13: 978-1-84541-252-4 This book brings together global expertise in planning, design and management to inform and stimulate providers of travel, transport, accommodation, leisure and tourism services to serve guests with disabilities, seniors and the wider markets that require good accessibility. Selected country reports, detailed case studies and technical guidance from leading experts provide an essential resource for academics and practitioners. Erfurt-Cooper, Patricia Health and Wellness Tourism. Spas and Hot Springs / Patricia Erfurt-Cooper, Malcolm Cooper. - Channel View Publications, 2009. - 362, [14] p. - (Aspects of Tourism). Erfurt-Cooper Patricia, Cooper Malcolm Health and Wellness Tourism. Spas and Hot Springs ISBN-13: 978-1-84541-111-4 The use of natural geothermal springs in the treatment of illness and the promotion of wellness (thermalism, balneology) forms the foundation for a discussion of the development and growth of health and wellness tourism in this book. A range of perspectives are explored, including usage, heritage, management, technology, environmental and cultural features, and marketing. 11 Family Tourism. Multidisciplinary Perspectives / edited by Heike Schänzel, Ian Yeoman and Elise Backer. - Channel View Publications, 2012. - 200, [18] p. Family Tourism. Multidisciplinary Perspectives edited by Heike Schänzel, Ian Yeoman and Elise Backer ISBN: 978-1-84541-326-2 The family, in many countries, is in a state of flux and their vacation patterns have changed significantly in recent years. This book provides a comprehensive picture of the family on holiday, past, present and future. The authors fill a gaping hole in the academic and practitioner literature and this book will be an invaluable resource for students and professionals alike. Tom Baum, University of Strathclyde, UK. This book addresses a much under-researched aspect of contemporary life. Family tourism represents a major aspect of all leisure travel, yet little systematic research has, until now, been undertaken on the various forms of the family and their experiences of tourism. This book represents a systematic approach to the subject and is written in an accessible and interesting manner. I heartily recommend it to all those interested in tourism and in the family.Conrad Lashley, Oxford Brookes University, UKThis book breaks new ground by bringing together a range of well-respected researchers from around the world to delve into the concept of family tourism from their individual knowledge base, so as to develop a multiple disciplinary focus to the study of family tourism. I am sure in a short time this book will be required reading, not only for students of tourism, but also for those who work in tourism marketing and want to better understand their markets.Brian Hay, Queen Margaret University, Edinburgh, UKThis book on family tourism is a welcome contribution to tourism studies through its discussion of this hitherto forgotten, but significant market. The interesting collection highlights the pleasures and stresses of family travel, the social exclusion of some groups, and the creativity required by the industry to provide for the family whose structure and requirements are ever changing. Jennie Small, University of Technology, Sydney, Australia. Heeley, John Inside City Tourism. A European Perspective / John Heeley. - Channel View Publications, 2011. - 167, [22] p. - (Aspects of Tourism). Heeley John Inside City Tourism. A European Perspective ISBN-13: 978-1-84541-170-1 Inside City Tourism explores how European cities use tourism to bolster their economies and image, appraising it in terms of history, measurement, structure, operations and leadership. This book distinguishes itself from other texts through its pan-European perspective and by combining both theory and practice. New and original case materials are used to exemplify mainstream approaches to city marketing, 12 identify recurrent problems and opportunities, and exemplify best practice. Laing, Jennifer Books and Travel: Inspiration, Quests and Transformation / Jennifer Laing, Warwick Frost. - Channel View Publications, 2012. - 210, [8] p. Laing Jennifer, Frost Warwick. Books and Travel: Inspiration, Quests and Transformation ISBN: 978-1-84541-348-4 The books that we read, whether travel-focused or not, may influence the way in which we understand the process or experience of travel. This multidisciplinary work provides a critical analysis of the inspirational and transformational role that books play in travel imaginings. Does reading a book encourage us to think of travel as exotic, adventurous, transformative, dangerous or educative? Do different genres of books influence a reader's view of travel in multifarious ways? These questions are explored through a literary analysis of an eclectic selection of books spanning the period from the eighteenth century to the present day. Genres covered include historical fiction, children's books, westerns, science-fiction and crime fiction. Roesch, Stefan The Experiences of Film Location Tourists / Stefan Roesch. - Channel View Publications, 2009. - 248, [22] p. - (Aspects of Tourism). Roesch Stefan The Experiences of Film Location Tourists ISBN-13: 978-1-84541-120-6 This book examines the on-site experiences of film-induced tourists at various film locations, including locations from The Lord of the Rings, Star Wars and The Sound of Music. The study attempts to understand the needs and wants of film location tourists and also examines how to use films for destination marketing. 