Lebenslauf - Central European University

Curriculum vitæ | Ievgen A. Khvalkov
Workplace address: HEC Dept, Villa Schifanoia, Florence
e-mail: cosmadamian@mail.ru, Ievgen.Khvalkov@eui.eu
July 14, 1986, Sevastopol, Ukraine
Education and academic degrees
European University Institute (Florence), Dept of History and Civilization
Master of Research in History and Civilization
Central European University (Budapest), Dept of Medieval Studies
Master of Arts in Medieval Studies; taught Master’s course, with distinction. Title of
dissertation: “Tana, a Venetian and Genoese Black Sea Trading Station in the 1430s: A
Social and Economic History”
Additional specialization: Religious Studies
Additional specialization: Late Antique, Byzantine & Early Ottoman Studies
Collège Universitaire Français at Lomonosov’s Moscow State University
Certificat de civilisation francaise (non-degree program) in History
Lomonosov’s Moscow State University, Faculty of History, Medieval Studies Dept
Diploma (specialist) in History, with distinction. Title of dissertation: “Notarial deeds of
the Venetian Notaries Nicolo de Varsis and Benedetto de Smeritis as a Source for the
History of Tana (1430 – 1440)”
Additional diploma: Education
Additional diploma: Translation in the sphere of professional communication
Greek Orthodox Christian seminary of Poltava, Dept of Theology and Mission
Diploma in Theology, with distinction (part-time)
Employment, scholarships, fellowships, internships, collaborative projects, and grants
2011 (Jul)
2011 (Jun)
2011 (Apr)
2011 (Apr)
2011 (Feb)
European University Institute, Florence
PhD scholarship given by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (Italy) | Department of History
and Civilization
University of Ulster
Vice-Chancellor’s Research Scholarship for the PhD research (cancelled when received a
PhD position at the European University Institute, Florence)
Aberystwyth University
Aberystwyth International Postgraduate Research Studentship (AIPRS) award for the PhD
research (cancelled when received a PhD position at the European University Institute,
Central European University, Budapest
Scholarship for participation in the CEU Summer University (Medieval Codicology and
Palaeography; Greek book hand section)
Central European University, Budapest
Grant for the field-trip to Istanbul (Centre for Eastern Mediterranean Studies)
Central European University, Budapest
Grant for the field-trip to Serbia (Medieval Studies Department)
Central European University, Budapest
Research travel grant for the research in the State Archive of Genoa
Central European University, Budapest
curriculum vitæ / ievgen a. khvalkov
Conference travel grant for participation in the International conference “Union in
separation: Trading Diasporas in the Eastern Mediterranean (1200-1700)” held in the
University of Heidelberg, 17-19 February 2011
Central European University, Budapest
MA scholarship
Lomonosov’s Moscow State University
Junior research assistant | Faculty of History, Dept of Medieval Studies
The grant of The Russian Foundation for Humanities № 6407.2008.6 (collective)
Mobility exchange stays and traineeships
2012 (Oct - Dec)
Erasmus Program Exchange (École des hautes études en sciences sociales, Paris, France)
Research stays and missions
2013 (May - Jun)
2012 (Jul)
2012 (Apr)
2011 (Apr)
2011 (Jan)
2010 (Dec)
Research mission at the State Archive of Genoa (Genoa, Italy)
Research mission at the State Archive of Genoa (Genoa, Italy)
Research mission at the Bodleian Library, Oxford (hosted by the House of St Gregory and
St Macrina of the Fellowship of Saint Alban and Saint Sergius)
Research stay at the State Archive of Genoa (Genoa, Italy)
Research stay in Rome, Italy (hosted by the Rosminian convent, Missionary College of
Antonio Rosmini)
Research stay at the State Archive of Venice (Venice, Italy)
Scholarly expeditions and volunteering
Summer archaeological expeditions at the National Preserve of Tauric Chersonesos,
Crimea (as archaeologist, senior archaeologist)
Prizes and awards
Prize for the joint first place in the EUROCORES / EuroCORECODE Programme MA
Thesis Competition given by the EuroCORECODE (European Comparisons in Regional
Cohesion, Dynamics and Expressions)
Annual award of the Svetlana Michaela Tãnasã Memorial Fund for the best MA
dissertation on the Dept of Medieval Studies at the Central European University, Budapest
Qualifications, diplomas and certificates
Certificate in Medieval Latin Examination, Level One awarded by the Center for Medieval
Studies; University of Toronto
Invited public and guest lectures
Guest lecture within Ringvorlesung SoSe 2013 “Menschenhandel,” University of Saltzburg (May 16, 2013)
Conferences, workshops and seminars
7th International Conference in Church Archaeology “Sacral Space of Cave” (National Preserve of Tauric
Chersonesos, September 10 – 11, 2013)
EuroCORECODE Final Conference (Arnhem, the Netherlands, August 29 – 31, 2013)
The St Prince Vladimir’s Conference dedicated to the 1025th Anniversary of the Baptism of Russia (National
Preserve of Tauric Chersonesos, July 26, 2013)
curriculum vitæ / ievgen a. khvalkov
Workshop “Violence and the Circulation of Goods, Knowledge and Cultures” (European University Institute,
March 14 – 15, 2013)
Workshop “Progress in Research / Research in Progress” (European University Institute, June 11-12, 2012)
International workshop “Families, Associations and Urban Communities in Europe, 1350 - 1600: Towards a
Comparative Perspective” (European University Institute, April 27-28, 2012)
The Oxford Byzantine Society’s 2012 International Graduate Conference “Reality and Illusion: Seeing
through the ‘Byzantine Mirage’,” (University of Oxford, February 17-18, 2012)
The International Cultural-Spiritual Project “By Roads of Sacred,” 6th International Conference on Church
Archaeology “Chersonese - the City of Saint Clement” (National Preserve of Tauric Chersonesos, 2011)
Graduate Student Day of the Centre for Eastern Mediterranean Studies (Central European University; June 34, 2011)
International conference “Union in separation: Trading Diasporas in the Eastern Mediterranean (1200-1700)”
(University of Heidelberg, February 17-19, 2011)
Conference “Lomonosov-2005” (Lomonosov’s Moscow State University, Black Sea associate branch, 2005)
List of publications
Journal Articles, conference proceedings, etc.