13 Social Tourism in Europe. Theory and Practice / ed. by Scott McCabe, Lynn Minnaert, Anya Diekmann. - Channel View Publications, 2012. - 201, [14] p. (Aspects of Tourism). Social Tourism in Europe. Theory and Practice edited by Scott McCabe, Lynn Minnaert and Anya Diekmann ISBN-13: 978-1-84541-232-6 This book examines the concept of social tourism within a European context. It places social tourism within a historical context of social development in the region, highlighting the diverse ways in which social tourism has evolved, identifying commonalities and providing a comprehensive definition. The theoretical chapters approach social tourism from a multi-disciplinary perspective linking social tourism to concepts such as social inequality, welfare systems, sustainability, family diversity and mobilities. Slow Tourism. Experiences and Mobilities / edited by Simone Fullagar, Kevin Markwell and Erica Wilson. - Channel View Publications, 2012. - 233, [14] p. Slow Tourism. Experiences and Mobilities edited by Simone Fullagar, Kevin Markwell and Erica Wilson ISBN: 978-1-84541-280-7 Bringing together scholars from the areas of tourism, leisure and cultural studies, eco-humanities and tourism management, this book examines the emerging phenomenon of slow tourism. The book explores the range of travel experiences that are part of growing consumer concerns with quality leisure time, environmental and cultural sustainability, as well as the embodied experience of place. Slow tourism encapsulates a range of lifestyle practices, mobilities and ethics that are connected to social movements such as slow food and cities, as well as specialist sectors such as ecotourism and voluntourism. The slow experience of temporality can evoke and incite different ways of being and moving, as well as different logics of desire that value travel experiences as forms of knowledge. Slow travel practices reflect a range of ethical-political positions that have yet to be critically explored in the academic literature despite the growth of industry discourse. 14 The Tourism and Leisure Experience. Consumer and Managerial Perspectives / ed. by Michael Morgan, Peter Lugosi, J.R. Brent Ritchie. - Channel View Publications, 2010. - 237, [22] p. - (Aspects of Tourism). The Tourism and Leisure Experience. Consumer and Managerial Perspectives edited by Michael Morgan, Peter Lugosi, J.R. Brent Ritchie ISBN-13: 978-1-84541-148-0 People do not buy products or even services; they purchase the total experience that the product or service provides. This book brings together established and emerging international scholars to provide systematic reviews and illustrative cases drawn from tourism, leisure, hospitality, sport and event contexts. The book provides a useful framework for focusing the goals and associated methodologies of future research efforts and for implementing the results of these efforts. Timothy, Dallen J. Cultural Heritage and Tourism. An Introduction / Dallen J. Timothy. - Channel View Publications, 2011. - 509, [18] p. - (Aspects of Tourism Texts). Timothy Dallen J. Cultural Heritage and Tourism. An Introduction ISBN-13: 978-1-84541-176-3 Cultural heritage is one of the most pervasive tourism resources in the world. Most trips away from home involve some element of culture, and heritage tourism continues to grow each year. This book provides a comprehensive overview of the issues, practices, current debates, concepts, and managerial concerns associated with cultural heritagebased tourism. 15 Xie, Philip Feifan Authenticating Ethnic Tourism / Philip Feifan Xie. - Channel View Publications, 2011. - 272, [16] p. - (Tourism and Cultural Change). Xie Philip Feifan Authenticating Ethnic Tourism ISBN-13: 978-1-84541-157-2 This book represents a shifting of emphasis away from the discourse of authenticity to the process of authenticating ethnic tourism. It focuses upon what authentication is, how it works, who is involved, and what are the problems in the process. It explores an intricate tourism-ethnicity relationship in the context of Hainan Island, China. Yeoman, Ian 2050 - Tomorrow's Tourism / Ian Yeoman, with Rebecca Li Yu … [et al.]. Channel View Publications, 2012. - 258, [16] p. - (Aspects of Tourism). Yeoman Ian 2050 - Tomorrow's Tourism ISBN-13: 978-1-84541-301-9 This book constructs scenarios from Shanghai to Edinburgh, Seoul to California encompassing complex topics such as human trafficking, conferences, transport, food tourism or technological innovation. This is a blue skies thinking book about the future of tourism and a thought provoking analytical commentary. Лесник, А.Л. Гостиничный маркетинг. Теория и практика максимизации продаж: учебное пособие / А.Л. Лесник. - Москва: КНОРУС, 2009. - 232 с. 16 Пфлегер, Андреа Отель. Как выстроить дело с нуля до пяти звезд / Андреа Пфлегер; перевод с нем. О.В. Барышевой. - Москва: Центрполитраф, 2008. - 239 с. Пфлегер Андреа Отель. Как выстроить дело с нуля до пяти звезд ISBN: 978-5-9524-3709-8 А. Пфлегер - известный специалист в области гостиничного бизнеса из Австрии - в своей наглядной, лаконичной и весьма информативной книге приводит основополагающие правила организации и менеджмента в сфере индустрии гостеприимства. Автор подробно рассказывает о принципах наиболее продуктивной работы персонала всех служебных подразделений отеля с учетом европейского стандарта. Дает ценные практические советы по обустройству и техническому оснащению предприятий самого разного уровня, подбору и обучению персонала, приводит лучший мировой опыт, который будет полезен российским специалистам - и профессионалам, и начинающим Соколова, М.В. История туризма:учебное пособие / М.В. Соколова. - 3-е изд., исправленное. Москва: Академия, 2006. - 352 с. - (Высшее профессиональное образование). СВЯЗИ С ОБЩЕСТВЕННОСТЬЮ. РЕКЛАМА. Broom, Glen M. Cutlip and Center’s Effective Public Relations / Glen M. Broom; Bey-Ling Sha. 11th ed. - Pearson, 2013. - 464 p. Broom Glen M., Sha Bey-Ling Cutlip and Center’s Effective Public Relations ISBN: 978-0-273-76839-5 Much like the continuous change in public relations practice, this book has come a long way since it was first published sixty years ago in 1952. The purpose of this classic textbook has been to advance and legitimise public relations towards professional status. Now in its eleventh edition and with an international focus (two of the three original authors having died), it has become for many the bible of public relations. 17 Broom and Sha start off the new edition by laying down the conceptual foundations for understanding PR and its evolution to the present day. Next, values, theories, principles and the management process are extensively covered to serve as a guiding tool in the practice. Lastly, updated examples and information are introduced to aid with an understanding of contemporary PR. What makes this book extraordinarily interesting to a young PR practitioner is the relevant information gathered from people in the industry. Executive directors, presidents and professors contribute up-todate information and personal insight into the world of PR. Effective Public Relations continues to be the most relied upon source by those preparing for accreditation examination; it’s widely-cited in public relations academic literature and it has already been translated into nine languages. Broom and Sha’s book definitely deserves its place in my growing library of public relations books. Manyozo, Linje Media, Communication and Development: Three Approaches / Linje Manyozo. SAGE, 2012. - 259, [20] p. Manyozo Linje Media, Communication and Development: Three Approaches ISBN: 978-81-321-0905-1 Media, Communication and Development: Three Approaches explores and revisits the perspectives of Nora C Quebral, whose seminal work still remains a Magna Carta on the topic of development communication. It explores the three primary approaches—media for development, media development and participatory and community communication—which have characterised most debates in the field of media, communication and development. The book is theoretically engaging and brings in postcolonial perspectives in discussing the core concepts, but at the same time is easy-to-understand, as it illustrates the complex and multidisciplinary concepts through case studies from both the global south and the global north. Девиантность в обществе потребления: монография / кол. авторов; под ред. Я.И. Гилинского, Т.В. Шипуновой. - Санкт-Петербург: Алеф-Пресс, 2012. 462 с. 18 Девиантность в обществе потребления под ред. Я.И. Гилинского, Т.В. Шипуновой. ISBN: 978-5-905966-01-9 Коллективная монография посвящена исследованию различных видов девиантности (преступность, пьянство, наркотизм, проституция и др.) в современном «обществе потребления». Изложению эмпирических данных предшествует освещение теоретических и методологических проблем темы. В монографии отражены такие нетрадиционные вопросы, как Интернет в обществе потребления, потребительский ретретизм (дауншифтинг) и др. Монография рассчитана на социологов, экономистов, юристов, психологов, а также всех, кто интересуется сложными проблемами нашего непростого мира. Матвейчев, О. Уши машут ослом. Современное социальное програмирование / О. Матвейчев, Д. Гусев, С. Чернаков ... [и др.]. - 2-е изд. - Санкт-Петербург: Питер, 2013. - 304 с. Профессиональная этика и служебный этикет: учебник / рук. авт. кол. и отв. ред. В. Кикотя. - Москва: ЮНИТИ - ДАНА, 2011. - 559 с. СОЦИАЛЬНАЯ РАБОТА. Adams, Robert Social Policy for Social Work / Robert Adams; consultant editor Jo Campling. Palgrave Macmillan, 2002. - 269, [12] p. Adams Robert Social Policy for Social Work ISBN-13: 978-0-333-77473-1 Social Policy for Social Work provides a comprehensive, critical and engaging introduction to social policy for students and practitioners of social work. The text is clearly structured into three parts that cover contexts, policies and issues. The first part explores changing perspectives on social policy and social work and provides an introduction to the broad range of specific policy aspects discussed in part two which include: social security health and community care family and child care criminal justice. Part three focuses on key issues such as tackling divisions and inequalities, the control of services including empowering people receiving services, and future 19 policy trends. Additionally, appendices provide a key to common abbreviations, dates of the main legislation and internet addresses of main information sources on policy and research. Illustrations from practice are included throughout to highlight implications for social work practice. The text focuses on contemporary Britain but also draws examples from European, global and historical contexts wherever appropriate. This exceptional text demonstrates clearly the relevance and implications of social policy for social work practice. It is an essential and practical resource for all students and practitioners in the welfare field. Denney, David Social Policy and Social Work / David Denney. - OXFORD University Press, 2007. - 270, [10] p. Denney David Social Policy and Social Work ISBN-13: 978-0-19-878149-3 In this book, David Denney introduces some of the fundamental debates which link social work to social policy. Relevant to undergraduate students and researchers of social policy and social work , as well as professionals in related areas, this book enables the reader to develop a critical understanding of how social policy is related to social work both practically and theoretically. This is the only text of its kind which encourages and assists social workers in understanding recent developments in social policy. Throughout the book the centrality of linking theory to practice is emphasized. Chapters cover issues surrounding older people, disability, mental health, community care, working with offenders, children, the family, antiracism and social work. The book is equipped with further learning aids: All chapters contain a summary of the main points at the beginning, exercises and guided reading. Social Work Models, Methods and Theories. A Framework for Practice / edited by Paul Stepney, Deirdre Ford. - Russell House Publishing, 2000. - 150, [10] p. Social Work Models, Methods and Theories. A Framework for Practice edited by Paul Stepney, Deirdre Ford ISBN-13: 978-1898924838 In a climate for practice increasingly shaped by global economic and social forces, the importance of a reflective discourse about the place of theory in practice is paramount. With contributions from leading academics such as Neil Thompson, Lena Dominelli, Brian Sheldon, and from social work practitioners, this essential new book critically reviews key theories and methods in the context of contemporary practice. New insights and findings