“Trading Diasporas in the Venetian and Genoese Trading Stations in Tana, 1430 – 1440: A Case Study.” In:
Georg Christ, Stefan Burkhardt, Roberto Zaugg, et al. (Eds.). Union in Separation - Trading Diasporas in the
Eastern Mediterranean (1200-1700). Transcultural Research, Heidelberg Studies on Asia and Europe in a
Global Context. Heidelberg: Springer, 2012.
“Literary analysis of Passio Sanctae Christinae.” In Климентовский сборник (Материалы VI
Международной конференции «Церковная археология: Херсонес – город святого Климента»).
Севастополь, 2013.
“Rhetoric Education and Local Identity in 11 – 13 Centuries' Byzantium.” In Херсонесский сборник 17
(Sevastopol, 2012): 209 - 214.
“Everyday Life and Material Culture in the Venetian and Genoese Trading Stations of Tana in the 1430s
(Based on the Study of Notarial Documents).” In Medium Aevum Quotidianum 64 (2012): 84 – 93.
“The Slave Trade in Tana: Marketing Manpower from the Black Sea to the Mediterranean in the 1430s.” In
Annual of Medieval Studies at CEU 18 (2012): 104 - 118.
“Свидетельство существования средневекового Херсона в 1430-е гг. в итальянских нотариальных
документах.” In Материалы по археологии, истории и этнографии Таврии 17 (2012): 587 - 594.
“Размышления о началах формирования языков” А. Смита и философия языка XVIII в.” In Язык и
мышление в теориях происхождения языка XVIII в. Избранные переводы и статьи, ed. L. P. Lobanova.
Moscow: АПК и ППРО, 2012. 368 –.
“Значение участия РПЦ в экуменическом движении в контексте внешней политики СССР и
православно-католических отношений в XX в.” In История и жизнь 15 (May 2012): 68 – 110.
“Данные русских летописей 1420 – 1455 гг. о татарских набегах в контексте причерноморской
работорговли.” In История и жизнь 14 (April 2012): 132 – 148.
“Родословные росписи дворян Кутейниковых, Мелентьевых, Фоминых, Чикелевых.” In Генеалогия 17
(March 2012): 37 – 90; continuation in: Генеалогия 19 (July 2012): 85 - 103.
“Фрагмент из «Римской истории» Никифора Григоры как свидетельство существования и
коммерческого значения Херсона в 1350 г.” In Херсонесский сборник 16 (2011): 243 – 246.
curriculum vitæ / ievgen a. khvalkov
(Ancient Greek to Russian) “Молитва прп. Симеона Нового Богослова ко Святому Причащению.” In
Климентовский сборник. Материалы VI Международной конференции «Церковная археология:
Херсонес – город святого Климента». Севастополь, 2013.
(English to Russian) “Adam Smith, Размышления о началах формирования языков и различном духе
исконных и составных языков (1761).” In Язык и мышление в теориях происхождения языка XVIII в.
Избранные переводы и статьи, ed. L. P. Lobanova. Moscow: АПК и ППРО, 2012. 50 – 85.
(English to Russian) “Adam Smith, Джорджу Бэрду (7 февраля 1763 г.). In Язык и мышление в теориях
происхождения языка XVIII в. Избранные переводы и статьи, ed. L. P. Lobanova. Moscow: АПК и
ППРО, 2012. 86 – 87.
(English to Russian) “Daniel Defoe, Об академиях (An Essay upon Projects: OF ACADEMIES).” In
Проблема нормализации языка и идея языковой академии в Англии XVII - XVIII вв., ed. L. P. Lobanova.
Moscow: ВШЭ, 2012. 75 – 86.
(English to Russian) “Jonathan Swift, Татлер, № 230, 1710 (The Tatler, numb. 230, 170).” In Проблема
нормализации языка и идея языковой академии в Англии XVII - XVIII вв., ed. L. P. Lobanova. Moscow:
ВШЭ, 2012. 87 – 93.
(English to Russian) “Jonathan Swift, Предложение об исправлении, улучшении и нормировании
английского языка (A Proposal for Correcting, Improving, and Ascertaining the English Tongue).” In
Проблема нормализации языка и идея языковой академии в Англии XVII - XVIII вв., ed. L. P. Lobanova.
Moscow: ВШЭ, 2012. 94 – 113.
(English to Russian) “Jonathan Swift, Наброски к трактату о беседе (Hints Towards an Essay on
Conversation).” In Проблема нормализации языка и идея языковой академии в Англии XVII - XVIII вв.,
ed. L. P. Lobanova. Moscow: ВШЭ, 2012. 114 – 124.
(Ancient Greek to Russian) A translation of a fragment: Ioannis Cantacuzeni eximperatoris historiarum libri
IV. Ed. L. Schopen. Vol. I. Bonnae, 1828. 190 – 193. On: http://www.vostlit.info/
(Ancient Greek to Russian) A translation of the fragments: Nicephori Gregorae Byzantina historia. Ed. L.
Schopen. Vol. II. Bonnae, 1830. 797, 877. On: http://www.vostlit.info/
(Latin to Russian) A number of translations of the Medieval Latin sources on: http://www.vostlit.info/