emerge to reveal how, as Bill Jordan argues in the final chapter, social work can be 'a credible and relevant factor in the lives of people who use its 20 services'. Everyone who cares about social work's role and future will find here a diversity and richness of ideas married with a clarity of thought and expression that can help them confront what the editors call 'the sheer scale and intensity of the changes in the human service organizations that are creating a growing sense of unease and ambiguity about the future'. The journey through the disputed territory of social work models, methods and theories provides an authoritative introduction to the field as well as an important resource for experienced practitioners. Smale, Gerald Social Work and Social Problems. Working towards Social Inclusion and Social Change / Gerald Smale, Graham Tuson, Daphne Statham; consultant editor Jo Campling. - Palgrave Macmillan, 2000. - 255, [14] p. Smale Gerald Social Work and Social Problems. Working towards Social Inclusion and Social Change ISBN-13: 978-0-333-62564-4 The organization of social work, and social welfare more generally, is changing radically as we move into the 21st century. This book describes how social work teams can respond to social problems in a way that both deals with immediate need and helps build community capacity. The authors recognise the need to respond appropriately to crisis where vulnerable children and adults are at risk, but argue that an inappropriate response can compound and perpetuate people's problems. They suggest that social care organizations need to go beyond operating as aid agencies focusing on the needs of individuals, and should increase their development capacity by working with other agencies and citizens to make communities more supportive and inclusive for vulnerable and excluded people. Агапов, Е.П. Методы исследования в социальной работе: учебное пособие / Е.П. Агапов. 2-е изд. - Москва: Дашков и К°, 2013. - 224 с. АкмаловА, А.А. Социальная работа с мигрантами и беженцами: учебное пособие / А.А. Акмалова, В.М. Капицын; отв. ред. П.Д. Павленок. - Москва: ИНФРА-М, 2012. 220 с. - (Высшее образование). Гуслова, М.Н. Теория и методика социальной работы: учебник / М.Н. Гуслова. - 2-е изд., стереотипное. - Москва: Академия, 2011. - 160 с. 21 Социальная работа с различными группами населения: учебное пособие / под ред Н.Ф. Басова. - Москва: КНОРУС, 2012. - 528 с. - (Для бакалавров). Технологии социальной работы: учебник / В.И. Жукова. - Москва: Издательство РГСУ, 2011. - 388 с. Фирсов, М.В. Технология социальной работы: учебник / М.В. Фирсов, Е.Г. Студенова. - 3-е изд., перераб. - и доп. - Москва: Юрайт, 2012. - 557 с. - (Бакалавр. Базовый курс). Холостова, Е.И. Семейное воспитание и социальная работа: учебное пособие / Е.И. Холостова, Е.М. Черняк, Н.Н. Стрельникова. - Москва: Дашков и К°, 2011. - 292 с. Холостова, Е.И. Социальная политика и социальная работа: учебное пособие / Е.И. Холостова. - 4-е изд. перераб. и доп. - Москва: Дашков и К°, 2013. - 208 с. Холостова, Е.И. Социальная работа: учебник / Е.И. Холостова. - Москва: Дашков и К°, 2012. 612 с. Холостова, Е.И. Социальная работа. История, теория и практика: учебник / Е.И. Холостова. Москва: Юрайт, 2012. - 905 с. - (Бакалавр. Углубленный курс). ПСИХОЛОГИЯ. Вилкен, Жан Пьер Восстановление и реабилитация. Комплексный подход / Жан Пьер Вилкен, Дирк ден Холландер; пер. с англ. И. Темирбулатова, Д. Шукурова. - Global Initiative on Psychiatry; Fund Storm Rehabilitation, 2011. - 296 с. Гуслова, М.Н. Организация и содержание работы по социальной защите женщин, детей и семьи: учебное пособие / М.Н. Гуслова. - Москва: Академия, 2010. - 266 с. 22 Евдокимов, В.И. Методология и методика проведения научной работы по физической культуре и спорту / В.И. Евдокимов, О.А. Чурганов. - 2-е изд., исправленное и доп. - Москва: Советский спорт, 2010. - 246 с.: ил. Загайнов, Р.М. Кризисные ситуации в спорте и психология их преодоления: монография / Р.М. Загайнов. - Москва: Советский спорт, 2010. - 232 с.: ил. Змановский, Е.В. Современный психоанализ. Теория и практика / Е.В. Змановский. - СанктПетербург: Питер, 2011. - 283 с. - (Мастера психологии). Ильин, Е.П. Психология доверия / Е.П. Ильин. - Санкт-Петербург, 2013. - 283 с.: ил. (Мастера психологии). Ильин, Е.П. Психология помощи. Альтруизм, эгоизм, эмпатия / Е.П. Ильин. - СанктПетербург: Питер, 2013. - 304 с.: ил. - (Мастера психологии). Кадыров, Р.В. Посттравматическое стрессовое расстройство (PTSD). Состояние проблемы, психодиагностика и психологическая помощь: учебное пособие / Р.В. Кадыров. - Санкт-Петербург: Речь, 2012. - 448 с. Лейбин, В.М. Психоанализ: учебное пособие / В.М. Лейбин. - 2-е изд. - Санкт-Петербург: Питер, 2008. - 587 с.: ил. - (Учебное пособие). Олифирович, Н.И. Терапия семейных систем / Н.И. Олифирович, Т.Ф. Велента, Т.А. ЗинкевичКуземкина. - Санкт-Петербург: Речь, 2012. - 562 с. Психология физической культуры и спорта: учебник / под ред. А.В. Родионова. - Москва: Академия, 2010. - 368 с. Ранк, Отто Травма рождения и ее значение для психоанализа / Отто Ранк; пер. с нем. Е.Н. Баканова. - Москва: Когито-Центр, 2009. - 239 с. - (Библиотека психоанализа). 23 Рехардт, Эро Ключевые проблемы психоанализа. Избранные труды / Эро Рехардт; пер. с англ. М.А. Якушиной. - Москва: Когнито-Центр, 2009. - 331 с. - (Библиотека психоанализа). Серова, Л.К. Профессиональный отбор в спорте / Л.К. Серова. - Москва: Человек, 2011. 160 с.: ил. Шапарь, В.Б. Практическая психология. Тесты, методики, диагностика / В.Б. Шапарь. Ростов н/Д: Феникс, 2010. - 662 с.: ил. - (Психологический факультет). ДИЗАЙН СРЕДЫ. Alles, Chantal Crazy Art / Chantal Alles. - VIVAYS, 2011. - 192 p. Alles Chantal Crazy Art ISBN: 978-1-908126-08-5 Crazy Art will be a revelation to anyone who thinks that art is more or less limited to painting, sculpture and photography. The title features the work of more than sixty contemporary artists drawn from all over the world, demonstrating that there are absolutely no boundaries to expressing the most inventive and exciting ideas through a vast range of different media and materials. Five chapters pitch well-known artists - such as Carl Warner with his bizarre "foodscapes", or Nathan Swaya, creator of Brick Art, and Larry Moss with his famous balloon sculptures - alongside young practitioners like Pei-Sang Ng, an artist whose stunning matchstick designs burn brightly but all too briefly. Each artist and subject receives a short introduction, whilst illustrations and detailed descriptions provide insight into their most important, individual and creative works of art. From Food Art to Body Art, Junk Art to Street and even Dust Art, Crazy Art brings their original, radical and provocative ideas to life. Website links guide the reader toward more information on the artists, their work and the galleries or museums that give them patronage. The Big Book of Logos 3 / ed. David E. Carter. - Collins Design, 2006. - 384 p. 24 Brereton, Richard Sketchbooks. The Nidden Art of Designers, Illustrators & Creatives / Richard Brereton. - Laurence King Publishing, 2009. - 240 p. Brereton Richard Sketchbooks. The Nidden Art of Designers, Illustrators & Creatives ISBN: 978-1-78067-022-5 Now published in paperback, Sketchbooks provides a revealing glimpse into the inner workings and private inspiration of creatives from the worlds of advertising, design, graphic design, fashion design, art, street art, and illustration. The material is complemented by interviews in which artists explain how they use their sketchbooks and how they relate to finished works. These, along with the sketchbooks themselves, give readers a direct and unmediated insight into the process of research and creation. Burgess, Paul Design: Type / Paul Burgess, Agency Burge. - Rockport Publishers, 2012. - 272 p. Burgess Paul, Burge Agency Design: Type ISBN 978-1856697439 Design: Type features a curated collection of nearly 600 exquisite design, along with essays from designers in the field about the essence of creating compelling, communicative designs using typography in myriad ways. It also offers insight from the author – mini workshops that take a closer at the type choice, placement, and voice used in several projects featured in the book. This informative and inspiring series will offer the best of design in practice. Campanario, Gabriel The Art of Urban Sketching. Drawing on Location Around the World / Gabriel Campanario. - Quarry Books, 2012. - 320 p. 25 Campanario Gabriel The Art of Urban Sketching. Drawing on Location Around the World ISBN: 978-1-59253-725-9 The Art of Urban Sketching is both a comprehensive guide and a showcase of location drawings by artists around the world who draw the cities where they live and travel. Authored by the founder of the nonprofit organization Urban Sketchers (www.urbansketchers.org), this beautiful, 320-page volume explains urban sketching within the context of a long historical tradition and how it is being practiced today. With profiles of leading practitioners and discussions of the benefits of working in this art form, this inspiring book shows how one can participate and experience this creative outlet through modern-day social networks and online activity. You'll find more than 600 beautiful, contemporary illustrations, as well as artists' profiles and extended captions where these urban sketchers share their stories, how they work, sketching tips, and the tools behind each drawing. With sketches and observations from more than 50 cities in more than 30 countries, The Art of Urban Sketching offers a visually arresting, storytelling take on urban life from different cultures and artistic styles, as well as insight into various drawing techniques and mediums. Coles, Stephen The Geometry of Type: The Anatomy of 100 Essential Typefaces / Stephen Coles. - Thames & Hudson, 2013. - 256 p. Coles Stephen The Geometry of Type: The Anatomy of 100 Essential Typefaces ISBN 9780500241424 The Geometry of Type explores 100 traditional and modern typefaces in loving detail, with a full spread devoted to each entry. Characters from each typeface are enlarged and annotated to reveal key features, anatomical details, and the finer, often-overlooked elements of type design, which shows how these attributes affect mood and readability. Sidebar information lists the designer and foundry, the year of release and the different weights and styles available, while feature boxes explain the origins and best uses for each typeface, such as whether it is suitable for running text or as a display font for headlines. To help the reader spot each typeface in the wider world, the full character set is shown, and the best letters for identification are highlighted. This beautiful and highly practical work of reference for font spotters, designers and users is a close-up celebration of typefaces and great type design. 26 Heller, Steven Typography Sketchbooks / Steven Heller, Lita Talarico. - Thames & Hudson, 2011. - 368 p. Heller Steven, Talarico Lita Typography Sketchbooks ISBN: 978-0500289686 Selected by the world's most knowledgeable and well-connected graphicdesign commentator, Steven Heller, this survey gets into the minds of designers who create typefaces, word-images and logos through their private sketchbooks. Arranged by designer, this collection of typographic explorations intimately reveals how nearly 120 of the worlds leading designers and typographers continually strive to find new and exciting ways of communicating through letters and words, and provides fascinating insights into their work. Aimed at all those who use type, whether by hand or on screen, this revealing compendium stresses the importance of good typography at a time when reading habits are changing, and celebrates a craft that has endured for centuries. Henry, Kevin Drawing for Product Designers / Kevin Henry. - Laurence King Publishing Limited, 2012. - 208 p. Henry Kevin Drawing for Product Designers ISBN: 9781856697439 With its tutorial-based approach, this is a practical guide to both hand- and computer-drawn design. Readers will learn to think three-dimensionally and build complex design ideas that are structurally sound and visually clear. The book also illustrates how these basic skills underpin the use of computeraided design and graphic software. While these applications assist the designer in creating physical products, architectural spaces and virtual interfaces, a basic knowledge of sketching and drawing allows the designer to fully exploit the software. Foundational chapters show how these technical skills fit into a deeper and more intuitive feeling for visualisation and representation, while featured case studies of leading designers, artists and architects illustrate the full range of different drawing options available. Hundreds of hand-drawn sketches and computer models have been specially created to demonstrate critical geometry and show how to build on basic forms and exploit principles of perspective to develop sketches into finished illustrations. There's also advice on establishing context, shading and realizing more complex forms. 27 ТЕОРИЯ ПЕРЕВОДА. Baker, Mona In Other Words. A Coursebook on Translation / Mona Baker. - 2nd ed. Routledge, 2011. - 332, [20] p. Bellos, David Is That a Fish in Your Ear? The Amazing Adventure of Translation / David Bellos. - Penguin Books, 2011. - 390, [10] p. Boase-Beier, Jean Stylistic Approaches to Translation / Jean Boase-Beier; series editor Theo Hermans. - St. Jerome Publishing, 2006. - 176, [8] p. Boase-Beier Jean Stylistic Approaches to Translation ISBN: 1-900650-98-3 The concept of style is central to our understanding and construction of texts. But how do translators take style into account in reading the source text and in creating a target text? This book attempts to bring some coherence to a highly interdisciplinary area of translation studies, situating different views and approaches to style within general trends in linguistics and literary criticism and assessing their place in translation studies itself. Some of the issues addressed are the link between style and meaning, the interpretation of stylistic clues in the text, the difference between literary and non-literary texts, and more practical questions about the recreation of stylistic effects. These various trends, approaches and issues are brought together in a consideration of the most recent cognitive views of style, which see it as essentially a reflection of mind. Underlying the book is the notion that knowledge of theory can affect the way we translate. Far from being prescriptive, theories which describe what we know in a general sense can become part of what an individual translator knows, thus opening the way for greater awareness and also greater creativity in the act of translation. Throughout the discussion, the book considers how insights into the nature and importance of style might affect the actual translation of literary and non-literary texts. Critical Readings in Translation Studies / edited by Mona Baker. - Routledge, 2010. - 508, [16] p. 28 Fawcett, Peter Translation and Language. Linguistic Theories Explained / Peter Fawcett; series editor Anthony Pym. - St Jerome Publishing, 1997. - 161, [10] p. - (Translation Theories Explained). Crystal, David The Cambridge Encyclopedia of the English Language / David Crystal. Cambridge University Press, 1996. - 489, [7] p. Crystal David The Cambridge Encyclopedia of the English Language ISBN: 0521401798 This book is a superbly written and illustrated exploration of the history, structure, and use of English throughout the world. World-renowned linguist and author, David Crystal, explores the many facets and varieties of the English language, bringing life to this large and complex subject. He begins with the origins of English in Anglo-Saxon times and follows the growth of the language to the present. Every major English-speaking country is included, and the book abounds with insights into how English evolved and how it works. The author pays particular attention to the use of language in literature and how it permeates humor. He allows language to speak for itself by using quotations, photographs, newspaper clippings, poems, advertisements, cartoons, and many other types of illustrative material that vividly complement his narrative. Author Crystal systematically covers the structural features of English, and includes a complete description of grammar, a summary of pronunciation and writing systems, and a thorough treatment of the size and complexity of vocabulary. He explains technical aspects in simple and accessible terms and includes a glossary to assist the reader with unclear language terminology. Highly visual with striking color illustrations, panels and boxed features throughout, this book is fascinating reading for the widest possible audience. Gentzler, Edwin Contemporary Translation Theories / Edwin Gentzler; series editors Susan Bassnett, Edwin Gentzler. - 2nd ed. - Multilingual Matters Ltd, 2011. - 232, [14] p. (Topics in Translation). Grossman, Edith Why Translation Matters / Edith Grossman. - Yale University Press, 2010. – 137, [12] p. 29 Grossman Edith Why Translation Matters ISBN: 978-0-300-17130-3 "Why Translation Matters" argues for the cultural importance of translation, and for a more encompassing and nuanced appreciation of the translator's role. As the acclaimed translator Edith Grossman writes in her introduction, 'My intention is to stimulate a new consideration of an area of literature that is too often ignored, misunderstood, or misrepresented'. For Grossman, translation has a transcendent importance: 'Translation not only plays its important traditional role as the means that allows us access to literature originally written in one of the countless languages we cannot read, but it also represents a concrete literary presence with the crucial capacity to ease and make more meaningful our relationships to those with whom we may not have had a connection before. Translation always helps us to know, to see from a different angle, to attribute new value to what once may have been unfamiliar. As nations and as individuals, we have a critical need for that kind of understanding and insight. The alternative is unthinkable'. Throughout the four chapters of this bracing volume, Grossman's belief in the crucial significance of the translator's work, as well as her rare ability to explain the intellectual sphere that she inhabits as interpreter of the original text, inspires and provokes the reader to engage with translation in an entirely new way. Hatim, Basil Communication Across Cultures. Translation Theory and Contrastive Text Linguistics / Basil Hatim. - University of Exeter Press, 2006. – 235, [16] p. Hatim Basil Communication Across Cultures. Contrastive Text Linguistics Translation Theory and ISBN: 978-0859894975 While the literature on either contrastive linguistics or discourse analysis has grown immensely in the last 20 years, very little of it has ventured into fusing the two perspectives. Bearing in mind that doing discourse analysis without a contrastive base is as incomplete as doing contrastive analysis without a discourse base, the specific aim of this book is to argue that translation can add depth and breadth to both contrastive linguistics as well as to discourse analysis. Authentic data from both spoken and written English is used throughout to add clarity to theoretical insights gained from the study of discourse processing. Each aspect of the model proposed for the analysis of texts is related separately to a problem of language processing and in domains as varied as translation, interpretation, language teaching, etc. The global objectives pursued in this volume are the training of future linguists, and the sensitization of users of language in general to the realities of discourse. Hatim, Basil Discourse and the Translator / Basil Hatim and Ian Mason; series editor Christopher N. Candlin . - Longman Limited, 1997. - 258, [14] p. 30 Hatim Basil and Mason Ian Discourse and the Translator ISBN: 0582021901 Discourse and the Translator both incorporates and moves beyond previous studies of translation. Its logical and informative approach to the problems of translation ensures that it will be essential for all those who work with languages 'in contact'. Incorporating research in sociolinguistics, discourse studies, pragmatics and semiotics, the authors analyse the process and product of translation in their social contexts. Through this analysis, the book emphasises the importance of the translator as a mediator between cultures. House, Juliane Translation / Juliane House; series editor H.G. Widdowson. - Oxford University Press, 2013. - 122, [12] p. - (Oxford Introductions to Language Study). The Interpreting Studies Reader / edited by Franz Pöchhacker and Miriam Shlesinger. - Routledge Language readers, 2002. - 436, [12] p. The Interpreting Studies Reader edited by Franz Pöchhacker and Miriam Shlesinger ISBN: 978-0-415-22478-9 The Interpreting Studies Reader is the definitive guide to the growing area of interpreting studies. Spanning the multiple and diverse approaches to interpreting, it draws together the key articles in the field and puts them in their thematic and social contexts. This is a comprehensive overview of interpreting studies and the new directions the subject is taking in the twenty-first century. Features include: an introductory essay reviewing the evolution of interpreting studies organization into seven thematic sections, each with an editors' introduction a comprehensive bibliography and suggestions for further reading. The Interpreting Studies Reader is an invaluable introduction and reference for students, researchers and practitioners. 31 Landers, Clifford E. Literary Translation. A Practical Guide / Clifford E. Landers. - Multilingual Matters LTD, 2001. - 214, [10] p. Landers Clifford E. Literary Translation. A Practical Guide ISBN: 978-1853595196 In this book, both beginning and experienced translators will find pragmatic techniques for dealing with problems of literary translation, whatever the original language. Certain challenges and certain themes recur in translation, whatever the language pair. This guide proposes to help the translator navigate through them. The book's hands-on approach should make it accessible to translators of any background. A significant portion of this "Practical Guide" is devoted to the question of how to go about finding an outlet for one's translations. Malmkjaer, Kristen Linguistics and the Language of Translation / Kristen Malmkjaer. - Edinburgh University Press, 2005. - 208, [12] p. Malmkjaer Kristen Linguistics and the Language of Translation ISBN: 978-0748620562 The book uses explanation, discussion and practice to make explicit the forms of knowledge of language and of translation that makes translators successful. Chapters on the development of translation studies in the West and on contemporary approaches to translation, provide the contexts within which the processes and products of translating are studied. Five practical chapters cover sounds and rhythms, lexis, collocation and semantic prosody, texture, register, cohesion, coherence, implicature, speech and text acts, text and genre analysis, clausal thematicity and transitivity and the expression through language choices of ideological positions. Pöchhacker, Franz Introducing Interpreting Studies / Franz Pöchhacker. - Routledge, 2009. - 252, [12] p. 32 The Pragmatics of Translation / edited by Leo Hickey. - Multilingual Matters LTD, 1998. - 242, [8] p. The Pragmatics of Translation edited by Leo Hickey ISBN: 1853594040 Pragmatics, often defined as the study of language use and language users, sets out to explain what people wish to achieve and how they go about achieving it in using language. Such a study is clearly of direct relevance to an understanding of translation and translators. The thirteen chapters in this volume show how translation - skill, art, process and product - is affected by pragmatic factors such as the acts performed by people when they use language, how writers try to be polite, relevant and cooperative, the distinctions they make between what their readers may already know and what is likely to be new to them, what is presupposed and what is openly affirmed, time and space, how they refer to things and make their discourse coherent, how issues may be hedged or attempts made to produce in readers of the translation effects equivalent to those stimulated in readers of the original. Particular attention is paid to legal, political, humorous, poetic and other literary texts. Scollon, Ron Intercultural Communication: A Discourse Approach / Ron Scollon, Suzanne Wong Scollon and Rodney H. Jones. - 3rd ed. - Wiley-Blackwell, 2012. - 311, [19] p. Scollon Ron, Wong Scollon Suzanne and Jones Rodney H. Intercultural Communication: A Discourse Approach ISBN: 978-0470656402 This newly revised edition is both a lively introduction and practical guide to the main concepts and challenges of intercultural communication. Grounded in interactional sociolinguistics and discourse analysis, this work integrates theoretical principles and methodological advice, presenting students, researchers, and practitioners with a comprehensive and unified resource. Features new original theory, expanded treatment of generations, gender and corporate and professional discourse Offers improved organization and added features for student and classroom use, including advice on research projects, questions for discussion, and references at the end of each chapter Extensively revised with newly added material on computer mediated communication, sexuality and globalization 33 Steiner, George After Babel. Aspects of Language and Translation / George Steiner. - 13th ed. Oxford, 1998. – 538, [XII] p. + CD Steiner George After Babel. Aspects of Language and Translation ISBN: 0-19-288093-4 When it first appeared in 1975, After Babel created a sensation, quickly establishing itself as both a controversial and seminal study of literary theory. In the original edition, Steiner provided readers with the first systematic investigation since the eighteenth century of the phenomenology and processes of translation both inside and between languages. Taking issue with the principal emphasis of modern linguistics, he finds the root of the "Babel problem" in our deep instinct for privacy and territory, noting that every people has in its language a unique body of shared secrecy. With this provocative thesis he analyzes every aspect of translation from fundamental conditions of interpretation to the most intricate of linguistic constructions. For the long-awaited second edition, Steiner entirely revised the text, added new and expanded notes, and wrote a new preface setting the work in the present context of hermeneutics, poetics, and translation studies. This new edition brings the bibliography up to the present with substantially updated references, including much Russian and Eastern European material. Like the towering figures of Derrida, Lacan, and Foucault, Steiner's work is central to current literary thought. After Babel. This is the third edition of "After Babel", a controversial work in translation studies first published in 1975. The new edition is entirely revised and corrected and contains information which should be of value to anyone involved in the theory and practice of translation. Translation as Intervention / edited by Jeremy Munday. - Continuum, 2007. 165, [16] p. Translation as Intervention edited by Jeremy Munday ISBN: 978-0826495204 This book examines the role of translation as a politically and socially active phenomenon which moulds and potentially alters the outcome of many types of communicative event. The contributors examine the effect of translation and intervention in a range of situations and case studies including the European Union, marginalized literature in India, Arabic historical texts and interpretation in the South African courtroom. The result is a comprehensive examination of this key question in translation studies: to what extent and in which ways does the translator, and those involved in the translation process, intervene in the discourse he or she translates? Translation as Intervention is a fascinating collection of essays discussing 34 this most central of topics in translation studies. It will be of interest to postgraduates and academics researching in this area. The Translation of Children's Literature: A Reader / edited by Gillian Lathey. Multilingual Matters LTD, 2006. - 259, [8] p. The Translation of Children's Literature: A Reader edited by Gillian Lathey ISBN: 978-1853599064 Since the late 1970s, scholarly interest in the translation of children’s books has increased at a rapid pace. Research across a number of disciplines has contributed to a developing knowledge and understanding of the cross-cultural transformation and reception of children’s literature. The purpose of this Reader is to reflect the diversity and originality of approaches to the subject by gathering together, for the first time, a range of journal articles and chapters on translation for children published during the last thirty years. From an investigation of linguistic features specific to translation for children, to accounts of the travels of international classics such as the Grimm Brothers’ Household Tales or Carlo Collodi’s Pinocchio, to a model of narrative communication with the child reader in translated texts and, not least, the long-neglected comments of professional translators, these essays offer new insights into the challenges and difference of translating for the young. Verdonk, Peter Stylistics / Peter Verdonk; series editor H.G. Widdowson. - Oxford University Press, 2010. - 124, [14] p. Verdonk Peter Stylistics ISBN: 978-0-19-437240-4 This book deals with the study of style in language, how styles can be recognized, and their features. It examines how style is used in literary and non-literary texts, and how familiarity with style is a matter of socialization. The author also discusses the relationship between text and discourse, the production and reception of meaning as a dynamic contextualized interaction, the question of perspective and the variable representation of reality, and how stylistics can complement literary criticism. The final chapter deals with social reading and ideological positioning, including some thoughts on feminist stylistics and critical discourse analysis. 35